BrainDead (2016): Season 1, Episode 13 - Episode #1.13 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ Once the end was coming,
now at last the end is here ♪

♪ Ella's dead,
but at least there's not ♪

♪ A space bug in her ear ♪

♪ Looks like Red
is finally feeling better ♪

♪ Luke's all fired up
and lean and mean ♪

♪ Gareth's glad that Laurel said
she'll stay and see it through ♪

♪ She tells Rochelle and Gustav
that she knows just what to do ♪

♪ While they scheme
the clock is ticking ♪

♪ Here in
this fair brownstone ♪

♪ Where we lay our scene. ♪

I know what their plan is,

and I think I know
how to stop it.

(guitar continues playing
in distance)


38 days. Their countdown
clock said 38 days.

I knew it sounded familiar.
War. 38 days to start war.

No, the war was a distraction.
The internment camps were

a distraction--
they were never for internment.

They were hothouses.
A distraction from what?


(guitar continues playing)

Tsk. Oh, God.


A distraction...

from what?

Cherry blossoms.

Global warming has extended
the cherry blossom season,

but it's ending.

In 38 days.

Right. Well, less now.

They need the cherry blossoms.

That's where they spawn.
That's why the hothouses.

It's not just about spreading
the blossoms to other states,

it's about surviving here, now.

So what do we do? We stop the
building of this hothouse.

The one in Manassas. No, no, no, no.
It's almost done.

We need to sabotage it.

We need full blueprints.
Can you get them

from Red?
I'll talk to Gareth.

And what about the vote
on the other hothouses?

We still need to stop them.
Right. My brother's on it.

Nice. Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

I feel like we should
say something to each other.

♪ ♪


We're in this together.

It's us against the world.

The world won't know
what hit it.


Sorry about that.


Look who's here. This is
your son's girlfriend, Lana.


Mr. and Mrs. Ritter, hi.
Oh, call us Nora and Sam. I...

SAM: Hi.
NORA: Gareth didn't tell us

he had a girlfriend.
RED: Yeah. they're in town

because of this
terrible mugging.

It's the Democrats--

inner-city terrorists.

Uh, sorry.

Didn't mean to offend you.
SAM: Oh!

You're a... Democrat.

What? I-I didn't say anything...
Not just a Democrat.

Her brother's the leader
of the rebellion

in the senate.
He's your brother?

Would you do me a favor
and get Senator...

There he is!

Hey, man of the hour.

We were just
talking politics.

(awkward chuckle)

Gareth. Oh!

Oh! Sorry.

How are you doing?
Good, Mom.

You guys didn't need
to come this far.

You got stabbed!
Of course we'd come.


Hi. RED: We were just
discussing you two.

You're a sly one, eh?

Not telling your parents
you're dating a Democrat?

Especially so soon
after she...

dated Michael Moore.

Gareth. Do you have a minute?
(quietly): Sure.

(door closes)

Well, that was weird.

Yes. It was.

I need the blueprints
for the hothouses.


You have them.

No, the full things.
Can you get them?

I can try. Are...

are you good?

Yeah. Yeah.
What do you mean?

Just, my parents, and... I don't
know what they were saying, and...

they're kind of old-fashioned,
and Red's kind of been a...

We could do it right here.

With your parents on the
other side of the wall?

I have a lock.

Well, in that case.


♪ ♪

I have to go.

I know.

Where is everybody?

Back in their offices.

They got tired.
What can we do?

We need to stop these
hothouses from being built.

Well... I'm open to ideas.

What would bring
the senators back?


And what drama
might that be?


You have a thought?

Eh, not a good one.

I'm open to bad ones.

Want to do me a favor?

That... depends.

Arrest me.

(scoffs, laughs)

(both laughing)

Oh... seriously.

And why would I do that?

(clears throat)

(people murmuring)

This is what happens
with free speech!

I'm being dragged
from this floor!

This sit-in is being

shut down through fascist
Republican tactics!


Did you see what the
Republicans are doing?

Can you believe it?

♪ ♪

Is everything all right?

There's no sign
of any blueprints here,

but there is a security...
(door opens)

Do you need
anything, sir?

Uh, no, Gary.
Thank you.

There is a security badge
that might come in handy.

It looks like it's to
the Manassas construction site.

You're kidding.

And you won't get in trouble for this?
I hope not.

Okay. I'll tell
Gustav and Rochelle.

Love you.

(excited chatter on TV)

Yes, I did just say that.

You did.

I'm not sure why.

It's just one of those things
you say when you're hanging up.

Yeah. Red and I say it
to each other all the time.

Okay. I'm hanging up now.

Hey. Love you.


Rochelle. It's Laurel.

No blueprint,
but we have a security badge.

♪ Tree that's standing
by the water ♪

♪ We shall not be moved ♪

♪ We will stand
and fight together ♪

♪ We shall not be moved ♪

♪ Just like a tree ♪

♪ That's standing by the water ♪

It's fantastic! Isn't it?
(phone ringing)

And it looks like it worked.


Hey, Red. How are you doing?

Not very good, Luke.

I'm just watching you on C-SPAN.

Quite a drama.

That's one thing I've learned
from you: the voters like drama.

What do you need?

I think we should talk,
you and me.

We have talked.
No, no, no, no.

Come to my office.

We'll negotiate. Yeah?

This is me learning from you.

Compromise. It's essential.

You want to compromise?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Then I'll see you tomorrow.


♪ We shall not,
we shall not be moved ♪

♪ Just like a tree that's
standing by the water ♪

♪ We shall not be moved ♪

♪ We shall not,
we shall not be moved ♪

♪ We will stand
and fight together ♪

♪ We shall not be moved ♪

♪ Just like the tree
that's standing ♪

♪ By the water ♪

♪ We shall not be moved... ♪

(door opens)

Director. How are you?

Not good.

Sorry to hear that.
Health issue?

Mind if I turn this on?

And I especially condemn
the strong-arm tactics

of the Capitol Police.

I mean, come on, now, people...

I think we should
talk, Senator.

We have talked, Director.

No. You leaked,

You were offered a CIA briefing,
and you leaked.

It's a criminal offense.

and the special prosecutor already
investigated and found nothing.

I didn't leak to the press, I
didn't leak to anyone. No,

the special prosecutor

before he could find anything.

And what is there to find?


A witness.

(singing on TV continues)

(TV turns off)

(knocks on glass) You enjoy being
a senator, sir, don't you?

But if this comes out,
that you leaked,

you might have to resign.

Laurel, this is Director Isenstadt from
the CIA. I don't think you've met.

LAUREL: No. Senator, I think we
should discuss this on our own.

He was just threatening me.
I thought you should hear.

I would treat this
more seriously.

He thinks I leaked
the CIA briefing.

He says he has a witness.
When you're in a more serious

frame of mind,

(tears paper) you and I
should discuss your options.

My options?

What might they be?

Good to meet
you, Ms. Healy.


(door opens)

(chuckles softly)

He's bluffing.
Says he has a witness.

To you leaking?

Unless you turn on me.

Or Dad.

("You Might Think" by The Cars
playing on speakers)

(music louder)


♪ Well, you might think
I'm crazy ♪

Hey. Dad?

♪ To hang around with you ♪

♪ Maybe you think I'm lucky ♪

You alright?

♪ To have something to do ♪

What do you mean?

Did you talk to
the CIA about Luke?

I'm pronating too much.
I need new shoes.

They're saying they have a
witness who says Luke leaked.

You were there.
I was there.

I didn't talk to the CIA,
so did you?

I told them the truth.

You should try it sometime.

You're seriously gonna
hurt your son?

No, I'm gonna tell the truth.
Oh, really?

Like the truth of how many times
you screwed him over?

(sighs) Come on, Laurel,
this isn't personal.

His first election, his first
loss, what did you tell him?

I just wanna go running.
You told him

to never embarrass the family
like that again.

And he didn't.

He was in tears.

You should've held him.

Why are you doing this to me?
It's not personal.

He looked up to you.

Luke wanted to be you, and you
said he embarrassed you.

I was trying to toughen him.

No. No, you wanted
to hurt him.

You wanted to hurt
him for losing.

No, I didn't.

That's all that ever
mattered to you, just winning.


Thanks for dropping by, Laurel.

Let them out.
Come back to us.

I have to go running.

You know, that was
the exact moment

that Luke lost
his faith in you.

He admired you, everything
about you, before that.

Make your son proud, Dad.

You don't have to be
who you were.

I have to get

So what happened?

-I was talking to my dad, and--

I was talking to my dad,
and a bug...

leaked out.

Why did it leak out?
I have no idea.

He grabbed his ear
before any more could.

What was he doing?

We were just talking.

But, he seemed sick.

I think they're weakening.

What was he talking about?

He wasn't.
Actually, I was.

Something about telling Luke
he embarrassed him

after losing
a Senate race.


It's the most deep-seated
human emotion.

If there's any human part of him
you can still reach,

it's through shame.

I don't think he was ashamed.
I don't...

GUSTAV: Come on, politicians
can't feel ashamed.

ROCHELLE: They're just like us.
Try it, shame.

It's the thing buried deepest
in the mind than anything else.


He won't go into his jacket
again until tonight,

so I need that back
by 8:00 p.m.

This is great.


Yes, thank you.

No problem.

Laurel, could I talk
to you for a second?


Look, this "I
love you" thing

is really just something I
said automatically. I know.

I just... Anyway, I'm
the commitment-phobe,

so you don't need
to say anything.

What do you mean?
What don't I have to say?

Just that we shouldn't
get too serious...

Do you think
we're getting too serious?

No, I just...

Wait, what were
you gonna say?


Just-just give me
a minute, okay? I'm...

I think I love you, too.


Forget it.

(chuckles, groans)
No, no. No, seriously,

I didn't hear what you said.

Maybe I love you, too.

That's all.

If the world's gonna end,
I thought I should say it.

Wait. Just wait.

You can't just say that
and... walk away.


I think I love you, too.

♪ ♪

(keys clacking)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Just look straight,
act like them,

don't react.

Let's do this.


We just have to salt the beds.

Just a few boxes in each.

Oh, no. Oh, no, oh, no.
Just relax.

Just act normal.
What are you doing?


Like you.
Just working. See?

How unchivalrous. Making
the woman do the hard work.

Well, you know,
I tried to push it, but...

you know women.

(all chuckle)

I insisted.
Here, let me.

No, it's... Sure. Oh. (grunting)

Where you headed? Uh, inside.
Uh, you know, um...

Plot nine?

So, your name is?

Dr. Bo...
Uh, Wheatus.

Red Wheatus.

It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you as well.

Figured I'd take a break
from Capitol Hill,

come on down, and see
how y'all are doing.

We're doing just fine.

Almost done.
Just getting the beds in.

It'll be a week. I'm Brian.
Ah. Good, good, good.

And, um, this is
my... assistant,

Roch... sheen.

Rasheen Moleen.

Nice to meet you. And you.
We were just...

You're just...?

Just... just...

helping out. You know,
it takes a village, right?

Where are we piping
the water next?

The back nine.
Good. Where's that?

Come with us. We're
heading there now.

This is more disorganized
than I thought it would be.

Well, we're still
working out the kinks.

You might be interested
in telling the senator

your concerns.
The senator?

Do I know you?


Senator, we have that
conference call that we need

to get onto. Very important. Ah, yes.
The call. The call, yes.

Uh, hello.
Oh. Oh, right.

Yes, yes, yes!


♪ moved ♪

♪ We shall... ♪

Okay, quick thing.

Uh, yeah. Keep
it up, guys.

After you lost
the first Senate race,

do you remember
what Dad told you?

Sis, I'm a little busy here.
There's a chance shame

might have an impact
on Dad's infection.

Is this what
your friends say?

No, this is what I saw.

Well, here's the thing,
Dad doesn't shame easily.

I know.
Keep it up.

But I reminded him of the night
you lost the Senate race,

and... he cried.

He cried about me losing?

No, he cried about what
he said to you.

Then he had something in his eye.

No, he's still in there.

he was never in there
to begin with.

He never was our father.

He was our... manager.

Okay, well, what else
will shame him?

What else about him
pisses you off?

What else
did he say?

It's not about me.

It was never about me.

He always loved you.

More than me.
What are you talking about?

You really want to
make him ashamed?

Remember that camera you got
for your ninth birthday?

If anything makes
him ashamed,

that would.

♪ We shall not be moved ♪

Today is my ninth birthday,
and it's the best one ever

because I finally got
what I wanted, a camera.

Zoom in. Zoom out.

Zoom in. Zoom out.
DEAN: What's this?

This is the movie of my life...
I just found it, Dad.

Remember, you bought me
my first camera?

That's my mom.

She got me these shoes.
I missed this birthday?

You did.

Don't remember that.

I heard my dad's car.

(door opens)
Wait, here he comes.

Oh, brother.

Where were you?

I-I couldn't get away.

LIZ: You weren't at the office.
So don't even try. Oh, please.

That's enough.

How do you turn this thing off?

I'll turn it off when it's over.

LIZ: Your daughter was crying.
DEAN: Well, she'll get over it.

Will she? You missed

your daughter's birthday to be with your
girlfriend. Oh, please. Just don't start.

Turn it off. LIZ: It's one
thing to do it to me.

But to her? She doesn't
even know where I was.

She knows you weren't here!

DEAN: Would you please keep
your voice down? Please?

Don't tell me what to do.
You should have been here!

You really want me
to move out?

I didn't know you were there.

I know you're lying. It's time. DEAN:
Oh, for God's sake! Okay, I'm done.

It's time.
I am done!

I love my dad.

And I did.

(Laurel crying on video)


Dad? Dad.

Dad, are you okay?

You've got five minutes, Red,
then I'm back to our sit-in.

Whoa, whoa. Calm down,
Senator, just have a seat.

(scoffs) I've have been sitting
for way too many hours,

thanks to you. So...

(clears throat)
what's the deal?

All right, well,
if you refuse to sit,

fine, but, uh,
I'm a bit queasy, so...

could you just s-stand still,

right-right there, for a minute?

(desk drawer opens)


Thank you. Well...
(phone rings)

Here's my offer.

Oh, come on.


Uh, Laurel, what is it?


No, y-- yes.

Wait, when?

(gun clicks)
But how did...

Yes, I'm-I'm on my way.

(phone beeps)

Uh, we're gonna
need to delay this.


W-W-What's wrong?

Uh, my dad is sick.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Damn Healys.

Do you need anything, Senator?


Has anyone been in here, buddy?

In your office?

No. (chuckles)
The intern.

What's his name?

He hasn't been in here.

Are you sure?


Why don't you
bring him in here?


I'll go talk to him.


You're a good person,
aren't you?

No, just a person.

No, it's not a bad thing,

to be good.

You know, sometimes I...

I think you're like
the son I never had.

That's nice, Senator.

Then sometimes
I think you're not.

(door closes)


Did it work?

Yes, but no.

We have to find another way.

Okay, where's the badge?

Any day now.

Oh, oh.

Ooh, in his sock?

Yeah, it's in your sock.

Here you go.

Do you need help
with that?

No. No.

I think I can do this.

Where the hell...?

Is-is this what you're
looking for... Senator?

Yes. Yeah.

Yeah. Well,
see you tomorrow.



It's not easy...
seeing him like that.


You all right?

My whole childhood,

I wanted to see Dad
show some kind of shame

for what he did to Mom.

Now I have.

How does it feel?



Are you serious? It's...

Oh, it's 9:00 a.m.

I have a solution.

Another way into the hothouse?

We don't have to get
into the hothouse.

They're still a week away.

Okay. Then... what?

We need to sabotage
the trees.

They're in the trees now.

We need to make
them absciss.

Absciss means...
I know what it means.

...make them shed,
make their blossoms drop

before the bugs can get
to the hothouses.

And how do we do that?

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer.



It worked on my dad.

The person is still in there.

He can be reached.

Yeah, Red really
doesn't do shame.

It's not his brand.

Well, he was crying last week.

So you want to figure
out what'll shame him?


God, you're sexy.

(both sigh)

(inhaling deeply)

Lana. He keeps
calling you Lana.


I need your laptop.

(Red crying)
Do you need a moment, Senator?

I just miss her, and I'm...

I'm so ashamed.

Okay, why don't we take a break,

and, uh, we'll be back
to discuss

more on the congressional dysfunction.
Oh. Lana.

(Red crying)

Where are you, Lana?


I think I saw her
photo in Red's drawer.



So we just sprinkle some
ammonium nitrate on the roots?

That's what it says.

How long does it take?

Depends on how
much we use.

Hey, let's not draw a lot
of attention to ourselves.

We wouldn't want...

(siren chirps)


This is not gonna look good.


Is there a problem, officer?

and registration.

A flickering tail light perchance?

Excuse my
friend, officer.

Actually, you were
speeding, sir.

(indistinct radio transmission)


I was most definitely
not speeding.

Rochelle, you...
You know what?

I think we should
probably record this.

Ma'am, please put the phone away.
Why would I do that?

Because you're not allowed
to record an officer in D.C.

Actually, in D.C.,

all you need is one
party's consent, so, smile.

Not when you're obstructing
police business.

Ah, here we go.

(sirens wailing,
indistinct radio transmission)

This is bad.
Don't talk. Shh.

It makes them angry.

You've been
through this before?

It's why I don't have a car.

Oh, great.
Now what?

(car door bell dings)

(indistinct radio transmission)

Well, well, well.

What are the odds?

♪ We shall not,
we shall not be moved ♪

♪ We shall not, we shall not
be moved ♪

♪ Just like a tree
that's standing by the water...♪

Senator Healy,
may we have a word?

So, you're a
united front now?

You've been getting people
to steal my security badge?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Call my office,
make an appointment.

Right now, I have
a floor to sit on.

We think
you should stop this.

Check on your witness.

I think you'll find he's
not available anymore.

It's not about your father.

"I love you, Lukey Pookie."

ISENSTADT: This is about
something more serious.

There's a sex tape.

♪ We shall not,
we shall not be moved... ♪

Not a good one.

♪ That's standing by the water ♪

♪ We shall not be moved... ♪

Thank you.
(clears throat)

Thank you all.
♪ Black and white together... ♪

This has been
an amazing achievement.

Now I think it's time to
bring this sit-in to a close.

(senators exclaiming)

What? No!

Yes. We have
made our point.

Now I think
we should let the majority vote.

It's time.

(overlapping chatter)

Don't make any
furtive movements.

Excuse me, I know how to be black.
ANTHONY: Turn around.

(indistinct radio transmission)

What's the
fertilizer for?

My friend bought a tree.

Must be a big tree.

If you would just check my ID...
I have it.

No, you have my
driver's license.

I mean my work ID.

It's in my back pocket.
If you would just...

Do not reach in your pocket!

Just check my back...


You work for the NSA?

Yes, sir.

I'm a senior
intelligence officer.

Damn it.

Sorry to bother you,
Agent Triplett.

You folks are free to leave.

Sorry about
the misunderstanding.

Thank you.

You're NSA?!

Of course.
What'd you think?


That's insane.

(classical music playing

DIANE: All those in favor of
allowing the budget to pass as is.

The motion is passed.

The budget will go
in front of the full Senate

without bifurcation.

(scattered applause)

There, you see that?

We can get things done
after all.

We shall not be moved, my ass.

Damn it.

♪ We shall be... ♪

Look, the sentence needs
to be precise and direct.

LUKE: Well, your
precision won't matter

unless we get there in time.
Where are we?

STOCKWELL: Almost done. So you
didn't even bother voting?

You just let it go through?
It wouldn't have mattered.

They had the numbers.

Well, that's why
you were doing the sit-in.

I don't understand.
Laurel, will you please stop

Wasn't that the point?
telling me how to do my job?

I'm not telling you...
Can you...

Can you trust me? Sorry,
I need to focus. Shh.

All motorcycle helmets
are required to pass

Federal motor vehicle...
Are you serious?

You had a motorcycle
helmet bill?

Yes. Very important.
We have the votes for it.

Yes, Republicans, too.
Good. Let's go.

Wait... wait.

What are you going to do?

The trick was to make
the motorcycle helmet law

public health policy,

and give it a robust advertis...
Okay, I don't understand.

Once it's about
the public health,

the asterisk includes language

that affects paragraph 1403,

sub-paragraph six, footnotes
11 through... Meaning?

The motorcycle helmet law
overrides the farm bill

on issues that cross
state lines.

He lost.

He just doesn't
know it yet.

What the hell?!

"Funding for the federal
motorcycle helmet law

supersedes all funding
for paragraph 1403..."

(angry muttering)




Here she is.


Here I am.

Looks like it's come down
to the two of us.

Sure does.

Come on in.


All the children
have gone to bed.

It's just the adults now.

Shall we talk?


You go first.

What I don't understand is
why you didn't say anything.

You didn't say anything
about your car, either.

Yes, but there
is a big difference

between owning a BMW,
and being a senior

intelligence officer
with the NSA.

Hey, guys.

Sorry to interrupt.

Where's Laurel?

She went upstairs
to find you.


Your brother kind of tricked me
with this helmet law.

Yes, he can be
sneaky that way.

Seems to run
in the family...



You were about to call me Lana,
weren't you?

It doesn't matter.

We have the grassroots.

We have the
gerrymandered districts.

You mean the
crop circles.

We have everything
for a permanent majority.

I look like her,
don't I?

I looked online.

Except for the hair.

Maybe if I put it back?

How's that?

What are we talking about here?

Your first love.

My first love...

was and is
our great country.

You turned Lana in.

She was an illegal immigrant

working in your dorm.


You were
in love with her,

but you hated the fact

that you were
in love with her.

This is disgusting.

You want to make everything
about sex.

I didn't say anything
about sex.

I said "love."

I couldn't have been
in love with her.

She wasn't my type.

Then why do you keep
calling me Lana?

Here's the truth.

You're ashamed
of what you did.

I'm proud of what I did.

Then what
did you do?

I turned in a woman

who was in this
country illegally.

She's dead now.

Did you know that?

You sent her
to Guatemala.

She was born here,
but her parents weren't.

You're making this up.

And you know I'm not.

Go on.

Let it out.

You know you want to.

Get it out.

You need to be...


What? Come on.

What do I need to be?
I'm Lana.

What do I need to be?

(door opens)

(glass breaking)


Stop. No.



Why are you doing this?

I love you, Gareth.

Why are you...?

Why are you...?

(Gareth panting)


My butt.


You shot me in the butt.

(Red grunts)

There it goes. Hey, it's
going under the door.

Get it!

(crunch, squish)


Sorry, Senator.

I'll get some paper towels,


clean this up.

Oh, and I got your smoothie.

(high-pitched screeching)

(screeching grows louder)

For years now, we've let
Republicans rule this chamber.

Well, I am sick and tired
of playing second fiddle

to some of these...

(high-pitched screeching)


Do you want to relinquish
your time, Senator?

(high-pitched screeching)

(panicked screaming)

(high-pitched screeching)

Oh, my God.

Whoa, whoa.

♪ ♪

GUSTAV (sighs): How long
is this supposed to take?

I don't know.

Could be a day,
could be a week.

Why don't you ask
your NSA friends?

This is really bothering
you, isn't it?

I just...

I don't understand why
we've been running around

with salt and fertilizer,
when you could have just

waved your NSA magic wand.

My NSA magic wand?

Your government

Your ability to wiretap.

First of all,
I do not wiretap.


Second of all,
I was on leave.

Third of all, this is
only bothering you

because you have
a massive crush on me.

Okay. I'm going now.


You can't get
enough of me.



I said, you can't
get enough...

Five cherry blossoms?
That's not enough.

There needs to be
more than that.


(Rochelle laughing)

(both laughing)

Ah, we did it!


(Rochelle squealing happily)

That's kind of gross.

(guitar playing upbeat melody)

Hey, hey.

What's going on?

Welcome back, Senator.

♪ ♪

♪ Some things got much better ♪

♪ While some other things
got worse ♪

♪ Let's tie up some loose ends ♪

♪ While the space bugs
all disperse ♪

♪ All the head explosions
notwithstanding ♪

♪ Mostly everything turned out
all right ♪

♪ Laurel's leaving politics ♪

♪ She's tired of D.C. ♪

♪ Someday she might finish
her dream documentary ♪

♪ She and Gareth
got a place together ♪

♪ They kiss and canoodle
every night ♪

How many kids
do you want?


Why? How-how many kids
do you want?

The normal amount,
like five or six.

♪ ♪

♪ Red made some mistakes ♪

♪ But never really
paid the price ♪

♪ He stayed on as a senator ♪

♪ Got reelected twice ♪

♪ Easily distracted,
not intelligent as such ♪

♪ Turns out having half
a brain ♪

♪ Just doesn't matter
all that much ♪

Well, I'm not a scientist.

Am I?

No, sir.

So, I-I can't tell you 100%

whether global warming is real,

but, uh, doggy-woggy.

There is doggy-woggy.

Wh-why can't I have
a doggy-woggy?

What I mean is, uh, there are
those who, uh, believe that, uh,

global warming is a conspiracy
put forward by the Chinese.

You tell me.

♪ Same for all the senators ♪

♪ Who needs a perfect brain? ♪

♪ Powerful and stupid ♪

♪ But at least
they're not insane ♪

♪ Somehow everything still
holds together ♪

♪ Even when it's running
off the rails ♪

♪ Dean lost something precious ♪

♪ And it really took a toll ♪

♪ He'd gladly trade
his Parkinson's ♪

♪ For partial mind control ♪

♪ So the ending isn't perfect ♪

♪ But at least there's love
and kindness when it fails ♪


♪ You can vote your conscience ♪

♪ You can vote to make a point ♪

♪ Or cut and dry
your principles ♪

♪ And smoke them like a joint ♪

♪ Though we rarely rise
to be the best that we can be ♪

♪ Just stand up
and be a citizen ♪

♪ It's called democracy ♪

♪ Luke was forced to leave but
got a better offer right away ♪

♪ A Wall Street firm
with slightly fewer principles ♪

♪ And higher pay ♪

♪ Laurel came to help him ♪

♪ Right before another
market crash ♪

♪ When everyone was long
on risk ♪

♪ And dumbly, sadly,
short on cash ♪

♪ But that's another story ♪

♪ That they'll write someday,
I'll bet ♪

♪ And as for all
the space bugs ♪

♪ Well, so far,
nobody's seen them yet. ♪

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