CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 15, Episode 4 - The Book of Shadows - full transcript

While investigating the death of a high school chemistry teacher, CSI discovers that he belonged to a secret wiccan society.

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Welcome to Jefferson High,
home of the Pelicans.

Pelican pride.

Pelicans are, by the way, a shorebird...

Pelecanus occidentalis.

A waterbird mascot in the desert?

Ooh, here comes Principal Meadows.


Hi. Did you have a good weekend, Mason?


Um, what about that football game?

Ah, Turk was fantastic.

Oh, go... Pelicans!


Turk can't name the vice president.

No joke.

And he's one failed test away
from flunking out.

Ooh, but don't take my word for it.

Hey, Turk.

70 yards passing... not bad.

Oh, Chugga-Brew. I want to talk to you.

Uh, I'm busy, Turk.

Come on, man. This "vertex of the para-boola"

is driving me nuts.

You're the only one who can explain it to me.

Maybe next time.

I almost feel sorry for him.

What up, boy?

Aw, is Mason making a little
selfie video for his mommy?

Hi, Mason.

Come on, Hannah, give it back.

Wow, this thing is, like,
five generations old.

Pretty lame for a tech geek.

What do you want?

World peace, Mason. World peace.

Great talk. You know, I still can't believe

you don't have a girlfriend.

Right here! Hey! Yeah!

Hannah's my next-door neighbor.

We used to play "Kick the Can" and hang out,

but then she got her braces off.

Hey, sweetie.

Remember to take the car in
after school... oil change.

I know. You told me a billion times.

That's my mom.

She teaches Earth Science here.

Ah, famous Pelican cheerleaders.

Good news, bad news.

Bad news... it's eighth period.

Good news... it's eighth per...

- Holy crap, he's...
- Oh, my God!

Someone call 911! Grab a blanket!

Get some water! Call 911!

I got you, Chet, I got you.

Call an ambulance! Now!


is he...

Everybody, report to your homeroom.

Go back to class. Come on.

- Hey, Dave.
- Hey.

Any ID on our burning man?

Chet Messner.

Taught chemistry.

Sadly appropriate,

given his extreme thermal and chemical burns.

Fourth-degree charring.

- No one's gonna survive that.
- Nope.

Any luck retracing his steps?

Yeah. Uh, looks like the vic was
in the classroom when...

something went wrong.

That's an understatement.

Clearly there was an explosion.

It appears he was doing some
prep work for an experiment.

So, we're looking at an accident.

Maybe not, actually.

Look, I, um... I found his cell phone.

He received an anonymous text this morning.

"Epic fail, Messner. Do the right thing

- or suffer the consequences".
- So much for an accident.

Well, looks like Messner
did the wrong thing.

And got burned.

# CSI Las Vegas 15x04 #
The Book of Shadows
Original Air Date on October 19, 2014

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# I really wanna know #

# Who... are you? #

# Oh-oh-oh #
# Who... #

# Come on, tell me who are you, you, you #

# Are you! #

I still can't believe it.

I mean, my goodness,
Chet's always been so careful.

Makes an explosion in his lab
all the more puzzling.

So, I understand it was eighth period.

- Wasn't he teaching a class?
- Oh, no.

He normally grades papers then
or makes his lesson plans.

Did you know Mr. Messner well?

Oh, yeah.

About five years now.

He'd always throw
great barbecues on the Fourth.

The whole faculty would go.

And what about his students?
Did he get along with them?

You don't think
someone deliberately hurt Chet?

We don't know yet.

But I am going to need a list
of all of his students' names.

The students loved Chet.

He put in a lot of time here.

In fact, right now, he would be setting up

for tomorrow's Pelican rally
if... he hadn't...

Well, I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Meadows.

- Thanks for your time.
- Yeah.

- How was your meeting with the
principal? - According to her,

everyone just loved good old Mr. Messner.

Until someone didn't.

We need our, uh, bunny suits?

I did a sweep. Air samples are
clear of hazardous chemicals.

So you get to be bunny-free.

Well, I guess that means
we're late for class.

Aren't you gonna carry my kit?


First responders said
the sprinklers put out the fire.

The gas was still on, so they shut it off.

And it didn't look like the gas line

had been tampered with at all.

But take a look at this.

Bunsen burner...

says that Mr. Messner was working

on one of his lesson plans.

The burn marks
that are radiating outwards say

that this may be the point of origin.

Question is, what set it off?

Fire needs an accelerant.

So, what are you thinking?

The scorching marks...

are going this way.

I think I might have found our accelerant.

Whatever was in here

must have shot across the table
like a rocket.

Yep, singed and blackened.

How am I doing so far?

Ms. Brody?

Hey, you're not paying attention.

It's 'cause I'm forming
my own theory, Professor.

It's here... gummy bears.

On his crazy-tidy shelf.

You know the saying that,
uh, sugar gives you energy?

- Yeah. - I think that Messner
was gonna try to prove that.

It's on his whiteboard there.

Tomorrow's lesson plan.

That's what he was prepping.

Molten potassium chlorate

combined with glucose.

Potassium chlorate... that's an
accelerant, used in fireworks.

Makes for quite a show.

In fact, it's such a powerful oxidizer,

that when you add the
gummy bear or the sugar,

it reacts violently...
makes a loud noise,

causes lots of flames...
it's kind of like a Roman candle.

Well, like a Roman candle,

there should be no explosion.

It was supposed to be
a controlled experiment.

Until you add the X factor to the equation.

The killer.

"Epic fail, Messner.

Do the right thing or
suffer the consequences".

We traced this text to your phone, Mason.

I'm sorry.

I was just... venting.

I didn't really mean it, I swear.

You sent a threatening text, Mason.

In this day and age,

these things are taken very seriously.

Look, Mom, it was stupid. I know.

Mr. Russell, this is really unlike him.

I'm not just speaking as a mom...

I'm speaking as a faculty member.

Mason's on the honor roll.

He is a good kid.

You good at chemistry, too, Mason?

I sent a text, all right?

But I did not inferno Mr. Messner.

I-I was mad.

He gave me a B+ for the semester.

I missed a few days here and there.

I was sick.

And he wouldn't give me a break.

Why didn't you talk to him?

I did.

Like a lot of people around here,

he held me to a higher standard.

Chet could be very stubborn.

And that does not justify what you did.

The consequences you said
that Mr. Messner would suffer,

what'd you mean by that?

I heard those lines from a movie.

It was... it was just a bluff.

I just wanted my "A".

Because people expect big things from me.

And I didn't want to let you down.

And I know... I know
how much all this means to you.

- And...
- Mason...

you could never let me down.

Mr. Russell, does my son need a lawyer?

No, not at the moment.

Doc, can you explain this text
I got from Hodges?

Okay, "Nobody knows what the nose knows

until the nose knows it. See Doc".

Our friend, Hodges, has the gene

that allows him to smell the
bitter almond odor of cyanide.

- It's a gift.
- Oh, he has so many gifts.

Oh, yeah.

Note this pink lividity.

Indicative of cyanide poisoning.

Mr. Messner would have been
a goner, fire or no fire.

So, Messner was poisoned
before the explosion.

Killer did not push him
into the flames, but he did

- dose him with cyanide.
- In sufficient quantity

to cause him to seize
at a most inopportune time.

Well, that changes everything.

Killer didn't have to be in the classroom.

Do you know how he was dosed?

Normally cyanide presents
in the stomach lining

and nasal passages.

But I found no signs of this.

So he didn't eat it, and he didn't snort it.

- What else do you know
about him? - Uh, he was single,

been in Vegas
for about five years, no record.

- Why?
- Well,

he was wearing this.

It's called a life rune.

It's a gang symbol.

Two weeks ago, I saw the same symbol.

It was tattooed on a dead biker's ass.

Blended nicely with his swastikas.

So, our lovable teacher, Chet Messner,

may have had a dark secret.

This a bad time, Russ?
I got something for you.

Come on in.

I ran Messner's credit cards.

Now, one thing really popped out.

He's been ordering monthly shipments

of red phosphorus powder.

Man's a chemistry teacher though, right?

He got it from some shady supplier online.

And he got it delivered to his house.

Some little place out on Sloan Canyon.

What are you thinking?

We both know what red phosphorus
powder is used for.

Chemistry teacher dealing meth.

- Good show. I'm just saying,
- Mmm.

Messner may have some enemies
we haven't considered.

Maybe he stepped on the wrong dealer's turf.

Yeah, and then that dealer
goes back to that school

and gives Messner a big
old fat "F" in meth class.

Go get 'em.

Main house is clear.


All right, we'll check the shed.

There's a knife with...

what looks like blood on it, right there.

This doesn't look like a meth lab to me.

Man, these are some creepy-ass tapestries.

I think it might be more than just that.

I've seen this stuff before.

Double in the Alphabets.

This, uh... this whack-job...

he killed a couple as a sacrifice.

To the moon god.

So what is this, Devil worship?

No, not exactly. Stokes.

Book of Shadows.

- What's that?
- It's like a...

book of spells.

This is a ceremonial altar and a cauldron.

The only thing that's missing is a broom.

Our chemistry teacher's a witch.

Air, fire, water, earth,

elements of astral birth,

I call on thee, and offer these gifts.

"I call you now.

"Attend to me. This is my will.

So mote it be".

What happens next?

No, wait. Don't tell me. Let me guess.

Lightning strikes, right?

No, coven meeting starts.

Sounds like you've been to one.

Actually, my parents befriended
a Wiccan couple

back in the '60s, so I know

a little bit about it. It's a pagan religion.

They use spells to harness the Earth's energy

to grant positive wishes.

That's the sign of the Devil right there.

The five-pointed star?

No, that's a sign of balance
and strength, actually.

It's a protective symbol.

I always thought
it was the sign of the Devil.

Well, you're wrong.


This is our red phosphorus right here.

I think Messner was
making magic, not meth, in here.

Yes, the question is,

did magic lead to murder?

They were in here mixing up potions.

Maybe one of 'em made a cyanide spell.

There's a singed hair in here.

Looks human.

A burnt human hair in a cauldron?

How does that work
in the hocus-pocus business?

Well, that's a little disturbing, actually.

Why don't we turn this place upside down,

see if they left
more than a human hair behind.

And he's wearing a robe.

Helps me get into it.

Come on, this is Vegas. Anything goes.

Where can't you find a relic Druid robe?

- Well, did the robe help?
- It did.

I think I know what our witches were cooking

in the Wiccan kitchen. And if you'll step

into my Wiccan kitchen,
I'll be happy to explain.

Using a two-quart cast-iron cauldron...

you add human blood,
a teaspoon of red phosphorus,

then garnish with human hair.
You heat it all up

until there is a gloomy smoke,
and then you have...

A group of sad, lost people
inhaling toxic fumes?


A banishment spell.

Charge this by your powers.

Break this circle.

Banish the leper.

Let us be reborn.

Since when are you a Wicca expert?

Dated one in college. Uh, she was intense.

Perhaps too natural?

Truth be told, uh,

she didn't have a bathing spell

- in her Book of Shadows, so...
- Okay, okay,

let's just get back to this... spell.

Are you saying
that Messner was being banished?

Thou art correct.

I found one drop of unburned blood

on the lip of the cauldron.
Now, per the spell,

it means that Messner was the target.

Suggests motive.

Maybe Messner wasn't willing to go quietly

- into that witchy night.
- So another witch concocts

a deadly brew to silence him.

Toil and trouble, let the cyanide bubble.

Any luck with the hair in the cauldron?

Henry found DNA on the follicle.

Unknown female, no hits in CODIS.

But the prints on the candle shed more light.

In fact, IDs four of our witches.

Turns out that Wiccans come
from all walks of life.

Our first witch is a postal worker,

currently on vacation in Florida.

Okay, postal worker's out.

Witch number two is
a pharmaceutical saleswoman

with a DUI on her record.

She's on the road this week. Alibis her.

But school was in session
for two of our other witches.

Requiring that their fingerprints, too,

were in the system.

Witch number three is our own Ms. Brewer.

Earth science teacher, spell-caster.

Ms. Brewer?

Didn't see that coming.

How 'bout the man
who tried to save Chet Messner?

I call on thee...

The janitor's a witch?

Why didn't you tell us that you
and Chet Messner were part

of a secret society?

There you go. It's a secret.

Yeah, but secret-time kind of goes away

when it's a homicide.

Our religion had nothing to do
with what happened to Chet.

Maybe it did.

Could be a nervous witch,
you know, makes a cyanide potion

to stop a fellow witch from outing your gang.

Isn't that what you guys are really about?

Curses and revenge?

You have a wrong idea about us.

Okay, well... give me the right one.

Wicca saved me, Detective.

- Saved you?
- I came to Vegas

to hustle cards.

It ate me up.

Left me a broke alcoholic.

I found serenity in the power of nature.

Fact is, peace

is at the core of our belief.

That's what we're about.
If someone hurt Chet,

it came from the outside.

The whole thing was a shock to me.

It was my second gathering.

Oh, so you're new to the craft.

Yes, Chet asked me to join.

And then he's banished.

I didn't think that it was fair,
but I was new.

And who was I to question the coven?

- They all wanted him gone.
- Chet had been

speaking publicly about coven activities.

Shoot his mouth off to complete strangers.

He thought it was a way
of getting out the message.

How'd that make you feel?

Not good.

But not bad enough to kill.

Talking out of school
is why Chet was banished...

it's not why he was murdered.

A Wiccan doesn't kill.

We have one unidentified

female member of the coven,
but I need some names.

I'm not allowed to divulge names.

- I'm sorry.
- Oh.

Well, I'm sorry, too.

Because talking to members of the coven,

people who knew Chet well...

that's our best shot at figuring
out who hurt your friend.

I have been lost...

since my husband passed.

And this might sound corny, but there is...

a holiness to the cosmos.

A harmony.

It helps me get through the bad days.

I owe it to them to protect their privacy.

I can't break a sacred oath.

What did you think?

You're asking me, do I think

they're protecting themselves
or someone else?


I'm not sure.

Well, they could be telling the truth, right?

I mean, I like to think

that society's a little
more tolerant nowadays.

Do we really think that a member of a coven

would be willing to kill another member

for fear of being exposed?

I don't know, a banishment spell
for loose lips?

I mean, that tells me the first rule

of Witch Club is don't talk about Witch Club.


"Hop off the broom,
join me back on planet Earth".

He's very funny today.



What do you got?

Well, I think Messner was making
more than just Roman candles

in his classroom.

He was also making a synthetic brew.

I took a Dumpster dive behind
the school... you're welcome...

and I, uh, found this vial.

Now, it's got to be from Messner's lab,

because his prints are all over it.

Also found traces of androstenedione

and clostebol in it.

So he was making drugs. Just not meth.

Nope, steroids.

I also found this dosing schedule.

His own Book of Steroids.

He was supplying PEDs to a lot
of Jefferson student-athletes.

He even used code names. Note the, uh,

most popular client.


- Not very subtle.
- No, apparently

code names weren't his strong suit.

"Quarterback" is Rob Turkla.

Now, this is Mason Brewer's selfie video

of Messner's last seconds.

And he's one failed test...

Oh, Chugga-B...

Now, check out the QB's locker.

What is that, a traveling medical kit?

Complete with syringes
for your exotic destinations.

Yeah, I'm thinking

that Turk doesn't travel much
beyond the football field.

I, uh,

pulled Messner's phone records.

- Was he talking with Turk?
- Every Friday.

So we have a teacher

and a student involved
in a highly illicit scheme.

Could have been bad for either
one of them if it had come out.

But Messner had other
student clients, so why Turk?

Well, first off, Messner was broke.

He had big credit card problems,
five cards he couldn't pay.

Teacher's salary... selling
drugs solves the problem, right.

Well, two days ago,

Messner sent Turk an e-mail,
threatened to expose him.

"No cash, no college career for you

if this comes out. Be smart for once".

I think QB was stiffing Messner,

and Messner wasn't having it.

So he called an audible.


Nice work. I'll have Crawford pick Turk up.

Got your text.

I got your suspect.

I don't think he's gonna be talking much.

Hey, Dave...

how's his head look?

Well, I'm seeing blunt force trauma

to the back of the skull.

I'd say about 15 pounds' worth.

Yeah. That would do it.

Well, the weight room's just over there.

I'm thinking that the killer
grabbed the murder weapon

from there, followed Turk
from the weight room,

- then clocked him here by
the pool. - I think he was alive

when he went in the pool. There's a thin band

of foam at his mouth.

Suggests drowning.

One-two punch.

Blunt force trauma

knocked him down...

...pool finished him off.

Cleaning crew found the body
shortly after 6:00 a.m.

- Are there any security cameras
around here? - No.

Swim team, they have the pool,
uh, up until 7:00,

so nobody saw anything.

We have a suspect turned vic.

So what do you think?

Two murders, two days, one high school.

Maybe the QB knew something
about the Messner murder.

And drowned men tell no tales.

This is one sheet of 92 that were exposed

to the fire in Mr. Messner's classroom.

I processed every single one.

Okay. Why is this one special?

It's the murder weapon.

- This is getting fun.
- One thing

we still haven't been able
to deduce is how the cyanide

got into Mr. Messner's body.

But I have an idea.

Contact... with the paper.

This paper is coated with a combination

of cyanide and dimethyl sulfoxide.


A solvent.

One that can carry substances into the skin.

In this case, cyanide.

A massive dose. Kind of like

a chemical hypodermic needle.

I don't think
Messner was the intended target.

This isn't just any piece of paper.

This is the answer key

to Mr. Messner's Chem IV final,

which was left in a drawer

for his worst student, Rob Turkla.

Wait a minute. How do you know that part?

I found a very suspicious VidTree image

buried in Turk's deleted phone data.

"Touchdown! Your A+

is in Messner's top drawer".

Sent the day he died.

Do we know by whom?

VidTree snapshots disappear

after a couple seconds.

Kids use 'em 'cause they think
that they can send something

without their parents ever finding out.

But in reality,

all the data is still saved up in the cloud,

where we can eventually find it.

I'm... doing a search
on the sender as we speak.

So, if you're right,

then this answer key was left

in Messner's classroom for Turk to find.

And Messner found it first.

Messner was a neat freak.

If anything was out of place,
he would've noticed.


acting as a skin absorbent
for the cyanide...

anybody who touched
that answer key was doomed.

Always better to study, kids.


Got a hit on the sender.

Oh, my gosh.

Nice r?sum?, Hannah.

National Honor Roll.

President of the French Club.

Literacy Volunteer of the Year.

Captain of the swim team.

- Is that right?
- That's right.

Your specialty is the butterfly?

Yeah, how'd you know?

This here is, um...

Mr. Messner's steroid dosing schedule.

That's a code there...


Look, I swear, I only took the drugs once.

You'd do anything to win, right?

On the field,

in the classroom...

I looked at your e-mail.

Looked like you

and Turk and a few other kids

were planning on stealing Mr. Messner's

- Chem IV final.
- That...

that was all talk.

Not for Turk.

And not for you.

In fact, you...

used it as a murder weapon.

What are you saying?

The message you sent

to lure Turk to Mr. Messner's classroom,

where you left an answer sheet
laced with cyanide.

Bad luck for you, Messner touched it first.

So you scheduled a make-up with Turk.

At the pool.

I didn't kill Turk.

And I didn't kill Mr. Messner.

Look, I didn't... I didn't send this.

It's from your account.

Someone must've hacked me.

I mean, it's-it's not like
it hasn't happened before.

Why would somebody do that to you?

Hannah, you have to talk to me.

You want to know why...

someone would hack my account

and kill Turk at the pool?


I am your best suspect.

I wanted him dead.


Because of what he...

Because of what he did to me.


...a- attacked me.

Why didn't you report it?

To who?

The cops? What, because
they're gonna believe my word

over Mr. Friday Night Football?

Turk was the best class I ever took.

Taught me what the world's really like.

You wouldn't understand.

Just so you know,

I leave early on Thursday nights
from practice.

Coach thinks I'm at tutoring...

...but really, I'm at a women's shelter...

...for counseling.

I'll look into that.

Go ahead.

They'll tell you I was there.

QB's lungs are overinflated,

heavy with fluid.

Confirms drowning was COD.

Jaundice and liver damage are consistent

with chronic anabolic steroid use.

All to score a bunch of touchdowns.

Well, as expected,

I found syringe marks

on this QB's posterior.

Usual target for injecting PEDs.

Right. But I can't explain this target.

Another injection site.
Why is that different?

Well, it's not his usual injection site.

Needle hit the median cubital vein.

Take a look here.

What's even more unusual

is this two-inch section of vein

leading away from the puncture site.

It's devoid of blood.

The killer withdrew blood

from Turk after he died.

There was no blood pumping,

otherwise the vein would have refilled.

That's crazy.

The median cubital vein tells no lies.

Can it tell us why somebody
took the blood of a dead man?

Afraid not.


So, I, uh... I made some calls, and...

your story checks out.

About the counseling.

I'm so sorry for what Turk did to you.

You have every right to be angry.

I'm not angry.


My eyes are just open now.

For what it's worth,

there are far more good people out there

than there are... Rob Turklas.

Don't close your eyes to that.

- Did you hear about Turk's body?
- Yeah.

I know these folks are your people, okay,

But this hocus-pocus stuff
isn't sitting well with me.

All right, what are you thinking?

Well, it's not what
I'm thinking... it's what I know.

I processed Turk's car in the garage.

Found a used condom in the backseat.

The DNA from the vaginal fluid was a match

to the hair in the cauldron
in Messner's shed.

Well, that-that's... that's great.

That's our unknown female.

- I think so.
- So our quarterback

was boffing somebody in the coven.

Our mystery witch didn't
just leave behind her DNA.

She, uh, also left her prints

all over Turk's window.

Well, that begs the question...

which witch?

This is just dandy.

You actually think I hurt Turk? Nonsense.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You were sleeping with a student

who's now dead... murdered in your school.

I was not sleeping with Turk. My gosh.

We have your fingerprints

on the inside of his car windows

and your DNA on his condom from the backseat.

Do-do I need to go on?

Turk was 18.

He was perfectly legal.

What we had was real.

Did your husband find it real?

Your marriage, your job...
you had a lot to lose.

Mr. Russell...

every day, I play pretend. Mm-hmm.

I pretend that Pelican sports matter.

I pretend not to resent the fact

that I'm a failed interior decorator. Mm-hmm.

But mostly,

I pretend to not know that my
husband's having a weekly tryst

with a stripper named Tangerine. Mm-hmm.

Now, I did not kill Turk.

But I can tell you this...

I would kill to bring him back.

Did you know that-that Turk's blood

was removed from his body
after he was murdered?

And that suggests

a Wiccan ritual or a spell,

and that suggests you.


When you people secret-shovel,
you sure dig deep.

The coven said that we'd be persecuted.

No, no, slow-slow down.

I don't care who or what you worship.

I just care about the truth.

I didn't kill Turk.

You said that the killer took Turk's blood.

Yes, that's right.

Our high priest thought
that my relationship with Turk

was-was a threat to the coven.

Your-your high priest?


Ed... Ed Lusk?

The janitor?

He doesn't have power in this life.

He's determined to find power
within the coven.

- Turk was a threat
to that power. - By having sex

with you, he could create a-a scandal.

Ed said I was a bit...


He would do anything to protect the coven,

but I'm afraid, if he took Turk's blood,

that this goes way beyond that.

How so?

There's an ancient power spell

called a Kratos.

It uses the blood of a sacrificed youth.

It goes back to the Druids.

To perform this-this Kratos spell,

Ed would have to take
Turk's blood to an altar,

- if I'm... if I'm right.
- Yes.

The timing is very important.

The quicker the offering,
the more powerful the spell.

The two attempts on Turk's life
came at the school,

so maybe Ed had a-an altar at the school?


Do you know where it is?

Ed Lusk hasn't been seen since lunch.

Well, his ride's here,

so he's probably around here somewhere.

All we have is an altar

to the cleaning gods.

Not a Wiccan candle in sight.


Looks like our janitor missed something.

Directional blood drop.

Maybe a drip

from the needle he used to draw Turk's blood.

Got another one here.

And here.

You don't belong here!

LVPD. Put down the knife.

We need you to come with us, Ed.

Put the knife down

and no one gets hurt.

We just want to talk to you.

May the blackest of darkness
smite you down into the ground.

Try me.

So, Ed Lusk has lawyered up.

High priest is not talking, huh?

The blood drops in his closet are.
DNA matches Turk.

Hope he's got a good lawyer.

Yeah, really.

Ah, my brethren.

I was about to use
the foul modern text device

- to summon you.
- What are you doing?

I beseech you to enter my sacred domain.

I welcome you on the day of the Mabon Moon,

- whence we...
- David, I'm tired.

- I'm spell-casting
to prove a point. - Please.



I understand that our high priest is mum,

but his cauldron isn't.

I ran the ingredients found in it,

discovered trace amounts

of cherry opal gemstone.

Wiccans believe

the cherry opal amplifies
vibrational energies

within the bloodstream.

We have been assuming

that this is a power spell,

but the truth is this soup's

- a healing spell.
- So what are you saying,

- that Ed Lusk is sick?
- No,

but someone else is.

Someone who borrowed Turk's blood

and availed themselves to Lusk's altar.

As I expected,

I found Turk's blood in the cauldron.

But unexpectedly,

I found a second blood contributor.

Not Lusk, but someone whose blood...

contains traces of methotrexate.

That's a chemo drug used
to treat blood cancers.

Thou art correct.

And Henry hath run said blood.

He found a male familial match

to touch DNA from a candle recovered

from Messner's altar.

The match was not to Ed Lusk

but to a different wicked witch.

Mrs. Brewer.

Haven't you asked my son enough questions?

Enough is enough.

We asked you to bring Mason here

because we're concerned.

- Concerned?
- About what will happen to him.

I don't understand.

You need to come with me, Mrs. Brewer.


We know that your son,
Mason, is sick, Rebecca.

That he has Langerhans cell histiocytosis,

the blood cancer that affects children.

He missed a lot of school last semester.

His grades started to falter.

We know that he was receiving treatment,

but you were seeking
help of a higher power.

I'm not following.

We found Ed Lusk's cauldron.

We know that you're the one
who prepared the ritual

with your son's blood.

And Turk's.

You needed it to save Mason.

You're the one who killed Turk

and Messner.

Your original plan wasn't too bad.

I mean, you heard the rumblings around school

that Turk was looking
for the Chem IV test answers.

It was pretty easy, setting him up.

This is you

entering the school library at 1:16.

That's the same day
that Chet Messner was killed.

And at 1:19, you logged on to a computer

using Hannah Hunt's password.

You logged on to VidTree,

and you sent a message to Rob Turkla.

Telling him where to find the cheat sheet,

but Messner found it instead.

And so you had to try and kill Rob again.

You knew Turk's schedule.

You knew where to find him.

Why, Rebecca?

Was Mason getting worse?


The cancer spread to his bones.

The doctor found vertical lesions

and gave him six months to live.

So you were running out of time.

We get it.

Why does a piece of crap like Turk

get to live?

Why does a good boy...

why does your Mason... have to die?

Where's the harmony in that?

We searched your car.

We found your Book of Shadows.

Inside there was a healing spell
dedicated to Mason.

The spell's materials

were all the same items that we found

in Ed Lusk's cauldron.

I can...

- Please.
- Listen, I know

that you love your son.

No doubt. It's all right here.

"If I could set my own soul free

"to save you, I would,

"but I am earthbound,

"so I can call on thee, gods.

Let the rising sun sear
the cold serpent of disease".

"My child..."

"...let the wind carry your pain away".

"Let the waxing moon alight
the darkness within you".

And let this blood of
the powerful allow you to heal.

My son, you shall be reborn.

You shall be reborn.

My son doesn't deserve to die.

I'm not an evil person.

Ed told us that they were healing spells.

And-and medicine hadn't worked,

and I was desperate to try anything.

Two people died because of this.

The Book of Shadows is very, very clear.

It says that a spell will only work

if the sacrificed dies,

so that the other one can live.

I had to save my boy.

And you ended up losing him, anyway.


- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

There anybody I can call?

Any family?

Ever since my dad died,
it's just been me and Mom.

This is when I get dumped

in the orphanage with Oliver Twist, right?

No, that's not gonna happen.


You still getting your treatments?


I start a new round of chemo next month.

Doctors said they're gonna be
tweaking the protocols.

Think maybe things might turn around.

I'm homeless...

but I'm not hopeless.

He could stay with my family.

My parents already said it was okay.

Hannah, what...

what are you doing here?

I heard about your mom.

I'm really sorry.

Yeah, me, too.

You've always been really sweet to me,

even when I was so mean to you.

And I couldn't be more sorry.


if you want to play
"Kick the Can" or something...

We're not little kids anymore, Hannah.

I know that...


what do you say?

Come on. Let's go.

Poor kid.

How could a mother's love get so twisted?

Well, at least Hannah stepped up.

Kind of gives you hope, right?

That'd be nice.