Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 1, Episode 11 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers - full transcript

A boy named Jason tries to help the Planeteers fight Dr. Blight's latest creation - a Smog Blob monster. But the challenge may be too much for him to handle.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From the Soviet Union -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

All: Go, Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!

Any sign of Dr. Blight?

Not yet, but this is where Gaia
said we should look for her.

Your American
countryside is
beautiful, Wheeler.

Yeah, and I don't want
Dr. Blight to ruin it.

Keep your eyes peeled.

There's no telling
what she's up to.

Ready for my next
evil assignment, Dr. Blight.

You do bad so well, MAL.

No wonder you're
my favorite computer.

Go ahead.
Analyze the air.

Air quality good.

I hate clean air.

It makes people
so healthy.

But we'll soon have
a remedy for that, won't we,
my little microchip?

You're the doctor, Doctor.
[ Chuckles ]

Now to work...

although I really think of it
as playtime.

Are you ready,
my little smoglet?

I thought I was
your little darling.

Oh, you'll always be
number one with me, MAL.

But if my feeling is right,

this little smog blob
is going to create more damage

than anything
we've ever done!

All it needs is a tasty morsel
of carbon monoxide

to complete our final test.

[ Gasps ]
Here comes breakfast now.

Diesel fuel à la school bus.

Mmm! I love the smell
of pollution.

[ Children laughing ]

"Super Kid, boy superhero,

knew he had his work
cut out for him."

I want to read
that comic book, squirt!

Hey, give that back,
or you'll be sorry!

Forget it. You can only
read about heroes.

You're too chicken
to be one.

I am not!

Go get them,
little smoglet!

My invention's working!

My experimental smog blob

is absorbing the exhaust
from the bus

[gasps] and growing larger.

You want it,

Here! You can have it!

[ Coughing ]

Where did all this smog
come from? [ Gasps ]

I can't see where I'm going!

Oh, no! The brakes
aren't working!

What would Super Kid do?

Turn on the headlights!

No, don't!

That's the door!

[ Gasps ]

[ Coughing ]

Planeteer alert!

Someone is
in trouble!

I can feel it nearby.

That school bus!

It's trapped inside
a smog cloud --

a very unusual
smog cloud.

Hang on!
We're going down!

They are headed
straight for that cliff!




Way to go, Kwame!

Let's get down there
and see if they're okay.

[ Coughing ]

Out of my way,


[ Coughs ]

I don't know who you are,

but I sure thank you
for saving our lives.

No sweat, ma'am.
All in a day's work.

You mean you guys do hero stuff
like that all the time?

Yeah, pretty much.
We're the Planeteers.

Maybe we can use
some of your hot air

to blow the smog
out, Wheeler.

No, thanks, Linka.
That's your specialty.


Look! She blew the smog cloud
all apart!

Wow! You guys are awesome!
Can I join up?

I know all about
hero stuff.

Ha ha ha!
That's a laugh.

You're the one who let that smog
stuff inside the bus.

I didn't mean to.
Poor kid.

Those environ-meddlers
are always showing up

where they're not wanted.

Good thing they didn't see me.

Now I can rescue
my experimental smog blob

by reassembling
its basic pollutants

and taking it to my lab.

That's the last time

those Planeteers ruin
one of my genius ideas.

[ Chuckles ]

Blightmobile, away!

Linka: I still say that smog
was not normal.

Smog is smog.

Just to make sure,

I am going to test this sample
in the laboratory.

Well, I'm getting something to
eat 'cause I'm starving.

Me, too!

Is that your idea
of a practical joke, Ma-Ti --

throwing your voice?

Not me.


I think we have
a stowaway!


What are you doing here?

You won't send me home,
will you?

I want to be a hero
just like you guys.

That is impossible, Jason.

Our work is too dangerous
for you.

I have to take you home,

Gee whiz. I never get to do
anything exciting.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Since you didn't see too much
on the flight in,

I'll fly you home
by the scenic route.

Wow, Wheeler,
you're really neat!

Now, why can't you look up
to me like Jason does?

Some of us have

more important things
on our minds.

Dr. Blight: Are all
smog systems go, MAL?

Ready when you are,

Then let's turn my experimental
smog blob into a real monster.

First we pump in
concentrated exhaust fumes...

...then we add
pure coal smoke.

Now some nauseous
nitrogen oxides

and some
hideous hydrocarbons.

Then add the sunlight factor...


MAL, sweetums,
I think our little baby blob

is now a mighty monster!

A smog monster!
Ha ha ha!


Jason: This has been the most
exciting day of my life!

Glad you enjoyed it.

There's lots to see
from way up here.

Yeah, like that ugly cloud.

It's chasing
that airplane.

Clouds don't
chase airplanes.

Then what's it doing?

We're not waiting here
to find out.

If it is chasing that plane,
we've got to stop it!

Planeteer alert!

I wish Linka were here,

but our rotor blades
should blow it away.

All right! We did it!

Uh-oh! I think that cloud,
or whatever it is,

is about
to undo us!

I can't breathe!

The smog is
burning my eyes!

I can't see!

we're gonna crash!

[ Coughing ]

I've got
to pull out
of this dive!

Good work, Wheeler!

Yeah, but now
the smog thing is
going for our engine!

I don't think it likes
our solar-powered batteries.

It must need
exhaust fumes to grow on.

Look! It's going after
that factory smokestack!

Eco-copter to Hope Island.
Come in, on the double!

This is an eco-emergency!

I hear you, Wheeler.
What is the problem?

Take a look.
I'll get closer.

You'll have to see it
to believe it.

You're wrong, Wheeler.

I saw it, but I still
do not believe it.

Neither do I.

It's four times as big
as when we first saw it,

and it feeds
on air pollution.

I have never heard of
such a deadly smog!

Oh, yes, you have.

Remember that school bus
this morning?

This sample of smog
I took from it

has the thickest
of oxides and ozone

I have ever seen!

This must be
Dr. Blight's work!

We have to help Wheeler stop it
before it is too late!

Gi: I hope Wheeler
gets out of this okay.

We're gonna have to hold off
that smog monster

till the others get here.

Yeah! Let's turn that sky scum
into toast!

First, we got to get closer.

Bogey at 10:00.

Dr. Blight: No place is safe
from those pesky Planeteers!

Well, I'll just have to put up
a little roadblock.

MAL, sweetie,

give us rocket power.

Yes, Dr. Blight.

I'll give you enough liftoff
to make NASA jealous.

closing in, kid.

This situation calls
for a little firepower.

But --



Watch it,
you Sunday driver!

You've interfered with me
for the last time,

you fresh-air freak!

Dr. Blight! I should have known
that monster was your creation.

Thank you. It's nice to know
my work is appreciated.

Come to mama, Babykins.

They're getting away!
Hurry up and fire!


Hey! That's my ring!

It's dangerous if you
don't know how to use it.

The bad guys are gone.

Don't worry.
We'll find them.

They left a trail
a mile wide.

You're right, Wheeler.

That jet smoke will lead
right to Dr. Blight.

You can catch up with us

after you drop Jason
back at his school.

No way.
I'm coming, too.

I'm Wheeler's
right-hand man -- aren't I?

I think I'm gonna be left-handed
for a while, little buddy.

That burn on my right hand
really hurts.

I can't even
wear my ring.

Come on, Wheeler.
I will get the first-aid kit

and bandage your hand.

Now I'll be
a real smog-buster!

I just love
a good traffic jam!

It really fouls up the air.

It's just the thing
my smog monster needs
to grow big and strong.

Bon appétit,

Aren't you worried the
Planeteers will spoil his meal?

It'll be hours before they
figure out we doubled back.

Anyway, if they do show up,
it'll be too late.

My monster will be too strong
for them to stop.



see you, Wheeler.

Hang tough, buddy.


It's him -- the smog monster!

He's headed
for that power plant!

The smoke
from the burning coal

will triple
his size!

Listen up, Planeteers!
We've been tricked!

Return to the city, pronto!

I've gotta fly, buddy.
See you around.

Yeah, right.
See you around.

What's the matter, Mr. Hero?

You lose your wings

or your nerve?

I'll show them who's a hero.
I'll show them.

He's too big
for us to fight alone!

We need Captain Planet.

I just have to put on --

My ring!

[ Gasps ] It's gone!

It looks we fight this one
without Cap.

Those planet-loving pests
keep asking for trouble,

so I'm going to give it to them.

I'll just put
their little flyboy

out of commission for a while.

Mayday! Mayday!
I'm going down!

I hope this works for me
like it did for you, Kwame!


Kwame: The smog is corroding
that building.

Yikes! I jumped out
of the frying pan

and into the fire!

Have no fear!
Super Kid is here!

I'll just melt the ice in this
freezer car to stop them.

My ring! Jason, no!
You don't know
what you're doing!


Hee hee hee!

I couldn't have
planned it better myself.

They'll never destroy
my smog monster now!

Oh, no! What have I done?

Somebody help!

Jason! I've got to
help him!


The smog monster
just missed them!

Yes, but...

[ Roars ] it is coming after us!

The smog monster's
got me!

Wheeler! Am I glad
to see you.

Thank me later.
Right now I just need my ring.

Sorry, Wheeler. I thought
it would make me a real hero.

That's okay.

I just hope Ma-Ti is
tuned in to my thoughts

so we can call Cap.

Ma-Ti, this is Wheeler.
Can you hear me?

Linka: What happened to Wheeler?
I cannot see a thing.

And I cannot feel a thing.
The smog monster is too strong.

I will try to get us up higher,
to fresh air.

What was that?

We just lost
one of our wings!

Do not
tell me.

That is
the other wing.

It's this acidic smog.
It's eating through the metal.

We have to
get through it before...

Ma-Ti, Ma-Ti! This is Wheeler!
I'm ready to hook up!

We're above
the smog monster.

Wheeler is ready.
We can call Captain Planet.

Let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

Go, Planet!

We've lost power!

Have no fear,
Planet's here!

Ha ha ha!

Need a lift, Planeteers?

Now, if you'll
excuse me,

I've got to blow.

Wow! Even Super Kid
can't do that!

I've seen some monstrous smog
over our cities,

but this is ridiculous!

Come on, boy.
Here you go.

That's a good boy.

Now what I need here
is an air purifier,

and there's nothing better
than trees.

These trees
are gonna wash that smog

right out of my air.

I hope this idea
branches out into every city.

If the planet
had more trees,

we'd have less
air pollution.

"Leafing" so soon?

Ha ha ha ha!
Come back here!

I've got you.

Now to pour on the heat
and shrink you down to size.

Let's just wrap this up
and take it home.

Just what
this town needs --

a statue to remind them
to reduce toxic emissions

before they create
their own smog monster.

This was some exciting day,
huh, little buddy?

Hey, Jason!
Come back!

Where you going?

Now, is that any way
for a Planeteer to act?

Me? You called me
a Planeteer?

But I'm no hero.

Being a Planeteer
isn't always glamorous, Jason.

it's hard work.

Whew! You can say
that again!

When you see people
polluting our planet,

let them know
it's time to change.

Planeteer alert!

Planeteer alert!

Every day, do what you can
to clean up our planet.

Then you can be
a hero, too.

Go, Planet!

Gaia: So many cars.

So much pollution.

Smog is bad for
all living things.

But you
can help.

There are lots of ways
to get around

that don't pollute.

And when you get
your own cruiser...

Keep it tuned up
and your tires
properly inflated.

Remember, drive safe,
drive clean.





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
