CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 13, Episode 19 - Backfire - full transcript

Fatherless Molly Goodwin is the only survivor of a plausibly staged bloody robbery in the home her mother Grace and her brother, slaughtered with a visiting friend, rented from their parents, the Goodwins. Grace's bloody corpse is later found in a dumpster, an initial suspect's in a burned-out car's booth. The team finds various tracks, more then one to a mob nightclub owner out to revenge his based daughter, and works out he was tricked too by an enforcer. The Goodwin family also has its own secrets.

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(dial clicks, flames whoosh)

# #

(siren approaching)

(sirens wailing,
radio communication chattering)

Is Uncle Steve gonna be okay?

Molly, your Uncle Steve...

something bad happened to him.

He's not going to wake up.

Like my goldfish?

Mommy flushed him down the
toilet when he stopped swimming.

That's how he got to Heaven.

Molly, do you know
where your mommy is?


When's she coming back?
I'm gonna be late for school.

Molly, I...

I've got to talk
to my friend, here.

But I'll be right back.

Maria's going to stay
with you, all right?


Hi, Molly.

- I'm Maria.
- ROBBINS: Three male DBs

inside the house.
They all had I.D.'s.

Finn's processing.

Of course, she wanted
the scene first.

Little girl able
to tell you anything?

Last name's Goodwin.

She and her mother Grace

live here along with
Grace's brother, Uncle Steve.

He was one of the victims,

along with what appears
to be two friends.

- What about her father?
- ROBBINS: I don't know.

She didn't say.

All she told me was she woke up,

went into the living room...
that's when she called 911...

and then waited outside
for the police.

Most kids would've

run out of there screaming.

There's one more thing.

The little girl's mother
is missing.

Okay. All right.

FINLAY: Looks like the party
was interrupted.

Savage beating.

Poor kid.

Had to wake up and find this.

Home invasion robbery.

All this
for a few hundred dollars

worth of stereo components?

I'm not so sure.

Well, this room tells one story.

Kitchen tells another.

Got a purse.
Haven't gone through it yet.

Grace Goodwin.

Little girl's mom.

Phone's still here,
but her keys are missing.

Our killer might have
taken her in her own car.

I'll get Brass
to put out a broadcast.

FINLAY: Blood says there
was definitely a struggle.

She must've walked in on them.


She was probably
dragged along the floor.

Not enough blood for her
to have bled out, right?

She might still be alive.

But for how long?

Let's hope long enough,
for her sake.

And for that
little girl out there.

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# I really wanna know #

# Who... are you? #

- # Oh-oh-oh #
- # Who... #

# Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you #

# Are you! #

WOMAN: Excuse me, please.
I need to get through.

Excuse me, this is my home.

- Excuse me. What are you
doing here? - Hey, hey, hey.

Sorry, ma'am.
I can't let you through.

Let me through? This is...

This is my house.
My grandkids are in there!

- Please!
- MITCHELL: I understand.

Take your hands off of me!

Mitch? Mitch, thanks.

I've got this.

I don't understand
what's going on here.

Let me talk to you for a second.

My name's D.B. Russell.

I'm with
the Las Vegas Crime Lab.

- Crime Lab?!
- Yes, ma'am.

And-and you're Mrs?

Goodwin. Agnes Goodwin.

- You said that that's your home
over there? - Yes.

My grandkids, Steven and Grace,

they need a place to stay,
so I-I rent it to them.

And Grace has a little girl.

- My great-granddaughter.
- Molly.

That's right.

Oh... oh, no, what's happened?

Mrs. Goodwin, I'm so sorry,

but your grandson Steven
and-and two other young men

were victims
of an apparent homicide.


A homicide?

Your granddaughter
is unaccounted for.

We're looking for her right now.

Molly's safe.

We've taken her
to Desert Palm Hospital.

- Okay.
- Let me ask you

one more thing.
I'm-I'm so sorry, but...

what about Molly's father?

He died in Iraq, uh...

before Molly was born.

- I need to see her.
- Yes, of course.

And I... I need
to call my son right now.

(crying): I don't understand
what's happening.

I just saw them all
here yesterday.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

I can't... Where's my phone?

Well, there's definitely signs

of forced entry.

What's the web telling you?

Angle and elevation...

the victims were definitely
on their knees

before the beatings started.

Duct-taped wrists and ankles...

...and the front
door lock was picked.

What are you thinking?

Well, I'm thinking
I've seen this before.

Day shift has been investigating

a series of home invasions
in this area.

Does this have the same M. O?

Aside from the escalation
to murder, yes.

Woman was abducted.

What happened to her?

Sexually assaulted and released.

So maybe we will find
Grace Goodwin alive.

I hope so, but it's
gonna be tough.

And look, in the other break-in,
there were witnesses.

Said they saw three guys
with masks.

No witnesses here.

I'm not so sure about that.

Let me show you something.

This blood is gravitational.

Connects to the blood evidence
in the kitchen.

STOKES: B/ood from
the /itt/e gir/'s mom.

But this blood is directional.

After Grace was struck,

she headed down this hallway.

Doesn't make sense.

No way to escape down there.

Grace knew that.

She knew her only chance
to get away

was to go out back
through the kitchen.

Okay, what drew her attention
down the hallway?

First door on the right
is Molly's room.

But Grace never ran down there.

No. She stopped.

I think, to give a signal
to her daughter

to stay inside her room.

Little girl said she was asleep
the whole time.

I think she saw more
than she's saying.


let me have a minute, will you?

Thank you.

How you doing, Molly?

I remember you.

Well, my name is D.B.

Well, that's...
not really my name.

That's what people call me.

Do you want to know
what my real name is?

Do you?

You gotta promise
not to laugh, though.


My name is Diebenkorn.

- (giggles)
- Oh...

I knew you were gonna laugh.

It's a funny name.

Yeah, it is a funny name.

I know you've been asking
about your mommy.

And we're looking for her.


You're welcome.

Last night...

in the middle of the night,
did-did you wake up?

Did you see your mommy?

Did you see the-the people
who hurt your mommy?

Can you read to me?


Dream Away.

Is this your favorite book?

It's Mommy's favorite.

(phone rings)

Excuse me, one second, here.

BRODY: So patrol found
Grace Goodwin's car.

Actually... they didn't.

Same year, same model, but the
license plate was unreadable,

so I double-checked the VIN.

Car's registered
to a Burt Markell.

So we've got a new case.


Let's pop the trunk.

- Oh...
- (coughs)

That's, uh...
Burt Markell, I presume.

There's a hole in his head...
gunshot, maybe?

Gas can... that would've helped
fuel the fire.

So the guy
gets shot in the head,

dumped in the trunk,

and then the car was lit up
to destroy evidence.

Let's just hope they didn't
get all of it.

(conversing quietly,


I'm Detective Jim Brass,
Las Vegas Police.

Is there any news on Grace?

We haven't found
your daughter yet,

but I'm confident we will.

We've identified
the deceased young men

who were found at the scene
with your son Steven as...

J.D. Kesey and Duke Givens.

Did you know them?

No, I-I didn't.

- Ma, did you?
- No.

We also found drug paraphernalia
at the scene.

Was Steven a drug user?

No, he was not a drug user.
You're wrong about that.

No, Bruce... he's right.

Steven did have
a problem with drugs.


You never told me.

Well, he was doing
better lately.

He was my son.

I should've known about this.

Steven asked me not to tell you.


I haven't been around
for the past few years.

- Really?
- I had some... issues.

- And now...
- Bruce, honey.

- I can't...
- It's okay.

- It's okay, baby. It's okay.
- (sobbing)

Shh, shh.

Wh-When can I see
my granddaughter Molly again?

Very soon. We're just
finishing processing her.

- Hey. - Picked up exemplars
from Burt Markell's apartment.

Henry confirmed he's our DB.

- So, did you find
a bullet in his head? - No.

Just a hole,
and it's not from a gunshot.

It's blunt-force trauma.

- Any idea what the weapon was?
- It's hard to tell

with all the fire damage,

but the tissue on the outside
of the wound was charred,

along with the tissue
in the wound,

as well as the skull.

So he was struck in the head,

thrown in the trunk of his car
and then /it up?

I wish that were true.

- What do you mean?
- Take a look at the trachea.

The tissues of the oropharynx
and the tracheobronchial tree

were seared by fire.

So you're saying
he inhaled fire.

Not just inhaled;
he swallowed it.

/ found burn marks
a/ong the esophagus

and inside the stomach wa//.

So he was alive in the trunk
when the car was torched.

The blow to the head
didn't kill him;

it just incapacitated him.

Maybe the killer thought
he was already dead.

Or the sick bastard didn't care.

Man on a mission.

- You're gonna put day shift
out of a job. - (chuckles)

- Did Russell get anything from
the little girl? - He said that

she's still
too freaked-out to talk.

I think it's going
to take some time.

The mother's still alive.

I don't know
how much time we have.

FINLAY: You're still thinking
that our crime

fits the pattern
of home invasion robberies.

In the previous home invasions,

the suspects left behind prints,

so I compared them
against the prints

we found in the Goodwin house...

they were all over the place.

Pretty bad crooks.

Pretty dead crooks, you mean.

How's that?

I was entering fingerprint
exemplars from the victims

in the house to exclude them,
then two of them popped in AFIS.

J.D. Kesey and Duke Givens?

Wait a minute... you're saying

that two of our victims
are the home invaders?

What about the little girl's
Uncle Steven?

Guy's not in the system.

If he was involved,
he didn't leave prints.

Okay, so we need some
new exemplars... DNA, maybe.

What about the woman

from the other home invasion
who was sexually assaulted?

Yeah, that's Alison Liss.

I'll compare our three guys
against the semen

recovered from the female vic.

See if one of them's a match.


So, our home invaders
were home-invaded?

With the same M.O.
As the previous crimes.

This all sounds
like payback to me.

Yeah, but upping
the ante to murder.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, Jim.


All right, I'm on my way.


Patrol just found Grace Goodwin.

What's the story, Mitch?

Patrols canvassed the area.

Found her body in there.

These people are animals, Nick.

And we're gonna hunt them down.

# #

Mommy's in Heaven, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

I'm... I-I-I'm so sorry.

- Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry.
- (crying)

RUSSELL: Sweetheart,
/ fee/ the same way.

You know, as soon as there's
a break in this case,

I want to take a day off
and fly up

and see Katie and Maya,
check up on them.

I think it's just gonna
take some time, that's all.

Okay, I gotta go.
I love you, too.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, thanks. Everything's fine.

Did you, uh, break
the news to Molly?

I did. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, so where are we?

Well, Grace Goodwin
is on her way up to Autopsy.

Nick said that she
was really badly beaten.

So both of you think
that the motive

for all these murders
is payback?

Yeah. I think that
Steven Goodwin's friends,

J.D. And Duke,
robbed the wrong house

and crossed the wrong person.

What about Steven?

Well, I got the SAE kit
back on the woman

who was abducted
and sexually assaulted

during the fourth home invasion.

Alison Liss.

DNA from the semen
not a match to Steven Goodwin.

He didn't commit the rape,

so I don't think
he was part of the crew.

I think that he and his sister
Grace were collateral damage.

So we have a third guy

from this home invasion crew
still out there.

And, if someone
is taking revenge on those guys,

he may be our next victim.

# Said a lot of words
along the way #

# I meant them all
while we reigned #

# But shores of love
get beaten by the waves #

# And after it was done #

# I wish I'd saved time... #

You know,
I've seen it all, Doc,

but sometimes...

it gets to me.

Worry when it doesn't.

So how'd she die?

Well, as you can see,
Grace Goodwin sustained

multiple blows to the head.

C.O.D. Was subdural hematoma.

Blunt-force injuries
to the upper body, legs, arms.

ROBBINS: Contusions
and bruisings are indicative

of the same type of weapon
used on her brother

and the other two victims.

Hexagonal pattern
in these wounds.

I think we can guess
what the weapon was.

Lug wrench.

(whimpers, screams)

Was she sexually assaulted?

No, she wasn't.

- Surprised?
- Well, the killer

followed the same M.O.
As the other invasions

all the way down
to the abduction.

But the woman before was raped.

And that's what's bothering you?

If this whole thing
is some sort of payback,

it goes way beyond "you rob
my house, I rob your house."

Someone is sending a message.

The way that they're doing it

says a lot about
how brutal they are.

BRODY: This guy Burt must've
really pissed somebody off.

What do we know about him?

Uh, he worked at a golf course.

No wife, no kids.

I went to his place;
he didn't have much.

Gonna be hard to find

anything probative
in this wreckage.

That's strange.

White crystals embedded
in the rim of the trunk,

right above
where we found the gas can.


You know,
I swear I smell garlic.

Looks like someone
dropped something in here.

Someone who works
at the Palermo.

It's a casino I.D. Badge.

The name and photo
are burnt off.

If the RFID chip in it
somehow survived the fire...

Maybe we found our killer.

# #

Sandy Larken?

How long have you
been standing there?

Do you have
any idea who she is?

No. Why?

Two years ago,
I bought a motorcycle.

- (chuckling): You bought
a motorcycle? - The point is,

the previous owner
was Sandy Larken's boyfriend,

who died on the bike
after they broke up,

in a most unusual
traffic mishap.

(horns blaring)

(tires screeching)

Is Sandy Larken involved

in this most recent
vehicular tragedy?

She's a person of interest.

Interesting. I want in.

Oh, my God.

I-I can't believe this.

Y-You really think someone
would do something to hurt Burt?

Kill him.

Burn him alive.


So, Miss Larken,

we found your I.D.
In Burt's car.

Do you have any idea
how it got there?

Oh, we work together.

Actually, I'm a concierge
at the Palermo.

It's my job
to shuttle high rollers

to the Glenn Alden Golf Course.

Burt's a greenskeeper there.

We know.

I lost my badge last week.

I-I guess I must've
dropped it in Burt's car

when he was giving me
a ride home.

Did Burt give you
a ride home often?


We were seeing each other.

Oh, you were
intimately involved.

He was a little odd,
but I liked him.

When my dog got sick,
he was really there for me,

and I kissed him, and that's
when we started dating.

When did you break up with him?

How... how did you know
we broke up?

Oh, I know.
I know about you.

- Hodges... - Oh, that...
that's right, we've met.

You were so sweet to me
when Peter died

in that horrible
motorcycle accident.

I don't know what it is
with me and guys.

I have the worst luck.

So, why did you
and Burt break up?

Well, the truth is I...
I liked Burt more as a friend.

I can't believe
the last time we talked...

well, texted...
was when I dumped him.

And when was that?

- Two days ago.
- HODGES: Miss Larken,

can you account for your
whereabouts yesterday?

Like, where I was?

I was at my friend's salon.

She's learning how to do waxing

and needed someone
to practice on.

I got a free haircut, too.


I was there.

J-Just ask.

Oh, we will.

RUSSELL: Looks like you've
had some success here.

STOKES: Whoever wrapped
Grace Goodwin's body

in that tarp left behind
some pretty good fingerprints.

I'm running them
through the system right now.


Hey, uh, I think your wife's

calling you there, boss man.

Yeah, I'll call her back later.
Thank you.

You all right?

- Yeah... (sighs)
- (phone continues chiming)

My granddaughter's starting
to have nightmares again.

About the whole
McKeen kidnapping thing?

Yeah, yeah.
It started right afterwards,

but then it got better
for a while, you know.

But a couple months ago, it...

It's always hard
when kids are involved.


What you got?

Hello, Connor Durman.

That's a work card

from the Spearmint Rhino.

Now, that's interesting.

Working on your payback theory,

I started looking for anyone
who might have wanted revenge

for Alison Liss's
sexual assault.

Pretty good suspect.
This guy owns

the Spearmint Rhino.

Tony Lash?

- You know him?
- By reputation.

Prostitution, drugs,
all that good stuff.

Oh, well, allegedly.
He was also a suspect

in the murder
of an informant last year.

Okay, what does all this
have to do with Alison Liss?

She is Lash's niece.

The house she was renting
belongs to him,

so our home invasion crew not
only messed with his property,

they messed with his family.

And gave Lash a good reason
to be out for blood.

Maybe enough reason to send

this Durman fellow to collect.

# #

Hey, Jimmy.

- Crystal, how are you?
- Good.

How you doing?
Staying out of trouble?

Ah... It's more fun to be
in trouble. You know that.

Do you know this guy...
Connor Durman?


Uh, he works the door.

Don't think he's on
tonight, though.

How about the big boss,
Tony Lash?

He isn't here, either.

So no one's here tonight, huh?

Wish I could help.

Look, I'm up next.

Whoa... whoa-whoa.

I need your help.

Tony Lash isn't here,
for real.

Connor is in
the Champagne Room.

Thank you.



Uh, excuse me, ladies.

I hate to interrupt your fun,

but I need a word
with Mr. Durman.

Who the hell are you, huh?

I'm the cops.

(wry chuckle)
What is this all about?

We'll talk about that downtown.

I don't think so, all right?

Oh, you don't think so?

- I just paid 400 bucks
for this bottle. - Oh.

I got six more dances
coming to me, so...

you boys are gonna
have to wait.

- Aah!
- (bottle clatters)

I really don't think so.

I'm your new dance partner.

We found your fingerprints

on the tarp that Grace Goodwin's
body was wrapped up in.

That tarp was in
the back of my truck.

Somebody stole it last week.

I thought you were just
the muscle that Tony Lash hired

to kill the crew that raped
and robbed his niece.

But then this
lab report came up.

And the DNA showed
that you raped Alison Liss.

So that means you were
the third person

in the home invasion crew.

If that's the case,
why are you still alive

when the other two guys
are dead?

Because when Tony Lash
put the screws to you,

you lied about the rape,

and you dimed out your buddies
to save your ass.

Here's a chance
to save your ass again.

Give me Tony Lash.

- I can't.
- Wrong answer!

I can't 'cause Lash
ain't stupid, all right?

He's not the one who came to me
and put a gun to my head.

Who did?

This guy, uh...

name's Dave.

From, uh, Detroit.

He works for Lash.

And I told him what we did.

Hell, we didn't know it
was Lash's place, Lash's niece.

Told him it was J.D. Who, uh...

...raped Alison.

You are a piece of work, man.

Well, he wanted to know
where to find J.D. And Duke,

and, uh, made me take him
to the house,

and I swear to God,
I did not even go inside there.

Tell me about Grace Goodwin.

Her took her in her car,

and he had me follow them
to this abandoned warehouse.

Uh, he took my tire iron
and tarp, told me to get lost.

That's the last I saw of them.

Where can I find
this "Dave from Detroit"?

I don't know.
I only saw him that one night.

News flash:

Your man killer, Sandy Larken,

her alibi checked out...
she was caught on tape.

There's surveillance
in a beauty salon?

This is Vegas.

The friend's salon is at the
Fashion Arcade at the Tangiers.


Are these my crystals
from the car trunk?

Yes... uh, tetraphosphorous

That's byproduct of
phosphine gas and oxygen, right?

- Right.
- I don't get it.

How does phosphine gas

get in the trunk
of Burt Markell's car?

Source is usually
phosphoric acid.

How it got in his trunk,
total mystery.

Not to me.

I just got the tox report back
on Burt Markell.

Showed high levels of zinc
in his system.

Like the supplement?

Yeah. But these levels
were off the charts.

I have a theory, though,
as to how Burt "zinc'd out."

You guys have seen Caddyshack,
haven't you?

Mole poison.

A greenskeeper's best friend.

A greenskeeper like our friend
Burt Markell.

You think Burt was killed
by mole poison?

The active ingredient in
mole poison is zinc phosphide.

And when it comes into contact
with potassium bicarbonate,

it creates phosphine gas.

And when that comes
into contact with oxygen...

you may want to put
those on for this...

creates a chemical reaction
that is, well...

the bomb.


Smell the garlic?


And I see the white crystals...

tetraphosphorous decaoxide.

Well, this is impressive,

but we didn't find any
mole poison in Burt's trunk.

Well, that's because
the mole poison

wasn't in his trunk;
it was in Burt.

Wait... he ingested mole poison?

That would kill him.

I checked Burt's
FriendAgenda page.

He and Sandy Larken
had a volatile relationship.

And the day that Sandy
broke up with him,

he posted
a virtual suicide note.

- Swallowing mole poison?
- Yeah.

And his stomach enzymes...
like the potassium bicarbonate...

reacted with the poison
to create the phosphine gas.

So Burt didn't swallow fire;
he belched it.

Think about it:
Burt runs out of gas.

But being a greenskeeper,
out of habit,

he keeps an extra can of gas
in his trunk.

The bui/d- up of gas in his
stomach causes Burt to burp,

causing the phosphine gas
to ignite.

Combine that with the can
of gaso/ine,

and Houston,
we have a prob/em.

Explains Burt's head injury,

it explains the searing
of his esophagus and stomach

and the trachea, too.

If he was trying

to kill himself,
why did he get in his car

and drive across town?

I think I know someone
we need to talk to.


Well, this time,
I'm doing all the talking.

# #

# You didn't have to love me
like you did #

# But you did, but you did... #

You cops keep coming around,
I'm gonna insist

- you pay the cover.
- Well, we can always

have this conversation
at my place.

There's no cover charge
and the drinks are free.

Good night, ladies.

Go on.

So, how can I help
the LVPD today?

J.D. Kesey and Duke Givens.

What about 'em?

They're two thirds of a trio
that messed up your niece.

Your boy Connor Durman
gave up their names,

and now they're dead.

I guess that's, uh,
called karma.

I mean, considering what
they did to poor little Alison.

We know you
had them killed, Tony.

(chuckles) Right.
The same way you knew

I had that informant killed
a year ago.

Come on, man, we've done
this dance already.

I mean, if you had anything
at all, anything at all on me,

I wouldn't be sitting here,
would I?

I hope you sleep okay,
because you just killed

two innocent people, and
orphaned a six-year-old girl.

Guess what.

I sleep just fine.

Whoever you hired
screwed up, Tony.

J.D. And Duke
didn't rape Alison.

Connor did. He lied.

Sleep on that.

I hope you got
that phone tap in place.

I just rattled Tony Lash's cage.

911. What's your emergency?

Mommy told me to call.

Where is your mommy?
Is she hurt?

I don't know where she is.

She told me to call
if something happened.

My Uncle Steven
and his friends won't wake up.

What's your name, honey?


Molly, are your uncle
and his friends hurt?

I have to go.

Mommy said I should go wait
outside for the police.

Molly, wait.
Don't hang up, Molly.

How many times
have you listened to that?

Too many.

I heard about Katie.

Nick's really worried
about you.

But I am, too.

When my kids were growing up,

I-I coached 'em what
to do in an emergency:

"Call 911, go to the neighbors.

If they're not home,
wait outside."

That's really good advice.

Coming from a dad
who's a cop, yeah.

I mean, we see tragedy
every day; we come to expect it.

It's part of the job.

But my daughter Maya didn't want

to raise Katie that way.

You know, didn't want her
living in fear.

And now she is.

Yes, she is.

Just like Molly.

Trying not to show it,
trying to be strong.

You know, something's
not right here.

We-we've got a...
we've got a revenge killing

staged to look
like a home invasion.

Look at these photos.

Only one part of the house
has been touched, ransacked.

The area where the TV
and the stereo are.

And the CDs and the DVDs.

It's not a very good staging.

So you're thinking
that whoever did this

was looking for something.

Yeah, but I'm also thinking
that Molly's mom coached her,

just like I coached my kids.

But I'm a cop.

I-I knew what threats
in the world I was afraid of.

So what was
Grace Goodwin afraid of?


And what's our killer
looking for?

We got missing pieces
in this puzzle.

Oh, my God,
Burt ate mole poison?

That is so... disgusting.

And fatal.


Thank you. I...

I feel like you've
brought me closure.

Uh, actually, um...

(wry laugh)
...we are also

in need of some closure,
Miss Larken.

You said the last time
that you communicated

with Burt was three days ago...

that "Dear John" text.

His-his name's Burt.


Uh, the point
is that you dumped him,

but that was not
the last time that you

- communicated with him.
- Yes, it was.

No, it wasn't.

You sent him a text
an hour before he died.

No, I didn't.

We have
the phone records, Sandy.

Sh-She has the phone records.

Yes, I do.

You invited him to dinner.


I... I wondered why Tad
didn't get my invite.

Who's Tad?

My new boyfriend.
I... the text

was meant for him, not Burt.

- Oops.
- Oops?

You-you send a man

in the throes of a mole-poison

suicide false hope,
send him racing to the E.R.

To get his stomach pumped

for dinner, and-and-and
all you can say is "oops"?

He was on his way
to the hospital?

We think so.

His car was parked
two blocks away.

I feel really bad.

Of course you do.

- (phone rings)
- Oh...

Oh, hi, Tad. (laughs)

No, I-I don't think I'm busy.

I think we're just about done?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

I will be there in ten.

And I am so sorry.

I was such a bitch to you
about missing dinner.

You are not gonna
believe this story.

I know what you're thinking.

She's a black widow.

And one day, I'm gonna prove it.

There you are.

I think your granddad
will be here in a second.

Tell you what.

If you want anything,

call this number, okay?

Any time, day or night.

You call, I answer.

You want me to read
to you for a sec?


Mommy said, if anything
ever happened to her,

I should find a good person.

Like you.

And give this to them.

BRUCE: Grace, I want to be
a part of your life.

GRACE: No, Dad, you'll never be
a part of my life.

Or Molly's.

You know what you did.

To me, and to Steven.

Honey, I got help.

I'm a different man...
I want us to be a family again.

GRACE: You're lucky
you're not in prison.

If you come near me or Molly,
I'll go straight to the cops.

I'll see you rot in jail.

That's Grace's dad's confession

on tape,
as far as I'm concerned.

This is what
our killer was after.


But I'm confused.

I thought we were looking
at Tony Lash for these murders.

I mean, we got
a witness that puts

one of Lash's guys in the house,

doing the killings for him.

Well, maybe he wasn't
just killing for him.


Hi, Bruce.


CSI Russell said you still
had some questions for me.

What's your connection
to Tony Lash?


I-I mean, I...
I-I don't know any Tony Lash.

What about Dave?

"Detroit Dave"?

What about him?

What's this about?

(clears throat)

What's that?

You really want
to play it this way? Really?

- 'Cause I'll play with you.
- I'm not playing!

- I don't know what this is
about! - That is your confession

to molesting
your own son and daughter.

Grace recorded it, man.

This is some kind of trick.

Trick? No, no, no.

No tricks.

I don't know anything
about any recording.

That disc is why
you had them killed.

That disc is why you joined up

with Tony Lash to beat
and murder four people,

including your own
son and daughter.


I loved my daughter!

And my son!

I know I hurt them.

I know I did.

But that was
a very long time ago.

I'm not that man anymore.

And all I wanted
was the chance to prove it...

have my family
back together again.

Well, that may have been
what you wanted,

but that damn sure wasn't
what Grace and Steven wanted.

There was no way in hell she
was letting you go near Molly.

And I think that Grace

wanted us to find that,
so that even in death,

she can bear witness
against you.

It doesn't matter
what you think.

My family is the most
important thing to me.

I would die
before I hurt them again.

STOKES: / don't think he knew
anything about that recording.

What about the murders?

Don't think he knew anything
about them, either.

Okay, so what do we got?

We have two of our victims...
J.D. And Duke...

clearly connect to Tony Lash.

Revenge killing
for raping his niece.

And the other two... Grace
and Steven Goodwin... to Bruce,

to cover up for his past crimes.

But if Bruce
didn't hook up with Lash

to commit these murders,
question is: Who did?

Just got off the phone
with Brass.

The wiretap on Lash's phone
just came through.

I guess Brass really did
rattle his cage.

Did he reach out
to "Dave from Detroit"?

Brass just found him
with a bullet

- in his head.
- Really?

So Dave's not talking.

No, but someone else
was talking plenty

on that wiretap to Lash.

Turns out he's got a girlfriend,

who, for once,
is age-appropriate.

RUSSELL: Packing up
are you, Mrs. Goodwin?

Oh, yes, yes.

Uh, your officers
told me earlier

that they had released
the crime scene.

It's so hard, but it...

it has to be done.

Did you feel the same way
about killing your grandkids?

- Excuse me?
- RUSSELL: You know, when I first

heard about you
and Tony Lash as a couple,

I just... I didn't get it.

Yeah, he said that you two
were high-school sweethearts,

that you reconnected
after all these years.

It was a really sweet story.

You got a lot of stuff
to go through there, don't you?

I guess I could
save her some time.


That is, if you're
looking for a...

a recording
of your son's confession,

I made a copy for you.

Actually, you know what,
it's more for your lawyer.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

My grandchildren were beaten
to death in this house.

How dare you accuse me!

Oh, we don't have
to accuse you of anything.

You already took care
of that yourself.

Another little recording
I want you to listen to.

AGNES: Damn it, Tony,
they just arrested Bruce.

Sooner or later, the cops
are going to figure out

- who did this.
- TONY: Calm down, Agnes.

- Calm down?! - They're never
gonna connect this to us.

AGNES: They're going to find out
we're together,

that I had you kill my grandkids

while you were taking your
revenge on those two thugs.

Boy, your family
has a bad habit

of getting caught
confessing on tape.

Don't you think?

I get Tony, revenge killing.

But you...

you had him
murder your own grandson,

your own granddaughter.

How could you do that?

To protect Bruce?

You don't understand.

How could you?

Bruce is my everything, my baby.

There is nothing I wouldn't do

- to protect him.
- STOKES: And Grace...

Steven, Molly... what about them?

Bruce tried everything

to bring the family
back together.

My son is not perfect.

But Grace, that little bitch.

She tricked him.

And she was gonna tell everyone.

Come on.

They were your own
flesh and blood.

They didn't grow inside of me.

I didn't give them life,
feed them from my own breast.

Judge me when you've lived that.

We don't have to live that
to judge you.

We already know what you are.

What do you think?

Good. Thank you.


My wife made a whole bunch.

For the flight.

I've never been to Virginia.

To my cousin's.

Oh, well, Virginia's very nice.

I think you'll like it.

I used to live there,
for a while, when I was a kid.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

I lived in a lot
of places, actually.

Moved around a lot.

It can be scary, I know.

New places, new people.

But you're gonna make
a lot of friends.

You still got that number
I gave you?


'Cause if you're ever
feeling scared or sad,

you know that I'm
your friend, right?

So we can talk.

I'd like that.

Me, too.

Hey, Molly. It's time to go.

Okay, sweetheart.

Let me help you
with your jacket here.

You all set?


Thank goodness.

You're gonna do great.