Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 19 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers - full transcript

The Planeteers participate in Dr. Derek's latest experiment on the long term effects of pollution on the ecological system. In the midst of the experiment, Dr. Blight shows up ad traps them inside the simulated computer world. Now it's a race against nature and time to save their own lives.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From Eastern Europe -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!


[ Electricity crackling ]


[ Telephone ringing ]

Hello? Hello?
That's odd.

Must've been a wrong number.

Dr. Blight:
Hold right there, MAL, baby.

Oh, this is almost as good

as reaching out
and touching someone.

This is it, MAL.

Dr. Dimwit's finally
ready to select

the gullible guinea pigs
to participate

in her latest

And we're going to help her,
MAL, sweetums.

So reroute the data request
to me.

[ Beeping ]

So many fools to choose from.

But only five will do.

Of course, the Planeteers.

Why didn't I think of them
in the first place?

Ah, sometimes
I amaze myself.

Mission accomplished, MAL.

Get back here before
my quarter runs out.

Dr. Blight.

Isn't it exciting that
Dr. Derek invited us

back for another experiment?

Well, let's hope
this one turns out

better than the last one.

It has to!

Last time, Dr. Derek was

developing technology to try

and clean up pollution
after the fact.

Linka: Da. But this time,
she is looking at

where our polluting ways
are taking us

so we can prevent problems
before they happen.

Well, I'm sure
not lookin' forward

to bein' cooped up
in a lab all day.


You mean, you want us
to go in there?
[ Laughs ]

And you were worried about
being cooped up in a lab.

Well, bein' in the lab

is better than bein'
in that fish bowl.

That fish bowl contains
my experiment,

a simulation of what's happening
to the Earth's ecosystems.

So far, it's going very well.

But there are some tests
the computer can't do.

That's why we need
to go inside.

[ Suchi chittering ]

[ Laughs ]
I think he is wondering

how we will fit in there.

That makes two of us.

We'll enter
the computer world

through that
electromagnetic portal.

C'mon. Let's give it a shot.

Wait! Not that door!

We want the green one.
Where does this door go?

I'll show you later.

[ Beep ]


Welcome to my world.


-Oh, wow!

[ Insects buzzing ]

-This is amazing!

I don't think we're
in Kansas anymore, Such-o.

[ Suchi chitters ]

Actually, Wheeler, this is
a simulation of the whole world,

all compressed into
an area equivalent

to 5 square miles.

Over there, we have
a tropical rain forest.

And sitting right next to it
is a hot dry desert.

Then, a mountain, which
separates it from the tundra.


The colors are so different
from the real world.

Things may look
different, Kwame.

But the elements
will respond to pollution

the same as they do on Earth.

I've accelerated
the ecological process

to cover more than 300 years
in less than 2 hours.

[ Animal screeches ]

Easy, Suchi.
It is only a...

-Look out!
-Watch it!

What is it?
A flying predator.

Linka: A flying what?

It's a composite
of several predators...

[ Animal screeches ]

...which would all be
affected similarly

by the changing environment.

[ Animal neighs ]

Wow. Check that out!

Each creature in here
is a composite of animals

which share similar
biological roles.

[ Growling ]

Hey, look at him!

Careful, Wheeler.

Just because
they're simulations

doesn't mean
they're not dangerous.

We've entered the experiment

with conditions approximating

those near the start

of the Industrial Revolution.

So about the early 1700s?


And based on my calculations,

if trends continue,

pollution will destroy

this simulated world
in 90 minutes.

[ Suchi chitters ]

Will we be in here
that long?

No, Ma-Ti.

It'll only be safe for us
for about 30 minutes.


Whoa. Cool statue.

It's not a statue, Wheeler.

It's a marker.


When a species becomes
extinct in this world,

the last of its kind
remains frozen in the program.

[ Rumbling ]

-Whoa! What's goin' on?
-Ah! What's goin' on?

-Whoa! Ah!


Get back!

[ Indistinct shouting ]


[ Speaks Russian ]
What is that filthy thing?

The human factor.

This is the effect
of rapid industrial expansion

and unchecked
population growth.

Gi: It's destroying
the natural habitat.

Just like the real world.

More than 100 species
become extinct every day.

This program just compresses
the rate of destruction.

What a horrible waste.

Yes. But hopefully,

this experiment
will motivate people

to change the way
they treat the planet.


[ Beeping ]

[ Lock disengages ]

[ Water trickling,
insects buzz ]

I show significant
traces of mercury

and phosphates,

a high concentration
of pesticides

as well as unhealthy
bacteria levels.

Aw, gross!

The lake looked so clean
when we got here!

Dr. Derek:
The simulation's nearing
the end of the 20th century.

And according to my projections,
we're approaching the point

where the effects of pollution
must be reversed

if we're going
to save the planet.

Unless we start using
clean energy alternatives

and start
preserving nature.

The future looks bleak.


Look at that!


[ Insect chitters ]

Wheeler: Uh-oh. Looks like
that bug's about to bite it.

Unfortunately, the insect

becomes extinct
instead of dinner.

So the creature that feeds
on it has no food

and becomes extinct, too.

And without the animals
to help pollinate them,

the trees eventually
become extinct, too.

Gi, look out!

[ Gasps ]

[ Chatters ]

So you're friendly.

[ Rumbling ]



Look out!


Are you two okay?

I think so.

That was a close one.

[ Chatters ]



What's wrong with my ring?

-I will save you! Earth!
-Stop, Kwame!

Because of the time

your powers seem to be
exaggerated in this world.

You saw how much water
Gi pulled out of the lake.

Linka: What can we do?

Gi is in trouble!


[ Chatters ]

[ Grunts ]

Thanks, Wheeler.

We'd better exit
the program now.

The pollution is
becoming too intense.

We'll observe the rest of
the experiment back in the lab.

This is strange.
Something's wrong.

What is it, Dr. Derek?

The computer
isn't responding!

Dr. Blight:
[ Laughs evilly ]

Greetings, Dr. Dunce!

You and the eco-geeks
having fun?

All: Dr. Blight!

What have you done
to my experiment?


Well, just one
teeny-weeny modification.

You can't get out.

* Nya, nya, nya-nya, nya *

[ Laughs maniacally ]

[ Laughs maniacally ]

Bye-bye, bird-brains!

[ Thunder crashes ]

How do we get out of here?

There's one chance.

I built in
an internal override.

Where is it?

At the far side of the dome,

where the river
feeds into the lake.

[ Booming ]

Ah, give it up,
Dr. Dearest!

You're out-classed!

MAL, baby,
all this excitement

has given me an appetite.

[ Beeping ]

[ All whispering ]
The override is here.

But there's no clear path
to it.

We probably have a better chance
if we split up.

Gi and I will go
with Dr. Derek.

Continue to monitor changes
and save data.

Why bother?
If we don't make it,

at least the rest of the world

can learn from the results
of the experiment.

Lucky for them.

Too bad you can't save us
with the data.



This place
is like an oven.

That lake
is deteriorating fast.

We should take some
more water samples.





I can't believe it.

That's the creature
that saved me!

What happened to it?

High levels of toxins
have caused rapid cell mutation.

I'm so sorry.
Is this what is to become

of Earth's beautiful animals?

Dr. Blight:
Yeah, ain't it grand?

[ Laughs ]

This is almost as good
as a classic movie,

except I know
how this is going to end.

Time to channel surf.

Let's see how the other
little leaf-lovers are doing.

[ Animal screeches ]

Aw, man.
We're really fryin'.

[ Animal whines ]

This place is
a toxic pressure cooker!

Linka: How are we ever
going to get across?

We can look
for a place downstream.


No time!
This guy looks hungry.

And we look like dinner!

Thanks to the pollution,

we are probably
the only things left to eat!

[ Growls ]

-We need a bridge!
-And fast!


What happened?

Your power is distorted,

Guess I forgot.


Ma-Ti: We have to make
a run for it!


[ Suchi screeches ]

Hang on, Suchi!


Hold on, guys!

[ Grunting ]



[ Roars ]

[ Beeping ]
What's that?

Dr. Derek:
Something is very wrong.

The rate of destruction
just accelerated.

No kiddin', cutie.

And you can thank
the pyro Planeteer.

[ Laughs ]

[ All breathing heavily ]

[ Gasping ]

I must stop.

C'mon, Linka! We can't...

Hey, look! All right!

We're gonna make it!

That's what you think,

[ Beeping ]

Only 2 minutes left.

Perfect timing.

[ Wind howling ]

There it is. Hurry!

It's right in here.

[ Beep ]

This should stop the experiment.

[ Alarm beeping ]

What's wrong?

[ Beeping,
electricity crackling ]

Dr. Blight:
[ Laughs evilly ]

You didn't really think
I'd be stupid enough

to leave the manual override

did you, Dr. Dumbbell?


Perhaps there
is another way out.

Let our powers combine!






Captain Planet:
By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

And this gives
a whole new meaning

to getting into your work.

This is some toxic tub.

[ Beeping ]

There is less
than a minute left!

Isn't this great, MAL, baby?

Big Blue has arrived
just in time

to go out with a big bang.

Simply divine, Doctor.

I'll try to buy us some time
by putting out the fire.



[ Gasping ]

There's nothing else I can do.

You should save
whatever data you can.

I feel strange, weakening.

The power is...


-Captain Planet!
-What happened to him?

Aw, isn't that fantastic?

Count 'er down, MAL.

MAL: And a-five and a-four,
a-three, a-two...

The program is shutting down.
We're going to...

-What's happening?

[ Rumbling ]

[ Laughing evilly ]


[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Rumbling continues ]


[ Mechanical whirring ]

[ Moans ]


[ Rumbling continues ]

[ Boom! ]

Wow. Maybe I went too far.


[ Sniffles ]
It's so beautiful,

it nearly brings tears
to my eyes.

Well, all good things
must come to an end.

[ Electricity crackles ]

MAL, what's going on?


Sorry to shock you, Blight.
But the show's over!

H-How did you get out?

Elementary, my dear doctor.

You should know
that I can turn myself

into any of nature's elements.

And I always find
electricity enlightening!

You may have saved
your little blue booty.

But your chums
are charbroiled!

One might say
they were blown to bytes.

[ Buzzes ]
Wrong again, MAL-icious one.


[ Beep ]

You didn't think
I'd be stupid enough

not to have
a back-up plan,

did you, Dr. Demented?

But how...
It was something
that Wheeler said.

Since I could save data,

I realized it was possible
to route us

into a back-up file, as well.

Well, it looks like everyone
had a back-up plan,

except you, Blight!

Oh, yeah?

MAL, erase all the results
of the experiment!



So long, suckers!

[ Beep ]

Don't forget your flunky!


Cap, they're gettin' away!

Aren't you gonna
go after them?

What do you think,

I think we should
play a video game.

A video game?


This one's a doozy.

I called it "Pollution Eater."

[ Gasps ]
MAL, get me outta here!

I'm right behind you,

So move it or lose it!

Is this really what is going
to happen to our Earth?

Dr. Derek: I hope not.

But it's time
to stop polluting

and start protecting
the planet.

Captain Planet: And it's time
for each of us to do our part.


Are we going
to let them out?


Both: Mm, later.


[ Laughter ]

All: Go, Planet!

Linka: There are lots
of little things

each of us can do to solve
our Earth's problem.

Avoid one-time-use items.
Like paper cups.

And single-serving products.

Instead, use a glass

and buy in bulk
whenever possible.

Save energy by wearing
a sweater in winter

instead of cranking
up the heat.

Urge your parents to carpool
or ride public transit.

When we use less energy,

we reduce pollution
at the same time.

All: Go, Planet!

Wheeler: It's nuts,
But in the U.S.,

one out of every
four teenaged deaths

is caused by guns.

And the problem is no longer
limited to the inner city.

It now reaches
from poor urban neighborhoods

to the suburbs
of the heartland.

There is nothing cool
about kids carrying guns.

Many people have
given their lives

so we can all walk free.

Let's honor their vision

and work to put an end
to the violence

and create a world of peace.

All: The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
