CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 12, Episode 20 - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - full transcript

A killer is about to go free because of a dirty cop, so the team tries to connect him to an earlier crime to keep him in jail.

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You want to know
why I brought you here?

Yeah, I do.

Well, this is it.
Team needs you.

Go out there and kick
some butt, please.
I will.

Pitching low
and outside.

Just like I like it.

Come on, Finn!
You've got this!

Knock it out of
the park, Finn!

Come on, Finlay!

Bring it in, boys.

CSI Barbie's
not gonna hit it

out of the infield.

Yeah, come on in, boys.

Bring it in.
Bring it in.

Come on in, you guys.
Come on in.

I'm just gonna hit it
right over your heads.

Hey, you don't want
to get her mad.

She's not going to stop

at first base anyway.

That's because she'll be out.

That's right.

Just wait.
Let's go, Finn.

Bring me home now.
You got this.

Oh, come on!

That was so outside.
Oh, ump!

You kidding me?
Hey, Finn, come on.

Shake it off. Shake it off.
You got this, Finn.

What happened to you?

Let's bring Nicky home.

Come on, Finn!

Home run!
Shut these guys up!

Nice and easy.
Nice and easy.

And all the way!

Come on, suckers!

Come on, Speedy!
She's going!

She's going!

Bring it!

Ah! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow.

You all right?


Maybe you pulled a muscle.

Kind of feels like it.

Might need a rubdown later.

I'll keep that in mind.

Maybe a cold shower.
Come on!

Come on, guys!
That's it!

All right, Henry.

It's all up to you.

Take that, Bice.

Come on, Henry!

Come on, Henry.
Hit me in!

Come on, Henry.
You can do it!

Hey, wait. Time, time,
time, time, time.

Time, time, time.

Time out.

What's going on?

I just got a 911 from Brass.

Gotta take it.

All right, sorry, guys.
I got to go to work.


You know the tournament rules.
You have to have nine players.

If you leave now, you forfeit.

Well, I guess
we're gonna have to forfeit.

I'm sorry, y'all.

You're welcome, Henry.

Oh, sorry to interrupt
your game, Nick.

You know D.A. Melvoy.


On a Sunday.
This can't be good.

We have a problem.

Detective Sam Vega.

Yeah, he's dead.

Yeah, that's the
problem with dirty cops.

Alive or dead, they leave
a lot of dirty laundry behind.

I received a remittitur on
People v. Carl Bowden.

Bowden was convicted
of murder seven years ago.

It's been overturned.

Yeah, I remember
it well.

Bowden beat some college kid
to death in an alley.

But he confessed
to the crime.

Even led us to the body.

Bowden's attorney
has claimed coercion.

He says that Vega
beat the confession out of him.

No, that's a load of defense
attorney crap, and you know it.

Well, the appellate court
disagrees with you.

They threw out the confession.

And it gets worse.

Vega put away hundreds of guys.

Bowden goes free,

prison doors open,

and a parade
of scumbags hit the street.

So, what's our next move?

We retry him.

No, not okay. Tell him.

Anything that Bowden
gave you during

and after his confession is
fruit of the poisonous tree.

Including the body.
We can't use any of it.

That was the whole case.

Well, it's only
a matter of days

before the judge cuts him loose.

So you better find new evidence,
fast, or he walks.

Hope you won the game.

No, we lost that, too.

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪


How's the leg?
Oh, it's fine.

I walked it off.
Oh, good.

Good, good, good.

Too bad, though, huh?
We could have won that game.

Oh, I know.

That was such a tough break.

Still, it was a pretty bad pull.


It's funny.
I didn't really feel it

until I saw that very cute guy
on third base.

Yeah, you're unbelievable.

You couldn't have waited
until after the game

to come on
to him?

We were this close to winning.

Hey, Russell?

You got a minute?

Come on, Jules.
What are you doing?

The guy's a cop.

I really liked Vega.

I worked a lot of cases
with him.

I never figured him for being
dirty or anything like that.

Nobody starts
out that way.

But once you are,
that's all you are.

Yeah, unfortunately.

Go on.

So, the morning after
I finished the crime scene,

Vega found a witness
who said she saw Bowden

leaving the alley.

Witness recognized him?

Yeah, Bowden was her mechanic.

So, Vega picks him up,
I meet him at PD.

We had him in the room
for, like, five hours.

It wasn't going anywhere.

We were burning
through audio tapes.

So, I left the room

to get some more
from the night sergeant.

I was only gone maybe 15,
20 minutes, tops.

When I come back in,

I see Bowden...

What the hell happened?

He lunged at me
across the table.

I had to set him straight.

He's bleeding.

He's fine.
Take a seat.

You're going to want
to hear this.

Shortly after that,
he confessed.

Did you tell your
supervisor what you saw?

I never told anyone.


look, I know the drill.

It's all about trust.

The more the detectives
trust you,

the more they'll ask you
to work on the big cases.

Bowden copped to the murder.

He showed us
where he dumped the body.

He definitely killed that kid.

So, so what?
So, Vega said,

"He jumped me,
and I had to set him straight."

How am I supposed to know
he's not telling the truth?

Well, you must have
suspected something,

or we wouldn't be sitting here.

Look, I'm not saying
what he did was okay,

but it's not like
he put the guy in the hospital.

He gave him a bloody lip.

And because of that,
a killer's in prison,

and a mother gets
to bury her son.

Wait a second.

See, that mother would have
buried her son anyway.

Eventually, the evidence
would have led you to the body.

Vega didn't need
to lay a finger on Bowden.

Yeah, you're right.


I'm glad you told me.

So, let's go rally
the troops, shall we?

See if forensics can do
what police work couldn't.

That's the victim,
Robert James.

On May 7, 2005, he and a buddy
went drinking in a bar.

He left early to walk home.

The quickest way to do that was
to cut through a nearby alley.

He never made it.
The next morning,

Robert's mother
reported him missing.

And the call-out was

a suspicious blood pool
near a Dumpster.

I ran the DNA; matched
the blood in the alley

to DNA from
Robert's toothbrush.

Next day, Vega got a lead
on a suspect, a guy named

Carl Bowden,
who confessed to the crime,

and took us out to the body
near Red Rock.

Ended up cutting a deal
with the DA.

Oh. So no trial.

Means you had
to box up the evidence

and send it off
to the freezer.

Unfortunately, a lot of the case
evidence has been excluded,

thanks to Detective Vega.

Confession, gone.

Robert James' body

and everything found
at the dump site-- gone.

Doc Robbins'
autopsy results-- gone.

So, that's all
we have left?

We have an alley crime scene.

We have a missing person report
and an eyewitness.

We've worked with a lot less.

Morgan's on her way back
from long-term storage

with all the evidence
from the alley.

Greg, I want you
to help her go through that.

All right?
You got it.

Finn, Nick and I will go
to the alley.

I want to take a look
at that scene.

Okay, this is right
around the area

where the crime
occurred, right here.

Look the same
as it did seven years ago?

Oh, in this part of town,

nothing ever really
changes that much.

Except this Dumpster,
or one like it,

was over there.

And, uh,

where was the blood pool?

It was right over here,
near the Dumpster.

And there was also
fresh urine

that Greg matched
to Robert James.

Near the blood pool, there was

a busted cinder block
with blood on it.

Weapon of opportunity.

Bowden grabbed one, hit Robert
over the head with it.

Was there any blood spatter
from the initial blows?

All of the blood spatter

was low to the ground

and contained in
this area right here.

Means that
Bowden kept hitting him,

even after he was down.

Yeah, I found brain matter
in the blood pool.

That kid never walked
out of this alley.

All right, so, based on
what we have-- blood,

urine, murder weapon--

we know that Robert James
was killed here.

Yeah, we just can't say
that Bowden was the guy

that did it, legally.

What about
your eyewitness?

She was getting into her
car across the street.

She said she saw Bowden
leaving the alley.

Without the body?

Well, there were
no drag marks.

I figured he was just
going to his car,

which we never found.

That's too bad.

Okay, anything else?

maybe you didn't put
in your notebook on the day?

Well, actually,
I did smell something.

It was like a
chemical smell.

Like a solvent.

Couple of restaurants around.

Maybe it was an industrial
cleaner or something.

No, no.

It was more like... Superglue,

but different.

And at the time, I just thought

it was something
in the Dumpster.


Detective Moreno.

Come in, come in.

I heard you're reworking
a homicide case

my old man screwed up.

Yeah, you heard right, yeah.

Sit down.

So, these past
few months, uh...

been kind of rough, huh?

You know, before all
of this happened,

not a lot of cops even knew
that Sam was my dad.

Well, my stepdad.

You know, back in
the neighborhood

that I grew up in in
LA, it was tough.

I mean, real tough.

If it weren't for Sam,

well... I might have
gone the wrong way.


We all miss him.

Captain Brass...

I want to work this case.

Oh, I don't know...

Look, after my dad died,

I was dragged in front of IAB,
so you know that I'm clean.

I'll work this
on my own time.

I'll run leads,
I'll find witnesses.

Sir, I will do what
you need me to do.

I need to do this.

I, I got to try to
make this right.

Look, I get it, I get it.

I don't think it's a good idea.

But, look, if we do this,
it has to be unofficial.


Now get out of here.

Thank you.

Just talked to Nick.

He remembered something
from the alley--

a smell, kind of like a solvent.


I'm guessing that's
why Russell wanted

to go back there.

To jog Nick's memory.

Grissom used to teach
by Socratic method.

At least you knew when it
was happening, but Russell...

You never know,
and by the time

you figured it out,
it's already over.

All right, here's your half.

I'll print, you swab.

Seven years is a long
time to keep a car in impound.

Well, when we tag evidence
"Hold for Homicide,"

it doesn't go anywhere.
You know,

I didn't even know Bowden's
car had been recovered.

No, neither did I.

It was picked up at a 7-Eleven
the night of the murder.

That's two blocks
away from the alley.

The tow company
didn't inform us

till after Bowden confessed.

Then it was tagged and towed
and brought over here.

There, that's it.

If Bowden did use this car to
transport Robert James' body,

we might still find
some evidence in it.

Little late for that
new car smell, huh?

Well, it's faint, but

it might be what I smelled
back in that alley.

Car's been sealed
for seven years.

That steering wheel cover
is leather, it's absorbent.

Might be worth a shot.

Got significant
front end damage.

You know...

I think I figured out
why this car

was illegally parked
at the 7-Eleven.

Me, too.

This car was involved
in a hit and run.

Detective Moreno.

So what's up?

Is Vice in on this now?

No, I'm just, uh,

hanging out
on my day off

and taking care
of a little family business.


So, did Bowden hit someone?

No, actually, somebody hit
his car and took off.

Car was parked
at the 7-Eleven,

the clerk called it in.

Did Patrol talk to Bowden?

Nope, couldn't find him.

What time was that?


You know,
that's right around

the same time
Robert James left that bar.

Yeah, and the patrol noted
that the car wasn't drivable,

which means

this car didn't go
anywhere after 10:00.

So Robert James' body
was never in it.

Octyl cyanoacrylate.


No, it's what Nick
smelled in the alley.

We found traces of it
on the murder weapon.

What is it exactly?

It's a kind of
liquid bandage called


You put it on an open wound

like a new layer of skin.

It smells bad,
but it works,

and the best part is,

we found it on a part
of the cinder block

that was not covered in blood.

So it could be a transfer
from the killer's hand.

Athletes use it to
stop the bleeding--

otherwise they'll get
pulled out of the game--

but primarily

it's used by tradesmen
who work with their hands.

And Carl Bowden was a mechanic.


Listen, I've hired some
sketchy guys over the years.

Some of 'em have even
done time, nothing big.

Carl was the only one
who ever killed anybody.

So do you remember him well?

Remember him?

I'll never forget.

My wife and I
were watching TV.

She said, "Isn't that Carl?"

Well, there he
was, on the news,

leading you folks
to the boy's body.

Mr. Gerard,
we need your help.

What can you tell us about Carl?

Real hothead.

Littlest thing
would set him off.

Guys around here gave
him a wide berth.

I don't think they'd admit it,

but I think
they were scared of him.

I only kept him around because
he was such a good mechanic.

The guy could fix anything.

And what about the day
that Robert James was murdered?

Anything set
him off then?

The wife left him.

Cleaned out the apartment.

Oh, he was pretty steamed
when he got back to work.

Grabbed a crowbar-- I thought
he was going to use it on me.

Took it out on the
vending machine.

Did, uh, Mr. Bowden have access
to the shop after hours?

Sure, he had
a set of keys.

And what about the vehicles
left overnight?

Did he have access to those?

Got to have keys to fix 'em.


Do you happen to keep records
from, like, seven years ago?

You bet.

I never throw anything away.

we'd like to know

which vehicles
were left overnight

on May 7, 2005.

I'll dig 'em up.

Let's go to the office.

I'll catch up.

How you doing?

Better now.

Can I see your hands?

You can see
whatever you want.

Just your hands.

They smell.

It's not oil;
what is that?

Ah, it's just some
stuff I put on 'em

'cause they're always
cracking and bleeding.


Yeah, that's it.


The department mechanic
checked out Bowden's car.

He said it runs
fine but confirmed

that the front end damage
made it undrivable.

So Bowden walks
out of the 7-Eleven...

...sees his car all smashed up.

He was already having
a bad day,

so that probably pushed him
over the edge.

And after he killed
Robert James,

he needed another car
to get rid of the body.

Well, Ben's garage had
three cars stored that night.

Two of them had
their engine pulled.

So he couldn't have driven
either one of those.

What's up with him?

Ah, he went

to Italy with his mom.

I think he brought
it back with him.

Well, the only other car
in the garage that night

was getting a tune-up--

a Buick Park Avenue.

Ooh, got a big trunk.

Big enough to hold a body.

I tracked it down,
here it is.


♪ ♪

I got blood.

Ti voglio bene.

Devo andare.


I didn't know you spoke Italian.

Si, italiano é la lingua

Oh, I always thought the
language of love was français.

Only to the French.


So, any luck with
the liquid bandage stuff?


The stuff on your
mechanic's hands

was the same chemical
that I found

on the cinder block
and the leather

steering wheel cover
found in Bowden's car.

That's good, right?

It puts Bowden in the alley.

Yeah, well, him and
a lot of other guys.

Did some research.

It's the top-selling
liquid bandage in the U.S.


Still waiting
for our home run.

Why don't you try
across the hall.

Do you know where
I've been every night

for the last
two weeks?

The batting cages
with Finn,

and I've been
hitting, man, I mean,

the balls have been
screaming off my bat.

So it may have looked like
I was going to hurl up at bat,

but I was ready.
All right, bud.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know it meant

that much to you.

Does this mean
you're not gonna

analyze DNA
for me anymore?

I'm a professional.

I got your DNA results

on the blood you found
in the trunk of that Buick.

Please tell me it's a
match to Robert James.

It was degraded,
which is to be expected,

so the stats aren't
as good as we usually get.

So give it to me.

One in 43,000.

What about Bowden?

Anything to tie
him to the car?

No. I even ran his profile
through CODIS.

No hits.

That's it?

A weak DNA result that could be,

possibly, Robert James...

and no evidence of
Bowden, DNA or otherwise.

He did have access
to the Buick

and his own car places him
three blocks from the scene

at the time
of the murder.

It wasn't drivable,

which explains why he needed

the customer's Buick
to move Robert's body.

Eyewitness said she saw Bowden
exit the alley on foot.

Yeah, a witness that died of
breast cancer two years ago.

She can't testify
to anything.

Look, I-I'm sorry, I can't
move forward with this.

It's not enough.
Well, shouldn't we let

a jury decide that?
If we retry Bowden,

we have to win.

The bar is high
when you're trying

to fight off the
stink of a dirty cop.

Bowden murdered Robert James.

Vega's instinct about
him was right.

but his instinct about
beating a confession
out of him wasn't.

All right, all right.

Look, Bowden's
served seven years.

It's not 25, but
it's something.

Yeah, and he should have
gotten life.

You've seen the pictures

of Robert James.
Yeah, Bowden beat

an innocent man to death--
a man he didn't even know--

for no apparent reason.

You put a guy like that
back on the street,

he is going to do it again.

Just a matter of time.

I don't disagree with you.

And if you find more
evidence down the road,

we can refile then.

So Bowden walks?

As soon as I
present the motion

to dismiss to the judge.

A-At least

let me take some new
reference samples first.

Our samples are

seven years old.

Couldn't hurt
to confirm everything.

All right, but, Nick,
you can't talk to him

and I'll have
to notify his attorney.


Set it up.

Long time.

I'm gonna need to take some
reference samples from you.

If I don't give 'em up...

are you gonna hit me?

Open up.

I'm gonna need to take
some pictures, too.

Red isn't my best color.

But then again, I won't
be wearing it much longer.


Bowden had scars
all over his body.

According to the warden,
he gets in fights all the time,

most of which
he starts himself.

Yeah, you know,
his old boss said

that he had a
hair-trigger temper.
Yeah, man,

he's got some serious
anger issues.

The James murder was
vicious and unprovoked.

Total overkill.

prison's not gonna change
that kind of anger.

No way.

You know, I don't think
that kind of anger

developed overnight, either.

No, a hothead
like Carl

must have taken his anger
out on someone before.

I think it's a
good possibility

there were other victims
before Mr. James.

Okay, here's what
we're gonna do.

We're not going home.
We're gonna take

a look at all the old cases
with similar MO's, right?

Ambush beatings,

seemingly random.

Weapons of opportunity.

Yeah, I'm down.
If we can't keep him

locked up for
the James murder,

maybe we can keep him
in there for something else.

Damn right.

I searched VICAP for keywords:
"ambush," "beating,"

"weapon of opportunity."

Found two cases

with similar MO's--
one in St. George, Utah,

the other in Laughlin.

Both male victims,
one year before
the murder.

Okay, worth checking out.

And I got one, as well,

from our department,

but it might just be
a straight mugging.

Where'd you disappear to?

I was in the basement.

I think I found a possible case.

Random attack on a jogger,

almost beaten to death,
in a park,

with a log.

Weapon of opportunity.

and according
to the police report,

officers noticed
a distinct chemical smell.


All right, I like
where this is going.

There are some
minor differences.

The victim was a female,
she was attacked during the day,

and she did survive.

Bowden killed Robert James
at night, in an alley,

and then he dumped the body.

Why would he leave this victim
alive and out in the open?

Maybe he was interrupted.


There is a catch.

Someone's already been
convicted for the crime.

Big catch.

I know.
But no case is perfect.

Well, that's okay, that's okay.
Let's hear it.

All right. 2004,

April Reynolds is out
on her afternoon run

in Tresser Park.

She's listening to music,

so she does not hear
her attacker

come up from behind.

He drags her into the bushes,

and she is almost
beaten to death.

Any sign of sexual assault?

Uh, no.
Just like
Robert James,

nothing was taken--
not her MP3 player,

her watch or her wedding ring.

usually when somebody sustains
a blow to the head like that,

the goal is
to incapacitate them,

to take them down.

And when April Reynolds woke up,
she identified her attacker as

this guy, David Jorgensen,
her best friend's husband.

But he has always
maintained his innocence,

and the physical evidence
is pretty weak.

Yet shoe prints
found at the crime scene

matched a pair that
Jorgensen owned,

but they were size ten Nikes.

That's a popular brand.

had wood splinters
in his hands,

same kind of wood as the log
used to beat April.

And shortly
after the attack

neighbors reported seeing David
burning things in the backyard.

I'm sorry, that
always sounds suspicious.

Link to Bowden
seems like a stretch.

what about

the chemical smell
at both crime scenes?

That's got to be
something, right?

That cannot be
a coincidence; no way.
All right, let's

take a look at the evidence
and find out, all right?

Hodges will run
trace. Greg,

dog walker found
the victim--

why don't you go ahead
and track her down.

Morgan, go ahead and pull
April's medical files.

I'm gonna go talk
to David Jorgensen.

Got to be more to the story.

I'll see if I can place Bowden
anywhere near the park that day.

Hey, guys, we connect
Bowden to this crime,

we keep him behind bars.

♪ ♪

I didn't take you
for an opera man.

La Dolce Vita has
transformed my soul.

Yeah, I can see that.

I need you to check this
log for trace, please.

Are you looking for

That, and whatever else
you can find. Please.

Don't want to interrupt
your creative process.

Mm. Grazie mille.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

According to Bowden's
credit card records,

his card was declined
at a liquor store

the day April Reynolds
was attacked.

What was the address?

345 Agoura Road.

That's right across the street
from Tresser Park.

What time was
the transaction?


Right around the time
of the attack.

Bowden's boss said that
Bowden was pretty riled up

the day that Robert
James was killed.

His wife left him,
and somebody hit his car.
But still,

I mean, having your credit card
declined is not enough

of a trigger to go and nearly
beat a woman to death.

I agree, but you never know
what'll set some people off.

Stokes, there's something
I want to know.

I know you were in the room
with Bowden and my old man

that day.

Did my dad beat a confession
out of him or not?

I-I don't know.

level with me, all right?
My dad is dead.

You don't have to
protect him anymore.

All I want to know is the truth
about my old man-- that's it.

Okay, look.

I left the room.

When I came back in,

Bowden had a split lip
and a black eye.

Your dad said that
Bowden jumped him.

I gave him the benefit
of the doubt.

Code of silence.

There's no code, okay?

The Sam Vega I knew
was a good, honest cop.

I didn't know about
the rest of it.

And looking back now, uh...

maybe I didn't want to.

Well, if it makes you
feel any better,

I didn't know about
the rest of it, either.

You know, when I was a kid,
all I wanted was to be like him.

Have a badge, a gun,

the whole thing.

He used to say to me,
"You're not cut out for this."

And I used to think, you know,

it was because
I wasn't tough enough.

Lately, I
realize that...

to him, doing the job...

meant getting your hands dirty.

He was just trying
to protect you.

Sammy was a good guy.

I know.


All right, I just got an e-mail
from the guy that Bowden

used to work for in 2004.

Stokes, you're
gonna love this.

Bowden was fired
on May the seventh.

that's the same day that
April Reynolds was attacked.

Yeah, and that's
one hell of a trigger.

Okay, so Bowden gets
his walking papers,

he goes to the liquor store
to drown his sorrows,

his credit card is declined...

And now he's really pissed,

so he goes across the street
to Tresser Park,

and he sees
April Reynolds jogging.

And then he takes out
his rage on her.



Now let's just hope
we can prove it.

Mr. Jorgensen,
I've studied your case file,

and I would like to ask
you a few questions.
After eight years?

Now you want to talk to me?

I was not aware of your
case eight years ago.

I am now,
and I very much

want to hear your
side of the story.

It's the same
as it's always been.

I'm innocent.

David Jorgensen
almost killed me.

How can you even think

about letting him out?
Ms. Reynolds,

you know, we're just
looking into the case.

So please, sit down.

Sit down.
I-I didn't mean
to snap at you.

It's just, well,
these last eight years, it's...

Yeah, I know, I...
I can only imagine.
I thought

when my body healed, life
would return to normal,

only there was no normal.

You know, I know recovery
can be hard, and I know

this isn't easy,
and I don't mean to make
you feel uncomfortable,

but there's just
some details of the case

that I want to go over
with you, okay?

I'm just, I'm not really sure

there's anything new
that I can tell you.

So, prior to the attack, uh,

what was your relationship
with David Jorgensen?

Well, his wife and I
were best friends.

Our families were very close.

Kids played soccer together.

I'm not sure what
they're into now.

I haven't seen them
since I've been inside.

On the day of the attack,

you and April had lunch.

Can you tell me what
you two talked about?

Connie and I were going
through a rough patch.

She told April everything;
I wanted some answers.

And why would
witnesses have said

that they heard
you arguing?
I told him

he was a crappy husband;
he didn't want to hear it.

And he got angry?
I wasn't...

angry with April, I was...
frustrated with the situation.

Were you two
romantically involved?

Absolutely not.

I loved my wife.

April was brutally beaten
with a piece of wood,

and when you
were arrested

they did find splinters
in your hands.

I was stacking firewood.

The kids liked to use
the fire pit.

And on the night
of the attack,

neighbors saw that
you were burning what
appeared to be clothing.

Can you explain that?
Yeah, I picked the wrong night
to clean out the garage.

I burned some old rags
and a drop cloth.

Hey, I know how it sounds...

but it's the only story I got.

He just... kept...

hitting me.

And I thought
I was gonna die,

and all I could think
about was my husband

and my son.

Are you sure
it was David Jorgensen?

I remember it clearly.

I saw his face.

It was David.

Why would she say that
if it was not true?

I don't know.

I have been asking myself
that question

for eight years.

Is there anything that
you're not telling me?

Something, maybe, that you're
holding back because...

I've already told you

But hell, my own wife
didn't believe me.

Why should you?

I never said that I
didn't believe you.

Hey, Pavarotti.

I hear you got some
results for me.

Si,as you suspected,

I did find trace amounts of
octyl-cyanoacrylate, Invi-Skin,

on the log used
to beat April Reynolds.

Just like on the cinder block
from the alley.

Now, here's where
it gets interesting.

Please direct your attention
to the monitor.

This is a wood
fragment extracted

from April Reynolds'
head wound.

The white substance
is Invi-Skin.

I'm gonna show you
a wood fragment

that was extracted
from David Jorgensen's hand.

No Invi-Skin.

So, either these splinters were
taken from a section of the log

that contained
no Invi-Skin transfer...

Or Jorgensen
never handled it.

Thank you.

So, a tiny speck of Invi-Skin
on a tiny speck of wood

that wasn't tested
for eight years?

The defense will have

a field day with this.
A lot of cases

have been won based
on a tiny speck of evidence.

Now, we've placed Bowden
near Tresser park

around the time that
April Reynolds was attacked.

From the moment she woke up,

she's pointed the finger
at David Jorgensen.

She's never wavered,
and she never will.

You couldn't have
a more sympathetic witness.

And what if
the physical evidence

contradicts her testimony?

It'll have to be a lot better
than what you have here.

I need rock-solid proof
that Bowden was involved.

So, that's it; he walks.

First thing in the morning,
I file a motion to dismiss.

Is it possible April
Reynolds is lying

about Jorgensen
attacking her?

I don't know
why she would.

Unless she had something
against the guy.

It would have to
be pretty major.

All right, wait,
let-let's think this out.

So, the physical evidence seems
to back up Jorgensen's story,


Is it possible they're both
telling the truth?

Then she'd have to be mistaken.

Yeah, yeah, in a big way.

You know, according to
April's medical records,

she suffered six
fractures to the skull.

Could that sort of thing
cause delusions,

altered perceptions of reality?

Now, that's a good question.

And I know just the person
to answer it.

There may be a
physiological explanation.

Brain damage?

Well, in her case, to the
occipital lobe right here.

As Ms. Reynolds suffered
repeated blows to the head,

her brain sustained trauma,

swelling, subdural hematoma.

At some point during the
attack, she may have seen

the outline
of her assailant's face.

In her brain's
traumatized state,

signals in the visual cortex
misfired, possibly causing her

to misinterpret
who she was actually seeing.


Why Jorgensen?

Well, he and April

did have a heated argument
just a couple hours before.

That's interesting.

I replay arguments
in my head all the time.

We all do, right?

Maybe she was still thinking
about him

when she was attacked.

You're interfering
with my marriage!

Which is why

she assigned
David Jorgensen's features

to a faceless stranger.

And as the brain tried
to make sense of the trauma,

it filled in some details.

Making her believe that
Jorgensen was her assailant.

Which may or may not be
what actually happened.


Thanks, Doc.

Hey, Maggie.

Yeah, Maggie loved
Tresser park.

We used to go there every day.
How did you

come across
April Reynolds?

Well, we were just at the
beginning of our walk,

and Maggie was acting
all weird,

like she knew something
was wrong,

and then she yanked
the leash out of my hand,

and she ran
into the bushes and...

That's when I saw her.

Ms. Fowler,

do you remember
seeing this man

at the park?

No, I was too focused on my dog
and that poor girl.

You know,
all that blood.

And her face, I just...

I couldn't believe
she was still alive.

Yeah, it must have been
horrible for you.

By the time I got home,
I was so upset.

You know,
and then that night,

Maggie was sick, and so I had to
bring her to the emergency vet.

Really? What happened?

Oh, she swallowed something.

Something shiny; she ate it.

She still does.

Look at this.

Okay, my mother's brooch,

a roll of quarters,

a bell off a Christmas tree.

Surgery to remove that
cost me 1,000 bucks.

And, oh, this.

This is what she swallowed
that day.

A set of keys.

You know if Maggie picked
these up at the park?

Oh, I have no idea; I ran
a million errands that day.

But you can have them
if it'll help.

You still have them?

Oh, yeah.

No, I keep everything
that Maggie swallows.

I put it in a display case;
it's quite a conversation piece.

I found that blood spatter

on the keychain
the dog swallowed.

Blood's a match
to April Reynolds.
That means

the keychain was definitely
at the scene of the crime.

We need to arrest this dog
for obstruction.


there was no other DNA on them.

Well, it's a good find,

but unless we prove that
that key belonged to Bowden,

it's not gonna
help us much.

I've got an idea.

All right,
here's Bowden's car.

Here goes nothing.

If the key fits,
you must convict.

I think Bowden was interrupted
by the dog.

In his hurry
to get out of there,

he must have dropped his keys.

Dog saved April's life,

otherwise Bowden would have
finished the job.

Yeah, I just hope
we're not too late.

♪ ♪

Carl Bowden,

you're under arrest

for the attempted murder

of April Reynolds.

Detective Moreno,

make it official.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will

be used against you
in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can't afford one,
one will be provided for you.

You think he enjoyed
his freedom?


It's all right.
You got to swing to hit it.

It's all right.
Good cut.

Good cut right there.
Home run, Henry!

You can do it! Come on.

Come on, Henry!
Big hit!

You worked awfully hard

to get me back here
to third base.

Yeah, well, we don't
like to win by forfeit.

Especially to the lab.
Well, that's good,

because now you can lose
fair and square.

Oh, really.



Come on!
That's okay, Henry.

Time out!

Time out.

What the hell
was that about?

Come on, Henry, come on!

Go, Henry!

Do it for science!

Here we go now,
baby; let's go.

Wait on yours,
wait on yours.

That's good.

♪ ♪

Come on! Slide!





Well, look at you.

You've still got it.

Yeah, you little devil.

You-you faked that whole
injury thing for Henry.

It had nothing to do
with Moreno, did it?

Yeah, I wanted Henry
to hit me in.

What did you say
to him anyway?
I told him

there was a really
hot girl watching,

and if he got a hit,
maybe she'd go home with him.

It worked, didn't it?

Hey, good game.

Sorry you had to lose.

I'll live.

Let's get out of here.