Bull (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 20 - Episode #3.20 - full transcript

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I wish I had better news
for you, Donovan.

That dockworker's testimony...

I'm not sure we can get past it.

How long's it been, Keith?

30 years?

And Donovan's never been
convicted with you at his side.

We thank you for that.


now you got to be
honest with us.

What should we be preparing for?

Barring a miracle,

a "guilty" sentence.

And with Judge Stanley,

a former D.A.,
his history on sentencing

for this type of thing and...
Donovan's record...

we are almost certainly
looking at the maximum.

The full 25 years.

My God...

That's the rest of your life.

He did say "barring a miracle."

I guess I'll just
have to pray for that, huh?

You'll pray, too.

Won't you, son?

Evening, Judge.
How you doing tonight?

Uh, I'll tell you
in a couple of hours.

Hey. Hey, Brendan.

Get in the car. I've got something
I got to do.

No, I know what you think
you got to do,

but just get in the car,
Brendan; you're only gonna

make things worse. Says you. Go
home and study.

Hey, wait.

Drive, Dolittle, drive.
Brendan, what did you do?

Punch it, Doc.

[playing "How Much
Is That Doggie In the Window?"]


Go away. I'm trying
to find a reason to live.

Am I not reason enough?

First thing they teach you
at law school,

don't ask a question
if you don't know the answer.

Good morning to you, too.

They just phoned
from downstairs.

A woman who claims to be
Colleen McCandless

was inquiring whether or not

she could get
an appointment with you.

Right now.

Colleen McCandless...

is married to...

Donovan McCandless.

He's on trial for extortion
and racketeering.

He was supposed
to be sentenced two days ago,

when the judge in the case

got his throat slit
on Montague Street in Brooklyn.

Is the conference room free?

Do we have a metal detector?

Answer the second question

Mrs. McCandless? Ten letter word

for the guardianship
and control exercised

by the Lord our God?


Thank you.

Sorry to have dropped in
unannounced, Dr. Bull.

Ah, well, how can I be of help?

Or was it just the one word
you came up for?

Do you do crossword puzzles? Once in a
great while.

I can't stand having
nothing to do.

Feeling powerless.

Now that there are
crosswords on my phone...

My two sons...

Brendan, my oldest,
and Connor, who just turned 22...

Were arrested last night.

Charged with the murder
of a judge.

Judge Weston Stanley.

I'm familiar.

It's a federal crime
to kill a federal judge.

Death penalty crime.

And apparently this happened
in the middle of the street

with... a whole lot
of witnesses around

and I'm... sorry,
but I'm actually not sure

how I can be of help to you.

Let's begin at the beginning.

Do you even want to be of help
to me and my family?

You understand
how it looks, right?

Your husband's trial
isn't going well,

so his sons murder the judge

in hopes of getting a mistrial.

See if maybe they can do better
the next time around.

You didn't answer my question.

I'm not in the habit of
assisting career criminals, no.

My sons were apprehended
in a car

identified at the scene
of the crime.

And the knife that was used
to slit the judge's throat

was found in
my oldest's possession.


Are you trying to convince me?

I think you should also know
that my firstborn

has a very lengthy
criminal record.

Duly noted.

I'm not unaware that juries
go in with opinions

already formed about what
it must be to be a McCandless.

My attorney indicated

that this sort of challenge
was your specialty.

As I mentioned previously...
I'm not asking you to help

a career criminal.

I'm not asking you
to help my older son.

Just my youngest.

Just Connor. He's innocent.

He's why I'm here.

So you just want me
to help the one,

not the other son? Brendan's lost to me.

Has been for a long time.


Runs call girls and numbers,
he's his father's boy.

But Connor, my youngest...

he's never been involved
in the business.

He's a year into med school.

No one in our family has ever
even gotten a college degree,

let alone thought about
becoming a doctor.

Mrs. McCandless... Connor didn't
choose his father.

I did.

He shouldn't have
even been there.

It was my fault.

I asked him to go.

I don't understand.

How is it your fault?
Connor was the one driving

the getaway car.
I knew my husband and Brendan

were up to something
and I called Connor

and I told him he needed
to get into the car

and get his brother, make sure
he didn't do anything stupid.

It's my fault.

You at all interested
in my opinion?

I'm pretty sure I can guess.

You know, these guys...

they're accused of
killing a judge.

Before we even walk
through the door,

everyone in that courthouse

is going to be against us.
Two things:

I haven't agreed
to take the case.

Only to meet the younger son.

And what's the
second thing? The younger son

is the only one
we would represent.

And he didn't pick his father.

I'd also point out

that we have represented clients

accused of every kind
of crime there is

and the courtroom is always
biased against the accused.

Yes, but in this case,
the accused

is a member of a crime family.

Whether he chose to
be a member or not.

And as a former prosecutor,

I have a difficult time
turning a blind eye to that.

And-and look, I
get it. I get it.

Everybody deserves a defense.

But Donovan McCandless
and his clan?

Benny, the only promise I made
was to meet the boy.

All right.
You're the boss.

I wasn't there to help him,
I was there to stop him.

After I talked to my mom,

I-I called Brendan.
But his phone was off.

So I started
asking around to see

if anybody knew where he was.

This guy my father works with
told me that Brendan had been

trying to get the home address
of Judge Stanley.

I put two and two together.

Got on the Internet,
it took about five minutes.

I mean...

my brother's done
some bad things before,

but I thought...

i-if I could just talk to him.

So when I got there, it seemed
like I had made it in time.

But I couldn't get him
to get in the car with me.

A-And the next thing I know,
the judge is leaving his house

and Brendan sneaks up
behind him...

slits his throat,
then jumps in the car with me

and orders me to drive away. Orders you?

H-He put a pistol to my head.

Anyway, like five minutes later,
the cops pulled us over.

What'd you tell them? Uh, nothing.

Some things you just learn
sitting at the kitchen table.

I learned young not to talk.

So you didn't tell them

that story you just told us?


Well, if we got involved,

I'd want to file
a motion to sever

your trial from your brother's.

Right now, you're being
charged together with murder.

Meaning, you'll both be tried
at the same time

with the same jury.

We'd be requesting
for your trials to be

completely separated.

The more we can distance you

from your family's reputation,
the better.

Benny's right;
your best chance

is for you to just
tell the truth.

Explain that you were trying
to stop your brother

and the only reason
you drove away

is that you were afraid
for your life.

I don't think you understand.

I can't say that.

If you won't
speak up for yourself

against Brendan,
we don't have a case.

You don't have a case.


I never wanted anything to do
with my family's business.

But that doesn't mean
that I don't love my family.

My brother and I
have always been different.

But there were times when we
were all each other had.

We made a pact a long time ago.

We do not turn on each other,
we protect each other.

No matter what.

No offense, but...
it doesn't sound like

he was honoring that pact
when he put a gun to your head.

He was scared.

Brendan's always been scared.

Of Dad, of being a screwup.

Being a disappointment.

Brendan would never hurt me.

You could spend the rest
of your life in prison.

And if I testify against him,

he could get the death penalty.

I'm not gonna be responsible
for killing my brother.

Well, notwithstanding
the investment in time,

I think that worked out
for the best.

I'm telling you,
no good could come

from representing people
who have spent their lives

engaging in criminal activity.

As far as I can tell,
that boy's never spent a minute

doing anything outside the law.

I'm telling his mother
we're taking the case.

Excuse me?

Wa... was I not
in the same room as you?

The boy does not want to be
pitted against his brother.

He made that point
crystal clear.

And the only way in hell
to get him off

is to sever his trial
from the man

who did the actual killing;
and he won't do it.

What am I missing?

You haven't met the mother.

He'll do it.

He'll do whatever
Mommy tells him to do.

You gotta know
this wasn't my idea.

I wasn't born yesterday.

All rise.

The Honorable Judge Hamilton

I understand you'd like to be
heard on a motion, Mr. Colón?

Yes, Your Honor.
Thank you, Your Honor.

My client, defendant
Connor McCandless,

is asking for the court's
permission to sever his trial

from that of codefendant,
Brendan McCandless.

Your Honor, for the record,

the prosecution
vehemently objects

on the grounds...

Motion denied.

Forgive me, Your Honor,
I was not

given the opportunity
to argue the motion.

The law's the law, Counselor.

Any argument you choose to make
would be beside the point.

I... I beg to differ,
Your Honor.

I think it's only reasonable
that you hear out

the particular circumstances

Are you calling me
unreasonable, Counselor?

This court finds you
in contempt, Mr. Colón.

Really? You can't be serious.

This court hereby fines you
$1,000. Serious enough?

But, Your Honor...

Let's make it 2,000.

And lest you mistake
my intentions here,

if I hear one more word
from you, Mr. Colón,

you will be taken into custody.


is there anything else?

That's everything, Your Honor.

Very well, then.

The trial begins this afternoon,
1:00 p.m.

Court's adjourned.

Please tell me you got it.

Okay. But I'd be lying.

I'm not doing any better.

My number one source over there

put me on hold 17 minutes ago.

I've called in
every favor I can,

but no one is willing
to slip us the jury list.

Who knew?
Nobody at the courthouse

is willing to help the folks who
are defending the judge killer.

Everybody over there
looked at me

like I had stole their dog.


So, what did Marissa
have to say?

Well, looks like we're
gonna do voir dire old-school.

No earwig, no jury list,
no research in advance.

Just you, me and
a yellow legal pad

flying by the seat of our pants.

Oh, so it's not just
the judge who hates us.

No, I'd say the entire
courthouse is united

in their contempt for TAC.

I hate to say I told you so.

No, you don't.

So, what's the game plan,
General Custer?

We'll be battling
something called

an "anchoring bias,"
which is when a person

possesses a trait so dominant

that it colors everything else
about them.

It could be age, it could
be race, it could be income.

Or even a family's reputation. Precisely.

And, lucky us, we won't
just have one McCandless

sitting at the defense table,
we'll have two.

That's quite an anchor.

What we really need
are people with

a kind of tunnel vision.

People who are prone
to making decisions

based solely on what they have

directly in front of them,
as opposed to all the baggage

a person might bring into
the courtroom with them.

So, who do you like?

See juror number nine? Mm.

Holding a newspaper.

It's open to
the movie timetable.

Let's start with him.

Good afternoon.

All right.

Sir, I couldn't help
but notice your newspaper.

You had it open to the
movie page. You a fan?

All my life.

So, let's say you head
over to the movies.

You've got it in your head
to see that big blockbuster

everybody's been talking about.

But when you get over there,
it's all sold out.

The only movie you can
still get tickets to

is one that does not
have good word of mouth.

You still buying a ticket?


Frankly, I don't much care
what anyone else thinks.

And when I'm in the mood
to see a movie,

I'm in the mood to see a movie.

We could also use
some black sheep.

Jurors who know what it's like
to be stuck in a group,

and branded with a label
they did nothing to earn.

Show of hands.

How many of you are
under the age of 30?

Okay, now, how many of you
own three devices or more?

Phone, laptop, desktop, tablet.

Okay. Two devices or more?

Just one device?

You, sir, do you not
own a cell phone?

I did, but I don't.

No laptop, tablet?

I know, it's like I'm
a traitor to my generation.

But I really prefer
reading books and newspapers,

and choosing when
I want to talk to someone,

and when I want to be
available to be talked to.

I like my music on vinyl,

and I do most
of my shopping in person.

Your Honor, this juror is
acceptable to the defense.

Didn't see the mother
in court today.

Yeah, well, I figured
the potential jurors

had enough McCandless
family members to look at.

Did you convince Connor
to take the stand,

talk about his brother?

Not yet.
Not that I've heard.

Not that I'm... aware of.

How long have we
known each other?

Long time.

We both know these people do not
testify against each other.

Do not rat on each other.

Just doesn't happen.

And then I heard

a scream...

and I knew something terrible
had happened.

And when I turned around,

he was on the ground,
and blood was just...

pouring out of him.

And did you see the attacker?


He's that man.

For the record,
the witness has identified

the defendant,
Mr. Brendan McCandless.

And then what happened?

That man, who slit
the judge's throat,

he ran back to his getaway car
and pulled off his mask.

That's when I saw him,
as he was getting into his car.

A-a silver sedan.

Was this the car? Yes.

And did you see the driver?


For the record,
the witness has identified

the defendant,
Mr. Connor McCandless.

No further questions
at this time, Your Honor.

Ms. Hartley, I believe
you used the expression

"getaway car," am I correct?

I think so, yes.

And when you were interviewed
by the police,

you told them you were standing

about 50 feet away
from the vehicle.

That's correct.

And could you see anything
inside the vehicle?

No, it-it was too dark.

But you just identified
the driver as my client.

Can you explain that?

When the car took off,
it drove right by me,

and I could actually see

right into
the driver's side window.

That's when I saw your client.

I see, but...

at the moment the judge's killer
actually entered the car,

you couldn't see if he
punched the driver

or held a gun
to the driver's head,

or forced him in some way
to drive?

Well, no, but... Thank you.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

So much for the eyewitness.

Yeah, I'm not so sure.

It didn't move the needle
over here.

I don't mean to sound
like a broken record,

but have you heard
from the mother?


Connor said anything to you?

'Cause he certainly hasn't
said anything to me.


Well, not to belabor
the obvious,

but in the very near future,
the prosecution

is gonna rest their case.

And all we really have
is Connor.

And if he's unwilling to talk
about what his brother did...

I know.

Tomorrow at lunch,
we'll sit him down,

we'll have the talk.

In fact, I'll call his mom
tonight, make sure she's there.

Get this done, once and for all.

Thank you.

Counselors, if you're ready
to begin...

Actually, Your Honor,
Mr. O'Leary and I

have a bit of business
before you bring in the jury.

Yes, Mr. O'Leary?

Your Honor, the defendant,
Brendan McCandless,

would like to change
his plea to guilty.

And he also agreed to testify
on behalf of the prosecution

against Connor McCandless.


Order in the court!


So, what exactly does this mean?

It means your older son
is gonna lie

and sacrifice Connor
to save himself.

"Connor McCandless was the
architect of the judge's murder.

"Connor McCandless drove
the getaway car.

Connor McCandless provided
the murder weapon."

Now, this... is a copy
of your brother's statement,

and this is what he's gonna
say about you in court.

He testifies against you,
and in exchange,

the death penalty is
off the table.

I have spent my whole life
being loyal to my brother.

I know.
We all know.

But there are times you just
have to look out for yourself.

This is one of those times.

Maybe he just doesn't
really understand.

Could you talk to him?

Make sure he knows
what he's doing.

Connor, I promise you,
he knows what he's doing.

I know this isn't gonna
make you feel any better,

but a man will make a lot
of selfish decisions

when facing the prospect of
death by lethal injection.

And now, what happens
to his deal

if I go up there
and I tell the truth?

Well, if the court finds that

Brendan's statement
was not truthful,

then he will have
perjured himself.

And that will negate
the plea deal.

That would mean

that the death penalty would
be back on the table for him.

Look at me.

There's nothing to think about.

Your brother murdered a man.

You did nothing
but try and stop him.

Your whole life's been
about trying to help people.

His life has been
about preying on them.

Whose soul is it

you think the Lord wants
to survive?


You were right about her.

She's a force, all right. Yeah,

I still think we have
a problem, though.

I mean, if I'm a juror,
and I'm looking at two kids

named McCandless pointing
the finger at each other, I...

I don't know if I believe either
one of them.

Benny. Brendan McCandless
has a rap sheet

longer than the New York State
Thruway, and Connor?

He's clean as a whistle.

Still. Wish we had someone
whose name wasn't McCandless

to back up Connor's version
of what happened that night.


I just had a thought.

- So...

I've been knocking on every door
of every apartment,

brownstone, storefront
in the area,

and I haven't found a single
witness who can corroborate

Connor's story about his brother
forcing him to drive.

Then I realized,

all of this happened
at 7:00 at night. Dinnertime.

There's lots of food
being delivered.

Any way I can get you
to tap into

the different
food delivery apps,

and get me some names
of the delivery people

that I can interview
who might be in the area?


Sorry, we're not open.

Ah, my name's Dr. Jason Bull.
I'm supposed to meet a friend?

She's by the patio.



Thanks for meeting me
before court. Well,

I hope I didn't keep you
waiting too long.

Never heard of this place.

It's mine.

Uh, my grandmother's, actually,

but then it became mine.

Only thing that I have
that's truly my own.


Only thing that has absolutely
nothing to do with Donovan.

The only place I can come

where nobody cares
who my husband is.

Best Irish stew in the city,
if you're a fan.

Well, I'll have
to keep that in mind.

So tell me it's gonna
be all right.

I can't.

Connor will be a far more
credible witness than Brendan.

But no matter what they say
about each other,

Brendan pled guilty.

And so, if we can't present
enough evidence

to show that Connor wasn't
a willing participant,

they will both go to prison.

You think I'm a monster?

Praying for one of my boys
to lose his life

so the other can have one?

I think you've seen enough to
know how Brendan's story ends.

And Connor, well,

his story hasn't
been written yet.

And for what it's worth, I think
it takes a lot of courage

to fight for the son
you cansave.

You know, I tried
to save Brendan, too.

He's so good with his hands.

Always fixing things.

I reached out to a cousin
in Ohio, a plane mechanic?

I thought maybe, you know...

Brendan couldn't bring himself
to walk away.

Maybe he was afraid of what
his father would think or do.

Or maybe it's just
who Brendan is.

Who he's always been.

So what if I took the stand?

Put my hand on the Bible
and swore to God

I was afraid of what Brendan
might do that night?

Tell-tell the court how I made
Connor go stop Brendan?

I'm sorry, Mrs. McCandless.

I don't think
it'll make a difference.

You weren't there
when the judge was killed.

And you may have told Connor
to stop Brendan,

but we can't prove
that Connor listened.

So what do we do?

We go to court. We fight.

And in about an hour,
your son Brendan takes the stand

and says whatever he's been
prompted to say,

a pack of lies, I'm sure.

And we put on
the best defense possible,

ask the toughest questions.

And put our faith
in the wisdom of juries.

Ms. Vasquez, Mr. O'Leary,

this court is not

in the habit of waiting
for a witness,

particularly when that witness
is the accused.

Can either one of you
provide any clarity?


To the best of my knowledge,
he's in the prison van

on his way here, Your Honor.

Think he got cold
feet about testifying?

From your lips.

Your Honor.

Marshal, can you please clear
the gallery?

I was just informed that
the government's next witness,

Brendan McCandless, was murdered

in the prison yard this morning.

I know this is sort of
a tactless question,

but is this good for our
side or bad for our side?

In my opinion, it would've
been almost impossible

to overcome Brendan's testimony.

His death may have
actually saved our case.

What do you say?

The fact remains,

a federal judge
was murdered in cold blood

and that jury is gonna
want someone to pay.

And now our client's
the only one left to do it.

Bad time? Good time?

What do you got?

Well, I just back from Rikers.

Turns out, the inmate

who stabbed Brendan has a
reputation as a killer for hire.

I think we all assumed as much.

A McCandless is killed
in prison, it's probably a hit.

But that's not all.
The killer grew up with Connor.

Wait. Are you saying
that Connor...

I'm not saying anything.


It's me and Benny.

We just wanted to let you know

how badly we feel
about your brother.

And you don't need
to get dressed.

We've asked for a continuance.

Oh, no. Can you undo it?

I don't think I'm gonna
feel any better tomorrow

than I'm gonna feel today.

I don't think I'm ever
gonna feel any better.

I really just want to get

this over with, uh,
however it turns out.

This continuance

isn't really about how you feel.

Your brother's killer.
We know you knew him.

We know you know him.

We went to Catholic school

I haven't seen him in, like,
I don't know, five years?

And before that,
we weren't close.

Maybe not since s-sixth grade.

What are you implying?

I'm not implying anything.

I'm asking you the question
that's gonna be

on everyone's mind when we walk
back into that courtroom.

Did you have
your brother killed?

Seriously? - Connor,

it's our job to protect you.

And to do that, we have to ask.

No. God, no.

He was my brother.

I believe you.

But we need to be mindful
of appearances.

Less than 24 hours ago,
Brendan was killed,

and we are about to walk
back into that courtroom

with the one person
who could contradict

your version of events
no longer able to do so.

How do you think that looks?

Yeah, but the jurors won't know.

Jurors always promise not to
watch the news, read the paper

or go on the Internet.

But somehow, miraculously,

they always know
what's going on in the world.

And I can guarantee you they
will know about Brendan's death.

In fact, I'm sure
they already do.

And like it or not,
they're all gonna

come to their own conclusions

about who had the most to gain
by killing him.

Let's let a couple days go by.

I know you want this over with,
but who knows,

maybe by the time
we're back in court,

we'll find out who ordered
the hit on your brother,

and none of this
will be an issue.

Your Honor, the defense would like to call

Yuri Pasternak to the stand.

You found a witness?

I didn't. My staff did.

So Mr. Pasternak,

will you please tell the court
what it is you do for a living?

I deliver food.
Food from restaurants.

People order it on an app
on their phones,

and I bring it to them.

And on the night that
Judge Stanley's throat was slit,

you were there.

You were making a delivery?

Yeah. I just finished
dropping off some vegan food

to an apartment down the street.

Vegan? You remember that.

Uh, you always remember
the bad tippers.

- Plus,

all the stuff
that happened after.

And can you tell us
what happened after?

After I dropped off the food,
I was walking back to my bike,

and I could see this guy running
with a mask on his face.

Uh, he was running

towards the silver car.

And at the same time,
I could hear some guy scream,

like he'd been hurt.

But you couldn't see him.

Not from where I was,
but I could see the guy

that was running towards
the silver car take his mask off

and open the door and jump in,
and in a second,

they sped past me
and down the street.

And how close were you
to the car when it passed you?

Probably as close
as I am to you.

About 12 feet away?
Yeah, that sounds right.

And could you see anything

inside the vehicle
when it passed you?

Yeah. I could see
the running guy

holding a gun
to the driver's head.

To that guy's head.

Tell me what you're
seeing, Marissa.

Well, I'm not seeing much, Bull.

What're you talking about?
How many did we win?

We didn't win any.

And the few that we had,

they just went away.

We lost them.
We've lost them all.

We even found an eyewitness.

A man who actually saw Brendan
put a gun to Connor's head,

but it doesn't matter.

The damage is done.

The jury is convinced that,

not only did he
help kill the judge,

but he had a hand
in killing his own brother.

It's because they
don't know Connor.

It's just not in him.

If you're gonna drive
a killer's getaway car,

if you're gonna
order a hit on someone,

you got to be wired
in a certain way.

It's not about your last name.

Are you wired to do it?

And very few people
have that kind of wiring.

I know. Very few.

Precious few.

Anyone spring to mind?

You think it was me?

That I killed my own child?

Why would I do that?

He betrayed your family.

Turned state's evidence
on his own brother.

I've always heard that people
in your line of work

take enormous exception
to things like that.

It made me sad,

not vengeful.

And his death...

his death means that
everything I've built,

everything I've fought for,

I did for nothing.

Who's gonna run it?

Who's gonna watch over it?
My wife?


Why would I kill

the only person...

with any interest

in keeping my name alive?

You're right.

It makes no sense.

It's okay.

I'm making my peace with it,

all of it.

I'll probably spend the rest of
my life behind bars,

and my name,

the McCandless name,

and everything it meant...

will soon be forgotten.

You know, that doesn't
have to be the case.

You still have a son.

And believe it or not,
I think there is something

you can do to save
your legacy, your name.

Save your blood.

I loved my sons,

both my sons,

but Brendan...
I'd look in his eyes,

I'd see myself.

I'd hear his thoughts,
I'd hear myself.

I loved that boy
more than anything,

and he loved me.

He'd do anything for me.

The death of Judge Stanley
caused a mistrial

in your own criminal case,
didn't it?

Yes, it did.

Would it be fair to say that
no one has benefited more

from the judge's death than you?

It was certainly fortuitous.

Mr. McCandless,

did you order the murder
of Judge Weston Stanley?

I never said the words,

but as I mentioned before,
we understood each other.

The two of us knew
what the other wanted.


He did what I needed him to do.

Now I realize

you didn't directly
tell him to do this,

but at some point, did he

his intentions to you?

Did he share his plans with you?

He would speak, I would listen,

but I never told him what to do.

It wasn't a conversation.

He would talk,

I would listen
to what he had to say.

And when you were listening,

did he ever mention Connor?

Was he ever in the plans?

Your children,

they each get different parts.

Different parts of you,
different parts of their mother.


And I say this with love...

Got all the best parts
of his mother,


Can the witness please
just answer the question?

Sustained. Witness
will answer the question.


Connor was never
part of Brendan's plan.

He never would be.

Boy doesn't have a violent bone
in his body.

He has no appetite for it,

no appetite for mayhem

of any kind.

Bothered me for a long time.


He's studying to be a doctor.

Makes me very proud.

Baffles me,
but makes me very proud.

And what about the
death of your son Brendan?

The son you said you
understood the best.

Any chance Connor might've
been involved in that?

Calls for speculation.

My apologies, Your Honor.
I withdraw the question.

Connor loved his brother.

The witness
will refrain from answering.

The prosecution's objection
has been sustained.

That boy wouldn't kill a roach.
That boy couldn't kill a roach.

This is my
final warning, Mr. McCandless.

If you utter another word,
I will have you removed

from this courtroom. The kid loved
his brother almost as much as I did.

Marshal, I want this witness
removed from the courtroom

and taken back to his cell.

I don't know who killed Brendan,

but it sure as hell
wasn't Connor.

The jury will disregard

this witness's testimony.

And all of the witness's
testimony is hereby

stricken from the record.

In the matter of
The United States

v. Connor McCandless,
we, the jury,

find the defendant

not guilty.

I can't believe this.

Believe it.

Now go live your life.

Dr. Bull?

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Your husband got it wrong on the
stand the other day, didn't he?

Connor didn't get
the best parts of you,

he didn't get
the best parts of him.

He's very much his own man.

I'm not sure I'm following you.

From the beginning,
I told anyone who would listen,

you're a force.

And I was right.

It was you that had Brendan
killed, wasn't it?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.


What I do know...

is that Connor's
a very special boy.

He's not like his father,

not like his brother.

You know, when I first sent him

to stop Brendan
from killing that judge,

it was because
I was sure my husband

was about to go
to prison for life,

and that would've been the
answer to so many of my prayers.

But sometimes

things don't work out
the way you plan.

They just don't.

The key is to have faith,

to persevere.

What was the crossword clue

I couldn't get
the day we first met?

The one you helped me with?

It was a-a ten letter word

for the guardianship and control

exercised by the Lord our God.



We have to have faith
in providence,

even if it costs us our husband,

even if it costs us
our firstborn.

By the way,

I signed your check yesterday.

I'm sure you'll see it
in the next day or two.

Who knows,

perhaps we'll have
the opportunity

to work together again
at some point.

I strongly doubt that.

Oh, you just don't know.

Providence, Dr. Bull.


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