CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 12, Episode 12 - Willows in the Wind - full transcript

Agent Matthew Pratt presumes that his partner Snow was murdered by Mark Gabriel's henchmen, like his wife. The CSi assumes they also wounded Katherine, whom D.B. found and helps flee. Nick and his colleagues and Brass's policemen start working that nothing s what it seemed, not even the victims, whose flesh was deliberately devoured by 'super beetles', yet suspiciously off mistakes ware made for pros, which only makes sense if part of a brilliant setup from the start.

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Previously on CSI...
I talked to that lawyer--
he's arranging a meeting

with the FBI.

I haven't seen Laura
in two weeks,

since she talked to the
lawyer you sent her to.

The hit was professional.

Clean-up was professional, too.

You remember Special Agents
Pratt and McQuaid?

I'll be with her
the whole time.

You got my friend killed!

How could you
let this happen?

[automatic gunfire]

Get in.


Hey, Russell...

[keypad beeping]

Hey, D.B., it's Nick.

Listen, I got a lead
on the money trail

from Mark Gabriel's company
to his hit squad

via the Swiss bank account.

So, you need to call me back
so I can fill you in, all right?

Hey, Sara.

You seen Catherine?
No. You probably
won't for a few days.

What do you mean?
You haven't heard?

Heard what?
Laura Gabriel
was murdered

in FBI custody.

Well, how'd that happen?

One of Mark Gabriel's
hit squad infiltrated

the protection detail.

McQuaid and three
other agents were killed.

Catherine went off on
Agent Pratt at the crime scene,

and Russell sent
her home to cool off.
Yeah, where is Russell?

[phone rings]
Call out, downtown motel-- I saw
him hightail it out of here.


Yeah, yeah, we're looking
for him right now.

Okay, we'll handle it.

What now?
Got a 434,

shots fired at the corner
of Jupiter and Fairwick.

20 minutes ago.

Southern Highlands?
That's Catherine's neighborhood.

I got a bad feeling
about this.

[siren whooping]


Why'd you guys call me over
to Catherine's house?

434 is five blocks that way.

We've been trying to reach
Catherine. She's MIA.


That's the
same caliber

Gabriel's guys use.
What do you want

to bet somebody
called in the wrong address,

bought themselves some time.


Hey, Catherine?

Doorknob's been wiped clean.

There's not a speck of dust.

I smell ethanol.

Just like Malcolm
Turner's law office.

Bullet hole.

Frame's been repaired.

So has the bookcase here.

Catherine's backup gun is gone.
Well, that's good.

Right? I mean, that means that
she had time to get it, right?

[phone ringing]
That she needs it is bad.


Oh, no.

Okay, we're 10-39.

Patrol spotted
Russell's SUV

abandoned near the 215.

That's a couple of blocks
from his motel call-out.

And they said it's
all shot to hell.

[siren wailing]

[helicopter approaching]

Doesn't look good.

There's blood in the backseat.

A lot of it.

BRASS: Dispatch couldn't get
Russell on his cell phone.

The walkie's
still in the car.

Blood trail...
heads off that way.

Well, we found

a 5.7 shell casing outside
of Catherine's house.

We also smelled

ethanol inside--
evidence pointing
to a shootout,

but the place was cleaned up.

SIDLE: It's got Gabriel's hit
squad written all over it.

There's no Catherine.

Russell's unreachable.

There's blood in the backseat,
none in the front.

Maybe Catherine was wounded.

Russell was coming
to her aid.

But why didn't
they call it in?

On the run,
guys shooting at them--

maybe they
didn't have time.

Maybe they didn't
think it was safe
to use their cell phones.

If this is Gabriel's

black ops boys, they have
all kinds of toys to hack

our communications
and listen in.

Who you calling?

[phone ringing nearby]

[phone continues ringing]

[phone stops ringing]

It's Catherine's cell.

They ditched their phones.

[phone ringing nearby]

[phone continues ringing]

It's Russell's cell phone.

[ringing continues]

Oh, man, it's his wife calling.

I'll take that.

[ringing continues]
This is

your crime scene...

but this is my call.

Mrs. Russell...

this is Jim Brass.

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪

Yeah, and hey, get me a flatbed
down here as soon as possible.

I got to get this Denali
back to the garage.


Hey, I got to take this.

All right.

[phone beeps]

Morgan, listen, there's
been a little change of plans.

The Denali scene
is now Code Four.

The blood trail went cold.

I need you to redirect
to Catherine's house.

Greg's on the way.

Start on the perimeter,
we'll meet you there.

Hey, Hodges.

Do me a favor
and wait here

for auto detail, then
follow that Denali

back to the lab, okay?

I'm on it.

Henry, I'm gonna need you to run
that blood against Catherine

and Russell, okay?

Hey, Henry, you with me?

Yeah. I just can't help
but think...

Well, don't think,
man, just do it.

Hey, did Catherine

say anything to you
about quitting?

No, why?
She sent

a resignation e-mail
to Russell.
Well, if she was

gonna leave, she
would've told us first.


Nothing's making
sense right now.

Okay, I'm sticking
with the plan--

radio silence.

If someone's listening in,
they won't be hearing us.

Now all communication
will be face-to-face.

The sheriff has agreed to wait

an hour before
she calls the Feds.

That buys us some time;
that's good.

[phone rings]


I'm at Russell's crime scene.

He was scheduled to meet me here

an hour ago.

Well, I got
a situation here, man.

I'll fill you in later.

I'll see if I can get us
some help

from the day shift.
Okay, well, roll 'em
when you can.

[phone beeps,
text alert blips]

I thought you said

this was the only D.B. here?

Only one I know of, Doc.

You must be the doctor.

What the hell's going on here?

Hey, Doc.
Is that Catherine?

You're gonna have
to patch her up here.

We can't take her
to a hospital.

She's been shot.
Luckily, we ran

into an old friend
of hers.

I'll fill
you in later.

Kitty, thank you.

You gotta be the last doc
in Vegas to make house calls.

You got a card?

you don't want me
coming to your house.

What do you think?

I think she'd be better
off in a hospital.

You people waited

an hour to call me?

I thought we were all
on the same team here.

Seems to me,
Agent Pratt,

every time we
call the FBI,

somebody ends up dead.

your agents, my CSIs,

all targeted, all on your watch.

And now CSI Willows and Russell
have gone missing?

Okay, look, you forget
that my partner,

McQuaid, is dead,
all right?

You don't think I care about
the safety of CSI Russell

and Willows
as much as you do?
You sure about that?

I'm sure of one thing--
I'm pulling rank.

From now on, everything
goes through me.
Oh, God...


Mark Gabriel's
on his way down here

demanding to see
his wife's body.

Don't worry, we got your back.

We'll scrape you
off of the floor

after he runs you over.

Hey, Greg.

Got a blood drop.

And I found blood
on the driveway

leading from
the front door.

BRODY: Blood trail leads
into the street.

Blood pool.

Car drove through it.

Working theory...

it's Catherine's.

She's running
from the shooters.

She gets to the street,

her blood's pooling...

Get in.

Flags down a motorist...

It's Russell.

The shooters are closing in...

[automatic gunfire,
bullets pinging]

Then she jumps in the backseat,
and they take off.

But if that's the case,

whose blood is this over here?

Trail leads down the embankment.

Let's see what we find
on the other end.

I've seen these
bugs before.

They're the same

hide beetles
that Gabriel's guys used

on those bodies at the law firm.

Based on the timeline, it's only
been here three or four hours.

The question is,
who was he?

[siren wailing, passing by]

How bad is it?

It's through and through,

but it didn't
hit anything vital.

Well, that's good.
Beats the alternative.

You've lost a lot of blood,

and there's only
so much I can do.

You're doing fine, Doc.

Well, we've got to
stop this bleeding.

And the wound needs
to be cauterized.

[siren wails, departing]

Well, actually,

you've got very
beautiful hair, Miss Kitty.

Thanks, but I'm not
doing you-- you a cop.

No. I just thought

maybe you might have
a curling iron in your purse.

You some kind of Columbo
or something?

What do you think?

Yeah. Well, it's
only gonna hurt

for a moment.

Once you go
into shock...

Hell, y'all
are serious.

I guess if you need
a hand or something...

You're hired.
Clean it with soap and water

and warm it up.

[groans softly]

You got a bullet I can bite on?

Got a bullet here.

Looks like a .40 cal.

That's the same caliber
as the bullets that killed

Laura Gabriel's cousin and
her husband at the farmhouse.

Same shooter maybe.

I got a blood pool.

Morgan thinks that Catherine
wasn't hit until she was


Maybe Catherine
got one of them.

Cleaning crew missed
the rug pad.

Maybe we can get some DNA.

Got it.

You got any cash?

Couple of hundred.

Yeah. That'll do.

Miss Kitty,

thank you.

You've earned that.

You really, really
hooked us up.

Here, I'd like
to give these to you, too.


Thank you.

You saved my life.


This is
a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Don't abuse it.

And please,
don't talk to anyone.

These lips are sealed.

Didn't see nothing,
don't know nothing.

And you can hang me by my feet

and pull out my acrylic nails
with pliers.

All right.

Let's go.


D.B., Catherine's gonna
need to sleep for a while.

I need you to get
a message to Brass, okay?

Tell him to...
tell him to bring us in.

[indistinct background
radio communication]


CSI is finished.

They said we can
release the scene.

The body's been transported?

Ten minutes ago.

Well, then, I
am done, too.

Take care.
Take care, Doc.

[phone ringing]

Mr. Gabriel,

Undersheriff Ecklie.
I believe you know...

Get him the hell
out of here.

You killed my wife,
you son of a bitch.

And don't think being
FBI will save you.

I've got the director
on my speed dial.

You're the one who killed
your wife and my partner.

If you think
you can play the victim--

If this man remains,
then I'm leaving.

And then, you,

and Captain Brass,
will speak to my

attorneys while I
speak to the press.

Agent Pratt, it looks like
this one goes through us.

I'm going to nail your ass.

Don't try and hide behind
that frigging mirror, Boy Scout.

I came here
to see my wife.

Understood, but first, we'd like
to ask you a few questions.

I wasn't making a request.

Neither were we.

Jim, I need to see you...

Doc, whatever it is,
it's got to wait.

It can't.

[tires squealing]

[Brass groans, sighs]

We're too late.

What the hell happened?

We're still maintaining
radio silence, right?

So how'd the bad guys get here
before we did?
I don't know.

Maybe they showed up late
for the party, too.

The screen's off.

Scuff marks.

Maybe Catherine and Russell
made a quick exit.

I'm gonna go talk
to the manager,

see if
he saw something.

I hope they made it out of here.

Yeah, that get-out-of-jail-free
card-- that work for me, too?

Don't ask that when my friends

are running
for their lives.

Oh, well, let me
rephrase then.

When y'all
stop running,

can a brother get one?

If we get out of this alive,

I'll get you one
with revolving credit.

Yeah, I like the sound of that.

Hey, if there's any

revolving credit, it's mine.

I'm the one who spotted that guy
in that raincoat.

Knew his ass
was up to no good.

Yeah, thank you for that call.

What tipped you off?

Honey, in that neighborhood,
the only suit a man wears

under his trench coat
is his birthday suit.

Spoken like

a trained observer.

In a couple of blocks,

there's gonna be an alley
on your right.

Hey, Doc.

How's Catherine?

She should be on some
heavy-duty antibiotics.

You don't know, do you?

She and Russell are
still out there, man.

When Brass got to the
motel, they were gone.

He said it looked like they
went out a bathroom window.

Catherine's in no condition
to be on the run.
I know that.

Certainly not with
a hit team chasing her.

Well, let's hope that we get
to them before they do.

What can this
stiff tell us

about the guys who
might be after them?

Uh, he appears
to be a middle-aged, white male.

Hide beetles consumed
all of his skin

and most of his tissue.

He was shot four times.
Check this out.

Three of the shots
entered the mid-back,

the fourth shot penetrated
the frontal lobe.

These look like 5.7's.

I was thinking Catherine was
the one who hit this guy.

You were thinking wrong.

Five-sevens suggest

friendly fire from one
of the other hit men.



Yeah, the coup de grâce
to finish him off.

Cloak and dagger is a little bit
outside my area of expertise.

But if these black ops guys
were so good

at cleaning up
crime scenes,

why didn't they just
take him with them?

A wounded man would only
slow them down, I guess.

But still, for pros,

they sure have been
making a lot of mistakes.

Here, put this on.

You're gonna need
to cover all that up.

Thank you.

Hey, Jackory, hate to ask you
for another favor,

but I need a cell phone.

Can I borrow one?

Swear to God,
I'll get it back to you.


Take your pick.

can't be traced.

Thank you.

And I got a feeling you're
going to be needing this, too.

Yeah, that's more, uh,

Annie Oakley here.

You may not be
getting that back.

Darling, the way you're handling
that piece, I think I will.

Thank you, guys.

Thank you.

You two take care.

This is your idea of a
safe place to hide out?

When we're in Seattle,
we can go to your coffeehouse.


Yeah, I need to see Teddy Jr.

You got a name?

Just, uh, tell him
it's... Goldilocks.


♪ ♪

Hey, Teddy.

Oh, God, it's been too long.

It sure has. Mm.

Wish the old man
was still with us.

He always loved
when you stopped by.

Even after
you became a cop.
Teddy, listen,

um... I'm in kind of a jam.

You need a doctor?
No, I'm fine.

It actually looks
worse than it is,

but my friend Russell and I
need to disappear for a while.

No problem.

The old man would have rolled
out the red carpet for you.

Sit down.

Thanks, Teddy.

TEDDY: I'll get you
some sandwiches.

So... Goldilocks?


Uh, well, there was a time

when the only thing I cared
more about than having fun was

getting attention,

and a girl gets a lot
of attention on a pole.

But the thing is--
thank you--

working a pole
is about working guys.

Lonely guys with money who just
want to forget their problems.

Well, one night,

right here at this bar,
I met a guy who had a problem,

but he wasn't trying
to forget it.

He was trying to solve it.

Who was the guy?

Jimmy Tadero. Detective.

Well, he was working a case,

and we started talking.

For once, someone saw me

as more than just a pretty face.

And a few other attributes.

Jimmy sounds like
a very wise man.

After that night,
between dances,

we would, uh,
sit here at this bar, and...

he'd run cases,
and he'd ask my opinion.

So, this is where
you became a CSI.


Well, how about...

how about you run this
case with me right now?

Don't you think you should

make a phone call first,
to your wife?

When was the last time
you went 24 hours

without talking to her?

[keypad beeping]

Hey, doll.
No, I'm sorry.

I, um... I'm okay.

I just lost my phone
out in the field.

I'm at a strip club
with Catherine.

Why do you always assume that
I'm out on a job or something?

You know, I could have come
here just for myself, you know.

We still don't know

where they are?

I would assume
they're out there on the move.

It's a lot safer
than coming in here.
Can't blame them.

What do we have?

First blush-- a hit
team gone wild.

But more miss
than hit lately.

I don't get it.

These guys are supposed
to be the best in the world.

At least that's what
you keep telling us, right?

That's their rep.

And we saw that
at Malcolm Turner's law office--

covert, efficient,
clean, A-plus.

Yeah, but it wasn't perfect.
We found the bodies.

With 5.7-caliber bullets
in them.

Yeah, and picked clean by
those bioengineered bugs.

SIDLE: All of which strongly
suggests Mark Gabriel's

hand in the killings.


Which is just the start
of the screwups.

Since then, these A students
have been turning in B work.

Two days ago, Laura Gabriel's
cousin's house, husband and wife

murdered, and there was
no attempt to clean up.

And the world's greatest
hit team couldn't even find

Laura Gabriel hiding
under the floorboards.

They still got to her

And made a total mess of it.

That FBI convoy hit was on a
public street in broad daylight.

SIDLE: Not to mention,
two hours later,

Catherine's targeted.

Even with the element
of surprise, they missed.

And hit one of their own.

Friendly fire.

They finished him
off, left him

in a culvert with Mark Gabriel's
superbugs on him.

Might as well have left
a calling card.

These guys sanitize

some scenes
and muck up others.

Why the inconsistencies?

I know Mark Gabriel.

He doesn't make
these kinds of mistakes.

Maybe they aren't mistakes.

Maybe it's all intentional.

You think
that Mark Gabriel's

guys are leaving evidence
behind on purpose?

Not just any evidence.

Evidence that points
to Mark Gabriel.

If what you're suggesting

is true...

then Mark Gabriel's not
the one calling the shots.

he's being set up.

By who?

And why?

Thank you very much.

How you doing?

You all right?

Well, considering
I've been shot in my side

and cauterized
by a hooker's curling iron,

yeah, I guess so.

So, you said

you wanted to talk
about the case?

I want to talk about
how Mark Gabriel is not our guy.

Excuse me?

The resignation letter--

you didn't send it, did you?

What resignation letter?

This one.

I, uh, printed it out before
I drove over to see you.

Uh, "effective
immediately, I tender

"my resignation.

"It's a decision I've
been considering

"for a while...

it's best for the team..."

I didn't write that.

But wait, it gets better;
here you go.

"I've made the decision
to go away for a while,

"but first, I have
to do something.

"I have one last bit
of unfinished business

"to clear my desk.

I hope you'll understand."

What the hell?

Listen, I think
you need to read

this whole e-mail
resignation you sent.

I think you'll find it's
not that far off the mark.

"For 19 years, I've dedicated
myself to this lab.

"My authority
has been questioned.

"My professional
objectivity doubted.

"Though I graciously accepted
an unwanted demotion,

I now find my lesser role
unsatisfying and untenable."

Little close to the bone,
I imagine.

How did they know?

Well, if they were able to
hack into your account

to send that e-mail,

I imagine they've been
reading them all.

All to manufacture
a resignation letter?

I-I don't think so.

I think it's more of a...
like, a cover story, right?

CSI seeks revenge for the
murder of her friend.

Goes nuts, goes home, resigns.

But not before she commits
one last crazy act.

And who does she direct
her rage against?

Mark Gabriel.

Then that's gotta be why
they took my backup gun.

They were planning to use it
on-on Gabriel.

To make you the patsy.

I go postal, I kill Gabriel

and then... get disappeared.

Yeah, but you screwed up
their plans-- you survived.

All I know is that

with you still alive,
they've got no play.

So, safest thing for
you to do right now

is to come in out of the cold.

Well, safe for me,
maybe, but then

they'll go underground
and we'll never catch them.

Hey, Teddy.

Maybe we can have
it both ways.

I need one more favor.
No problem.

Can you call the
coroner and tell him

that you got two stiffs
here that need picking up.

And make sure to
bring two body bags.

One extra long.

You got it.


Welcome back to the living.

Heard you been hitting
the strip clubs.

Yeah, why is that so hard
for everyone to believe?

Coming through.

Aren't you a sight
for sore eyes.

For a second
we thought you were...

That you ran off
to a Caribbean island

and left us with your caseload.

No, I'm not running anymore.

That's 'cause
we're on the hunt now.

I'm going to need
to redress that wound.

And I'm going
to need to redress.


So that, uh,

resignation letter
was a fake.

Yeah, a good one.

They hacked your computer.

They've been reading
your e-mail.

Getting inside my head.

So, you really feel that way?

Something's missing
in your life?

Since Lindsey's left home, yeah.

I mean, I'm not sure
what I'm missing.

Some days, I... I think it's
a man to share my life with,

and... then,
other days, I'm good.

I'm good to be alone.

I mean, look at my friend Laura.

She had everything.

Appeared to have a perfect life.

And it all turned
out to be a lie.


And then she turned out dead.

I thought for
sure Mark Gabriel

killed her, tried to kill me.

Now we know it was all a setup.

Yeah, who's pulling
the strings?

It's gotta be someone
in his operation, right?

I'm going with Occam's razor.

the simplest answer

is the right answer,

and the one that's right
in front of you.

Until a couple weeks ago,

you didn't even know
who Mark Gabriel was.

And you hadn't seen

your good friend Laura
since you were kids.

What are you saying?

I'm saying, maybe you didn't
just run into your friend.

I think that Sara
might be right.

I see Laura after
all these years

in reception at PD,
waiting for her husband.

She allows me

to see her in a controlling,

abusive relationship; she then
comes to me, says she's got

information on her husband
that can put him away.

She's afraid,
I send her to a lawyer.

Who ends up dead.

All signs pointing
to her husband, Mark Gabriel,

as the guy
who hired the killers.

Yes, but if it's
not Gabriel,

and he's being set up
to look guilty...

And to die by your hand.

Who stands to benefit?

The wife...

who is dead and burned beyond recognition.

You know, like everything
else in this damn case,

all is not what it seems.

Hey, Henry.

Henry, where...


Aw, I'm sorry,

did we wake you up?

It's been a rough 48.

You think?
Hey, what did you use

as an exemplar to identify the
burned bodies in the FBI sedan?

Well, the agents were easy.

I just ran their DNA
against the FBI database.

What about Laura Gabriel?
I had exemplars

from the Gabriels' condo
here in Vegas.

What do you think?

Plenty of opportunity

to plant someone else's comb
or toothbrush in that condo.

We have another exemplar.

Laura's clothes were bagged
at the hospital

after we found her
at her cousin's house.

Okay, so run those clothes,

and then compare the new
exemplar to our female DB.

And I want to run all the DNA
in this case against every

known database.

Got it.

♪ ♪

[saw whirring]

[grinding, cracking]

[sucking, burbling]

[buzzing hum]


We compared

a secondary exemplar
for Laura Gabriel

against the female who died
in your protective custody.

No match.

Body wasn't Laura Gabriel.

What are you talking about?

We ran the DNA
from all the bodies in that car

against every known database
under the sun,

including U.S. military.

We were able to identify
the female body.

She was one of the assassins

who hit the law firm.

She infiltrated your protection
detail yesterday.

Well, how did she end up dead
in the back of the FBI sedan?

My guess,

shot by someone she trusted
when she wasn't looking.

And then somebody
took a torch to her,

because they wanted us to
believe she was Laura Gabriel.

RUSSELL: For the same reason
they wanted us to believe

the guy sitting next to her
was your partner, Agent McQuaid.

No, no, McQuaid
died in that car.

He was identified
by the FBI database.

Which McQuaid
updated with a new exemplar

one month ago.

Same military database

identified the McQuaid body

as a Geoffrey Krueger.

ECKLIE: Like our female
assassin-- ex-Army,

and now former
Ceressus employee.

Wait a second-- no, no, no,
I don't believe any of this.

You're telling me that,
uh, McQuaid is...


And that he and Laura

are the ones
behind this whole thing.

Three other agents
died in that ambush.

Not to mention, the couple
from the farmhouse,

those people from
the law firm--

why would he do that?

Sex, money...

...maybe both.
We know your team
was compromised.

And to be honest, until now,
I thought it was you.

I'm sorry, is that supposed
to make me feel better?

Hey, come on.

None of us saw
this coming.

Yeah, but I worked
with the guy,

ten hours a days,
for the past year.

I mean, it's not like we
were best friends, but...


You know, I should've known

when McQuaid said he was
quitting, that something was up.

And he...

he always had this weakness
when it came to beautiful women.

Well, they're still out there.

And like you said, they left
a trail of bodies behind them.

So what do we do?

When she was playing the victim,

Laura Gabriel gave us
her husband's banking connection

to his hit team.

She was gonna use it
to set him up.

Why don't we use it
to set her up?

That sounds good.

Good, 'cause
the next part won't.

So now you want my help?

That's right.

Interesting choice of venue.

You've been watching
too many movies.

I wanted to make sure
your people weren't listening.

Does that go for LVPD, too?

[car door opens]

We're the least
of your problems.

I understand

I'm no longer a
person of interest,

but I'd be interested
in knowing who is now.


Your wife.

With help

from my former partner.

Laura and Agent McQuaid
are dead.

She played you.


Clearly my wife learned
a few things over the years.

She set your own dogs on you,
and you know who they are.

And how to bring them to heel.

She betrayed us both.

But you want this bad.

I assume that's why
you're keeping company

with the Boy Scout.

Like the man said,
we need your help.


someone on your payroll knows
where Laura and McQuaid are.

This has been
a helpful conversation.

But I prefer

to settle my own affairs.

Good evening.

That went well.

[car doors closing]

Hope so.

Just hope he's not as smart
as he thinks he is.



[lock clicks]

[lock clicks]

[door creaks quietly]

[shower turns on]

[water running]

[three silenced gunshots]


I won't miss next time.

Put the gun

on the floor,

and keep the hands
where we can see them.

How did you find me?

We just followed the money.

Mark Gabriel made you
a better offer.

Double the money to take
the contract off his head

and put it
on his wife's.

And Laura Gabriel...

was very cooperative.

When things become personal,
business always suffers.

Well, our business
isn't concluded.

Where's McQuaid?

You don't know?

[Obrecht snorts]

You already have him.

Talked to McQuaid's ex-wife.

She still had some of
his things in the garage,
including a shaving kit.

Ran the DNA, and
Obrecht was right--

we do have McQuaid.

In the morgue.

Wha...? No, no.

We... we identified
the burned body

in the FBI sedan,

and it wasn't him.

That's not the body
I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the
body that your guys found

in the culvert
by her house.

He was there, at my house?
The bullet that

missed you was
a .40-caliber--

that's the only kind of gun
McQuaid ever carried.

Great. Not only
did he set me up,

he tried to take
a shot at me.
Now, wait a second.

The autopsy said he was hit in
the back with 5.7's, right?

So he was running
towards you.

You know, maybe
he didn't miss;

maybe he was firing
a warning shot.

He was trying
to protect you.

Yeah, McQuaid got a
lot of people killed,

but maybe that night, he was
trying to save someone.


Well, obviously,
he cared for you.

Hey, wait up.

I never got a chance
to say this,

but you really
kicked ass last night.



Listen, Russell's right.

McQuaid had feelings for you.

But I think there was
something else, too.

I think that he saw in you
what he used to be.

What was that?

Someone with integrity.

Someone who wouldn't give up.

The kind of agent
that the Bureau needs.

Are you asking me out on a
date, or offering me a job?

[laughs] No, it was
a job offer, but I...

but it's one that I really think
that you should consider.

Well, I'm still on
this job right now.

But thanks.

[door opens]

[door closes]

I already gave my statement
to the other detectives.

I just have
one question.

Why me?

You really have to ask?

Why do you think I chose you?

I know you.


How do you figure that?

When we were kids,

you always went for
the boy who needed you;

I always went for the boy
who would give me something.

Are you talking
about your husband?

Or McQuaid?


Mark gave me a lifestyle.

Worked for a while.

Then it didn't.

Then I met McQuaid.

Investigating the gunrunning
case here in Vegas.

And you saw an opportunity...
to set your husband up.

To set me up.

I take what I want.

You put everyone else first,
because that's the easier way.

You'd rather accept
the life you have...

than risk having
the life you want.

You're never gonna see the
outside world again, Laura.

Tell me whose life
you'd rather have now.

Oh, and...

you do know me--
but not as well

as you think,
because when you chose me,

you should've known it
was gonna end like this.

Well, we picked up Mark Gabriel

on conspiracy
to murder his wife.

Oh, raincoat guy
sold him out.

Wanted to dodge the needle.

Guy had no problem
dealing death.

It's a different story
when it's his own life
on the line, huh?

[all phones beeping]

Did you call a
family meeting?

No. No, I... No, I didn't.

Catherine did.


what's going on?

I just wanted to say how...

brilliant I think you all are...

...what a great
team this is,

how much I respect all of you,

both as coworkers...

[voice breaks]
and as friends.

Well, as you all know,
there were a few changes made,

a couple of months ago,
which, uh...

initially hurt me...

but, um, ultimately...

ended up being a great thing.

And, Nicky...

I was so wrong
when I said


it's been a long 19 years here

in this lab...

in this town.

I mean, the truth is...


...it's just gone by too fast.


there comes a point
in one's life in which...

one feels compelled
to make a change.

What are you saying?

That I've been offered
another job.

With the FBI.

I've decided to take it.


Well, it's
effective immediately.


tendered my resignation.

For real this time.

You are all family...

which is why...

this is the hardest decision
I've ever made.

[laughs] I mean, how could
I leave this place?

How could I leave all of you?

But not only
are you in great hands...

but you...

are a rock-solid,
bad-ass team of criminalists,

and don't ever forget it.

We all just love
you, Catherine.

And, you know, even
though you're leaving,

you'll always be here
with us, always.


We love you.

WILLOWS: [sniffling]
I love you, too.

Go get 'em.

♪ ♪

I sat here...

a very long time ago

and talked about how
solving a case can...

make you feel like
King Kong on cocaine.

But just like any drug...

it's got a dark side...

and the rush is fleeting.

Just like life.

This is the only thing
I'm good at.

Then hang on to that.

But not so tight that...

you let the rest slip away.

I know your dad would
tell you the same thing.

[phone buzzes]


Back to work.

Go ahead.
I got this one.

I got the next one.

You got it.