Carnivàle (2003–2005): Season 2, Episode 9 - Lincoln Highway, UT - full transcript

While driving down a desolate highway in rural Utah on his trail of Stroud, Ben comes across Jones and Libby, the victims of a vigilante group blaming Jonesy for the Ferris wheel accident, leading Ben to try to heal Jonesy. Back at Carnivale, Ruthie has another possession by the deceased Lodz, who leaves a lipstick message that Sofie is the Omega. Lila then tries to reach the deceased Lodz. At the Canaan camp, the invalid Reverend Balthus takes a shot at Justin during his fiery political sermon, and when chaos breaks out, Justin shocks the crowd with forgiveness. Meanwhile, Iris takes Eleanor on a picnic where she makes the mistake of confiding in Iris that she suspects that Brother Justin is actually a demon, and Iris pays her back by revealing that she already knows ... and then kills her. Sofie finds salvation in her new work for Brother Justin. On the road, Stroud lets the morphine flow for the captive Scudder, while Ben tries to get a head on Stroud's whereabouts.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
2x09 - Lincoln Highway

Jumpin' Jesus.


You were on crosspins yesterday.

Samson pulled me out
to clean up the back end.

Who took your place?

- I didn't notice.
- No idea, huh?

Jonesy, it was an accident.
It's no one's fault.

Accident's one thing,
stupid's something else.

Why are we stopped?

These junk heaps need a rest.

So does the crew.

But we're over the state line now

so the Nebrasky cops can't get us,

or whoever else has a mind to.

How long are we staying for?

Just 'till morning.
We'll strike out at first light.

I know you got the eagers.

But I ain't gonna lose that bet.

You put a dowel in it,
for Christ's sake.

Hell no, I didn't.

Any fool knows
you don't swap iron for wood.

If you didn't put it in there, who did?

You're the one always saying
let's make it look good for the clems.

- Maybe you did it and forgot about it!
- You goddamn--!

All right, break it up!

Well, don't look at me!

He's the one acting all fuzzy-headed

since he hitched up with that whore
wife of his.

- You son of a bitch!
- Come on!

Burley, you lock your jaw.

He's a maroon.

Pull in your horns. Let it go.

Let it go!

He haunts me.

Do you remember the nightmares
I suffered as a boy?

The laughter, the terror.

And that wheel, spinning.

Endlessly spinning.

I knew it then.

The carnival...

Hides my enemy,

even as he draws closer.

He means to destroy us.

Pray with me, Norman.


Hi, handsome.

Here, cover yourself.

Oh, I get it.


- I embarrass you.
- No, it ain't like that.

- It's just--
- Just what?

You can't just go around parading
in your underwear.

- I ain't parading.
- Okay, fine.

Sit, stand, jump up and down.
I don't care.

Just cover yourself while you do it.

For Christ's sakes, Jonesy,
them boys ain't seen me

- about 100 millions times--
- It's different now! You're married.

So's my ma.

I don't hear my daddy telling her
what to wear.

I ain't your daddy.

You got that right!

Help me.

Who's out there?

Oh, quit your fooling.

Shut up, bitch!


Grab his hands. Hold him.

You don't know me, do you,
carny trash?

Your man killed my wife
on that goddamn ferris wheel.

It was an accident, God damn it!

- Should we give her the treatment too?
- No, I want her to see.

So she can go back and tell those freaks

what happens when you come in
and wreck decent folk.

- Open your eyes, bitch.
- You leave her be!

No... No!

You better look, little missy,

or you'll get something
a heck of a lot worse!

- Make her open them!
- Let her go, damn it!

You've got a big mouth,
you know that?

Stop! No! Stop!

No! Stop!





That's right down the highway.

If you skin for it, I'll wager
you'd make it in two, three hours, tops.

Sure you don't want to take some muscle?

Uh, it's best if I sneak up on them

Your call.

I just pray I get there in time.


Strike lucky.

- Good morning, Sofie.
- Good morning, miss.

Brother Justin is a simple man

with simple virtues, simple tastes.

Toast is dry.

Coffee black, no sugar.

That's better.

Yes, ma'am.

Have you seen Eleanor?

Not since yesterday.

That's odd. She's usually here by now.

If you'd like,
I could walk down to the valley

- And see if I can find her.
- You have plenty to do up here, Sofie.

I know.

You serve at my brother's pleasure,

I will, miss.

Of course, once you get past
the striking repetition,

it's really quite banal.

I always thought it was overrated.

"Blessed are the meek."

Can you imagine?

Oh, what have we here?


A breath of spring.

Isn't that nice, Norman?

He loves coffee.

It's Sofie, isn't it?

Yes, sir.

That's a lovely name.


Is there something else?


No, thank you.

I'm coming.

Ruthie? Ruthie, it's Lila.

Open up.


Good Lord, woman,
what you got on you?


Lipstick. I was cleaning.

What do you want?

I just brought you over
some of my biscuits.

- I don't like biscuits.
- You sure?

Professor was always
very partial to them.

- So?
- So maybe you would like them too.

This is for you.

You vote democrat now.
You vote for Val.

All righty.

Howdy, partner.

Excuse me.

- Have you seen Eleanor?
- She hasn't been by all day, ma'am.

Thank you.

They're gone.


You said they's stuff is still there.

It's bad enough our baby married a gimp,
now he's a killer too.

Well, that wasn't his fault.

Who said it wasn't his fault?
I heard he was drinking.

Hell's bell's, he's run that old wheel
1000 times, drunk and sober.

The old contraption is only held together
with spit and baling wire anyway.

He's just trying to slough blame.

Why are you sticking up for him, anyway?

Well, he's family.

Please don't call him that.

Maybe they're having a picnic.
I don't know.

A picnic?

You remember
when we was newlyweds.

We'd steal off every chance
we'd get.

Look around, Edison.
There ain't but sand and scrub for miles.

Where are they gonna have a picnic?

Wherever they lay their blanket down.

Don't worry. They'll be back.

And when they do, I bet Jonesy's ass
is sporting a sunburn!

I'll stop dancing.

I'll do what ever
you want me to do.

I promise.

Please don't die.

If you haven't signed up yet,

you want to come on down and register
to vote, folks.

It will take five minutes
of your time.

You'll be glad you did.

Come on down here.

I want you to get registered to vote.



Please, the light.

I've been looking all over for you.

I'm truly, truly sorry, Miss Iris.

- I don't feel well.
- You look awful.

It's all right.

There's no fever.

What is it, dear? What's wrong?

I saw the devil.

Oh, dear Eleanor. Not the--

Brother Justin--
His eyes were black as pitch.

And that's not all.

I've seen other things,

- I didn't tell nobody about.
- Hush.

Now, what does the Lord
say about lying?

I ain't lyin'.


"Thou shalt not bear false witness."

That's right.

I know what I saw.

This is just exhaustion speaking,
nothing more.

You have been our hardest worker,

You need a day off.

I have a wonderful idea.

Go away!

Get out of here!

Ah, hell.


Hey! Stop!

Jonesy's dying.

Oh, Jesus.

We got to get him to a hospital.

He ain't gonna make it to
no hospital.

We can't just leave him here to die.

The next town is Cheyenne.
It's 40-some miles off!


He ain't gonna make it!

What are we gonna do?

Just look at your face, Eleanor.

I can see the tension floating away.

Nothing settles the soul
like seeing God's handiwork, it's true.

I come here myself sometimes...

When I'm troubled,



What I saw...

was almost like a bad dream.

Yes. That's what it was,

a very bad dream.

A trick of the eye

created by anxiety, exhaustion.

But the good part about bad dreams

is that they end,

And you can wake up renewed
and refreshed.

Miss Iris?


You've been mighty good to me and mine.

You were right.

Maybe I was just tired.


I'm a silly old woman.

Oh, thank you, miss Iris.

I feel as light as air.

That's grand.

I can hardly wait to tell
Brother Justin!

Tell him what, dear?

About what I saw. The devil.

He'll think it's a hoot.

Well, he might take that
the wrong way.


- Well, Eleanor--
- He'll think it's funny.

He has such a great sense of humor.

It would give him a good laugh.

And after all that poor man's
been through lately,

Lord knows, he could use one--

Help me.

Grab his feet.

Hurry up!

- Now get in the truck.
- No!

- You can't leave him!
- I ain't leaving him!

You are!

- What?
- Do like I say!

You get in the truck and
you drive like hell back to the road!

You lock up all the windows!
You lock the doors!

You wait for me.
Whatever you do, don't get out.

- What are you talking about?
- Something is gonna happen here!

I don't got time to explain it!

I can't risk
you getting hurt!

It's the only chance
he's got!

Now get in the truck!

Go on, get!

We must seek to end the reign

of this man in the White House

who is an agent
of the international Shylock!

This great country of ours faces a choice,
my friends,

between the New Deal red flag

or the Stars and Stripes!

I will never allow communism,

or fascism,

or God forbid, modernism

to overthrow the decencies
of private life,

to usurp property

and disrupt the true order of life.

We christians
in this part of the world

are ready to go to the barricades

for but one "ism" -


Where did you disappear to?

Merely doing your duty.

Time well spent then.

This new girl, where did you find her?

The camp. Why?
Isn't she working out either?

Quite the contrary.
Her face is inspiring.

I want to lead
this new american revolution!

And that is why today

I am declaring my candidacy to be
your next congressman!

Brothers and sisters,
blessed are the poor in wallet,

for theirs will be the kingdom here
on Earth!

Blessed are the migrants
and the okies and the roadites,

for they are the true Americans!

Amen! Amen!

Blessed are the righteous men,

for they shall be rewarded--

in Washington!

And blessed are those
who believe in us,

for we are the truth,
and the light

and the wisdom.

Indeed, we are--

I command thee, stop!

Get away!

Get away!
Do not touch this man!


Blessed are those
that understand and forgive!

- Praise the Lord!
- Hallelujah!


Praise you, Jesus!

Ball three!

Forget it.

Bases loaded. Three walks in a row.
You're done, Jonesy.

I'm one strike away, Bill.

I'm bringing it home.

You walk this guy, you walk home.

That's 500 miles.

I ain't walking.
And neither is he.

- Strike three! You're out!
- Yeah!


Hey. Don't try to talk.

I am so very disappointed in you,

I just don't understand.

Do you really hate me so?

I had no idea you were
this confused.

You had your chance to kill me...

And you failed.


You did this?

That's impossible.

Everything is impossible 'till it ain't.

You are a healer.

That's part of it.

One of them saints?


You ain't an angel.

I ain't no angel, that's for sure.


You son of a bitch.

You son of a bitch!

You got a knife?

Give me your knife.

Give me your knife. Come on.




I need to speak with you.

I was proud of what you did today.

Such courage.

Only you and I know his true nature.

Our knowledge is his weakness.

And we must keep that secret safe.

No one will know.

I've made sure of that.

We will choose our time, Norman.

Then we will expose him.

But until then...

It will be our little secret.

You took him in your arms.

How could you forgive him?

He has been like a father to me.

But that only makes what he did

Much worse.

And that is why forgiveness
is even more important.

You're a great man.

No. I'm just a man.

It is grace
that makes us great...

Makes us children of God...

Makes us human.

Come. Sit with me.

Sofie, I want you to forgive everyone,

anyone that's ever harmed you
in the past.

I can't.

You must.

I will help you.

Let us pray.