CHiPs (1977–1983): Season 6, Episode 11 - Day of the Robot - full transcript

A robot is visiting the CHP to show that it could be helpful to their work and so far it does but for some reason every time he goes near something electrical it shorts out. Ponch is dealing with a couple of girls who go around on bikes and pursuing anyone who is speeding. He suspects that one of them has a personal reason for what she is doing.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

MERV: I am a Maximum
Efficiency Robotization Vector.

But you can call me Merv.


We're the Freeway Angels.

And we're making a citizen's
arrest on you, Chester.

Citizen's arrest?

- You messed with a Scorpio, lady!

Are you telling me that there's
a break in Merv's energy pellet?

- Yeah.
- He's a walking time-bomb.




15MARY-6 and 7, LA.

Citizens's report of a reckless driver
northbound 405 from Reseda Boulevard.

Vehicle reportedly in excess of 90 miles
per hour and using all lanes of traffic.





Come on, baby.




LA-15-MARY-6 and 7.

We have a major
accident on the access road

leading to the Ventura Freeway
between Harper and Whitlock.

Send on three ambulances,
two tow trucks and one fire engine.

10-4, MARY-6 and 7.

All right, don't try to
move. Just keep still.

An ambulance will be
here any minute. All right?


I guess I would've been better
off paying a speeding ticket.

- You got that right.
- Yeah.


Merv? Where's Merv?


I don't know where...

- PONCH: What's wrong?
- Uh, I can't find Merv.

He was in the back of
the van, but now he's gone.

MERV: Over here, Dr. Rutledge.

PONCH: What's that over there?

Oh, well, that's Merv.

Merv? Oh, Merv.

- You need an ambulance over here?
- No, an erector set. Take a look.

- What is that thing?
- MERV: I am not a thing.

I am a Maximum Efficiency
Robotization Vector, Series One.

But you can call me Merv.

Merv, are you all right?

A laser scan shows no
damage to my memory banks,

sensor paths or
integrated circuits.

Binary systems off .03
due to horizontal position.

Uh, Tom. Tom, give me a hand
here, please. Let's get him upright.

Easy. Easy.

Easy. Easy. There we go.

Now, is that better, Merv?

Binary systems now
functioning at capacity.

Good. Good.

I'm, uh, Dr. Rutledge with
the Space-Ten Industries.

Uh, we're just on our way
to deliver Merv to the, uh...

California Highway Patrol.

- California Highway Patrol?
- MERV: Central area.

- NELSON: That's us.
- Well, congratulations.

Merv is on loan-out
to various institutions

to demonstrate his time and
money saving capabilities.

We think that you'll find that
with Merv, you'll be able to cut your

costs and manpower
by as much as 50%.

Of course, there'll always be
a need for motorcycle officers.

Well, uh, if it's all right with you,
we're late for a meeting with, uh,

Sergeant Getraer.

We know him well.

Well, let's get back
on board, Merv.

Can you beat that?
Cut manpower by 50%.

Right, you heard him, what does
a robot know about motorcycles?

MERV: The first internal combustion engine
motorized bicycle was built in 1 88 5.

It had a single cylinder 264cc
4-stroke engine at 7 00 RPM.

Have a good day.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Come on, man.

Hurry. Come on, move it!

Come on. Move it.

- Hey! Hey! Get back here.




Hey, you girls
looking for some fun?

We got business to
take care of, remember?

Ah, we'll take care
of it, Blue, don't worry.

Hey, what do you say, huh?


Why don't you pull
over? We'll talk about it.

All right!


My name's Chester.
That's my buddy, Blue.

- I'm Emily.
- Hey.


We're the Freeway Angels.

And we're making a citizen's
arrest on you, Chester.

Citizen's arrest? You crazy?

No, we're not crazy,
and we're not blind either.

We saw you run that stop sign back
there. You could have killed somebody.


And you two chicks
are gonna arrest me?

That's right.

And what's to keep me from just
getting into my van and driving off?

For one, those two
officers over there.

We always radio the CHP
before pulling anyone over.

First, a know-it-all robot,
and now the Freeway Angels.

I got a feeling it's
going to be a long day.

Look at it this way, partner.

Another 20 years you'll
be eligible for retirement.


- What's the problem?
- I was just driving along...

Right! All right!

One at a time, please.
Would you turn that radio off?

Yeah, sure.


All right, you wait here.

All right, what happened?

- This man ran a stop sign.
- There was no stop sign there.

SYLVIA: He came this
close to hitting another car.

No way! You don't know
what you're talking about.

- You're lying, man.
- All right, enough. Cool it, okay?

Emily, I know you and your Angels
are just trying to give us a hand,

but I explained it to you,
we can't issue a ticket

for something we didn't
see with our own eyes.

What you're saying
is, unless the streets

are littered with bodies and
fenders, you're not interested.

What we're saying is, we have an
entire army of highway patrolmen,

we don't need a bunch of untrained
amateurs getting in our way.

I've got some news
for you, General Nelson,

your army is losing the war.

If it's all right with you
guys, we'll be on our way.

Let's book.

Hold it.

Step back here, please.

What's wrong?

I noticed your registration's
expired, and look at these taillights.

They're both broken.

Step over here. Let me
see your driver's license.

Take it out of the wallet.

Ponch, I've got a feeling

there's something in this
van we should know about.

Yeah? What makes you think that?

His buddy's acting,
kind of, hinky.

Like he'd give a million bucks
to be someplace else but here.

Yeah, he's jumpy
about something.

But if you're thinking about
searching the van, forget it.

- Ponch...
- Stopping somebody for a traffic ticket

doesn't give you probable
cause for a search.

But I've got this feeling.

Bobby, the court doesn't accept
your feelings as admissible evidence.

Of course, if the owner gives
you permission to look inside,

that's another story.

Well, what do you say?
You giving us permission?

No way, man.

That's the law, pal.

MERV: I have been asked to
examine the following subject.

Subject is 5' 7".

Density scan, equivalent of
135 pounds, and muscular.

Fair skin, blond
hair, blue eyes.

Shifty look.

Must run in the family.

Criminal type, no
question about it.

Place your hand on
my video grid. Palm flat.

- What?
- My video grid. Palm flat.

According, to the fingerprints on file,
subject is Bruce Penway Nelson. Age 23.

Currently a cadet at
the CHP Academy,

temporarily assigned to Central
for advanced field training.

No criminal record, outstanding
warrants, or behavioral problems,

except for an isolated
incident in high school...

That's enough, Merv.

Involving a young lady
by the name of Samantha.

BRUCE: Merv.

MERV: And a white mouse,
the subject placed in her locker.

I was just trying
to get her attention.

You may remove your palm.

- (SIGHS) Thanks a lot, pal.
- Don't mention it.

That's just a small example
of Merv's many talents.

As you get to know him better
and, we hope, to love him,

we're sure that you'll learn to appreciate
his many abilities to sort through

billions of visual points, to
analyze thousands of voices,

and to solve an unlimited
number of problems.

- What happens if he has to change a tire?
- Or when his batteries run dry?

I do not run on batteries.

I utilize a new breed
electromagnetic isotope-six pellet

which puts out enough energy
to light, heat and air-condition

a 40-story office
building for an entire year.

That's a lot of power.

Oh, uh, Merv is
state-of-the-art in micro power.

But he is just as safe as
your average pocket calculator.

That's amazing.


Where's he going?


- Why is he looking at me like that?
- I think he likes you.


- FEMALE OFFICER: Blow him a kiss.
- MALE OFFICER: What is he really doing?



Take a memo to Sergeant Getraer.

Joe, as per your request,

I checked out complaints of
illegal parking along Palm Gate

and found none of the vehicles
in violation of current restrictions.

Sign it, Officer
Arthur Lee Grossman.

Oh, P.S.

What are the chances
of my borrowing two days

against accumulated
vacation time?

MERV: Sorry. According to the records,
you have no accumulated vacation time.

Just deliver the memo, Merv.

Officer Grossman, your
bike is ready to roll again.

- What was wrong with it, Harlan?
- Why don't you ask your friend there!

Great! Just walk all over me.

- What's wrong with Harlan?
- He's jealous about you-know-who.

Hey, Webster, anything on
those recent stereo thefts?

Nope. Not yet. But Sarge says
he wants us to keep our eyes open

for gypsy stereo dealers,
offering big discounts.

MERV: Officers
Poncherello and Nelson,

you are to report immediately
to Sergeant Getraer.

How does he do that?

My memory banks are instantly
activated by voice recognition analysis.

You had to ask, huh?

- Hey, Merv?
- Yes.

Uh, you help everyone else out,

how about giving me a little hand
with this Academy homework?

"Homework." An
assignment given to a student

to be completed by the student.

Thanks a lot, pal.



You don't have to
get mad about it.

"Freeway Angels appeal
to law-abiding citizens."

"Freeway Angels declare
war against traffic violators."

"Freeway Angels
demand recognition."

"Freeway Angels challenge
the California Highway Patrol."

You guys have any idea what
we're gonna do about this?

- Why don't we just close them down.
- How?

It's not as if they're running
some illegal operation.

They're not exactly trying to
help little kids cross the street,

they're out there
trying to arrest people.

And that's what
worries me, Sarge.

One day they're gonna try to arrest
some hothead, and end up getting hurt.

Now that's what
worries the Captain.

And when the Captain
worries, I lose sleep.

And when I lose sleep...

- We have nightmares.
- We have nightmares.

Exactly. I'm glad we
understand one another.

Now, uh, why don't you two go out there
and keep me from losing my sleep, hmm?


Home of the Freeway Angels.

Why don't we just
forget them, Chester?

Yeah. Maybe I should just
forget about these, too, huh?

- Well, aren't you?
- Yeah.

But not them chicks.

My sign's the scorpion, Blue.

And when you mess with
a scorpion, you get stung.


You better put your
stinger away for now.

No sweat. We got plenty of time.


Let's do some business.

Over there.

I'm going next door for a
sandwich. Can I get you anything?

- No, thanks.
- Okay.

I think I just lost my appetite.


I know, I know. You've
got the building surrounded.

You want us to come
out with our hands up.

- You've been seeing too many old movies.
- We just want to talk to you.

If it's about stopping
our patrols, forget it.

What do you girls think
you're accomplishing?


"We girls," Officer Nelson?

"We girls" want to show people

that we're concerned about
what happens out there.

They're our streets, you know,

we don't want to see
them turn into battlefields.

Have you any idea how
many men, women and children

are killed or crippled every year
because of irresponsible drivers?

Any idea? That's our
business, remember?

It's our business, too.

And if just one driver slows down,
because of the Freeway Angels,

we've accomplished something.

I can't argue with that, Emily. And
I'm in favor of neighborhood watches.

- Then what are we doing wrong?
- It's not the same.

Neighborhood watches
keep their eyes open,

and if they see something,
they notify the police.

We always call the
CHP. You know that.

Yeah, but then you move in
on your own. That's dangerous.

It's not like we're dealing
with hardened criminals.

When you pull someone over, how
do you know who you're dealing with?

Emily, we just don't want you
and your ladies getting hurt.

Is that so hard to understand?

- No.
- Then give it up.

I can't, Ponch.

I have my reasons.
I just can't. Okay?

Harlan, this bike's got a
pinging you can dance to.

No problem, I'll
just take a look at it.

The carburetor is running
lean, we have to richen it up.

That's amazing.

- Well, I'll just, uh...

MERV: Poncherello, if you would adjust
the idle bleed screw one turn and a half,

- the problem will be corrected.
- All right.


- He's right, the pinging stopped.
- I don't believe it.

- Sure.

What else does he
have to do all day, huh?

Fill out a dozen
repair forms, like me?

Beg the department for more
money, to buy better tools, like me?

Listen to all your
complaints, like me? Hmm?

I'll tell you what, the next time you need
an extra player for your softball team,

you get him, not me.

Wouldn't work, Harlan,
uniform's not big enough.

Uh, I think it's time
to check out of here.

Harlan, I'll come
back for the bike.

Yeah, that's a good
idea! And while you're at it,

take this fugitive from
Star Wars with you.

I am not a fugitive, I am
a Maximum Efficiency...

I know what you are!

Let's go, Merv.


Danger, danger, danger.






Emily Daniels, born May 20th,
1960 to Louis and Yolanda Daniels.

Both living in Los Angeles.

What about brothers, sisters?

Two brothers and one
sister, all still living at home.

Three brothers and one sister.

Merv, it says it right there.

Your antiquated terminal
receives only limited information.

My advanced X3E terminal has the ability
to tap into nationwide computer banks.

Merv, just tell us
about the third brother.

You didn't ask about
the third brother.

We're asking you now.

Very well then. The third
brother, Jeffrey Daniels,

was born August 5th,
19 7 2, in New York City,

and died November 3rd, 19 7 9.

Died? How?

As the result of injuries

suffered in a hit-and-run
accident here in Los Angeles.

Is there anything else
you would like to know?

- Uh, no, Merv, thank you. See you later.
- You will not see me later.

We won't?

I have completed
my duty with the CHP,

and soon will be delivered
to another institution.

- Who's the lucky one this time?
- The Parkway Children's Hospital.

- Au revoir.

He speaks French, too.

I speak 36 different
languages and dialects.

Sure. Sorry, Merv.



Harlan, you ever figure out what
happened to your electronic equipment?

I've got an idea, Ponch. Now
I'm just waiting for some proof.

There, that ought to do it.


Who's your friend, Grossie?

GROSSMAN: Come on out!

Maybe if you
turned off the music?

Music? You call that music?

(BANGING ON DOOR) Come on out!

- Come on!

This is Chad. I ticketed him for
failure to yield to an emergency vehicle.

- I didn't hear the siren.
- I can't imagine why.

Anyway, when he
opened his door to get out,

I noticed this stereo
equipment on the front seat.

The serial numbers
match the merchandise

that was stolen from
the electronic outlet.

I didn't know this stuff was
stolen when I bought it. Honest.

Where did you buy it?

You know that gas station on
the corner of Wilcox and Yucca?

- Yeah.
- These two guys were just parked there.

They had the equipment
right in the back of their van.

That's why I didn't
think it could be hot.

- You know their names?
- No.

How long ago was this?

About a half an hour ago. But I
don't think they're there anymore.

- Why not?
- They were just packing up.

Any idea where they were going?

One of them said he
had a date with an angel.

- An angel?
- CHAD: That's what he said.

- Do you remember what he looks like?
- About my height. Brown hair.

- Did he have a tattoo on his left arm?
- Yeah.

- A scorpion?
- Could have been.

Chester Durham. The man who
wouldn't let us look into his van.

And I've got a pretty good
idea who the angel is. Come on.

Do you need
anything before I go?

No, go ahead. I'll catch up as soon as I
get someone to relieve me on the radio.

- Okay.
- Bye.

- We'll go around the back.
- Chester...

We're just gonna have a
little fun with her. That's all.



Stop. Stop it.




EMILY: Stop!


Stop. Stop!

No, don't...

- You messed with a Scorpio, lady!

BLUE: Let's get out of
here. Come on, let's go.


- You okay?
- Sure, I'm fine.



- You had to get even, didn't you?
- You shut up!

- You better get us out of this, man.
- Just turn down that music.


BLUE: Damn. I can't get out! CHESTER:
It's open. Come on, get out now.

We were just having some fun.
We didn't mean to cause any trouble.

Trouble, Chester? You don't
know the meaning of the word.

But we're going
to see you find out.

You two wait for L.A.P.D.
I'm gonna go talk to Emily.


Emily, I did some checking.

- I think I know why you're doing this.
- Do you?

- It's because of your brother, isn't it?
- Yes.

But if you think this is going
to make me quit, you're wrong.

- What is it you want? Revenge?
- You bet!

He was only seven, Ponch,

and that punk who hit
him didn't even stop!

If somebody hadn't
gotten his license number...

Yeah, but someone
did, and he was caught.

And now he's out driving
on the streets again, and my...

My brother is still dead.

What you're doing, Emily,
is not gonna bring him back.

Maybe not.

But every time I pull somebody
over, who might hurt someone,

I feel a little better inside.

And if that's what
revenge does, Ponch,

it's what I want,

just to feel a
little better inside.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

I've got to clean this place up.

I'll give you a hand.

Here we go, Harlan.

Everything you wanted to
know about electrical energy,

but were too afraid to ask.

You didn't tell anyone you were
getting these for me, did you?

No, but I felt pretty stupid

about sneaking books away
from the Police Academy.

That's okay. Cadets are
supposed to feel stupid.

Harlan, do you mind
telling me what's going on?

When I'm ready, my boy.
When I'm good and ready.

Harlan, you sure
you're feeling all right?

I feel fine.

Ever since Merv arrived,
you kind of act a little strange.

- Maybe you should see a doctor.
- I don't need to see a doctor!

What I need is time to find out
why my oscilloscope blew up.

Anything else I can do for you?

Yes. As a matter of fact,
there is something you can do.

You can tell your girlfriends
to stop calling you on my line.

- Who? Me?
- You.

These came for you
while you were out.

- Only four?
- I took the phone off the hook.

- Is that why Louise couldn't reach you?
- Louise?

A gorgeous girl. She's
crazy about mechanics.

And when I told her all
about you, she went wild.

Too bad.


Dr. Weiner to administration.

Dr. Weiner to
administration, please.

Dr. Hotchkiss,
turn off your beeper.

Dr. Hotchkiss, please
turn off your beeper.

- This way, Merv.
- Yes, Dr. Mitchell.

You're gonna brighten
the children's day.

They've been
looking forward to this.

MERV: No trouble, Dr. Mitchell.

I will do my best.



We'll visit this
ward first, Merv.



Looks like he's drunk.

We'd better stop him
before he kills somebody.

Sylvia to base... Notify CHP.

We have a drunk driver
traveling southbound

on 101 approaching
Gower Street exit.

DISPATCHER: 10-4-Angels,
we have a unit responding.

- DISPATCHER: 15MARY-6 and 7,

Freeway Angels in
pursuit of a suspected 502.

California license,

in the vicinity of the Gower Street exit
on the southbound Hollywood Freeway.

LA-15-MARY-6 and 7, 10-4.

PONCH: Here we go again.


Having problems?

Why don't you pull over.
Maybe we can help you.

Had one too many, huh?

What do you mean?

SYLVIA: Don't you know,
drinking and driving don't mix?


We're the Freeway Angels,

and unless you can walk a straight line,
mister, we're making a citizen's arrest.

A straight line?


- LA-15MARY-7. Call an ambulance...
- He's drunk.

To the southbound 101.
South of Melrose, man down.

He's in shock! See this
medical alert tag? He's a diabetic!

Oh, my gosh.

The ambulance is on its way.

We didn't know.

That's just it, Emily. In
this job you have to know.

One day you're gonna kill
someone. Is that what you want?


Hey, Sarge, I figured it out!

Figured what out?

What happened to my electronic
equipment and the computer console.

- Maybe they got hold of some bad currents.

Maybe you'll stop making jokes
when you find out who's to blame. Merv!

Oh, come on, Harlan, just
because he's an inch taller than you.

He is not.

Besides, that has nothing
to do with it. But this does.

- Yeah? That's good. What is it?
- I thought you'd ask.

This is an energy pellet, similar
to the one that's inside Merv.

- Where'd you get it?
- Well, I called Dr. Rutledge,

at Space-Tech Industries,

but, of course, he's too busy
to talk to a lowly CHP mechanic,

so I called a friend of mine who's a
Chief Engineer for the government

who called an associate of his who just
happens to be Dr. Rutledge's superior.

All right. All right, you
got the pellet, but why?

So I can prove my
suspicions about Merv.

All right, to make it easier
for you guys to understand,

I'm gonna take this hammer
and break open this pellet...

- Are you crazy?
- Relax!

The isotope-six in this pellet
is one-fiftieth of what's in Merv.

Now, here goes.

- Okay.

With the lead pellet open,
the isotope-six is exposed.

Are you gentlemen following me?

Will you come on, Harlan?

All right, now I'm gonna
put on this lead glove

I borrowed from the
X-ray lab down the street.

Now, lead is the only substance
that isotope-six won't penetrate.

Now, watch what happens when I move
this pellet close to the voltage meter.


Harlan, are you telling me that
there's a break in Merv's energy pellet?


And from the evidence, it's
getting bigger every minute.

He's a walking time-bomb.

- Where's Merv now?
- Parkway Children's Hospital.


GETRAER: MARY-6 and 7-S-3.
Respond to Parkway Children's Hospital.

We have reason to believe Merv's
power source may explode at any moment.

Use extreme caution.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Station-10, roll all
units to the Parkway Children's Hospital.

Backup the CHP on a possible
explosion from a power source of a robot.

- Use caution. Treat it as a bomb threat.


- I've got the Munch Monster this time.
- MERV: That is what you think.

Oh, darn, he scrunched away.

Dr. Mitchell, my laser
scanner shows a hot spot

in the patient's
right lower quadrant,

indicating an inflamed colon,
and not an acute appendicitis.

And the treatment, Merv?

1 gram of penicillin, IV
push, every six hours.

- Take that, Munch Monster, and that.
- MERV: Oh, dear.

I obliterated the monster,
Merv! I won! I won!

Yes, so you did.


- Goodbye, Suzy.
- Bye, Merv.

Oh, Merv, did you get
Suzy's temperature?

Of course. 9.94 degrees.


Negative .994 degrees.

994 degrees?

Merv, don't you
mean 99.4 degrees?

- (VOICE BREAKING) That is what I said.
- No, you said...

- Merv, are you all right?

Is there something wrong, Merv?




Okay, now, follow
me. Stay close.

Please, help me get
the children out of here!

All right.

Come on.

I got you. Here we go.


- Give us a hand!
- All right. Bruce, get that kid.

No, don't move her.
She has a back injury!

- All right.
- Come on.

No. Get out of here.
We'll take care of her.

Come on, go, come on!


All right, sweetheart,
just take it easy.

Come on, put your arms
around me. Good girl. Come on.

Hang on tight.


- We've gotta disconnect that pellet!
- You'll never be able to get that close.

Wait a second, Harlan said
isotope-six can't penetrate lead.

- The X-ray lab's down the hall.
- Be right back.

Rutledge said there were
six wires connecting the pellet.

Each wire has to be removed
separately and counter-clockwise.

- If any one wire touches another...
- Don't tell me.

Merv, gimme a laser
scan of your condition.

MERV: A laser scan shows progressive
deterioration of my energy source

which will result in an
explosion equaling 2 tons of TNT.

- How long, Merv?
- 60 seconds and counting.



All right, let's do it.

- MERV: 45 seconds and counting.
- Hang on to him.

Come on, buddy, you
can do it! Come on!


MERV: 30 seconds and counting.






- MERV: 15 seconds and counting.

- NELSON: Ten,
nine, - (CUTS WIRE)

eight, seven,

- six. Come on, come on!

MERV: Five, four, three,

- two, one, - (CUTS WIRE)

- zero... (POWERING DOWN)


Good job.

Thanks, Sarge, we couldn't
have done it without you.

Well, Frank, you're right.

Another day, another dollar.

you got a raise.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I decided to come
by and tell you

that we're converting the Angels
into a neighborhood watch group.

After that last incident,

well, I decided to leave
it to the professionals.

That's good to hear, Emily.

But I am gonna still
work for traffic safety.

I told her that CHP is always
looking for good officers.

I'm enrolling, Ponch. We may
really be on the same side someday.

I'd like that.

A fellow cadet?

Anytime you need help with your
homework, you know where to come.

That's nice.

- Merv!
- Oh, no.

Fully repaired,

and equipped with a safety device
in case things start to go wrong.

What's he doing here?

He did such a good job, the department
decided to test him out for another week.

All right, gentlemen,
let's get back to work.

MERV: I am not a gentleman.

I am a Maximum Efficiency
Robotization Vector, Series One.

But you can call me Merv!



English -SDH