CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 1, Episode 2 - Cool Change - full transcript

Grissom is now head of the CSI team. After winning a casino jackpot, a man mysteriously commits suicide. Holly Gribbs, the new CSI, had been shot. An old friend of Grissom's comes to Las Vegas.

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( bells dinging )

( handle cranks )

Hey, look.

Oh, $40 million.

Could you imagine?

Never happen.

You got a better chance
of going to the moon.

Oh, give me a $20. Hurry!

I just got a premonition.

You got your own
money. Go play.

But I left my purse in the room.

I'll play.
Wait here.

( sighs )

Is this your slot card?


( handle cranks )

Your little premonition
has cost me $20.

Happy now?


Watch out.

Here come the millions.

( bells ding )

Oh, my God!

( siren bells blaring )

( screaming )

( screaming and laughing )

$40 million.

You'll be having
lobster tonight.

They gave us
the Presidential Suite.

Can you believe it?

Here, Richard Gere,
why don't you let me
help you with that?

( chuckles )

( beeps )

Thank you.

Oh! Look at our view!


Take a hike.

Get lost.

Excuse me?

Come on, Jamie.

I'm a millionaire now.

Now, why would I want
to waste anymore time

with you?

( knocking )

Room service?

All right, the minute

you hear anything
on Holly Gribbs's condition

I want you to page me.

All right? Bye.

...call back
at 4-7-7 Desert Inn Road.

So he pulled a Louganis, huh?

Yeah, 150 feet.

The Gigamillions curse
strikes again.

Past four winners
ended up dead or missing.

What do you think,

It's a conspiracy.


I worked those
four cases.

There was never
any evidence of
foul play.

Was he in town with anybody?

His girlfriend.

She's upstairs
in police custody.

Do you want to talk
to her?

Not yet.

Right now, I want
to talk to him.

How do you talk
to a dead body?

I let him talk

to me, actually.

In fact, he just spoke.

Didn't you hear him?

He just told me
that he didn't
commit suicide.

No. You-you lost me.

This guy fell to his death
wearing prescription eyeglasses.

Jumpers take their glasses off.

( siren blasts )

Suicide is the ultimate form
of selfishness, detective.

It's unlikely that

anyone cowardly enough
to take his own life

would be brave enough
to watch his own death.

You can tell all that
just by looking

at a pair of eyeglasses?

You have no idea.

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¶ Who... are you?

¶ Who, who, who, who?

¶ Who... are you?

¶ Who, who, who, who?

¶ I really wanna know

¶ Who... are you?

¶ Oh-oh-oh
¶ Who...

¶ Come on, tell me who
are you, you, you ¶

¶ Oh, you!



( phone ringing )

( indistinct conversation )

( sighs )

I just got off the phone
with the Sheriff.

He says he wants me
to run the unit.

You're the boss.

I mean, I can't say
I didn't do it to myself.

Where are they going
to place you?

Homicide. Believe that?

( chuckles )

Instead of moving up,
I'm moving back

in a time capsule,
like it's 1979 again.

So, I guess, this might put
you and me at odds.

Cop versus scientist.

Interesting, huh?


You got any advice for me?

Yeah, cover your ass...

and hide.

They're all
yours, pal.

Tragedy struck early
this morning

when an on-duty
Las Vegas criminalist

was brutally gunned down.

It was her first night
on the job.

Victim Holly Gribbs
was investigating

a robbery/homicide
in an apartment

on the corner of M.L.K.
and Warm Springs.

The crime lab now faces
the daunting task

of investigating the shooting
of one of their own.

The wounded C.S.I.
has been taken to Desert Palm

where she is listed
in critical condition.

The suspect is still at large.

In other news...

Weren't you supposed to be
shadowing Holly?

Warrick, man,
what happened?

I left her to hook up
with Grissom

on that toenail case...

and then, I came back here.

You left Holly solo?

It was just supposed
to be

an easy print job.

Look, I feel bad enough, okay?

Here's what we know.

Brass assigned Warrick
to shadow Holly on a robbery.

He left her at the scene.

The suspect returned

and Holly was shot.

The sheriff phoned me
earlier this morning.

Brass has been moved back
to homicide.

Who's going to run the unit?

For now?


I know.

We'll just play it by ear, okay?

All right.

Last night, a jackpot winner
took a swan dive

off the Hotel Monaco
about the time Holly was shot.

I'm going to work the leaper.


Yes, sir.

You work the Holly case.

Wait a minute.

Uh, you-you can't give him
the Holly case.

I mean, all due
respect, Nick.

I want this one.
Nicky is the only one

that didn't have
any personal contact with Holly.

I don't want you on this,

Because you're

emotionally involved.

Yeah. She was going to walk.

I convinced her to stay.

If anyone's to blame here,
it's me, and I want this case.

Fire me.

I'm not firing anybody.

Look. I know we're pulling
a double.

We're on edge
'cause of Holly.

I just want everyone
to stay calm

and to do their jobs
for the next ten hours.

And as of now

we're short of help.

So, I'm bringing in
Sara Sidel to give us a hand.

Sara Sidel?

She's a C.S.I. out
of San Francisco.
Who's that?

She's a friend of mine,
someone I trust.

She's going to handle
our internal investigation

and I want to keep this

I don't want I.A. involved.

Great, that's just what we need,
somebody sniffing around.

Nicky, you can back me up
on the D.B. at the Monaco.

You got it.

That's it.

That's it?

What about me?

You're on leave.

You get some personal time.

I don't want any personal time.

I want to help.

You're the boss now.

You can reinstate me.

Go home, Mark.

Get your story straight
before Sara gets here.

A little late
for the brigade.

What do you think
happened here?

First blush?

Don't move.

Hey, it's okay.
I'm not a cop.

I just...
I just analyze the scene.

( gunshots firing )

( sighs deeply )

This is Holly's gun.

She shot back.

( pager beeps )

( beeping continues )

He's all rigored up.

Now pull it like
a slot machine.

It's been three weeks
since my last jumper.

At least this one
died a millionaire.

( groans )

Geez, these look like
defensive wounds, maybe.

Somebody came after this guy
with something pretty sharp.

You have any idea
what it might be?

Glass, maybe.

We found tiny shards
in the incised wound.

Take a look.

Not just glass--

black glass.

Broken glass.

Blood drops,
leading to...

bloody towels.

No effort to hide.


Defensive wounds.

Champagne bottle.
Black glass.

I missed that.

What do you think, boss?

You're C.S.I. Three, now.

You call it.

What? You want me
to play it blind?

You've read the
woman's statement.

The room is full of
evidentiary clues.

Talk it out.

What does the room say?


Well, according
to the girlfriend's statement

they were on the balcony
when they had a lovers' quarrel.

Come on, Jamie.

I'm a millionaire now.

Now, why would I want to waste

any more time
with you?

( knocking at door )

Room Service.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So what was I
this whole time, huh?

Just someone to bang?


( grunts, glass breaks )


( grunting )

( glass falling )

Crazy broad!

And then what happened?

He took off.

I cut him up pretty good.

He probably went to the lobby
to fetch some first aid.

And he never came back
to the room?


You sure?

The Presidential Suite
at the Hotel Monaco

is a secured room.

They keep a log.

Every time someone enters
with a card key...

Well, if they
keep a record

check it for

Why are you bothering me?

Nicky, what does the log say?

Well, she's right.

The only entry I see here
is when hotel security

checked them in.

Can I go now?

Yes, ma'am.

Her story checks out.

( door shuts )

She doesn't have
any financial motive.

She was his girlfriend,
not his wife.

Any money won by the deceased
goes directly

to the family estate.

Well, if he didn't fall
from his own balcony

where else could
it have happened?

The roof.

Yeah, uh, emergency room,

Patient's name is Holly Gribbs.

( TV playing at low volume )


( beeping )

Warrick here.

Warrick, Judge Cohen.

You bet the wrong team,
you idiot.

I said Packers.

I got the 49ers for five grand.

The spot in 15 minutes.

( clicks )

Okay, I think we're ready
for Operation Norman.

You'll never
get that off.

It's Meyer's
roof dust.

All the hotels
use it now.

It diverts
the sun's rays.

Keeps the utility bills
down in the summer.


How do you know
all this crap?

It's our job
to know stuff.

All right, Nick, standing by
for Operation Norman.

Let him fly.

( thump )

( thump )

( thump )

Yes, yes.

Norman pushed.

( shutter clicking )

Norman jumped.

Norman fell.

Wouldn't you if you were
married to Mrs. Roper?

I don't even have
to turn around.

Sara Sidel.

That's me.

Still tossing
simulation dummies?

There are other ways
to tell, you know?

How? Computer simulation?

No, thank you,
I'm a scientist

I like to see it.

Newton dropped the apple,
I drop dummies.

You're old school.


And this guy
was pushed.

How's the girl?

She's still
in surgery.

She's not doing
very well.

That's too bad.

God, Sara, I have so
many unanswered whys.

There's only one why
that matters now.

Why did Warrick Brown
leave that scene?

What are you,

You owe me
ten grand, buddy.

All I got is four.

So what are you
breathing here for?

Get out there
and get my money.

Hey, look, a girl was shot
on my watch

'cause I was doing you a favor.

Hey, you came to me.

All right, Judge,
I'll get your money

but I need more time.

You got to give me a day.

You got an hour.

Do you know where I can find
Catherine Willows?

She's out in the field.

Let me guess...

Sara Sidel?

I know who I am.

I think you're
a little confused.

If you think you're taking
my case... forget it.

Look, we can stand here
and argue... or...

we can get out there
and find out

who did this
to Holly Gribbs.

Two sharp women
are better than one.


Found at the
crime scene.

Where'd you get
the pager nest?


He won it
on E-Bay.

They're great for tracing

if you can rely on
the suspect's honesty.


Desmond Tutu.

See what I mean?

Don't feel bad.

My last four traces

came back Eminem, so...

Look, you seem to have
everything under control here.

Where can I find Warrick Brown?

Try one of
the casinos

on Blue Diamond Road.

Oh, I'll
page you

with any information.

There's our jumper.

So, you want
to see everything

one minute before
and one minute

after he won the
jackpot, right?


Wait a minute.

Go back.

There! It looks like

she's offering him his
slot redemption card back.

Could I see the person
that was sitting at this machine

right before the victim?


Is there any way
of telling how long

he was sitting there?

11 hours,
13 minutes...

15 seconds.

At three bucks a tug

hell, he could have gone
through ten, 20 thou.

Nick, call the slot host.

Get this guy's name
from the slot card.

I'm going to talk
to this man.

All right.

Here you go.

Holly's weapon's
already loaded.

So, just point at the
gun entry hole there
to do your test fire.

Okay, thanks, Bobby.

Okay, now, in order
to eliminate Holly's gun
as the possible weapon

we start by looking
for imperfections

in the bullet's stria...

Now, that's odd.

What's wrong?

We don't have
an elimination.

We got a match.

( sighs )

Shot her with her own gun.

It's okay, I'm not a cop.

I just...
I just analyze the scene.

Throw the gun down!

All right now,
yank the phone

out of the wall.

I'm taking my
prints with me.

( pager beeping )

( grunts )

( groans )

( screams )

( groaning )

( door slams )

I pulled the slot card
for you.

That's the gentleman,
right over there.

Thank you.


Hold this.

I think I'll play
a little.

( indistinct chatting )

( bells ringing )

Double down,
now, baby.

Oh, yes, a winner.

The winner.

Jacks or better.
Double nine.

You're under arrest.

Oh yeah?

What for?

First-degree murder.


On what grounds?

Roof dust.

Sir, would you please
come with us?

( bells dinging )

( coins falling )

Nicky, my boy,
collect my winnings.

It's a C.S.I. Three

You're up 11 Gs.

Hit or stay?


I want to talk to you.

You were playing $100
on every spot.

You have a system?

I'm counting cards.

Isn't that illegal?

Not if you do the
math in your head.

You play anything else?

I bet sports from time to time.


let me get this straight.

You were assigned by Brass
to shadow a trainee.

A robbery comes up on M.L.K,
and you go for coffee.

An officer
was there.

So, you felt safe
to leave?

Do you know the policies
and procedures

for clearing a scene?


Then, why'd you leave?

I mean,
what was so important

that you had
to rush out of there?

I told you.

I went for coffee.

Was that before
or after you made your bets?



NFL football...

guy like you...

Come on,
you trying to tell me

that you didn't make
a little pit stop?

Look at me.

Did you log on...

tell dispatch where
you were going?

Do you know how many times

I've been left alone
at a crime scene

when I was a rookie?

Yeah, well,
this time is different.

Yeah, why's that?

Holly Gribbs died
on the operating table

20 minutes ago.

( sighs )

Mind if I get a soda?

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

You want one?

Is there anything
in there with alcohol?

Root beer.


( pager beeping )


( beeping continues )

Oh... God.

What are you going to say?

"Hi, I'm a criminalist.
I was in the neighborhood..."

Shh. It's ringing.


Uh, hey.

Hey, who's this?

I just dialed
my own damn beeper.

Uh-uh. It's my beeper now.

I found it.

It ain't your beeper, girl.

It's mine.

I do a lot of business
on that beeper.

What kind of business?

You know--

Slinging a little

Oh, a little

Or maybe a little bling-bling?

So what you know
about some bling-bling?

Well, invite me over
to your crib, baby

and you might find out.

It's on.

Three Aces Motel, room 202.

Three Aces Motel, room 202.

( sighs expectantly )

See you soon.

( phone beeps off )

Did I just do that?

What's a bling-bling?

Got me.

Yeah, I was up on that roof.

I didn't push him off.

I did talk to him, though.

We know.

Hey, what did you drink?

Gin and tonic or amaretto sours?

Amaretto sours.
How'd you know that?

We got a record
of the victim's
room charges.


At 1:27 a.m.

our victim, Ted Salinger,
made a couple of purchases

in the gift shop--

Band-Aids and antiseptic.

At 1:40 a.m.

we tracked a purchase
at the La Promenade--

A $30,000 designer watch.

At 1:45 a.m., you both started
knocking them back

in the hotel bar.



You won my money.


That was my machine.

I put everything I had
in that machine.

So you're a degenerate.

What do you want from me?

Hey, old timer,
come on, sit down.

I'll buy you a drink
for second place.

What are you having?
It's on me.

It's on you? All right.

In that case,
I'll have a, uh...

amaretto sour.

The first hour, you both drank
tit for tat

but by hour two,
Ted started ordering doubles...

And you quit drinking.

Drank decaf coffee instead.

My guess is
that you were

getting him lathered up
for your little elevator ride.

Have a nice life, huh?

I know I will.

( laughing )

And from there,
you went to the roof.

( crying )

I couldn't go through with it.

I'm a born failure.

I failed at my marriage;
I failed at my work.

Then I couldn't even
commit suicide right.

One pull away...
the story of my life.

Mr. Carlton,
we're not detectives.

We're crime scene analysts.

We're trained to ignore
verbal accounts

and rely instead
on the evidence

a scene sets before us.

But I have to be honest
with you, Red...

I believe you.

I do.


here's what we're going to do:

you're going to stay here
until we get back.

If you pushed this guy
off the roof

he will, without a doubt,
have roof dust on his shoes.

If he does

we'll have you arrested
for murder.

But if dust is not present,
then you'll be free to go.

I like this guy.

( cocks gun )

What are you doing here?

Guilt therapy.

Police officers! Open up!

( yelling )

Get down.

Hold him down
on the ground!

Put your hands
behind your back!

Get him down!

( grunts )

Now that's
a bling-bling.

That was you on the phone?


( groans )

Where'd you get that scratch?

For a conviction,
we're going to need
a DNA sample.

Okay, let's sit him down.

Let's get
a saliva sample.

Hey, guys, it's Catherine.

For whoever is listening

we got him.

Repeat. Holly Gribbs' suspect
is in custody.


See you around, Judge.

You don't leave

until I tell you to leave.


What are you going to do,
hold me in contempt?

You're already in contempt
with me.

We're in bed, pal.

I own you.

Nobody owns me.


Let me tell you something.

You ever heard of a wolf
in sheep's clothing?

You and me

we're going to do
business together

whether you like it or not.

Keep your cell
phone charged.

You didn't have to come.

I know. I wanted to.

In case you need me.

I probably do.

But this is something
I'd rather do alone.

15 seconds, you're in,
you're out

we make a DNA match
and it's over, okay?


I'm sorry.

Will the real
Red Skelton please...

stand up?

You're too young to remember
who Red Skelton was.

Hey, Nick at Nite.

You should
check it out.

No dust.


I thought so.

Turns out he's red herring.

There's got to be
something else.

Nice watch.

Look at this.

These look like fibers.

Yeah. You think he was dragged?


Well, I'll go back
to the Presidential suite...

take a swatch of the carpet,
see if we can match the fibers.

Get a hold of the girl
while you're at it.

Why, is she a suspect?

She is now.

All right.

What do you have?

Hey. I thought you
might like to see this.

What the
hell is that?

I found it
after I shaved his head.

Something hard
with a diamond

on the back.

You find that,
I bet you find your killer.

Was this first blow?

First and fatal.

Crushed his skull.

So he was killed,
then he was pushed.

Without a doubt.


No, thanks.
Got my own.

Boss... your DNA
results are back.

Well, according
to my DNA data

the types are 814
quadrillion to one

that your suspect
is our killer.

Pretty good stats! Whoo!

Yeah, considering
there's only

about six billion
people in the world...

Ah, thanks.



( sighs )

She gave me just enough...

just enough to catch him.

Don't move!

Hey, hey, it's okay.

I'm not a cop.

I just...
I just analyze the scene.

This is my first day.

Believe me, I'm-I'm no threat.

Um, look...

phone with your prints on it?

Here, take it.

Okay? Here.

( pager beeps )

But she held on long enough
to give us a clue.

( yells )

( gunshots )

( groaning )

Nice work, Catherine.

Nice swatch, Nick.

Pizza box-sized.

( phone rings )


It's Nick.

I just finished the carpet
swatch comparisons.

Got a match.

I'm starting to get
that feeling, Nicky, my boy.

Yeah, so am I.

Listen, I'll meet you
at the interrogation.

I still got one more thing
I want to check.

Okay. Bye.

Okay, I'm ready
to try this now.

Stand by, house.

Did your security log
record that?

You guys get that?


Well, I'll be damned.

The curse.

Hell, I ain't playing
those machines no more.

It's true.

You win, you die.


Got me with what?

Capital murder.

Oh, are you
kidding me?

I never kid about murder.

What do you think, Nick?

My turn to
play it blind?

Hey, Red,
have a nice life, huh?

( laughing )

I know I will.

( whispers )

What the...?

What the hell's with this thing?

Now, the funny thing is

if Ted didn't come back
to the room

then why were Presidential
carpet fibers

found in the band
of his brand-new watch?

'Cause he did come back.

And you do the smart thing:
after you

throw him over the balcony

you cleaned up the crime scene.

You left blood-soaked towels
in plain sight.

Your alibi?

The blood came
from Ted's forearms.

How am I doing
so far, Nicky?

Yeah, I'm into it.

According to your statement,
you felt slighted

'cause Ted had just won
$40 million and dumped you

within half an hour

giving you motive enough
to kill him

and you exercised
that motive.

Can I ask you a question?


How are you so cool?

You took someone's life.

Don't you care?


Deputy, we're going
to have her


So, could I ask you
a question?


All that stuff
you rattled off.

How'd you know
about all that?

Your boyfriend told me.

( door closes )

I'll see you outside, okay?

They say I have
to let you go.

You violated the
policies and procedures

for clearing a scene.

I read Sara's report.

I know.

I messed up.

And Holly's dead.

I'm sorry, Gil.

I'm sorry, too.

I don't want
to do this.

You got to.

You know where I was?

I think I have a
pretty good idea.

I went to lay a bet.

I didn't even think
I was doing anything wrong.

Never occurred to me.

It never occurred
to me, either.

You know what?

If I let you go

I got to let me go, too.

And Catherine and Brass,
we're all culpable in this.

I don't care
what the book says.

I lost one good person today.

I don't want
to lose another-- here.

I won't let
you down again.

Let's go home.

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