Burn Notice (2007–2013): Season 7, Episode 9 - Bitter Pill - full transcript

Surprisingly, James's first job for team Westin is to see to security at a Miami peace conference for the Middle east, notably guarding Libyan pacifist statesman Dr. Omar Hamed, but hands the lead to a long-trusted network member, Ben Snyder. Terrorists manage to poison Hamad, but the team works out the key man is drug baron Khalid Maziq, who is worked-over whatever it takes. Back in Miami, James has Maddie tailed and visits her at home, making clearing even Charlie isn't safe for him. Snyder proves equally ruthless and cowardly, with grim results, mostly on his own side.

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Michael: My name
is Michael Westen.

I used to be
a spy until...

[Phone rings]
We got a burn notice on you.

You're blacklisted.

When you're burned,
you've got nothing.

No cash, no credit,
no job history.

You're stuck in whatever city
they decide to dump you in.

- Where am I?
- Miami.

You do whatever work
comes your way.

You rely on anyone
who's still talking to you...


A trigger-happy girlfriend...

Should we shoot them?

An old friend who used
to inform on you to the FBI...

You know spies--
bunch of bitchy little girls.

Family too...
[Phone rings]

- Hey, is that your mom again?
- If you're desperate.

Someone needs your help,

And a down-and-out spy
you met along the way.

That's how we do it,

Bottom line,
as long as you're burned,

you're not going anywhere.

Strong: Michael Westen,
welcome back to the CIA.

Your mission
is a deep-cover job

going after the leader
of a terrorist network.

I am the man
you've been waiting to meet.

This is where we learn if you
are the man you say you are.

Michael: I've done everything
you've asked of me.

That should count
for something.

I'll tell you
whatever you want to know.

Yes, you will.
Shall we begin?

[Alarm blaring]

When were you recruited by
the Central Intelligence Agency?

[Overlapping questions]
Who was your training officer?

[Alarm blaring]

Your career is marked
with an extraordinary degree

of loyalty.

Old loyalties die hard,

and I need to know
that you've left yours behind.

- You won't pull that trigger.
- Why?

Because I'm here,
and I have nothing to hide.

A man who has no secrets

can trust himself.

I'm glad
you're that kind of man.

I'm James.


Where is James Kendrick?

That's his last name?

Do you want to know
why I've been rotting

in a mental institution
for the past 15 years?

Because that bastard
put me there.

This new asset
is a Delta too.

Peter Millard.

He was
in James's Special Forces unit,

disappeared the same time
James did.

I loved that man,
and he led me straight to Hell.

Michael: Working a long-term
undercover job is about learning

to live with uncertainty--

the uncertainty that comes
with chasing

something you can never see.

You're often going
after a target you know

little or nothing about.

Sam: I see that look
in your eye.

This James guy,
he's getting to you.

- They all are.
- I know.

You don't know their plans.

You don't know
where they'll be.

You don't know
what they know about you.

Tell me, do you know
how far James is willing to go?

- I think I'm starting to.
- I doubt it.

After a while,
that uncertainty

begins to gnaw at you.

It affects you, no matter
how well-trained you are.

Michael: What did he do?
Peter: He killed them all.

The whole unit.

Slit their throats
while they were sleeping.

The real battle becomes
the one within yourself,

to keep your doubts at bay.

You think you can stop him?

No one can stop him.

So that when the day comes

to take your target down...

You're ready.

[Knocking at door]

Can I help you?

James has asked
that you come with us.

What's this about?

We're not at liberty
to discuss that, sir.

We'll need your gun
and your phone.


Head in through those doors.

Keep walking.

Hey, Mike.

Want to tell us
what the hell is happening?

I don't know, Sam.

I was with your mother
and Charlie

when they dragged me off.

They took away
your phone and gun too?

Yeah, they did.

Okay, I'm just gonna say
what we're all thinking.

What if James didn't bring us
here to talk?

Maybe it's time to start
game-planning a way out of here.

If I could get my hands
on one of those...

We are outnumbered
three to one.

Besides, if this
was an execution,

we'd be dead already.

So we're just supposed
to trust this guy?

You're supposed
to trust me, Sam.

Midas is moving.

All units,
Midas is moving.

All exits secure.

James, what the hell
is going on?

You ask us here
without a moment's notice,

no communication,
no warning.

I needed
to talk to you.

I apologize if my arrangements
caused you any anxiety.

Security precautions.
Couldn't be helped.

You could have just told us
where to meet you.

Well, a man in my position
doesn't last very long

by announcing where he's going
in advance.

I understand that,

but what were we
supposed to think?

I'm not concerned
with what you think.

I'm concerned with what you do,
and you all did fine.

So this was a test?

We may not have worked
together that long,

but you should know by now
everything's a test, Michael.

Now, lady, gentlemen,
we have a lot to discuss.

Bitter Pill

I want to thank you
for bearing with me on this.

Normally I like to do
this sort of thing

in a more civilized fashion.

We needed a team in Miami
in a hurry.

- You're it.
- James, what is this about?

Is it a job?

Michael, waiting tables
is a job.

Digging ditches,
that is a job.

This is more than a job.

A man is gonna be assassinated
in the next 24 hours,

and I want to make sure
that that doesn't happen.

That's the man
you'll be protecting.

His name is Omar Hamed.

He's one of the lead reformers
in the Middle East.

He is the lead reformer.

He ran the Tripoli Peace Accords
last year, among other things.

Now this Hamed,
is he one of yours?

Has no idea we exist,

but if he dies,
there will be a war.

And let's just say that a war

would affect our interests.

This is Ben Snyder,
one of my most senior men.

He'll be running this Op.

These men are with a Libyan
radical group with local ties.

Last week, they got a shipment
of MP5s, an SUV,

and orders to kill Hamed

at the economic development
conference downtown.

Does he know
he's being targeted?

Unfortunately no,

and we can't risk compromising
our sources on this.

So what's your plan
to protect him?


I've arranged
with the company

handling security
for the conference,

and Westen and Axe
are gonna be

on Hamed's
security detail.

Glenanne and Porter

will work with me
on the perimeter

starting tomorrow
at 9:00 a.m.

Ben is
our Middle East expert,

and this is
his first field Op.

Now there's no reason
to be nervous, Ben.

You up for this?
Yeah, I'm fine.

Then let's get started.

Now that is assuming
that you're all in.

Yeah, we're in.

I don't know who these men are
you're working with,

but Charlie was in the house

when they came
to take Fiona away.

- I know, Mom. I'm sorry.
- There's a worse part.

Do you want to hear
the worst part?

We weren't even
supposed to be here.

I was supposed to be at a
meeting at Charlie's preschool.

A meeting that, by the way,
happened to get cancelled.

The people you work for
arranged to have

my meeting cancelled,
so I'd be home

and then Fiona would come over
and visit like she usually does

on Thursdays and they could come
and pick her up right here!

What kind of people
are these, Michael?

Use a three-year-old
little boy.

Mom, that's not something
I can talk about.

Oh, really?

Well, you're gonna have
to talk about it.

How did they know?

How did they know
my schedule or Fiona's?

How did they know
when to call?

They were probably
watching you.

Oh, really?
And that's okay with you?

No, it's not okay.
It's just--

it's just a fact of life
right now.

You know,
sometimes, Michael,

people get
used to the wrong things.

I can't afford to do that.

Not anymore.

I've got Charlie.

Just let it go.

I can't do that anymore,

You do whatever it is
you have to do.

And I will do
whatever I have to do.

Some people say that democracy
is a Western idea,

that it is incompatible

with the Middle Eastern way
of life.

Michael: Personal security uses
a method called "arm's reach."

In an attack,
if you're closest

to the client,
you shield them.

If you're closest
to the attacker,

you focus on the threat.

One man tries to defend
against danger,

and the other one
tries to find it.

Of course, if personal security
has to get involved,

something's already gone
very wrong.

[Computer beeping]

A good security setup

stops threats
before they ever get close.

With a combination
of human spotters,

computerized facial recognition,

and electronic
surveillance equipment,

the goal is to find
the bad guys

long before they make a move.

We're all clear out here.

And cell phone activity

isn't picking up
any red flags.

- See anything, Westen?
No. All clear.

Plant the seeds
of an everlasting peace.

Thank you.

He's on the move.
Let's stay sharp.

This reception should last
about an hour.

If you gentlemen would like

to grab something to eat
in the meantime...

Thank you, sir,
but we're fine.

Sir, please don't worry
about us.

Anything you need,
we're right here.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Too bad.

Those hors d'oeuvres
are looking good.

- Did you see those crab cakes?
- Let's get through this, Sam.

Just one more hour,
and I'll buy you

all the crab cakes you want.

Hey, fair warning,
that could get pricey.

Okay, just checking in.

Jesse: We're not seeing
any hit teams out here.

Not even seeing any Libyans.

Snyder: Keep looking.
My intelligence on this is solid.

They'll be there.

Look, I know it's been a while
since you've been in the field,

but maybe security
scared 'em off.

No one's been in
for two hours.

This thing should be over
pretty soon.

When are we off duty here?

When's Hamed
officially dodged the bullet?

When the mission is done.

We just need to get him
safely to the airport,

and then
the U.N. security will--

[computer beeping]

Will what?
Snyder, everything okay?

Jesus, I think
we have something.

What kind of something?

How about a little detail

Just give me a minute!

It's an encrypted phone call
coming from inside the hotel.

Can you pinpoint
the signal?

I can triangulate the towers
down to 1,000 feet.

Do you see anything?

There's lots
of convention folks

talking on phones.
Could be any one of 'em.

[Indistinct chatter]

Sam, there.

- Where?
- 12:00.

Server with an earpiece.

He seems very interested
in our guy too.

He could be calling in
a location for a hit.

Get Hamed
to a secure area.

Excuse me, sir,
sorry to interrupt.

You need to come
with me right now.

- What's going on?
- No time to explain.

It's for your own safety.

He's running, Sam.
Get Hamed out of here now.

I have a target running
through the laundry room

towards the service elevator.

I see him. He's moving
towards the east exit.

I'm on my way now.

We're coming
around the south side.

What is this?

Tell me what's going on.

Is someone coming?

Honestly, sir,
I have no idea.

Someone is looking into it,
all right?

In the meantime, just stay back
and away from that door.

Don't make a move.

Please don't shoot.
It's not my fault.

They made me do it!

Made you do what?

- Made you do what?
- I can't say.

I can't!
[Tires screech]

Get down!


[Tires screech]


[Rock music]

He's dead.

What's the matter?

I don't--I don't--
I can't breathe.

- What?
- [Coughs]

You're burning up.
Mike, we got a problem.

Our guy is not good.
He's having problems breathing.

- Problems breathing how?
- I don't know.

He's running a fever,
and his pulse is weak.

Sam, did Hamed eat anything?

Well, food, yeah.
He had a little plate of--

oh, Mike, you're not saying--
not the crab cakes.

Our guy
didn't call in a hit.

He was confirming it.

Hamed was poisoned.

Son of a bitch.

Michael: Combat support hospitals

are portable operating rooms

that can be set up anywhere
in an hour.

If you don't have time

to get your wounded
to a doctor,

hospitals like these can bring
the doctor to you.

But there are still
some injuries

that even immediate
medical attention can't fix.

His liver's failing.

I gave him beta-blockers
to slow the poison,

but his systems
are shutting down.

maybe it's time to get

this guy
to a real hospital.

No, he'll be too exposed
at a hospital.

Wouldn't matter anyway.

He was poisoned
with a custom-made toxin

we can't reverse-engineer.

You want to save him,
find the antidote.

Without it,
I give him 24 hours tops.

Oh, that's great.

We have a day
to find the antidote,

and our only lead is
the dead guy who poisoned him.

It's better than nothing.

If we start with what we know
about the assassin--


Snyder, you saw the guy.
He was terrified.

He didn't even recognize
the Libyans

when they drove up
in their car.

He was a cut-out.

I say we grill
whatever friends and family

he has here in Miami

and get his connection
to the Libyans.

Okay, hang on,
now you're gonna drag

the poor bastard's family
into this?

Hamed is dying.
You got a better idea?

A better idea
than interrogating

a caterer's grandma?

Yeah, give me, like,
two seconds.

I'll give you
a better idea.

This is not
your call to make.

- Maybe it is.
- Hold on.

Look, Fi and Jesse
are working on this.

Let's see what they're doing
before we kill each other.

All right.
Let's do it.



I was just about to come get
you guys. Look at this.

We checked the dead guy's
phone records.

Last calls before we spotted him
were to a strip club

down by the Miami River.
So the guy's into strippers.

What does that have to do
with anything?

Hang on, hang on.

Place was investigated
six times

for distributing
synthetic drugs

to clubs in Miami.

The owner's name

is Dr. Khalid Maziq.

Immigration papers list him
as a chemical engineer

from Libya.

I'd say we found the maker
of our poison.

We make the right approach,

we might be able to get
the antidote.

The right approach?
How about a gun to his head?

Snyder, he's a drug dealer.
He'll be very well-armed.

If this turns
into a gun fight,

you can forget
about saving Hamed.

Your guys need to stay away
from that place.

Fi, Jesse, the Libyans didn't
see you back at the hotel.

If you could get in,

get some alone time
with Maziq,

we might be able
to do this.

Right now?
He's gonna be spooked.

We're gonna need an awful good
reason to talk to him.

Tell me what you need.

Michael: For someone who's not used
to being under surveillance,

knowing someone's watching
can be a lot worse

than being oblivious.

The problem is that, when anyone
could be watching you,

it often feels like
everyone is watching you.

Afternoon, Mrs. Westen.


- Say hi, Charlie.
- Hi.

Hi, Charlie.

Hey, Charlie, I want
to show you a cool bug I found.

Go ahead.
See the bug, honey.

Bye, Charlie.

Let's see here.

Mrs. Westen,
are you all right?

Uh, could I ask you
a question?


Has the delivery truck
over my shoulder

been there awhile?

Delivery truck?

Um, which one?


I'm sorry.

I must be having
a senior moment.

Um, keep an eye
on Charlie.

Of course.

Michael: Whether you're
a professional

or a civilian,
there's ultimately

only one real way
to figure out for sure

if someone's watching you.

You have to go
somewhere concealed

and see if they follow.

[Phone beeps]

Hold it.

Why are you following me?

Following you?
Ma'am, I'm just taking a walk.

A walk?
Around here?

In an alley
behind some dumpsters?

Looks like
you had the same idea.

I want answers.

Who are you?
What do you want from me?

'Cause I will shoot you.

Then I guess you'll just have
to shoot me.

[Electronic music]

Michael: There are a lot of
reasons strip clubs

have become a
common meeting spot

for a wide range of
criminal activities.

For one thing, they're
open in the day,

and too loud

for good audio surveillance.

They also provide privacy.

Dark corners designed for
flirting with dancers

work just as well for
a covert meeting.

And of course, if you're doing
or saying anything illegal,

chances are, everyone else will
be too distracted to notice.

- This is a tough gig.
- [Chuckles]

You get any suspicious looks
on your way in?

Actually, I slipped in
without so much as a glance.

'cause you're not naked.

Please tell me we have news
on our poisoner.

Maziq's been having meetings
in his office all afternoon.

See the pep squad over there
in the corner?

They've been going up
one by one talking to him,

probably planning

some post-assassination
political activities.

Been watching 'em since
I got here a few hours ago.


Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.

Seen a couple Glocks,
a few machine pistols.

You sure this is the right
place to try to grab him?

Well, he's only bringing
one bodyguard

with him to the office.

If we can get a meeting,
we can jump him in there.

But with everything
that's going on,

I don't know
how excited he's gonna be

to make a drug deal
with us.

Well, Snyder and I put
a little something together

that might help with that.


I thought we were gonna get,
like, a dime bag

and some petty cash.
That is--

That is a thousand tabs
of pure Ecstasy

and $100,000 cash.

And Snyder just has that
laying around?

They have
a storage warehouse

that is
like a terrorist swap meet.

I didn't see all of it,
but there were some crates

the Chinese army
probably wants back,

not to mention
some serious biohazard symbols.

Sounds like James could do

some real damage
if he wanted to.

Well, as much as I would like

to dwell
on that delightful thought,

this could be our chance.

There he is.

Let's do it.

Michael: When you have to make
a cold approach

and you have
to make it fast,

you don't get any points
for being polite.

The most important thing

is to get
your target's attention.

Dr. Mahzik.

Because it doesn't matter
if they like you...

It's Maziq.
Who are you?

As long as they like
what you have to say.

I'm Demetrius.
This is Janie.


We need somebody
to help us out

with a little
business arrangement.

Word in the clubs
is that you are the man

that we're looking for.

Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'm too busy today.

Oh, I'm sure you are.

You're busy, I'm busy,
everybody's busy.

It's a busy business.

Maybe you didn't hear
what I said.

I don't have time today.
I disagree.

I think you do have time
for this.

Oh, what the hell
are you doing?

Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.

It's time for them
to leave.

And miss out on the biggest
deal of your life?

What are you talking about?

That is the purest "X"
in Miami. My product.

And what does that
have to do with me?

Man who used to make it for me
went and blew himself up.

We have 50 gallons
of industrial-grade borohydride

sitting in a truck
with nowhere to process it.

We are offering you

50% after expenses.

All right.
I'll think about it.

You know, I understand
that your time is valuable.

Would 100,000

be agreeable
for a ten-minute chat...


Come on.

Follow me.

Michael: Once you've sold
your cover I.D. to your target,

it's important
to know your limits.

The more complex and technical
your cover is,

the greater the danger
you'll be discovered.

If you're pretending
to be an expert

in organic chemistry,
it's a good idea

to make your move
as quickly as possible.

So tell me, the borohydride--

It's on its way here now.

Hey, buddy.

You want to give us
a second here?

It's okay.

[Door opens]

Show him the money, baby.

What the hell do you think
you're doing?

We're gonna ask you
some questions,

and you're gonna answer them.

Who are you?

We're friends of Omar Hamed.
You remember him.

About yay high, gray hair,
you poisoned him.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, try again, Maziq.

The man who poisoned Hamed

called here
right after he did it.

You made the poison.
We want the antidote now.

Oh, yeah.

You need the antidote.

You shoot me now,
then what?

Hmm? How would I tell you
where it is?

[Phone beeps]
[Shouting in arabic]

[Indistinct shouting]

That was a bad move.

I don't think so.

Omar Hamed

is going to die
like the dog that he is,

and now so are you two.

It's not gonna hold
very long, Fi.

It's over.

There's ten men
in the hall.

No other way out of here.
Not so sure about that.

Jesse, grab a chair.

That window's
not gonna break itself.

Oh, crap.

[Indistinct shouting]


Excuse me.

Come on.
No, wait, I can't swim!

Then I suggest you hold
your breath.


Maziq: My people will find me,

and they will kill you.

Okay, we're clear
of Maziq's men,

but we don't have long.

Well, unfortunately,
he's not being very cooperative.

Well, he better start
getting cooperative.

Hamed is dying
because of this son of a bitch.

Where the hell
is the antidote?

There's your antidote.

No, no, no,
Snyder, cool off, man.

I'll cool off
when he starts talking.

We don't get to fail,
do you understand?

I understand that.

Smacking him around
is not gonna help anything.

Once he figures out
help's not on the way,

he's gonna crack.
Trust me.

And what if he doesn't?


Time for a more direct approach.

What are you doing?

Injecting him
with his own poison.

I shot that straight
into your bloodstream, Maziq,

so it's gonna hit you

a lot harder and faster
than it did Hamed.

If you want to live,

you better take us
to that antidote right now.

[Machine beeps]

I don't like that look.
What's up?

It's his electrolytes.
They're too high.

He's gonna crash soon
unless we counteract the poison.

[Cell phone ringing]

Yeah, Jesse, we're running out
of time here.

Please tell me
you've got the antidote.

No, not yet, but it looks
like we're about to.

Maziq's got a drug lab
out in Hialeah.

It's 405 East 87th Street.

Yeah, okay, look, Mike's
getting the car right now.

We should just meet you there
with Hamed.

You're bringing him.
Are you sure?

Believe me, he may not even
last that long.

The sooner he gets the antidote,
the better.

Michael: Being under surveillance
is more stressful

than most people realize.

Even when you have no contact
with the people watching you,

just knowing that they're there
can take a lot out of you.

The problem is

you begin to feel
eyes on you all the time.

Often it's just

your imagination
playing tricks on you,

but sometimes those eyes
are all too real.

Mrs. Westen, you really
want that cigarette?

You've been doing so well.

Who the hell are you?

I hear you've been looking
for answers.

I am the man
who has them.

What do you want?
Why are you in my house?

Just want to have
a conversation.

That's all.
Have a seat.


Now you feel free,
keep that gun pointed at me

if it makes you feel
more comfortable.

Yeah, I think I will.


Do you know who I am?

You're the man
Michael's working with.


The man who keeps
sending people to watch me.

You care about your family
very much.

What you have to understand is,
so do I.

I made a commitment
to your son

to protect you,

all the people
he cares about.

That includes you...
And Charlie.

- You want to protect us?
- Yes.

Then why do you have people
follow us everywhere we go?

I know.

It seems extreme.

I'm a man who's willing
to go to extremes

to do what I feel is right,

I make no apology for that.

You're doing this because now
Michael works for you?


Works for me.

Uh, no.

Michael is much more
than an employee,

a great deal more than that,

but I'm not here
to talk about Michael.

Here to talk about you.

You've already lost
so much--

your husband

and your son.

I don't want you to lose
anyone else, Madeline.


Let me protect you.


Thank you.

The next time
you show up like this,

I will shoot you on sight.

[Door creaks open]

[Door shuts]

This is it?

That place is too big
to just be a drug lab.

It's storage.

Also distribution.

There are training areas,
places for the men to stay.

You said two guards, Maziq.
I count ten, easy.

Probably increased security
after what happened at the club.

That's a problem for us
and for you.

How do we get in
without being seen?

I don't know.
I'm not sure that you can.

Well, you better
figure something out.

Please, please,
I don't want to die.

Well, then you better come up

with a way
to get in there quick.

I might have something.

In the back,
there's a break in the fence.

It was supposed to be
our way out if police come.

- Is it guarded?
- Maybe. I don't know.

Well, it can't be
any worse than the front.

Might be worth a shot.

There are many techniques
for dealing with guards

without raising alarm.

I'm gonna go take a leak.

They all boil down
to two basic steps--

a stunning move to stop
your target from crying out

and a subduing move
to keep him quiet.

Okay, guys,
we're clear.

You're up, Maziq.

[Keypad beeping]


Use the key.


The antidote is
in the refrigerator.

Well, go get it.

Let's go, Maziq.

Grab me a syringe
from there.

What are you doing?
You said--

- I know what I said.
Sit down.

Snyder, what the hell's
going on?

We only needed him to show us
the proper dose.

We don't need him alive.
You're just gonna let him die?

You're gonna let him go back
in business,

so he can take another shot
at Hamed?

Or maybe you want
to turn him over to the FBI,

so he can tell them
all about us?

This ends here.

Either the poison's
gonna kill him,

or his pals are gonna
execute him for helping us.

I'm good either way.

Okay, just hold on.



So much for getting
out of here quietly.

It came from over here!

Hey, there they are!



We got them cornered.

You all right?

Yeah, but Hamed won't be

if we don't get him
that damn antidote.



They got us covered
from two directions.

There's two in the upper hallway
and one by the exit.


- Is there another way out?
- No, there's no luck.

It's just some barred up windows
this way.

Only way out's
the way we came in.


Call Michael.
Tell him to hang back.

[Tires screech]

How's he doing, Sam?

Not good, Mike.

His breathing is shallow,
and he's getting cold.

- How's his heart rate?
- Even worse.

Dropping about a quarter beat
every minute.

[Cell phone ringing]

Jesse, we're almost there.

Okay, listen, we got
into a bit of a situation

with Maziq's guards.

We're gonna have to come out
to you guys.

There's a clearing
about 100 yards behind the lab.

Wait there.
Have Hamed ready.

Believe me, he will be.

Just get to us
as fast as you can.

He doesn't have long.
Will do, brother.

And keep your head down.

We're gonna be coming out
extremely hot.

Mike should be here soon.

Sounds like Hamed's fading fast,

We need to make a run for it,

If two of us lay down

enough cover fire,
it should be enough

for the other one to get out.

Jesse, you ready to run?

What about you two?

Someone has to hold them off.
We'll be right behind you, okay?

You better be.

You take the two
in the upper hallway,

and I'll take the exit.

You ready?

On three.


- Where's Hamed?
- In the back with Sam.

Where are Fi and Snyder?

They should be
right behind me.

The window!


What are we gonna do?

They got us surrounded
on all sides.

I'll take care of this.
You just keep these guys busy.



Oh, Jesus.

Snyder, get back!
It's gonna blow.

[Men screaming]



I'm trapped.
The flames are too high!

Find something to help me
get through this window.

I can't find anything.
I'm sorry.

- Snyder!
- I'm sorry.

I can't!



Where's Fiona?

Snyder, where is she?

She didn't make it. Come on.
The whole place is on fire.

We gotta get out of here.

What do you mean,
she didn't make it?

I mean she's gone.
There was an explosion.

And there was--
did you see it happen?

Did you see her die?





[Dramatic music]

[Monitor beeping]


Hey, Fi.

How long have I been here?

Just a few hours.



- Hamed?
- He's gonna be okay.

We got him the antidote
in time.

What is this?


You got me out of there.

I didn't think
I was gonna get out.

Thank you.

You would have done
the same.

can you join us outside?

Hey, Mike.
How's Fi doing?

She's--she's stable,
and she'll be okay.

Good. Can't keep her down
for long, huh?

[Footsteps approaching,
guns click]

Looks like the hive
is buzzing.

Heard about Fiona.

If she needs anything,

you don't hesitate to ask.
You understand?

I'm sorry we couldn't take her
to a real hospital.

They'd ask
too many questions.

We owe her, you,
and your entire team

a great debt of gratitude
for today.

And Hamed?

He's more than okay.

He's on his way to Tripoli now
for the second round

of peace talks.

I know it wasn't easy,

but it was
a successful mission.

For the most part.

- James, I--
- Ben, don't.

Just don't make excuses.

Do you remember
when I first invited you

to join me, to join us?

Of course.
I'll never forget it.

And do you remember

the promises that we made
to each other that day?

That we would always
stand together.

Stand together.

What else?

What did I tell you
when you asked

to run a team
in a field?

We'd never leave anyone

That's right.


James, please,

you have to understand,
I didn't think

that there was anything
I could do to save her.

I understand that.

I understand it.

I can't forgive it.
[Gun cocks]


That's enough.

James, what the hell
are you doing?

What needs to be done,

He made a mistake.

A mistake?

A member of your team
almost died today

because of this man's
lack of action.

I don't call that a mistake.

I call it cowardice.

I call it betrayal.


He made a promise,

And promises must be kept.

Tell me I'm wrong.


Tell me I'm wrong.

Good-bye, Ben.