Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 1, Episode 25 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers - full transcript

Wheeler gets his wish to see how those who were once his fellow Planeteers are living, but discovers life really has changed for the worse without him as part of their team. Gi lives alone on her island trying to rescue the last few fish species from extinction, angry with humanity in general since too few became Planeteers and the group failed. Kwame feels forced into, and accepting of, a position of constant battle to defend the few trees he alone planted from land-developers, thinking since nobody helped him before he can't possibly undo damage on a global scale. Linka works with her government preventing riots so all the masses suffering from global warming get enough from the meager food supply, and thinks Wheeler is insane since another's cowardice ruined any chance the world had by not joining the Planeteers. Ma-Ti, whose home was completely destroyed, lives among his starving people bringing out the kindness in others to support them, and despairs that since the rainforest cannot be restored, Earth's fate cannot be changed. When Wheeler finds that even Hope Island has been transformed into Greedly's vacation-center and Gaia is dead from toxic poisoning, he is desperate to reverse his act but doesn't know what to do...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From the Soviet Union -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

All: Go, Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!

Gaia, answer me!

What's going on?!

Gaia: You're in New York
35 years in the future,

right where
the time pool sent you.

But the city's trashed.

It's under
6 feet of water.

Global warming
melted the polar ice cap.

Every coastal city
looks like this.

But how did it
get so bad?

Why didn't
anyone stop it?

I told you, Wheeler,
because you changed history.

Dr. Blight tricked you
into the time pool,

sending you back to the night
you got your ring from me.

Dr. Blight said it was the only
way out of that cave-in.

Aah! Aah!






But you stopped yourself
from becoming a Planeteer.

Without the fifth Planeteer,
there can be no Captain Planet,

no one to stop Hoggish Greedly
and Rigger

from going back in time

to turn this planet into
one hot, steaming greenhouse.

This is the pits.

The Planeteers
have to do something.

What Planeteers?

Gi, Kwame,
Linka, Ma-Ti.

What happened to them?

They got 35 years older.

Tell MAL
I want to see them.

The time pool can take you
anyplace you want,

but I can't go with you.

And in an hour, you've got to
return to your real time.

No problem.
First, I want to see Gi.

Yeah, that's it.
Put me there.

These images
come from MAL's databank.

It's how it looked
in your time.

You may find it different
in the 21st century.

We'll see about that.


Wow! Looks like
the worst Hurricane in history

came through here.

We get lots of bad storms

since the polar ice caps melted
and sea levels rose.

But this one
is only half over.

We are in the eye
of the storm.

Gi, you're older.

I am told I look pretty good
for over 50.

Now, who are you,
young man?

And how did you
get on my island?

Aw, man.
But it's me -- Wheeler.

Boy, I've missed you.

I don't recognize you.

Of course she doesn't.

I changed history,
so we never met.

I guess you remind me
of someone I once knew,

someone who cared a great deal
about the planet.

Long ago,
I was given this ring.

I use it to help
whenever I can,

like saving
this creature,

one of the last dolphins
on Earth.

Last dolphins?

But there must be
millions of them.

Maybe 30 years ago.

Now they are one
of the few species

that are not
yet extinct.


[ Dolphin calls ]

Extinct? How?

Overfishing, pollution.
You name it.

Then why are you
living here like a hermit?

You could be out using your
power to change the world.

[ Thunder crashes ]

Oh, sure,
change the world.

When I was young,
I tried joining a group

called the Planeteers,

but not enough people

Not enough people?

That's why
I don't miss people.

Now, you had better
find cover.

The eye of the storm
is passing.

Gi, wait.
It's not too late.

You and I could still
be Planeteers.

Wake up and smell
the carbon dioxide.

It's too late
for this world.

It's all I can do to help
a few dolphins.

[ Thunder crashes ]

It's no use.

I'll try Kwame.

Can you find his village
in Africa?

That's it. I remember
all those trees we planted.

It can't have changed
too much.

[ Triumphant music plays ]

Kwame! Kwame!

Who calls my name?

You don't know me, but I'm
a blast from the past.

[ Buzzing ]
[ Gasps ]

Down, you fool.

shooting at us.

Ah, you noticed.

But they will not be
for long.


[ Rumbling ]

Hey, you sure
got rid of them.

They will return.
They always do.

What do they want?

This land, the only oasis
left in the region.

Look around you, boy.

Oh, no.

All the land here used to be
green and beautiful.

Now it's a desert.

Global warming
changed the weather.

The rainfall
moved away from us.

But we planted
trees out there

to hold the water
and stop erosion.

No one ever planted trees
out there.

What are you
talking about?

The Planeteers
helped you.

The Planeteers. Huh!

We had fine ideas,

but others did not
do their part,

and, eventually,
we went our separate ways.

I planted the few trees
in our village,

but I am only one man.

If others had helped me,

maybe we could have
saved much more.

[ Zapping ]

let me help now.

We can revive
the Planeteers.

We can do something
to save the planet.

Stop talking
nonsense, boy.

"Save the planet"!

I am in a war
to save this one oasis.

If you want to help,
then fight.

No, you fools!

Without these trees,
all of us will die!


He won't listen,
but Linka will.

Try her hometown
in the Soviet Union.



What's going on?

All the crops are dead.

And why are people
all bundled up on a hot day?

[ Russian accent ] You call this
a food ration?

I have been waiting
for five hours.

We want more.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

Silence, everyone.
Back in line.

We have little food,
but we will share it equally.

Do not make me use force.

[ All murmuring ]



Nyet. Nyet.

Put me down!


Are you insane?

Where are your protective
clothes and sunglasses?

Bring him into the van

But -- Hey!


Hey, lighten up.

Since when is not wearing shades
a crime?

Since the ozone layer
over the Northern hemisphere

was destroyed.

Where have you been,

The ozone layer

Then solar radiation
must be killing your crops.

And it will kill you

if you do not wear protection,
young man.

Why are you calling me
"young man"?

I'm a year older
than you.

he is out of his mind.

Lock him up
for his own safety.

No, no! Linka, wait.
I'm not crazy.

I know you.
You love birds.

You can play
their songs, right?

I used to love that,

but that was decades ago,

before pesticides wiped out
all of the birds.

How could you
possibly know that?

I knew you,
as a Planeteer.


Oh, there was supposed to be
an American boy like you.

But he lacked the courage
to join us.

Ok, maybe I--
he was wrong,

but you're wasting your powers

Wasting? If I did not
stop that riot,

there would be no food
for the other towns.

Be practical.

Practical? You're worried
about a few towns.

We need to save
the entire Earth.

Ha! Save the Earth?

You poor lunatic.

Take him to the asylum.

Asylum? No!

I'm not crazy.

Stop him!

Get me to Ma-Ti's tribe
in the Amazon rain forest,

and hurry.

Yeah, that's the place.

This can't be the rain forest.

There's been
some kind of mistake.

Ah, you were right--
both times.

This place cannot be
a rain forest anymore,

and this city
is a mistake.

Please, young sir,
some spare change?


Forgive me,
but if I ever knew you,

I have forgotten.

I find life is easier
if I can forget the past.

what happened to you?

The same thing that happened
to all my people.

Once we were happy
and healthy.

The forest gave us
everything we needed.

Then greedy men
destroyed the forests

to raise crops and cattle
and dig for gold.

For a short while,
they became rich,

but tropical soil
was not meant for farming,

and it soon gave out.
[ Footsteps approaching ]

please, some change.



Thank you, senor.

Here. Buy some food
for your child.

Oh, thank you.

[ Smooches ]

Ma-Ti, you could do so much more
with your power.

You could move people to care
for the whole planet.

Ah, you have much heart,
young one.

Why couldn't I have known you
when I was a young Planeteer?

Well, I, uh...

But you cannot
rebuild a rain forest.

It is gone forever.

And you think you can
save an entire world?

[ Crying ]
you were my last chance.

You can't give up.

Wait a second.
There's one hope.

Hope Island.
I have to see Gaia.


Oh, no. Not Hope Island.

It looks like Las Vegas.

I have to find Gaia.

Where's her hut?

Gaia's hut?
Oh, yeah.

You mean the place they store
the toxic waste.

Right over there,

Toxic waste?

Gaia, where are you?


Gaia, no!

Not you, Gaia!

You're the spirit
of the Earth.

Greedly: She was
the spirit of Earth.

Past tense, kid.

Hoggish Greedly
and Rigger?

How does he know us?

Do you think
he's a Planeteer, boss?

This is the 21st century.

There are
no Planeteers.

But we're going to
keep an eye on him.

You're older,
but you're just as vicious.

You did this to Gaia.

Hey, we warned her,
but she wouldn't leave.

We just stored a little
toxic waste in here.

Who knew it would leak?

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughter ]

[ indistinct talking ]

The place was a pigsty
when I bought it,

but now my customers
can wallow in luxury.

And glitter and glamour.

We burn more energy
than most countries.

I know.
That's why you two maniacs

went back in time
to speed up global warming.

[ Gasps ]
Boss, he knows

about how we got rich

and about the time pool.

A little knowledge
is a dangerous thing

for the brat
who knows it.

Guards, seize him!
[ Beeping ]


I've got to get back
to the time pool.

It'll close up any second.

Gaia, wherever you are,

help me get back
to the New York I know.

I want to get back.

I just want everything
back the way it was.

Gaia, please be alive.


Wait a second.

I'm back in the alley...

[ Siren wailing ]

...for the third time.

[ Wailing continues ]

There's me
11 months ago.


And that's me, too,
just an hour ago

and about to change history.




[ Both grunt ]

What are you doing?
Who are you?

I'm you but about
an hour smarter.

he's got the ring.

I've got to stop him.

I'm tired
of being a Planeteer.

I have to save myself.
The others can save the Earth.

That's what I thought,
but I was wrong.

Everything is connected,

so we need everyone
to keep this planet going,

including us.

I mean me.
You know what I mean.

I never thought of it
that way.

I know. I just hope
it's not too late to save Gaia.

[ Thunder crashes ]


[ Chuckles ]

[ Time pool humming ]

I'm back to my own time!

My insignia --
I'm a Planeteer again.

No, no, no!

You changed history
back the way it was.

I know.

Isn't it great?
[ Smooches ]

No, it's not,
you moron.

The air is almost gone,

and we're still trapped
in this cave-in.

Hey, Wheeler,
mind if we join you?

you're young again.

Try tunneling
for a couple of hours

and see
how young you feel.

But we sure missed you.

Ma-Ti, I was afraid
you'd given up on everything!

I would never give up
on you, Wheeler.

You are my amigo.

Hey, hero, did you have to
take on all those villains

by yourself?

Do not be so quick
to fight.

Man, am I glad to hear you
say that, Kwame.

This was Linka's idea.

She didn't care
how impractical it was.

She was going to dig
till she found you.

I would do the same
for anyone.

you had me so worried.

Well, well,
what a warm little scene.

Any more warmth, and the rest
of the ice will fall in on us.

Dr. Blight, you ready?

[ Both grunting ]


Quick, while those little
twerps are hugging each other,

we can take
a little time trip.

[ Beeping ]

All: Huh?

Greedly and Rigger --
stop them!

Too late.

We're going back in time,

to make sure you brats
were never born.

Linka: Teamwork
got us back together,

and teamwork
will keep us together.

Let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

All: Go, Planet!

Glad to see
you got in here,

away from that
nuclear power source.

Hurry, Captain Planet.
They escaped into the past.

Let's see if I can
turn things around.


[ All yelling ]

Stop, you vandal.

You're sending them
the wrong way --

ahead to the 23rd century.

That's right, MAL.

They're in for
a real future-shock.

It can't be any worse
than the shock I had there.

Don't worry, Wheeler.

Gaia! You mean,
you're not --

Now that you're a Planeteer
again, I feel just fine.

But there's still
a global warming problem.

What's going to happen
in the 21st century?

That's up to
the people of Earth.

Kwame: But what about Blight,
Greedly, and Rigger?

Show us their future, MAL.

Of course, madam.
Right away.

Man: As curator, I welcome
the Planeteer convention

to the Museum
of Ancient Pollution.

It is hard to believe,

but before the Planeteer
movement caught on,

pollution was a major problem
of the previous century.

Our guests today are three
stranded time-travelers

from that era.

I hate the future.

No poverty, no war,
no pollution.

What do they do for fun?

Yeah. All this clean air
is giving me a headache.

Mr. Hoggish Greedly.

[ Snorts ]
I miss the 20th century.

If we wanted a toothpick,
we'd chop down a forest.

[ Crowd gasps ]
If we were cold,

we burned coal
till the sky was black.

What's with you kids,

all this sissy worrying
about tomorrow?


How could such stupid,
selfish people

ever have had
any influence?

The time pool
is becoming unstable.

I can't hold it
in this time period.


[ Beeping ]


[ Beeping stops ]

Where did
the time pool go?

Into the future.

I'd say 5 million
or 6 million years.

Speaking of going
into the future,

it's almost midnight.

We're about to
start a new year.

* Should auld acquaintance
[ Keyboard plays ]

* Be forgot

* And never brought
to mind? *

* Should auld acquaintance
be forgot *

* And the days
of auld lang syne? *

Gaia, that vision
of the future we saw,

does that mean everything
will turn out all right?

The future is
only a possibility

until you make it happen.

Happy new year,

As always,
the power is yours.

All: Happy New Year!

[ Fireworks popping ]

I know we can make it happen,

and I'm proud
to spend New Year's

with the best friends
that I or this Earth

could ever ask for.

Planeteers: * We'll drink a cup
of kindness yet *

* For auld Lang syne

Happy new year!

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

[ Laughs ]

We all wonder what effect
each of us has on the future.

Every person can set
an example for bad...

Kwame: Or for good.

Linka: Together, with each of us
setting good examples...

We can save the planet.

And protect the future.

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
