Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 3 - I Just Want to Be Your Teddy Bear - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Captain Planet:
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From Eastern Europe --
Linka, with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

The power is yours!

[ Frogs croaking ]


[ Muttering ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Southern accent ]
Mamaw, what's wrong?

[ Southern accent ]
Shh, Lucien.

Evil spirit.

I saw him, the serpent god,


[ Creature growling ]

[ Bear growls ]

[ Bear snarls ]

The spirit has put an evil spell
on the bears.

[ Hisses ]


[ Both scream ]

[ Both breathing heavily ]

Wheeler: Man, cleaning up
that oil spill was a real bear.

[ Yawns ] I just wanna get home
and veg out.


Gaia: Oh, that's too bad.

Since you're so close
to New Orleans,

I was gonna suggest
you go to Mardi Gras.

But if you'd rather
veg out...

Mardi Gras?
The ultimate party?

Yes! This will
be great!

All right!
The Mardi Gras!

Let's go!

Have a great time,

You've earned it.

How about you,
Ma-Ti, my man?

You ready
to party hardy?

Actually, Wheeler, I would
rather learn about Voodoo.

And I can hardly wait
to explore the bayous.


I don't believe you guys.

Don't you know
the meaning of party?

Mamaw, why would Damballa
be angry at the bears?

It doesn't make sense.

I do not know.
But Damballa is very powerful.

I've got to find out

what's happenin'
to the poor bears.

If you must go,
keep your herb bag close.

[ Cheering ]


All right, guys,
I'm taking off.

You don't need
the Geo-Cruiser, right?

[ Laughs ] Why not stay here,
Gi? This is fun.

Yeah. Stick around.

The bayou will still
be there in the morning.

I know, Wheeler.

But the best wildlife
comes out at night.

You're sure right
about that.

Hey, did you see --
Yeah. I guess you did.

Uh, want a necklace?

I guess that's a no.

[ Chuckles ] Wheeler,
you're incorrigible.

But thanks
for the souvenirs.

Listen, everybody.

We will meet back here
at midnight.

Hey, Gi. Be careful
in the bayou.

Hey. Look out.
Believe me,

it's safer out there.

[ Bear snarls ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Creature growls ]



[ Panting ]

[ Frogs croaking ]

[ Hurried footsteps
approaching ]


[ Alligator growls ]

[ Coughing ]



Aah! Aah!


Quick, grab my hand!

[ Both grunt ]

So the evil spirits
or whatever

are takin'
our Teddy bears.

Teddy bears?

Louisiana black bears.

You see,
back in the 1900s,

Teddy Roosevelt
came down here to hunt.

But he wouldn't kill
a captive bear cub.

And it made big news.

So a toy maker
named a whole new line

of stuffed animals after him,
Teddy bears.

So that's how
they got their name.

Unfortunately, there are only
a few real Teddy bears left,

what with poachin' and
the bayous becomin' polluted.

We better find out
what's going on.

Come on.
My friends will help us.

[ Cheering ]


Ma-Ti, Ma-Ti!

Ma-Ti, this is Lucien.

We just came from the bayou.

Something's happening
to the bears.

Seismic party, folks.

Am I havin' a blast
or what?

Earth to Wheeler.

Can you land for a second
so that Lucien

can tell you guys
about the bears?

Well, you see, there's somethin'
strange goin' out in the bayou.

So my ma thinks
it's Voodoo.

Voodoo sounds a lot like
what our shaman does.

Well, to me,
Voodoo sounds bogus.

People often make fun of what
they do not understand, Wheeler.

Can we continue this
in the bayou?

We've got to find out
what's going on.

Hey. I'd love to go.

But somebody's gotta be here
at midnight

to tell Kwame and Linka
where you went.

So...I volunteer.

Catch ya later.


You know, I bet Gaia
could shed some light

on what's going on.

You rang?

Gaia, this is our friend

He thinks evil spirits
are stealing the bears here.

I don't know about
evil spirits, Lucien.

But I do know about
Louisiana black bears.

Their home is being destroyed
by land developers,

not to mention pollution
from petrochemical plants.

And they're a prime target
for poachers.

That's horrible.

If your evil spirits
turn out to be bear poachers,

remember, they're heartless.

Be careful, Planeteers.

Wow! And Wheeler doesn't
believe in Voodoo?

Something is down there.

Let's check it out.

It was right here.
I saw it.

[ Creature growling ]

See? That's what
I was talkin' 'bout.


Things are not
as they seem.


There is great evil.

But --
You don't know
the half of it.


[ Pig snorting ]

[ Pig squealing ]

Lucien: Run!

[ Darts firing ]

The evil spirits
will destroy us!

They are evil.
But they are not spirits.

Head for that cemetery.


[ All breathing heavily ]

I think we lost 'em.

Greedly: I don't think so.

[ Snorts ]





Oh, no!
We're trapped!

[ Hissing ]

I've got you
right where I want you.

[ Snorts ]

[ Squealing ]


[ Snorting ]

Glad you could drop in,


[ Laughing ]

[ Thud ]

Hope you planet-punks
aren't afraid of the dark.

[ Laughs ]

Gi: Ma-Ti, Lucien,
are you all right?

Lucien: I guess.

At least my flashlight
made it.

What's wrong, Ma-Ti?

I feel strange.

My arm is throbbing.

I think that dart
was some kind of a tranquilizer.

Let me look at it.

I got some herbs
my ma gave me.

They may help.

Oh, they are soothing,

like plants
our shaman uses.

I hate
to bring this up,

but the air in here's
not gonna last much longer.

Ma-Ti, you've got
to reach the others.

[ Weakly ] Heart.


Please, Ma-Ti.

You've got to try.

[ Groans ]

[ Jazz music plays ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Both laugh ]

Look at that costume.
[ Laughs ] I love it.

Wheeler, asleep already?

What a limpweight.

Uh, it's lightweight,

Never mind,
Mr. Party Pooper Scooper.

Is Gi back?

But she split again.

She met someone who told her
about Voodoo spirits

and zombie bears.

So she went back to the bayou
to check it out.

Zombie bears?

you let them go alone?

No. Ma-Ti went, too.

Wait. I hear...

Something is wrong.

I just cannot reach them.

The air's almost gone,

You've got to
keep trying.


Hurry, Planeteers.

Running out of...air.

That was creepy.

It's like they were...
Buried alive.

We must hurry.

How are we
gonna find them?

Gi took the Geo-Cruiser.

Our homing device
will locate it.

Let us hope
they are nearby.

Yeah. But how are we
gonna get there?

[ Boat approaching ]

[ Frogs croaking ]

[ Engine sputters ]

[ Engine stops ]

Now we'll never
make it in time.

Oh, da, we will.

Hang on.


[ Chanting in foreign language ]

Give me vision that
I may find my boy.

[ Gasps ]

Easy, to the right.
Now watch your left.

Go right.


You must help us.
Our friends are in trouble.

They are trapped
in some kind of grave.

Yes. I saw a tomb
in my vision.

A vision?

I don't think
she's gonna be real helpful.

Do not mock me, boy.

I will find my Lucien.

Lucien is with our friends.

[ Gasps ] Follow me.

I think I know
where they are.

Up those steps.
In there.

Gi? Ma-Ti!

They're gone.

Look at this,
and on there and there.

Beads from the necklace
I gave Gi.

It must be a trail.

And what is this?

Ugh! It is from
the bad-smelling place.

Petrochemical Plant.

We had better split up.

Linka and I will go directly
to the chemical plant.

Got ya. And I'll try
to follow the beads.

Good luck, guys.

Wait. I see something.

You may find
what you seek.

But you must look
beneath the surface.

Just let go of my arm.

[ Snorts ]
Come on, eco-geeks.

Keep movin'.

Why did you not leave us
to die in the crypt, Greedly?

[ Snorts ]

What kinda challenge is
burying someone in a cemetery?


Besides, I got a plan

that don't leave no unsightly
Planeteer pollution.

[ Laughs ]

Can't you zap him
with water or somethin'?

Not with my hands tied.

I don't want him to see
what I'm doing.

Got ya.

There you go,


[ Gasps ] Quicksand!


Now, ain't that
a beautiful sight,

nature takin' care of
the nature nerds?

[ Laughs ]

It does feel good
to recycle.

Yeah, boss.

Shut up and start movin'.

We got all these bears.

They're startin'
to make tracks.

Get it? Bear tracks.

[ Laughs ]

Linka: [ Speaks Russian ]
Mamaw was right.

This place smells awful.

[ Gasps ] Oh, look.
Paw prints.

Kwame: I would say we are
in the right place.

Gi, don't struggle.
You'll sink faster.



Whoa! Quicksand!

Oh, no! I --
I can't be too late.

Mamaw: You must look
beneath the surface.

Beneath the surface.

Gi's beads.

Hang on, guys.

Here goes nothin'.

[ Coughing,
breathing heavily ]

Untie me, quick.




[ Both coughing ]

[ Coughs ]
Where are Linka and Kwame?

They went to check out
some smelly chemical plant.

The Luhan Plant!
It's not far. Come on.

How could anyone
be so cruel?

Oh, poor little things.

[ Bears cry ]

We must release them
and find out who did this.

Greedly: [ Snorts ]
You just found him.

Shocked to see me?

[ Laughs ]

I got rid of two
of your buddies.

Now it's your turn.

Take care of 'em.
So long suckers.

Hit it, Rigger.



Get goin'.

[ Growling ]

[ Bear cries ]





Greedly has the bears.
We must stop him.

Ma-Ti: We are too late.


Uh-oh. Time for
a team meeting.

Let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!


Can't stop now.
Gotta plug a few leaks.


[ All cheer ]


Clean-up crew
can handle the rest.

Now to take care
of that big boar.

Your stock is dropping,

It's a bear market.

[ Laughs ] That's a lotta bull,

I've still got options.

you are barbaric!

I gotcha. There you are.

Easy, boy.

[ All cheer ]

Later, Planeteers.

Right now, I've gotta correct
an em-bear-assing situation.

there goes our profit.

But at least we got away
from that eco-freak-o.


Well, Greedly. Got yourself
into another tight spot, huh?

Must be hard to bear.
[ Laughs ]

[ Frogs croaking ]

Here, Gi,
this is for you.

Now that the bears are safe,

I'm gonna work
to get our Teddy bears

placed on the
endangered-species list.

Maybe you could use Voodoo
to persuade them.


Just kiddin', Mamaw.

But you gotta admit,
there weren't any evil spirits,

just evil people.

So, uh, Ma-Ti,
did you learn any Voodoo?

No. But I did
find you a present.


[ chuckles ]
Good try, my man.

But I saw the rubber snakes
back in New Orleans.

Hey. Maybe I could do
some Voodoo on it.

[ Speaks gibberish ]

[ Speaks
foreign language ]


What the...

[ Laughter ]
Linka: Oh, Wheeler!

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Toxic chemicals get shipped

through cities
and towns everywhere.

But many places
don't have plans

for dealing
with chemical spills.

Contact your mayor
or fire department

to find out
if your town is prepared.

Right, Suchi?

[ Suchi chitters ]

If there is a plan,
find out how it works.

If there isn't,
you and your parents

can urge officials
to start one.

Make sure your town
isn't caught unprepared.

Plan ahead.
The power is yours!

Gi: Careless development
has destroyed

much of the Louisiana
black bears' home.

And only a few are left.

Kwame: But in some countries,

bear organs and paws
are still in great demand.

We should pass laws to make
trading in bear parts illegal.

We should protect all animals
whose habitats are threatened.

Kids, write your government

Your letters
can save Teddy bears

and endangered animals
around the world.

The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!