CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 14, Episode 22 - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - full transcript

Desert town sheriff Combs shows the CSi team the corpse of a man raised there, who returned after founding a business in Texas to hunt for the lost loot of a bank robbery 25 years ago. As a kid, he and a local mate survived finding the cash hidden in 'their' play shed, where one of the two robbers bled to death. The third boy went missing, presumed killed and dumped in Lake Mead, but was never found. CSI teams up with local ex-cop Sam Bishop, who never ceased documenting and studying the case. Together, they find the site where the missing boy was buried and the recent murder weapon, a priceless antique Persian stone statue. A partial fingerprint of a rare type helps reconstruct the gruesome succession of crimes.

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Do you guys ever think
maybe we should

fix up the shack a little?

It's fine.

Why fix it?

I don't know,
in case we ever bring

girls here or something.

Scotty, what girls

are we gonna bring
besides your mom

or your sister?

You know what?
Fine. Never mind.

Yo, guys.

The shack door's open.

Is that blood?

Oh, man, we should go. Come on!

Is he dead?

He's not moving.

That's a lot of blood.

Looks like he got
shot or something.


Smooth move, ex-lax!

You guys,


And a lot of it.

Holy crap.
We need to go call the cops.


Well, it doesn't look
like he's gonna be making

that 3:10 to Yuma,
eh, Super Dave?

I'd say he's caught
his last ride.

Name is

Roger Mathers, according
to his Texas driver's license.

Single bullet wound
to the chest.

Nice powder ring
around the entry wound.

Looks like he was
hiking in the desert,

judging from all the dirt
and burrs in his socks.

Yeah, well, there's no shortage
of that around here.


Hey, Nicky!

Hey, uh, give me a second,
will you?


This is, uh, CSI Nick Stokes.

This is Sheriff Combs.
He's the local law.

How's it going?

Sheriff was telling me
he knew the victim.

But he's from Texas.
How'd you know him?

Well, he might've been
living in Texas now,

but Roger Mathers was
born and raised

right here in
Ellis Springs.

I knew him as a kid.

The sheriff
was telling me

that the victim had
a moment of fame,

or infamy, depending
upon how you look at it.

Yeah, back when
they were kids,

he and a couple of buddies--
they had the bad luck

to run across an
armed robbery.

One of the kids
got killed.

Shook up the town pretty bad.

Excuse me, I got to take this.

Yeah, go for Brass.

So, Sheriff,
what do you think

Roger might've been doing
back in town?

And what the hell
was he doing way out here?

Well, he wouldn't be the
first guy to come out here

chasing a payday,
Mr. Stokes.

Loot from the robbery
was never recovered.

There's a million-dollar
treasure out here

just waiting to be found.

Local lore-- they say it's
still out here somewhere.


What is it, Jim?

That was about my daughter.

What's wrong?

She, uh, just tried
to kill herself.

♪ CSI 14x22 ♪
Dead in His Tracks
Original Air Date on May 7, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ I really wanna know

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Oh-oh-oh
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you!

We've got an O.D.
Female, late 20s.

Attempted suicide.

Cocktail of clozapine,

Breathing steady,
but shallow.


Get her into three
and throw up

another bag of ringers, stat.
Yes, Doctor.

I'm sorry, sir.

I'm Captain Jim Brass.

Captain, I'm gonna
need you to wait.

As soon as she's stable,
I'll find you.

We just heard. So sorry.

How you doing?

I don't know.

D.A. said Ellie was here
for a preliminary hearing.

She was in a holding cell.

She's obviously, uh,
stockpiling her meds.

I mean, I don't think
she wanted to kill herself.

You know, her attorney is,
uh, filing an insanity plea.

It might be some screwed-up way
of strengthening their case.

Whatever's going on,
this is where you need to be.

And don't even think about
the Ellis Springs case.

We got it covered.

You just take care
of things here.


Hey, Sara, find anything in
the treasure hunter's car?

Well, he wasn't a health
food nut, that's for sure.

Looks like he ran a solar
business down in Plano.

His name's on the back
as the company owner.

Are you kidding me?

Selling solar in Texas?

What? Texas
doesn't have sun?

Texas has oil.

When I was growing up, you
mention something like this,

it was blasphemy.

Well, these might put
your mind at ease.

Gasoline receipts.

Looking at the where
and the whens of his fill-ups,

I would say
that he drove straight through

from Texas to get here.

Well, why was he
in such a hurry?

I don't know.

And what is that?
Piece of a photo.

I found it on the ground
near the car.

Can't find
the rest of it.

Well, it kind of looks
like an aerial photo.

Don't you think?

Maybe the lore is true.

Aerial photo of the area--

could've been
the victim's treasure map.

So, I called on down
to Texas,

and I spoke with someone
at the victim's company.

Did they say why he
came racing up here?

You know, my guess is
he was racing away from there.

Turns out, he had
serious money troubles.

His company is

going under.
Got to say,

if I found a buried
treasure, I'd spend it

on something far more exciting
than saving my failing company.

What do you got in mind?

Like a crazy trip
or a sexy sports car.

Something like that.

So, there are
definitely prints

on that piece of photo
you brought in, but

pretty much all of them
belong to the victim.

"Pretty much all of them"?

Well, there is
one partial print

that's not his, but
it's not enough to run.

It's interesting though;
it looks like

a tented arch pattern.

Which is really rare.

I mean, only, what, five percent
of the population has that.

Well, Nick just got
the phone records of our victim.

He made five calls
on his drive from Texas to here.

All of them to Tyson Briggs.

Who's Tyson Briggs?

He's one of the other two kids

that got tangled
in the heist 25 years ago.

So, were you and
Roger still close?

You guys still talk?

No, not really.

Everything changed
after that day.

That's why it was so weird,

him calling
out of the blue like that.

What'd he want?

Wanted to get together.

And did you?

I thought it'd be good
to see him, you know?

Get caught up.

But all Roger could
talk about was money.

He was kind of frantic.

Panicked even.

He must've been
in a pretty deep hole.

Was he talking about
looking for buried treasure?

You know, the money
from the '89 heist?

That was why he was here;
that's why he came back.

That money was gonna be
the answer to all his problems.


Well, how would he know
where to look for it?

Well, he didn't say.

And tell you the truth, man,
I really wasn't that interested.

Look, man, I'm not trying
to talk bad about the guy now.

No, that's all right.
I understand. Go ahead.

The whole time me and Roger
were together,

he didn't once mention Scotty.

He just kept going on
about the money

and the treasure
and how bad he needed it, man.

He didn't... man, he didn't
have one single thought

about Scotty.

And, Scotty, that's the...
the boy who was killed?

Yeah, we lost
our best friend that day.

Please, mister,
don't shoot us!

We won't tell anyone.


What the hell?

What are you guys doing?

We just came here to
hang out, mister, I...

Shut up!

Hey, bro.

It's the best
I could do.

I couldn't go
back to town.

Hey, hey.


No! Damn it!


Grab the bags.
You're coming with me.

Get over there!
No. No, please!

I don't want to go!

Pick up the money now!

You two are gonna stay here.

Be quiet
or your friend here dies.

You get it?


Shut up.
Pick up the money!

Pick it up!

Guys! Guys!

Guys! Guys!

Guys, help!

We ran as fast as we could
back to town

to get the sheriff.

By that time,
it was too late.

We never saw Scotty again.

I grew up with
two great friends, man.

You know, the kind
you never forget.

Now they're both gone.

Well, I'm sorry for
your loss, Mr. Briggs.

Yeah, yeah.

I just heard about Ellie.

How is she?

She's in

an induced coma.

She's stable, so...

How are you holding up?

After all that's happened,

I don't even know
what the hell I'm doing here.

There's a part of me that wishes
she would just not wake up.

I mean,

I know how horrible
that sounds, but, uh...

She's put you
through a lot, Jim.

You know she's here
for a court hearing, right?

She's gonna
testify in a court

that I drove her to madness.

To murder.

You are not responsible
for what she did.

Or what she's
done to herself.

I'm not so sure.

So, what do we got
on our murdered treasure hunter?

Well, we are working
on that right now.

We just pulled all the files
from the original '89 case.

These were
our suspects involved.

A pair of local brothers.

Paul and Ben O'Malley.

They robbed the house of

a mid-level Mob boss

named Michael Scarno,

and in the process,
one of them was shot.

According to the police report,
they made off

with close to a hundred grand
and some valuables.

That's all?

Nick talked like there was
this big treasure involved.

Well, the cash and
watches are part

of the official
theft report.

But I remember
when I was writing

my Vegas Mob book,
I heard about

this Michael Scarno.

He was an art theft guy,

and he had acquired a
particular piece of sculpture.

A Persian-stone lion.

Wow, that's over
2,000 years old.

And it was just one of a pair.

The other one just sold
at a British auction

for close to $10 million.

Well, that could
explain the "why now" of it all.

Could be that our victim
heard about the auction

and then went looking
for the remaining statue.

How do the three local kids
fit into the original story?

Wrong place at the wrong time.

The older O'Malley found them
in a railroad shack.

Brother was dead.

O'Malley then tried
to make a getaway

and took one of
the younger kids with him.

Scotty Gates.

O'Malley was caught
two hours later

out near Hoover Dam,
but by then,

the boy and the
cash were gone.

Now, the sheriff
has always contended

that the kid ended up at
the bottom of Lake Mead.

The body was never found?

O'Malley didn't say
what he did with the kid?

He never got a chance to.

He was found dead in
his jail cell the next morning.

No body. No money. No trial.

Seems a little bit more
than sketchy, don't you think?

Case of small-town
justice, maybe?

Or small-town corruption.

Maybe the local cops knew
what kind of stash

Scarno was sitting on.

So this is
what's left of Scotty Gates.

An entire kid's

comes down to a baseball hat

and a pair of glasses.

Oh, I can't even imagine

what his parents
must've been going through.

Wait a minute.

Looks like a partial print.

It could be a tented arch.

Sara said

she found a tented arch

at the Roger Mathers
murder scene.

I got your text.

You said it was urgent.

I was looking through
the evidence from the '89 case,

and I found
a fingerprint.

It's only a partial--
not enough to run.

Don't tell me
it has a tented arch.

It does.

Okay, so the one
on the left

is from the torn photo that
you guys found this morning,

and the one
on the right

is from Scotty
Gates' glasses,

25 years ago.

Could they really be the same?

It's a match.

The fingerprint belongs
to a man named Sam Bishop.

He is a security
guard now,

but back in '89, he was a deputy

in Ellis Springs
under Sheriff Combs.

And get this--
he left the department

two weeks after the whole thing
with Scotty Gates and the heist.

Goes a long way to support
our theory of a crooked cop.

We have his fingerprints
at both murder scenes.

Could be our killer, I guess,

covering up his crimes
of the past.

Let's take the back.

Can I help you with something?

Uh, LVPD. Who are you?

Karen Bishop. I live here.

We're looking for

Sam Bishop.

We'd like to have
a word with him.

Um... yeah.

I'll let him know you're here.

No, no. You know what?
That's fine.

We'll tell him ourselves.
Thank you.

Excuse me,
you can't go in there.


Sam Bishop?

LVPD. We need to talk.

Let me guess--
about Scotty Gates' murder?

I've been waiting 25 years
for you to come.

You boys are arresting me?

You got to be
kidding me.

We've got your prints at
two murder scenes, Mr. Bishop.

Roger Mathers' last night and
Scotty Gates' 25 years ago.

What the hell
are you talking about?

My father

wasn't involved
in any murder.

We have a warrant to search
the premises as well.

You have absolutely no idea
what you're doing, do you?

Get him out of here.

You're making a huge mistake.

My father is a good man.

Well, we'll have a look
around, see for ourselves.

The gun that was used

to kill Roger Mathers
was a nine-mil, right?

Yeah, but if it's
hidden down here,

we got our work
cut out for us.

Am I the only one getting

a mad scientist vibe in here?

Thought this guy
was a former cop.

Ooh, have a
look at this.

These are the boys
from the '89 case.

Old rabbit's foot.

Like a kid
would have.

Could be a trophy the killer
kept from Scotty Gates.

Well, it's got
an evidence tag on it.

And these are all
old case files.

Just who the hell
is this guy?

Assuming your people
didn't find

any murder weapon
in my house.

No, they didn't,
Mr. Bishop.

But what they did find
was-was very interesting.

You're one of us,
a criminalist.

You were working for Ellis
Springs Sheriff Department

back in 1989.

They called me a "hobbyist,"

Well, that was
a pretty

heavy responsibility
for a young deputy.

How'd that land
on your back?

I volunteered.

I had a knack for science.

We're working an investigation

into a murder that
took place last night.

Your fingerprint was
on a torn photograph

recovered at the scene.

Can you explain that?

I retired years ago.

Maybe you should
figure that one out.

You didn't retire.

You were fired.

You were let go right after

the 1989 heist,

says here in your file,
for insubordination.

There was no

I found evidence

that was, uh...
inconvenient for Sheriff Combs.

Quickest way

to bury my evidence
was to bury me.

Why was the evidence
"inconvenient" for the sheriff?

Most charitable scenario?

Local kid was gone,
presumed dead,

along with
the two men responsible.

Sheriff just wanted
the case closed.

Least charitable scenario?

Sheriff was dirty.

In on the heist.

I suppose you have
some evidence to back that up?

Ben and Paul O'Malley.

Two brothers that ripped off
Michael Scarno's house.

They were local
troublemakers back then.

Got arrested half a dozen times.

More than once, Sheriff Combs
arranged for them

to serve their time
working on his house.

So you're saying
that he knew them well.

Well enough he could've hired
them to pull off the robbery.

Let's be careful

about allegations that
Sheriff Combs is dirty.

Guy has over 30 years
under his belt.

Yeah, well, 30 years
doesn't take away his guilt

if he was involved in the
original robbery and murder.

But we don't know that.

Come here.
Come here.

Let's say I play along.

Let's say Sheriff Combs
was involved

in the original robbery, which
ties him to the kid's death.

Why would he kill Roger Mathers
25 years after the fact?

Maybe Roger and the kids

saw more that day
than we realized.

Now, Roger has come back,
he's desperate for money.

Maybe his next move

is to try
to blackmail the sheriff.

That's two "maybe""
in three sentences.

It does give him motive.

Look, I'm not
in the man's corner.

I'm just saying,
proceed with caution.

This guy, Sam Bishop--

I'm looking at
the forensics he was doing.

It's crazy.

I mean,
he was way, way

ahead of his time.

Polymorphic protein analysis,

analyzing gunshot residue.

He has his own formulas here
for amino acid stains.


I found all of these

aerial photos in Bishop's box.

They look a lot like the piece

you found by
the victim's car,

but, I mean, there's not one
that's a perfect match.

There's not one with
a... with a tear on it

or anything like
that, which means

Roger Mathers had the only copy.

He had the only treasure map.

Explains why Sam Bishop's
fingerprint was on it.

It was one of his photos.

Question is:

how did Roger Mathers get it?

Sam, these were your photos.

That's why your fingerprint's
on the fragment that we found

near Roger Mathers' car.

Did you give him
this photograph?

No. And I have no idea
how he got it.

These are all
original case photos.

Been sitting in the same
evidence box for 25 years.

They're very
impressive, actually.

It's the kind of mapping
we do with drones nowadays.

But you didn't have a
drone back then, did you?


But I had this.

I mounted a camera
from a suspension rig

slung beneath
a weather balloon.

The camera's self-timer
was modified

to fire off an entire roll
of film, automatically.

Took about a week
to map the region.

There was no better way to
search for Scotty Gates' body.

Yeah, I'm-I'm gonna
stop you right there, Sam.

See, I had a conversation
with Michael Scarno's attorney.

Discovered an
interesting connection

between you and
the old crime boss.

He paid you
for those photos, Sam,

and that was
after you got fired

by Sheriff Combs.
Hold on a minute.

You weren't looking

for the kid's body.

Scarno hired you
to find his missing loot,

his treasure.
No, you don't understand...

Are you going to deny
that you were

on Scarno's payroll?

No, I'm not.

Yes, I took the old man's money.

I'd just been fired,
I had a little girl to raise.

But I never
gave a damn

about any missing loot,
any treasure.

It was a chance to find Scotty.

Sam, we need the photo
that Roger Mathers

had last night.

Where are the negatives?

There it is.

The photograph that
Roger Mathers was carrying

the night he was murdered.

what's so damn special about it
that got him killed?

Sam Bishop must have
scoured these photos

back when he took them.

He didn't
see anything.

Yeah, but he was working
with 1989 technology.


Hold it.

Do you see that?

There's an irregular
pattern in the ground.

Looks like the dirt
had been recently turned over.

I can run this
against a current

satellite photo,

get the GPS

Well, we got to be close.

Coordinates we have
put us just about

on top of it.

Yeah. I think we're there.

This is recent.

Yeah. This hole
looks fresh.

Look at the impression
in the dirt here.

Could be from the lion statue.

Someone beat us to the treasure.


Looks like a tennis shoe.

Or it was, a long time ago.

That's a bone.

Wasn't just the treasure
that's buried here.


This is Scotty Gates' grave.

Here's the cast
I pulled from the hole

before they
started digging.

Sure looks like a match
for the lion statue to me.

Yeah, we found
a shovel, too.

So Scotty Gates
and the statue

were buried right here
all this time.

I thought the story was that

the kid ended up
on the bottom of Lake Mead.

Well, that's what
Sheriff Combs has always said.

Then again, I mean,
you heard Sam Bishop's theory.

The sheriff was in on the heist.

Speak of the devil.

So I have to hear
through radio traffic

that you discovered
a grave.

We're still in
the early stages.

If the remains you're digging up
there are Scotty Gates,

I am still the lead detective
on that case.

Sheriff, right now, this is
part of our investigation

into the murder of

Roger Mathers.

And you found
no other evidence

that would indicate
this is part of my case?

You mean like
a million-dollar statue?

Everything here
is going back to our lab.

We'll let you know what we find.

All these years, he was
just a half-mile from town.

I should have found him.

Scotty's parents were devastated
by his disappearance.

Whole town was.

But his mother--

it just pushed her
over the edge.

For weeks and months,

she posted his picture
all over town.

She never stopped
looking for him,

even though, in her heart,
I think she knew he was dead.

Hard to grieve without knowing

what happened.

I promised her
I'd find Scotty.

Did everything I could,
but in the end...

I let her down.

Sam, I want to apologize to you

for the assumptions
I made earlier.



I spoke with
the forensic odontologist.

Dental records
confirm the remains

are definitely those
of Scotty Gates.

Okay, thanks.

Anything else
you can tell us?

Well, obviously, my observations

are limited by
the advanced decomposition.

Cause of death out
of the question?

Not necessarily.

I noticed some
fracturing here

and an indentation.

First, I thought
it was the result

of the body being buried
for 25 years.

But on closer look,

there seems to be
some impact compression.

Someone struck him in the head.

Or he fell and hit his head;
it's hard to say which.

Do you mind?


So this jagged mark here,
that's the line of impact?


You can see the
compression I mentioned.

What do you think?

It matches the base
of the statue.


Scotty was killed
with the stone lion.

Whoever buried that
was not hiding treasure.

They were ditching
their murder weapon.


How did we get here, huh?

How did we get here
to this place?

Was it because, uh, I
wasn't your real father?

I mean, we never
told you--

we didn't think
it was a big deal.

But maybe you
instinctively knew

and you held
it against me.

Is that it?


I mean, the natural connection
between a father and daughter,

the bond-- we never had that.

Was it because
we didn't love each other?

I mean,

I thought I loved you.

I mean, every time
you were in trouble,

I was there.

I came.

Tried to save you, help you.

I mean, if that's not love...

I-I don't know
what love is, then.

But you kept pushing me away
and pushing me away.

And now we're here.

I can't go on like this, Ellie.

I think
I've discovered a secret

about the most beautiful
woman in history.

Kate Upton?

In history, Henry.

I was talking about Cleopatra.

Oh. Fascinating,
but I am busy.

I just came to tell you
that I had no luck

isolating DNA
from the shovel

Greg and Sara
found by the hole.

Something in the sample

screwed up your extraction,
didn't it? Mm-hmm.

Just as Cleopatra
and I expected.

Fine, I'll bite.

What does my screwed-up sample
have to do with Cleopatra?

Minerals from
the Dead Sea.

13 of them-- not found in water
anywhere else in the world.

As usual, I'm not
following you.

There was lotion
on the shovel handle.

The sample contained
a particular proportion

of magnesium, bromide,
bitumen, calcium and potassium.

The high salt content

would explain why
my extraction failed.

Only one vendor sells a version
with the precise

mineral proportions
that I've identified,

and they only
offer it online.

I'm waiting

for a list of
local customers as we speak.

We found a shovel this morning,

out in the desert.

It had lotion on the handle,
a very specific lotion.

You know the stuff I'm talking
about, don't you, Karen?


You were out there.

I think you went out there

and dug up Scotty Gates' grave
to get to that treasure.

Wait, what do you mean,
"Scotty's grave"?

We were just looking
for the statue.


Who'd you go out there with,


Roger Mathers?

How'd you end up out
in the desert with him?

I caught Roger
breaking into

my father's workshop
two nights ago.

He was desperate to get
his hands on some photographs.

Your dad's aerial photos.

Well, why didn't you
just call the cops?

I was about to,
but then Roger started

talking about the treasure.

The stone lion,
you know?

He said it wasn't just lore,

that it was really
worth something.

He thought that with my dad's
photos, he could find it.

And he offered to cut you
in on the deal.

That's why you
decided to help him, hmm?

I figured, why not?

If anybody deserves
a piece of that treasure,

it's me and my father.

That case
ruined our lives.

So the two of you went out
there to dig it up, huh?

That was the plan.

But it didn't happen.

We were able to find the spot,

pretty much,
using the aerial photo.

It's got to be close.

These look like the pipes
that are in the picture.

No. No, no.


Somebody beat us to it.

I need the money.

God, I need the statue!


Just get away from me.


I walked away.

That was the last time
I saw him--

on his knees, crying.

I've known Roger
since we were kids.

I would never hurt him.

Come here to tell me
you talked to Karen?

Your daughter was the one who
raided your old case files, Sam.

She gave the aerial photos
to Roger Mathers.

I can't say
I'm surprised.

Her whole life,
she had to put up with

my obsession
with the case.

Makes sense she'd feel entitled.

Evidentially, she and Roger

went out to the desert
and they were digging around.

They didn't find anything.

But looks like you did.

The real stone lion is
almost 2,000 years old.

This one isn't
even finished yet.


Exact size and weight
as the original.

It's a perfect copy
of the murder weapon.

Come here, I want to show you
something. Look at this.

This is a mock-up of the boy's
skull, complete with injuries.

So what's your plan?

Well, I am going
to re-enact the murder,

try and duplicate the blow
that killed Scotty,

prove it's consistent
with a killer

the same size and frame
as Sheriff Combs.

You really think he did it?

Well, that's what
I want to find out.

Not a bad idea.

Is that your way of telling me
it's a good idea?

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

I do think my
guys could, uh,

offer a few improvements,

if you don't mind
joining forces.

So this is
just like yours,

only we took it
a little bit further.

Just a little bit.

Well, it's for practical reasons
more than anything else.

If you were to do
the experiment,

you'd probably have to destroy
about a dozen skulls.

But our head here

can sustain
numerous blows,

and the resulting trauma will be
simulated by that computer.

And I assume that,

since we know
the extent of the trauma,

you can set a target zone

for the exact force
and angle of the impact.

Yes. And that computer
will let us know

when we perfectly
recreate the blow

that killed Scotty Gates.

Very cool.

What are we waiting for?

The injuries
just aren't consistent

with the sheriff's
height and build.

There's no way the sheriff
could've killed Scotty.

Well, according to this,
the killer was smaller,

barely five-feet tall
and left-handed.

Back when I was a deputy, I used
to coach some youth baseball.

There was this one kid,

a pitcher,

a mean southpaw.

Mr. Briggs?

Think we need to
have another talk.

I already told you everything
I know about Roger.

Yeah, but now you're
gonna tell me everything

you know about
Scotty Gates.

That's where the killing
all started 25 years ago.

Please, mister, don't shoot us.

We won't tell anyone.

I think he's dead.

That's what you said before.

Come on, grab the bags.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

What are you doing?

We-we can't.

He's dead.

He's not gonna use it.

Yeah, but it's not ours.
We have to call the police.

We're not
calling anybody.

Now, shut up and
grab the bags!


No, this is stupid. We can't!

Don't be a baby!

This is our hideout, and
whatever's in it is ours.

Now, shut up...

...and grab the bags.

Idiot, you didn't have
to break my glasses.

My dad's gonna kill me!

Here, now you can
buy new glasses.

Quit it, Roger.
It's not our money.

The cops aren't
gonna let us keep it.

We're not telling
the cops, stupid.

We're not telling anybody.

I told you.

We have to.
God, Scotty,

stop being such a wuss!

I'm not being a wuss.
I'm being smart.

I'm being... normal.

There's a dead guy back there.

I'm going home,
and I'm calling the cops!

Scotty, I'm warning you.

Screw you.

You're not the
boss of me!

I didn't mean to hurt him.

I just...

I just...

I just snapped.

Yeah, just those...
those bags of cash--

it just seemed like
all the money in the world.

I just didn't want
nobody to take it.

So you killed your best friend.

No. I didn't kill him.

I mean,

I hit him.

But he wasn't dead.

Oh, come on, Tyson.

He had a fractured skull.

Stop playing
these games with me.

Tell me what happened out there.

Somebody... somebody else
was out there that day.

We didn't know
we'd been followed.

Hey, guys!

You guys better
shut him up.

Someone's coming.

Damn it, Karen. Why do you
always have to follow us?

Didn't you hear what I said?

There's a car coming.


Damn it!


So, you smothered him?

Look, I felt bad.

But in the moment,
it was him or all of us.

So, the three of
you buried Scotty

out in the desert
along with that statue?

We were worried
someone would find him.

But right away,
the focus shifted to Lake Mead,

so no one ever did.

What happened to all
that money? The cash?

We hid it under the porch
at Roger's house.

Couple of months later,
his grandmother fell asleep

on the couch
with a cigarette in her hand.

Burned the house to the ground.

So, Scotty died
for nothing.

We were just kids.

Stupid kids.

Yeah, well, you're not
a kid anymore, Karen.

Know what you are?

You're a liar.

I think you lied to us the
last time you came in here.

Think that you and Roger
found that stone lion

the other night, the two of you.

You know what
else I think?

I think when you got
to the cars...

...something went wrong.

That wasn't the deal, Roger.
You said we'd split it 50/50.

I said we'd split it;
I didn't say how.

You didn't even know
the statue was

worth anything until I told you.

And you never
would've found it

without my
father's photos.

I'll cut you in
for a finder's fee.

Come on, Karen.

What are you gonna do?

You gonna kill me?

Like you killed Scotty?

Not a bad theory.

Problem is,
you don't have any evidence.

My father always taught me:
no evidence, no case.

There is no way

that we can get her
for Scotty Gates' murder.

She was 11 at the time,

and we can't even conclude
a cause of death.

We have to get her for
killing Roger Mathers.

I know, but we don't
have the evidence.

And by the time we do,
she will have

covered her tracks.

Sam? You
looking for me?

When Karen was a teenager,

she used to go down to
the creek bed behind our house.

She had this little hiding place
down there where she'd

stash her cigarettes,
thinking I-I didn't know.

I took a look
down there tonight.

If this is what
I think it is,

your daughter can go
to prison for a long time.

Nine millimeter.

Same caliber
that killed Roger Mathers.

All for this.

You know,
for years, I wondered

if that thing really existed.

Now, more than ever,
I wish it hadn't.

I thought I knew my little girl.

I thought we had no secrets.

For 25 years, she'd been
hiding the truth from me.

I don't understand it.

I just...

I'm sorry. I really am.

You do everything
you can for your kid.

You-you give them everything.


Including the power
to break your heart.

Captain, you wanted
to know if there was news.


The swelling in Ellie's brain
has subsided enough

that we've reduced
the medication.

She is responsive now.

She's awake?

But still in recovery.

I understand.
Thank you, Doctor.

They told me you were hovering.


I just want to, uh, make
sure that you were...

All right?

We both know that
that's not really possible.

Why'd you even come?

I guess I'm...

just not ready to...

give up on you, Ellie.

This is not your fault.

There's always been
something wrong with me.

You should just let me go.

I've tried.

Believe me.

But I can't.

I mean...

you're all I have left.

Look, I'm going to, uh...

I'm gonna let you rest,
let you sleep, okay?

No. Stay.

Please, Dad?

Hey, Jim.


D.B., come in. Sit down.

I hear Ellie's
out of the woods.


Two of you able to talk?

Yeah, we did.

For a while.

You all right?

I am, actually.

Can I buy you a drink?


Here you go.

Happy days.

Happy day.

You're a little calmer
than I thought you might be.

You sure you're all right?

Yeah, I just had
a four-hour conversation

with my daughter.

That's something that hasn't
happened to me in 15 years.

We realize
that we need each other.

Even more now.

I-I would be a little...

little bit cautious
if I were you.

What do you mean?

You think she's trying
to manipulate me-- is that it?

I love her, D.B.

I have to trust her.

She's all I got.

And I want to be there for her,
I mean, really be there.

Help her out,
the way any father would.

Good for you.

And I hope it works out.
I really do.

Well, you and me both.

And with a little luck,
who knows?


I think I'm gonna
hit the road.



Want to walk out with me?

No, I think I'm gonna
hang out here for a while.

I got to figure some things out.


== sync, corrected by elderman ==