CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 15, Episode 7 - Road to Recovery - full transcript

A woman in rehab at a posh Las Vegas facility is killed, and everybody at the facility is under suspicion.

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# I can tell because it's plain to see #

# I can tell the way you look at me #

# The way you know you hold my hand #

# Oh, yes, pretty baby, I can understand #

# I can tell, I can tell #

# I know you don't love me no more, no... #

# I know you don't love me no more, no more #

# Yeah, no more #

# No more #

# Well, I can tell, I can tell #

# I know you don't love me no more. #

All right, fellas.

Well, looks like somebody went

for a little skinny-dip,
and things didn't go so well

last night, huh? Thanks, boys.

House has been on the market
for a couple months.

Just been sitting here vacant.

Neighbors say they see kids hop the fence,

use the pool, all the time.

But nobody saw anything last night?


Hey, Akers, do we even know who she is yet?

No, not yet. There's no ID.

No car out front. We knocked on doors.

She's not from the neighborhood.

Well, she got here somehow.

Maybe she came with a friend
and that friend took off.

I don't know if "friend" is the word I'd use.

There are bruises, looks like
finger marks, on her neck.

Take a look at this.

Got skin underneath her fingernails.

She struggled.

Possibly while being held underwater.

Yeah, hang-hang on a second.

Greg, let me borrow
your mini-UV for a second.

- Hold up that wrist for me.
- Yeah, yeah.

There we go, Greg, look at that.

Club bracelets and hand stamps.

Well, the party didn't start here.

Looks like she made the rounds last night.

Partied like there was no tomorrow.

Unfortunately for her, she was right.

# CSI Las Vegas 15x07 #
Road to Recovery
Original Air Date on November 23, 2014

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# I really wanna know #

# Who... are you? #

# Oh-oh-oh #
# Who... #

# Come on, tell me who are you, you, you #

# Are you! #

So this is our party girl.

Wow, she's so young.

What a waste.

Did you collect a sexual assault kit?

Yes, evidence of recent sexual activity.

Can't say for certain that it was forced,

but it was certainly aggressive.

- No semen though.
- Doesn't rule out rape.

Just means that her attacker was
smart enough to use a condom.

Any clue who she might be yet?

Still a Jane Doe.

But... trashy clothes,

lots of costume jewelry.

May have been a sex worker.

You don't know much
about women's clothes, huh?

These "trashy" shoes
go for about, uh, 1,200 bucks.


Yep. And this... yeah.

I saw that upstairs at the Mediterranean.

- Two grand, on sale.
- For that little thing?

Yeah, this girl had a lot of money.

Yeah, or somebody willing to spend it on her.

Well, uh, if that's the case...

...this thing might actually be real.


That is a very big rock.

It's probably insured, which means

it might have a serial number etched on it.

It's real, all right.

Nearly flawless.

Really? How big is it?

Well, now, I thought size doesn't matter.

Well, you thought wrong. Come on, how big?

- It's nearly four karats.
- Wow.

I don't see

any etching though.

No serial number or ID markings.

So it's not gonna help us ID our victim.

You know, there are other ways

to identify a diamond these days.

There, you see that?

You mean the refraction pattern?


That pattern is unique to that stone.

Like a fingerprint.

And it can be registered
with an insurance database.

We just have to see

if this particular pattern is in the system.

Diamond is registered to
Martin Fox, St. George, Utah.

That's my wife.

You know, the whole drive down here,

I was hoping it was just a mistake.

Who did this to her, Mr. Russell?

At this point in the investigation,

we're not ready to name any suspects.

Can you at least tell me how it happened?

Mr. Fox, we need more time
to study the evidence

before we can actually...

She was wasted though, wasn't she?

That much you know.

Your wife's blood-alcohol level
was twice the legal limit.

And there's evidence of
several controlled substances

in her system.

Was there a man involved?

Wouldn't be the first time.

Daycia didn't like to party alone.

Mr. Fox, I'm very sorry for your loss,

but I-I'm not gonna give you
any details here.

$8,000 a week.

Supposed to be safe.

Hell, she was supposed to be getting better.

What-what was $8,000 a week?


Daycia was in rehab, here in Vegas.

Three weeks already.

This is rehab?


I'd be worried about getting addicted

to living in a place like this.

Yeah, well, maybe that's the idea.

You spend so much to stay here,

you don't have any money left
to support your habit.

You know, I checked out their Web site.

They claim to have one of

the highest success rates in the state.

- Really? - Yeah, they're all
about pampering you

in a setting of luxury, harmony and serenity.

Well, they seem to have that covered.

Don't tell me I don't care
about my children, Zach.

They're the most important thing in my life.

Are they? 'Cause it sounds to me

like you choose the pills
over your kids every time.

Do I really have to sit here
and listen to this?

- From him?
- I know it's hard to hear

what Zach has to say, Karen,

but isn't that the heart of the problem?

The addiction takes over your whole life.

Pushes everything else out.

Or you could keep denying it.
That's what I did.

Until divorce papers

and the threat of losing
my children opened my eyes.

I got it.

Hi there.

I'm CSI Stokes. This is Finlay.

We're with the police department.

We'd like to ask you a few questions

if, uh, that's all right.

Oh, God, this is about Daycia, isn't it?

I'm sorry, who are you?

Adam King. I run Desert Peace.

Daycia disappeared,
she never came home last night.

How bad is it?

It's as bad as it gets.

She's dead.

We're gonna have to take a break.

This was Daycia's room.

So, this is what eight grand
a week looks like.

Well, there's no reason

that recovery should be a punitive process.

We try to pamper our patients,

make them feel as comfortable as possible.

And, hey, the longer they stay,

the better, am I right?

In a clinical sense, yes.

But I get a feeling
that's not what you're implying.

When was the last time you saw Daycia?

Right about 9:00 last night.

She was in the kitchen
getting something to eat.

Must've ducked out sometime after that.

What do you mean, "ducked out"?

Is that typical of the care around here?

There's no such thing as typical
care here at Desert Peace.

Each patient receives
a personalized treatment plan.

And did Daycia have a personalized

treatment plan that allowed her
to go out and get wasted?

What would you have me do, Mr. Stokes?

Keep an eye on her, for one.

They're not locked up...
patients are here by choice.

I can't force people to stay here.

Especially someone like Daycia.

What is that supposed to mean?

She was already skittish about getting clean.

If I'd have clamped down on her,

if I would have imposed restrictions,

she would've just checked
herself out of here,

and I would've had no chance
at trying to help her.

And no chance at getting that eight grand.

So did anybody else duck out last night?

Any of the other patients?


Zach, Len and Karen were all here.

You know, they're committed to getting sober.

So you're saying that Daycia wasn't?

Daycia was here 'cause
her husband put her here,

not because she wanted to get better.

And I'm not saying that
as a knock... I flunked out of

six rehabs myself before I took
getting sober seriously.

As a straight numbers game,

most addicts end up like Daycia.

It's a hand stamp of a crown.

Can't you just tell me

if you guys used a crown stamp last night?

How is that a proprietary secret?

Do you even know what "proprietary" means?


That maybe didn't go as well
as I might have liked.

Trying to figure out which clubs
our victim was at last night?

So far, I have it narrowed down to four.

Beautiful young girl out by herself

getting more and more impaired?

Truth is, the killer
could have spotted her

anywhere along the way
and decided to follow her.

Yeah. The problem is,
she went to so many places,

who knows how many hundreds
of people she met?


Hey. You got something for us?

I've been working on extracting
the DNA from the tissues

found under the victim's fingernails.

Please tell me you found a match.

I wish I could, but no.

DNA in the sample was degraded,

probably from soaking in the pool.

I was only able to type four loci.

It's not enough to enter into CODIS.

No CODIS match.

You got your work cut out for you.

Yes, I do.

I started without you. Hope you don't mind.

No problem.

Only reason I called down

was to see if you found anything yet.

Well, so far, no surprises.

All indications are
she was a longtime drinker

and drug user.

And as good as she looks on the outside,

her insides paint a different picture.

Did you get a chance to look
at the finger marks

- on the back of her neck?
- I did.

Definitely perimortem.

Consistent with someone
holding her underwater.

Lungs tell the same story.

They're heavy.

They're filled with water.

Telltale sign she drowned.

Greg, the pool you found her in...

chlorine or saline?

Uh, it was chlorine. Why?

If you get any closer,

you could literally be
breathing down my neck.

You wish.

So what is going on with the pool water

from our victim's lungs?

Greg said that there was
some sort of an issue.

I don't think that it is pool water.

Certainly doesn't match any of

the samples that Nick brought in.

PH is about the same,

but the chlorine level is far too low.

More in line with regular tap water.

What did the GCMS find?

Oh, perfect timing.

Let's take a look.

Traces of sodium myreth sulfate,
panthenol, methyl glycinate.

All ingredients in soap.

What is the organic oil?

Extract of Lavandula augustifolia.


The fluid in the victim's
lungs was bathwater.


The ingredients are an exact match

to what was in the water in her lungs.

You guys can't just come barging in here.

Yeah, that warrant in your hand says we can.

We have every right in the world
to search the crime scene.

Crime scene?

What are you talking about?

Daycia did not drown in any pool.

She was killed right here.


So, I've been calling cab companies.

Talked to a dispatcher who's got a driver

who dropped off a fare
last night at this address.

3:00 a.m.

A couple... man and a woman.

So Daycia brought her killer home.

Okay, so they came in here at 3:00 a.m.

Daycia, as we know, is messed up on pills.

And then they ended up in the tub.

You know, maybe she...

maybe she refused his sexual advances,

or the sex got out of control?

Either way...

...he ends up drowning her.

Yeah, but look around.

The tub, the towels...
everything's clean and dry.

It's like nothing ever happened.

So, after Daycia was dead, he cleaned up.

Took her body out of the tub,
and then erased any sign

that they had ever been here at all.

If they came here in a cab,

how did the killer get Daycia's body

all the way to the pool,
which is over a mile away?

That's a good question.

In the meantime, the cab company is trying

to locate the driver,
and we got to figure out

where the evidence from this room ended up.

All right, I'm gonna go talk
to the other people living here.

This is rehab... nobody sleeps...

so I'm sure somebody saw something.

Let's hope.

I was up the whole night,

crawling between hot showers
to stop the chills

and hugging the toilet
and puking my guts out.

I didn't hear anything.

I wish I would have, you know,
heard something.

Maybe I could have tried to help her.

I was watching a movie on my laptop,

and I had my headphones in.

So many addicts.

You know, they can be really nice people,

but when they are using, they
make some very poor choices.

Daycia was young and immature and...

let her addiction cloud her judgment.

Look, to me, Daycia was
never gonna get clean,

'cause she didn't have to.

No matter what, she had a rich
husband waiting for her at home.

You know, you... you're just
never gonna hit rock bottom

if you got a safety net like that.

This is really messing with my head.

I came here to get healthy.

This is not what I needed.

You know, last night wasn't the first night

that she went out drinking and partying.

She pretty much went partying and shopping

anytime she felt like it.

I was against giving her
so much latitude, but...

Adam's the boss.

I have to get sober this time.

I don't have a choice.

I mean, the stakes...

the stakes are just too high.

I mean, if I fail...

I lose my kids.

My biggest concern was Daycia's
effect on the other patients.

She was toxic in that way.

This sucks.

I can't believe she did this.

Frankly, if it'd been up to me,

she never would have been in here.


So, this is the cab that brought our victim

- home this morning.
- Okay.

Now, if it was the killer that rode with her,

then, hopefully, he left us
some kind of trace.

Yeah, hopefully, 'cause I just

got done talking with the driver.

- Give you a description?
- No, not really.

The only thing he could remember

is that the guy was a white male.

Probably couldn't take his eye

off the pretty girl the whole time.

Yeah, probably. Did say
she was in pretty rough shape,

but he didn't think
she was in any real danger.

I'm sure she didn't think so either.

Till the last second.

Give me a call if you find something.


I've seen, uh, plenty of people
Dumpster-dive before,

but they never made it look so good.

Why don't you let me get that for you?

It's Zach, right?

Lt'd be better if you didn't touch anything.

Ah, yes. Evidence.

Well, I just wanted to help.

You want to help?

You could tell me about Daycia.

We think she may have brought
a guy home last night.

Sounds like she's quite the party girl.

May have not been the first time.

You ever see her with anybody?

Uh, here at the house, no.

But somewhere else, with someone?

Well, don't tell Twyla, but, uh...

I let Daycia talk me
into going out one night.

See, one of the things
you got to know about me is,

pretty women... they're like
my kryptonite, you know?

Maybe my deadliest of addictions?

So you went clubbing,

and you saw her hook up with somebody.

There was this guy at one of the clubs,

this cowboy who was watching her.

Older guy. Uh...

Didn't think much of it, because with Daycia,

all the guys watched her, you know?

Little while later, I went
to the bar to get a drink,

and when I came back, I saw Daycia

heading out the door
with this guy, the cowboy.

So she just picked up and left,
just like that?

She was in group the next morning.

She didn't mention it. I didn't either.

Never came up again.


I'm gonna get this run in.

Got to clear my head.

All this talk of bars and women...

start tugging me in
the wrong direction, you know?

Well, I may need to talk to you again later.

Just, uh, take it easy on me.

Remember what I said about kryptonite.

How could I forget?




# Some you come a long way #

# Huh #

# Whoo, hoo #

# But you'll never have me #

# Never have things for a normal life #

# It's time #

# Too busy earnin' #

# You can't get enough #

# Just busy earnin' #

# You can't get enough #

# You think that all your time is used #

# Too busy earnin' #

# You can't get enough #

# Just busy earnin' #

# You can't get enough #

# You think that #

# All your time is used #

# Too busy earnin' #

# You can't get enough #

# You can't get enough. #


I've got slightly better news than last time.

I was able to pull DNA from your bath towels.

Two contributors.

One the, uh, victim, I assume.

What about the other?

An unknown male, not in CODIS,
but this is interesting.

The DNA from the towel
has the same four core loci

as the DNA under the victim's nails.

Same unknown male... our killer.

Still no way to put an ID to him.

What are you working on here?

These pieces of wax were found

in the bag with the rest of the evidence.

- I think it came
from this candle. - Mm.

Spilled while the wax was still hot.

The bottom is smooth,
like the rim of a bathtub.

I'm thinking the wax

was knocked over during the murder.

After the wax hardened,
the killer used this lovely

nail file to chip it up
and clean up the mess.

Looks like there's some
kind of impression there?

Mm-hmm. I'm thinking
it's the killer's hand or arm.

If I can get this whole thing put together,

- I might be able to...
- Hey, have you seen Nick?

No, not recently.

Well, I got AFIS results on the
lifts from the cab. Yours, too.

They match a felony DUI arrest from 2007.

The guy's prints were everywhere.

Well, whose prints?

Adam and I were just talking
about how we should proceed

- in light of Daycia's death.
- And we both agree

that it would be detrimental
to your treatment

if we were to shut down,
even for a little while.

It's not gonna be easy, but we need to

reestablish a sense of normalcy...

Hey, everybody.

Knock, knock.

And before you start spouting off again,

the answer's yes, we have a warrant.

Only this time it's an arrest warrant.

Oh, my God, I don't believe this.

What are you talking about? Arrest?

- Hook him up, Akers.
- Adam King, you're under arrest

for the murder of Daycia Fox.
Put your hands behind your back.

Adam, what... what is this? What's happening?

I don't know. It's a mistake.

Hey, I didn't kill Daycia.

Look, you know that.

- Let's go.
- You guys know that.

This is ridiculous. I didn't kill her.

She was my patient. I was helping her.

Hey, do you hear me?

Yeah, yeah, I hear you,
but you'll have plenty

of time to plead your case
in court, but right now...

Mr. Fox?

Down on your knees!

Get down on the ground!

Adam? Adam?

Roll paramedics, Akers. Roll 'em.

Dispatch, Akers.
Roll paramedics to my location.

Mr. Fox, I had you pegged

as someone with just a little more sense.

Did you put any thought into
how this was gonna turn out?

I trusted him.

I took the thing most precious in my life

and I put it in Adam King's hands.

- He betrayed that trust.
- So you...

you just go and you shoot him?

You know, you're lucky
you weren't shot yourself.

And you're damn lucky you didn't
hit one of my officers.

You didn't know Daycia, Mr. Russell.

I know you know about her,

okay, her-her drinking and partying

and her-her struggles.

You didn't know the...

the person that she was before this...

this-this sickness took hold of her.

Destroyed her.

Destroyed everything.

God's honest truth, I don't
much care what happens now.

Uh, he shouldn't have those.

He's a former drug addict.

Painkillers probably aren't
a good idea, right, Adam?

Guess you're just gonna have to tough it out.

Thank you.

I know you think
that I'm some sort of monster,

that I killed Daycia, but you're wrong.

This was taken from a traffic cam

about five blocks away from the house

where Daycia's body was found.

This is you, about to dump Daycia's body.

You want to tell me again
how you didn't kill her?

I didn't.

I only moved the body.

From rehab to the swimming pool.

But she was dead already, I swear.

That is not even a good attempt at a lie.

We found your fingerprints
all over the taxicab.

And, uh, you did clean up
the crime scene in the bathroom.

Yeah, I know all that.

Damn it, when Daycia didn't
come home that night,

I went out looking for her, all right?

Not the first time I had to hunt her down.

After searching a couple of clubs,

I found her.

And I brought her home in the cab.

I put her to bed.

That still does not get us to here, Adam.

After a couple hours,
I went in to go check on her,

to see if she was okay.

She wasn't in her bed.

I found her in the tub.

Daycia. Daycia!

No. No, no, no.

She was dead.

Look, I figured she had just passed out,

slipped under the water, you know?

That it was an accident.

- You still should've called 911.
- I should've.

But I panicked.

Daycia's wasn't the first death
at Desert Peace.

We had an overdose eight months ago.

The backlash on the clinic was a nightmare.

Oh, so that's why you moved her body,

because you were afraid of the backlash?

Look, I had three other patients
that I had to think about,

who are fighting for their lives,

who count on me, so...

I cleaned everything up and moved the body.

Made it look like she was never home.

He was telling the truth

about one thing... eight months ago,

Desert Peace did have a fatality.

A female patient O.D.'d on sleeping pills.

So Adam, covering up Daycia's death,

was trying to avoid bad P.R.

And maybe a hike in
his insurance premiums, right?

The question is: Do we believe him

when he says he did not kill her?

Well, personally, I would not trust a word.

But I did swab him, and his DNA

did not match what we have on the bath towel

or underneath the fingernails of the victim.

Which suggests he's not our guy.

So, what are we looking at?

At some point between the cab ride home

and when Adam went to check on her,

someone else went into Daycia's
bathroom and killed her.

Hey, Nick, it's a ring.

The impression in the wax,
it's two fingers and a ring.

Daycia was wearing a diamond
ring when we found her.

No, no, it's not Daycia's ring.

It's something different.

I think it's the killer's.

You're right.

That is a man's ring.

Yeah, and it's got an inscription on it,

or at least a tiny part of one.

21, 12.

Like a class ring.

Or at least that's what I was thinking.

But then that's, like,
a hundred years in the future,

so there's no way it could be a class ring.

Well, what if it's not the year?

What if it's a... score?

You know? From a game. 21-12.

Why would someone put a score on a ring?

If it's a championship ring,

a lot of times
they'll put the score on there.


- Hmm?
- Zach Alton.

He's one of the patients at the rehab center.

He-he used to be a-a jock at WLVU.

Football, I think.

Let's see.

Right here.

2007. WLVU Mustangs won
their conference championship.

- 21-12?
- 21-12.

I, uh...

I'm afraid I don't have
any good news for you.

Your DNA was a match to the DNA we found

on the towels in Daycia's bathroom.

It was also a match to the DNA
we found under her fingernails,

which is no surprise,

considering the scratches on your chest.

As far as your blood goes,

we found traces of diazepam and oxycodone,

the same drugs that were in Daycia's system

and the same drugs
that we found in her bathroom.

So, as you can see,

the evidence pretty much
tells the story here.

Unless there's something you'd like to add.

I mean...

wh-why would I kill her?

Why would I do anything?

Like, it doesn't even make sense.

Are you trying to tell me
you can't remember anything?

I only remember parts.

I remember I was in bed, asleep.

I don't know what time it was.

And, uh...

Daycia comes in the room
wearing next to nothing.


I'm gonna take a bath.

And it is an awfully big tub.

You want to join?

You know this is a bad idea.

Ooh. Then I guess
this is a bad idea, too, huh?

Pretty women.

They're my...

Kryptonite. Yeah, I heard. We get it.

So you ended up in the tub?


One drink leads to another,

she brings out the pills and...

I don't know, I guess
at that point I figured,

might as well go all in.

But the rest...

I cannot for the life of me remember.

It's a blackout.

I woke up the next morning
by myself in my bed,

and Daycia was nowhere around, so...

So you just went about your day?

I had no idea I killed her.

Unfortunately, that doesn't
make it any less of a crime.

Got your text, Doc. Why the 911?

Just examining tissue section

from your drowning victim's organs.

Have a gander.

What am I looking at?

Lung tissue, specifically alveoli.

They're the little sacs where
oxygen and CO2 are exchanged.

They're blown,

- all popped like tiny balloons.
- Well, why?

- What would cause that?
- Well, normally,

I would say barotrauma.

You know, the bends.

A diver ascends too fast,

causing excess air pressure in the lungs.

Only the damage here was
caused by excess water pressure.

- From the drowning, right?
- Well, no, that's the problem.

With drowning, you don't generate pressure.

Certainly not enough pressure

to pop the alveoli.

This young girl's lungs filled
with a rush of water

with enough force to cause the alveoli

to expand beyond their capacity.

So what are you saying happened?

The only scenario I can think of

is that someone pumped water into her lungs

forcibly, intentionally.

Like someone put a tube down her throat.

And then pumped water into her,

I'd have to say, after she was already dead.

So she didn't drown.

The killer only wanted to make
it look like she drowned.

The most likely cause
of death was suffocation,

which ultimately yields
the same results as drowning...

asphyxiation of the brain.

There was foreign matter in the lungs...

organic flecks I couldn't identify...

and I sent those to Hodges for analysis.

But the bottom line is,

we've been working
with the wrong cause of death.

And with the wrong cause of death,

you most likely have the wrong killer.

At the time of Daycia's death,

the football star, Zach, had been drinking,

and he had two different
prescription meds in him,

so he was pretty seriously impaired.

He's not denying he killed Daycia.

He pretty much confessed.

He says he blacked out.

So you're thinking that Zach's
not responsible for the murder?

According to the doc, the drowning was staged

by pumping her body full of water.

Now, if that's the case, that means

the killer had to feed a tube
down her trachea,

into her lungs...
that's not an easy thing to do.

Basically had to intubate her.

I've seen E.R. Docs struggle to do this.

It takes dexterity, at the very least.

Zach was drunk and full of meds,

so no way he could have pulled that off.

If Zach is not the killer,

where are we?

We know that Adam brought
Daycia home in the cab

at 3:00 a.m., and says
that he put her to bed.

Come on, Adam. I'm not tired!

Everybody's trying to sleep, okay?

Yeah, well, I'm not gonna
be able to go to sleep.

Okay, well, let's just try to get you in bed.

And we know that Daycia wasn't ready

to call it a night,
so she goes and convinces Zach

that it's a good time to take a bath.

You don't see anything that you want?

Come on, Zach.

In they go into the tub, they have sex,

leaving the marks on Daycia's
neck and the scratches on Zach,

but also leaving Daycia alive and well.

Tub takes 45 minutes, at the most an hour.

That gives the killer plenty of
time to take care of business.

So, not counting Zach and Adam,

there were three other people
in the house that we know of.

There were two patients... Karen and Len...

and a staffer named Twyla.

This point, any one of the three
is a candidate.

- Morgan.
- Hey.

Hodges, what's going on?

I could use a little help as to context.

Doc Robbins found a foreign substance

in your victim's lungs,
sent me a sample for analysis.

Okay, what did he find?

It's all organic.

Primarily a combination
of nitrogen, phosphorus,

potassium and carbon.

Some of the nitrogen
had converted into ammonia.

How can I help?

Well, it's just that what's
suggested by the chemicals

and their particular proportions is waste.

Specifically, fish or bird waste.

Now, I don't know how that could've gotten

into your victim's lungs.

Fish waste.

But that doesn't make any sense.

Actually, Hodges, it makes perfect sense.

Take a look at this.


Looks like it would be the right size

to put down someone's throat.

Yeah. Now all you would need is a...


To pump with.

The same set of prints
shows up on everything.

They come back to the
house therapist, Twyla Owens.

Oh, you said that she took care
of the fish tank,

so it makes sense that
her prints would be everywhere.

Well, everywhere
except for the plastic tubing.

There were no prints there.

- It was wiped clean.
- And what about the pump?

Has tons of her prints on it
and nobody else's.

Why would the killer clean one
and not the other?


Because the killer didn't use the pump.

There's a crack in the housing.

Yeah, and it's bone dry.

There's no way this was
part of the murder weapon.

Yeah, but the killer had to use something

to force the water into Daycia's lungs.

I mean, Doc said her alveoli
were popped like balloons.

Well, then maybe the killer

pumped the water the same way
that you'd blow up a balloon.

Maybe he used his mouth.

If that's the case,

maybe our killer left us just what we need.

Come on, this is insane.

This-this is absolutely insane.

I'm two days away
from completing the program.

Two days away from...

holding my kids in my arms again.

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Look, Daycia's death

had absolutely nothing to do with me.

Says here that you worked
as an EMT in college.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

Taught you how to intubate
a patient, didn't they?

- Yeah. Yeah. So what?
- Too bad

they didn't teach you about DNA,
because you left yours

all over the tube there when you blew in it.

We also found the pillow

that you used to suffocate Daycia.

Look, we have everything we need.

We know you did it.

Of all the people in that house,

you-you were the one with the most to lose.

Why would you do something...

Because I had the most to lose, because...

because of my children.

You know what Daycia was?

D-Daycia was that, um...

She was that little devil.

And the little devil sits on your shoulder,

tempts you to do bad things.

So, wait. What are... what are you saying?

What... Daycia tempted you in some way? What?

With alcohol?

I woke up...

to go the bathroom
in the middle of the night.

It must have been just past 4:00.

I got back to my room.

There was a bottle sitting on my nightstand.

A bottle of bourbon, my brand,

with a damn ribbon on it.

And-and you think that Daycia

- put it there.
- I know Daycia put it there.

Like I just told you,
she was that little devil.

So I got up and I went and I confronted her.

What the hell is this, Daycia?

Why did you put this in my room?

Geez, Len, lighten up. It's a gift.

You know how important the program is to me,

that I stay clean so I don't lose my kids.

- You know you want some.
- Stop it.

Don't make me drink all by myself.


She wouldn't stop.

She wouldn't back off.

She just kept at it.

She kept trying to get me to drink.

Look, all I wanted to do was shut her up.

With the pillow, I mean.

I mean, come on, it was a pillow.

I put it over her face
just to get her to stop talking.

Stop it! Stop it! No, stop!

I've worked too hard; I'm not
gonna throw my life away.

I'm... sorry.

The bathtub in Daycia's room
was already full,

so I thought, why not...

why not just make it look like an accident?

Make it look like she just... slipped away.

I put her in the water.

I got the piece of tubing
from the fish tank,

and I made it look like she drowned.

The insane part of this whole thing is,

I made it, you know that?

I didn't drink.

Even after she was dead...

And it was quiet in that room,

I took that bottle, and I poured
it in the toil... toilet.

I didn't touch it.

I didn't take a sip.

I needed to do that.

For them.

So, we are just about cleared out,

and I'm officially releasing the rooms.


We got two new patients coming in.

- Wow. You don't waste any time,
do you? - We can't afford to.

A lot of people need help.

You know, I-I was really harsh

the other day when I talked to you

about Daycia, and I shouldn't have been.

She didn't understand her addiction.

Didn't realize that she was
battling a disease.

Most people don't.

Patients come in here thinking

all they have to do is put in the time.

Beating addiction is work.

Really hard work.

And sadly, not everyone's
up for the challenge.

Well, I don't know how you do what you do.

I was gonna say the same thing to you.

Guess we just keep doing it though.

If we don't, who will?

Hmm. Good luck.