CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 14, Episode 16 - Killer Moves - full transcript

CSI searches for a killer whose victims and locations resemble moves on a chess board, and Greg is forced to turn to an old mentor to search for clues about the next victims.

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So, which one
is your favorite?

Got to go with
Jailhouse Rock.

But Blue Hawaii's
right up there.

How about you?

Well, it's
a little obscure,

but I'd have to say that
my favorite Elvis movie

is definitely
Change of Habit.

There's just something
about Mary Tyler Moore

dressed as a nun.

Yeah, I can see that.

Hey, guys.


Viva Las Vegas.

Yeah, minus the "viva."
No encore for this guy.

Do we have a name?

George Tabin.
Business card says

he's an Elvis tribute artist.

Cash is still there.

Credit cards, too.

Rules out robbery.

Looks like multiple head wounds.

No blood on the bench.

No blood pool on the ground.

No, this was definitely
not the primary.

He was killed somewhere else,
brought here,

propped up on the bench,

and staged.

I've got
gravitational blood drops

over here heading
away from the body.

Maybe from the weapon?

Well, looks
like a trail.

Nice night
for a stroll.

Well, end of the blood trail.

No murder weapon,

but looks like
we have another victim.

It's been stabbed.

There has to be a connection.

Maybe the killer
is making a reference

to Edgar Allen Poe.

Well, then he needs
to brush up on his birds.

This isn't a raven,
it's a rook.

You see the white skin
around its beak?

A rook?

Well, the weird thing
though is rooks are

indigenous to Central
Europe and Asia.

What's one doing
in Southern Nevada?

I think I made the connection.

Between a bird and an
Elvis impersonator?

No, between a rook...

and a king.

As in, they're both
chess pieces.

As in,
whoever our killer is

has a sick sense of humor.

♪ CSI 14x16 ♪
Killer Moves
Original Air Date on March 5, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ I really wanna know

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Oh-oh-oh
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you!

Lost or lost
in your thoughts?

Avenue D and 1st.


We found the king
at Avenue C and 1st.


Now I'm lost.

We're looking for
the primary, right?

Where are we going?

Uh, you want
to fill me in, or...?

The squares of a
chessboard are delineated

by letters and numbers.

Avenue E and
1st Street-- E1.

Now, there is a chess move
known as "castling."

The player moves
two pieces at the same time.

The rook from its
original position to D1,

and the king from E1 to C1.

From Avenue E and 1st Street
to Avenue C and 1st Street.

We are in the Alphabets.

Um, Greg,
I-I know you were captain

of your high school chess team,
and-and I respect your instincts

as a criminalist immensely...
But you think I'm reaching.


Actually, I-I think
you're a genius.

Memphis or bust?

Graceland's in Memphis, right?


There is a significant
amount of blood spatter

in the driver's seat.

I think we just found
our primary.

Maybe he wanted us to find
the king's carriage as well.

Even threw in the murder weapon.

So, Doc, word
on the street is...

If you say,

"The king is dead,"

I will kick you
right out of here.

I've already had my fill of
bad Elvis puns from David.

So hard to resist.

Yes, I'm sure.

Okay, C.O.D. is multiple

craniocerebral injuries

due to the blunt force
trauma to the head.

Consistent with
the tire iron we found.

Didn't have any prints on it.

Well, he was struck at
least a dozen times.

Suggests rage.
With a twist.

The tox screen flagged
diphenhydramine in his system.

Wow, at these levels,

even the real Elvis
would've been unconscious.

Yes. There, uh...

was no pill residue in
his gastric contents,

but I found this.

An injection site.

So, he was drugged
before he was beaten to death.

careful planning.

Just like a chess player.

Well, that's very
astute of you.

Thank you very much.

Out. Get out.

I know you're a fan
of fungi,

but are you also a fan
of nonvascular plants?

Specifically bryophyta?

Should I be?

Well, if it helps us
catch a killer, yes.

I found
what I thought was a hair

on the king's jumpsuit.

Didn't match our vic,
so I ran it.

And you found out
that it was moss.


In this case,

a small, but mighty variety

capable of consuming 20%
of its own weight in fluids.

Sounds like my college roommate.

I know that guy.

It's a little
strange, isn't it?

I mean, you can't grow moss
in Vegas; it's a desert.

You need moisture.

I found traces
of sodium lauryl sulfate

and shea butter on the stem.

Those are commonly found
in shampoos and bath oils.

I give up.

Where's this moss from?

Not to shill
for the Mediterranean Hotel,

but they recently stalin
live-moss bath mats

in all of their rooms.

Part of an
"environmental chic" design.

Now, I checked.
Our Elvis impersonator is

persona non grata
at the Mediterranean,

but perhaps our killer isn't.

Bit of a long shot,
don't you think?

Not if I told you
that the Mediterranean

is currently hosting an
international chess tournament.


Welcome to
the King's Crown Tournament.

All players, please show
your USCM I.D. cards

at the registration desk.


- Check.
- Damn it.

Come on, man.

You really think
that one of these guys

took a tire iron
to the king?


Too nerdy to kill?

Well, yeah. I mean,
look at them.

I doubt if half of these guys
could even hold a tire iron

over their head,
much less swing it.

Chess is by definition

a sequence of captures,
ambushes, sacrifices

and attacks.

It's violence played out.

Uh, ink it's
just a board game.



I'm Jenny Carroll, the
tournament director.

I believe I spoke with
one of you on the phone.

That would be me.
I'm CSI Sanders. - Hi.

CSI Stokes.
Thank you for your time.

We just want to ask you
a few questions, okay?

What about?

Well, actually,
it's about a homicide.

A homicide connected
to the festival?

You mentioned
on the phone

that this tournament is
part of a promotional tour?

Yes, we are trying to broaden
the appeal of the game.

Just make it sexier.

Oh, well, no offense.

You might want to try getting
re women in the joint.

Oh, I agree.

Chess has been
pretty much a man's game.

It would be nice to open it up.

Can't say I disagree
with that.

Uh, excuse me.

He, uh...

he played chess in high school;
he-he gets really excited.



I should've known
that you would've been here.

Hey, do you mind?

Man's an old friend.

A player once, too.

Well, if that's the case,

then you should know enough

to show some respect
for the game.

People should show
respect period.

We're done.

He's, uh... intense.

From the looks of it,
he had already lost anyways.

I assume you're not here
for the tournament.

I'm sorry, I still
can't believe

anyone here would be
involved in murder.

Well, I've seen
stranger things.

So, how long is
the tournament in town?

Since Monday. We're on the
eighth stop of a 12-city tour.

And how many
players do you have?

150 signed up in Vegas.

Well, if you don't mind,

I'm gonna need
a list of all their names.

Including a list
of all your vendors.

Quite frankly,
anything associated

with the chess tour, okay?

Okay, sure.

I-I still think you're looking
in the wrong place,

but whatever you need.

Who is this guy?

What's going on over here?

It's called a "simul."

Um, man in the middle is
former champion Karl Schrute.

He's playing against
everyone seated.

He's playing
everybody at once?

Yeah, he's our
star attraction.

Ah, that's
a pretty cool trick.

Amateurs come from all over
to play against him.

So, former champ.

Has anyone ever
beat him doing that?


What about you?

Looks like you could
beat him pretty easy.

Okay, I'll start working
on that list.


"Chess Freak Kills the King."

Would certainly make
for a great headline.

Maybe I can see it.

At first, the game
gets in your blood.

Then it gets in your head.

It can drive you to madness.

Any idea who you're looking for?

I've already told you
everything I can tell you, Max.

Heard that before.

Day you told me you were
turning your back on the game.

It's good to see you again, Max.

Good to be seen.

Nick got a list
of all the participants

and the vendors
at the King's Crown.

There are a lot of names
to go through.

Let's pull people
from day shift and swing.

More eyes, the better.

You know,
if you want to play by yourself,

there's, uh, computers for that.

Yeah. Actually, do me a favor.
Come here.

Sit down for a sec.

Take a look at the white pieces.
Tell me what you see.

Looks like you castled
your king.

On the queen's side,
just like the killer.

But what else?

You moved your pawns,
your knight,

the bishop and the queen.

If you want to castle,
you have to move those pieces.

Because castling
can't be an opening move.

Which means if the killer
is following the rules,

our Elvis impersonator
would not be his first kill.

And if that's true, then our job
just got a lot harder.

We're not just looking
for a suspect,

we're looking
for more victims.


Oh, sorry.

It's okay, I'm on hold.
I've been looking at

all of our open cases
for the past year.

None of them seem to have
anything to do with chess.

What about outside Vegas?

You're thinking that
if our killer is connected

to the King's Crown Tour,

maybe our cases
that we're looking for

are in cities where
the tour has stopped.

Yeah. I'm on hold with
San Francisco PD right now.

Yeah. Oh, Detective Ettinger.

Yeah, I'm looking
for unsolved murders

the week of
February 17th.

Right, bodies found near
numbered streets or avenues.

Uh, there is
one other parameter.

It's gonna sound a little crazy,
but the crimes are gonna have

some sort of
association with chess.

Yeah, like, the victim
could be a bishop or a priest

or maybe some
kind of queen.

I know it sounds crazy.
Look, any help

that-that you could give
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I do not envy you.

Well, misery
loves company.


We... have six more
cities to call.

Russell, you were right.

Our Elvis impersonator was not
the killer's first victim.

Morgan and I found
six other murders

that look to be chess-related--
not in Vegas,

but in the last three cities
that the chess tour visited.

Portland, San Francisco
and Reno.

In Portland,
a woman on horseback

and a homeless man.

Knight and a pawn.

In San Francisco,
a drag queen and a priest.

A queen and a bishop.

And in Reno, another
homeless person and a priest.

Another pawn and a bishop.

All the bodies were dumped
at intersections

of numbered
and lettered streets.

So we have seven victims.

Seven chess murders.


But I don't believe that
the murders are capture-kills.

The killer is not
eliminating pieces.

I believe that these murders
are chess moves.

Like our dead Elvis--
king to C1.

He wasn't eliminating
the king...

just moving him.

So we have a serial killer
who's playing a game,

and every time he makes a move,
somebody dies.

Yeah. Well, based on
what I can see,

the game's
just beginning.

I knew you'd be back.

Same old Max.

How many games
have you played

just staring at
that board?

Why don't you sit down...
find out?

I told you.

I don't play anymore.

You play every day.

You just don't do it
on a chessboard.

The only game I'm
playing right now

is "catch a killer."

And I need your help.

This is a list
of chess moves.

I need to know what
move comes next.

You already know it.

In here.

I really don't.

I only have one
side of the board,

and I don't know any of
the opponent's moves.

Remember what I told you
all those years ago?

Don't play the board,

play the man.

Greg, the board is the
face of your opponent.

You can know a man just
by watching him play.

I knew you the minute you put
your money down to play me.

You don't know me.

You come here every
day after school.

You're not at
football practice,

you're not in the
parking lot getting high.

You're different
from the other kids.

You think differently, you're not
in the parking feel differently.

You want different.

What do I want?

You want to be the best!

But to be the best,
you've got to go through me.

School's in.

Come on, Max.

We're not back
in the park.

This isn't
a lesson here.

There are people's
lives at stake.

This game has already
been played.

16 years ago.

These are the opening moves
in the championship match

between Karl Schrute
and Troy Parker.

Karl Schrute-- that's the guy
doing the dog and pony show,

playing simuls in
this tournament here.

Man's got to make a living.

All right, what about, uh,
his opponent, Parker?

Troy Parker was
the greatest American player

since Bobby Fischer.

Till he lost
that championship in '98.

After that,
he went off the rails.

Just disappeared.

Back in '98...

what was Parker's
next move?

Bishop to E3.

Mm, yes.

It was Parker's fatal move,

A mental mistake.

Uncharacteristic for
someone so gifted.

And it was that move
that gave you the game?

Yes, yes.

He had me on the
ropes until then.

Only a few moves
away from victory.

And it wasn't just
the end of the game. No.

It was the end of him.

The man became a ghost.

Do you think he might harbor
any resentment toward you

about the game
or even try to...

engineer some kind
of a rematch?

Troy Parker was not
a violent man.


So can you think of
anyone else out there

who might have
an unhealthy interest

in your old match
with Parker?

I can think of
hundreds of people

that cannot stop talking
about that match.

And as far as
"unhealthy interest,"

I get a letter a week
from some crackpot.


Have you, uh, received
any recently?

You know, I did
receive an odd missive

when I first arrived
at the hotel.

I didn't think
twice about it.

What kind of missive?

It was a note wishing me well,
wrapped around a chess piece.

Um, it was sort of,
mm... handmade.

It was a bishop.

Do you still have it?
I believe so.

Unless they've emptied the trash.

I processed the hand-carved
bishop sent to Karl Schrute.

It wasn't hand-carved so much
as it was hand-sculpted.

Made from papier-mâché.

A curious stew of toilet
paper, laundry soap and water.

Okay. That sounds improvised.

By someone with a lot of time
on his hands.

Say, a prison inmate?

The laundry soap
in our bishop

is specifically formulated
to work with the hard water

at Ely State Prison.

Good work.

All right, so we need

to cross-reference the list
of people who attended

the chess tour with
the population of Ely, right?

Already done.

I have a face
and a name.

You are on fire.

"Lee Crosby."

So you're just
gonna to sit there?

Not gonna ask
why you're here?

You'll tell me
when you want to.

Or maybe
you already know.

That's a photo

It shows you
two nights ago

on the corner
of Avenue C and 5th.

Four blocks away from here.

A bold opening.

It's aggressive.

I usually find
when an opponent leads

with a big move, they don't have
much of a game to back it up.

We're not playing
chess here, Mr. Crosby.

And the fact
of the matter is,

we have plenty.

I guess this is the part
where I call my lawyer.

Five bills an hour--

I say save the money,
indulge the cop.

We know you
spent five years

at Ely for possession,

and that most of that time
was spent in a rehab program

that taught you
how to play chess.

Some inmates find God.
I found the Royal Game.

You know
what we keep finding?


In Portland,
San Francisco, Reno.

All stops
on the chess tour.

Cities where bodies
have been dropping.

Like little chess moves
on a board.

Admittedly, I am
a bit insane...

about... chess.

Yes, I have been
following the tour,

but, like, riding
buses at night.

That's all
I've been doing.

You know who
Troy Parker is, right?

Heard of him.

At Ely, you ordered
over a dozen books on him.

Including his book
on the game.

Sounds like
an obsession to me.

I bet you know every move
this guy's ever made.

I bet you even think
that you're better than him.

Parker was the best,
at the top of his game,

but he made a mistake,
a single bad move,

and it was his undoing.

Won't catch me making
that same error.

Promise you that.

You've been following
the chess tour.

You've been dogging Schrute,
trying to get him

to play you one-on-one.

There's a lot of people that
want to play Schrute, okay?

Everyone is not obsessed

with his old adversary,
Troy Parker,

the way that you are.

So obsessed...

that you're replaying
their match from '98.

And you've taken it

to a whole nother level,
Mr. Crosby.

You're killing people.

In some sick,
twisted little fantasy.

You're right.

I would love to play Schrute.

God, I would love to replay
his famous match with Parker.

And you can forget about
"as good as Parker,"

because I am better.

I got something
that he never had.

What's that?
Killer instinct. Mm-hmm.

And this is just
between you and me.

I'm no killer.

What do you think?

Is he our guy?

Well, he's got
the arrogance.

Delusions of grandeur.

Greg said he's got
quite a temper, too.

All right, let's have
Crawford sit on him

while we get a warrant,
check out his place.


We're definitely gonna
need something more

to connect him to
one of the victims.

What is it?

Another move
has been played.

Hey, Sara.

So what's going on?

I think we have
another chess killer victim.

The next body dump
was supposed to be

near Avenue E and 3rd.

Yeah, I know.

But, uh... you need to see this.

Victim's name
is Chris Shatlock.

I found his wallet
tossed on the floor.

Work card says that he does
a dinner show at the Four Kings.

Take a look. I found his wallet
tossed on the floor.

Security guard
discovered him.

Run through from
back to front.

Found his uniform in the back.

Take a look.

He's a Knight of
the Round Table.

A knight?

But next victim
should've been a bishop.

Bishop to E3.

That's what Schrute said;
it was Parker's next move.

Yes. But...

he has an injection mark

on his neck,
just like our dead Elvis.

And take a look at the wall.

Knight to A4--

that's a chess move.

Killer's changed
his pattern.

He's changed the game.

Troy Parker--
I thought he was a ghost.

Are you sure about this print?

Which means
we are holding

the wrong guy for
these murders.

At least the, uh, Knight
of the Round Table.

T.O.D. says he was killed
at the same time

we had Lee Crosby
in the box.

So what are
we thinking?

That Troy Parker
is staging his comeback?

Replaying the game
he lost to Karl Schrute?

Only to him,
it's not a game.

He's making his moves
by killing people.

Okay, so the guy's
a grandmaster.

Right? He thinks he's
smarter than his opponent.

Right now,
his opponent is us,

so we need
to make the next move.

What do we know about him?

Where is he?

Well, since '98, he's been
pretty much of a recluse,

and, uh, nobody has laid eyes
on him in the last five years.

Nick did pull some trace
from the dead knight's car.

Hopefully, Parker left
something behind.

We need to find this guy.

I think
Troy Parker just reached out.

CSI Russell,
Jenny Carroll.

Ms. Carroll is in charge
of the chess tour.

How do you do?

How can I help you,
Ms. Carroll?

We received this package at
our reception area an hour ago.

It was sent to our grandmaster-
in-residence, Karl Schrute.

Has anyone else touched this
besides you?

My assistant and I.
He's the one who opened it.

It's a knight.

Has Mr. Schrute seen this yet?

No, and truth is,
I can't find him.

No one can.

He's not in his room,
not answering his phone.

You don't think something's
happened to him, do you?

We're gonna need to keep this.

Thank you so much
for-for bringing it to us.

He's changed the game, Max.


Why do you think?

He wants to correct the error,

the fatal mistake
he made the first time around,

the one that cost him
the championship.


Knight to A4 was the move Troy
Parker should have made in '98.

So... the guy's
trying to win.


He's going to win.

But it's more than that.

In '98, Troy Parker was
on the verge of doing something

no one had ever done before
in competition.

What are you talking about?

The Osterlitz endgame.

It's like...
the Holy Grail of chess.

Parker was three moves

away from making history
when he screwed up.

Bishop to E3.

The move that ruined his life.

You think Parker's killing
these people, don't you?

I didn't say that.

Let me tell you something.

Troy Parker was a genius.

And... he was a fool.

The man
you're looking

is neither.

And it's definitely not...

How can you
be so sure?

I mean, you're the
one who said it.

Chess can drive
a man to madness.

You're Troy Parker?

Is it really you?

I often wonder that myself.
Do you mind?

I can't believe this.
This is awesome.

It really is you.

You want a prize?

Settle for an answer
to just one question.

Bishop to E3, right?

How could I have been so stupid?

Dude, I didn't say that.

No, but you thought it...
just like everyone thinks it.

But aren't we all entitled to
make one mistake in our lives?

Leave me alone.

Bro, bro, come back.

All I wanted to ask was,
"Why did you quit?"

Why did you quit?

How long have you
been standing there?

Not long.

All these years, "captain
of the chess team."

That's all you
ever told us.

Didn't know you were
such a chess stud.

Yeah, well, there are a lot of
things you don't know about me.

You haven't
answered the question.

I don't know why I quit.

It's just, one day...

I couldn't do it anymore.

Like him.

You know what the problem is

with people like you,
with the world?

You can't understand
what it is to be an artist.

What it is to create beauty!

You only understand ugliness,

because you can only
understand yourself!

Dude, I was just
trying to ask...

Get that out of my face!


Man holds the
world in contempt.

Just the kind of guy who might
see people as chess pieces.

Hey, Nick.


there are no shortage
of people around

who have seen your little
friend, cimexlectularius.

Oh, yeah? Like who?
Got a list here

of motels and weeklies,

all with recent
infestations of bedbugs,

just like the one you found
when you processed the car.

Take a look at the
one in Boulder City.

Manager there says
he's got a resident

who matches the photo we
sent over of Troy Parker.

Yeah. A little older and grayer,

but it's definitely him.

Good. Thanks, Morgan.

According to the manager,
Parker's been here

for about a year
under the name Jason Winston.

He always pays his rent
in advance, cash.

Keeps to himself.

Hmm. Sounds to me like a
guy who didn't want to draw

any attention
to himself.

Saving himself
for the big event?

Yeah, well, game over.

Troy Parker, LVPD.

Open up!



It's Lee Crosby.


He's dead.

Damn it.

Didn't have
enough to hold him.

Had to let him go
this afternoon.

Well, for somebody

who studied
Parker's every move,

I don't think he saw
that one coming.

I found these vials
and-and syringes in the trash.

Probably from the drug
that was used

to paralyze the victims
before they were killed.

I'll send it off to Hodges.

Talk about
a dangerous mind, huh?

All these chessboards.

And it looks like they're
playing the exact same game.

They are.

Except this one.

It's further along.

My friend Max was right.

It's the
Osterlitz endgame.

And Parker's
playing it out.

Crosby's murder--
it's another move.

And see the pawn
there tipped over?

Parker's saying
that he and Crosby

teamed up for the killings.

But this whole time,
Crosby was just his pawn.

And the move-- pawn to C6.

It's the part
of the Osterlitz endgame

where the pawn
puts the king in check,

only to be quickly sacrificed.

What does he do next?


He takes down the king.

Karl Schrute is missing.

I think Parker has him.

And he's gonna kill him.

Not if we find him first.

Morgan, you're not
gonna believe this.

Try me.
The drugs in the vials

recovered from Parker's place?

It's not the diphenhydramine
Doc found in our victims.

So what is it then?

It's an experimental medication,

available only
in Europe and Mexico.

Used to treat people

in late stages
of vascular dementia.

You realize what this
means, don't you?

If the drugs are Parker's,
there's no way

that he would be mentally
or physically capable

of committing
any of those crimes.

Parker's not our guy.

Then who is?

Where's CSI Sanders?

That's not your
problem, Mr. Lomax.

Your problem is you've
been lying to us.

You knew this whole
time where Parker was.

And you know he can
barely lift a fork,

much less commit murder.

through your
place right now.

We're also going
through Lee Crosby's.

Yeah, we know you two
hooked up at Ely.

During that outreach program.

We know that you're the one who
taught him how to play chess.

Is that where
you turned him on

to this legendary match

between Troy Parker
and Karl Schrute?

We got your prints.

We got you for conspiracy.

So the only thing keeping you
from the needle

is if you stop lying.

And you tell us where Parker

and Schrute are
right now.

I never lied.

The only thing
I'm guilty of

is caring for a great man.

Now sadly diminished.

My only crime is not
turning him over to you.

To protect his memory.

The world should remember him
for what he was.

Not as he is.

Yeah, well,

all we're concerned about,
Mr. Lomax, is where he is.

And Karl Schrute.


That's too bad.

But I'll tell
you something.

For your sake, you better hope
they're still alive.

Wherever they are.


If I figured it out,
and I think I have,

you can, too.

But you've got to look

in the right place.

Just like I told you a long

time ago.

To see the endgame,

you have to see
the board through

your opponent's eyes.

Come on, kid,
moves are motivation.

I'm telling you what I'm
doing, I'm telling you what

I'm going to do. You got to
stop me, make it your game,

not mine.

That's it. Good.

Come on, come on.
There you go.

There you go.
Take it, take it.

Don't be afraid. Take it,
take it, take it, take it.


The endgame.

It's the queen.

Please be careful with those.

I'd like them to make
it at least until...


So, the tour continues.

Even without its
star attraction.

CSI Sanders.

Still no word on
Mr. Schrute's whereabouts?

Still playing games?

Excuse me?

The list of vendors
you gave us--

I checked it out.

You closed out all
of the accounts.

Except one.

A storage facility downtown
in the Alphabets.

Don't worry
about it because

we closed it for you.

The same time that we rescued
Karl Schrute and Troy Parker.

I get it.

Men are weak, aren't they?

Just like the king
on the chessboard.

He hides while all the other
pieces fight to protect him.

Lee Crosby was weak, too.

Easily seduced

into killing
for you.

Am I right?

What do you think?

You neglected
to mention

to us that you have
chess in your blood.

Your father

was a grandmaster.

You must've learned
a lot from him.

I learned nothing from him.

Except that, unlike my brothers,
I was worthless.

Women are worthless.

My father used to say,
"Chess is a man's game

because it's about power,

All things, he said,
I did not possess.

But your father was wrong.

Damn right he was wrong.

I was better than my brothers.

Better than him.

And every time I killed,
I was killing him.

So why Parker and Schrute?

They were just...

like him.

Cut from the same cloth.

So you were better
than them, too?

You know, there are 32 pieces
on a chessboard--

bishops, knights,

pawns, kings.

And yet which piece
is most powerful?

The queen.

I was just
on my way out.

Want to grab a bite?

Uh, I should...
probably finish this.

Thanks though.


um, you asked
why I quit playing chess.

I used to think that it was

because I didn't think I had
what it took to be the best.

Well, that couldn't
have been it.

And then I realized

that chess...

requires a lot of sacrifice.

Too much


And I just didn't think
it was worth it.

It stopped being fun.

It requires a totally
different way of thinking.

You have to retrain
your mind, and...

it starts to become

an obsession.

Kind of like this job.

If you know
what I mean.

I do.

I was not even
my grade school champion,

and this is kind of crazy,
but, you know,

Russell's got that chessboard
in his office, maybe...

we should get something
to eat and play.

For fun?


You better
go easy on me.

I'll try.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==