CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 11, Episode 13 - The Two Mrs. Grissoms - full transcript

The death of a prominent professor in the deaf community is connected to a feud between two deaf graduate students competing over a grant, and the investigation creates tension between Sara and Grissom's mother.

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[cell phone ringing]

Gil? I'm here already.
Where are you?

I'm still in Peru.

- Are you at the party?
- Hold on, uh...

Hold on, Gil.
I can't hear you.

Sounds like taiko drums
in the background.

The deaf love the vibrations.

They can feel them on their skin.

Why are you still in Peru?

Is everything okay?

They found another mass grave.

Government asked me to stay.
[signal fading]

- You there?
- Gil? Gil!

[phone chirps]


Mrs. Grissom!


[Male Interpreter]
Sara, I want you to meet someone.

Julia Holden...

head of the department
of deaf cultural studies.

Nice to meet you, Professor.

Julia, please.

My students don't even
call me Professor.

Sara is Gil's wife.

Oh, the other Mrs. Grissom.

It's Sara Sidle.
She didn't take his name.

Julia's been like a daughter to me.

I'm so proud of her.

Published author, lecturer,

foremost authority on deaf culture
in the country.

[speaking for himself]

You look beautiful tonight!

[Interpreter] Have you met
my daughter-in-law, Sara?

Hi. I'm Dr. Eric Lambert.

I'm the director
of the Gilbert Foundation.

Oh, so you're the one who gets
to choose the grant winner.

Half a million dollars!
And they're all a good candidate.

Julia runs the selection committee,

and she's very passionate
about the candidates.

[Interpreter] Sorry. I have a stack
of papers on my desk.

I better get going.


So, where's your son?

Gil got stuck in Peru.

He's been doing some consulting work
for the government.

He's not coming.

[Interpreter] Seems like
my son's away from home a lot.

[explosion, car alarms blaring]


Hey! Get away from the car!

- [crying out]
- [Sara] No! Get back!

It's gonna blow!

Julia, he-he's dead.
Lambert is dead.

- [screaming]
- He's gone. He's dead.

He's gone.

You have to stay back!

♪ Who are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who are you? ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
- ♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you? ♪

♪ You, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪


[Nick] Wait a minute.
You did something different.

Oh, my goodness.
I almost didn't recognize you.

Yeah, yeah. Did you get
a haircut or something?

- Please tell me...
- Yes, we have your work clothes.

- Here's your coveralls.
- Thank you.

Here's a seat for you.

So who's the victim?

Dr. Eric Lambert.

He's the director of
the Gilbert Foundation.

I met him at the party.

Black-tie event.
Was it an open bar?

You know, he did
have a drink in his hand.

Possible drunk driver.

Hit the streetlight; car exploded?

- Were you the first one to respond?
- Uh... no.

Actually, she was.

Uh, going to try
and go talk to her.

My signing's pretty terrible.

We'll, uh, we'll check
out the vehicle.

I need to ask you some questions.

Is that all right?

Did you see what happened?


Wait, wait, wait.
I don't understand.

It's too fast.

Excuse me, excuse me--
you were at the party?

- Uh, yes. Dennis Palmer.
- Could you interpret for me?

Sure, sure.

Julia, what exactly did you see?

I was in my office,

when I felt the explosion.

You felt it?

The vibrations.

My windows rattled. So I got up
to see what was happening.

That's when I saw the fire.

I ran from my office
as fast as I could.

That's when I saw
it was Dr. Lambert.

I wish I could have saved him.

[sirens wailing]

Reminds me of my first case.

You're not wearing a tie this time.

Gonna be hard
to burrito him like that.

I could put him in
the passenger seat of the van.

Then we could use the carpool lane.

Always looking for the
silver lining, eh, David?

Yeah. That's me.

Okay, guys. Come on.

Two things make a car go boom--
ruptured gas tank and a spark.

Rough terrain.
Sliding down this hill,

there's a lot of things that
could have ruptured the tank.

Yeah, and metal dragging
over the rocks

- could have caused a spark.
- If it was anywhere near the tank.

Puncture, spark, boom.

We're in a ravine
at the edge of campus,

yet all the witnesses say
that they felt the explosion.

But if the car blew up down here,

the shock waves would've been...

absorbed by the hill, right?

No skid marks.

Means the driver
didn't pump the brakes

or turn the wheel at all.

- Looks like he went clean over.
- Mm-hmm.

That's gasoline.

You know, I don't think this explosion
happened down in the ravine.

There's a debris trail here.

Yeah, here we go.

Got something here.

This looks like a detonator, Ray.

I think I have
another piece of it here, Nick.

Lambert... didn't just drive
into the ravine.

He had a little help.

We got a point of explosion here.


so the explosion kills him
or incapacitates him,

the car continues on
till it rolls over the edge.

This was no accident.

Someone planted a bomb
in Lambert's car.

Dr. Lambert showed no signs
of smoke inhalation.

So he was dead
before the car caught fire.

The force of the blast
ruptured his aorta.

Died almost instantaneously.

- Thank you, Doctor.
- Yeah.

- Sara.
- Yeah.

So, what did you find out
about Dr. Lambert?

Well, he was never married.
No bitter ex-wife. No greedy kids.

I'm going to check with the school

and see if he had any enemies.

What if you just check with your
mother-in-law? She's pretty dialed-in there.

Uh, yeah, communication's
not really our strong suit.

- I thought you were learning to sign.
- I am.

I'm improving.
It's not really a language barrier,

it's just kind of a barrier.

She's very hard to get close to.

She questions everything.

She's got to be right about everything.

She's mostly unavailable.

- Sorry.
- What?

Oh, it's...
You just described Grissom.

Like mother, like son.

Greg, what have you got
going on here?

I'm almost done rendering
a 3-D simulation of your car bombing,

based on where the car
was when it exploded,

how much gas was in the tank,

and using standard
temperature and pressure,

I was able to calculate
the size of the explosion

and the shock waves it produced.

Now, the white dots represent

our witnesses and their
respective locations

at the time of the explosion.

Hmm. Simulation's complete.

- Let's blow somebody up.
- [explosion]

The shock waves hit the dorm

and the surrounding buildings,
like our witnesses said;

except they never reached
the Humanities building,

though our witness there
claims she had felt it.

It's impossible.

Yeah. The dormitories are
blocking that building.

Who's the witness?

Julia Holden.

She lied to me.

You think she was involved?

[Sara] If she was,
we'll need evidence to prove it.

No sign of any nitrates
or bomb-making materials yet.

Well, maybe she made
the bomb somewhere else.

Oh. Incoming.

- [Guard] Sorry, ma'am. Can't go in there.
- [Sara] It's okay.

What are you doing here?

Well, we're conducting
a murder investigation.

What's going on, Nick?

Mrs. Grissom, we have reason
to believe that...

that somebody might have planted
a bomb in Dr. Lambert's car.

- [Interpreter] A bomb?
- Yes, ma'am.

[Interpreter] You don't think Julia
had anything to do with it?

Julia... you...

were not being honest...

about where you were
when the bomb went off.

Where were you really?

I haven't done anything wrong.

Okay. We're executing a search warrant,
and we're gonna need both of you

to wait in the hall until we're done.

You don't seem to be winning
any points with your mother-in-law.

She really seems to like me, though.

What's that?

It's a message...

a transcript from Julia's voice mail.

Dr. Lambert called her
the night that he was killed.

What's the message?

"Julia, we need to talk.

"This relationship has to end.

"You know the risks involved,
to us and to the school.

We can't let it continue."

So let me guess.

Lambert dumped you,
and you blew him up.

I wasn't sleeping with Dr. Lambert.

And I certainly didn't kill him.

So he wasn't the man that

you were having sex with
at the party?

[Capt. Brass] You lied to us about being
in your office at the time of the explosion.

I think you planted
the bomb in his car,

and then you followed him
to make sure it detonated.

And then you pretended
like you just got there

and you were trying to save him.

I told you, I didn't kill him.


there's a conflict of interest here.

What's she talking about?

My history with your husband.

What history?

We were involved.


Well, this is awkward.

He didn't tell you?

I assumed married people
told each other everything.

My marriage has nothing
to do with this case.

It does now.

So, Julia Holden agreed
to give us a DNA sample

but wouldn't say anything
else without her lawyer.

Yeah, of course she wouldn't.

She totally played me.

She knew exactly who I was,

and she knew that I didn't know
anything about her and Gil.

Come on, I mean,
for all you know,

they only went out
a couple of times.

Well, they slept together.

She made that perfectly clear.

She also made it perfectly clear

that she would not continue with
the interview until I was out of the room.

What did Brass say?

What do you think?
He wants you off the case.

I said no. I told him
that you're a professional,

- and completely capable of being objective.
- Thanks.

You are capable of being
professional and objective, right?

Yes, I am.


We didn't find any evidence
of bomb-making materials

at Julia's office or her house.

Maybe the guys'll find something.

They're checking Lambert's car now.

Well, this used to be a gas tank.

Yeah. Not much left of it.

What is that, a magnet?

Industrial-strength magnet.

Must have used it to secure
the bomb to the gas tank.

I think you're losing your
superpowers there, Dr. Ray.

Come on, let's go check it out.


this thing is...
pretty badly scorched.

[Nick] These are all the bomb
fragments we got on the road.

We've got a detonator, but...

we still haven't found
a timer of any kind.

Lambert's car was left unattended
during the party--

that's a perfect opportunity
for someone to come along and...

plant the bomb.

Killer waits for Lambert
to leave the party, follow him--

when the car gets close enough
to the ravine, flip a switch and boom,

car blows up
and goes off the road.

That means that
the killer was on campus.

[Nick] Let's get these fragments
over to Trace,

see if we can get
anything off of 'em.

I found nitrates
on the bomb fragments

consistent with
smokeless gunpowder.

The last time we saw
smokeless gunpowder

was in the bombs
planted at the police funeral.

Except those devices
were more sophisticated.

Yeah, well, based on the scorch marks,

I'm guessing that this was used
to hold the explosives.

The curved shape
would have given the blast

the directional component,
driving it upward into the gas tank.

I've recovered
a partial serial number

and manufacturer's mark--
I'm just running it now.

- [beep]
- Hmm. Looks like you got a hit.

Company that makes
consumer products for the deaf?

Looks like our bell-shaped charge started
its life as part of something called the...

Shake Alert.
I got one of those.

What do you need
with a deaf fire alarm?

My mother snores like a bear.

So I sleep with ear plugs.

If there's a fire,

then the Shake Alert receives a signal
from any standard smoke detector

and... shakes my bed,
wakes me up and saves my life.


This Shake Alert
came from a batch

installed in the dorms
at Gilbert College.

♪♪ [electronica]


- Hey, Sara?
- Yeah.

This fire alarm is different
than the other ones.

It's white-- all the
other ones were black.

Could be brand-new.

Whose room is this?

Michael Porter.

He's Julia Holden's T.A.

[Nick] What happened to your
old fire alarm, Michael?

I don't know.

I didn't even know it was replaced.

You weren't at the party last night.
Were you in your room the whole time?


Really, I should've been at the party.

Apparently, Julia and Dr. Lambert

didn't consider my research project
worthy of the Gilbert Grant.

Well, a half million dollars is
a lot of money to miss out on.

[Interpreter] I've been Julia's
T.A. for two years, doing research--

I even picked up her dry cleaning.

Then suddenly this Sean Wyatt guy

shows up from England--
it's like he's the chosen one.

And a finalist for the grant.

He's Julia's pet.

Was Sean
Dr. Lambert's pet as well?


A few days ago,
I saw them arguing.

It got pretty heated.

What was that argument about?

I'm not sure.

But Dr. Lambert said something like,

"If you don't fix this, I will."

Sean Wyatt is
a big fan of Julia's work.

He's got a lot of her books.

This kid's in
the deaf studies program

and she's his advisor, so...

- Sara?
- Hmm?

Positive for nitrates.

Okay, well, we know that Sean
and Dr. Lambert had a fight.

Maybe Lambert decided not
to give him the half-million dollars.

- And Sean decides to get rid of him?
- Yeah.

With Lambert out of the way,

Julia gets to choose
the grant winner,

and Sean gets the half a million.

Sean is Julia's student.

She was the first one
at the scene and she lied.

You still like Julia Holden
for this, don't you?

- I do.
- Why?

-None of the physical evidence points to her.
-I am not making this personal.

- Okay.
- All right, maybe a little.

It would've been nice if Gil
had told me about him and Julia.

It's ancient history--
I'm sure it happened

before the two of you
even got together.

She is pretty.


Yeah, she's pretty.

She's very pretty, actually.

Hi, Mrs. G.

Oh, great. Hi, Betty.

Um, I'll catch up.

Okay. See you back at the lab.

I heard you called Julia
in for more questioning.

Well, yes-- she's a suspect
in Dr. Lambert's murder.

Julia would never hurt anyone.
I know her.

Obviously. She was intimately
involved with your son.

Thanks for the heads-up,
by the way.

I thought you knew.


Maybe if you and Gil
saw each other more often,

you'd know more
about each other.


a man was murdered,
someone you know.

If there was something going on
between Julia and Dr. Lambert,

you have to tell me.

Dr. Lambert was
a stickler for rules and deadlines.

Lately, Julia's been distracted.

Late with paperwork, missing classes.

Any idea why?

I asked her about it.

She said everything was fine.

Thank you.

Hey, I tested the nitrates
in Sean Wyatt's room.

Did he have a plant?

- A dead fern and a cactus.
- Ah.

The classic male green thumb.

Explains why the nitrates are
less consistent with explosives

and more consistent
with fertilizer.

I did, however, find something

on the sheets you collected
from his dorm room.

Hair and vaginal contributions.

Both from Julia Holden.

Having sex with
one of her students.

Maybe Sean was the one that Julia
was having sex with in the bathroom.


Quite the libertine.

Not unlike Lady Heather.

Clearly, Grissom has a yen
for sexually adventurous women

whose voracious appetites

can only be sated by dangerous
and unbridled passion.

Thank you.

A-At least most of the time.

That is, until he realized, of course,

that even though you can
have sexual satisfaction,

it doesn't hold a candle

to spirited intellectual stimulation.

Not to say that
you and Grissom don't...

- have a great sex life, um--
- [phone ringing]

I mean, when you happen
to be in the same city.

Isn't that your phone
down the hall?

Yes, it is. Thank you.

Grissom and I have great sex.

I'm sure you do.

Okay, so, um...


left a message
on Julia's phone

about a relationship
that had to end--

maybe he was talking about Sean.

Sex with a student is a huge
scandal for the school, and...

it's kind of a career-ender
for Julia Holden.

Maybe Sean didn't just kill
Lambert for the money,

maybe he killed him for love.


Mr. Wyatt,
we found evidence in your room

that you and Julia Holden
had a sexual relationship,

and my guess is that Lambert
found out about it,

and that's what
your argument was about.

Am I going too fast for you?


Yes. He demanded
that I withdraw my application

to the Gilbert Grant.

He told me that my affair with Julia
could be seen as favoritism.

Oh, you think? And then you put
a bomb in his car.

You kill Lambert,
Julia gets to keep her job,

you get to keep your grant--
everybody wins.

No, I loved Julia.

And yes, I wanted the grant,
but I didn't kill anyone.

You were at the party,
you had motive and opportunity.

When Lambert left,
you followed him.


I left the party before he did.

Where'd you go?

I went back to my dorm room.

Can anyone confirm that?


She arrived at quarter to 10:00,
and left before 11:00.

Just before the explosion.

What do you want now?

We have more questions for you.

You need to come with us.

Fine. Let me call my lawyer.


- Are you guys all right?
- Yeah, we're fine. We're fine.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

The paramedics took Julia Holden
to the hospital, possible concussion.

Right before the explosion,
we saw Michael,

Julia's T.A., place
a package on her desk.

- You think it was the bomb?
- Well, we already know that Michael

had a beef with Julia and Dr. Lambert.

The bomb in Dr. Lambert's car

didn't give us much, but here,
we're in a contained space

and there was no fire-- we should
be able to collect a lot more evidence.

Yeah... yeah, maybe enough
to pin this on Michael.

Piece of a box.

Looks like the bomb was
hidden in a package.

You know, most package bombs

are rigged
to explode when you open them,

but I think this one
was a little bit different.

Got a resistor--
it creates a delay, like a timer.

If you're gonna
hand-deliver a bomb,

you want to make sure
you have time to get away.

I would never kill anyone.

Your computer says different.

Nice stalker wall.

You had a grudge against Julia

because she recommended Sean Wyatt
for the grant instead of you.

I was angry.
I needed to vent.

I should have had a chance
at that grant-- they took it from me.

I did not put the bomb
in Dr. Lambert's car, or Julia's office.

Michael, you have the skills.

Your major is electrical engineering.

You're doing R&D
on deaf assist devices.

We recovered a resistor from
the bomb in Julia's office

that traces to a batch
that you ordered for your research.

You've got the wrong person.

The parts you're talking
about were stolen from me.

I reported it to the campus police.

- Go ahead and ask them.
- Oh, we will.

Somebody's setting me up.

Who would do that?

Have you checked into Sean Wyatt?

I mean, really looked into him?

There's something strange.

I don't know exactly what it is, but

just not right with him.

[Woman on Intercom]
Dr. Aliss, call the page operator.

Dr. Aliss, call the page operator.

Mind if I join you?

I hope you're not here to accuse Julia

of blowing up her own office.

No. Actually, we have
a new suspect-- Michael.

He's Julia's T.A.

I find it so hard to believe that
there's someone in this school,

in our community,
capable of such violence.

When I went to take
Julia's statement just now,

I saw her talking to Sean Wyatt,

and he signed something that
I didn't recognize, nor did he.

Do you know
what this means?

That means "sweet pea" in LSQ.

That's Quebec Sign Language.

Sign language is just
like any other language--

it varies by region,
has its own dialect, slang...

Oh, I know that, but
Sean is from England--

why would he be
speaking Quebecois?

Maybe he spent
some time in Quebec

and picked up
some of the slang.

It's possible.

When Gil and I first
got back from Europe,

there were certain phrases
that stuck with me for a while, too.

- Don't you miss it?
- Europe?

Being with your husband.

What kind of marriage do you have?

You two barely even see each other.
You don't even live in the same town.

We talk every day, we see each other
at least once a month--

That is not a marriage.

I lost my husband too soon.

But in all the years
that we were married,

we never spent one night apart.

It's unconventional,
but what Gil and I have works.

We love each other.
We're a family, and...

You know what, if you don't want
to be a part of it, that's your call.

The bomb in Julia Holden's office used

the same smokeless gunpowder
as the bomb in Dr. Lambert's car.

No surprise.

Check this out-- this resistor

keeps electricity from
reaching the detonator

for a specific amount of time.

Now, in this case, ten minutes.

Wow, that is not a lot of time to wrap and
deliver the bomb before it exploded.

No, it is not. That's why the bomber
used a remote to arm it.

So whoever wanted
to blow up Julia Holden

had to make sure that bomb
was in her office

and that she was there
before they set that timer.

- Bomber had to be nearby.
- Try within earshot.

When the bomber used the remote,

it sent a signal to the receiver.


Now, that beeping sound tells
the bomber that the device is armed.

So whoever did this
could hear just fine.

- So Michael wasn't the bomber?
- No.

We're looking for somebody
outside the deaf community.

Yes and no.

[Female Interpreter]
I had nothing to do with
that bomb in Julia's office.

I love her.

I'd never hurt her.

Then this lie detector
test will prove it.

We're gonna show you
a series of pictures

and measure your brain's response.

Are you ready?

Go ahead.

He recollects Julia Holden.

No recollection
of the bomb materials.

No recollection of the bombing.

Sean, I've got some bad news--
you failed.

I didn't set that bomb.

The machine's inaccurate--
everybody knows that.

Well, you're right, Sean,
uh, polygraphs aren't reliable.

Thank you very much. It's okay.

But we didn't give you a polygraph,

we gave you
an Auditory Evoked Potential Test.

It actually measures your
brain's response to sound.

During the test,
we played a series of clicking sounds.

You acted as though
you didn't hear them,

but your brain said otherwise.

The spikes in your brain wave

indicate that you hear just fine.

You're not deaf, Sean.
You're a fraud.

You're also a killer.

Sean Wyatt still isn't talking,
with or without an interpreter.

So he faked being deaf for
the half-a-million dollar grant.

And if Dr. Lambert found out
that he was a fraud,

that would be motive
for murder right there.

Well, Sean lied about being deaf.

Makes you wonder what
else he's lying about.

[Sara] His real name is Sean Wyatt
Leblanc, and he's not from England,

he's from Canada--
Montreal to be exact.

And he lied about everything.
Including being deaf.

It's not possible.

We gave him
an Auditory Evoked Potential Test.

He can hear.

It can't be easy to fool
an entire campus of deaf students,

including a smart, sawy professor.

One that he was intimately
involved with.

Are you saying that I knew?

Sean's transcripts were forged

using paper with
a Gilbert College watermark,

which means that he had help
from someone inside the school.

No. When I met Sean,
he was already a student.

I was his thesis advisor.

We started spending
a lot of time together.

One night, we were working late,

and he kissed me.

I should have put a stop to it.

But when a young,
good-looking guy

tells you that you're beautiful

and that he can't get enough of you,

you want to believe it.

I fell in love with him.

I haven't felt that for a long time.

With all that time that
you and Sean spent together,

you never suspected
that he could hear?

There was a time that I saw
him sign something wrong.

It was Quebec Sign Language.

And I asked him about it.

He said that it was our secret
term of endearment.

Something that no one
on the campus would understand.

My career has been my life.

I didn't realize how lonely I was.


We all have this need

to find that one person
to connect with.

And when we do,

we find that we're overlooking

their imperfections
and disappointments.

He was using me.

I'm sorry, Julia.

Is there anything
that you know about Sean?

Anything that might help us?

One night I did go into his room--

while he was e-mailing--

and he was using a different
e-mail address.

It was in French.

I thought maybe it was another girl.

He said, no, it was
just an old friend.

Do you know
who he was writing to?


But I do remember the e-mail
address that he was using.

I got an A.G. waiver on the e-mail account
that Julia gave us.

The e-mail's practically a blueprint
for the entire grant scam,

starting with getting
accepted to the school.

And finishing with the bombings?

No, but there was a threat implied.

Sean was clearly worried
that Dr. Lambert was on to him.

He and his partner knew
they had to do something.

- Who's his partner?
- His cousin from Montreal.

But fortunately, we don't have
to go that far to find him.

He's been hiding in plain sight.

Dennis Palmer. It must feel
a little lonely, huh, Dennis?

Being an interpreter for the deaf?

I mean, you're part of everyone's
intimate conversations,

but somehow you're on the outside.

You're... you know, you're like...

- Invisible?
- Yeah, invisible. Exactly.

It's part of the job.

It's also part of the job to have access
to all the buildings on campus,

including Julia Holden's office.

We checked. You used your key card
to enter Julia's building

30 minutes before the explosion.

I was dropping a transcript off
in Dr. Gardner's...

We searched your room.
You know, for an invisible man,

you leave a lot of evidence behind.

We found receipts for
gunpowder and pipes.

We knew you were at
the party with Dr. Lambert,

so you planted that
bomb under his car.

You dropped off the package

that Michael Porter delivered
to Julia's office.


When we searched your room,
we found e-mails between you and Sean.

Now we know this whole con
was your idea.

You're the inside guy.
You forged his transcript.

Did you teach him
how to sign as well?

I learned sign language as a kid.

My mother's deaf.

So Dennis got you into the school,

and you agreed to split
the cash with him, right?

It was easy money.

Dennis said they were
just giving it away.

You know, if you're in
a wheelchair or you're deaf,

society throws money at you.

I mean, they have all these
grants for deaf students.

Meanwhile, I'm working my ass
off for next to nothing.

So you thought
you'd bilk the system.

But you got greedy.

You went after the big prize--
the half-a-million dollar grant, right?

Yeah. A prize that big,
we needed an edge.

Is that why you seduced Julia?

I needed her endorsement.

But then I started to care about her.

- That was the first complication.
- And Lambert was the second.

Lambert found out
I didn't go to Cambridge.

Said he wouldn't go to the police
if I withdrew my grant application

and left the school.

So you thought if you
get rid of Lambert,

you might still have
a shot at the big money.

Thought we could make it
look like an accident.

But why the second bomb?
I mean, why target Julia?

I was trying to take the heat
off of Sean, put it on Michael.

Dennis promised me
that Julia wouldn't get hurt.

Said she wouldn't even
be in her office.

And you believed him.

[no audible dialogue]

You all right?

The graves were
littered with pupa casings.

Looked like somebody dumped
a ton of Rice Krispies

on top of a bunch
of Halloween skeletons.

It indicated that it wasn't
a proper burial.

During the Inca period, there
was no greater punishment.

We think it was meant as a warning--

don't mess with the Moche.


So anyway, how was your week?
What'd you do?

Well, I almost got blown up twice.

I accused your ex-girlfriend of murder.

And, oh, I... I told off your mother.

Oh, good. You kept busy.

Yeah. See what happens
when you stand me up?

- Who's that?
- Uh, it's your mother.

Hi, Mom.

You never came to the office
when I was working there.

I heard you and Sara had
an exciting week.

Oh. African violets.

They're beautiful.

I told her you liked vegetation.

Thank you.

Um, I'm sorry, too.

Can we start over?

When I come back,
the three of us will go out to dinner.


Your mother is talking
about our sex life.

In Incan society,

the Moche elders would pass down

their knowledge of sexual pleasure

to the younger generation.

Their stories were documented
on their pottery.

Little ceramic jars called "sex pots."

Sex pots.

Sometimes too much.

Love you both.

Love you, too.
