Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967–1968): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Mysterons - full transcript

After a misunderstanding on the planet Mars, a war is started between humans and an alien race called The Mysterons. Thier first act of revenge is to try and assassinate The World President.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Narrator] The finger is
on the trigger,

about to unleash a force
with terrible powers,

beyond the comprehension of man.

This force we shall know
as the Mysterons.

(footsteps clicking)

(bottles clattering)

(cat screeching)

(lights popping)

(gun firing)

(one shoot)
(man groaning)

(deep drumming music)

- [Narrator] This man
will be our hero,

for fate will make him

His name, Captain Scarlet.

(suspenseful music)

This is the trigger, a
martian exploration vehicle.

Inside, three men from Earth.

- Well, that about completes
our patrol, Captain Black.

Once again, nothing to report.

- But those signals we
monitored at Spectrum,

they must've come
from somewhere.

Let?s just take a look
over that ridge,

and then we'll return to Earth.

- Okay, sir.

(light buzzing)

Will you take a look at that.

(tense, suspenseful music)

[Mysteron Voice] The
rest of the Earth

space travelers have arrived.

They too have a curiosity
about the universe we live in.

We must welcome them.

Let us take a closer look.

- Did they spot us?

(tense music)

They're gettin' ready to attack.

(suspenseful music)

- They're obviously hostile.

Okay lieutenant,
let them have it.




Wow, we'll survey the
wreckage Lieutenant then

collect a few samples,
and then return to Earth.

- I'll go get my space suit.

(rocks crumbling)

Look at that!

(electronic blaring)

- Shut down motors,
maintain radio silence.

- Let s get out of here.
- No!

(electronic blaring)


(electronic blaring)

- [Mysteron Voice] Earth
men, we are peaceful beings

and you have tried
to destroy us.

But you cannot succeed,
you and your people

will pay for this act
of aggression.

This is the voice of
the Mysterons.

We know that you can hear us,
Earth men.

Our retaliation will be slow

but nonetheless effective.

It will mean the ultimate
destruction of life on Earth.

It will be useless for
you to resist,

for we have discovered the
secret of reversing matter,

as you have just witnessed.

One of you will be
under our control.

You will be instrumental
in avenging the Mysterons.

Our first act of
retaliation will be

to assassinate your
world president.

(dramatic drumming music)

(marching drums music)

- Lieutenant Green.
- Yes, sir?

- Launch Angels one, two,
and three.

- Destiny Angel,
immediate launch.

- Spectrum is green.

(plane whirring)


- Harmony and Rhapsody
Angels, immediate launch

Angels two and three.

- Spectrum is green.

(cascading piano music)



- All Angels skyborne, sir.

- Captain Scarlet,

any new developments?

- No sir, preceding as
planned to rendezvous

with the world president
and escort him

to Spectrum maximum
security building.

- Captain Brown.
- Yes sir.

- [White] I'm putting you
in charge of this operation.

- Yes sir.

- [White] Captain Scarlet.
- Sir.

- [White] After the
rendezvous has been effected,

return here to cloudbase.
- Yes sir.

Wow, your first big
assignment, I wish you luck.

- Thanks, do you think
the president's life

really is in danger?

- Well, judging by what happened
on the martian expedition,

I'd say the Mysterons
have the capability

of carrying out their threat.

- If only we were fighting
something we understood,

something tangible, something
in three dimensions.

- I know what you mean,
we can only hear them

over our radios but
I've got a feeling

they're with us all the time.

(tires squealing)

(fire crackling)

(suspenseful, tense music)

(deep drumming music)

(adventurous music)

- May I congratulate you
on your escape.

You are a very lucky man,
Captain Scarlet.

Now, can I have your report?

- Thank you sir, the rendezvous
took place as planned,

all security arrangements
have been attended to.

The streets of New York are
cleared, our guards are placed

on all strategic buildings,
and the world president

will soon be entering the
city boundaries.

(dramatic drumming music)

- Yes, Colonel White.

- [White] Captain Brown,
our three Angels report

that they are now
overflying your motorcade.

(planes roaring)

- Spectrum is green.

- Spectrum is taking no chances,

- No sir, let me give
you a rundown

on the precautions we've taken.

If you look through your
window, you'll see that we have

armed guards placed on every
building along the route.

A Spectrum helicopter's
overflying the motorcade.

And the Spectrum Angels
are patrolling the area.


- Angels is the right
word for that team.

I'm most impressed by all the
precautions taken, captain.

However, I'll be happier when
we reach our destination.

We're dealing with forces

that we don't
completely understand.

(dramatic drumming music)

(slow, tense music)

- Just an electronic check, sir.

(chuckles) You're obviously
carrying no weapons.


(high-pitched whirring)
(bell ringing)

Okay, don't panic.

(high-pitched whirring)
(bell ringing)

- For a moment you had
me worried, captain.

(slow, tense music)

- We're nearly there, sir.

- Well so far, so good.

So this will be our home
for the next few weeks.

I hope you play a good game

of three dimensional chess,

- I play a very good game, sir.


- What's that?

(tense music)

- Don t worry sir, it's
electronic eyes.

They're watching our every move.

- Well I can see I have
nothing to fear

while I'm in the hands of
the Spectrum organization.

I was saying, Captain
Brown, I have no worry

while your organization
is looking after me.

Captain Brown?

Captain Brown are you all right?

(scary music)


- Cloudbase, there has
been an explosion

in Spectrum maximum
security building.

Report, total destruction.


(dramatic drumming music)

- And so, Mr. President,
the first attempt

to assassinate you by
the Mysterons has failed.

It is now our
intention to move you

to a new place of
maximum security.

But before we do so,
let's take a look

at what really happened.

- I don't understand, captain.

- You'll see in a moment, sir.

The pictures from the
concealed cameras in your suite

were recorded in another
building, so luckily they're save.

- Spectrum information
center, roll the videotape.

Roll on.


Roll on.

Right, try it now.

The first thing that
recording tells us

is that you only just
escaped with your life.

And the second thing it tells
us is that Captain Brown

had a bomb on his person,
possibly a trigger

to set off a larger bomb
planted in the building.

- The whole thing is
just incredible.

Are you suggesting that Captain
Brown was part of this plot?

- Captain Brown was one
of my finest men,

that is one of the few
things I can be sure about,

as of this time.

Since the Zero X mission
to Mars, there have been

a number of peculiar happenings.

Captain Black, who led
that expedition,

again a trusted man,
disappeared on his return

and hasn't been seen since.

And now this.

Captain Scarlet.
- Yes sir.

- You're to proceed with
the president to London.

And you'll be escorted
by the Angel flight.

The life of the world's
president is in your hands.

I do not have to remind
you that we are

fighting forces that we do
not understand.

Anything could happen.

(dramatic drumming music)

(plane whirring)

(planes blasting)

- Spectrum control.

- [Man] Spectrum New York
reports body of Captain Brown

found near scene of car crash.

- What does this mean, sir?

- The Captain Brown who
escorted the president

must've been an imposter.

Something must've
happened at that car crash

that we don't understand.

- But Captain Scarlet was there.
- Captain Scarlet?

Whatever happened to
Captain Brown may also

have happened to
Captain Scarlet.

Lieutenant Green, contact
Destiny Angel immediately,

and tell her to escort Captain
Scarlet back to the carrier.

Yes, sir.

- You are to return to
cloudbase immediately.

Captain Scarlet, did
you receive my message?

Cloudbase, Captain
Scarlet does not answer.

- Something has happened
to Captain Scarlet.

Somehow the Mysterons
have effected him.

That means the president
is in grave danger.


They're just crossing the
English coast.

Lieutenant Green, put me in

direct contact with
Destiny Angel.

- Yes sir.

- Destiny Angel, now
listen carefully.

I want you to make a
dummy attack

on Captain Scarlet's aircraft.

Open fire, and make
sure you miss.

- [Destiny] S-I-G.

- Return to base, Captain
Scarlet, you heard what they said.


Spectrum, this is your
world president speaking.


- Cloudbase, Captain
Scarlet and the president

have ejected, repeat, ejected.

- [White] S-I-G, survey
them on their descent.

Report on their
landing position.

- S-I-G.

- Lieutenant Green, get me
Spectrum headquarters, London.

- Yes sir.

Okay sir.

- Colonel White, Cloudbase.

Captain Scarlet and the
world president have ejected

approximately 60 miles
southwest of London city center.

Have the nearest Spectrum
Pursuit Vehicle

on the road immediately.

- [Man] Yes sir.

- Captain Scarlet and the
president have landed.

I can see their parachutes
in a field near the road.

Captain Scarlet has
taken the president

at gunpoint to a nearby
car, and they have now left,

heading in a
northerly direction.

- [White] S-I-G, pass
radio fix on car

and local map references.

Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle will be

operational in five minutes.

- S-I-G.

- Captain Blue of Spectrum,
pursuit vehicle A-6-9, please.

- Pass, please.

I see you have expert
ratings on S-P-Vs.

It must be tricky
facing backwards

and driving by TV monitor.

- [Blue] Ah, you get used to it.


(triumphant music)

- Captain Blue, Captain
Scarlet's vehicle,

white saloon,
registration C-R-2-X-0-0,

has just turned onto M21, in
direction of London, Car-Vu.

- Destiny Angel, I have
joined the M21.

I should make contact
with Captain Scarlet's car

in a few minutes.

- Rapshody Angel.

There are only two roads Captain
Scarlet's car cannot take.

One of them terminates at
London Car-Vu.

Peel off, and destroy
viaduct onto London road.

- S-I-G.



- Well done, Rhapsody Angel.

Captain Blue, Captain
Scarlet's car has now turned

off the M21 and is heading
toward the London Car-Vu.

- Spectrum helicopter A42,
divert to London Car-Vu.

- [Pilot] S-I-G.

- Calling the Spectrum
Angels, Captain Blue,

and helicopter A42.

Captain Scarlet is now trapped.

Soon he will be
climbing the Car-Vu,

and when he gets to the top,
that s the end of the line.

(tires squealing)

- You must be crazy, your
escape road is blocked.

Why don't you give up now

before it's too late
for both of us?

(tires squealing)

- Spectrum helicopter A42,
what is your position?

- [Pilot] I'm already.
heading for London Car-Vu,

we'll rendezvous in one minute.

(mysterious music)

(tires squealing)

(tense music)

- Captain Scarlet, this
is Captain Black

relaying instructions
from the Mysterons.

We taken over
helicopter A42.

It will pick you and the
president up from the sky park.

I will again remind you,

we must have the world
president alive.

- [Scarlet] The Mysterons

will be carried out.

- Captain Scarlet is
leaving his car,

they have the
president at gunpoint.

And they are climbing out
on the gated structure

at the side of the sky park.

- S-I-G.

(tires squealing)

Spectrum helicopter A42,
you know the situation.

As soon as you arrive, your
first target is Captain Scarlet.

And make sure you
shoot accurately,

he's right next to
the president.

Then, whisk the
president to safety.

All this if I don't get
there before you myself.

- [Pilot] S-I-G.

(adventurous music)

- Helicopter A42, I can see you.

I'll stand by while you
come in to attack.

You've got better
cover than I have.

You'll find Captain Scarlet

on the west corner of
the sky park.

A42, did you receive my
message, please acknowledge.

(gun firing)

Destiny Angel, helicopter
A42 is firing at me.

Must now be
considered as hostile.

- S-I-G.

(guns firing)

- Destiny Angel, come
in for attack.

Repeat, come in for attack.

- S-I-G.

(gun firing)




(building clanking)

- Okay captain, you don't
stand a chance.

You throw your gun away,
and I'll come in

and pick you both up.

- You heard him, Scarlet,
do what he says.

(gun firing)


- Okay, Captain Scarlet, it s
either gonna be you or me.

(guns firing)

(deep, mysterious music)

(Captain Scarlet yelling)

(mysterious music)

(triumphant music)


(heavy drumming music)

- [Angel] That is
definitely Captain Scarlet.

(heavy drumming music)

- Members of Spectrum, our
first operation

against the Mysterons has
been a success.

The world president is safe.

The man who hijacked him
and fell 800 feet

from the Car-Vu has
been positively

identified as Captain Scarlet.

What is even more
amazing, Dr. Fawn reports

that despite his fatal injuries,
he is returning to life

and is no longer under the
control of the Mysterons.

It would seem that this
Captain Scarlet

is now indestructible.

This presents us with a clear
and exciting expectation

that he will become our
greatest asset

in the fight against
the Mysterons.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)
Subtitles: Kilo

? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?

? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?

? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?

? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?

? Captain Scarlet ?

? In-des-tructible ?

? Captain Scarlet ?