Cash Register (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Pepperny Checks the Competition - full transcript

Franco's daughter asks him to buy freedom eggs, only.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
"Issachar Bounty"


Yesterday my daughter decided
she has a new thing:

No more ordinary eggs.
Only free-range.

I don't know what that means,

but if it's not related to boys,
I'm all for it.

Ramzi, "kak dela?" -"Khorosho."
-"Khorosho" is good. Tell me,

the free-range eggs cost NIS 25?
-Oh, my apologies, Mr. Franco,

there's been a mistake.
-I knew it looked fishy.

Free-range eggs are 28.90.

What... 28.90?

30 shekels for 12 free-range eggs?
What are they, Louis Vuitton?

these are from free-range hens,

so the eggs are more expensive.
-Free-range at a Maldives resort?

Mr. Franco, hens that don't live in a cage
lay less eggs,

thus, the cost of raising them increases
and so does the price.

Some hens live free,

the carton says "free-range
so they can spike the price

and the rich man's gotta pay.

Mr. Franco, may I help you?
-No, I'm just taking the carton.

I can't go home
without these free-range eggs.

My daughter is nuts like her mom.

So I said, I'll buy regular eggs,
put them in the free-range carton,

my daughter will be pleased,
problem solved. "Free-range..."

An egg is an egg is an egg.
-So you're lying to your daughter.

Heaven forbid!

I'll put the free-range carton
on the counter without saying a word.

How can I be lying
without saying a word?

To lie you have to talk, right?

Mr. Franco, I'm so sorry,
but this is not possible.

We can't sell those eggs
without the carton.

If you need an empty carton,
look for one outside in the carton bin.

Maybe luck will shine on you.




I'm yelling and yelling and nothing,
my life passes before my eyes.

I have a wife!
I have kids!

Somebody! Some... Somebody!

I can't breathe!

Just then I realize
that God is sending me a lesson.

He stuck me in the cage
so I'd feel what a hen feels like.

And I'm 43.

The hens are in the cage from day one.
No going out or coming in,

they just lay eggs and shit on themselves.
What kind of life is that?!

Mr. Franco, Mr. Franco!
I'm here.

Stay calm, Mr. Franco.

A thousand apologies, Mr. Franco.

I forgot what the world outside looks like.

Fresh air,
talking to human beings.

How long was I in there?

Around seven minutes.


One year in a carton bin
is seven human years.

I learned a very important lesson:

there are animals out there
that are suffering so badly.

That could be avoided
if we each left our comfort zone.

Me, you,

you, all of us.

We should all consider
what we can do for these poor animals

that are locked up all day
in the devil's cages

and I should know.
And what for? What for?

For some scrambled eggs?

To throw them at kids
who make noise at night?

It's not worth it!

But 30 shekels for eggs?!
That's going too far.

If we're going to be thoughtful towards
the hens, be thoughtful towards us.

Tit for tat. Reduce the price.

Taking and taking...
We're choking here.

Oh, come on!


Excuse me!

Excuse me, excuse me!

I must say I neglected the carton bin
for a long time.

It's time to tidy up.

"Issachar Bounty"

Who is it?

Who is it?
-I don't know.

Our customers..

are like the children I never had.

I love them all the same,
but I love Mrs. Peperni the most.

But I love them all the same.

Why do you love Mrs. Peperni most?
-It was love at first sight.

From the first day her fractured foot
stepped into the supermarket.

Try this on for size.

Ramzik. -Yes?

Replace me at the checkout for a sec.
-Can it wait, Mrs. Kohava?

You think?
I need a cigarette.

Mrs. Peperni, when will you be done
with the cucumbers? Tentatively.

I need one more.
-I'll be with you lickety split.

Make it quick.

But I'll need you for the potatoes too.

She likes me to remove the warts.

Give me 15 minutes, 20 max.

The checkout's unmanned,
do as you see fit. I said my piece.

I don't like that Peperni chick.

She takes advantage
of Ramzi's big heart

and who suffers?
Innocent people like me

who want to take advantage
of Ramzi's big heart too.

But she comes... and takes it all.
Like it's her father's big heart.

"Dear Customer,
Issachar Bounty..."

Sweetie, you're a lifesaver.
No, that's enough... -No, no, no.

It's for Mrs. Peperni.
She has to take her Coumadin.

What's with you and Mrs. Peperni?
Fawning all over her like this?

Mrs. Peperni and I have...
a very special relationship.

Why? She's just a customer.

There are some things...
you can't explain in words.

Like when your throat itches? -Yes?
-You keep going...

There's no word for that, right?

I see. Okay.

just hope you won't be disappointed.

Why would I be disappointed?

Supermarket customers
aren't that loyal.

Once Peperni finds another supermarket
with another employee,

she'll be outta here.
-Kohava, you're so funny sometimes...

You think I'm joking?
Who is loyal these days?

You've got 8 supermarkets
for every square meter,

all my friends shop on the down low.

With all due respect to your friends,
Mrs. Peperni is a different breed.

Think that if you want to,
be my guest,

but if you think she doesn't have
another supermarket

with another Ramzi who fawns over her,
you're wrong, big time.

Kohava, that's not yours!
-What did I just say?

-What did I just say?

But she has to take her pill.
-Let her swallow it dry.

At first the thought saddened me -
Mrs. Peperni in another supermarket.

But then I was mad at myself
for even daring to be sad at all.

But then I was ashamed
that I was mad I was sad.

Complex is the world
of the top all-purpose employee.

what would I do without you?

Oops, I almost forgot.
-No, no, no.

Mrs. Peperni...
your smile is my tip.

No, I wanted to give you the key

to water my plants tomorrow
when I'm at my grandchildren's. -Ah.

Of course...
-Don't touch the cactus.

Last time you flooded it.


Ramzi, are you listening to me?

A bill from "Levi Bliss," our rival.
Maybe it was "Levi Splits"?

A fitness club?
Ever heard of it?

Good morning, Ramzushik.

Mrs. Peperni,
I wish you happy shopping.

Why so formal? Give me a kiss.

Tell me. -What?

What's that smell?
-What smell?

The softener that you use.

I don't think we have it
in our supermarket. Hold on.

White musk, double action scent.

I just remembered. -Yes?

My daughter washed it for me.
-Naomi? -Shifra.

Didn't her washing machine break down?
-She called a repairman.

Uh huh. -Yes.

And tell me,
I see you have new socks.

Did you buy them somewhere else?
-They're the neighbor's.

They fell off her line.
-What's the neighbor's name? -Varda.

Ramzi, are you alright?
-Yes, I'm fine, just perfect.

More than perfect, A-Okay.

Alright, doll.
-Who's Doll?

Doll... it's a pet name.

Oh, I thought...

Never mind, happy shopping.

No, it's hot.

And Anatoly's all,
"More spicy, more spicy!"

I'm not sweating because of that.
-No. -It's the antibiotics. -Fine.

Get the excuses bucket. -Stop!
-How's it going, Hezinka?

What you up to, Hezinka?

Writing invitations
to my grandson's Bar Mitzvah.

120 more to go. You're all invited.
-Hezi, dude. -What? -"What?"

You still doing letters? It's 2018.

Soon you'll be lighting a bonfire
and sending up smoke signals.

So? -Just download WhatsApp.
-That again? Give it a rest.

Cellphones are for talking
and cracking open coconuts,

and even that's too much.
WhatsApp -

no warmth and love
like a pen and paper.

Just ask Anatoly.

Ask him. Am I right?
I put your invitation on the counter.

WhatTnvitation, Hezi?
-Didn't you see the invitation?

I drew a cow and wrote "Anatoly."
-You mean this? -What did you do?

Last time I got a letter
it was from the Moldovan army,

I don't open letters anymore.
-You see, Hezi?

That wouldn't happen with WhatsApp.
-I got it, I got it.

Go back to your cold, alienated world.

Let me finish this drawing for Kohava
and we'll go have grilled cheese.


We had grilled cheese, Hezi.
-And you didn't call me?

Hezi, we told everyone.
-What about me?

You're not on WhatsApp. Look.
See what you're missing by being stubborn?

And our world is cold and alienated...
On the contrary. -It's a shame, Hezi.

It's a shame my mother died...
-Hezi, listen. -Yes.

We're your friends. -So?
-We love you,

but we communicate on WhatsApp
and we want you with us.

Just do it for us.
-You're so stubborn.

What did we ask you to do?
-Download WhatsApp?

Stop playing around. -Okay?
-Come on, Hezi.

-"Hezi will download WhatsApp..."

"Hezi will download WhatsApp,
Hezi will download WhatsApp... -Fine.

I give up, I give up.
-Yes? -Yes.

One week, that's all.
-Deal. -Deal. -Nice.

I'm not going to use it.
I'm just doing it so they'll leave me alone.

Look what I got on WhatsApp.

"A British study shows
that eating 400 grams of parsley a day

"drastically decreases the risk of cancer".
I'll send this to the group. So they know.

It's from the kids.

"What does a jellyfish think
when it sees a plastic bag?

"Sister, you got a supermarket tattoo!"

I have to send this to Anatoly,
he'll love it. But how? Hold on.

He's been sending us nonsense
for two days. In the group and privately.

"Who so findeth a wife findeth good.
Who so findeth chocolate - even better".

What now?

The daily phrase:

"Love is a long, sweet dream that ends
with an alarm clock called marriage".


If that's the daily phrase,
then why five times a day?

What now?
-"Happy Monday presentation".

Who does a presentation on Monday?
-You and your genius ideas.

Downloading WhatsApp for a 60 year old.

You told him to download WhatsApp!
-Me? -Yes. -I didn't talk to him!

You didn't talk to him?
Nissim, you're so annoying.

We have to do something.
This can't go on. -It's a catastrophe.

The thought of Mrs. Peperni
spending time in another supermarket

kept me up at night.

As it is I only sleep an hour a night
to make the 4 a.m. bus.

But I just had to get concrete proof
before taking action.


Nissim, don't keep me in suspense.
It's more than I can take.

I followed Mrs. Peperni for 3 days
like you asked

and I found nothing.

But then..

yesterday afternoon
she made her first mistake.

There there, Ramzi.
She's not worth it.

All women shoppers are the same.

What I didn't do to satisfy her.

I got her the freshest eggs,
from the back.

I saved her the last pumpernickel
in places I'd rather not say.

I invented the "melon carrier,"

so it would be more convenient,
but that wasn't enough for her.

It was just a cynical game to her.

"Issachar Bounty"

Hi, Hezi. -Hi!

You're all here?
At Shira's request?

Hezi, sit down,
we want to talk to you.

What's wrong? Are you okay?

We convened to discuss
your WhatsApp addiction.


Me? Addicted?
You're the ones who are addicted.

But I have a special video
for people like you. -No, no,

don't send it. Listen.
This is what we want to talk about.

This thing has gotten out of hand.

Each of us will tell Hezi
how his WhatsApp addiction hurt us.

-Anatoly, you go first.

Hezi. -Yes.
-You sent this at 5:18.

woman needs four animals:
An alligator for shoes,

"a jaguar for a car,
a leopard for fur

"and an ass to buy her all the above."

It's funny, no?
-Hilarious. Esti?

5:20. "Looking for the one,
don't mind if she brings another one."

Oh, I forgot that one.
-This is a catastrophe...

Anatoly, calm down. -Hezi.
-Yes? -We're worried about you.

WhatsApp has got a grip on our Hezi.
-Oh please. I fought in every war.

Me, an addict? No way.
can stop whenever I want.

It's just WhatsApp. Look.
-That's what we wanted.

Then why didn't you say so?

What is this, an ambush?
You just had to say.

There. I won't touch it.

You're right.

No, Hezi. -You're stronger than this.
-Hezi, no. -Don't touch.

Maybe it's important?
-Your life is more important, Hezi.

Hezi, don't touch!
-Maybe it's a limerick!

A live image...
-Hezi, you need rehab!

Last one! Last one!

"For the £1 employee
from Mrs. Peperni"

What are you doing?

Can you tell me what's going on?
-You know very well what's going on.

Don't feign innocence with me.
-I really don't know.

So maybe the employee
from "Levi Bliss" can tell you!

"The employee..." Oh.
-What did you think?

That I would never find out?

That you could live a double life
with two supermarkets forever?

It's not what it looks like.
-It's not?

Okay, then what's this?

Huh? And this?

And what about this?

Nothing to say?

You're a fifth column,
a femme fatale! -Ramzi!

Don't "Ramzi" me.

You're throwing us away
for slightly fresher sausage?

I hope your olive oil explodes
in the stairwell.

You heard me,
and I'm not taking it back!


"Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,

"happy birthday dear Ramzi!

"Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,

"happy birthday dear Ramzi!

"May he be happy, may he be merry,
happy birthday..." -What's this?

It's a birthday party!
-I forgot my own birthday.

But wait..

what was that ‘Tewi Bliss" bill
I saw in your trunk?

Ramzi, you know me so well.

Had I bought all your favorite things
in this supermarket,

there would be no surprise.

You know how hard it was
to go to another supermarket

and have another employee
touch my potatoes? It was awful!

You're the only employee
in my heart.

Oh, Mrs. Peperni, the shame!

Don't... -Do you forgive me?
-Get over here.

I'm sorry...
How could I think that?

Ramzi! Happy birthday!

Thank you.
-"One, two, three...

"Another year goes by...

"Toilette paper bag."
A modest gift for Mrs. Peperni

for the anguish I caused her.

How could I think
that she would shop at "Lean Bliss?"

Oh, Ramzi, Ramzi...

You watch too many
supermarket soap operas.

Of course I shop at "Levi Bliss."
Every day.

I have a friend there,
just like Ramzi,

he does everything I want.

I'm a 77 year old woman,
one supermarket can't satisfy me.

I want to enjoy all the specials.