C.O.P.S. (1988–1989): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Case of the Prison Break-In - full transcript

Rock Crusher takes over Graystone prison and threatens to destroy city hall. Bowser must go undercover to stop him.

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C.O.P.S, Central Organization
of Police Specialists.

Fighting crime in a future time.

Protecting Empire City from
Big Boss and his gang of crooks.


It's crime fighting time.

The case of the prison break-in.
C.O.P.S file 24888.

The Big Boss converted an ordinary
prison into his own criminal fortress

by arming it with the most devastating
weapon we've ever encountered.

Rock Crusher was in charge of the
secret takeover of Greystone Prison.

Here's how the caper came down.

Getting caught is
going to be fun this time.

And so the trebs says.

But what'll I do with all these socks?


This is a stick-up.
Give me all your cash.

The bank's about two
blocks from here, funny guy.


This isn't a job.
Hand over the policeman's ball fund.

Rock Crusher?

All right pal, you're under...

Arrest. I know.
I've been through all this before.


Nobody's dumb enough
to Rob the cops precinct.

Crusher wanted to get arrested.

Sounds like Crusher might
be organizing a breakout.

Could be, Bowser.
That's why I've arranged

for you to go to Greystone
Prison under cover.

Don't worry, Bowser. We'll bring that
dog of yours by during visiting hours.

I hope so. I'm gonna miss Blitz.

Get close to Crusher.
Stay with him.

If there's a breakout, he may
lead us straight to the big boss.

So what's the plan, big boss?

Is Crusher gonna stage another breakout?

No, Squeeky. Crusher's
staying in this time.

Oh, yeah. And Crusher
always said he liked prison food.

Well, this has nothing to do
with Crusher's diet, Squeeky.

Crusher's taking over the prison today.

How's he gonna manage that?


This de-controller will put the
prison guards out of commission.

And then Greystone Prison will
become my ultimate criminal fortress.

Come, Scratch.

It's time you paid
Crusher a little business.

Phew! Good thing we're almost done.

Yahoo! Wow!

Oh! No!

You're pretty good at
crushing rocks, fella.

They don't call me
Rock Crusher for nothing.



Say, don't I know
you from somewhere?

The slammer probably.

I've been in and out here more
times than you've had hot meals.

Nah, it's got something
to do with... daw.


You own a dog?

No, um, it's my name, Mad Dog.

I hate dogs.

A lousy pooch sent me to prison once.

His name was Blitz.

I hate dogs, too.

Good. I can trust a
man who hates dogs.

Now weasels are another story.

Hello, scratch. I've
been expecting ya.

Stick with me, Mad Dog.

We're about to throw the
biggest prison party ever.

And you're invited.

All right, Mad Dog, Greasy.
Here's the plan.

You guys distract the guards while
I work my way over to the generator.

[Knocks on the Door]

Coming through, coming through.

Swabbies, watch your feet.

What the... What are you doing there?
- Hey, hey hey!

What are you doing here?
- Settle down!

Yeah, good job, Mad Dog.
I like your style.

Uhm, my mistake, um, it'll be over soon.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Watch this...

Shocking, ain't it?

Now they'll know what it
feels like to be behind bars.



Come on, let's party.


Here's Gretchen.

Hey, wardy.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Hey, take him away.

Wait, what's gonna happen to him?

Sent him to life in prison.


Nice view, huh?
We can control the whole city from here.

How's that, Rock?

We just wait for a special delivery.

And here it comes now.

Let's go!


Mad dog, I'd like you to meet
a real good buddy of mine.

The neutron pulverizer.

Maybe you better not try this, Rock.

The cops will never
let you get away with it.

Those walls were built to keep crooks in,
but they'll keep cops out just as well.

Aha! Never I never did like that statue.

I think it's about time I gave
the commissioner a little call.

Hello, commissioner.

This is Rock Crusher
calling from Greystone Prison.

I think there's something you
ought to see outside your window.

If you don't meet my demands by six
o'clock tonight, I'll destroy City Hall.

Please leave a message out
to the beat and have a nice day.

[Rock Crusher laughs]

And then, I want you to hand over the
city treasury to the big boss, Mayor Davis.

I also want my own TV show.

We'll call it "Crusher's Playhouse".

Hold on a sec, Mayor.

What is it, Mad Dog?

You've been making demands
for over two hours now.

Hey, you don't get a chance
like this every day, you know.

I'll be right back, I want to make
sure the warden's behind bars.

Good idea.

And send over 400 pizzas.

But if I smell one inch of it...

Bulletproof, come in.

Bulletproof, come in.

It's Bowser.

Bulletproof here.
You alright, Bowser?

So far.

Crusher's rigged the main generator
with some sort of de-control device.

The guards are trapped in their observation
booths by an electric force field.

How did they destroy the statue, Bowser?

It's a big gun called a neutron pulverizer.

It can destroy anything
in this city from here.

Ah, uh, uh, uh, you don't worry, Mom.
I promise I'll write soon.

Hi, Mom. Rock Crusher here.

You've got a fine boy.

Now that we've taken over the prison,
you'll have to come and visit sometime.

Uh, you can be sure I will, Mr. Crusher.

Sounds like a sweet lady.
Good thing you got to talk to her,

'cause I'm gonna
have to wreck this now.

Never know when a fellow inmate
may go bad and radio the cops.


We have to act fast.

I say we just go in like gangbusters
and turn that pulverizer into junk.

The pulverizer isn't the
only problem, Sergeant.

The safety of the
prison staff is at stake.

If only there were some way of
getting inside. I could fix that Generator.

And I could disarm that pulverizer.

We'll break into the prison the
same way prisoners break out.

Mainframe, you and Long Arm
will break in through the

ventilation system and make
your way to the control room.

Hey, let me guess. Barricade and
I get to sneak in with the laundry?

Correct. Now let's move.

What is it, Greasy?

Looks like a laundry truck.

Wait! It's gone!

What do you mean it's gone?

Ah, ah, never mind. An optical
illusion. Ha! That's what it was.

Come on, come on.
I got other deliveries to make.

Think we ought to let him in?

Ah, yeah, I think we ought to.

We're in. That was easy.

Power Cuffs?

Take it away, Sergeant!

No phone calls? Pity.

It's time to blow
up City Hall, Greasy.

My pleasure, Rock.

You trust me, don't you, Rock?

You're the only real pal I
got, Mad Dog. Besides Greasy.

I heard Greasy talking to a couple of cons
this morning about taking over for himself.

Why that lousy rat?

You better teach me how to operate the
pulverizer before Greasy tries something.

Good idea, Mad Dog.
You're my right-hand man from now on.

Huh? You two breaking out?

No, we're looking for a leak in the pipes.

Well, I'm getting out
of here.

It used to be a nice place
until those maniacs took over.

I'm gonna see if I can
get in from another quiz.

I can get in a pretty good
shot at the pulverizer from here.

Hey, bulletproof. This is Mace.
We're in position.

Repeat, cop seen in position.

Okay. When I give the
signal, take out the pulverizer.

You got it, bulletproof.


In case you haven't figured
it out, you're under arrest.

Bulletproof, this is mainframe.
We've taken the control room.

Mason, Barricade are in position.
When I give the signal, release the guard.

Got you, sir.

Greasy, I want you to let Mad
Dog operate the pulverizer.

Aw, what for, Rock? I know what I'm doing.

You heard the man, Greasy.
Get a move on.

Bowser, you meathead.

What is it, Mace?

Bowser's in front of the

There's no way I can put it
out of action without hurting him.

Wow, but Rock, you said
I could blow up City Hall.

Wait, listen.
What's that sound?


That's the lousy pooch that busted me.

Mad Dog? I remember
you. You're a cop.

Let go, Blitz. I hate dogs.

All right, team.
It's crime fighting time.

My little anti-heat controller
spray ought to do the trick.

Hey, we've been saved!
- Yeah!

There's nothing I can do.

Bowser's on his own, but it looks
like those guards could use my help.

Oh, no!

Okay, you got me.
Don't bite. No!


Freeze! We're cops.
You're all under arrest.

We did it!
- [Cheering]

Thanks, Blitz, old boy.

It's a good thing Blitz
came along after all.

He broke into the prison
the way cons break out, too.

By tunneling.

That's because Blitz
thinks like we do.

He's part of the team.

Now, there's only one thing I
liked about all this break-in business.

It wasn't any hassle
putting Crusher in prison.

He was already there.

Oh, no...
Not you guys.

You're breaking out?

No, breaking in.

I've been crawling around in here for
a week, and I still can't find the way out.

Maybe we should go back, Rock.

Shut up and keep moving.

Don't forget who's in charge here.

The neutron pulverizer was dismantled,
and Greystone prison returned to normal.

Rock Crusher made another escape
attempt, but wound up back in his cell

after being lost in the
ventilation system for two weeks.

C.O.P.S file 24888, the
case of the prison break-in.

Case closed.