Cash Register (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 15 - Amnon Does Not Apologise - full transcript

Amnon is prohibited from going to the vegetable section due to inappropriate behavior. Meanwhile Nissim and Anatoli spend their time pulling pranks on the other employees.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Kan 11 presents

"Happy Passover
to all our customers"

"Fill my pockets with specials!"

"A wise man says:
Issachar Bounty is cheapest"

Are we done? -Yes.
-It's about time,. -The first side.

Darn... --Franco.

"Darn"? What's with you?

Mom asks for your help
once a year and you say "darn"?

Passover eve.

The worst day of the year.
Passover eve.

Why Passover eve?
-There's no one to host the Seder.

So who has to do it? Shirley.
And who suffers? -Shirley? -Exactly.

No, no. What?
Not Shirley, me.

Okay, Shirley suffers too,
but she likes to suffer, she enjoys

Okay, Naor, you get
instant chicken soup mix,

the red one, with the chicken.

Maya, lite ha|rd cheese, 600 grams,
thinly sliced.

Franco, half a medium sized pumpki
-Why do I get the heavy stuff?

I didn't, say anything.
-You thought it.

How does Passover eve differ
from other days in the supermarket?

How's it different? On all other days
we shop among silence and screaming.

On Passover eve,
we all scream.

All hell has broken loose.

People are fighting over horseradish
as if it was food.

Show me one person who enjoys
shopping Passover eve. One.

"Oh joy, oh joy,
spring means Passover is here."

There is nothing like
the holiday of freedom.

What do you like
about the holiday of freedom?

That we work like slaves.
We don't rest for a second.

No dull or caffeine free moment.
We bust our tuches, as they say.

The holiday of freedom.

"Fill, fill my pockets with nuts

"Oh joy, oh joy, spring means...

"Passover is here."

Yes, it's here!


Ramzi, what do like especially
about Passover eve?

Especially especially?

But if you put a price gun to my head,
I like the design challenge best.

Covering the leavened products.
-What do you mean?

Those plastic sheets?
-"Those plastic sheets"?

And what's a Versace suit?
Polyester with buttons?

Please, you're making
a fool of yourself.

As I was saying,
covering the leavened products

is a design challenge
of the first degree.

It includes planning,
measuring, cutting and gluing.

All in good taste
and the finest style.

It's nice, but no good.

Last year the pastel colors ruled.
This year we're back to natural.

Many shades of transparent.

Half transparent, matte,
full murkiness,

the hem is making a comeback.

The secret is to convey prestige,
festiveness, and yet -

"Stay away, legume eaters.
Be patient for one week."

Distancing and inviting,
inviting and distancing.

Aahhh... Passover eve
in the supermarket.

It's not over and I miss it already.
There's a reason everyone loves it.

Who likes Passover eve
at the supermarket? It's hell!

Hell is not the word.
-What's the word?

Hellish? -Yes.
-It's hellish!

Is there lots of work
at the meat counter?

The meat counter's nothing,
I'm talking about the shopping itself.

During regular weeks,
the employees shop after hours,

real chill like.

On Passover eve
it's busy, busy, busy, busy.


Why don't they open another register?
-What? -You work here, don't you?

Lady. I did,
now I'm a customer like you.

Why don't you open another register?!

Where's the manager?

It's so rude!
I'm a butcher!

I can ring myself up. I can't!
A butcher can't ring himself up.

It's impossible, it's unethical.

Show me one employee
who likes to work Passover eve.

If Ramzi were here,
this wouldn't happen.

Fine, Ramzi, typical.

But besides Ramzi, show me one.

Happy long line holiday, bitches!

You shampoo a lot, huh?

That's odd, it won't go through.
I guess something was erased.

Look. -I'll get another one...

I'm so sorry, forgive me.
Get two, just in case.

Two years ago I said to myself:

"Yes, gorgeous?"

"You're a cashier."
"True," I said.

"Then why get up and shop
if the products come to you?"

I said to me:
"Listen, you're a genius.

"I wish I were half as genius as you.
But you're me already," I replied.

"Wow, that's true.
Are we an idiot or what?

"Head of celery"

In our family everyone gets a head.

I'm half way through the list
and I didn't get up once,

I almost have everything.
Am I good or what?

"Fill, fill, fill me up with groceries."

"Issachar Bounty"

Anyhoo, while doing Shirley's bidding,
I had an epiphany.

Suddenly it came to me.
We are the modem people of Israel.

The supermarket is Egypt,
we are slaves, Shirley is Pharaoh.

I'm telling you,

God chose me to deliver us
and I won't let Him down, people.

Okay, sweetie, we're outta here.
-Outta here?

The kids and I are outta here.
You got this. We supported, we helped.

How about we quit while we're ahead?
-Very funny.

Go get me pink "Baby Blue" softener.

Pharaoh didn't agree
the first time either.

So what did Moses do?
He brought plagues upon him.

Blood, frogs, lice et al.

So you'll infect her with boils?

Do I look like Moses to you?
You see a basket around here?

What's with this knucklehead?
And he's the one asking the questions?

What do you think?

Petzkaleh, I'm not attending the funeral
so why shouldn't I leave the group?

Hold on, dear,
'm getting pappardelle for the Seder.

No, no, no, no...

Petzkaleh, I'll get back to you,
the supermarket is giving me grief.

What is it?
-All fresh and cheap. -Good.

Is there pasta? I want pasta.
-There is, sure. But there isn't.

There is or there isn't?
-There is, sure, but there isn't.

Are you trying to drive me nuts?
see through the plastic that there is.

Oh, that's the beauty.

Knowing there is, but...
imagining there isn't.

That's the essence
of the holiday of freedom.

A, it's not the holiday yet.

B, don't teach me
about the holiday of freedom.

It's still our holiday,
if I remember correctly.

I don't teach you
about Id-EI-something, right?

C, don't bother me.
D, thank you.

No, no, Mrs. Shuni,
it's imported plastic. Please.

Ramzi. -Mrs. Shuni.
-Ramzi. -Mrs. Shuni.


"Who calls my name?"

"It's mother's voice,
you're wanted on the phone..."

Cut it out this instant!

You will sell me the pappardelle,
you hear me? -Mrs. Shuni,

it's the holiday of freedom.
-You will sell me the pappardelle!

They worked 40 years without...
-You will sell me the pappardelle!

Hey, hey... -They wandered
for 40 years for a reason.

Hey, friends, stop, off, confirm.
What happened? -What happened?

I'll tell you what happened.

There's pasta on the shelf,
but smarty pants won't sell it to me.

Mrs. Shuni, we are so, so sorry,

but the unleavened products
have been covered for the holiday,

the kashrut supervisor will be here
any minute to sign the certificate.

The cat is out of the bag.
-What cat? -What bag?

I should have known
it would seep into our neighborhood.

What would seep?
-Religionization. -Religionization?

Religionization? -And how.

Ma'am there has never been
religionization in my supermarket

and there never will be.
-And no bag, for sure!

am experiencing religionization.
You are religionizing me.

Hey, Ma'am, I know my boss,
she couldn't religionize a fly.

You are religionizing and so are you,
you're a religionizer.

I am no religionizer. I never...
-He's no religionizer.

I never religionized. -No problem,
I'll call the "Consumer Morning Show".

No, no, no, no, no...
Oh no, excuse me.

There is no reason to call the...
"Consumer Morning Show".

Then can I make my way
to the pappardelle?

Ramzi, move.
-I'm not moving. -Move!


It's just plastic sheets!
You can fix it in a second.

"Just plastic sheets"?

Is a Gucci bag just a pencil case
with a snap?

To make my way or not?
I can't hear you.

Please do it fast
before the supervisor arrives.

Don't let her, Boss, please don't.
-Ramzi. Don't look then.

But it's...
-Don't look. Look at me.

Look at me.
-Look what she's doing.

What's this? No, no.
-No, don't look, don't...

No! No!

If this was the 90s,
when rips were in fashion,

that's one thing.
But this year it's a big no no.

God gave Moses a magic stick.
He gave Franco a magic brain.

But I don't have time for ten plagues,
I need one plague and shazam!


Why on the tomatoes?

Why did I arrange it
so soft goes here, hard goes here?

I told you two hundred times.
-Shirley, order, I got it. Alright.

I'll replace it.

I call it the "oopsy plague."

Two, three like that
and Shirley sends me home with the kids

with a hug and a kiss.

Two kilos ossobuco. -Naor!
-What? It's soft on soft.

Darn, my purse from Milan.
Ew, it's covered with meat juice.

Oopsy. -"Oopsy"?
"Oopsy," Naor? What's with you?

What are you thinking?
That's it, enough,

playtime is over,
I'm taking him home,

you enjoy your shopping.
-No, no... It's okay.

It's okay?
Sweetie, the purse is ruined.

It's all good.
You're going away in June,

you'll buy me a new one.
It's fine.

You two go get me instant pudding?


The problem is that Shirley is no Pharaoh.
Pharaoh was negative.,_bad-tempered,

Shirley is a good person, so forgiving.
It's maddening!

I have to come up with a knockout
that she won't bounce back from.

Hey. Why only one?
-Excuse me? -They're one plus one.

Really? -Yes.
-I didn't notice.

It's under the beneath
of the in back over there.

Go get another one.
-What now? -What?

My kids are in the car...
-You're right.

Are you comparing matzo meal
to kids in a car?

I lived in a station wagon
until I was 5 with six siblings

and look how great I turned out.
-You're so nice. -Thank you.

So are you.
-Thank you.

Can I use a TV mount
as a shank bone too?

Where'll I get a shank bone?

Pretty busy, huh?

When will I immerse the dishes?
I don't have time to immerse.

Oh, look who's here!
Gimme, gimme.

I was in such a hurry
that I twisted my knee. -Really?

No, I'm such a confused goosey,
it's not one plus one,

it's one times one,
which is one. -What?! -Yes.

Then I'll put it back. -Now?
His kids are in the car,

if they haven't been abducted by now.


Passover eve
Kohava doesn't get up

because she's a genius,
she shopped and shopped

matzo and eggs as well.

Oh, I'm so spaced out today.
Get another one, it's best.

Ma'am. Ma'am.



Can you pick that up, please?
Can't you see it fell?

No getting up, no getting up,
no get, get, getting up.

This isn't fresh.

Get another one.

Who knows why

Kohava doesn't get up
from the chair? Because...

"Issachar Bounty"

It's time to step it up a notch.
The word game plague.

There's nothing Shirley hates more
than word games.

Once she said to me: Nathan,
stop being so literal.

I said: Litter all?
We almost got a divorce.

Mom, look, I got meat and "greens''.
Got it?

You too?

Meat and "greens".

Mom, look, sauteed chicken.

You see that?
Whatbad word games?

My kids, to die for.
But Shirley, nothing.

As if God hardened her heart.

Luckily I got this.

What's that?
Stick ’em... up.

"Issachar Bounty"

Shuni! -Bracha?

What are you doing in this dump?

Bracha Neufeld.
The last person I wanted to see.

Who's Bracha Neufeld?
-CEO of "The Jewish Coaching,"

I get half my lectures through her.
-Okay, so what's the problem?

Well, she misread something I said
and deduced that I am a religious Jew.

What did you say?
-That I'm a religious Jew.

The religion thing is very important
to her organization.

Once she caught Adva Amsalem
driving on the Sabbath,

since then she only gets to lecture
in women's prison.

I can't lecture in a women's prison.

What a... wonderful... surprise!

I didn't know you shop here.

I thought you only eat
strictly, strictly kosher.

No, no, no,

I only buy dry foods here
and only by the orthodox.

Ultra-Orthodox. -Ultra.

So where's your cart? These carts
haven't been cleaned of non-kosher food,

I don't touch them.
You're a saint, Shunishka,

I missed you.
-Me too. Okay then...

Won't you accompany me?
Let's chat. Come. -Yes.

Mrs. Stratiner. -Yes?
-Your cart.

I'm in charge of scattering goods.
I almost scattered yours.

Mine? God forbid,
keep those an holy goods away.

Don't you remember? -What?
-You asked me for all the pappardelle.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

All the Jews look alike to them.

"Issachar Bounty"

Bye, Bracha. Bye.
Happy Passover.

And kosher.
-And kosher, of course.

So long.

No, no, no, no, no, no...

Forgive me, Mrs. Shuni, no.

Yes, the "Consumer Morning Show."
-Call whoever you want,

it won't help you,
the kashrut supervisor is here,

the register won't ring it up.
-It's on Passover mode.

No coming or going
until pasta is in again.

"Issachar Bounty"

Shirley. You're so beautiful today.

I swear, you're such a bootlicker.

Okay, fine, that's enough.

You think I don't see what you're doing?
I got it.

You don't want to help me,
I won't force you.

Do as you please, I'm not a cop.
-Really? -Yes.

But you won't get angry, Shirley.

This isn't like when you say
you're not angry, but inside you are

and I'm supposed to get
that you're angry

but I don't,
then you're really angry.

If you want to go, bye.

Yes, Tanya.

Kiddies, drop everything,
Mom said we're going home.

Are you sure? -Questions now?
You want her to change her mind?

The meatballs didn't warm up yet.
-Eat them cold. Let's go.

What's not working?
The elevator?

Oh no, how will I get all this upstairs?


I'll get back to you Tanya, bye.


Franco, I heard your ringtone!

I told you it's the same,
Pharaoh also changed his mind

about letting our people go.
You didn't believe me.



Excuse me, Ma'am.

Maya, Naor, where are you?


Dude, he's ugly and he bakes.
-Hee hee hee hoo hoo hoo.

And since it's Passover,
here's a ha ha ha.

Thanks. Got it.
I'll write that down. Nice.

Write it down.

"Chocolate chips"

Chocolate chips.


Do you know we have a special?
-A special? -Yes.

Buy two, get one free.
-Free? Where?

In the... -Out of my way.
-Chocolate drawer.

No getting getting up,
no getting up to shop

I just sit here, that's the life.

That was the last one.
You and your fake specials.

What? The last one?
-The last one,

like the active cell in your brain.
The last one. Ring it up.

I have to practice my
"Why is tonight different."

Oh me oh my.
-What now?

The barcode isn't working,
something's not right.

Put it closer. -Let's forget it.
-Put it closer, you're too far!

Here... look, I'm right up close.
-Are you kidding me?

Why would I kid you?
-Gimme that. -No, you can't.

No, no, no, no...

This is a sterile zone,
you don't have security clearance.

You think I wouldn't let you?
-Oh, please. -Sorry. -Let me...

You and Mom will make do
with something else. Sorry.

Sorry, it won't...
-Let me swipe it. -No, no!

Are you insane?
-Gimme me!

Look what you did!

I've been waiting for Mom's
Passover cookies all year!

You're lucky!
You're lucky I have all the rest.

If not...


Ramzi! I'll kill you!

No, no, no!

I knew something would go wrong!

We're not in the bible, I'm no Moses
and it was all in my head...

But then..

What's this?! Move, bitches!



Don't touch my cart!
No one touch my cart!


Franco! Maya!

Franco! Naor!

Franco! Naor!


"In every line and line
we get stuck until tomorrow

"And the Lord will save us
from them."

Do you get it?
The line parted into two.

Into two! Listen to me good,
listen to me good.

Many generations of Francos

will recount the delivery
from this supermarket, huh?


Why don't you o|aen another register?
It's a holiday eve, what is this?

I'm never shopping here again.

Estush, are you doing this on purpose?

Are you working slowly on purpose?

Fine. Want some shaming?
I'll give you shaming.

Here, now you're online, let's see.
-Don't you work here too?

Are you a detective?


I hear you want Passover supplies.
-Unleavened goods? -Sshhh...

Follow me.

Sshhh.... Calm.


We have pasta, parmesan fingers,
pita, black flour, white bread,

pretzel, samosa, Iraqi pita,
puffed pastry with mushrooms, onions.

White flour, semolina,
grilled cheese sandwich. Pick.

Quickly. -What's this?
-Don't touch. It's rising.

Wait, is that matzo meal or flour?
-Matzo? Shame on you!

It's 100% durum flour. Taste it.

Give me two of each.

You got it.

Thats... 750.
-How much?!

Watch your hands.
-No, no, no. No, it's fine.

Should I warm up the samosa?

One minute on the engine,
it's like a tabun oven.

Thank you, no need.
-No need. Okay, money.

Here. -Don't go until I count.
-Alright, alright.

Hold on the bottom. -Okay.

Alright. Go.
-Thank you.

Tell your friends.
Go quietly.

Translation: Tammy King
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.