CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 12, Episode 4 - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - full transcript

Attending the opening of a new museum on Las Vegas mob history, like several mob widows, expert Greg and D.B. witness how the ex-mayor (who defended many of them as attorney, Oscar B. Goodman) would have been killed hadn't it been for a bullet proof tailored suit during the show by three shooters from different positions. Outside, a security guard's corpse is found, nose bullet-smashed. It looks like it least one presumed-dead mobster is actually alive and kills again, also on the run. Regular casino suite guest prince Hamad Al Maktoum, an oil sheik, is the obvious subject when his regular hand-picked maid Maria Garza's corpse is found skull-smashed, but a hidden video camera helps Nick and Brass to work out what part its ex-con owner Matthew Lapaz, possible cahoot and blackmail as well as covered-up theft played.

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Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor!

Mr. Mayor, over here!

RUSSELL: The story of the Mob
is the story of America:

Ellis Island to Brooklyn,

Chicago, Kansas City...

finally, Vegas-
ticket to the American Dream.

Well, my great-grandfather
came here from Wales.

He didn't become a gangster.

He drove a bread truck.

Huh. "Weapons
and personal items on loan

from the Las Vegas
Police Department."

That's one way to empty
your evidence vault.

Yeah, don't get me started.

Mr. Mayor, you've taken heat
from Italian-American groups

accusing you of stereotyping.

Why not call it
"The Guido Museum"?

Come on.

Mobsters come in all flavors.

You got Meyer Lansky, you got
Bugsy Siegel, you got Moe,

you got Moe, you got Moe.

They're really equal
opportunity employers.




Oscar put your dad
in the Spilotro exhibit.

Forgot how handsome he was.

"Goodfella's daughter
turns CSl."

That's an amazing story.

No, Sam wasn't a goodfella.

No, he was a playfella.

When a goodfella
wanted to party,

Sam was the go-to guy.

He provided the women,
the supplies,

the favors, the security.

And those same goodfellas
hired Sam

to run their casinos.

He was connected, but no killer.

Nice spin, Greg.

Sam-- well, all these guys--

they were no angels,
but family did come first,

and they knew how to provide.

No kidding.

Sam gave her a casino.

I didn't even get
the family wagon.

Are you here with your wife?

Uh, yeah, yeah,
uh... my work wife.

Ecklie's over there.


(hushed): Hey, guys,
look-- right there.

Why are we whispering?

Out of respect

for the pack of Mob widows.

We got Mrs. Tony
"Revolvers" Meli,

Mrs. Vinnie
"Whack Job" Sapphire

and Mrs. Stu "Greenbacks"



Why's that unbelievable?

Well, Whack Job was
Lou Gedda's hitman.

He whacked Greenberg while

he was at his own diamond

and popped Meli while he was
at the cardiologist.

And Whack Job?

Got arrested
for all that whacking.

Jumped bail.

No one's seen him in 20 years.

Well, it's nice

to see the wives have
stayed in touch.


(sound effect of machine guns
firing, crowd screams)


Not so comfortable being around
all these Mobsters.

Like it or not, they're the
founding fathers of Vegas.


(music stops)

Thank you, everybody,
for coming here.

I've been waiting for this
for ten years,

the opening of the Mob Museum.

In particular, I want
to thank our sheriff,

Sheriff Liston.
Thank you for your support.

You know, when I was running
for mayor,

the advice I got was,
"Don't talk about your past.

Don't talk about the wiseguys
that you defended.

And I said, "Bull, I'm gonna do
it the way I want to do,"

and I got elected three times.

This museum's gonna be
very special.

This is gonna tell
the real story,

the real story of Las Vegas
and organized crime,

warts and all.

So, with that,
everybody raise your glass

and we'll say, "Salud"!

(machine gun sound effect,
followed by loud gunshots)

(guests scream, shout)

Get the medics
and secure the building!

(indistinct police radio

ECKLIE: Take these people
into the lobby

and get their statements.

(sirens approaching outside)

An attempt on the life
of the ex-Mayor.

My ass is hanging out here.

You better solve this quick.

Loud and clear, ma'am.

They just rolled
the mayor into the ER.

Looks like he's gonna be okay.

- Great.
- SANDERS: Hit in a Mob museum?

It has to be a publicity stunt.

ECKLIE: Sanders, if the former
mayor was gonna stage

his own assassination,
I would've known about it.

And I think
I would've told him no.

So I guess he got lucky tonight.

-(phone ringing)
- Yeah, I'll say.


Come here.

Well, how about the sheriff does
the press conference this time?

Okay, I heard four shots
fairly close by...

to the east of here.

Oh, there we go.

Do you have a...?

Uh, never mind.


.38 Colt revolver.

Four rounds fired.

Just like the real mobsters.

Dump your piece, then peace out.

As Oscar was going down,
I heard more shots

coming from that direction.

Why don't you and I take
a little walk?

Thank you very much.

Greg, uh, why don't
you go get your kit?

Start processing from
the podium out, all right?

Somebody shot Lou Gedda...


Two bullets in him.

Glass broken on both sides.

I guess a shot or two
could have gotten through.

Mayor was at the podium.

Not the best shot in the house.

But maybe the best cover.

Looks like a .38.

Okay, shots come
from two different places.

Same caliber, same time.

Two shooters.

If the shooters left
through the front door,

somebody would've seen them.



Security guard.

Smith & Wesson .38 Special.

Got two shots off
before he snorted a bullet.

Got a tire impression in water.

Better snap it before it dries.

Hold Still.

- What are you doing?
- Trust me,

you're gonna want to remember
the night

they shot Oscar Goodman.

You look great.

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
- ♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪

The former mayor gets shot,

and we're here.

What do you gotta do
to pull the primo cases?

Well, if you ask me,
they're all primo.

And hey, look at the bright

you get to work with me.

That's the bright side?


Somebody had a good time.

And somebody didn't.

It's Maria Garza.

She's the housekeeper
for this suite.

If she were a bartender,

I'd say someone didn't
like their martini.

God, people are pigs.

So, Mrs. Garza works nights

from midnight to 8:00 a.m.

The Head of Housekeeping
found her when

she didn't show up
for her union break.


Been dead roughly three hours.

- Puts T.O.D. around,
what, 3:00 a.m.? -Yeah.

Who's the suite registered to?

-(phone ringing)
- Prince Jalal Najib.


East Coast or West Coast?

More, uh... Middle East.

Yeah. Brass. Go ahead. Okay.

Be right there.

Well, my prince awaits...

at the gaming table, of course.

So I'll practice my curtsey
on the way to the elevator.

I'm guessing
this is a first, Dave?

Definitely my first

Looks like the maid came in
to clean up and got interrupted.

Yeah, check out the table...
and the glasses.

Can't tell if that's from
the party or the struggle.

Her skirt's hiked up.

Possible sexual assault.

Maybe she got jumped.

Tried to get away.


The last thing a prince needs is
some hotel maid crying rape.

She tried to take off,
and he just grabs

the nearest weapon, and bam.

And then he just
leaves her here,

goes to the casino?

Maybe in his kingdom,
he gets away with whatever

he wants to, including murder.

Got a problem?


Found the bullet

that shattered the mayor's
martini glass.

But I haven't been able
to find any other bullets.

Probably find them
in the mayor, right?

Well, yeah, but then
where's the blood?

If you get shot, you bleed.

That's a good point.

Okay, we know four shots
came from my left.

First one takes out my martini.

Next three are direct hits.

(imitates "ping" of bullet hits)

You plan on staying down there
for a while?

Can I see your flashlight
for a sec?

Oh, yeah.

I'm sorry. Glove?

Thank you.

Mushroomed bullet.

There was no damage
to the podium.

What else could it have hit?

Another good point.

Well, my obituary can wait.

I made the front page.

Both papers.

Get this in a department store,
did you?

I wouldn't wear
a store-made suit.

I got a tailor in Bogota.
He's the greatest.

This is a bullet-proof suit.

Guess it comes with
a lifetime guarantee?

Yeah. You get shot,
and they fix it for free.

Is that one of the bullets?

Yeah. Looks like it.

I've never seen
one of these before.

- So who are you afraid of?
- I'm not afraid.

I'm just prepared.

Hell, I was the mayor
for 12 years

and you don't get
everybody's vote.

And in my old life,
I represented wiseguys

who had legal trouble and
couldn't get all of them off.

So you got a lot
of enemies, do you?

Which is why I got to be
bulletproof, baby.

And you got a lot of work to do.

(woman crying, sniffling)


I'm CSI Brody.

Are you okay, ma'am?


Maria was my friend.

We worked together
for six years.

So you knew her well.

I'm sorry.

She was a good person.

A kind person.

Her husband lost his job.

She was supporting him
and her four kids.

Were you working on this floor
last night?

Yes. Here.

In this suite.

So, did you hear anything?

A scream, a fight?

No. It was too loud.

The party-

Did you see Maria go
into the suite during the party?

Hey, it's okay.

Don't be afraid.

I just want to help
Maria's family.

He was very demanding.

The prince.

He was here a lot.

Same suite.

He would always ask for Maria.

Some nights he would
even call her ten, 20 times.

Did the prince ever make
inappropriate demands of Maria?

She wouldn't say.

She never complained.

Like me, she was
just happy to have a job.


Apparently, the prince
was no prince

when it came to demanding
extra services from the maid.

You mean of a sexual variety?

Signs point that way.

So does this camera
I just found.

It was pointed right at the bed.

Somebody's been
taking home movies.

And it's rigged to transmit
to a remote location.

I'll run the serial number.

See if I can get
some prints off of it.

In the meantime, why don't
you print His Majesty.

Find out what his deal is.

I hear I almost had our mayor
on my table.

Sorry, Doc, not his time.

Don't be sorry;
I voted for him three times.

Four, if you count his wife.

He's done great things
for our town.

Oh, I agree. Mostly.


So I can guess C.O.D.--
gunshot wound to the nose.

Anything else interesting?


Sooting, stippling, lead smoke

around the entry point.

Shooter was less
than a foot away.

So the guard almost caught him.

Well, he definitely
caught a bullet.

A .38, I presume.

To match my growing collection.


Your .38 put on some weight.

That looks like a .44.

Can't wait to tell Ecklie.

We've got three shooters.

So, Prince,

do you know this woman?


She's a maid at your hotel--
Maria Garza.

All those messes you made,
she cleaned them up.


And she's dead.

What's that got to do with me?

Her body was found
in your suite.

You're talking
about the hired help.

Hotel security told me about the
little party you had last night.

It was so good they had
to shut it down around 2:00 a.m.

So where did you go
for the after party?

The spa.

And from there, the casino.

- Which is where you found me.
- Ready, Captain.

This is CSI Brody.

I'm hired to take your prints
and DNA.

Didn't I see you at the
Marquee Day Club yesterday?

Yeah... topless.

Remove your watch and jewelry.

Do you have a male assistant?

If it would make you
feel more comfortable,

I'll let you give me a thousand
bucks when we're finished.

Open up.

I get paid by the hour.

Excuse me.

(knocks twice)

Word is you like stories.

I got a good one.

I'm on the edge of my seat.

.38 Colt dumped at the museum

is definitely the gun
that shot Oscar Goodman.

Ran the test fires through IBIS.

Gun's connected to seven
prior shootings.

And here's your Mickey Spillane:

All seven date back to the '80s.


Tough decade
for Italian surnames.

Will you excuse me
just a second?


Tell me one more time,

how do you pronounce your name?



What did I do?

Do you know any of these guys?

Know 'em? It's like a who's who
of who's dead.

Joey Scarlatta sold Gedda
his strip joint.

Capped the day the deal closed.

Vinnie "The Moose" Moosetti.

Gedda's mechanic.

Until the brakes
were put on him.

Tommy "Capicola" Cappiletti.

Gedda's ex-brother-in-law...

Yeah, I get it, I get it:
he was ex'd.


All seven shootings went cold.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean

that everybody didn't know
who did them.

It was Gedda's hit man
Vinnie Sapphire.

All right, "True Crime,"

you know so much.

What's his last known?


Sapphire's been missing
for the last 20 years.

Yeah, well, his wife's not.

I'll tell Brass.
Bring her in.

Good work.

Now go away.

So, Brassy,
what's with the sit-down?

You finally find Vinnie?

No, but we found his gun.

Oh. Well, he always liked
'em bright and shiny,

just like his bimbos.

Well, this bright and shiny
shot Oscar Goodman last night.

- I'm thinking maybe Vinnie came
home. -Well, if he came home,

he didn't come home to me.

But if there's anything

that would bring Vinnie
back from the dead,

it's Oscar Goodman's
Mob museum.

No induction for Vinnie,
after all he did.

That is a crime.

And maybe motive to put
a couple holes in the mayor.

But he had help.

Well, don't look at me.
I like Oscar.


I contributed to his campaigns.

Now, Vinnie,

he felt different.

And for good reason
if you remember.

Oscar refused to rep him,

even when Vinnie was
facing the needle.

Gave him some BS excuse

about looking for the good
in his clients

and not seeing any in Vinnie.

I mean, what kind
of lawyer is that?

You're right.

Good guys don't need lawyers.

What about you?

Look, Vinnie bailed on me
and our marriage after 20 years.

If he walked in this room
right now,

I'd tell him the same thing
I'd tell you:

to stuff it.

I'll give you a tip.

If that bastard

needed help with anything

like taking out the mayor,

you should do what Vinnie
always did--

look for a new piece of ass.

I just never understood
how Vinnie could leave you.

Well, that's because
you're a gentleman.

Look, I got to get back
to my crap job.

If you ever find yourself
in the vicinity

of Tom's Bar on Corvell,
why don't you stop in?

I'll refill that bottle of
whiskey you keep in your drawer.

- Hodges.
- Hey.

I have a 1979 Cadillac
Coup de Ville.

They used one of these
in the movie Goodfellas.

This one starred in
circling the museum

for about an hour last night.

Sam used to have one
just like it.

I took my driving test in it.
Couldn't fail.

I failed.


Still get nightmares
about all those cones.

So, uh, what about the tire
impressions in the alley?

Well, here's where we enter
the world of oddfellas.

Or, more precisely, Detroit.

Tire impressions
were made by bias plies.

Same specs as you would find in
factory tires on a '79 Caddy.

Bet you can't guess what kind
of car Vinnie drove?

A '79 Cadillac Coupe de Ville.

I confirmed that with DMV.


Plate's a match, too.

Vinnie's car, Vinnie's gun...

Vinnie's suit and hat.

Vinnie's back.

Maria Garza's autopsy showed

showed no signs
of vaginal trauma.

SAE kit was negative for semen.

Just because the prince
couldn't close the deal,

doesn't mean he didn't kill her.

That's true.

We're still processing
his clothes.

Okay, well, I ran the serial
number on the lipstick cam.

Came back to a store
in Henderson.

Buyer paid cash.

I was able to pull
some partials off of that.

Andy's running it right now.

My money's on the prince.

He gets one of his crew
to install the camera,

that way, whatever
happens in Vegas

doesn't have to stay in Vegas.

He can have movie night
at the palace.

He really did piss you off,
didn't he?

You know, there is another
way to look at this.

That's a cheap consumer camera.

Access to the suite was easy.

You said Maria's husband
was out of work.

She was supporting the family.

Maybe Maria saw
an opportunity here.

Gives the prince
even more motive.

It gives us more than that.

If that camera recorded
the murder,

we need to get our hands
on that video footage.

You're hovering again.

Oh. Yeah. Sorry.

We both wore purple today.

We're on the same page.

Sweet talk never works on me.

I'm not so sweet.

Oh, I like you.

You may approach the AFIS.

Thank you.

Matthew Lapaz, 22.

Juvie record starts at 16.

Priors for drug possession.

Work card for the Eclipse.

BRODY: Stopped working there
three weeks ago.

Guy had access to the hotel,

that means he probably had
access to the suites.

And we did find drug residue
in the prince's suite...

Maybe Lapaz was there,
hooking him up.

More than just drugs.

So let's hook him up.

So, Mr. Lapaz...

you selling drugs
to royalty now?

I don't sell drugs no more.

What, did you move up
to electronics?

We found your prints
on a hidden camera

that was installed in
a suite at the Eclipse.

It was, uh...
it was his suite.

So, what, he hire you
to make some home movies?

Some sex tapes?

Or maybe you were
in the prince's suite

helping the maid set him up.

Well... either way,
Maria Garza's dead.

I don't know nothin'...
about nothin'.

Okay, we got guys going
through your place right now,

and with all those
remote recordings you made

with that lipstick cam,

one of 'em's going to show
Maria Garza's murder.

Hey, listen to me.

Look at me.

This is your last chance
to help yourself.

I'm gonna let my lawyer help me.

Hey. Thanks.

Did you find
the two missing rounds

from the guard's gun yet?


I'm beginning to think
they're in the next county.

Or in Vinnie Sapphire.

All right. Okay.

The only blood out here
is from the guard,

who was shot in
the face with a .44.

Two shooters inside had .38s.

Maybe whoever was driving
Vinnie's getaway car

was packing the .44.

Guard shot the car twice.

That's interesting.

Yeah. Do me a favor.
Shoot me in the face.



Shoot me in the face--
pretend gun, you know.

About a foot away,
and don't miss.

You're the boss.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

- I wasn't even ready!

That's the point.

We're done here.
You can wrap it up.

Bullets aren't out here.

And they're not in
the next county,

and they're not in
Vinnie Sapphire, either.

Or in his car.

Hey, thank you.

That was fun.


What's up?

Hey. You won't believe
how organized Lapaz was.

All the tapes from
the prince's room

have time and date stamps,

so I went right to 3:00 a.m.
the night of the murder...

I get this.

They the hell is the camera
focused on the nightstand?

So much for a sex tape.

Yeah, right?

Let's keep going.

STOKES: It's a safe tape,
not a sex tape.

My first year in I.A.,
I worked fraud cases.

I learned the difference
between real and fake.

A Rolez and a Rolex. Mm-hmm.

When I printed the prince,

I noticed he had on
a counterfeit watch.

I just thought he was cheap.

So this wasn't about
sex tapes or extortion.

He was being robbed.

More like scammed.

Lapaz and Garza worked
at the hotel together

before they became
partners in crime.

They installed the camera
to get the code from the safe,

and then they swapped
the prince's bling

with counterfeit.

Who knows how many guests
they've been ripping off?

Yeah, well, I think
I know one who got even.

(loud. angry grunt)

That's evidence.

And that was a lot of anger.

Until this moment, I had no idea

anyone has stolen anything
from me.

Even if I did, you really think
I'd kill a maid over a watch?

Yes, I do.

You know, we checked
your key card logs

from the penthouse suite.

You came back from
the spa at 2:52 a.m.

That is four minutes
after Maria Garza the maid

entered to clean it.

So I came back to change
before going to the casino.

I was there for a minute,
at most.

The maid was in the suite,

maybe she was in another room.

I did not see her.

I think you did.

And I think you saw her hand
in the cookie jar,

did something about it.

What do you think you're doing?

Uh, I was just checking to see
that everything was okay.

- Just checking what...

(Garza shrieks)

I know you think I'm a pig...

that I treat those that serve me
like dirt...

...but I'd never take a life.

And I'd never leave
anyone like this.

Oh. Hey.

Oh. Hey, boss.

Got your results,
and another story.

Let me go first this time.

So a museum security guard
fires two shots from a .38

during an attempt on a mayor.

That guard's found later,
shot with a .44,

outside in the alley.

Now, the assumption is they
didn't engage the bad guys,

but CSls don't find
any bullets outside.

But they do find

two unaccounted-for
.38 bullets inside.

Accounted for now.


So the .38s in the Gedda exhibit

came from the guard's gun.

Nicely done!

I got there through ballistics.

How'd you get there?

Uh, I shot Greg.

I-I gotta go. Sorry.

Thank you.
That was great.

Hey, Catherine! Catherine!

So our security guard

walks right up to the bad guy

and lets himself
get shot in the face

without returning fire, right?

Now that tells me that
he knew the shooter,

and it also tells me

he was probably in on it
with Vinnie.

Okay, so, while Vinnie
was shooting the mayor

from over there,
the security guard

got off two shots from here,

at an upward angle.

The only thing he had
a prayer of hitting

was Gedda or the ceiling.

What was he aiming at?
It wasn't the mayor.

Well, maybe he hit
what he was aiming at.


No... uh...

two shots would dice up
all the safety glass.

I'm thinking maybe this whole
thing was a two-fer.

You know, shoot he mayor
and shoot out the exhibit.

Could be Vinnie or the guard

wanted something inside here.

But what?

Well, whatever it was...

it was worth a guard's life.

The prince has a point.

Why would he just leave Garza
laying on the floor like that?

Seems too smart.

Well, if not him,
then who? Lapaz?

He and Maria were
partners in crime.

Maybe they had a falling out.

There's no sign of him
at the hotel.

He's not on surveillance
or anything.

I think we should
take another look.

Maybe somebody stuck
around after the party,

went after Maria.

Can you believe this guy?

He had his list of special
requests put in writing.

"Trash cans must be emptied
on the half-hour.

"Dirty glasses must be
immediately removed

"from the room.

"Dirty linens and towels
must be immediately

replaced with new ones."

He wanted brand-new towels?
Or clean ones?

What's the difference?

Well... all the towels on
the cart here are brand-new.

Grab me the ALS.
I want to show you something.

These are towels
from the crime scene...

and hotels put laundry marks
on all their new linens

after their first wash.

Let me see that.

There it is-- you see that?


So... towels from the crime
scene had been washed.

They weren't brand-new.

So, if these towels
weren't from Maria's cart,

where did they come from?

Ms. Vasquez, we checked
the inventory from your cart

the night Maria was killed.

You reported that you were
four towels short.

Is that right?

People steal.

Boy, don't I know it.

So, tell me... was the safe
hard to open,

or did you, uh... did you get it
on the first try?

I haven't committed any crime.

Oh, I beg to differ.

Check the key card lock.

I never went into
the prince's suite.

We don't need to check
the key card lock.

We searched your house.

I don't think any of
that stuff belongs to you.

STOKES: Eventually, we're
going to match it back

to all the guests that you
and Matthew Lapaz

have been ripping off.

Still don't think you've
committed any crimes?

How about burglary,
fraud, and murder?


Why'd you kill Maria?

Paula, you're going to prison.

A little truth might shave off
a few years from the sentence.

The door was open.

I waited till Maria went
into the other bedroom.

Then I went into the safe.

(Speaking Spanish)

I told Maria we'd cut her in.

But she said
that she was no thief.

She said that she
was going to speak

to the Head of Housekeeping.

Go on.

Don't stop now.
Tell us what happened.

No! (screams)

Get off of me!

(Garza shrieks)

I clean after people every day.

The rich-- they don't see me.

They don't thank me.

They only leave nothing
but their garbage.

The prince, with all his money,
all his lawyers--

he has people to
take care of him.

I have no one
to take care of me.

I have to take care of myself.

What about Maria?

You said her husband
was out of work,

that she was supporting
her four kids.

Who's going to take care
of them?

ECKLIE: The guard got himself
killed over this?

An old journal?

The journal's the only thing
missing from the Gedda exhibit.

A mobster who journals--

that's great
for law enforcement.

Well, it's mostly blank,
except for the last two pages.

Which aren't exactly
"Dear Diary" entries.

- ECKLIE: Yeah, what are they?
- A to-do list.

"Do," as in "whack."

I assume a check means "done"?

Dead or presumed dead. Yeah.

All right, so Vinnie Sapphire
comes back to town,

shoots Oscar Goodman
to settle a score,

and then steals
Gedda's hit list. Why?

He was Gedda's hit man.

He knows all their names.

All except the last one here.

Cesare Mastrantonio.

Yeah. No birth certificate.
Guy never existed.

What's he doing on a hit list?

(phone ringing)

Yeah. Now what?


Good work, Jim.

Brass found
Vinnie Sapphire's car

at a motel off Boulder Highway.

Okay, back up.

Oh, man.

Hat on the bed,

always bad luck.

All clear, Catherine.

I got a female DB,

and it ain't Vinnie.


Same caliber
as the security guard.

Here's why no one heard a shot.

This looks like the suit

that was circling
the museum in the Caddie.

I got an ID.

Monique Roberts.

Monique Roberts?

I knew her.
She was a friend of Sam's.

Friend of a lot of his friends.

Well, if she was with Vinnie,

maybe she was on
the lam with him.

And if that's her .44, maybe she
was the getaway driver.

- Got something for me, baby?
- Always.

I got to get back inside.

Thanks for the memoirs.

Well, Vinnie obviously wanted us

chasing the wrong Vinnie--
the girl Vinnie.

If we caught her,
we wouldn't catch him.

Well, he caught her for us.

Well, looks like Vinnie
left in a hurry.

Left his suits, his car,
and his girlfriend.

I don't see Gedda's journal.

No journal, no Vinnie.

Yeah, I'm getting
a little sick and tired

of this clown being two steps
ahead of us.

These belong to you.

Understand you caught
the person responsible

for the housekeeper's murder.

That's right.


woman, Maria Garza.

She lost her life for this.

Someone with nothing
gave everything...

for me.

Please give this to her family.


- Yeah.
- Hi.

So Cesare Mastrantonio--

he's on a hit list.

But he's never existed--
no birth certificate.


So he never lived,
but he's dead.

Did you check
for a death certificate?

No. Why would we?

Well, I'm just thinking
that if he has one,

maybe we can find out
where he's buried,

and then pay our respects.


You had to stop
at the crematory flower shop?

They're for my wife.

Shouldn't we call Brass?

No. We're just a couple
of mourners

out for a nice stroll.

(glass shattering)

(woman whimpering)

(yelling and grunting)

(screaming sobs)

Uh, Mrs. Sapphire?

Vinnie, that son of a bitch!

(wailing sob)

Okay, all right.
Come on. Calm down.

Come on. Take a... just
take some deep breaths.

Take some deep...

He was always
such a disappointment.

Okay. All right. Hold still.

You have a feather here.

Feel all right? Huh?

Do you... do you want Greg...

Greg to get you a glass
of water or something?

I need something stiffer
than a glass of water.

Okay. All right.

Get my purse.

Get her purse for her.


Found your fingerprints
in the motel.

GAR on your hands.

And a feather in your hair.

Why did you kill her, Joanna?


When Vinnie got pinched,
he said, "Don't worry.

Oscar will get me off."

Well, that didn't happen.

So when he ran,
he said, "Don't worry.

There's plenty of money."

Yeah, there was.

In his suitcase, next to him,
on the lap of that bimbo

as his Coupe de Ville
flew the coop.

So you got her back.

Did you get Vinnie back, too?


God whacked Vinnie.

About five months ago,
I get a call

from this bimbo, Monique.

Hadn't talked to the bitch
in 20 years,

but she calls me,

and she says that Vinnie
just died of cancer.

She tossed his body
into Lake Mead

because she couldn't
afford a funeral.

She was broke.

She figured I'd be broke, too.

So that's when I got into bed
with the bitch.

So, on his deathbed,
Vinnie tells Monique,

the... the mistress,

all about Lou Gedda's
stash of cash--

his rainy-day fund.

And tells her how to find it?

Yeah, the last name
on the hit list, right?

But, of course, that list
has been buried

in the police evidence vault
for, like, years.

Until Oscar got it
out of evidence

and put it in the museum.

And it goes from
being behind bars

to being behind glass.

So Joanna starts fishing around
for an invite to the museum,

while Monique starts
coming on to the guard.

And that poor guy,
he had no idea

that they were thinking
about killing the mayor.

He was just in it for the money.

The wife told you all this
at the mausoleum?

She was in a...
pretty vulnerable state.

Why make the move on Oscar?

'Cause he ruined my marriage.

You know,
Vinnie was a good earner.

If Oscar had taken the case,

he'd have got Vinnie off,

and he wouldn't have run off
with his goomar.

So Oscar got what he deserved.


GOODMAN: And with that, I want
everyone to take their glass,

raise it high,
and we'll say, "Salud"!

(gunfire, people screaming)

Damn suit.

Did she happen to explain

why Monique was running around
wearing Vinnie's clothes?

Same reason why they got his car
and gun out of mothballs.

They were setting him up.

To quote the wife,

"The perfect fall guy
is a dead guy."

I mean, that's brilliant.

Well, we sure as hell
fell for it.

So what happened
to Gedda's stash of cash?

Kind of hard to say,

but the previous manager
of the mortuary

retired about five years ago
to a villa in St. Barts.

So I'm thinking...

Mr. Mayor.


- Can I help you?
- I'm going to see my client.

Your client?
Who's... who's that?


But, Your Honor,
she tried to kill you.

I know.

Sir, she tried to kill you.

I know, but she's entitled
to a defense, isn't she?

This is America.

If I ever get in trouble,
I want that guy defending me.

If I ever get in trouble,
I want his suit.