Cash Register (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - What's Going On with Shira? - full transcript

The employees are trying to figure out why Shira is so nice lately, when they find the reason, they cannot believe it. Shuni's son is holding the line to the cash registry, causing an inevitable conflict with Franco.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Look. Like this, in front.
-Like this?

Then in. Like this.
-Like this?

Back, then in.

Like this? -In front.
-Like this? -No, no.

Where are you going?

No, not like that.
-Look at Chibotero. Do it.

No, like this.
-Not even close.

Like this, back, then in.
-Like this?

But what good does this do?

It's a dance.

Look. Like this.

Like this?
-Yes, once more.

Guys, guys...
-No. -Come on.

I'm asking you, like this?

Watch what he's doing.

Break time is over. -We're in
the middle of something important.

Like this?
-It's not 12:00 yet.

But you started your break
4 minutes early

and you know it.

It's nothing like what you
showed me in the video.

Back and forth.
-Nisim, let's go.

Hey, hey, no touching.

Okay then, Kochava.
-Like this.

Please. -I'm on my period.
-Okay, all right.


First forward, then back.

your own time,

back to your post.

Our manager Shira

is such a pain in the ass.

Can I say
"pain in the ass" on TV?


Then she's an ass.

She walks around all day
with her party extinguisher.

If she hears the beginning
of laughter, just the... ,

Boom, turns it off.

Jordan to Pippen,
Pippen to Jordan.

Jordan to Pippen...
-Are you ever gonna shoot?

Chill, I'm doing the whole play.
-Come on.

Jordan to Pippen,
Pippen to Jordan.

Jordan to Kirilianka..


That is 3-pointer.

How many times
have I asked you

not to play with food?

How many?

It's not food.
It's for sale.


What are you doing?
-Confiscating this. Good day.

Party pooper!

She bums us out
even after work hours.

Good evening, everyone.

Wele me to our
cross-sectional meeting.

I'm so glad you came,
I don't take it for granted.

You said we'd get less shifts
if we didn't come.

I still don't take it
for granted.


Why are you wearing sunglasses,
are you sleeping?

I have an infection.


What is a cross-sectional meeting?

It's a meeting

where you look
at your wrist and say:

Maybe I should section this off.

Okay, so we're still

on points-to-improve-on,

so Ramzi says

that the pasta stars bar-code...

Doesn't work smoothly.

At checkout #3?

I'd like to point out that

I'm not blaming anyone
for this malfunction.

Of course.
-Not the employees

or the pasta stars.

Very good.

Okay, anyone else?


Or can we move on to
points-to-maintain? -Yes.

Maintain, maintain, maintain.
It's 9 p.m.

I have zumba.

I remember your zumba,

You'll get there on time.

Okay, Ramzi, what is it?

For the sake of clarity,

I only meant
protein-enriched pasta stars


I can't take it, Ramzi.

If I hear you say

pasta stars one more time,

I'm gonna break

your blue broom.

Look. Like this.

Like this?
-Like this, here.

How many dances do they have?

They have this too.

Like this?
-Yes, do it.

Chibotero, no, like this.

Oh, here's our commander.
-The party pooper's here.

We're going in.
-No, don't be silly.

There's not much work.
Keep having fun.

So now...

Well? Well?

For the past two weeks

Shira has become..

a different person.

She still bums us out,

but the bum-out level

has gone down a little.

I'd say,

2 on the Steinbuch scale,
something like that.

Like this? -Yes.

You showed us

like this before.
-Like this.

Show me how to do it.

Teach me.

Like this.
Like this.

You start like this,
then like this.

Just get into the beat. Like this.
-One, two.

Wait, like this?
-Like she's doing.

Like this?
-Yes, like this.

Jordan to Pippen,
Pippen to Jordan.

They didn't pass the ball that much
during their entire career.

Jordan to Kirilianka..


Anatoly, I've told you
a thousand times

not to play with food here.

Nisim, lighten up.

We're at a supermarket,

not military headquarters.

Big deal.

I'm wide open.

Who's passing to me?


Shira has the ball.

Steinbuch has the ball.

Who's.she gonna pass it to?

She's not sure...

and ends up
gmaking the play

entirely on her own.

Let me know later
if you're playing...


Have a nice day.


What a coincidence,

I was just calling you.

Turn on the water heater,
I'll be at your place in 10 minutes.


So I can take a shower and come back
for the cross-sectional meeting.

I want to come clean.

You said
it's a pain in the neck

and that you didn't want
to listen to that dummy...

Wrong number.

What cross-sectional meeting, Kochava?

It's been canceled.

Yes, I wrote it on the board.

No way,
no cross-sectional meeting?

Everyone must be
so disappointed.

Ole, ole, ole, ole

No cross-sectional meeting


Auf Wiedersehen, baby!

No cross-sectional meetings!

Why cancel
such an essential tradition?

With all due respect,

we don't live in a utopian world

where the bar-code
for all pasta-stars

go through all the checkouts.

It's interesting

why Shira is suddenly

like new person?

I think she's sick.
She has...

3 months left to live, max.

God have mercy.

A person doesn't change
for no reason.

She's becoming religious.

People who get closer to God
see life differently.

Closer to God? She eats

shrimp in its mother's milk.

Oh really, Anatoly the genius?

Then why don't you tell us
why she's so easygoing now?


It is typical of person
taking drugs.

More relaxation, more chill,

and then..

boom, the person goes kaput.

Drugs, that mega-geek?

She's sick.
She has 6 months, max.

She's becoming religious,
. it happened to me too

Line after line,
each nostril...

By Passover she'll be gone.

Hey, guys, listen.

I'm going home early today.



Can I ask you something?

But it's kinda personal.

Kochava, I'm an open book for you.

How much time do you have left?
-Till my shift's over?

What stage are you at?

Kochava, what are you talking about?

Whatever you do,

don't believe your doctors.

8 years ago
the doctors gave my aunt Zvia

one month to live.

9 years later she was still kicking
cats outside her building

like Bruce Lee.

The doctors gave her a month
and she's still alive? -Yep.

Up until two months ago.

I'm sorry.
What happened?

Let's just say
we shouldn't believe doctors,

but the horn of a bus

is a whole other story.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You'll manage, right?

I have to go and get myself ready.

Ready for what?
Brown or white?


Get ready for synagogue?

The two of you are always...

I can't hear
or understand anything.

Anyway, Hagai will be here
any minute to pick me up.


My boyfriend.

Her what?

Her what?

Just because he's her boyfriend

doesn't mean
he's not a drug dealer.

He could be both.

He should've been here already.

That's strange.

Hello, Hagai,
we heard so much about you.

Nice to meet you.




Guys, this is Hagai.


Hi, Hagais.

We're outta here, so...

How are you?


Excuse me?

30 cents isn't a tip?

If he doesn't want it,
that's his problem.

I love kids, they're so cute.

I could eat 'em

If it were up to me,

I'd have 8 kids.

Yes, I know I'm right.

Would you mind? I only have this.
-Sorry, we already started.

No, we didn't...

Yes, honeybun, I'm with you.
-I wanna do it!

What, Soof?
Hold on, honeybun.

Yes, Soof-Soof?
-I want to do it.

You want to help Mommy?
Here, let's do it together.

I wanna do it alone.

He wants to do it alone.

Here, do it alone.

Good, sweetie,
put it on the conveyor belt.

Like a big boy.


They're crackers, buddy,

just crackers...

They don't taste that good either.
-He's doing it alone, I'm dying here.

Good, now the eggs.

Oh no!

It's no big deal.

The nice cashier will make sure
we get another carton.

Now the onions, sweetie.

Ramzi, get me some organic eggs.

Coming right up.

Honeybun, I'll call you back later.

Oh no, they all fell out.

It's okay, sweetie,
pick them up.

Honeybun, I'll call you back later.
Good, sweetie. One,





Alone! Alone! Alone!

Sir, put that onion down!

Right now!

He wants to do it alone.

On second thought,

3 kids sound nice too.

Two boys and a girl.

Wait, Mommy will lift up
the watermelon.

Alone! -Okay ,okay,
but can I just help you?

-Okay, alone, alone.

Oh no.

One kid.

That would be best.

A little girl, a princess.

Okay, good job, Soof.

Cancel the watermelon, okay?

how much is that?


Card or cash?


Thank God.

Alone, alone, alone.

I hope she lets him
drive home alone too.

Just get outta here.


Good job, Soof,
our big boy.

Now Mommy will pack
all our groceries

and we'll go to
your clarinet lesson. -Alone!

You want to pack alone too?

Okay, sweetie, you do it alone.
-No, no, no.

No, no, no!

What's the problem?

What is this,
a kiddie cashier class?

Just because I'm keeping quiet
doesn't mean I'm a shower curtain.

I'm late for Goal-Time.

Don't you "c'mon" me,
I'm not your date from the karaoke bar.

I'll say c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
if I feel like it.

Does your father own the place?
Is Isaschar your father?

My father was one of
the founders of Discount Bank,

so salute when
you talk about him

Just because you're in a hurry
to watch your goals

doesn't mean
I have to ruin my son's

sense of independence
for the rest of his life.

I heard that.

Lots of people don't
even have kids.

And they're still happy.

Let's sign now.

And here we go. -How do I sign?
-Just like I taught you.

Hooray for Soof!

Hooray for Soof!

Hooray for Soof!
Hooray for Soof?

Hooray, hooray, hooray!

-Hooray for Soof?

Hooray, hooray, hooray!
-Good job.

Thank you for your patience.
-No problem.

I wish everyone were as patient

as you people.

Have a magical day.
-You too.

Let's go.

Hello? Yes, Mosh.


Take the gum out of your mouth,

I can't understand
a word you're saying.

Now you tell me?
I'm all done here.

Okay, hold on.
Let's go, fast.

-Okay, alone, alone.

Hold on, oh, excuse me.

There we go.

Hold on, before you start,
I only have this.

Sorry, we already started.

How mature of you.

I thought you were in
a hurry to your goals.

I am.

But you know what it's like,

I don't want to harm
my sense of independence. -Fine.

You know what that
would do to my self-confidence?

To my future?

Of course.
-My self-confidence.

Okay, c'mon.

No, no, no! Alone!

No, I want to do it alone!
I'll start over again.

I have to take the SAT already,

otherwise I'll be here forever.

You're such a poopkie.
-No, you're a pookie.

I'm a poopkie?
-You're a poopkie.

You're a poopkie.
-You're a poopkie.

You're both poopkies


I love you.

I love you too, Poopkie.
Poopkie has to go now.

Bye, Poopkie.

Have a nice..

No, you're Poopkie, I'm Poopkie,
you're Poopkie, I'm Poopkie,

you're Poopkie, I'm Poopkie.

I'm thirsty, I'm hungry.

I can't stand this stupidity.

I prefer cross-sectional meeting.

Don't even joke about that.

Because of that Poopkie,
you've been on break for an hour.

I don't know...

Something feels fishy to me.

What's fishy?

He's handsome,
do you agree with me?

Don't you know those handsome guys
who are total losers

and go out with those Shiras?

He's a loser?

He's says he's a...

real-estate entrepreneur

lives in Canada, owns apartments
all over Europe.

I'm telling you,

there's gotta be a catch.

He's either married

or he's from ISIS

or he has garbage breath.

Something doesn't seem right.

She may be a supermarket manager
from Yavne,

but it's true true to be true.

You're wrong.

Of course he's right.

Why would that cupcake choose
the biggest bore in the world?

Nature wouldn't let that happen.

In nature you don't see a big,
majestic Arabian horse mating with

a Daihatsu tire.

What matters is that
this Hagai keeps her busy

and when she's busy

I rest

so I don't give a damn

about all the rest.

How can a banana

be so slippery

but makes clog in stomach?

And Bran Flakes are like flypaper

but keeps traffic moving?
It is...

blowing my mind.

Good question.

I'll ask the Constipation Council.

I told you so,
I told you so!

Sounds like
he wants to tell us something.

Didn't I tell you there's something
fishy about Shira's boyfriend?

I googled him last night
and what did I find out?

James Portada, Elliot Tyson,
Bill Kushner.

These are all names
of the same person,

a con-man named Shai Reshef.

Reshef has been known to initiate romantic
relationships with innocent women,

steal all of their money,,,

What a genius.
-And then vanish.

Wow, wow, wow.


What a mess, huh?

What are we gonna do?

We could go
to the sandwich stand,

but by now

they're probably
all out of shakshuka.

About Hagai

He can come too.

Who doesn't like shakshuka?

We just found out he's a phony.
What do we do?

What do we do?
Good luck to them.

It's none of our business.
Now let's go for shakshuka.

You're insane.

Where are you going

To tell Shira, that's where.

She'll break up with him.

Exactly, he's a con-man,
she has to know.

Did you forget
the cross-sectional meetings?

Kochava, the guy's a crook,
he stole millions,

they're still looking for
one of his girlfriends,

she has to know about that.

The endless pasta-star discussions,
are you insane?

He's gonna kill her!

I say
"endless pasta-star discussions,

you say,
"he's gonna kill her"?

She's nuts.
Say something.

Endless pasta-star discussions
really are catastrophe.

Are you guys nuts?
He's a crook, a fraud,

a dangerous criminal
who's wanted in Canada.

That's what it's like
in the dating world,

they always make things
seem better than in reality.

Fine, get out of my way.

No way, you're not going.

Hands off.
-No, no, no.

Let me through.
-Forget it.

Don't say anything to Shira.

Don't tell Shira!

Don't tell me what?

No, a different Shira.

Guys, don't tell Shira what?

It's about your boyfriend, Hagai.

What about him?

He's a good catch.

Marry him before
he changes his mind.

Let's go get
some shakshuka.

Want some?

He's not who he said he is.

What do you mean?

I looked him up
on the internet.

He's not a real-estate entrepreneur,
he has no apartments in Canada

and his name isn't Hagai Weiss.

Here he is,

on "Frauds" in Canada.

James Portada, Elliot Tyson,
Bill Kushner,

these are all names of the same person,
a con-man named Shai Reshef.

His real name is Shai.

The biggest love stories
start off like this, Shira.

...steal all of their money
and then vanish.

I know.


I know about Hagai...

Shai, James.
I know.

You know?

You think
it didn't seem strange

that a Canadian millionaire moved into
my tiny apartment in Yavne

with me and my cat?

I went on Google, it's not that hard,
and I found out and...

we talked about everything and...

we all have skeletons
in our closets and...

he said that it's behind him,

he gave me his word.

He stole millions
from 12 women,

they're still looking
for one of his girlfriends

and you say
he gave you his word?

He just fell
for the wrong women.

She knew he's a crook

and she's still with him.

Ole, ole, ole, ole

All together now!

No cross-sectional meetings...

Sing along with me.

Ole, ole, ole...

No cross-sectional meetings...

I always said, good things
happen to good people.



I'm so glad you came.

I made us reservations for...


What's wrong?


Are you okay?

No, actually, I'm not.

You're not okay?


Are you sad?

Tell me why,
I want to know.

Is it because they seized

your bank account again?

No biggie,
I can give you money.

Since when is money a problem?

This is all I have,
but I can withdraw more.

It's not that.

Then what's wrong?

This isn't working for me.

What isn't working for you?





That's my credit card code.

You asked for it
and I hesitated a little,

so just take it.

It's not that either.

Then what is it?

Poopkie, you...

you have to tell me
what it is.

I'm sorry...

Poopkie, what do you mean?

Tell me what it is,
it's not fair.

Like, what?

What's the reason?

It's your voice.


It's your voice.

You wanted me to tell you,
so here,

it's your voice, it's...

What's wrong with my voice?
-That's what's wrong with your voice.

Your voice is what's wrong.

It gives me a headache.
It's the Poopkie and Poopkie

and the relationship
maintenance talks' and...

I tried, you know I tried, right?

I tried.
I can't ignore it.

I'm sorry,
I can't ignore it.


What? Yes.

You just couldn't ignore it.

Mr. Shai Reshef,


stole millions from
all those poor women,

they still haven't found
one of them.

All of Canada is after you

and I can ignore that,

but you can't ignore

my voice?

We can put my past behind us,

but not your voice.


Fuck, I...

Don't be so hasty!

No! No!

There's a solution for everything

There's vocal cord removal surgery.

I'll pay for it!

I'll give you the money!


you want my code?

Don't leave her!
-Leave me alone.

Don't leave her!

I'll pay you, please.

Change the geographic continuum

of deliveries.

We'll start with Nisim.

Okay, 38. In the last hour we've
gone over points-to-improve-on,

now I'd like to go over

Any ideas?
Anything we overlooked?

Ramzi, I see you
in the corner of my eye.


A point-to-maintain?
Something we didn't think of?

I see you, Ramzi.

Okay, Ramzi, go ahead.

I accumulated
many points-to-maintain,

so this could take
more than an hour.

Alrighty then.

Should we start with
classic pasta stars

or whole-wheat pasta stars?

When you scan
the pasta stars,

don't block the bar code

with your arm.
-Right. -Okay?

Shira, Shira.

Shira, give it a chance.
-Kochava, stop it.

Come on, just take a look.

Look how cute he is.

He only conned my friend Tikva

out of 200,000 shekels.

You can handle that.
I'll help you.

Okay? Please.

you think that's my type?

It happened once,


and it'll never happen again.

I'm done with crooks, Kochava.

Look how hot he is,

-Stop, no approval.

Fine then, no.

Darn it. Move.

Shira Steinbuch.