Call the Midwife (2012–…): Season 9, Episode 3 - Episode #9.3 - full transcript

Lucille encounters a defiant expectant mother who is less than kind, Phyllis attempts to help an immigrant mother with an alarming medical condition, and Shelagh and Trixie put on a fashion show to raise funds for the maternity home.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The month of May comes differently
in cities.

Not for us
white blossom on the hedgerows,

bluebells in the woods.

Instead, the sun's rays burnish
bricks and mellow pavements.

Seeds burst into flowers in the
cracks between the stones.

Speedwell and bindweed bloom
among the rubble.

Good morning!

And what are these going to be
when they're fully grown?

ALL: Sunflowers!

Oh! I've come to check the
children's vaccinations

are up-to-date.

Rahul and Jalal.

They joined us a few weeks ago.

Brothers? Where are they from?

Sylhet in East Pakistan.

Their English is better than
one might expect.

And why is that?

Mother teaches us.

She went to a school.

She must be very clever.

And what does she think of
life in Poplar?


Well, they haven't had
any vaccinations here yet.

Were you inoculated
in East Pakistan?

Do you know what that was for?

I'll check at the surgery.

Thank you.

Nurse Franklin.

Just the person I want to see.

It's about the incubator fund.

Ah, is it still growing nicely?

Well, after our excellent start,

it seems to have stalled.

Oh, no.

We need to do something that
involves the whole community.

Remind them that any family
might need an incubator.

If we had our own incubator,

mothers and babies wouldn't be
going to St Cuthbert's

when they could stay here.

We all know the maternity home is
a valuable resource locally,

but it needs to keep up with
the times in terms of equipment.

I wondered if you could help?


Their clothes need mending

and they could do with
a few square meals.

Have you met the boys' mother?

That was the first
I've heard of her.

She did come with them, didn't she?
From Sylhet?

They normally do.

The fathers come here first.

Once they've got a job and
somewhere to live,

they bring their family over.

Yes, I'm aware, but who brings
the boys to school?

They come on their own.

Their father brought them
the first time.

I haven't seen him since then.

I do love surprises!

It's a bit difficult to know
what to wear.

I mean, it wouldn't be for me,

I think we're going
somewhere special.

Cyril is such a lovely young man.

He's been working hard at his
civil engineering examinations.

He has the last one today.

He wanted to celebrate.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

The mother from St Cuthbert's,
Mary Watkins, had infected stitches.

I had to refer her to Dr Turner.

She was sent home with stitches?

A lot of them.
She had a large episiotomy.

Oh, poor lamb.


She shouldn't be out.

Four days after giving birth,
with stitches like that?

She wanted to go home.

Hospital can be
a difficult environment.

So, a new mother is discharged
from hospital early, too early,

develops an infection and it's
down to us to pick up the pieces.

But this is the future.

More women than ever are
having their babies in hospital.

Well, it's different if they've had
several and know what to expect.

She really didn't.

She was soldiering on,
thinking it was all normal.

It's the lack of care
that's so upsetting.

Somewhere in all the notes, or...
or LACK of them,

we lose sight of the patient.

We have a woman in labour
in Cradock Street.

Susan Voller?

I saw her at the antenatal clinic.

Do you want to go?

Yes, it's her first
and she's quite young.

Would you pass the sandwiches?


Are you busy?

Oh! Always, in May.

The sun comes out and then everyone
gets out their summer frocks

and they all need sprucing up.

I'm hoping you can help me.

Oh, I'll try my best.

It's the incubator fund
for the maternity home.

We've still got a long way to go.

I'm wondering if there's any help
we can get from the council?

Ooh, let me see.

Excuse me while I refer to my file.

Thought as much.

Here it is.

Now, there's a fund I found recently
for charitable donations

and for every pound raised,
they match it.

That sounds wonderful!

Well, it SOUNDS wonderful,

but we've still got to raise
the money in the first place.

Last November,

we had our very successful
Ballroom Of Hope charity event.

But I really don't know
what to do this time.

I've asked Nurse Franklin to help.

Oh, well,
if Nurse Franklin's involved,

then you should be
doing a fashion show.

That's a lovely idea.

I'm just not sure where
we'd get all the clothes.




Oh, look at you!

It was a very speedy birth.

Three hours, from start to finish.

Hello. I said the same
when you were born.

Daft, innit?

Like they're going
to say anything back.

He is.

Look at him! He's saying,
"Hello, Granny!"

He's her first grandchild.

Oh, congratulations.

Good evening, Sister.

Good evening, Mr Robinson.

I'm afraid Nurse Anderson
is still with a patient.

May I congratulate you on
completing your examinations?

Thank you.

I gather this evening is
something of a celebration?

It is.

Would you care to come in and wait?

I'm sure she will return soon.

I should've done this ages ago.

When did I last wear this?

Perhaps you could donate them
to the fashion show?

Raise money for the incubator.

I would if they were fashionable.

There are so many new and exciting
designs coming out now.

What do you think of this?

It would look wonderful on you.

I'd need a month of paydays.

That's mine.

I know. When did you last wear it?

Sunday best?

Look, if we raise the hemline...
quite a bit...

Ooh! And add some smock sleeves,
using something like this...

New York, Paris, Poplar.

I think we have a theme
for the fashion show.

I...I must admit, I have never paid
particular attention to cricket.

I could say the same of football,
until recently.

Such wonderful pursuits

brought to our attention by this

extraordinary invention.

Perhaps I should leave these here?

I...I had hoped Nurse Anderson
would be here by now.

It's a bit late.

Thank you for introducing me
to the rules of cricket.

You're most welcome.

I must attend Compline.


I am so sorry.

They said you were with a patient.

A woman in labour. I couldn't leave.

I understand.

Now you're here...

Oh, thank you.

What was the surprise?

I was looking forward
to tonight so much.

Me too.

How about tomorrow?

I've got my evening class.

Oh, yeah.

I'll think of something.

But you can't miss
your evening class.

I've had a phone call
from St Cuthbert's.

Another discharged mother to visit?

No. One of their ward sisters
has been taken ill

and they need a midwife
to supervise the pupil midwives

until the Ward Sister
returns to work.

Nurse Anderson?

It would do you good to experience
the larger teaching hospital. Yes.

The little cottage hospital
I trained in was so different.

If you could hand over
your visits to Nurse Crane

so that you could get there straight
away, I would be most grateful.

You drew this up. It is quite long.

Think of us when you're
in your nice, warm hospital

and I'm bumping over
the potholes of Poplar.

I like my bicycle
now I've gotten used to it.

What's the matter?

I just don't know how I'm going
to find time to see Cyril.

He got a night in
with Sister Monica Joan.

Are these records up-to-date?

I'm sorry.

I'm looking for a Mrs Mohammed.

First name?


Mother to these two boys.

Who registered recently.

Lovely manners.
Their father brought them in.

No sign of the mother?

I'll write down their address.

I'm worried she's not here,
and if she's still in East Pakistan,

I don't know who's
looking after those boys.

Thank you.

Hello? Who is it?

Hello, young man.

May I come in?

I won't get through there.


I must have a cold coming.

Is your mother in?

You're not in trouble, I just...

Oh, Mrs Mohammed? I'm Nurse Crane.

I met your sons at school.

I'm a midwife and a district nurse.

Your sons said
you taught them English.

In East Pakistan.

A little.

You've done very well.

May I?

It's a lovely day.

I'd like you two
to play outside for a bit

while I talk to your mother.

Take your football.

Nowhere near my car.

Please, sit down.

Mrs Constance Blair?

Only my mother called me Constance.

It's Connie.

I am the midwife in charge.

This is pupil midwife Hoskins,
who I am supervising.

Would you like to be called Connie?

No. You can call me Mrs Blair.

How come she's in charge?

I am the qualified midwife,
Mrs Blair.

I haven't seen you before.

How long you been here?

It's my first day on the ward.

But I have years of experience
as a nurse and midwife.

That's why I'm here
in a supervisory capacity.

How are you feeling?


You're on bed rest
because your waters broke?

It's all in my notes.

Could you check Mrs Blair's
pulse and temperature?

If you could just pop this
in your mouth for me.

You're supposed to keep
your personal items tidy.

There are magazines on the floor
and your vases are a hazard.

Yeah, well...

Please, don't try to talk.

Mrs Mohammed,
I'm very worried about you.

Are you having trouble
getting to the toilet?

If you can't control your bladder,
you may have an infection.

You must come to the surgery.

The doctor can give you medicine.

No. I cannot.

Why do you ask about the boys?
They are clean.

When does your husband finish work?

He live with friends now.

Not here.

I don't understand.

Mrs Mohammed...

..have you been outside much?

Have you been outside at all?

I am dirty.

That's not true.

My husband says
the smell is very bad.


Oh! Sorry, sorry!

Don't apologise.

Please, go. Please.

You go and change clothes.

I'll clean up here and then I'll go.

But I'm coming back.

You're not dirty.

You're unwell.

There's no shame in that.

Mrs Marlow, how are you getting on
with feeding baby?

It's hard to get her latched on,
and then it hurts.

There's not much time
to get it right, is there?

I'll be home soon.

We can help you while you're here,

but is there anyone at home to help?

My mum's coming to stay.

This is your first baby.

You're both learning.

Your mother will have been the same.

I came to her when I was two.

I'm adopted.

She was so happy when she found out
I was having a baby.

I don't want to let her down.

What do you mean?

Mum didn't have a newborn
to look after.

I thought it would all come

You're not letting anyone down.

You're learning.

She doesn't know what it's like.

Breast-feeding, settling her...

That's exactly what we need,
a cup of tea.

So, we have a theme
for our fashion show?

We take old clothes, they might need
mending, or just aren't

in fashion any more, and we alter
them to bring them up-to-date.

A bit like, "Make do and mend."

More exciting than that.

"Darn and dazzle."

"Style on a shoestring."



My apologies, but I need an urgent
word with Doctor Turner.

Oh! Now, I'm after some boys'
clothes for an immigrant family.

There's nothing decent in
the Nonnatus House charity box.

Is there anything here? How old?

Eight and ten years old.

They want something
to keep them warm.

I've drawers full of Timothy's
clothes he's outgrown.

Thank you.

Nurse Crane would like a word.

Of course. Thank you.

So, we need everyone to donate
clothes they don't want,

then get businesses, factories,
market traders to give us

older stock, seconds...
spare fabric.

Violet will know where to go.

I'm early.

I'm ready.

You look beautiful.

Then let's go.

I wasn't able to examine her,
but when she stood up,

there was urine at her feet.

Her skin was excoriated
all the way down to her ankles

and the smell of stale urine
in the flat was dreadful.

The incontinence could be
a urinary tract infection.

They can be very nasty
if they're not treated,

but it sounds like
something more sinister.

She should come in and register.

I don't think she can.

I'm not sure she's been out
since she arrived here.

When was that?

Her husband and children
registered several weeks ago.

I want to see her again tomorrow.

If you go after clinic,
I'll join as soon as I can.

She may need antibiotics.


I had no idea there's a cafe
serving Caribbean food.

I'm so pleased you like it. Mm-hm.

I heard about this place
from Albert at the social club.

It tastes like home.
I've missed it so much.

And I've missed you.

We've hardly seen each other
this last month or two.

We're working hard.

That's why we came here.
It wasn't for the weather.


I've got used to that.

It's other things catch me out.
Like what?

One of my patients at the hospital

today was clearly expecting
a white midwife. Hmm.

What did you do? My job.

I'm very proud of you.

You're taking on a new challenge
at the hospital.

It makes me feel like I should be
brave about something I want to do.

Like what?

I haven't said anything at church.

But I feel called on to preach.

That's wonderful!

I'm not sure I am brave enough.

The Lord has given you a voice

and if you are called,
He will give you the courage.




I'll put these boxes out so women
at the clinic can drop off

old clothes, pick up
something they can use.

I've a few things
the girls have outgrown.

Violet's offering a discount
at the shop for anyone entering.

That's very supportive of her.

Nurse Crane.

I found a few things.
For the boys you mentioned.

Heavily darned,
but perfectly serviceable.

And plenty of socks.

I don't know what boys do to socks.

Thank you.

I think this family needs
all the help it can get.

I can't go home. I'm not ready.

If your mother is there
to look after you...

I thought I had at least
five days in here.

There is a constant demand for beds
on the postnatal ward.

So I have to go home tomorrow?

I won't be able to cope.

I come bearing gifts.

A few things for the boys.

How are you?

Well, thank you.

You definitely have a fever.

I've asked the doctor to come out
and see you. He will help you.

You are ill, and we can help.


Come through.

Mrs Mohammed, this is Dr Turner.

Please, don't get up.

Mrs Mohammed, we know that
you're ill and we're here to help.

I'm sorry.
There's no need to apologise.

When did it start?

After the baby.

What baby?

She died.

When? Three months ago.

In East Pakistan?

I'm very sorry, Mrs Mohammed.

What happened?

She was a long time coming.

How long? Four days.

Did you go to a hospital? No.

No hospital.

Was there anyone there with you?
Yes. My husband's mother helps.

And after the baby,
is that when all this started?

My family, my husband's mother,

my husband are angry.

With you?

He was sad for the baby.

But the smell is very bad.

He says I must clean and wash.

And you do. That's not the problem.

We can help you.

But I need to examine you.

I will be very careful. No...

Mrs Mohammed, I'm a doctor.
No more. I'm sorry.

You are very unwell.

I think you have an infection

and I'm concerned
it may affect your kidneys.

If the infection spreads,
I can give you some antibiotics now.

Some medicine to help. No, no, no!



It's been a long day.


Is the television broken?

I can see Sister Monica Joan
isn't here.

She'll be down in a minute
and that's the radio turned off.

How is Mrs Mohammed?

I'm afraid she's not
in a good way at all.

And really struggling to understand.
Poor woman.

Do we know any other Sylheti
mothers? Maybe they can help?

I think we need to find
her husband first, if we can,

but if not, then we'll need
another solution very quickly.

Won't the boys know
where their father is?

Well, that's just what
I'm hoping will be the case.

Excuse me, please.

I'd like to speak to
Rahul and Jalal Mohammed

somewhere quietly, if I may.
Yes, of course.

Rahul? Jalal?

I'm afraid your mother
isn't very well

and I need to speak to
your father for help.

Do you know where your father works?

If you can try and remember it would
be a great help to your mother.

Big building.

Have you been there?

What's it called? I don't know.

Could you take me there?


What is it?

He knows where he lives. Ah.

Mrs Blair. How are you?


Not long to go now.
My other two were late.

I've got backache from
lying around, I can't sleep

because of all the snoring...

You've got backache?

I just said, didn't I?

Can I check your pad? No.

I need to see what colour it is.
I said, no!

Mrs Blair, I am here to help you.

Well, tidy that lot up, then.

I am not a cleaner.

Very well.

Wait, what are you doing?

This is a hospital, not
a lending library. Those are mine!

You are on bed rest.
Can you please stay in bed?

How can I tidy up
if I can't get out of bed?

Mrs Blair, can you please stay...
Give them back!


Have a seat on the chair, Mrs Blair.

We'll change your bed
and your nightgown.

I can see you're in pain.

Can I feel your abdomen?


Mrs Blair, you're having
a contraction.


Midwife calling!


How are you, Mrs Marlow?
She's feeding better.

It's non-stop, though.

And she's bringing up a lot.
That's quite normal.

And it's hard work for Shirley.
She's exhausted.

Mum, don't worry yourself.

I thought perhaps a...bottle
might give her a break.

There's not much I can do otherwise.

As soon as this baby's
fed and winded,

you could take her out in the pram.

And your daughter can get
a well-earned rest,

baby will sleep like a log,
and get some fresh air too.

Show me how you're winding her.
You can try several ways.

You're doing very well.

You do know Shirley's adopted?

I couldn't have a baby of my own.

And you're doing very well too,
Mrs Thomas.

This baby is a very lucky
little lady.



I'll get the pram ready.

I'm looking for Mr Ayub Mohammed.
May I come in?


Mr Mohammed? I am Nurse Crane,
from Nonnatus House.

Do you speak English? Yes.

Your sons have brought me here
because your wife is ill.

I need your help.

My wife isn't here. Yes, I know.

I'll put this plainly, Mr Mohammed.

Your wife needs medical assistance.

We need to communicate
that with her.

You have a responsibility
to your family, to your wife

and to your sons.


All right. I'll come.


OW! Sorry.

Put your arms down.


Sister Frances, can I add this
to your pile? Course!

Is that my old blouse? It was.

I'll put it on the
"smart day wear" rail.

This is from the Institute.

There's another one outside.

Now, I recognise this wool.

This is Lavender and Dark Turk.
Oh, they match.



Do I have to?

Now then, some of the larger ladies
that come into my shop would be

very grateful for a garment
this size in high summer.

We said, "Something for everyone."

If this just had
a Peter Pan collar. Ooh!

How about this?


I'll get the other box in.

Yeah, I'll give you a hand.

May I put the kettle on, Mrs Turner?
Oh, yes, please.

Could you please just
translate what we say?

You have been through
a very difficult birth.

And you've lost a baby.

And you've been on your own
without family support.

Please can you translate,
Mr Mohammed?

Mr Mohammed,
we asked you here to help.

Now, please,
could you tell your wife

her condition mustn't get any worse.

Please tell your wife
we need to know what's wrong.

We can't let her suffer in silence.

Mrs Mohammed, would you let
Nurse Crane examine you?

In private. I could wait out here.

Uh... Your sons need you.

They need you to get well.

Thank you.

Brave lass.


I've had two babies at home.

All I had to do was walk from
the living room to the bedroom.

And no-one made me
sit in a wheelchair.

You're very lucky to be in a modern
hospital with everything you need.

Here you are.

I'll need to talk to Dr Turner
while I'm examining you.

Can you hear me, Dr Turner?

Perfectly, thank you.

Let's get these undergarments off.

Oh, you've been using towels?
And newspaper.

It's soaked through.

That can't be comfortable.

Now, can you move your knees
a little apart for me?

Ooh, you poor lass, that looks sore.

The skin is broken.

And the sores appear to be infected.

She'll need barrier cream
and antibiotics.

I'm going to take a closer look.

If you want me to stop, just say.

The vulva is excoriated

and there's urine
leaking from the vagina.

There may be a fissure.

Between the vagina and the bladder.

All intact so far.

Now...there's an opening
in the anterior vaginal wall.

Quite high up. Close to the cervix.

How big is it?

Two or three inches.

No wonder she hasn't any control.

The urine is very dark.

She's probably been restricting
her fluid intake.

Which makes a urinary tract
infection more likely.

And everything more painful.

Well done. All over.

Oh, it hurts!

You're three quarters dilated.

That's why we're going to
the labour ward. Where is it?

One floor down.

Can you go down the stairs and
get the delivery room ready, please?

Why is it so far away?
We'll be there in no time.

We think you have a fistula.

That's an opening between your
birth canal and your bladder.

You were in labour for too long.

Your baby couldn't move
and you were injured.

But you can have surgery,
an operation,

which will repair the damage.

You can go to hospital here
and be mended.

No. No hospital.

You can't live like this.

You come, please?

With you, to hospital?

Of course, I'll come with you.

I'll make an urgent referral
to St Cuthbert's,

for gynaecological surgery.

Thank you.

Are we there? It's murder
on this chair. Not quite.


What's happening?

Has it broken down?

Hello! Excuse me!


Hello! I have a lady in labour.

And I think the lift has got stuck.

Could you please get help?
Right away!


It's all right.

It's all right, Mrs Blair.

I want to clean up those sores,
put some cream on them

so we can start making you feel
more comfortable.

Can I boil your kettle?

No, don't get up! You sit down.

Lie down, if you like.
I'll get you a towel.

It's getting late. I'll see what
those boys can have for supper.

They eat like horses, that age!

And breathe slowly out.


Well done.

The fire brigade are coming!

Can you get me a delivery pack,
some towels,

syntometrine and size seven gloves,

I'm not having a baby in a lift!

I'm sure we will be
moving any minute.

Fire brigade, miss! Thank goodness.

Can you get us moving again?
We'll try the doors.

That'll be the quickest way out.

There is a woman very close to
giving birth in here.


Children's clothes.

Should I put knitted items in here,
or in with woollens?

If it's small, in children's.

How are the accessories going,

Scarves could do with an iron.

Ah, Dr Turner said that Mrs Mohammed
has agreed to surgery.

Yes, thank goodness.
Well done, Phyllis.

A lot of last-minute donations
at Nonnatus House.

It's wonderful what
everyone's come up with.

To think we were worried
we wouldn't have enough.

We've got more than enough.

What can I do?
Everything needs a price.

Ooh, I've got labels
and some string. Excuse me.

It's got to be affordable.

Everything a shilling?

Some are worth far more than that.

This is a work of art.

Just wait until you see
my haute couture outfit

I've been working on.

We are supposed to be raising money.

We'll have three price tiers,
and accessories separate.

Fancy items, top price, ten bob.

Everything else, half a crown,

children's all a shilling.

The Women's Institute are doing
the cakes so it'll be a slice

and a cup of tea for thruppence.

And entry fee, sixpence.

That actually quite suits you.

What about...?

Yes! Yes! Yes.


Very Jean Shrimpton. Stop it!

Help! Sorry,
can you stay back, please?

No, she's got
a delivery pack for me.

You'll have to unpack it
and let me pass it in.

If the lift drops suddenly,
you could lose your hand.

If the lift drops?! Ready?

It's jammed.

We'll have to take a look at
the winding mechanism,

see if we can get it
moving that way.

Hopefully, we can get to it
from the floor above.

You'll have to stay here,
anything needs passing in.


Good evening, Sister.
Is Nurse Anderson in?

Oh, I'm afraid not.

I thought her hospital duty
would've finished by now.

It appears she has been
detained again.

Would you like to come in and wait?

Hopefully she will return soon.

Thank you.

Don't leave me.
I couldn't if I tried!

I am never having
another baby in hospital.

I'm never having
another baby at all.

You had all your others at home?

Where is home? Lingdale Street.

Near the baths? I know it.

It's a tiny flat. But I've got
everything where I like it.

I've got pots on the windowsill,
full of lavender.

I love lavender. I feel safe there.

You're safe here. Stuck in a lift?

That's it, just breathe through it.

I hate being in hospital.

I feel like a child.
Being told what I can and can't do.

It's for your own good. Oh, God,
that's what my mother used to say.

She had all these rules.

We'd get a right thrashing
if we got it wrong.

Just made me feel
I couldn't do anything right.

There are a lot of rules here.
It can feel a bit impersonal.


There's an exciting film series
on television.

Tonight's episode is
A King's Ransom.

The main character is
called Harry Lime.

A most contradictory person.


Mrs Blair, your baby is coming.

I need you to sit right on the edge
of the chair so I can help you.


I can't do this! Yes, you can.

You've done it twice before
and it gets easier.

You are a very strong woman.

You are in charge. You can do it.

The baby is coming.

Mrs Blair,
hold your breath and push.

Take a breath, push again.

Put all your effort into that push.

Well done.

One more time.

What's he going to do now?

That's the dilemma.

They always have a dilemma.


Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly.


Your baby girl. Is she all right?

Strong and loud. Like her mother.

Thank you. You're welcome.


Could I have some syntometrine,


We need another ampoule of
syntometrine, please.

I'd like to get the placenta
delivered quickly

and minimise the risk of bleeding.

What do you need?

It's for Mrs Mohammed.

I thought there might be
something here she could use.

For a sari? Mm.

You know I nursed my mother
through her later years.

She endured all the privations
of age. Including incontinence.

She always wanted to look smart.

Violet gave us some lovely material.

Ooh. That'll do just right.

Why has the afterbirth not come yet?

Don't worry. This will sort it out.

I've been horrible to you.
Mrs Blair... Connie.

Hmm. Connie.

I was just lashing out.

I just didn't want
to be told what to do.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realise you were
so unhappy here.

I couldn't've done this without you.

Time for a fresh start.


Better late than never!



I am afraid our viewing
must come to an end.

Of course. I forgot the time.

All the wonders of the world
brought here, so inspiring.

Oh, I'm so sorry Nurse Anderson
has not returned...

..but it has been a pleasure
to have had your company.

Not at all.
The pleasure was all mine.

Nurse Anderson, it appears you have
made the East London Gazette.

"'We wouldn't be here without
the wonderful Nurse Anderson,'

"says new mum Constance Blair."

It makes me shiver
thinking about it.

You've had quite the adventure.

I always found hospital work to be

a little more predictable
than our work here.

I just did what we'd all do.

Shirley Marlow's coming along well.

She's managing to breast-feed

with ease and getting more confident
all round. I'm so pleased.

I'm accompanying Mrs Mohammed
to hospital this morning.

I know it's not what we normally do,
but it needs to be done.

Sometimes we must make allowances.

Things are changing in Poplar.

In time, we may not be able to see
all mothers through their pregnancy.

Wise words indeed.

I wonder if I might suggest
something to help our patients

when they come out of hospital.

It would be extra information
that we, as district midwives

and nurses, should know.

The full discharge letter,
combining the summary of care

and the letter to the GP, could be

written in triplicate,
with one copy coming to Nonnatus.

As you gave us for Shirley Marlow?

Yes, but there was nothing
in writing.

I was lucky to have her
as a patient in hospital

and to be part of the team here.

It's a very good idea.

I'll speak to St Cuthbert's.
Thank you.

I'm very grateful I've had

the opportunity to work
at St Cuthbert's,

but I feel at home here.

With respect, you have built a
community of care at Nonnatus House.

I will be very glad to be back
with you all next week. Thank you.

Now, a present for you. For later.

If the surgery is successful,

your wife will be able to live
a normal life.

She was very brave and, honestly,
I didn't know what was wrong.

When she arrived here she'd been on
a boat for several weeks,

like I was.

The smell was very bad.
I didn't know she had an injury.

Neither did she.

I didn't know what to do.
Neither did she, Mr Mohammed.

But once you'd left her,
she had no-one to help.

It was fear that made me
turn my back.

If she had the baby here,
the baby would be alive.

And my wife would be well.
Possibly, yes.

But you have two fine sons,
Mr Mohammed.

I hope you can make a home for them,
and your wife.

Well done. I'm proud of you.
Oh, thank you!

Thank you.

They've all read about you
in the newspaper.

I posted my copy to my mother.
I've got a spare.

Several, actually.

You must've been so scared.

I didn't really think about it
at the time, I just did my job.

As a community midwife, you have
to rely on your own resources

and have faith in yourself.

And so must you.

You are an inspiration,
Lucille Anderson.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
and I am delighted to see

so many of you here for this
charity fashion show to raise

money for the maternity home

First, we have
Angela and May Turner.

Both wearing pretty floral
summer dresses, originally

a pair of velveteen curtains.

Both trimmed with a pretty ribbon.

Thank you, girls.


All haberdashery is on sale
at Violet Gee's shop.

And here we have Miss Valerie Dyer.

Now, some of you may remember
Valerie, who was runner-up

in our Miss Poplar contest
two years ago.

This was a below-the-knee
sleeveless woollen dress.

Now the height of fashion
with an eyebrow-raising hemline

and smock sleeves in dupioni silk.

Thank you, Valerie.

Now, no show would be complete
without Miss Trixie Franklin!


Trixie is one of our most
fashionable midwives in Poplar.

Oh dear, oh dear!
Now, this up-to-the-minute

and daring hemline is complemented
by a pair of matching briefs

in a toning vermillion floral,
glimpsed to advantage thanks to

the movement supplied by the very
high kick-fold at the front.

This harlequin inspired patchwork
ensemble has given new life

to old and treasured finds.

Trixie's outfit is topped off
with a splendid chapeau.

That's a hat to you, Fred Buckle.

Thank you, Trixie.

And now for everyone else,
our lovely models are wearing

beautiful hues of blush pinks, wine,

cream and tangerine.

A fresh and fruity palate
just ripe for the summer.

Aren't they beautiful, everyone?

The thing that matters
is never the thing itself,

but rather, what we make of it.

What we do with our patience,
and our imagination?

What we allow to thrive.

In walking with the Lord,

we shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water

that brings forth fruit
in our season.

So we are blessed
with a prosperous life.


Nothing is ever beyond repair.

We break, we bleed,
and we begin again.

Trust can be mended.

Love can be restored.

New shoots can flourish
among the broken stone.

Good evening. Evening.

No need to rise at our account.

Dr Benedict Walters.

It would appear you have inherited
your father's gift, Dr Walters.


Is it a break-in?

Hello, Dot!

Me and my birds. Family.