Cash Register (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 13 - Dikla - full transcript

Shira yells at the wrong customer, and tries her best to avoid punishment. Nissim and Anatole bring Wagyu to the butchery, causing a rift in their friendship.


"Have some apples and dates
Sweeten your day

"He's not worth the pain
raging in your heart."

Steve Jobs always says:

"A good manager can replace
any employee at all times."

You liked that. Right?
A nice sentence. You can tell that...

Steve Jobs said it.

Yes, it sounds like something
he would say.

No! I said it!
I invented that sentence!

Copyrights, Shira Steinbuch,
don't steal, don't take.

And you believed...

Because it sounds
like Steve Jobs, right?

He's talking from inside me.

But seriously now.

Joking... aside.

A good manager is skilled
at every job in his company.

No, no, no!

Someone who can tackle every task,
operate every device.


It's alright.
-Here, here, here, I got it!

-Hang on...

A manager that can replace
any employee at any given time,

large and small -
"micro management."

You'll ring me up first!
-You want blood on your yogurt?

Yogurt rose?

No, no, no, guys.
Tone of voice and center.

What happened this time?
-This time?!

This time I got fair
and courteous service.

"What happened this time?"
Let's see.

Your illustrious cashier got up
in the midst of ringing me up!

Sorry I didn't time my nosebleed
with your schedule.

Let's open our calendars
and see when my nosebleed suits you.

A nosebleed!
Very interesting!

Her phone rang and presto!
Her nose is bleeding!

The nerve.
-A medical wonder,

what a coincidence!
-Sshhh... I got it.

How the stars align!

Please show me.
-What are you doing?

What is it?
-Don't you believe me?

I want to see...
-You want to see?!

Your employee is losing blood,
wallowing in her blood,

what else has to happen
for you to be on my side for once?

-Disgusting. -Disgraceful.

Go take care of it, Kohava.
-I want to lay my head... -Alright.

Take your time, Kohava.

Are you alright?
-Thank you. -Okay.

Feel better.
-Thank you.

Alright, what do we have here?

A tomato, I see, and yogurt.

So I go like this.

Tomato... Oops!

Not that. That's okay.
Just a second.

Tomato and... why not?


It's not...

Well, why isn't it?

I'll try again,
if you don't mind, Amnon.

Tomato... one.


There you go,
we cracked it.

That's what we call
micro management.

That's called "micro brain."
You weighed the tomato twice.

Why don't you open another register?
-Yes, right. Uh... Fine.

No problem, it'll take a sec.

Cancellation register 2, please.

Cancellation register 2.
-You! You're the cancellation!

The cancellation is you!

You got it?

Hold on.
-Disgusting. - Disgraceful.

No, no, hold on.
It's good you reminded me.

I'll cancel,
because I'm the cancellation.

Oh really, why...

-Why don't you open another register?

They can't handle one,
you want another one?

Gimme my deposit refund.
-In a second, Sir, not...

Count them.
-I heard you.

Excuse me, are you with us?
-Yes, I'm here, I just can't...

Gimme my money.
-Ramzi Abed Ramzi!

Why don't you open another register?
-Count them. -Well?

Why don't you open another register?!


We don't open just because!

Because there's no one else!
Just me! What do you want?

Want me to split myself in two?
No! Then shut up!

Oh no..

My nose is bleeding.

I should be more vigilant,
I don't drink enough. Oh my...

Are you kidding me?
-I feel bad, sorry.

Where are you going?!


Disgraceful? -Disgusting.

Cut it out already!

Get a room and leave us alone!

I'm sure that Steve Jobs
wasn't proficient

at all the jobs at "Apple".

And I assume that's the reason
he didn't invent that sentence.

"Issachar Bounty"

-Nissim, Toli,


It's a Wagyu!

Neta, roll it in!


Thank you.


Finally, after such a long time,

Anatoly and I brought
a little Wagyu to the meat counter.

Wagyu? -It's the most
boo-boom meat in the universe.

It's a Japanese cow
grown in a 5 star dairy farm.

Massages all day,
it only eats Michelin grass.

For years we've been telling Shira
that we're ready for Wagyu. -Yes.

People will be all over it

and finally, she agreed.
-Yeah. -And thank God,

-Yeah. -And thank God,

we have a little Wagyu.
-So little...

You have to see a picture,
it's most beautiful in the universe.

Look at this,
look how cute. -Ah?

That's when* it came out
of the truck.

This is what we saw the first day.
-This is its first day.

Great. Congratulations. Enjoy, guys.
How much does it weigh?

93.600. -A chubby one.
-Not chubby! It's marbled.

It's delicate meat, like...
Sharon Stone's eyelids.

It better be, because if I discover
that we bought regular beef

for an exorbitant price... -Sshhh...
not in front of the meat!

Eight, five... two!

Wrong product number,
Ramzi was right again.

Hey, Avihai,
what a pleasant surprise.

It seems that Issachar Shkedi's wife
was in the supermarket today.

She was?

Did she tell him about the Wagyu
I got for the meat counter?

Yes, she told him about the Wagyu
and your cashier going off on her!

She told Leah Shkedi,
Issachar Shkedi's wife,

to shut her mouth!

I want to know...
-Hold on.

Who worked on register 2 at 3 p.m.?
Now! -Avihai, hey, center, center.

Register 2?
-Who was it?

Who could have worked
on register 2? Kohava. -No!

It wasn't Kohava,
she knows Kohava.

Who was it? I want a name.
Give me a name!

3 p.m., register 2?
-Yes! -I don't know who...


Did Leah say what she looked like ?
-Fat with hair like straw.

Fat with hair like straw?

Come on, give me a name.
Who was it?

Uh... who was it?

"Sliced hearts of palm"

-Pam? Which Pam?

-Pam Preserve?

She's a new employee and...

I don't think she's fat,
she works out a lot

and she must have had
a bad hair day. You can't always...

Avihai, I'll handle Pam Preserve
and I'll show her what's what,

she won't talk like that anymore.
-You'll show her what's what?

Call her now!

Before Issachar Shkedi
gives us the sack!

What's her phone number?
-Okay, hold on,

I'm looking for her number.

"Pam..." -Yes.


Oh, here it is. -Well?

05...-Yes? -2...


Whose number is that?
-Mine. -Yours?

Yes, I have two phones, okay?

This is the work phone,

this is my private phone
for personal stuff such as...


Yes, yes, no,
make no mistake,

sometimes, Oren, this phone
doesn't stop... never mind.

Anyway, what happened was
was forced to "loan" this phone

to... "Pam."

No answer.

Oh, I know why
she's not picking up,

she's at school. -At school?
-Uh huh, uh huh.

She's a cashier and goes to school too?
What is she studying?

What is she studying? -Yes.


She's studying chocolate?

She's taking chocolate classes,
a chocolatier. -Chocolater?

-She makes chocolates? -Yes.

An athlete
and she makes chocolate...

Interesting combo.
-That's Pam for you.


I think I got that covered.

All I need now
is for Avihai to fire Pam

and then this is all behind me.
C'est tout.

"Issachar Bounty"

"Avihai Grazian Bounty"


Hello? Pam?


This is Grazian,
the supermarket district manager.

Anyhoo, I heard that you rattled
Mrs. Shkedi's cage.

Mr. Shkedi called me personally
and said to give you the heave-ho.

Fine, I understand
and... I agree to that.

Goodnight, Bossga.

What? Who was that?

No, I'm at the entrance to...

I'm at the university.
You want to see my ID?

Ah, the chocolate studies?

Excuse me?

You're learning
how to make chocolate, no?

Ah, yes, yes.

Riki told me
you're learning to make chocolate.

Listen, that's... interesting,
very interesting.

What kind of chocolate do you make?
-What kind is there? Uh...

whatever we're taught,
bittersweet, milk chocolate, nuts.

Wow... nuts,
nuts is so fancy.

That's great.

Riki also told me
that you're an athlete,

the gym, tights, etcetera?


yes, I mean, I try to keep fit.

As they say.

Oh, Pam, Pam.

What am I gonna do with you?

How can I fire someone
with such a cute laugh?


Avihai, you have to fire me,

because Issachar Shkedi himself
asked you to fire me.

What?! Issachar Shkedi?

Who cares about that dingus?
You know who I am?

When I believe in an employee,

I'll fight for her
even if it's the prime minister.

Listen, Pammy... Can I call you Pammy?

feel that we know one another.

You come to work tomorrow as usual,

I'll give Issachar Shkedi
some bullshit story,

I'll come in,
we'll drink to you,

we'll eat
some of your tasty chocolate and...

turn over a new leaf,
what do you say?

Uh... no, I'm sorry,
I'm kind of sick.

Oh, dear.

You poor thing,
why didn't you tell me?

Okay, feel good, sweetie.

I'll call you tomorrow
to see how you're doing.

That's me,
my employees matter.

Everyone always said
I'm a manager of employees.

Sweetheart, take care,
I'll call you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Oh, there you are.

You coming to Gariani?
He's gonna run out of shakshuka.

No, I have to change Wagyu vacuum bag.

Change it later,
you didn't come yesterday either.

No, no, no.
I read a butchers blog,

I have to remove the liquid now
or we're in for a catastrophe.

But when I get back,
we're playing chicken liver chess.

Chess, Nissim?
Today I massage Wagyu, you forget?

The first Wagyu isn't easy.

I see butchers posting pics on Insta
with their Wagyu, they look happy.

Life isn't a bed of roses.

I hope it wasn't too soon for us,
this Wagyu thing.

Good morning!
-Morning, Avihai.

What's that?

Is that new perfume?
-You can smell it, huh?

Yes, absolutely.
-Just a dab or two.

Where is she? -Who?
-Pam, Pam Preserve.

Ah, Pam.
-Yes. -Preserve.

Well? -Yes, uh... no,
she didn't come in today.

Is she still sick?

Ah... she's been sick
for three days.

You know what?

Here's 200 shekels,

call the flower shop
and order a nice bouquet,

roses, shmoses, alright?

When I was home for two weeks
with a fever, you just texted me,

"If you don't come in tomorrow,
don't come in at all..."

Fine, fine.
Here, okay? Here.

Buy yourself a daisy, okay?

Oh, and write her a note,
From Avihai and the staff."

Uh... "Avihai" in caps, okay?

You know what?
Forget "the staff."

Good morning.
-Oh, thank you very much...

Come on, replace me.
-Can I go pee? -Pee?

I haven't peed since 9 this morning.

I made cold coffee
and didn't even drink it.

Why are you blaming me?
You're in this room all day with your Wagyu.

My Wagyu?

Nissim, we brought this Wagyu together!
-You know I didn't mean it.

Maybe if you helped I'd have time
to drink coffee. -Excuse me?

Who got up in the middle of his nap
to check the temperature in the fridge?

Oh, thank you very much!

After a whole day
that you didn't see it!

I had a blood test.
-You could've texted me.

You know that his aging is regressing?
-Aging again? The holy aging!

You don't have to believe
everything you read on a meat blog.

No problem, Super Nanny.
You want to take care of Wagyu alone?

Be my guest.
Thank you, have a nice day, Nissim.

"Issachar Bounty"

The flowers I bought for myself.

I mean... for Pam.

She has good taste.

Is he still calling Pam?

No, thank God,
I told him... I lost my voice.

I mean, Pam lost her voice,
because of the virus. -Good.

No, Oren, it's not good at all.

It's not good,
it's gotten worse.

Okay? Now it's texting.
It's so surreal.

I ave 17 texts this morning alone.

18. Here, listen for yourself.

Hey, Pam, it's Avihai again.

I changed the poem I wrote you,
so forget the old version, okay?

It goes like this, listen.

"Pam, Pam, oh so pretty,
sweet as challah,

"hardworking as an ant,
here I say a prayer

"that she no longer be sick
and return to us quick"


I'm still missing a line here.

You know what?
Let me come visit you.


I don't want to infect you.

You know what?
For you I'll get infected with Ebola.

Until we meet,
I want to send you something.

No need.

Okay, this is so out of hand,
I'm putting an end to this.

Finished, c'est tout.

Shut up!

Shut up!

No more Pam!

"Issachar Bounty"



Anatoly, look at me.

Listen, I'm...

I'm sorry.

Maybe I went too far yesterday.

You're right.

That Wagyu is both of ours.

Maybe I... got stressed

I understand, Nissimka.

Maybe I'm a bit obsessed
with Wagyu and forgot you.

But, Nissimka, tomorrow,
shakshuka Gariani. -Yes!



What's wrong?

Can't you feel?
The fridge isn't cooling!

How long has it been?
-At least since last night.

It's me, it's my fault,
I didn't check,

I didn't open the door,
I wanted it dark for Wagyu.

Calm down, Anatoly,
it's not your fault.

Guys, what's going on?
What's with the shouting?

"What's with the shouting?"
The alternator is shot.

How many times did I say
the compressor has to be changed?

Alright, Nissim, so take the Wagyu
to the vegetable fridge

until I get a repairman.

With all due respect
to the vegetable fridge,

it doesn't reach the temperature
required for the Wagyu at all!

Nissim! What do we do?

Wagyu needs the cold, Nissim,
this is a catastrophe, Nissim!

What's the nearest "Issachar"?

Netzer Sireni,
4.2 kilometers as the crow flies.

Call them and tell them
to clear the fridge, we're coming.

Okay. -Ramzi, garbage bags,
paper towels, duct tape and ice.

How much ice?
-As much as we got.

I'll bring Anatoly's car around.


Not like that!

It won't go in, Ramzi,
watch the fibers!

Come from here,
yes, the small side.


Is it secure?

Let's go. -Davai, davai!

Fast! -It won't start.
Get out, push the car.


Harder! Harder!

Push, Ramzi, push!

Get in, get in!




Open up!
-Just break it!

It's opening, go.

Oh, here you are.

Tell me, what did you say to Pam
the last time you talked to her?

What? Why?

She hasn't been answering my calls.
It's not like her.

Uh... okay, no... Oh...
-What? Talk to me.

Uh... Pam left the country yesterday.
-What? Where to? -To...


Sardinia? -Yes.
-What's in Sardinia?

She thought the conditions
would be better for her to heal.

In Sardinia?
-Yes, in Sardinia.

Their medicine is very advanced
in terms of her specific disease.

I'm sorry, Avihai,
I know you were very close...

Hold on there,
when exactly did you talk to her?

Last night.
-Oh yeah?

Last night Pam's phone was shut off.
That bubblehead is hiding something.

And it's not like Pam to disappear.

Two weeks before she gets
her chocolatier diploma?

Listen to me,

something's not right here,
I don't get it.

Hello, put me through
to Superintendent Grazian.

My brother, Afula police force.

Hello, Meni, how are you?
I need you to look into something.

Overseas exit,

Pam Preserve.

To Sardinia.

Never mind,
it's none of your business.

Don't ask questions,
you'll hear no lies.


Can't you smell it?

My nose is plugged, what?
-Nothing, he's imagining things.

It must be from outside, Toli,
cow fertilizer.

Maybe it's my Wagyu.

Maybe my Wagyu is smelly.
-Anatoly, we're close, it's okay.


A traffic jam! No, Nissim!
-Anatoly, we did our best.

Hold on... take a left here.
-What? -Take a left.

It's not a road, Ramzi.
-Left, I say, trust me!

I have made the way
to Netzer Sireni dozens of times,

so take a left here!

Yes, left here, slowly, that's it.


This isn't a shortcut,
it's a damn long cut!

Patience, Toli, patience.
Here, the eucalyptus trees.

Jeez! -What was that?
-What happened?

"What happened?"
-What happened, Nissim?

The engine is dead.
-No! No!

Nice one, Columbus.
"Take a left, trust me.


What? -It's there,
I'm convinced of it, two kilometers tops.

Come on, we can make it!
-On foot? -Let's go!

Let's go.

"Issachar Bounty'

Very funny, Mr. Kushtai.


Get over here.

Avihai, is this about Makanaki?

He's in the carton bin.
I didn't know he doesn't have a visa.

Who's Makanaki?

It's about Pam,
Pam Preserve.

No Pam Preserve left the country
in the past two days.

I hear you're the last person
she talked to since she vanished.

Did she say anything unusual?
-No. No.


Nothing but Pam talk.

Nonsense, nonsense.

La la la...
Really, believe me.

Nothing that matters.

And I'm sure, I'm sure,
that everything is just fine and...

I... I'd suggest, Mr. Policeman...
-Put that down. -Not to waste... sorry,

your time, because...

you should be going after
the real criminals.

Go get them, tiger!


You're welcome.

Listen, something stinks
All that talk, "don't waste your time"

'Tm sure everything's fine..."
She's obviously hiding something.

And between us,
she has every reason to be jealous.

You said that this Pam is young,
athletic, and this one, come on...

So what are you saying?

Are you an idiot?
-What? -I just explained it.

Maybe she's involved
in Pam's disappearance.

Who, Riki?
-Who's Riki?

Her name is Shira Steinbuch.
-Are you sure?

In any case, wire her office,
maybe she has something to hide.

Stop, Nissim!
Nissim, stop, stop!

Stop, stop! Hold this.

What? Who are you calling?

Why disturb her, Mr. Toll,
I know where it is.

You said that 20 minutes ago.

Hello, Shira?
Where the hell is it?

We're in a eucalyptus forest!

Don't ask questions,
I want answers!

We took it out of the car
and we're walking on foot!

It's heavy, it stinks!

Hello? Hello!

Damn, no signal.

In eucalyptus forest!

Superintendent Grazian, I'm Pam!

This is a huge misunderstanding!
I'm no felon.

Look at me,
I'm telling you, I'm Pam.

You know I was an adjutant officer?

Ramzi, where is it? My back!
-We're close, Mr. Nissim, we're close.

Yes! This is the oleander,
we're so close, I can tell.

Of course you can tell,
we were here already, moron.

We're going in circles.
-Mr. Toli, the map is not wrong.

Stop or I shoot!
-Put it down!

What's this?
-What is this?

No, guys, it's not what you think.
-It was only one time.

It was dark and I didn't see
it was a bin for bottles only.

I swear to God!

Pam! Pam!

No, Avihai.

What have you done to her,
you psychopaths?! Pam!

Avihai. -Pam!
-Let go. -Pam!!!

What have you done to her?


Riki was interrogated
and you know what?

There is no Pam.
No Pam.

It was Riki all along.

This has been going on for two days.

It's great.

Yes, I like it burned.

Man... -It's done well.
-Avihai, you got salt? -Yes.

Chai, Chai, tip.

The tip, friend, the tip.

That's it. Hold it.
Shall I put it on the fire again?

Anyone else want some?
-Oh, man. -Here.

With the bone.
-Anyone want?

Leave me a piece,
I'll give it to Esti.-Here.