CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 9, Episode 24 - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - full transcript

Amidst budget cuts, Nick is off at his own expense to become the team's new entomology expert. Meanwhile Langston leads the investigation concerning the murder of Huston Dobbs, an unskilled construction laborer who came into possession of chips from a legendary 1980s casino. His work buddy Bruno Curtis is missing. Huston met with dodgy collector items dealer Eli Schindler. Meesly suburban diner manager Barbie Aubrey and her cook Walter Ellis also may have known about the chips. More crime follows.

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(brassy swing intro plays)

* How lucky can one guy be? *

* I kissed her
and she kissed me *

* Like the fella once said *

* "Ain't that
a kick in the head? *

* The room
was completely black *

* I hugged her
and she hugged back *

* Like the sailor said, quote *

* "Ain't that a hole
in the boat?" *

* My head keeps spinnin' *

* I go to sleep
and keep grinnin' *

* If this
is just the beginnin' *

* My life is gonna be *

* Bee-yoo-ti-ful *

* I've sunshine enough
to spread *

* It's just like
the fella said *

* Tell me quick,
ain't love a kick *

* In the head? *

(brassy instrumental break)

(cell phone ringing)

* Like the sailor said,
quote *

* "Ain't that a hole
in the boat?" *

* My head keeps spinnin' *

* I go to sleep
and keep grinnin' *

* If this is
just the beginnin' *

* My life is gonna be *

* Bee-yoo-ti-ful *

* She's telling me
we'll be wed *

* She's picked out
a king-size bed *

* I couldn't feel any better

* Or I'd be sick *

Come again.
* Tell me quick *

* Oh, ain't love a kick *

* Tell me quick,
ain't love a kick *

* In the head? *


BP's 90/70
and dropping.

What happened?

Guy was working
a landscape gig.

They were trying
to move a giant saguaro

without using
the right gear.

Fell over on him.

Any chance he's
got insurance?

About the same chance
he's a legal immigrant.


(shouting in Spanish)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, e-easy.

You're not gonna need that
right now, my friend.

Est? bien. Est? bien.

(speaking quietly)


Dame, dame,
dame, dame, dame...


Start oxygen, give him
two milligrams of morphine

and prep him
for surgery.

(cell phone ringing)

Oh, so much for pro bono.

Got to go.

Day job's calling.

(man whimpering)

Chill out, Conrad.

You'll have it on your desk
by the end of shift.

Yes, I've included
a 10% cut across the board.

Just make sure there's 10% less
crime, and we'll be fine.

(indistinct radio chatter)

What do we
have here?

Business as usual.

Trucker spotted the body
this morning.

TOD was sometime last night.

A single GSW
to the back of the head.

Looks like a good-sized wound,

I'd say medium caliber.

Sooting and stippling
make it a close shot.

body dump?

That'd be my guess.

Looks like the car
skidded to a halt here.

Killer dumped the body

and then accelerated
back up onto the road.

The body is

well forward
of the rear tire divots,

about where
the driver's door would be.

Which means the victim
was probably behind the wheel.

(gunshot, tires screech)

Maybe he picked up
the wrong hitchhiker.

Okay, ready to roll.

That's a lot of slogans.

Guess he liked advertising.

Wonder how he felt
about epitaphs.

* Who... are you? *

* Who, who, who, who? *

* Who... are you? *

* Who, who, who, who? *

* I really wanna know *

* Who... are you? *

* Oh-oh-oh *
* Who... *

* Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you *

* Are you! *

Ah, the '70s.

Recession, energy crisis,
conflict in the Middle East.

My, how times have changed.

At least we don't
have to put up with disco.


Looks like concrete dust

under his nails.

Yeah, he seems to be
covered with it.

It's even up his nose.

His hands are
heavily callused.

I'm guessing
construction worker.

(phone beeping)

Okay, he's not in AFIS.

Let's put him
in the system.

So we have
two distinct sets

of shoe impressions
leading away from the vehicle,

neither of which
belong to the victim.

So that means at least
three people in the car.

These look
like sneakers.


The others, boots.

Let's see where they went.

* *

The strides are all long,

so they both
must have been running.

LANGSTON: Sneakers was limping,
dragging his leg,

bleeding, wounded.

(two gunshots)

I guess that means
Boots had the gun.

Sneakers turns around,
comes back,

gets back in the car,
takes off.

Boots heads back
toward the road,

disappears into the night.

I guess we're looking
for a cowboy.

Hey, Nick.


I'll see you next week.

Where are
you off to?

Lee Goff's entomology workshop
in Honolulu.

Entomology. Nice.

Wait, I thought
Ecklie cut

all funding for
outside training.

Yeah, he did, but I've been
waiting on this workshop for,

like, a year, so if I got to go
out of pocket, so be it.

We need a new bug man.

Hold down the fort.

Will do.

* *

* *

* *

The bullet fragmented
in his skull.

The lead core exited,

but the copper jacket
shed inside.


Probably a .38

or .357 revolver.


Did you recover
that piece of his forehead?

Might save the mortician
some spackle.

What's up with you?

Ah, things are tough all over.

(knock at door)

Our vic's name is Huston Dobbs.

How'd you figure that out?

I didn't.

Brime County
Sheriff's Department

found a burnt-out car
outside of Elba.

R.O. was in the wind,
house foreclosed,

etcetera, so
they ran him

through Missing Persons and
matched him with our unknown DB.

They develop any leads
in the case?

They told me
where he was working.

(door chimes jingle)

Morning, sir.

Oh, good morning.

Booth or counter?

No, I need to speak
to the manager.

I can do you
one better than that.

I own the place.

What can I do for you?

Oh, uh...

(clears throat)

I'm Detective Jim Brass,
Las Vegas Police.

Do you know this man?

Sure, I do.

Huston Dobbs.
I give him employment here

from time to time.

He's a fry cook.

He, uh, get himself
in some kind of trouble?

Well, it's a little more
serious than that, ma'am.

He's dead.

Oh, my Lord.

You get all that,

Because that's why I'm paying
you, to stand there, right?

What did Huston do?

He get drunk again and run
himself off the road?

No, he was shot.

Who'd want to shoot Huston?

Well, that's what
I'm trying to find out.

When was the last
time you saw him?

A couple of days
ago, I guess.

Bruno's the one
you want to talk to.

Oh, yeah?

Bruno? Bruno who?

Bruno Curtis.

Them two hung out
together all the time.

And he didn't show up
for work today either.

He's just one of those
part-time guys. He...

He wasn't so part-time
back in high school, Barbie.

You two tore it up

pretty good,
as I remember.

That was a long
time ago, Clem.

You don't think Bruno's tied up
in any of this, do you?

How can I find him?

I don't know.

He took a couple days off.

Said something about
going up north

looking for work.

Unskilled labor, no doubt.
(raspy laugh)

I thought he worked here.
Well, he does,

but these days, sir, it just
ain't enough to live on.

According to the deputy
in Elba,

the fire would have completely
consumed the car...

(thunder crashing)

...if it hadn't been
for the weather.

So unlike Huston Dobbs,

we seem to have caught a break.





Guy must have been
living in his car.

It is a Chrysler LeBaron.

A babe magnet.

You should make an offer.

Um, I think it's safe to say

that the victim did not drive
this thing back to town.


Thank you.

Oh, hey...

This looks like
a piece of skull.

We know the last thing
that went through his mind

was a copper-jacketed .38.

These keys are pretty charred.

I doubt Mandy's going to
get any prints off them.


It's an old Hux Club
casino chip.

Hampton Huxley, the dead
porno mag guy?

It's not porno,
it's a lifestyle.

For one brief,
shining moment

in the 80's,

scantily clad Hux Club Kittens
serving cocktails

and dealing blackjack

was the pinnacle of
Las Vegas high society.

How'd you get in?

Sadly, only through the
glossy pages of the magazine.

Which I purchased
for the articles.

Wendy, I got blood
on the backseat.


Along with something else.

.22 L-R.

A peashooter round.

So there are actually
two guns involved.


And I've got one of them.



It's just a belt buckle.

For people who love guns.

I love guns.

There's a print here
etched into the metal.

Salts and amino acids
from fingerprint oil

can chemically etch
metal over time.

Heat greatly accelerates
the process.

You sometimes see it
in arson investigations.

The print belongs
to Wiley Schindler.

He's in the system off
a work card.

This buckle looks so familiar.

Is this a Vanderfield
Arms mini .22?

Why, yes, it is.

It's a concealable revolver.

Perfect for the man
who trusts no one.

My dad had one.

Schindler's address
is listed as Kansas City.

He's a collectables

I Googled him.

SCHINDLER: I'll be hightailing
it to Las Vegas

from May 11 to the 18th

for the World Collectables
Trade Fair

at The Green Valley Ranch.

If you want to sit down
to talk turkey, give me a call.

What do you know,
he's in town.

I'm ready to talk turkey.

(brassy swing tune blasts)

* Night and day... *

Yes, sir, those are

the original
crystal doorknobs

by Bugsy Siegel himself

for the bathroom suite that
he personally customized

for Lana Turner at the
Flamingo, back in 1945.

Now think about it--

Lana had to be naked
as a jaybird

when she fondled those knobs.

You have
exquisite taste.

I'm prepared to let you
have the entire set for--

oh, let me see, uh...

Oh, thank you, darling.

Wiley Schindler?

That I am. Just give us
a moment, friend.

Doing a little
business here.

So are we. We need to talk.

Nice boots.

Thank you. I just got 'em.

You looking for a pair?
Excuse me.


You know these
two guys?

Can't say I know
'em well.

Just met 'em
the other day.

Where and how?

A little greasy spoon
in Elba.

I just pulled in
to get some grub.

And much to my surprise, I saw
something there I liked.

I told her I admired
her earrings

and asked her if there was

any more where
those came from.

She said she'd make a call.

So there's 200 chips in here.

300 bucks, you can have
the whole kit and caboodle.

We ain't taking
a penny less.

I don't know, fellas.
That's a lot of money.

See, you got to make
the other fella

think he's getting over on you.

My wife and I got married
at the Hux and, now...

You do not want to go
cheap on your wife.

Loretta's gone.

The chips are just for me.

See, I knew we were going to
settle on a dollar a chip

the minute they opened
their mouths.


That's a buck apiece.
You got a deal.

Let 'em see your pain.

Make 'em feel good,
and then...

Okay, deal.

There's few things in life

that'll make
an old man's nipples hard,

and that qualifies.

You tell 'em you're
a collectables dealer?

It never came up.

That's the last time I saw
either one of them.

Just out of curiosity,

what would you say
the chips are worth?

Whatever the market will bear.

Well, it is pretty much
a bear market these days.

So this guy's dead...

and this guy's turning out
to be pretty hard to find.

Maybe this guy killed that one

and then took a powder.

Or maybe you killed this guy
and chased this guy away.

You can't be serious.

We did find
the belt buckle

of your concealed .22
at the scene.

Well, they admired it-- big,
handsome thing that it is.

So I gave it to 'em
to seal the deal.

Well, I'm making you
a new deal.

You're under arrest.

When the Hux Club opened
in 1981,

it was as if the great men's
magazine had come to life.

But like all gardens
in paradise,

it couldn't last long
here on Earth.

Hux had a falling out
with his partners

and pulled out of the venture,

taking all his trademarks
with him.

They remodeled the casino,

but without Hux and his Kittens
to bring the bang, so to speak,

the New Babylon,
as they renamed it,

died a quick

and painful death.

Now according to the gaming
commission records,

all of the chips from the
Hux Club were destroyed.

Well, it's the law
when you close a casino.

When Sam imploded the Rampart,
he buried all the old chips

in the foundation
of the Eclipse.

Which is precisely why
surviving chips

become collectables.

You throw in
a Hampton Huxley aura

and you have got an item
that auctions

for up to $10,000
in mint condition.

Apparently there's less than
a dozen of these in existence.

Until today.

We recovered these from
Wiley Schindler's hotel room.

172 chips--

and $50,000 in cash.

So I spoke to some people
at the trade show.

Said that you sold more
than a few Hux chips

to a bunch of different

I wasn't aware you could put
a man in jail for that.

You're in jail 'cause I think
you're a killer.

Which I'm not.

Let's agree
to disagree, okay?

You know, for about 30 years,

some people who care
about these things

had to be consoled because
there were so few

of these casino chips from
the famed Hux Club in existence.

And then you show up with
a couple hundred of them.

I told you how I got those.

Here's what I think happened.

I think you
and Bruno and Huston

cooked up a scheme to
put some counterfeit
chips in circulation.

I never sold anything to anybody
that wasn't what I said it was.

So you end up
in the car

going out to the desert.

Somebody says something,
somebody doesn't say something.

Things get weird.

And a guy gets a bullet hole
in his head.

That ring a bell?

Not even a tinkle.

Do you see a lawyer

in here with me?

That's because I'm trying
to talk to you man to man.

I didn't kill anybody.

I didn't cheat anybody.

And the sooner you figure
that out

the sooner you can stop
wasting both our time.

HODGES: Micro-FTIR confirms that
they are compression-molded

claywith impressed stainless
steel inlays,

consistent with the specs
from the gaming commission.

They're authentic
Hux Club chips...


They were manufactured
with state-of-the-art

technology from 1981.

So Bruno and Huston
must've found these

tucked away in the attic

or daddy's old trunk.

You never know what people
keep for sentimental reasons.

ADAMS: Yeah, but
why keep that many?

Even at face value,
they were worth thousands.

In any case,

if Schindler got
authentic Hux Club chips

from those guys for cheap,

he'd have no reason to
kill either one of them.

So where are we on Bruno?

The deputies have been
sitting on his house

and the diner.

He's a no-show.

And no gunshot wound victims
matching his description

have showed up at
any of the hospitals.

Well, this isn't a guy with a
whole lot of resources.

Is there any other
places he might be?

According to Brass,
both Huston and Bruno

were doing odd construction-
destruction jobs around town.

I suppose he could be
hiding out at a work site.

So what do you want
to do, drive around Elba?

Get out every time
we see a bulldozer?

The Bluebird Button Company.

The what?

The Bluebird Button Company.

It's in Elba.

They made the Hux Club chips.

The company was primarily
in the pin-back button business,

but it was the only company
in the western United States

to be able to produce
metal-clay inlays.

They went bankrupt way back.

That factory's been
abandoned for years.

I'll lead this time?

Someone's been living here.

Yellow exudate.

Someone's nursing
a badly-infected wound.



Go, go!
I'll call it in.

Control, Officer Crawford.
Requesting a one-unit backup.

DISPATCH: Officer two-one,
we have units in the vicinity.

Will notify.

Looks like he disappeared
into thin air.

Yeah, it's like we're chasing
a ghost.

Drop the gun!

I said drop the gun!

Drop the gun

or I'll shoot!

Ray, stop!

This man needs
medical attention.

Call it in.

Control, this is

I have a 421.
Roll paramedics
to my location.

DISPATCH: Copy that, oh-seven.
Paramedics en route.

There's gold in them there
button factory parking lots.

Or at least there was until
Schindler started slipping

his chips into the market.

The collectible price has
dropped 40%

over the last 24 hours.

Okay, so you're telling me

that this hole in the ground was
filled with Hux Club chips?

That's our theory.

When Hampton Huxley pulled out
of the casino,

the state had to destroy all
the chips.

107,423, according
to the gaming commission.

About 50 cubic feet worth.

Hole was plenty big
enough for that.

And they were
all sent back

to the Bluebird Button
Company for destruction.


Well, apparently,
there was

a clause in the original
manufacturing contract

that obligated them to do it.

(machine grinding)

Because of the way
the chips were made,

they would've been extremely
hard to destroy.

Brutal on the machines.

So somebody probably figured,
why bother?

* Don't you want me, baby? *

They dig a hole, they fill it
with the chips,

put a layer of shreds
on top of it,

and then seal it
with a layer of concrete.

Nobody ever would've known.

(jackhammer pounding,

If it hadn't been for a couple
of down-on-their-luck guys

who finally got lucky.

How is he?

As well as you could expect,
under the circumstances.

Brass was in there
with him for half an hour.

The guy didn't say a word.

That was a really stupid thing
that you did back there.

He could've shot you.
I could have shot you.

He needed help.

He had a gun
in his hand.

I didn't stop being a doctor
when I became a CSI.

Well, if you keep
treating suspects
like patients,

you're gonna get yourself
or someone else killed.

Things aren't
looking too good
for you, Bruno.

We have your shoe treads
in the desert.

And when we run your DNA

against the blood we found in
the backseat

of your friend's car, that's
gonna come back to you, too.

Best you can hope for is
accessory to murder.

But I guess the detective told
you all of this.

Those are

phantom pains.

They'll pass, after a while.

How would you know that?

Because I'm
a physician.

And I also work
at the Crime Lab.

You're that guy that jumped
into the hole with me.

Why did you do that?

You looked like you needed help.


Would you like to

tell me what happened
that night?

I'll believe you.

Just between you and me,

the day you walk into court
with one leg,

the jury will want
to believe you, too.

But you have to tell me
what happened,

and it has to be
the truth.

(crying, sniffling)

I wish we'd never pulled those
stupid chips out of that hole.

Huston and me got hired to bust
up this parking lot

at the old factory.

It was a cash deal,
off the books.

That's how we found 'em.

We figured
they had to be worthless.

Otherwise, why would somebody
just dump 'em like that, right?

We still had
to get rid of them,

so we gathered 'em
all up and...

But that Hux Club chick was
pretty cool,

so we kept 'em for souvenirs,

I knew Barbie would like it for
her arts and crafts and stuff.

Anyway, about a week and a half
later, Barbie called me

and said she had some guy
over at the diner

that wanted to buy some chips.

So Huston and me loaded up a box
and we went down there.

That Schindler dude gave us
a buck apiece.

Me and Huston, we pulled
thousands of those things

out of that...
out of that hole,

so we're thinking,

"Holy Mother...

we're rich!" (chuckles)

But then when we went down
there the next morning...

That son of a bitch Schindler
had swiped 'em

right out from under our noses.

He left us
his phone number

in case we had
any more chips to sell.

So we called him up
and we said we did.

And we met him in Vegas,

and we told him we wanted
our chips back.

Lying bastard
denied everything.

So you took him for a ride.

Those chips are ours.

You gonna show us
where you put 'em...

(gun cocks)
nobody gets hurt.

Little late for that, boy.

(gunshot, Bruno gasps)

(second gunshot, tires squeal)

We ran the car off the road
and Schindler got away.

I tried to chase after him,
but 'cause of my leg and all...

Schindler killed Huston.

He shot my best friend down.

("These Boots are Made
for Walking" intro plays)

* You keep sayin'
you got somethin' for me *

* Somethin' you call love,
but confess *

* You been a-messin' where you
shouldn't-a been a-messin' *

* And now someone else
is gettin' all your best *

* These boots
are made for walkin' *

* And that's just
what they'll do *

* One of these days
these boots *

Two shots.

* Are gonna
walk all over you *

* You keep playin'
where you shouldn't be playin' *

* And you keep thinkin'
that you'll never get burned *

* Ha! *

* These boots are made
for walkin' *

* And that's just what
they'll do *

* One of these days, these boots
are gonna walk all over you *

* Are you ready, boots? *

* Start walkin'... *

(jazzy brass riff plays,
slowly fading out)

The .38 revolver in
Bruno Curtis' possession

fired the bullet that
killed Huston Dobbs.

No surprise there.

No, but according to Mandy,

the only prints on the weapon
belong to Bruno Curtis.

Schindler's prints weren't
even on the weapon?


So, despite Bruno's statement,

and even though the belt buckle

could place Schindler
in the car,

the only direct
murder evidence we have

implicates Bruno.

I guess those boots
were made for walkin'.

I'm just happy to be free

and, uh, I'm very pleased
that justice was served.

Oh, and, uh, I wanna warn

any collectors that
might be out there.

Don't be taken by anybody
trying to sell you

any rare collectible
Hux Club chips.

There's thousands
of those things out there.

To a collector they're not
worth a plug nickel. Thank you.

The collectibles
trader was released

from custody earlier today.

One man loses his life and
another one loses his leg,

and all for worthless
pieces of clay.

What are you gonna do?

So, um, Riley thinks that
you're a little reckless.

And I think she's
a little trigger-happy.


Ray, this is
Clayton Ferris

from the gaming commission.

As you are aware,
the Hux Club chips

were supposed to have been
destroyed 28 years ago.

But it was never
officially verified.

In any event,

since the disposal was
improperly carried out,

the existing chips continue
to be bearer instruments

and the State of Nevada is on
the line for their face value.

You mean anyone holding
those chips can just

walk in and trade
them in for cash?

Wait a minute.

The window for all chip
redemptions is 120 days

from the original recall.

The... attorneys who drafted
the original Hux Club contract

apparently left
that provision out.

The Great State of Nevada,

of course, will honor
its obligation

to redeem the chips.

However, the argument
can be made

that the chips are,
in fact, stolen property

and still outstanding evidence
in a murder investigation.

So, you want us to find
the chips before anyone

else does and tries
to cash them in.

We feel that that would be

in the best interests
of all concerned.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, what's up, professor?

Have you talked to
Wiley Schindler yet?

No, we're looking for him.

He checked out of the hotel,

he wasn't at the trade show.

If he left town with the chips,

he's got a big head start.

Did Barbie from the
coffee shop say anything?

No, I, uh...

just arrived at her house

about 15 minutes ago.

And, unfortunately...

She's not talking.

Single large-caliber GSW.

There's no lividity; she's
been dead less than an hour.

You must've just
missed the bad guy.

She's got defensive
wounds on her arms.

I found a box

of .44-caliber shells,

six were missing.

Haven't found the weapon yet.

There were no signs
of forced entry,

which suggests that
she knew her killer.

Yeah, but it looks
like a robbery.

To steal what?

Everybody outside of
the gaming commission

and the Crime Lab thinks that
(phone ringing)

these chips
are worthless.



Thank you.

P.D. just picked up
Wiley Schindler

at McCarran trying to board
a plane back to Kansas City.

His carry-ons were
packed with two cases

of Hux Club chips.

And we let him out the door.

Well, I'm going back to the lab.

Why don't you
finish up here?

So, tell me something, Wiley.

Where'd you get the chips
this time?

From that gal at the diner--
Miss, um, Aubrey.

I went by her place
this morning,

made a fair deal for them.

You know, her buds,
you know,

you remember Stumpy
and Hole-in-the-Head.

They were the ones
who found them.

So, what made you think
Barbie had any?

Because she was their bud.

I figured she might know

where the stash was.

And I have a
sentimental attachment

to the Hux Club era, so...
Come on, man,

don't lie to me.

You're not a sentimental guy.

Okay, I've got a friend
in the gaming commission.

And I heard that the
chips might still have

cash value with the state.

So, you went to Barbie and got
all the high denomination ones

before she found out
what they were worth, right?


So what?

So, she's dead.

When I left her, she was smiling

and holding $2,000 in cash.

You got a knack for making
dead people happy.

I put my damn business card

on the bank roll.

If I killed her, why
in the hell would I do that?

Hey, Catherine,
I got something
you'll want to see.

Remember those
online auctions

we were tracking?

Well, a significant number

of Hux Club chips
were put on the market

while Schindler was
still in custody.

I know that Barbie Aubrey
had some.

It was probably her.

That's what
I thought, too.

So, I checked in
with a couple people

at the collectibles show
to confirm.

Nobody recognized Barbie,
but several described a man--

not Schindler-- who was
peddling Hux Club chips.

This is surveillance
video from the venue.

The guy on the left

was apparently
there for hours.

Eventually made
several cash sales.

Any idea who he is?

No, but...

lucky for us, he paid his
bar tab with his credit card.

No, I got units on it.


ELLIS: I don't care who called
in sick, you can't just

change the schedule on me
at the last minute.

I'm in Vegas on business,
like I told you.

Stop hounding me!

All right, his name
is Walter Ellis.

He's a busboy
at the diner.

Well, the address
on this statement

is the same as Barbie's.

They live together?

Or they're married.

Maybe Schindler was telling
the truth the whole time.

What if Barbie
stole the chips

from Bruno and Huston

and Walter then
stole them from her?

What are you doing?

These are my chips, moron!

They're half mine, you bitch!

No, they're not!
You're an idiot!

* *


13 years of living
with that bitch!

I'm getting out!