Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 5 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Captain Planet:
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings

to five special young people.

Kwame, from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

From North America, Wheeler,
with the power of fire.

From Eastern Europe,
Linka, with the power of wind.

From Asia, Gi,
with the power of water.

And from South America, Ma-ti,

with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon Earth's
greatest champion,

Captain Planet.

The power is yours!

Mm, you could use a drink.

[ Squawking ]

I'm sorry, little friend.

I didn't see you.

Oh, don't worry.
I'll fix it.

It's not fair!

The powers of nature
are wasted on her!

If only I had them
I could...

MAL: Uh, Dr. Blight?

Dr. Blight?

What is it now, MAL?!
[ Chuckles nervously ]

Um, about salvaging
the equipment,

I'm afraid...

You should be!
Yes, Doctor.

Just save what you can
and leave me alone!

I'm conducting
a very important experiment.

An experiment?
Forget it, byte-head.

You're not going
to mess this one up!

Well, I think
we cleared the air.

Oh, not again.

Another underground
nuclear test,

how can people be
so irresponsible?

They don't know how much
damage they're doing.

But they go right ahead
blowing up their bombs.

I -- uh, Gaia, are you okay?

No, I'm really not.

And neither are the people
in that town!

An earthquake?

Yes, and they need your help.

We're on our way!

[ Chittering ]

Will people ever learn?


Someone is trapped in there!



[ Coughing ]

Are you all right?

[ Gasping ]
Yeah, thanks.

I thought I'd never
get outta there.

Hey, there's that
nuclear test site Gaia

was talkin' about.

Linka: That nuclear test

happened just before
the earthquake.

I wonder if it
could've caused it.

Good question, Linka.

there's no answer.

Oh, Gaia.

Sometimes I am thinking
technology is bad.

At times it seems
that way, Linka.

But it's not usually
the technology.

It's that people
often charge ahead

recklessly before
they have all the facts.

Hey, you gotta
break a few eggs

to make an omelet.

And some days I think
the only way humans

will ever understand nature

is to walk a mile
in my shoes.

Well, sister, if my
experiment is successful,

we're going to be
exchanging footwear real soon.

Ah, this baby
is my little secret.

Three, two, one...

I can't believe it!


[ Quacking ]

[ Barking ]

Ha! I did it!

I really did it!

It is good to be home.

Yeah, and I'm gonna
crash for 24 hours.

Wrong, bucko.

I've got plans for you!

Looky, looky,
mobile lighter fluid.

Now, for the laser.

Ready, aim, fire!

Now, I'll just turn it
over to Earth-mama

and her dirt brigade.

Hey, a welcoming committee.

And are we glad
to be here.

Sorry, Wheeler,
but there's a forest fire

raging out of control
and you're needed.

"We're on our way, Gaia!"

We're on our way, Gaia!

So predictable.

Well, I guess
it's up to me

to put some spontaneity
into their drab little lives.

I always wondered
how I'd look as a brunette.

Here goes nothing.

Move it, Fido,
while I give girly green

a case of the blues.


Where am I?

MAL: Dr. Blight?


Are you all right, Doctor?



It's -- I mean --
[ Clears throat ]

It's showtime!

[ Laughs ]

There's a disaster
waiting to happen.

I'd love to see those
planet-punks' faces.

Are you all right?

You can see me?

Is this hot, or what?

Is there a problem, Gaia?

No, just, uh,
keep in touch.

Well, ta-ta! Gotta go.

That was very strange.

Planeteer alert!

There's the fire!

Okay, let's see how
this nature stuff works.

I want clouds!

Wow, talk about
instant gratification.

Now let's really cook.

Wind! Thunder!

Oh, yeah!
Bring on the lightning!

[ Laughing ]

[ Squawking ]

[ Chittering ]

Oh! Huh?


Pretty good, huh?

With a little practice
and my scientific genius,

I'll do things better
than old sweetness

and light ever did.

Whip the world
into shape in no time,

now watch your royal Blightness

turn you into a flying monkey.

When I'm done, the Earth
will never be the same.

[ Laughing ]

[ Thunder crashing,
Suchi squawking ]

[ Panting ]

[ Laughs ]


By George,
I think I've got it!

Now, to figure out how to
give it to the Planeteers.

More, uh, herb tea,
Dr. Blight?

No --
[ Clears throat ]

No thank you, MAL,
but nice of you to ask.

Are you all right, Doctor?

I mean, you were
so angry with me before.

And now you're
treating me so nice.

Well, I -- I think
you've learned your lesson.

Now, let's review
what this ship can do.

But, Doctor,
you designed this ship.

Are you questioning
my orders, MAL?!

Perish the thought, Doctor.

Systems check
coming up, posthaste.

As you know,
this is

the fastest underwater ship
in the world,

with the capability
to transform

into a high-speed hydroplane
or a supersonic aircraft.

By tapping into spy satellites,

we can track the Planeteers

virtually anywhere
in the world.

Ugh, I am exhausted.

No, you can't come back!

Why not, Gaia?

Who, me? Uh, why not?

Uh, because of the,
uh, nuclear disaster!

Yeah, that's it! Yeah!

What nuclear disaster? Where?

Uh, I -- I'll get back
to you on that one.

Phew, that was close.

Let's see,
nuclear power plant...


Oh, Planeteers!

Ma-Ti: Yes, Gaia?

It's the Black Sea
Nuclear Power Plant.

Better hurry!

Oh, no!

"Oh, no"?

Aren't you thrilled?

Oh, never mind, MAL.

Just get that power plant
on-screen, pronto!

Whatever you say, Dr. Blight.

Hmm, there's nothing wrong
with -- huh!

I've gotta stop this!

Stop it? Why?

Because, uh, er,

because it's all part
of my new plan, MAL, baby.

We're gonna help the Planeteers

until they're convinced
we're on their side.

And then we crush 'em.

Oh, how deliciously
cruel, Doctor.

How deliciously you.

Hmm, isn't it?

Now get us to that
power plant, MAL.

[ Alarm blaring ]

MAL: Touchdown!

Think, MAL, think!

There has to be a way

to stop that radiation
from spreading.

Got it! We'll use
that radiation enhancer

we built for Duke Nukem!

Radiation enhancer?

You nearly pulled my plug
when the device backfired

and neutralized radiation
instead of increasing it!

Uh-oh! Planet-pest alert!

Perfect. Time to put
my plan into action.

Open the communications
channel, MAL, sweetums.

Planeteers, this is Ga--
uh, Dr. Blight.

I'm here to help!

Just watch!

I do not believe it!

The radiation level
is dropping!

Planeteers, please, trust me!

-I just...
-MAL: Emergency!

Neutralizer overload!

Radiation level's increasing
again, and fast!

We can't handle this!

But we know who can!


Let your powers combine!

Uh, let our powers combine.




By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

All: Go Planet!

Dr. Blight!
I suggest we leave now!

I suppose you're right, MAL.

So, the not-so-good
doctor's behind this.

I'll deal with her
right after I find a cure

for this malignant mess.

Oh! I'm feeling
a little lightheaded.

But I have just
the recipe to cure it.

First, I need utensils.

Some king tongs
should do it, har-har.

Sorry, people.

Too many cooks
spoil the broth.

A little cement
to seal in the juices,

about 100 metric tons,

give or take a slice.

What is Dr. Blight up to?

Beats me.
She's acting strange.

Gaia's acting strange.

I'm so tired, everything
seems strange to me.

MAL: Uh-oh!
Trouble at 6 o'clock.

Bad idea, Captain Planet.

Shall I fire, Doctor?

Or shall we
invite him to tea?

I'm afraid we have
to defend ourselves, MAL.

But be gentle.

This is gonna hurt me
more than it does you.

Oh! Mm, what's wrong with me?

What did you do to him?

Nothing yet, I swear!

He's falling apart
all by himself.

Something's wrong, Planeteers.

Unh, must regenerate...

The power is yours.

What happened?

It looked like
he just ran outta gas.

I'm glad to see you, too!

Blight [as Gaia]:
Oh, Planeteers!

There's a nasty
little oil spill in England!

You'd better get moving!

Oh, man! What's causing
all these disasters?

How should I know?!
Just fix it!

No, Suchi.
You stay here with Gaia.

Gi: He's flipped!
Let him come.

We've got to move.


Oh, they're good.

Too good! And it's getting
on my nerves.

So it's time to say adios,

[ Coughing ]
We're fried!

Look! Blight's ship!

This must be a trap.

I can live with a trap,
let's go!

What are you up to,
Dr. Blight?

First of all, I'm not
Dr. Blight. I'm Gaia.

and I'm Captain Pollution.

How can I convince you?

Suchi, no!



How can this be?

Somehow Dr. Blight
switched bodies with me.

[ Duck barking ]

[ Dog quacking ]

Mm, I think I am
beginning to understand.

Check this out.

Did Dr. Blight do something
to Captain Planet, too?

Indirectly. You see, he draws
his power from nature.

And with her in my body,
everything is off.


Now, to transform the Sahara
into a garden spot.

Am I hot or what?

Gaia: In her own warped way,
she may mean well.

But shifting weather patterns

will destroy the world
as we know it.

The plants and animals cannot
adapt to her rapid changes.

We must stop her!

You know the plan.
I'll take care of MAL.

Oh, MAL!

Yes, Dr. Blight?

Take us to Hope Island.
We're going to meet Gaia.

She's won them over already?

What a woman!
What a doctor!

What a villain!


We better hurry, Planeteers!

The longer Blight's in power,

the less power I've got.

Now, listen carefully, MAL.

When I get back,

that's when we put
all our environmental

cleanup plans into effect.

And even if I say something
different later, don't listen.

It's part of my scheme.

Y-you can count on me,

This isn't as easy as it looks.

It never is.

What are you doing here?

I've come for my body!

Buzz off, bimbo!

I'm not giving up
these powers!

Ooh! Low blow!

We must have Gaia
and Blight in view

in order to switch them back!

I hate doing this to me,
but here goes!

Guess again, Blight!


What's wrong?

You're looking pale,
Little Boy Blue.

Maybe a dip'll
do ya good!


I don't know how much
more I can take.

But I've gotta try.

Aw, how touching.

I have them!

Now, Gi!
-No, we can't.

We don't have enough power yet.

Please stop.

You win.

Just leave him alone.
Lightning will kill him.

Ooh, that's good to know.

Good-bye, Blight.

Good riddance,
Wonder Weenie!

It's working.

To coin a phrase,
the power is mine!

Oh! No!

I'm me!


[ Cheering ]

Some plan, huh?

Tricking Blight into thinking
lightning would hurt me

rather than recharge me?

And you put on
one good show, Gaia!

Your acting wasn't bad,
either, C.P.

Yeah, maybe I'll
finally get an Emmy.

[ Chuckles ]

So, Gaia, how was it
being mortal?

Actually, I discovered
just how capable people are

and how powerful technology
is when put to good use.

Blight: MAL, you idiot!

I command you to stop!

MAL: Certainly, Doctor,

just as soon as I've
carried out your orders.

But that wasn't me!

That was Gaia!

Take me back and I'll prove it!

Absolutely, Doctor.

Right after we clean up
that nuclear power plant

and replant
that clear-cut forest.


[ Growling ]

Nice doggy --
uh, uh, ducky.

Uh, whatever! MAL!




Go Planet!

Technology is a good thing
when used wisely.

Still, some technologies
cause pollution.

But engineers and scientists

are developing cleaner ways
of doing things,

such as alternative
energy sources

that pollute less,

and reusable and
recyclable products.

If you have a choice
between a product made

from recycled material...

And one that is not,
buy recycled.

Support green technology.

The power is yours!

Go Planet!

Toxic chemicals get shipped

through cities
and towns everywhere.

But many places
don't have plans

for dealing
with chemical spills.

Contact your mayor
or fire department

to find out
if your town is prepared.

Right, Suchi?

If there is a plan,
find out how it works.

If there isn't,
you and your parents

can urge officials
to start one.

Make sure your town
isn't caught unprepared.

Plan ahead. The power is yours!



Wind! Water! Heart!

Go Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet side *

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him
put asunder *

* Bad guys who like to
loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers

* You can be one, too

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!