Carnivàle (2003–2005): Season 1, Episode 5 - Carnivàle - full transcript

The carnival finally arrives in Babylon, a tapped-out silver mining town in rural Texas with few inhabitants. Samson tries to improve the troupe's spirits with a night of revelry at the local bar while Sofie and Libby (one of the chooch dancers) get closer and decide to attend the local cinema. Eventually, a group of restless miners arrive in time for the chooch show, but with drastic consequences when they start a riot. Meanwhile, Ben has an enlightening experience at the bottom of a mineshaft where he has a vision of the mysterious Scudder fighting in the trenches of World War I.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
And he cried out
with a mighty voice, saying,

"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great.

"She has become the dwelling place...

"of demons

"and a prison for every unclean spirit,
and hateful bird.

"And the kings of the earth,
who committed acts of immorality

"and lived sensuously with her

"will weep and lament over her,
when they see the smoke of her burning.

"Standing at a distance
because of the fear of her torment, saying,

"'W oe, woe! The great city Babylon,
the strong city,

"'for in one hour your judgment has come." '

Hey, fella, is this the road to Babylon?

Yeah, just ahead. Over yonder.

You from there?

Yeah, I'm from there all right.
I'm heading out.

There's nothing back there
but 50 miles of sand and sidewinders.

You the carnival?

That we are.

We've been waiting for you a long time.


How's that?

Hey, handsome.

It's a good spot!

What the hell are we doing here?

- Mama says Babylon's cursed.
- Nonsense.

- It's just a place.
- Yeah.

A place no other carnival will play.
You know what I'm talking about, Ruthie.

Where's my lucky elephant?

OK, folks, we'll set up
as much as we can before dark.

Bad luck playing Babylon, Samson.

Besides there ain't nobody
to come to the show.

Silver mining's tapped out around here.

If there weren't nobody to come,
we wouldn't be here.

Now let's get to work!

So what are we doing here?

You've got to give me
something to tell them.

Damn it!

- Talk to him yourself.
- Please, Jonesy, I'm begging you.

Samson will listen to you.

I tell you from experience, he ain't budging.


What's the matter with her?

Miss Nancy was hoping
we'd be going on to El Paso.

As if this place ain't bad enough.
After this, I'm out of here.

I'm going to wire my friend
at Daily Brothers.

I ain't the only one.
Jasper and Slim, they're ready to bolt too.

Yeah, it'll be a damn shame
to lose you three quibberdicks.

Take it up, Bobby.

Hey, we're still working here.

Go away.

You're still here.

- How did you know?
- You stink.

At least I smell like work,
not some stiff old liquorice stick.

I think I got something figured out.

All by yourself?


- You got the clanks.
- It isn't the clanks.

It's just that I'm overtired, that's all.

Sorry. It's been a while since
you bought a fresh case of poodle piss.

Now will you please go away?

Don't you want to hear
what I got figured out?

I'm all ears.

You don't know
half as much as you pretend to.

You have an infallible, if tiresome gift

for stating the obvious. However...

half is ever so much better
than nothing at all.

There you are.

Jonesy's tearing mad
about you pulling that Houdini.

Get on out there
and help with the hike-up.


Just wasting my time here anyway.

Lodz, dear.

- How you feeling?
- Like I'm dying.

Let me fix your pillow.

Now listen, you old bastard.

I don't know what you're doing,
but I don't like it.

You mess with that boy again

and I will tear your pecker off
like a piece of French bread.

Fine. And I'm carnival trash.

Nice fellows don't come to places like this
looking for girls to marry, Mother.

You know what?

I liked it. I liked the way he held me.
I liked the way he looked at me.

And you're wrong. He was mine.

He gave himself to me.

And he didn't knock me up.

Cos that only happens in dime novels.

One, two, three, smile.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Dora, it's cross touch, not step touch.

- Dora Mae, you're on the wrong foot.
- She's messing it up, Mama.

All they wanna see is my titties.
Not fancy dance steps.

- I care. I'm a dancer.
- Can't you be more like your sister?

Show a little pride.


Now how did that get all tore up like that?

I don't know.

That bra don't fit you.

Everyone thinks she's the nice one.

Got another?

How's a person know if she's pregnant?

I didn't know you did that type of thing.

OK. Did the guy wear anything?

He kept his socks on.

I'm talking about a skin.

- A rubber on his privates.
- No.

I don't know. I don't think so.

You probably ain't pregnant.
Can't get pregnant your first time.

How did you know?

Next time just make sure
he's sporting rubber.

One of my titties
is a whole lot bigger than the other.

Yeah, I hadn't noticed.

Lots of fellows like it.
Pay extra for it, even.

Started dancing when I was 13.
Not much to look at then.

Not till I got my titties.

Mama says they're a gift. Draw a real crowd.

You like that?

All those guys coming around...

hollerin' and grabbing at you?

Don't make no difference to me.

Missed a spot.

Bet you're a real good kisser.

The boys are working fast.
That tent went up in no time.

It's a good thing that blowdown
didn't do too much damage to the big top.

You ain't got much to say, do you, Jonesy?

Fellows ain't happy, Samson.
Neither is the troupe.

- It's travelling day blues.
- I don't think so.

You got a bunch of rousties
haven't been paid since Milfay.

- String of bad luck.
- Jesus.

I'll tell you what. Let's go into town tonight,
blow off a little steam.

It's on me. Tell the boys.

Gonna tear down the house tonight.

Haven't been out on the town in a dog's age.

You call this a town? Look at this place.

Come on.

What do we got here?

This place is a dump.

You have got to be kidding me.
You said there was gonna be music.

There's a piano. Have at it.

Forget it. I'm just going to get blotto.

The maid didn't come this week, I see.

Looks like you never made it out of town.

Never do.

- What will it be?
- Whiskey.

Three glasses and a bottle of your best.

Jeez Louise! It's Friday night.
You think they'd be showing something.

Maybe we're early.

I haven't been to the movies since forever.

No one's seen anything here
in a dog's age.

It can't have been that long.

- You think we should?
- Y'all want some candy?

Goodness, no.
We're just looking for a little fun.

- Y'all with that carnival?
- Yes, sir, we are.

We're dancers.

You the kind that get naked?

What do you think?

You think I take off my brassiere?

Show my titties?


Guess you're just going to have to
come to the show and find out.

Can't I just get me one little peek?

What's your name?

CL Dill.

Well, Mr CL Dill...

you pay a nickel tomorrow...

you can get more than that.

Mister, you still show pictures in here?

All I got is an old copy of some silent.

Put it on. We ain't picky.

Come on, don't just stand there.
Shake that thing.

I know this one.
I've seen this one in Oklahoma City.

- So? Did you like it?
- What?

You know.

It was OK.

Damn, my first time hurt like hell.

Who was it?

Some fella.

Pumped gas at an Esso station.

Real handsome.

- How old were you?
- 11.


Come on, Stumpy.

So where is everybody, anyway?
Don't nobody live in this town?

They don't drink much.
Anyways, it's best if they don't come in.

But if they'd known how pretty you are,
they'd have been here tonight.

On the house.

I like the way you dance.

You want to dance?

Dance with me.

You got a real pretty face.

Yeah. You ought to let me
make you up sometime.


- Want to dance?
- I am dancing.

Can't handle your liquor, huh?

Go to hell.

Where do you think we are, farm boy?

Because you can't
stay cooped up inside all day.

Stinks like a flophouse in there.

Coming to breakfast?
It's gonna be all ate up soon.

You want some breakfast?

She's a nice girl, Mother.

You don't even know her.

Time to make a few changes in my show.

"Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss
was assassinated last night

"by Nazi insurgents in Vienna."

I'm sick of this goddamn same music, Felix.

It seems rinky-dink
and unprofessional.

"...on the floor for the next four hours."

Pick something from the catalogue.

I'm asking for a little consideration.
I was Miss Canyon City!

Yeah. How could I forget?

Kiss my ass!

"Doctors were barred from treating him
while the cabinet were held hostage."

Pondering the plight
of their bank accounts, no doubt.

Where's Ben?

Puking his guts out, most likely.

I don't know. I haven't seen him all morning.

Come now, my dear.
We have business to attend to.

See what I mean?

Can I?

Mama's hacked at Daddy again.

So are you going to cry about it?

Look up.

Jeez, I was just saying...

By the way, I've fallen off the roof.
So I ain't taking off my pants tonight.

Blow-off is all yours, baby sister.

Fine. I don't care. I get better tips
than you do, anyway.

Like hell!

You don't strip
when you've got your friend?

Could you see me out there
in a pad and a belt?

I gotta go. My mom's calling.

Jesus. She's in your head right now?

Yeah. And she really don't like you.


It's been a while, you know.

I know, my dear.

I'd like nothing better
than to satisfy your needs,

considerable as they may be.

- But...
- But?

Duty calls.

What duty?

My little clarinet.

Would you mind terribly
lending me something?


Your eyes.

When the show gets to Odessa,
I'm going to buy me a new dress.

And some of that Chinese red lipstick.

I think this is high enough.

Just a little further.

I hope it's not much further.

I'm perspiring
like a damn stevedore out here.

And I still got to mend Gecko's diaper.



Help me!

- Any sign of the kid?
- No, haven't seen him.

Don't hear no money rolling in.

Give them time.

Sure, why not?

Management says they'll come, right?

What the hell kind of spider
crawled up your ass?

Step right up! Right over here!

You will be amazed!

Come on over! Step right up...

Step up and try your luck! You, sir!

$20 for the first man to best my boy, Gabriel.

The strongest man in North America...


I would like you to meet
Mademoiselles Lola...

and Ch?rie.

Straight from the Crazy Horse Revue
in Gay Paree.

When these two fine young mademoiselles
dance for you

inside this show this evening

from here on up...

there ain't nothing gonna be happening.

But from here on down...

ain't nothing gonna be happening.

But from Cherry Valley to the Grand Tetons

all hell's gonna break loose!

Queer bunch of muggers.

So get all the way in!


Something's not right. No blow-off tonight.

We got a straw house in there, Samson.

No blow-off. They keep their panties on.

It's an order.

Get back.

Your tickets?

- I gave you our tickets.
- You didn't.

You calling me a liar?

I'm calling you George Washington.
Now blow.

Come on, let's get this moving!

Turn the damn thing on!

- Come on, move it!
- What's the hold-up?

Enjoy the ride.

Are you crazy, buddy?

- What's the idea?!
- Get me off here! Come on!

Is there anything else
you'd like to know, Mr Gukor?

Yeah. I want to know
when I'm going to hit the high-grade.

Sick and tired of scrabbling for dirt.

- Mother.
- What?

I'm sorry, Mr Gukor,
but your future is uncertain.

- What does that mean?
- Sometimes the cards are unclear.

Mr Gukor, I just have a question.

Did you ever know a man named Scudder?

Yeah, I know a fellow named Scudder.
A real rummy.

Worked the Babylon a few years back.

Killed old Carl Butridge with a pickaxe

and it's the last we saw of him.


Just a question.

Who's Scudder?

Ain't you just full of secrets.

Hold up.

Hold up, goddamnit!

I know who you are.

But do you know what that means?

Tell me.

That's it. We're doing the blow-off.

- Samson said...
- I don't care about Samson.

We've worked tougher crowds than this.

And they would sell their mother
for a peek of Dora Mae's snatch.

Go tell her to get ready.

Now, fellas...

Mademoiselle Ch?rie is getting ready
for her special dance of the evening.

But because this special dance takes...

It takes amazing skill and coordination.

We're going to have to ask
for an extra 50 cents...

in appreciation of her talent.

This dance, gentlemen...

is a dance you will take to your grave.

This is a dance
you don't tell your mama about.

Right this way.

That's right, gentlemen, let's go.

Don't push!

Yes, sir, gentlemen!

- What are you up to?
- Get me off of here!

- You want a piece of news?
- Slow down!

Stop this thing.

That's it! That's enough already!

You boys move along.
There ain't nothing more for you here.

You're slewed, goddamnit.

You knew the rules. We had a deal.

Get the hell out of here.

Daddy, help me!

Get the tent.

Get back!


put this on it. It'll keep it from getting pussy.

Thanks, Daddy.

It'll be all right.

Go get Samson.

Lord! Put her over here.


"And on her forehead a name was written

"a mystery, Babylon the great

"the mother of harlots
and of the abominations of the earth.

"And they threw dust on their heads,
and were crying out

"weeping and mourning

"saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city

"'for in one hour

"'she has been laid waste."'
