Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1996–2003): Season 7, Episode 8 - Sleeper - full transcript

Buffy and her friends fear Spike may be to blame when a number of people around town mysteriously disappear.

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Previously on
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I'm just a guy with his ear to the
ground, but even I can feel it.

Something's coming. I don't know what
exactly, but something's brewing.

It's so big, ugly and damned, it makes you
and me look like little puzzle pieces.

You're gonna live
in that small room over there.

I know it looks like a closet,
but it's a room now.

And I hate this plan. I just don't understand
when his problems became your problems.

The school basement is making him crazy.
We can't just leave him there.

Things are different now.

He has a soul.


Get off her,
and let her talk to me.

Things are coming, Dawn. When
it's bad, Buffy won't choose you.


You don't know hurt.

This last year is gonna seem like cake after
what I put you and your friends through,

and I am not a fan
of easy death.

Fact is, the whole good versus
evil balancing the scales thing?

I'm over it. But believe me,
I'm going for a big finish.

"From beneath you,
it devours."

Wait, what do you mean?
How do you know Spike?

What do you mean, how? He was the
guy that, um... Oh, what's the word?

- Sired.
- Yeah. He was the guy that sired me.

Okay, okay.
I'm coming. I'm up.

It's 4:30 in the morning.
Sweet mameloschn.

- Who is it?
- It's me.

Where's Spike?

Spike? Spike.
Xander, is he here?

N-N-No, he's out.

U-U-Uh, at least he was when I got home.
Any idea where he went?

I don't know.
Creature of the night, Buff.

He's probably
out creaturing.

Why? What happened?

Is he in trouble?

I hope not.






She's not here.

Dawn? Oh, my God.

What are you...

Dawn, what happened here?

You're cut.
I'm all right.

Let me see.
Make sure.

I saw Mom.


She was here, Willow.
I-I saw her.

She was here,
and she spoke to me.

Oh, sweetie.

No, she was...
She was right here, and...

And then she wasn't.

It wasn't her.

What? Well, at least
I don't think.

I... I saw something too.
And it looked like...

Someone else.

But it wasn't.
I don't understand.

It's the Big Bad, Dawn.

The one we knew was coming.

But that's what she said.

Mom... she said that things
were coming. That...

Things were
on their way and...

that she loved us.

So, it had to be her, right?
I mean, her warning was true.

I don't know.

I just don't think we can
trust anything right now.

So maybe the evil thing messing
with you was here too.

O-Only maybe it was
the thing tryin' to keep...

Mom away.

'Cause she was trying
to protect me.


Why would a vampire
lie about who sired him?

What's that, some kind of
status symbol for the undead?

My sire can beat up your sire?

I'm not saying
I don't believe him.

You just don't want to.

Okay, let's look
at this objectively.

Figure it out in a cold and
personal C.S.I.-like manner...

'cause we're a couple of carpet
fibers away from a case.

Spike can't be doing this.
He couldn't if he wanted to.

Why not? Well, for one
thing, pain chip, remember?

He can't hurt anyone. It didn't
stop him from hurting you.

Hey, objective here.

Maybe the chip's
not working anymore.

No, it's working. I've seen it.
Is it?

Or is that what Spike
wants you to think?

You think it's an act?
I don't really know.

And neither do you.
No. Uh-uh.

Th-There's something,
I-I can feel it.

He's... He's different.
He's changed.

And if it is an act,

then the Oscar goes to...

Well, this can't be good,
you here at this hour.

Is there trouble?

No. No trouble.

I... I was just...
W-We were just...

Right. None of my business.

No worries.

Spike, I...

H-How was your night?

Oh, it was all right.

And yours?
Did you, uh,

bag any baddies?

One. Vampire.

Uh, someone I used to know,
actually, a little.

Holden. Holden Webster.

You knew him, huh?

That must have
been a picnic.



I'm gonna turn in
before I drop.

Good night.

You see that? You see how he
reacted when you mentioned Webs?

Cool as Cool Whip.
What's up with that?

The sun's coming up. I need to
get home and check on Dawn.

We need to keep an eye on Spike.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

When you say "we", you mean "me."
That me has gotta go to work.

I've got a big client meeting in a couple
of hours. Xander, this is serious.

We cannot let him leave this house
until we know if he's killing again.

We need to find someone
that can watch him.

- Uh-uh. Forget it, Harris.
- Come on, Anya. You said you'd do it on the phone.

Yeah, but that... That was before
you told me Spike's killing again.

Now you wanna leave me
here alone with him?

- You didn't mind being alone with him before.
- What was that?


Look, we don't actually know
that he's killed anyone...

You know, lately.

It might all just be a mistake.
Yeah, but you don't think so.

Okay, have... have you
searched his room for clues?

Trophies from victims? Killers
like to keep trophies sometimes.

Scalps. Necklaces made
from human teeth.

You know, it didn't occur to me
to look, but thanks for the tip.

So you'll be safe in here. Plenty
of sunlight for you to hide in.

That's it?

You're not at least gonna,
like, leave me a crossbow...

or a flamethrower,
something to protect myself?

We don't want him to know
we suspect anything. Besides,

if he tries to leave, I don't
want you confronting him.

Call Buffy and just let her
know that he's on the move.

You're gonna be fine.

Better be.

Because if I get vamped,
I'm gonna bite your ass!

- It wouldn't be the first time.
- What was that?


Buffy, it's okay.

She's okay. Not hurt.
She's just exhausted.

Finally fell off to sleep.
What the hell happened?

Downstairs looks like...
Hell happened? Yeah.

This big evil that's been
promising to devour us...

Well, I think
it started chomping.

Oh, God.
And it started with Dawn?

Both of us.
Buffy, this thing knows us.

It made us think that we were
talking to people we knew.

Mine said it came
with a message from Tara.

But Dawn actually saw...

Your mother.

This thing, it had me
for a while. It...

I mean, before it started letting loose
with the pulse-pounding terror, it...

But before that,
the lies were...

Were very convincing.

It just seems real.

I mean, maybe...

Maybe to confuse us,
to mess us up.

O-Or maybe
just to be cruel.

Vampire I killed last night
told me Spike sired him.

Two nights ago.

W... Well, that's
impossible, right?

So... So maybe
it was another one.

A... A fake-out.
You got one too.

It wasn't a real vamp.

Dusted real enough.

Buffy, do you think
Spike is... I can't.

I hope not.

But if I'm wrong
and he is?

Then I have to see it
for myself.

I have to be there
to stop him.


Do be specific and tell a fella just
exactly what you're doing here.



I'm... h...
Here, obviously,

for, um...


Uh, beg pardon?

You and me.
Here and now.

Let's go.

Let's... get it on,
you big, bad boy.

Wait. Wait, Anya, just a minute.
This is not exact...

Is that a stake?

Yes. Kinky.

Well, yeah, but
what are you... Shh.

No questions.
No talking.

I can't help it.

I can't stop thinking
about you and us in our...

brief but unforgettable
time together.

I mean, it's...
Why else would I be here?

I mean, it's not like
I'm snooping around...

for proof that you're some sort
of wacked-out serial killer.

I don't why I said that.
Forget I said that.

It's craziness talking.
It's just nerves.


Nerves and...
And horniness.

Oh, just shut up,
William, and take me.

Take me now!



It's not that I'm
not tempted... Oh.

Obviously, if things were
different, you're a right catch.

I got it.
No problem.

I understand.

You think I'm fat.

It's either that or the haircut.
Ri-Ridiculous. The do's quite fetching.

Oh, right. Now you like the haircut.
Love it.

Sure, as a friend. You were a lot
more fun when you didn't have a soul.

Come on! Now, I've just
explained to you...

All I'm saying is soulless Spike would have had
me upside down and halfway to Happyland by now.

I need my pants.

I didn't mean to hurt
your feelings, luv.

Who's hurt?
I'm fine.


Look, uh,
I've got things to do.

Don't stick around
on my account.

It's me.
He's leaving.



Hey, man, what's up?

So, um...

What kind of name
is Spike?

What, are you gonna
make me guess?

All right.

I'll guess...

you're a little bit bad.


Am I right?

You a bad boy?

'Cause I don't mind.

You know, I was getting pretty bored
waiting over there in that line.

I hate... waiting.

Know what I mean?

You know you want it.

You know I want you to.


is everything...

There's my guy.

Now, doesn't that
feel better?

How could you use
a poor maiden so?

Did you kill her?

The girl, last night. What girl?
What are you talking about?

I caught the first act.
I missed the curtain call.

Did you kill her? Did you turn her?
Is she one of your kind now?

D-Did you...
Are you following me?

Answer the question.
Where is she?

Who knows?
I talked to her is all.

Really? Looked like
more than talking to me.

Well, I certainly
didn't off her.

Where are you getting this?

You know I can't.
Right. The chip.

No, not the chip!
Not the chip, damn it.

You honestly think I'd go...

to the end of the underworld and
back to get my soul, and then...

Buffy, I can barely live with what I did.
It haunts me.

All of it.

If you think that I would add to
the body count now, you're crazy.

So, what, you just
troll the promenade...

looking for drunk coeds 'cause
you're hungry for conversation?

Oh, is that what this is?
Right. What?

- You're jealous.
- Don't play games.

Not now.

You saw me chattin' up another bird,
givin' the eye to somebody else.

Touched a nerve,
didn't it?

Don't flatter yourself.

It burns, huh?

You can't admit it, so you trump up some
charge about me bein' back on the juice.

This vampire I killed told me.
Told you what?

That I go out?
Yeah, I talk to people.


I talk to them
'cause I can't talk to you.

Oh, Spike, save it.

As daft a notion as
"Soulful Spike the Killer" is,

it is nothing compared to the idea that
another girl could mean anything to me.

This chip
they did to me.

I couldn't help it.

But the soul
I got on my own.

For you.

- I know. B...
- So, yeah, I go and pass the time...

with someone.

But that's all it is,
is time.

'Cause God help me, Buffy,
it's still all about you.

Spike, this vampire
told me you sired him.

That doesn't mean...
He said you killed him.

Dumped him in
a parking lot somewhere.

- And you believed him? Vampires aren't...
- I did follow you last night.

And you know what? You didn't
look lonely or casual to me.

You looked like
you were on the prowl.

You can't know that.
So then tell me.

Tell me what happened? You...
You talked to her? Then what?

We talked.
That's all I remember.

All you remember?
I don't know. I go out.

I talk to people, or I don't.
It's boring.

It all bleeds together.
Well, if you seem to...

forget that much, then...
Not that.

The taste of human blood?
That I'd remember.

You were camped out on the Hellmouth
talking to invisible people.

How can you be sure of...

No! You are wrong!

You've got an accusation from a pile
of dust and not a shred of proof.

So I'll get some.

Okay, guys, find me some
evidence that he did this.

Really? Are you sure
that's what you want?

Find me the proof
that he didn't.

Well, you only think Spike is turning people
'cause that vampire told you so, right?

But that night, I mean, we were all
told things that weren't true.


What maybe?

Well, just because those weren't the
spirits of, you know, our people,

just because it was some evil thing,
doesn't mean what they said can't be true.

I used to tell the truth
all the time when I was evil.

Well, we can't assume anything.
We need hard facts.

Well, if Spike is biting people again,
then shouldn't there be more...

dead people
with neck trauma, right?

And we can find that.


No, we can't find that? But that's easy.
That computer's a moron.

I mean, no, there's not really an
increase in neck injuries. But...

But what?

Oh. Missing people.
Eight maybe?

Oh, 10 of them.

No bodies.
They're just missing.

Mostly young,
lots of girls.

So, it's true.

What that vampire told Buffy
turned out to be true.


But it still doesn't prove
that it's Spike.

Right now he's the only one
who knows for sure.

Hi! How was
work today, honey?

No, no, no!
You're not goin' out.

I have to go. Buffy was very clear
about the not leaving of you.

I know what the Slayer
told you. It's not true.

Let me go, and I'll
find a way to prove it.

Okay, I'm gonna list the reasons
that won't happen. One...



♪ This is how it goes ♪

♪ You'll get angry at yourself ♪

♪ And think you can think
of something else ♪

♪ And I'll hear
the clanging of the bells ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't
stop you, baby ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't have
the bribery in place ♪

♪ No bright, shiny surface
to my face ♪

♪ So I won't go near
the marketplace ♪

She had blonde hair.
A nice lookin' girl.

I was here
talkin' with her.

The other night. I'm lookin' for
someone who might've seen her.

No. Sorry.
♪ 'Cause it's all about drugs ♪

♪ It's all about shame ♪

♪ And whatever they want ♪

♪ Don't tell 'em your name ♪♪

- He hit you?
- Knocked me out.

He's been gone
at least half an hour.

Any idea where he's headed?

♪ Oh, Mario ♪

♪ Sit here by the window ♪

One of them take your wallet?

What's that?

The way you're scanning that crowd,
you look like you're out for blood.

I'm just lookin' for a certain
bird I met here the other night.


Is it me? Sorry, luv.
Don't think so.

Not even if I ask nice?

Or are you the type
that has to be convinced?

Friendly warning, pet.
I'm the type best left alone.

Oh, I get it.

You'd rather I slip into
something more comfortable.

Should we pick off
the crowd one by one...

or block the exits
and ravish the place?

Get away from me. What's
with the wallflower act?

You didn't seem so shy
when you were... biting me.

I'm not asking if you
want to be soul mates.

Just... figured you'd
wanna have some fun.

I take him, you take her.

Or the other way around.

No, you're lying!

Was that all I was to you,
a one-bite stand?

♪ Because nobody knows ♪

♪ That's how I nearly fell ♪

♪ Trading clothes ♪

♪ And ringing Pavlov's bell ♪

♪ History shows ♪

♪ But rarely shows it well ♪

♪ Well, well, well ♪

♪ Because nobody knows ♪

♪ That's how I nearly fell ♪

♪ Trading clothes ♪

♪ And ringing Pavlov's bell ♪


♪ History shows ♪

♪ But rarely shows it well ♪♪

Hey, sweetheart, if you
want to go in, go ahead.

Uh, actually, I need some help.
I-I'm looking for this guy.

Bleached blond hair, leather
jacket, British accent, kind of...

Sallow but in a hot way?

Yeah, yeah. I know the guy.
Billy Idol wannabe?

Actually, Billy Idol
stole his look from...

Never mind.
Has he been here?

This guy your boyfriend
or somethin'?

No. I just... I need to find
him as soon as possible.

Yeah, he comes in here
a lot lately.

Every night leaves with a different girl.
Chicks like Billy Idol.

How many girls?

Look, this guy that's
not your boyfriend guy?

If I were you, I'd lose him.
He's a real player.

Man, I hate playing
vampire towns.

Hello? It's me.

I'm seein'...

I think I'm remembering.

I think I've done
some very bad things.

- Where are you?
- I need...

I need to see you.

There's a house...
634 Hoffman Terrace.

I'll meet you.

You shouldn't have
done that.

It's not time yet.

Not nearly. You're goin'
against the plan.

But we can make it work.

Down here.

You won't come down?

I understand.

It's a risky proposition.

There's an order.
The Slayer's not in order.

But it can't hurt to play. Get
your claws in the mouse, you know?

You are not here.

All right, what do you
want to show me?

I've been remembering.

It's the girl.
I walked her home.

The one you saw.

And the one before that.

And I think I killed her.

And I think I...
I think I killed...

The lady who lived here.


And there might be others.

Oh, my God.


I... I think
I buried them here.

Spike, why?

Well, I don't know, do I?
I don't even know how.

- I shouldn't be able...
- ♪ Early one morning ♪

♪ Just as the sun was risin' ♪

♪ I heard a fair maid singing
in the valley down below ♪

- ♪ Oh, don't deceive me ♪
- What? What is it?

♪ Oh, never leave me ♪

- ♪ How could you use a poor maid so ♪♪
- Spike!

What are you doing?


Spike, listen to me.
You don't wanna do this.

And it's just about
to get fun.

Oh, God.

You know what
I want you to do.

They're waiting for you.

Take her. Taste her.
Make her weak.

Spike! No!

I remember.

You've failed them.

Now she's gonna kill you.

You lose, mate.

Sorry, ma'am.
But it's my job.

Do it fast, okay?

He said you would do it.

Who said?


It was me.

I saw it.

I was here the whole time,
talkin' and singin'.

There was this song.

What are you talking about?
I don't know!

Please, I don't remember.

Don't make me remember.

Make it so I forget again!

I did what you wanted!

There's something here.

Oh, God. No, please,
I need that.

I can't cry this soul
out of me.

It won't come.

I've killed,
and I can feel 'em.

I can feel
every one of 'em.

There's something
playing with us.

All of us.

What is it?

Why is it
doin' this to me?

I don't know.

Will you... help me?

Can you help me?

I'll help you.

And you believe him?

You didn't see him
down there.

He really didn't know
what he'd done.

It wasn't in his control.

Oh, an out-of-control
serial killer.

You're right. That is
a great houseguest.

Wait. Is he...

- Is he staying here?
- I don't know.

But I'm not letting him out
of my sight, that's for sure.

Buffy, he's been feeding... on human blood.
That's gotta do stuff.

I'm not keeping him around
just to help him.

I think there was
something there...

talking to him,
making him do things.

Something like what was
talking to us?


And if it was, then it's been
screwin' with Spike big-time.

So, you want him
around because...

Look, there's
something evil working us.

If we are ever gonna have a chance to fight
it, we need to learn everything about it.

This thing has been closer
to Spike than any of us.

And if you want
to understand it...

I'm gonna have to
get close to Spike.

- Nah, it's too dangerous.
- I don't have a choice.

Whatever this thing is...
From beneath us... it's bad.

And it's only getting worse.

Oh, dear God!

Robson, are you here?


You too?

- Dear God, I thought you were...
- Gather them.

- What?
- It's started.

It's all right.

I understand.
I'll take care of...

Grr! Arrgh!