Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 22 - Physical Graffiti - full transcript

An underwater battle ensues as boomers pour into Sylia's mansion. When the Knight Sabers finally find refuge from the biomechanical fallout, they discover they aren't the only survivors.

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Priss, Linna, Nene!

Why is Galatea targeting
us here now?

You can think about it later.

This might be the last
time we change here.

A lot of things have happened
to us, haven't they?

Yes, they have.

How rude of them!

Shoo, shoo!

They're just boomers, so
don't worry about them.


Hurry up! They'll break the water
tank and be in here soon.

Hurry up, both of you.

Nigel, please proceed.


I have to go through that again,
but I can't stand it!

It makes your wound sting, doesn't
it? But please be patient.

If negative messages are mixed in,
the inner-metal won't fit.

I understand.


An earthquake again?

What the hell is going on?!

What's the situation?

It won't hold any longer.

Who can't swim?


They're coming!




Let's go!

Go ahead!

Mackey, you too!


Let's go!

Come on!

Are you all right?

Oh, my, that was tough
for an old man like me.

Let's go.

What the hell?!

Is everybody all right?

Yeah, we're fine.

What is this?

Yuck, it's disgusting!

It's not just here!


Is this Tokyo?

It looks as if it has a completely
different ecosystem.

I guess we don't have
anywhere to go.

Oh, no. Galatea might not
have targeted this place.


Everybody, hurry and get
as far away as possible!

What is that?

Just as I thought.

Coincidentally, this place

seems to be exactly on
the Dragon Line which is
spreading the phenomenon.

What beautiful scenery!

This is what I've always
longed to see.

No matter where we go,
it's the same.

What'll we do?

That place might be okay.

Here I go!


I guess we barely came through.

For now, I can't think of
another place where boomers
wouldn't have an effect.

Surely, there are no boomers here.

But isn't it strange to see a place
without any cleaning boomers?

I guess they all went in search
of their associates,

in order to fuse with each other.

If that's true, we should
be safe for a while.

Well, it's about time.

Who's there?!

Don't scare us like that!

I'm surprised to find people still
living in a place like this.


Oh, don't worry, these are...


It's a boomer!

Then, when I realized everything
had changed like that,

violent boomers and buildings
that changed shapes.

No matter where I ran to,

roads were closed, and we didn't
have any place to go.

So we looked for a place where
there weren't any boomers.

Finally, we arrived at this park.

On our way here, there
were many victims.




I see. People who didn't have any
way to evacuate gathered here.

Yes, probably fifty or so.

That many?


Still, many people died
on their way here.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Don't look like that!

We need to thank God that we've
survived such a trial.

Yes, you're right, because
of my efforts!

You were crying while we
were running, weren't you?

Don't say things like that!

I'm sorry that I thought
you were a boomer.

Oh, no. Sorry to have scared you.

Well, in this situation, anybody
would be scared if someone
appeared like that.

Excuse me, but this coffee and
food, how did you get them?

We take turns and go hunting.


Yes, that's what we call it.

Yes, that's what we call it.

How dare they call this hunting!

They made me do this, even
though I'm a police officer!

The line of boomerization
is right over there,

so we don't have time to complain!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's here! Get the
hell out of there!

Hurry up!


This is good!

See? This is a limited product
sold only in this area!

Just like that!

That story is mine, you idiot!

Here you go.

How about you? You like
drinking, don't you?

Yes, I've been drinking already.

Lady, we have lots to drink, so you
can keep going and going! Right?

By the way, what are
your plans now?

I have to settle this matter
once and for all.

But how about you?

That's right. Tokyo totally
changed last night.

It's not possible to go
hunting anymore.

I guess...

Then that manager harassed me
sexually, can you believe it?!
Sexual harassment!

What a jerk!

Isn't he?!

Hey, are you listening to me?!

I am! I am listening to you!

What a strange face!

Who let her drink like that?!

You're so good at doing this.

You're here, just as I thought.

What are you doing?

What are these things?



Mackey, who loves to
deal with machines.

Mackey, who is as pure
and fragile as glass.

I'm not interested in boys who
are younger than I am,

but... but Mackey...

I will help you.

Next Bubblegum Crisis!