CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 1, Episode 23 - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - full transcript

There's a serial killer on the loose in Las Vegas. Since this is a very high-profile case, the sheriff brings in the FBI to help. This annoys Grissom very much as the FBIs like to assume many things while he prefers to let the evidence speak for itself. Due to his refusal to cooperate, he is taken off the case. Grissom's team, however, knows better and keeps their boss informed on the details.

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Eileen Jane Snow.

Lady she
carpools with

couldn't get her
to answer the door.

Police broke in.

This is exactly the same
as the last two.

Audrey Hayes
was strangled
in her basement.

The other one
ended up in a park.

Different M.O.,
but it's the same signature.

M.O. is how he breaks in.

Signature's what he does
once inside.

Three or four

overpowering blows to the head
from a homemade weapon

at the scene.

Forces her to drink a mixture
of sodium amytal

as a chemical

Overligature of the victim

and an object rape.

Then he strangles her.

Ejaculates on the bedsheets.

And, as a final
act of degradation

he poses her
like a pinup.

Damn it.


Damn that guy.

Listen, no
emotions in here.

He's escalating,

That's the pattern;
it's a continuum.

Guess he wants
to get caught.

Signature killers never
want to get caught.

And they won't stop
until they do.

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¶ Who... are you?

¶ Who, who, who, who?

¶ Who... are you?

¶ Who, who, who, who?

¶ I really wanna know

¶ Who... are you?

¶ Oh-oh-oh
¶ Who...

¶ Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you ¶

¶ Oh, you!

I have tape-lifted,

I'm not finding
one hair.

I wonder what that might mean.

He vacuumed this place
before he left.

We've established
that he utilizes

from the victim's domicile.

Hey, guys.

He took the bag.

Well, look for prints.

Don't bother.

There aren't any.

Just like the last time.

Guy's Mr. Clean.

Here. Knock yourself out.

He stalked
this woman.

He knew how much time
he had in this apartment

to kill her,
and to clean up after himself.

I'll tell Brass
to check for sex offenders

in a two-mile radius.

Yeah. Have him check
peeping Toms, too--

five years back.

That's how they
get started.

Peeping Toms to murderers?

It's about crossing boundaries.

It's like, uh,
with cake, you know?

You're just going to have
a little bit of the frosting

and you end up eating

the entire plate.

Nobody move.

Mr. Clean needs a maid.

I'm going to take this

back to the lab.


I need a word
with you outside.

You're bringing
the FBI in? Why?

They offered their assistance,
and I'm inclined to take it.

Of course, uh,
I'd want to make sure

you're okay with that.

I-I don't believe
the investigation

should go
that way, Brian.

I mean, roadblocks
and special ops?

Oh, that's a pity,
'cause I do.

Maybe you'll
feel different

when you meet
Rick Culpepper.

Sheriff Mobley.

Hi, Rick Culpepper.

Federal Bureau
of Investigation.

Gil Grissom,
Agent Culpepper.

Special Agent.

It's great
to meet you.

All our kids
back in Quantico

are always going on
about your bugs.

Well, listen,
the FBI is here

to help you
and your people at CSI.

Of course, uh, as SAC

the investigation
will run through me.

Sheriff probably
already told you that.

No, he didn't
mention that either.

All rivers
run through Rome

so to speak.

But, uh, you get an attaboy.

Three women dead

'cause you couldn't
get the job done.

There's not many guys

who would hand the case over
to us fibbies.

I'm not handing it over.

I'm willing to work
in conjunction with you.

Well, that's fine.

We'll work the Strip Strangler
case in conjunction.

The what?

He strangles them
near Las Vegas Boulevard

then removes their clothes--
Strip Strangler.

Why? What
are you calling him?

Unknown Signature Homicide,
Metropolitan Las Vegas.

He's not kidding, is he?

Excuse me.

Guy over here's
got something

you might want to hear.

Syd Goggle.

He's a security guard.

Community patrol.

Says he saw a man
speeding away from
here last night.

Mr., uh, Goggle?

Gil Grissom.

I know who you are, sir.

I've seen you on TV.

Special Agent

You have information
for us, sir?

About a man
fleeing the scene?

I didn't get his license.

I didn't think anything
of it till this morning.

He was really
burning rubber, though.

Would you please
give Detective O'Riley
a full statement?

If we have any more questions,
we'll get back to you.

Listen, if you need any help

in your investigation,
Mr. Grissom...

The last time a security
guard tried to help me

he ended up dead.

But thank you.

This way.

I'm late for an autopsy.

He'll need a
little patience.

Wouldn't respect him
if he didn't.

What can you tell us?

Nothing you don't know.

Trauma to the head
with a blunt object.

Overwhelmed her.

He got a mixture
of sodium amytal in her.

A hypnotic.

Allowed him to control her
for up to six hours.

Torture her.

Look at the bruises.

Purple means

she was alive for all of it.

Percussive control.

He choked her

and then brought her to
multiple times.

What about the rape?

Same as the others:
indeterminate object

caused severe
internal lacerations.

I did find
a small trace of something

creviced in the uterine wall.

Looks like an everyday polymer
to me.

Okay. I'll go back to the scene,
try to find something like it.

Be careful, Nicky.

The cliché is true.


to their scenes.

Will do.

Are we done?

Something we didn't find
with the other two women.


One in the back
of her throat.

One stuck

between her lower left incisors.

This looks like cotton.

Maybe terry cloth.

Could he be silencing
them with...

white bath towels?

that would explain

why no one hears
the victim's screams.

He brings it with him
and takes it away after.

So, somewhere, there's evidence
of this victim on a towel.

Kind of a forensic smoking gun.

Mmm. Now we just
have to find the guy

and hope that he hasn't
done his laundry.

The semen taken from
this morning's homicide

matches the semen taken
from the bedsheets

of the last two
female victims.

So, we're looking
at the same guy.

Yeah, but,
check this out--

the ejaculate

What's the red stuff?

Mystery substance.

Not blood?


So, what, this guy's
got some strange chemical

in his mutated DNA?

Freaky, huh?

Freakiest semen
I've seen in a while.

Call me.


Catherine, you busy?

I was hoping we might be able
to talk about a few things.

Pertaining to the case?

As a jumping-off point.

Well, Sheriff,
I'd say let's
go to my office

but I don't have one.

Well, that's just
the sort of thing

I was hoping
we would discuss.

Hey, Warrick

you got a second?

What's up?

I got this hair
that you guys
found this morning

and I'm trying

to compare it to the one hair
we recovered

from the murder last week--
the Hayes girl?

And you got a match

but it doesn't mean
a damn thing

'cause it still
doesn't lead us to the guy?

No. I can't even tell
if we have a DNA match.

There's no skin tag
on either one.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A girl defending herself
against a guy

is going to pull that
hair out by the roots.

I mean, you get scalp skin
filled with DNA.

No scalp, no skin.

It's almost like
this hair was...




Hey, Gil, you want
to give me the skinny

on this meeting
of yours?

I'm on my way back
to the crime scene.

What meeting?

I'm going to Evidence.

I got paged
about the signature case.

Hey, Warrick and
I just got a break.

The guy's been
planting hairs.

Shed hairs. He's trying
to throw us off.

What he doesn't realize,
we got no DNA on the hairs

so we can't chase down

his other suspect.


are you hearing us?

You all got my page. Good.

I didn't.

We'll get you a new battery.

I thought we'd convo
about the strangler--

hear what you've got--

tell you what we think
our next move should be.

Would you guys go back

to my office, please?

I'll be in in a few minutes.

I'll be happy
to pass on

any pertinent information
you may have to my team.

Okay. Fine.

Got anything to report to us?

You first.

Okay. We have an operation
in place.

Your CSI, Sidle

has expressed
an interest to my agents

in availing herself.

I wanted to let you know

before we made
the official offer.

Really? What kind of operation?

All this talk about your great
capacity for observation.

Sara Sidle matches
the victim prototype to a "T."

She's a young woman,
brunette, tall for a female.

You're not serious.

And, by all reports,
she's steady.

Has the right personality
for a decoy operation.

You're going to bait this guy
with a human being?

This is your big FBI plan?

Before he kills again, yes.

Got a better idea?

Understanding him
first, completely

so that we can get
out ahead of him.

And if
he kills again

while we're trying
to understand him?

Well, I'm sorry, but he's
not going to kill my CSI.

I'm going to do it,
Grissom. I want to.

You want to put
yourself in the path

of a psychotic killer?

I'm trained
in weaponless defense.

Too bad, because that's
what turns him on--

women fighting back.

Gives him a greater
sense of power

when he makes
his final kill.

Sit down, Sara.

Okay. If we're to follow
your line of thinking

are you out ahead of him?

Not yet.

He knows just enough
about forensics

to be dangerous.

He thinks
he's throwing us off track

by planting confederate hairs.

He probably shaves his head--

maybe his entire body--
as DNA protection.

He may gag
his victims

using a garden-
variety bath towel

which he then takes with him
as part of his murder kit.

He will go after
another tall brunette

and the torture will be worse.

But, this time,
he won't ejaculate.

At least not
at the scene.

At home, later.

Learning control.

Think he knows his next victim?

Signature killers
always know their next victim.

But they don't know him

until he tortures,
rapes and kills them.



Get out of there.

Get out of the closet.


What are you doing?

I'm a reporter.

We know the police
are withholding

information from us,
so I came down here because...

Quiet. Are you out of your mind?
I could've killed you.

This is a crime scene.
You don't belong here.

Unless you want me to get
the cop at the front door

you'll get out of here now.

And I'd better not
see any pictures
of this apartment

in your paper...

or I'll have the D.A.
on your front door.

I'm sorry that I scared you.

You didn't scare me. Uh-uh.

Want to tell me what you found
over by the window?




I'm impressed.

You got a hot dog?

This one of
your jokes, Greg?

I got the ketchup.

I'm sure this
is meaningful.

I went back
and looked at

the ejaculate from
the last two murders.

The same thing.

"Indeterminate red stuff."

It's C12, H22

and O11, NaCl, H2O

and tomato paste.

Sugar, water, salt
and tomato paste.



Well, does he

add it after or is it organic?

Don't ask me why, but, uh...

he adds it.

I was expecting something
a little more elemental.

When we zig, he zags.

Yeah, well, he's not
as smart as he thinks, you know?

I mean, ketchup is not going
to mask the DNA in his semen.

All of which I'm sure
you'll share with the FBI.

I'm sure.


is it so bad to avail our lab

to the resources
of the federal government?

You've been to talking
to our sheriff.

I've been listening
to our sheriff.

He says that you won't.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

And if I don't shape up

he going to have Ecklie
take over the case.

No, he prefers

someone from night shift

and it may be more
than just this case.


Now that the trees are gone,
I can almost see the forest.


learn to be more politic.

You guys got a sec?

He's wearing latex gloves.

The thick kind, too.
He must know

that thin ones
leave prints.

When we zig, he zags.

What about Paul Millander?

Maybe he's our guy.

He had the latex hands

and he's a serial.

Millander stages suicides
in bathtubs

with paternal figures.

This guy's signature
is overkill rage

against young women.

It's completely different.

Maybe our brethren
at the FBI

have some sort
of special database.

When did you become friendly
with the feds?

I didn't think you had that
in you.

Never make an enemy when you can
just as easily make a friend.

FBI's okay.
I've kissed
worse ass.

But I got to say

I don't like this decoy op
the feds are talking up.

I remember when
Holly Gribbs died.

I sent her out in the field,
and she wasn't ready.

I told Culpepper
that he could not have Sara.

I know what you told him.

All right, listen up.

All personnel will be
tethered to our decoy
by this radio.

According to
Captain James Brass

two of our assailant's
victims patronized this
specialty grocery store

to which we are about
to embark forthwith

two days before they
turned up dead.

There's a very good chance
our assailant

will refrequent this store,
looking for his next victim.

This is a pretty flimsy excuse

to get your circus up
and running, don't you think?

Lives are at stake.
I'll take flimsy over nothing.

This is action
for action's sake


You're risking my CSI's life.

Look, this
is my idea.

I want to do something
before another girl
gets killed, and...

Listen to me, Sara.

If we study his past,
we can predict his future.

You've been saying
that for weeks.

It's taking too long.

Someone else
is going to die

and you're still going
to be figuring it out.

Okay, Sidle

we're good to go.

Wish me luck.

Aw... three hours expended.

Maybe we should reposition
over at that Borders Book Store.

Gets a lot of foot traffic
in there

according to the field agents.

¶ I recall

¶ Central Park in fall

¶ How you tore your dress...


That guy's coming back.

Would you happen
to have a cigarette?

Uh... yeah, actually.

Let her play.

I've been trying to quit.
Didn't want to buy a pack.

Me, too.

This is my last pack...

but, uh, I say that
every week, so...

The women I know

smoke filtered--
you know

those long,
skinny cigarettes?

Guess it depends
on the woman.

Guess it does.

You got a light?

Sure. Yeah.

You live around here?


I don't usually give out
that kind of information.

It's probably smart.

I wouldn't
tell me either.

You're cute.


All right, we're on the move.
Let's go.



I'll give it back. Here.

Yeah. Culpepper.

Time and coordinates?

Yeah, will do.

All right, gentlemen

nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

I do not believe
this is our man.

What was your first clue?

Murder at the Monaco Hotel.

Woman found bound in her room

and strangled.

Let's go.

He met the profile.

Sometimes the harder thing
to do is to do nothing.

Starting to look like
deja vu all over again.



Occasionally, I'm struck
by the absence of evidence.

It's there
or it isn't.

The lamp--
cord's still attached.

All the others,
he yanked the cords off.

Look at the table.
Books aren't even disturbed.


First time in a hotel.

First time he didn't come
in through the window.

I don't think he made
a deposit... either.

That just means his
signature's evolving.

Isn't that
right, Grissom?

Who's that guy?

He's the husband.

His name's Brad Walden.

They're locals.
They come here
couple times a year.

He was downstairs
playing poker.

She was up here reading
a romance novel.

He comes back
five grand richer

and finds her
like this.


Let's bring him in.

I'll transport
the witness.



What did you get?

I posted the lady from
the hotel, and I have to say

it's the same menu as the last
three-- chemical restraint

death by strangulation.

What about the object-rape?
Indeterminate polymer?

No. This one's different.

Different how?

Cross-hatched leather, with
tiny air holes for breathing.

I was thinking driving gloves,
or weightlifting gloves, or...

I'm not accusing you of
anything, but a man and his wife

get a hotel room
for a romantic weekend

then spend that
whole weekend apart--

makes me wonder if there's
trouble in the marriage.

I like... to gamble.
She liked to read.

It was, you know...

just the perfect

You liked to play golf, too.

These are your golf clubs.

We found them
in your hotel room.

I prefer a titanium
driver, Mr. Walden.

I'd like to see what you use,
but your carrier is locked.

Yeah, I have a key on my
key chain... my car keys.

So you won't mind opening it?


Uh, uh, w-why?

Well, so I can see if the
leather on your club handles

matches the leather

from the object used
to violate your wife.

Well, I-I, you know,
if it does... I read
that this, uh...

this, uh, you know,

uses whatever is
at the scene of
the crime for, uh...

for killing his victims.

Well, if this character...

killed your wife

how did he get your clubs out
of the case without the keys?

Or, for that matter

back into the case
after he killed your wife?

Read this man
his rights, please.

You're under arrest

for the murder
of Jennifer Walden...

and Eileen Snow
and Tracy Berg and...

Can I have a word with you
outside... please?

You can't charge him
for the other women.

What do you mean?

For the murder
of his wife, maybe

but I am certain that
he didn't do the others.

Every piece of the
signature is there.

He read the papers--

he piggybacked on
top of the killer.

For what possible reason?

Who knows? Convenient way
out of a lousy marriage?
He's not our guy.

You know, this is where I like
to reference the majesty

and the power of the Republic
of the United States of America.

Go ahead. Pull rank.

But that hotel crime
scene was staged

to look like
the Signature's.

And that golfer
just got lucky

that the victim type fits his
wife to a Texas T. Is that it?

If you stop and think,
you'll see it.

Duly noted,
Supervisor Grissom.

Duly noted.

Details of the arrest will be
forthcoming in this live report.

Federal Agent Culpepper is about
to start his news conference.

As we've been reporting,
a suspect has been arrested

in the Strip Strangler case.

We believe that Bradley Mac
Walden not only killed his wife

but also took the lives of
Audrey Hayes and Eileen Snow

and Tracy Berg.

Our field agents have divulged
that Mr. Walden

lived within two miles
of the other victims

worked in the same office
building as Ms. Snow

and has no believable
explanation for his whereabouts

on the dates of their murders.

We believe that
Bradley Mac Walden

found and stalked these
victims, and...

I just talked
with Brass.

He said that Walden
was having an affair

with a dentist
in his office.

I'm telling you, this guy did
not kill those other women.

This statement is concluded.

Las Vegas, its locals

and visitors can rest
a little easier tonight.

A suspect
is in custody.

Thank you.
I'll take some questions.

Mr. Grissom-- Linda Darby,
Las Vegas Tribune.

As the lead CSI on this case

do you have anything to add
to the FBI statement?



So Las Vegas can
breathe easier?

You do have the Strip
Strangler behind bars?

No, we don't.

The FBI did me
a favor being here

and they have
a viable suspect.

He's not viable, Brian.

Then further
will prove that out.

In the meantime

people will feel better
about their daily lives.

Now, why on earth
would you want
to counteract that?

For those who have to ask,
no answer could suffice.

Look, I see we've
come to an impasse.

If further investigation

that Walden didn't kill
those other women

then you can rejoin
the investigation.

Oh, do I get
the weekend off?

For starters.

And a two-week

anywhere but CSI.

You brought this
on yourself.

Now, the next time
you want to play
with my career

maybe you'll
think twice.

You know, it's
not fair, Grissom.

You know more about
signatures than most
of them put together.

That may have been
the problem.

Is there's no one
you can appeal to?

No... I'm off.

Come on, this guy's on the loose
and there's nothing you can do?

It's all Catherine.
She's the boss.

Good luck.


Your door was open.

You okay?

Migraine. It's been awhile.

I get them
about once a year.

I'm not used to having
people in my house.

You just don't like it
when you can't solve a case

or command your troops.

Did you come here to tell me
about your new job?

I told the sheriff I'd pass.

You don't want
to be a supervisor?

Well, if I get a promotion,
I want it to be on merit...

not because you're
politically tone-deaf.

So, our guys are outside
in their Tahoes.

If you're a civilian, we are.

Except we are putting in
for overtime.

We should reexamine
each victim-- all the evidence

pertaining to each one

All right, well,
I got dibs on Eileen Snow.

And I have a strong feeling

I'm going to be the one
to break the case.

Tracy Berg.

I got Audrey Hayes,
but I can tell
you right now

those fibers we found

in the Snow lady's throat

aren't going
to give us anything.

White cotton fibers

are like oxygen--
they're everywhere.

Well, then go back
to your crime scenes

and look for a persistence
of fibers.

"If you can't prove uniqueness,
prove abundance."

Something's better
than nothing.


Hunter F. Baumgartner.

Our ketchup DNA guy.

This guy showed up
on the database.

CODIS updates its database
every couple weeks.

Yeah, well, don't act
like it's so simple.

This guy could have
gone another year
without being picked up.

What did they get him on?

Indecent exposure.

Caught in an alley
behind the Monaco.


Suspended sentence,
released two days ago.

Call Grissom on his cell.

I thought he was off the case.

He is.

Dial. Tell
him to meet me

at this guy's
work address.

You think anything
illegal goes on in here?

Excuse me.



You two look like you made
a wrong turn somewhere.

We're with
the Crime Lab.

Heard you just
copped a plea

for indecent

Sorry. I'm working.


You recognize
any of these women?


Strip Strangler girls.

They are all over TV.

Do you know them?


How do you explain

your DNA on the bedsheets
they were murdered in?

I don't know.

"I don't know"
doesn't get it, pal.

DNA's like fingerprints.

No two samples are alike.

You were
in these women's bedrooms.

Believe me, mister,
the last place

that you will find me
is in a woman's bedroom.

Unless, of course, we're
discussing window treatments.

Hey, and my indecent was
for tricking too close

to the Boulevard.
I don't know

anything about killing women.

That's straight boy stuff.

Any recent trick
offer you money

for something
a little weird?

Say a portable sample

of your DNA?

Only about ten times
this month.

This is Vegas.

Would you be able to recognize
any of these guys?

Well, I'd have to be looking
at them in the face

now, wouldn't I?

I guess we
should have known

if our guy was
planting hairs

he was planting semen.

Yeah. Probably in little
hollowed-out packets of ketchup.

I didn't really find
anything instructive

but Warrick hit pay dirt.

Well, I went
to Audrey Hayes' apartment

and I paid particular attention
to the point of entry.

I found a small persistence
of white cotton fibers.

Could have been
his staging area.

Maybe he...

wears his murder kit.

Well, I remember
what you said
about signature guys

and how they have
low self-esteem--

they're always going
to the gym to work out--

so I'm thinking gym towels.

The "Frequented Locations"
report said

none of the women
belong to a gym

where he could
have spotted them.

I went back to see

if any of them had tried
out introductory offers.

Which I do all the time.

It's a free workout,
and you don't have to sign up.

But you do
have to sign in.

All three women

went to Strong's Gym once

in the last three months.

So, I'm going back there,
grab some towels

bring them back to the lab

see if I can get
a match from the
crime scene fibers.

And, of course, get a list
of the club's male gym members.

Call Brass. Tell him
to meet you guys there.

Let me know.

Will do.


Yeah, I'm looking
at a photograph of the street

in front
of Eileen Snow's apartment.

This security guard said
he saw a guy burn rubber

out of there the night
of Eileen's murder.

I remember that guy.

Yeah, well,
there's no rubber here--

on the pavement or the curb.

A couple of oil spots--
that's about it.

And I called Brass.

Nobody took any photographs
of any tire marks.

Not the Las Vegas PD.

Not the feds.


Little lie, big lie?

The only night shift CSI

I can actually find.

You're tampering
with evidence

of the United States
government there, Mr. Stokes.

I was just looking
for a quiet spot

to call my girlfriend.

Well, tell your girlfriend

she's going to have you
out of a job.

Best thing you could do
for your boss--

protect him from himself.


I got to run, Peanut.

Love you, too. Bye-bye.


If you need any help

in your investigation,
Mr. Grissom...

Syd Goggle.

Mr. Goggle?

Gil Grissom.

Syd Goggle.

I thought you were too busy
with the FBI to talk to me.

These investigations

are always in flux.

Am I, uh, interrupting

your laundry?

Just doing
some gym towels.

You were so meticulous
about so many things.


The gloves.

Planted evidence.

That's why I don't understand
why you'd bring towels

that eventually
could be traced.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Strong's Gym.

That's where
the women told you

to get lost, right?

Stuffing club towels down
their throat make your point?

You know,
the thing with women...

is they work out

because they want us
to look at them.

And then they...

parade around.

And you just want to...

say hello.

Everybody knows

white cotton fibers
aren't like fingerprints.

They can't be traced.

You don't get a... match

on a towel.

In theory.

But the truth is

every object is changed
by its owner.

By his habits.

His... washing machine,
for instance.

His detergent.

The totality

of microscopic

It's Locard's Theory.

Your towel is caught
in the agitator.

Now, see, that's going
to leave distinctive marks

on the fabric, Syd.

And that's just
the beginning.

I've had a look at your garbage.

You were in my apartment.

Now nothing from there's
admissible in court.

Your garbage
is in a public area.

Plain sight.

It's enough for me
to get a warrant.

You all right?


How did you know I was here?

Nick told me.

Everybody okay?

Special Agents,
we got a shooting.

Notify LVPD and
paramedics ASAP.

I just wanted to talk to him.

We can say unequivocally,
based on statements made

by a certain local
law enforcement employee

and corresponding evidence

that the deceased,
Syd Booth Goggle

is the Strip Strangler.

Furthermore, since Goggle
was killed

by a second member
of Las Vegas law enforcement

during his apprehension,
this case is now closed.

I would like to thank the FBI,
along with Special Agent

Rick Culpepper
for his invaluable leadership

in this pursuit.

In short, we couldn't
have done it without you.

I'd like to thank you, Sheriff,
Las Vegas Police.

I'd also like to thank
the citizens of Las Vegas

for their courage.

We at the Federal Bureau
of Investigation

are proud to have served you.

Thank you.

Oh, that's cool.

We don't need props.

At the end of the day,
we know what time it is.

Give me some of that.

Do we have a

breakfast budget, Grissom?

I believe Catherine
was going to requisition one.

Good, cause our
plates are up,
and nobody has

any money.

Right behind you.

You, uh... you got me,
right, War?

Yeah. Picture that.

I never should have put you
in that position, Catherine.

I'm sorry.

What position?

Never doubt
and never look back.

That's how I live my life.

I admire that.

Whole wheat and fruit?

Who ordered that?


How's this
for service?

Very good.

Re... fried beans. Mmm!

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