CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 11, Episode 19 - Unleashed - full transcript

Langston and Sara turn to Lady Heather for help in tracking down the culprit responsible for injuring a woman before she was seemingly mauled to death by a mountain lion. Meanwhile, Nick and Dr. Robbins manage to rescue the unborn baby of a teenage girl who appears to have committed suicide.

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Kid on the
ATV rolled up

on a mountain lion
mauling a body.

He made a serious U-turn
and called it in.

But where is
the perp now?

Animal Control
is on the scene.

They're looking
for him.

Body up here?

No I.D. yet.

not exactly dressed

for the mountains.

She was definitely
not out here hiking.

Looks like she tried to crawl
back up to the road for help.

I didn't see a car.

The nearest house is
ten miles away.

How did she get out here?

Bite marks.

The surrounding tissue
is contused.

The bite's antemortem.

She was alive
when she was attacked.

Lion may have left
something behind.

Piece of a tooth.

Maybe he bit off
more than he could chew.

Sara, I don't think

that a lion could have done
all this damage.

She's got fresh knuckle
contusions around her eyes

and older symmetrical bruises
on her legs.

Could be from restraints.

A young woman out here
in the middle

of nowhere?
Maybe she escaped

from one animal
only to fall prey to another.

♪ CSI 11x19 ♪
Original Air Date on April 7, 2010

-- sync, corrected by elderman --

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪

Oh, man.

You okay?

Now I know why you can
get a steak and eggs

for $1.99 in
this town.

Well, the funny thing is,

the casino's probably losing money.

But you're in the door.

Drop a couple 20's
in the nickel machines,

and at least you can say to
yourself, "I ate for cheap."

I had three orders, man,
and I still ate for cheap.

Hey, you think three steaks

and six eggs is bad
for you, Doctor?

You know what
coroners say, Nick.

Everybody eventually dies
of a heart attack.

Whoa, whoa-- what's this?

What's this?
Ayúdame! Help!


What's going on?

A girl-- she's dead.

I saw her
through the window.

No, no one home!

No one home!

Dispatch, this is
Charlie-05 Stokes.

I got a possible 405-Zebra
at Goodland and Erwin.

Roll medical my location.

Copy that.

Las Vegas Police!

Vegas Police!

Anybody home?!

Oh, no.

No pulse...

but warm to the touch.

This just happened.

What a shame.

Yeah. Just stay with her.

I'll get my kit.

I'll call David.


She's pregnant.

Fetus is moving!

We gotta get the baby out now!
Give me your knife.

Put her on the bed,
right here.

We're gonna do a crash

Find me something to put
the baby in.

She's almost to term.

Here we go.

All right, Nick,
I'm gonna need your hands.

Yeah. Hold the abdomen
and the uterus open

as wide as you can.

That's it! Wider!

Oh, she's not breathing.

Okay, you got a clamp
or forceps? Anything?

Yeah, yeah.
That's it, that's it.

Close to the navel
as you can.

That's it.

All right.

Okay, just...

Give me a pen.

Take the top off it.
That's it.

Where's the top?

All right.

Come on, Doc...

She's still not

Okay, here we go.

Don't die.

Come on, come on...

Come on, Doc.

There it is!

Oh, God!

That's it!
That's it.

Good little girl.

Oh, man, good job.
Good job.

Okay, she's gonna need
respiratory support.

Here you go.

Oh, I got ya.

Looks like a compression
fracture of the tib-fib.

More than likely

a vertical drop as opposed
to a slide down a hillside.


She has deep gouges
in both legs.

To a hungry carnivore,
her calves are like

a porterhouse steak;
thick, meaty, bone in.

It's hard to see at night,
but her jaw's broken.

trauma injury.

I don't know any lions
with a good right hook.

Neither do I.

Some broken teeth.
Some missing.

Six and 11 show signs
of dental work.

And these posts I'm seeing
suggest prosthetics.

Maybe this broken tooth

isn't feline;
maybe it's hers.

There's an unusual amount
of trace on this body.

Considering the fall
she took,

the way she was dragged
through the woods,

she would have
shed most of it.

But she hasn't.
She's covered in pine needles.

I didn't see any pine trees
at the scene.

I didn't either.

I think I may have the answer.

I have two burn marks here,
four centimeters apart.

These look like they might be
injuries from a stun gun.

A stun gun would have

imparted the body
with electrical current

turning the victim
into a human lint brush.

Stun gun would have put her
down for about a minute.

Enough time to allow trace
to adhere to her body

through static electricity.

She's in the system.

Iona Vail. Social worker.

Health card from Hope's Path.

The battered women's shelter.

Spends her life helping women
dodge punches,

but she couldn't dodge this one.

When was the last time
that you saw Iona?

Uh, it was about
six weeks ago.

She told me she was quitting.

It was right after
she broke up

with her boyfriend;
no good-bye,

And how long have you

and Iona been running
the shelter?


About two years.

I was, uh,
one of these women once.

I walked in the door,

and there was Iona with her
easy, "everything's gonna

be all right" smile.

And it was.

You never went home?

Iona made me see it wasn't
worthy of the name.

No, this is where
I belong.

Women's shelter--

you must get more
than a few threats.

It's an occupational hazard.

Every woman in here is
a victim of violence,

which means that someone out
there-- husband, boyfriend--

is a potential threat.

Did anyone ever threaten Iona?

Not to my knowledge.

That was Iona's desk.

She never even came back
for her stuff.

Do you mind if I take a look?

I'd like to take this.

Yeah, whatever you need.


just find whoever did this.

Maria Diorio. Just 17.

Junior at Carver High.


what you did today

was incredible.

It was like being part
of a miracle or something.

It felt good helping
the living for a change.

You're a good man.

Petechial hemorrhaging
present in the eyes,

inside the lips.

C.O.D. is asphyxiation.
No ligature marks.

Blood didn't get
a chance to settle.

Pregnant girl.
Teen suicide.

With or without
ligature marks,

it's pretty

I thought so, too,
until I found these.

Four simultaneous contused
finger impressions on

the back of the forearm,

a single thumb impression
on the front.

Same on this side.

Forcibly grabbed.

The fact that we can even
see the bruises tells me

they were inflicted

less than two hours
before her death.

So there was definitely a
struggle before she died.

Leading cause of death in
pregnant women is

expectant fathers.

I'm looking
for someone in charge.

I was told
my daughter is here.

Her name is Maria.

Maria Diorio.

Mrs. Diorio,

my name is Nick Stokes.

I'm a crime scene

I'm handling
Maria's case.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

But the good news is
your granddaughter's

still fighting the good fight
over at Desert Palm.


You must have my daughter
confused with somebody else.

Let's sit down here.

I don't want
to sit down.

I want to know what
the hell happened.

When I left for work this
morning, Maria was fine.

No, ma'am, she was eight-
and-a-half-months pregnant.

What are you talking about?!

Maria wasn't having sex.

I helped deliver the baby.

Why don't we have
a seat?

I don't understand
any of this.

Did Maria have a boyfriend?


I don't know.

She had a few dates
here and there.

And do you know any of the
names of the guys she dated?

We live under the same roof,
but we hardly talked.

She blamed me for
her dad's death.

He had a heart attack.

And he's left me to
pick up the pieces,

and I'm hardly
holding it together.

I can't handle
this right now.

I understand, but-but now,

I can have an officer drive you
to the hospital, if you'd like

to see your

♪ ♪

Hey, Sara.

I've been going through

Iona's stuff from the shelter.

According to her date book,

her last appointment,

right before she disappeared,
was with a Dr. K.

This changes everything.

Lady Heather?

Actually, it's
Dr. Kessler now.

It's good to
see you, Sara.

How's Gil?
How are the Moche?

Both still in Peru.

And you must be Dr. Langston.

I've been expecting you.

Iona came to see me after exhausting
more conventional psychotherapy.

A diagnosis of exclusion,
if you like.

According to these, doctor.

You're a sex therapist.

What exactly were Iona's issues?

Iona was robbed
of her childhood.

Her mother died when
she was young.

Her father hit the bottle.

And Iona was left
to raise her four siblings.

So naturally, she was drawn

to looking after
and protecting other women.

Her entire life,
Iona took care of others

to the detriment
of her own needs.

My job was to help
her express

a deep-seated longing
for love and nurture.

And you did that how?

I didn't diagnose

three nights
in Lady Heather's dungeon.

I suggested she express herself

through Gestalt

And what was that role?

After preliminary psychotherapy,

she imagined herself as a cat.

A cat?

That was her starting point.

Did she have a
cat as a child?

Yes, growing up.

The one member
of her broken family

who never wanted for affection

was a plump little tabby.

You're not serious.

Role-play is a legitimate
form of therapy--

a safe way to access
one's desires...

and one's demons.

Right, Doctor?

You're the expert.

During Iona's cat

did, uh, she ever express

a desire to get eaten
by a mountain lion?

Because that's how she died.

See for yourself.

I worked with Iona
for several months.

She was making

finally able to demand
and receive affection.

So, I suggested
she bring

her boyfriend Carter
to a session.

Carter, why don't you stroke

the kitty's head, show her

how beautiful she is?

It was a productive session.

Until the end.


Excellent. We'll pick
this up next week.

The session's over.


Iona, whatever you're
hiding from in there,

you have to come
out and face it.

Come on, this is nuts.

Let's go.

Let's go, Iona!

Ow! God... Babe?

That was the last time
I saw Iona.

She never came back,
never returned my calls.

If you'd like, I have her
boyfriend's contact information.

I loved Iona.

You two lived together?

Till six weeks ago.
Then she just took off.

I blame that Dr. Kessler.
She used to be a dominatrix.

I mean, how the hell does a
woman like that get a license?

Look, I know this could get me
in trouble, but...

I wanted to help Iona, so...
I busted into her place.

I didn't find her...

...but I found these.

Bondage thing or

That's what that shrink
got her into-- I was gonna go

down to her office and
throw those in her face.

What a mess.

Looks like a man's belt.

I heard that Maria's mom didn't
want to see the baby.

No. No, she didn't.

I got a computer here.

I may have just found the
father, or part of him at least.


"Homecoming King."

Probably went to school

Pregnant 17-year-old.

Clueless mom.

Manhandled before she died.
And either she hung herself

or whoever roughed her up
wanted to make us think that.

What kind of language is that?

It's called "Eleet Speak."

Text and e-mail language

primarily of acronyms
and abbreviation.

I know "LOL," "LMAO,"
how to wink.

That's about it; I don't
even know what this is.

Eh, youth culture, my friend.

It's definitely a heavy
conversation going on here

between Maria and Nculver12.

Culver could be the last name.
First name could start with "N."

"Nculver12" was the last person
to text Maria before she died,

and they keep coming in.

These are coming in as we speak?

Well, what's "LMIRL"?

"Let's meet in real life."
"KPC"-- "Keep parents clueless."

"Meet in person."
"Keep parents clueless."

Could be
the Homecoming King.

Well, one thing's for sure in
the digital age--

every keystroke's permanent.

Give me a few hours with this,
I'll give you her whole life.

Nculver12's a good place
to start.

Ah, a little chamomile.

I imagine the sparks between you

and Dr. Lady
Heather were flying.

I'm sure you dominated.
Do you have something for me?

Yes, um...

so, about your broken
lion's tooth--

turns out that
it's neither.

Not from a lion,
not even a real tooth.

It's prosthetic
and synthetic.

A fake tabby tooth?

Made with the same
polymethacrylate formula

used by all dentists,
but this tooth

featured specific feline

Which sent me on the hunt for
veterinary dentists.


It seems that there's only
one Dental Dolittle

in the Vegas area who's doing
this kind of work.

Dr. Tyrell Neth.

having a party.

Well, they won't mind
if we crash.

Good evening.
May I help you?

Dr. Tyrell Neth?


I'm CSI Langston,
this is CSI Sidle.

We're from the
Vegas Crime Lab.

We'd like to ask you a few
questions about Iona Vail.


Can we come in?

By all means.

I hope you like animals.

♪ ♪

Check out the braces.

They prevent any bipedal

Oh, I assure you,

what goes on here
is all quite healthy

and, for the lack
of a better word...


How about consensual?

All the restraints are

My pets choose to be here.

Your pets?

My friends and I find comfort
from their affection.

Your human pets.

The idea of animal

therianthropy-- is as ancient as
mankind itself.

In native cultures, young males

gain an animal spirit
at puberty.

Often, the initiate must kill
his spirit animal,

consume it as a rite of passage.

Yes, I'm familiar

with the concept,
but my understanding

of therianthropy is
that it's fleeting,

it's meant to be symbolic.

In many cultures, the notion
of retaining the shape

of the beast is seen as
nothing less than a curse.

Cat got your tongue?

Maybe you could loosen it enough
to tell us about Iona Vail.

Iona was a creature of habit.

When she wasn't curled up
at the foot of my couch,

she was outside...
in the pine tree.

Iona was living here?
As a cat?

For the past six weeks, yes.

And then what happened?

She ran away.

Total mystery.

Oh, I have a theory.

Life in the gilded cage wasn't
everything that Iona hoped for.

There were constraints,


Oh, I'm not intimate
with my pets.

No? Then what do you get
out of the relationship?

Affection, loyalty, gratitude.

Qualities I find sorely lacking
in human society.

And this house, while certainly
gilded, is no cage.

The animals can come
and go as they please.

I have a warrant here,
Dr. Neth...

that allows us to go

where we please.

How does someone
who runs a woman's shelter

end up with a guy like Neth?
Good question.

Looks like Iona's pine tree.

Gouge marks in the bark.

Human-sized disturbance
in the needles.

I think she took a hard fall.

...right now! You get back
in that house!

That would explain her
compression fracture.

Neth's looking for a
little affection.

Iona just wants to
hang out in her tree,

so Neth breaks out a stun gun.

He stuns her, drags her...

I think she left something

Same color and material
as her cat suit.

I wonder if Neth dumps
all his ungrateful animals

back into the wild.



He's got the same burn marks
we found on Iona.

Nathan Culver.

How well did you know
Maria Diorio?

She's my girlfriend.
Was your girlfriend.

Excuse me, are you bringing
everyone in from the school,

or just my kid?
Just your kid.

Nathan, is this you?

Yeah, that's my son.

He's the Homecoming King.

He's also an honor student.

What can you tell us
about these text messages?

"LMIRL"? "KPC"? What is that?

"Let's meet in real life."
"Keep parents clueless."

Why would you want to have

a meeting with her and keep
your parents out of it?

Can I talk to you guys
in private?

Nathan, you can tell
these officers

and me exactly what the deal is
with you and this girl.

I got her pregnant.

We... we hid it
from everyone.

She was gonna have my baby
in a couple of weeks.

Nathan, are you kidding me?!

You just had to keep your
nose clean for one more year,

get that scholarship and
then you had it made, son.

And what,
you're telling me that, uh,

this girl and her baby--
they're dead?

The baby's not dead.
The baby's in the hospital.

And that's lucky
for you, Nate.

Otherwise, you'd be on the
hook for a double homicide.

Yeah, homicide.

I would never hurt Maria.
We loved each other.

Is that your belt?
Yeah, it's my belt.

I left it at
Maria's a while ago.

What can you tell me
about those bruises?

Were you at Maria's
house this morning?


I came over after her
mom left for work.

You said you wanted the baby.

You were going to take care
of me. You promised.

I know. I'm sorry, all right?
But think about it, Maria.

It's only gonna ruin our lives.

I'm not going to get
my scholarship.

And without it, I can't
afford to go to college.

Why didn't you tell me this
eight and a half months ago?

I'm keeping the baby!
No, you're not!

Ow! You're hurting me.
I don't want it!

So you did grab her.

Then what were you gonna do?
String her up with the belt

and try to make it
look like a suicide?

No! We had a fight and I left.
I went to school.

Ask anyone in first period.

We know you were in your room
when she hung herself.

You admitted that's your belt, and we
know you were grabbing on her.

Grabbing, belt, sex,

baby, scholarship-- motive.

You see what this
looks like?

Nathan, scholarship
land's over, dude.

You're on the hook
for murder here.

Now, if you didn't
kill her,

you better damn sure help us
find out who did, you hear me?

So, who else would
want to hurt her?


Maria received over a thousand
e-mails just today,

and twice that by text.

They've been coming in
for months.

She tried to delete them all,
and just couldn't keep up.

So, I tracked the cyber
footprints on her devices,

and it led me to this.

Hate mail was just
the beginning.

Yeah. Check this out.

I'm a slut!

I'm a ho.

What does that spell?


Turn it off. I've seen enough.

Maria went viral
with a click of a button.

We're talking 11 million
hits in 18 hours.

She's been getting a constant flow
of messages via text and e-mail.

From all over the world?

It's the power of the
world wide web.

She's been dead a day.

She's still getting messages.
You know, Conrad,

even if the evidence tells me
this girl took her own life,

I still consider this
to be murder.

Well, how do you
figure that, Nick?

She was bullied.
Yeah. Cyber-bullied.

Look, it's not like back in the days
of getting your lunch money stolen,

or getting tripped
in the hallway.

11 million people bombarded
this girl with hate,

and it drove her
to take her own life.

What do you want to do?
These people are on line, Nick.

We're not going to get
11 million arrest warrants.

I know that, Conrad, but I do
feel like some of the kids

at this school are responsible,
and I want to pursue that.

Listen, you weren't there when
Robbins delivered that baby.

Maria and her child deserve
some justice,

and we're obligated
to give it to her.

Okay, but like anything
forensic, I need proof.

We know how it ended,
but how did it start?

Get me names,
and prove to me

that an honor student,
soon-to-be father, didn't kill

Maria Diorio with
his own belt.

Do that and I will
go to bat for you.

All right.

Every keystroke's permanent, right?

Give me all the hate mail linked
to that high school.


Did you go home for lunch?

No. I went over
to the NIC Unit

to visit our baby girl.
Oh,yeah? How's she doing?

She's off the respirator,
breathing on her own now.


Nurse told me I was her
only visitor.

Did you have a chance
to work out a timeline yet?

Yeah, I just finished.

Maria died at 9:30 a.m.

Baby was alive.
That puts T.O.D.

no more than
15 minutes earlier.

Okay, Brass confirmed that
Nathan Culver was at school

at 8:30, so the only way
he could've killed Maria

is if he strung her up
with his own belt

sometime before that.

Could it have taken her
45 minutes to die?

Given the absence of ligature
marks around her neck--


Nathan didn't kill her.

I just spent an hour
talking to a man

who think he's a dog.

You ask the man a question,
he barks back at you.

A year ago, this guy was the
manager of a hot dog chain.

And what conclusion
do you draw from that?

Well, either he's hiding
behind his animal mask,

or Neth has
got him brainwashed.

I think that might be a little
simplistic, Doctor.

All your assumptions are
based on one false premise.

Which is?

You attribute
all the power to Neth.

He is the master.

It is his house.

They are his pets.

His rules.

But a king is nothing without
his subjects.

They define him, elevate him.

Without them, he's just a man.

You're saying that the

is more equal than it seems?

It's a bond of reciprocity.

Tyrell gets affection,
his pets get shelter.

It's like the
bond between

dominant and submissive,

hunter and hunted.

I watch the news, Doctor.

I even read the
transcripts of your trial.

Who do you think Nate Haskell

was performing for
in that courtroom?

It wasn't the judge
or the jury.

I can help.

No, thank you, Dr. Kessler.

You've answered
my questions.

Then I guess we're done here.

For now.

Hey, Dr. Ray.

I was searching Neth's stables.
Aside from a few human ponies,

guess what I found.

Our smoking stun gun.

♪ ♪

This itty-bitty piece of
cat suit that you recovered

from the sprinkler head
on Neth's property

was a no-go for trace,

but a go-go for something
very interesting.

Ridge detail.

Could be our killer's.

I went on a
shopping spree,

and I found just what I was
looking for.

That's a lovely use of your
personal time.


You'd be surprised how many
models of stun guns

there are out there. Iona and
the Doberman were burnt

with the same type of stun gun,
but it wasn't Neth's.

His had a width of
five centimeters.

The burns were consistent with
this-- it's a PXY-2300--

which has a width of four

Only two retail outlets make
this model.

Iona purchased one last year,

and she registered it
with the manufacturer.

She was attacked
with her own stun gun?

Maybe she bought it for
protection at work.

Or closer to home.

I don't think her boyfriend

was too happy about
her moving out.

Let's see if he put
his hands on her.

You know, the Iona
who started the shelter,

who saved me from my husband,

she would have died before

she let herself be
some pervert's cat.

So I was just trying

to bring her back.

So you subdued her

with her own stun gun,
threw her into a car,

and then beat her up.

I had to get her out of there.

I mean, it was for her own good!

Usually, when people say
they're doing something

for the good of others,

that usually means
they're doing it for themselves.


It was like she had been

Iona, come on!

I'm here to help you.


I wanted her

to be grateful.

I wanted her to cry in my arms.

I wanted to rescue her
like she rescued me.

But she didn't want
to be rescued.

Iona, what did they do to you?

What is wrong with you?!

Stop it! I'm just
trying to help you!


If you really wanted
to save her,

Debra, why didn't
you call 911?

I thought she was dead.

When you have lived
in fear for so long,

protecting yourself is all
you could think about.

I'll tell you what I think.

Iona didn't want
to be a cat forever.

She just wanted to be treated
like one for a little while.

She wanted to be
taken care of

the way she had taken care
of so many other people.

So why didn't she just say that?

Some people...

just can't ask for help.

They don't know how.

I can tell you about the events
leading up to Maria's death

without even having
to talk to anybody.

It all started 8 1/2 months ago.

That's right around the same
time Maria started seeing Nathan Culver.

Well, it all
started with Nathan.

He was dating
a Homecoming Queen.

Then one day, he sees Maria.

For homecoming we should
coordinate our colors so we match.

What are you looking at?!

A couple days later,
asks for her number,

texts a bunch of
"I'm thinking about you's."

Next thing you know,

Nathan dumps the homecoming
queen by SMS...

one week before the big dance.

Cathy Mackey.

Now, Cathy and her two BFFs
don't like that too much.

Popular girls,

I see where this is going.

All three of
them had some

pretty nasty things
to say to Maria.

But it didn't stop there.

And that's how

Maria's cheerleading tryout
video got uploaded.

The girls had access.

I see where this is going, too.

It's a dogpile.

Not long after, the girls

started doctoring up photos
of Maria

and circulating
them around the school,

which led to
their suspension.

So the school knew this
was going on.

According to Maria's e-mails,

the principal found
the photos offensive.

The girls were suspended,

which led
to their being ineligible

for the national cheerleading

I'm sure that
didn't go over too well.

That's when the
piling on escalated

from a school level
to a global level.

Texts and hate mails
weren't enough.

They wanted to drive
the knife deeper.

Watch this.

So the video goes viral, and
Maria becomes a laughingstock.

Her father's dead, her mom's
got her own thing going on,

and she had no one
else to turn to.

She's pregnant,

and the boyfriend turns his back
on her and the baby.

And she just broke.


What does that spell?



We might as well be
staring at mug shots here.

These girls are
the real killers.

It's so tragic what
happened to Maria.

None of these girls
are bad kids.

They're just kids.

Ms. Johnson,

they're responsible for
the death of Maria Diorio.

It's time to teach
these kids a lesson.

We're sending a message:
You send hate,

you go to jail.

I'm a father. I got kids.

Where were the parents
during all this?

Probably working.
Trying to get by.

Hoping that,
eventually, one day,

their kids will come up

and talk to them,
which never happens.

Well, whether the law agrees
with me or not,

I think the parents had

a responsibility here.

I agree, but you want to talk
about responsibility?

What about the 11 million people
that watched a video

that they shouldn't have?

What's the law gonna
do about that?

Good question.

There's our girl
right over there.

Is that her?

Right there.

I heard what you did.

Thank you.

You're welcome.
You're welcome.

You know,
it's not how

you come into this world
that counts,

it's how you live it.

She's beautiful.


What do you think, Nathan?

I'm scared.

I mean, I don't know
the first thing about babies.

She'll let you know
what she needs.

Come on.

Come on.
It's all right, man.


I'm Nick Stokes.
I'm with the crime lab.

This young man would like
to hold his daughter,

if that's all right.

Why don't you
have a seat, Nathan?

Sit down right here.

You know, she kinda
looks like you, man.

Have you thought
of a name yet?



That's a good one.

Every file on Nate
Haskell dating back to 1996.

You said you were
expecting me, Doctor.

Please don't tell me

that you've
changed your mind.

I don't know what you're
fighting, Doctor,

but it looks like you're
about to be overrun.

Nate Haskell is an enemy,

a formidable enemy,

but he's not the enemy, is he?

When I went for, uh,

my interview at
med school,

the first question
they ask you,

quite naturally, is, "Why
do you want to be a doctor?"

Well, I can't remember
the answer I prepared,

but I remember
the one I gave.

I told them,
"If I'm helping people,

I'm not hurting them."

The guy stared at me for what
seemed like a lifetime,

then he burst out laughing,

so I started laughing,

and within a half an hour

I had secured myself a place
at medical school.

You had answered truthfully.

There's violence in me.

In my blood.

Sometimes I can taste it.

But as long as you keep a lid
on it...

DNA is not destiny-- that's what
I've always told myself.

I can't answer your question.

I didn't ask you a question.

Sure you did.

Why else did you come here,

tell me that story?

Doctor, you want legitimacy.

You want to know that it's okay
to lose the muzzle for a while.

I can say this:

the good Dr. Langston isn't
going to catch Nate Haskell.

If I give in to my nature,
I won't catch him...

I will kill him.

Yes, you will.

What becomes of me then?

-- sync, corrected by elderman --