Bones (2005–2017): Season 8, Episode 7 - The Bod in the Pod - full transcript

The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of a crime scene cleanup expert whose remains are found mysteriously sealed in an impenetrable pod that washed up on the beach. Meanwhile, Angela and Hodgins learn that Cam is involved in a secret romance.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Okay. This is revolting.

Yeah. The garbage barge ended
up capsizing during the hurricane.

It all ended up
washing onto the coast.

Well, even without
the garbage spill,

coastal waters can have over 240,000
parts per million of fecal coliform.

Fecal coliforms? Is
that what I think it is?

- Oh, yeah.
- Not to mention,

chemical contaminants
from illegal dumping, as well...

Right, right, right. Got
it. Okay? It's disgusting.

Whoa-ho-ho. Is that
thing why they called us?

What the hell is
that? We don't know.

It's a... container
of some sort.

Whoa. Filled with...

gelatinized human remains.

- At first, I thought pod people.
- Of course you did.

Hey, there are still a lot of questions
remaining about the events at Area 51, you know.

Do you know that
U.F.O. spottings...

Let's just keep it close to
Earth here, bug boy, okay?

Just simplify the investigation.

Reminds me of a ship in a bottle.
My dad gave me one when I was little.

Right. So this, uh, kind of brings up all
these warm and cuddly memories for you.

That's nice.

I can't make out enough
detail to determine gender.

I have no idea what this is made from, or
how he got inside. There are no openings.

Based on angular eye orbits...

and a large mastoid process,

the decedent is male.


- Really?
- I'm just being thorough.

I have a record of
my hours right here.

You keep very complete
records, Mr. Vaziri.

It's not as if I make a lot of
money, so every little bit helps.

Well, I'll check my
records and call Payroll.

As soon as you
can, I'd appreciate it.

According to my calculations,
I'm owed over $200,

and I have a special
dinner planned, so...

Well, a $200 dinner
must be very special.

Yeah. I hope so.

Well, I'll just need you
to sign these forms.

Hey, Cam, I got another text
from your doctor boyfriend.

Oh, God. I'm sorry.

And he's not my boyfriend.

Well, sounds like he thinks he
is. He wants me to tell you to call.

I told him it was over. I can't
date my daughter's gynecologist.

Every time we go out,
I can't help thinking...

It's okay. It's
okay. I-I get it.

- Yeah. We all do.
- I told him that it was over,
that I'm seeing someone else.

Uh, is there anything
more I need to sign? No.

That is good. Thanks.

I will call him again,

and he will not
bother you anymore.

I guarantee it.

You, uh... You didn't tell me
you were seeing someone.

Oh, I am.

I just don't like to bring
my personal life into work.

Oh-ho-ho. So you still
haven't slept together?

That would be talking about it.

- Come on, Cam. I'm not gonna tell anybody.
- Working.

You're no fun.

That's not what he says.

Uh... Uh, nice.

Brennan says that
he's a male Caucasian.

Age is impossible to
determine as of yet.

Of course. This is amazing.

Yeah. I thought pod
people were science fiction.

Oh, "there are more things
in heaven and earth, Horatio."

Once we get him out of there, I'll need to
separate the bones from the decomposing tissue.

How are you planning
on getting him out of there?

He seems to have been sealed in
somehow, but I don't see a seam.

These two farmers
from South Dakota, right?

They claimed to be
abducted, encased in this...

In this solid,
glowing container,

and then deposited
into this landfill.

The Hadley brothers. Yes, 1963.

Very good, Arastoo.

They had a blood-alcohol
level four times the legal limit.

I'd like to believe that the
aliens were wonderful hosts.

- Are you gonna
help me with this?
- Why me?

Weird stuff is your area. Bones
are my area. This is weird stuff.


Man, this seems to be some kind
of multilayered organic polymer.

You know you're
gonna use the laser.

You don't have
to justify it to me.

Ready? Yeah.

Here we go.




That was really
easy. You know why?

- Laser.
- Yeah, exactly.

Because a good workman
chooses the correct tool for the job.

So what now? Do we just tip it over and let
it drain into a tub, or insert a tube or...

Safety first. Wanna make
sure everything's safe in there.


I have never smelled
anything like that before.

I mean, I suppose
that that could be, um...

Hodgins. Hodgins!

His eyes are opening.

Hodgins, can you hear me?

He's breathing. If you
take care of Hodgins,

there's no reason for me
not to look at the remains.

Okay. How many
fingers am I holding up?

Three? He spoke.
That's a good sign.

N-No, don't... don't get up.

How long was I out?

Fifty-two seconds.

You timed me? It's
important to know how long...

a person is unconscious...
under a minute counts as fainting...

and doesn't necessarily
require hospitalization.

- You hit the ground hard.
- Does anything hurt?

Only my pride. What got me?

The remains were trapped in a
primarily anaerobic environment,

which caused the
flesh to ferment.

- Carbon dioxide.
- Oh, man. Totally rookie move.

Anyone else feeling the effects?

Just me? Okay.
No, I'm fine, honestly.

Just go, and I'll... I'll just... I'll
be good as new in a minute.

Blunt-force trauma
to the posterior plane...

of the occipital with
rough-edged abrasions.

- Likely cause of death.
- The decedent's
upper and lower...

central and lateral
incisors are missing.

- Yet the root's intact.
- Somebody smashed out
his teeth.

Oh. Dr. Hodgins,
there appear to be...

a number of different substances
suspended in the matrix.

I'm good. Totally fine.

Do not fall into the
evidence, Dr. Hodgins.

It will only add to
your humiliation.

She didn't mean "add,"
because there's no humiliation.

Uh, I'm gonna filter out
that big stuff and identify it,

but it looks to me
like it's wood splinters.

What happened? Are
you... Are you okay?

Uh, Dr. Hodgins foolishly inhaled
noxious gases emanating from the remains,

and... he fainted.

- Not inhaled... sniffed.
- Now, come on. Your kindness
is looking like pity.

Um, Booth wants me to do a
facial reconstruction A.S.A.P.,

so I'm gonna need to
take a look at the skull.

Oh, my God.

- Looks like I'll be
skipping lunch again.
- Whoa.


You know, smashing
out the teeth suggests...

that the murderer was
trying to make it difficult...

to identify the victim.

or in the real world?

Was that a shot? That
sounded like a shot.

Please don't discuss the
case in front of Christine.

Listen, uh, Christine is asleep.

You can, uh... You can read something a
little bit more mature than Hooligan Bear.

Well, I... find I can't relax
until Little Louie is safe.

Maybe it's mob-related.

If they didn't want
the body identified,

then why did they
leave the hands?

- You're still
discussing the case.
- Right. You see, we...

- We try not to talk
about work at home.
- Or home at work.

See, we believe a line between
work and life is important.

I'm sorry. I have a hard time believing
Dr. Brennan can talk about anything else.

She's got lots of interests.

Yes, I am currently considering
writing a children's book.

Oh, how are you gonna
fit a murder into that?

That was a joke.


I get it. It's funny because...

a murder would be
inappropriate for a toddler.

You got it.

- Why does your office
smell like Thanksgiving?
- I'm testing my pod theory.

By roasting turkeys?

In a manner of speaking, yeah.

The pod containing
our victim's remains...

showed the same
chemical properties...

as normal types
of plastic sheeting,

only harder.

See, after the victim
was murdered, right,

the killer wrapped
the body in plastic,

then dumped it onto the trash barge
where it was exposed to direct sunlight.

The gases from the decomposing
body caused the plastic to expand.

Yeah, the heat, coupled
with the bacteria and lipids,

combined to create a catalyst
which hardened the plastic.

And we may actually be
able to figure out how long...

our victim was stewing in
that pod before we found him.

You solved the "body
in the pod" mystery.

I'm not gonna ask why it
smells like turkey in here...

because I'd like to enjoy
Thanksgiving... for the rest of my life.

- What we're doing...
- No, I'm really not
gonna ask, Dr. Hodgins.

- Okay.
- I merely came in to thank
Mr. Vaziri for his book.

- What is that?
- Uh, something I wrote.

I'm sorry. Is this something
you didn't want people to know?

- You're a writer?
- It's just poetry.

It's, like, a hobby.

Based on the auricular
surfaces of the ilia,

I determined that the victim
was in his early to mid-40s.

I will put that in
the evidence binder.

Apparently, Mr. Vaziri is modest when
it comes to his literary achievements.

Oh, man. My main experience with writers
is Dr. Brennan, and she is not modest.

What is this? Yes, Dr. Hodgins.

This is far more interesting.

Uh, it's the wood splinters
found with the body.

Uh, there's a discoloration on
many of them that turns out to be ink.

- They were stamped?
- Yeah, perhaps by
the manufacturer.

Hey, if you're so modest,

why did you give
Cam your poetry?

Because I gave Mr. Vaziri time
off to meet with his publisher.

Maybe Angela can
reconstruct that stamp.

Yes, that's our stamp...
Lumber For Less.

- What's this about?
- Uh, we are, uh,
trying to identify this man.

This could be Lucky.

Why? What's going on?

We are identifying
human remains.

Oh, my God. Lucky's dead?

Does Lucky have a name?

Yes. It's, uh, Charles Milner.
He's a regular customer.

What happened to him?

Was he a contractor
or... Sort of.

- Sort of?
- He was one of those
crime scene cleanup guys.

You know, after a messy murder?

We know quite a
lot about that subject.

- Yes, we do.
- But you're not positive
it's Lucky, right?

It could be somebody else.

The police are
wrong about that...

kind of thing all
the time, right?

Uh, is there something
you need to tell us?

You should know that if the victim
is identified as Charles Milner...

and his death is
ruled a homicide,

we will uncover
everything about his life.

Everything. That includes
secrets between two people.


Yes, you have
something to tell us?

You're right. Um,

there was more between
me and Lucky besides wood.

Look, he was married,
so I'm that woman.

- Oh. So Mr. Milner was married?
- Yes, but he was
gonna leave her.

Statistically that statement
is unlikely to be true.

Maybe Lucky's wife didn't
want to take any chances.

Oh, my God. Lucky said his
wife was unstable and dangerous,

that he was afraid of her.

That's why it was taking him
so long to tell her. Oh, God.

I'll die if Lucky got
murdered because of me.

Oh, God.

There, there.

So how long were
you and Lucky married?

Um, three years
next, uh, January.

Oh, God, this is horrible.

Can I see him?

I'd advise against that.

Your husband's remains
are pretty badly decomposed.


Oh, God. Oh, no. So he's
like somebody he cleaned up?

Is that what you're saying?

That's ironic, right?

I'm sorry I have to ask, but were
you aware of the relationship...

that your husband was
having with this Renee Mitchell?

I'm Lucky's fourth wife.

He met me while he was
still dating his second wife.

I had no illusions about
what kind of man he was.

Did you ever think about
killing your husband? No!

Lucky was good to me,
and he was great for my kid.

I would have put up with everything
just for the way he treated Davey.

Why didn't you
report him missing?

You know, every once in a
while, Lucky just took off...

Atlantic City mostly.

You sound angry.
Oh, yeah, I'm angry.

I'm angry that bitch took Lucky away
from me. I'm angry the bastard's dead.

I am angry that I don't
know how I'm gonna live now.

And I'm angry my boy lost
another father, and that's the worst.


Davey thought
Lucky hung the moon.

And it's gonna break
his heart when I tell him.

So your son and Lucky
were close? Yeah.

Lucky got him working.
You know, he set him straight.

Lucky told Davey they'd
be partners one day.

How about you and your son?

Davey's my only child.

For a long time, it
was just him and me.

We'd die for each
other, you know?

I'm gonna have to talk to Davey.

Yeah, sure. I
think he's working.

I think he's just doing some
stuff for Lucky right now.

How do I, uh, tell him?

You know, I mean, how do I...

how do I tell him Lucky's gone?

How do I tell him
we're alone again?

I used photo-modeling

to create a 3-D digital
image of the victim's skull,

including the damage that
was done to the occipital.

Definitely sharp-force trauma.

Yeah. Next I used an
algorithm to compare...

the size and shape of the most common
tools used during a crime scene cleanup.

You think the victim may have
been killed with his own tools?

I don't know. I just
needed to start someplace.

I'll pull up what I found.

Hodgins told me
that Arastoo is a poet.

- Yes, I know.
- You knew he was a poet?

I read a rubaiyat he wrote on
the back of an evidence report.

He didn't think I would
notice because it was in Farsi.

Why didn't you tell me?

- He apologized.
- Apologized?

He knew he shouldn't have written
on Jeffersonian documentation.

No, honey...

What about the poem?
Did he translate it for you?

No need. Although
my Farsi is rusty,

I recognized that it
was very beautiful...

and... very sexual.

So what are these? Huh?

Okay, uh, all these
wrecking bar-style tools...

fit the basic profile
of the murder weapon,

and they're sold at the lumber
store where Renee works.

The curved edge is the
right size and angle...

to have caused the trauma.

Yeah, but the sides don't match the
serrated marks you found on the skull.

Hmm, a claw hammer? Yeah.

Look at the serrated
edges on the clawed end.

They seem to match up
perfectly with the abrasions,

and the hammer face could be used
to smash in the mandible and maxilla.

That is great.

Arastoo is a poet, huh?

I am... I am really just gonna be
looking at him in a whole new way.


I told you it was beautiful.

I started writing in my first
year at university in Tehran.

That was 1997.

Wow, I'm impressed. It seems
I impressed the authorities too.

After the election, we all
thought that the Khatami regime...

would be more
open to secular work,

but I was expelled from school.

Why? What were you writing?

I was 18. Love,
freedom, democracy, sex.

I was foolish and published the
poems with an underground press,

so I had to leave the
country before I was arrested.

You are amazing.

What I am is a man
who can't go home...

and a man who will lose his
job if we don't get back to work.

Right. Yeah. So...

turns out the tissue lesions we found
were caused by proteases, amylases,

cellulases and lipases that were
placed on the victim's remains.

- Enzymes?
- Yeah, these supercharged,

biodegradable cleaning agents that break
down organic material on a molecular level.

So the killer wanted to
hasten decomposition.

Yes, the composition of this
cleaning agent fits with the fact, too,

that our victim worked
cleaning up crime scenes.

So the killer had access
to the dead man's material.

Yeah, it looks that way.

What is it, Dr. Hodgins?

You're a political
exile. That is so cool.

In a terrible, terrible
way, of course.

Of course.

- I'm not an F.B.I. agent, Davey.
- I'm a psychologist.

What, you think I'm gonna
kill myself 'cause Lucky's dead?

- Well, your mother
was concerned about you.
- I'm okay.

But she's right.
You liked Lucky.

Look, I didn't do
great in high school.

I got into fights.
I got high a lot.

Lucky started taking me to work
with him after school. He paid me.

After graduating, I
started working full-time.

Lucky thought I was smart.

- You're gonna miss him.
- I'm fine.

What will you do now? Try
and take over his business.

Lucky thought I had what it
took to be partner one day.

Okay. But you're pretty young
to run your own business.

I got no choice. What else will
me and my mom do for money?

- You care about your mother.
- Yeah. So?

Were you aware that
Lucky wasn't faithful to her?

Look, sometimes on a job,
Lucky would send me away.

I knew why.

And Lucky must have known that
you knew he was cheating on her.

Lucky had a code, all right? He said in
a marriage you treat your woman good.

You bring home the bacon.
You treat her with respect.


But a man has a life. He
works hard, he plays hard.

What do you think of that?

I think if he works hard and he plays
hard, he... maybe he dies hard too.

Hmm. So you're saying that
cheating has consequences.

After working with Lucky,

you must be pretty good
at cleaning up evidence.

- I didn't kill Lucky.
- I wasn't thinking of you.

I was thinking of your mom.

Now, she mostly stayed with
Lucky because of you, right?

Now, if she realized that you
could run the business on your own,

she wouldn't need Lucky anymore.

So she kills him, you
clean up the evidence,

life goes on.

My mom didn't kill
Lucky, and neither did I.

You know who you should talk to?

The guy who runs
Grim Sweeper Cleaning.

He and Lucky hated each other.

Thank you, Davey.

I'm surprised you didn't
say that right away.

You know, I like this mother-son
killer team for the murder.

They both have motive. The kid
knows how to eradicate evidence.

What are you doing?
Don't talk shop in the house.

You have to wrap that up
before you put it in the fridge.

Why wrap it up when I'm gonna
eat it in the middle of the night?

- Christine is asleep.
- You know what? I'll wrap it up.

No, you're not gonna wrap it up. You can wrap
anything you want when you get your own place.

I'm looking, okay? The-The
housing market is tight right now.

- It's not his fault, Booth.
- Yeah.

Sweets has trust issues
involving finding a home.

Since he grew up an orphan,
the anger he's sublimated...

has paralyzed him from developing a healthy
perspective on what having a home means.

That made him bond
with us and our home,

so he didn't have to deal with
his own emotional insecurities.

Ah, Bones shoots from
the outside... three points.

Where's that
psychobabble coming from?

Well, you left one of your
psychobabble books in our bathroom.

Yes, it was fascinating.

Y-Yes, but it's how you interpret
the information that counts.

Okay, and you're
way off on this.

I am looking, actively, without
fear. I'm looking, all right?

- It's just... It's just difficult right now.
- Very defensive.

- I'm not defensive.
- It's natural. We understand.

Can we please just
talk about the case?

Okay, what Sweets just did
there... that is called deflecting.

- I'm not deflecting either.
- It sounds like deflecting.

- Mmm.
- I enjoy psychology.

We were talking
about Melvin Carville.

Thanks, Sweets. Why are we
talking about crime in our home?

Look at this. Lucky was
suing him for restraint of trade.

Melvin had to lowball the
bid, then raise the price later.

Right. So with
Lucky out of the way,

Grim Sweeper Cleaning is the only
crime scene cleanup business in town.

What, so now it's okay
to talk shop in the house?

Well, we have a
murderer to catch, Booth.

Yeah, Dr. Brennan's
100% right on this.

Okay, just because
you're buttering her up...

doesn't mean you have
to stop looking for a place.

I'm not buttering her up. Want some
more wine? I don't think... Thank you.

Well, thanks for
coming in, Mr. Carville.

Hey, F.B.I. sends guys to
get you, what's gonna happen?

You're gonna go with 'em.

Is that... Blood? Yeah.

And a little bit of brain.

Oh. Like I said, your people
came and got me straight from work.

I was cleaning up
a shotgun suicide.

Come... This is
what that looks like.

You couldn't have
taken that off?

I didn't want to keep
the F.B.I. waiting.

So is this about Lucky?
Charles Milner, yeah.

How'd Lucky buy the farm?

- Someone bashed his head in.
- You think it was me?

You're business competitors. You instigated
legal proceedings against the victim.

That lawsuit? You
check. You'll see.

That got dropped
way before Lucky died.

You know why? Why?

Because me and Lucky got smart.

Always bidding against each
other drove down both our incomes.

You decided to
split the bids? No.

We decided to join forces.
Carville & Milner Cleaning Services.

We were just about to get the
name registered and everything.

So you're saying that if you
were gonna murder Lucky,

you would have waited till the merger was
over so you could keep the whole company?

No. I'm saying I would
never murder anyone.

But you know who didn't
want us to join forces? That kid.

- What kid?
- Davey. Lucky's stepson,
the heir apparent.

Thanks for the tip.

Meanwhile, we have a warrant
to examine your tools for blood.

You... You're gonna
check my tools for blood?

You know what I
do for a living, right?

Yes. Every one of those tools...

is gonna have
blood all over 'em.

- So will Lucky's tools.
- Right.

You know what? You tell
Dr. Brennan and them...

that their best chance
to find Lucky's blood...

is to check the
stepson's toolbox first.

These tools belong
to Melvin Carville,

and these belong to the
victim and his stepson.

There is blood on every
single one of Melvin's.

What about Davey
Benson's tools? Not a trace.

Completely clean. This looks like a
pretty good match to the murder weapon.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have
that tool, including Lucky and his stepson.

So I compared
Lucky's roll of plastic...

to the sheeting that Booth
confiscated from Melvin Carville.

Melvin uses this high-grade
polyvinylidene chloride,

which is basically like a
bionic Saran Wrap, right?

While Lucky, he uses this
bargain-basement sheeting...

that is basically
molecularly unstable.

I mean, this is the cheapest
stuff that money can buy.

Which one made our pod?
Well, I compared isotopes...

from each brand of sheeting
with the plastic from our pod.

The winner is...

turkey number three.

- The pod was made
from Lucky's plastic sheeting.
- Correct.

Indicating that he was killed
at one of his own job sites.

Yeah. That's a
reasonable conclusion.

I got your text, Dr. Saroyan.
Did you need something?

Remember when you
wrote my name out in Farsi?


This is it here, isn't it?


You wrote a poem to me?

Are you certain you
want to discuss this here?


would you say it for me?

I... didn't understand
a word of that.

- I think you did.
- Oh.

So-So far, I have isolated...

blood from four
different people.

None of it is the
victim's blood, so I...

I'll come back later.

No. Dr. Hodgins?


What did you find
on the tools? Huh?

Uh, we checked all of them for
blood, but only one set tested positive.

Whose tools? Uh,
Melvin Carville's.

The stepson and the victim's
tools were scrubbed clean.

This may be the first time that a lack of
blood looks more suspicious than buckets of it.

You're suggesting
that it was the stepson?

Why else would he clean
the tools so carefully?

He obviously has something to
hide. Nothing special about that.

People always have
something to hide.

Perhaps the boy cleaned his tools because
he is serious about doing a good job.

Dr. Brennan, do you think
Melvin Carville's our killer?

- Yes.
- Based on...

Seriously? You're
working a hunch here?

Melvin Carville told
Sweets specifically...

to tell me personally
where to look for blood.

- Like a challenge?
- Yes.

Oh, you are most
definitely working a hunch.

Hey, then I might have some
actual physical evidence that will help.

You narrowed down the six jobs
where he was using the cheap wood?

Yeah. The key is asbestos.

The fiber Arastoo extracted
from the skull? Mm-hmm.

Actinolite asbestos. It's used
in homes built before 1970.

How many of Milner's job
sites were built before 1970?

Uh... One.

It was a home invasion
murder of an old lady...

on H Street near the Red Line.

Hey, if Booth can
get us in there,

I guarantee we'll be able to find something
that ties the victim to the crime scene.

Dr. Brennan?

If the killer is
Melvin Carville,

the place will be wiped
clean of all evidence.

Milner's stepson, Davey Benson, knew
that Milner was cheating on his mother.

Plus, Davey is also a trained
crime scene cleanup expert.

It's ironic that while all we care
about is preserving evidence,

their job is to wipe
it out of existence.

Like some kind of primeval
struggle between us and them.


Oh. Hey. What?

Come on, man. I don't know
what you're talking about.

I didn't see anything.
Okay. I think that's best too.

You are totally
making it with the boss!

- No!
- That was a love poem
you read to her.

Do you speak
Farsi? No, you don't.

I'm a romantic. I
know what I heard.

You have no idea
what that poem was.

Oh, I got it. And so did Cam.

And she was not surprised.

How long have you
two been together?

My life is in your hands.

You can either ruin the best
thing that has ever happened to me,

or you can remain silent and
earn my everlasting gratitude.

You remember this place?

Yep. Home invasion.

Some dudes killed the
old lady who lived here...

'cause they thought
she had a stash of cash.

I mean, me and
Lucky did good work.

There was blood
everywhere and chunky bits.

But now you can hardly
tell a murder went down.

I could find
evidence. I doubt it.

Lucky was good at
his job, and so am I.

Well, you keep boasting about these kind
of things, you're gonna end up in jail.

He's boasting because
he didn't do it, Booth.

You didn't find the cash. Oh, Lucky
and I looked for it, but there wasn't any.

You know, Melvin Carville
told us that you didn't want, uh,

him and Lucky in
business together.

Well, at first I didn't, but
then Lucky showed me...

how it would mean
more money for all of us.

'Cause if they were in business
together, you wouldn't be half owner.

- I guess.
- And now you would get
the whole shebang.

I'm 18. I'm a rookie.

How am I supposed to get
business from Grim Sweeper?

Is this the last place
you saw Lucky?


Over there.

He told me to go on home. He
was gonna take care of it himself.

Now, why would he do that?

Mmm. I don't know. Maybe because
he was cleaning these places up...

and meeting other women?

He said he was expecting a delivery.
Some flooring. That's all I know.

Lucky ever mention a
girl by the name of Renee?

It's not her, Booth.
Or him or his mother.

- It's Melvin Carville.
- Based on what?

My gut, which, according
to Sweets's book,

is subconscious analysis
bubbling up to consciousness.

No, no, no, no. It's my gut
that bubbles, you remember?

- Melvin Carville is the killer.
- Every time you mention
Melvin Carville,

it takes the pressure
off other viable suspects.

I understand. Thank you.

- But it's Melvin Carville.
- Just...

So... Renee? Does
it sound familiar?

She's that skank from Lumber For
Less where Lucky gets his flooring.

Thank you, Davey.

So, can we at least agree that there
are other motives and suspects here?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

I want a team of techs to
tear apart this whole place.

Well, I'm gonna talk to Renee.

It's not her, Booth.
It's Mel... Stop.

Bones, I got your theory loud
and clear. You're right there.

- Melvin Carville.
- Just put it away. Don't even think about Melvin.

I can hear you
thinking right now.

Davey said I was the last
person to see Lucky alive?

Were you? I... I delivered
flooring. That's all.

Oh, right. Come on, Renee.

I-I wanted more, but
Lucky said he was too busy.

- He sent me packing.
- And how mad did that make you
on a scale from one to 10?

One, being you're fine with it. Or 10,
you just wanted to bash his head in.

I loved Lucky.
I didn't kill him.

- I mean, you do realize
how this sounds?
- Which part?

All of it. You show up, he rejects
you. You have a delivery van.

You wrap the body in plastic.

You're saying that stuff. I'm
not saying any of that stuff.

- Fine. Who do you think did it?
- His wife and her kid.

It makes sense. The two of them.

They kill him, she
drives off with the body...

and little Davey cleans up the
mess just like Lucky taught him.

What time is it?

Relax. We have another hour
before we have to let the sitter go.

Have another glass.

You're right. We work
hard at a revolting job,

and it is really pretty up here.

I know, right? And I scanned
a poem from Arastoo's book.

- And did you learn Farsi too?
- I didn't have to.

I ran it through an Internet
translator. Oh, genius.

I am dying to hear what
he wrote. I know, right?

So, read.

Seduce me with your poetry.

"Under the
heavens fruit floats."


"Love hurts as skin
yells with new shoes."

Wow. I'm not sure that
this is translated properly.

Yeah, I... I hope not.

Brennan said that it
was beautiful. I know.

"You are my carburetor."

Okay. All right. You can stop.

I mean, maybe he stinks. He never
came across as romantic to me.

No, he's... he's good
and-and romantic.

Why? How do you...

Oh, my God.

I know.

What? You know?

No, no, no. I mean, like,
I'm saying "Oh, my God" too.

You knew about this. Me?

And you didn't tell me.

I... Just, I couldn't,
Angela, okay?

I'm so sorry. I'm your wife.

I know. I love you.

You're my carburetor.

It's just, I promised Arastoo,
and... and you know what?

I... I didn't want to burden
you with a secret to keep.

You hate keeping
secrets. You know you do.

- So you're saying
that you did this for me?
- Yes, I did.

It's just so loaded.

You are not kidding.

Man, we cannot tell anyone.

- That's why she had the book.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- You forgive me?


What kind of carburetor
would I be if I didn't?

Yeah, I remember this place.

Old lady, home invasion.

Lucky beat me out on
the flooring estimate.

- You know why?
- He was sleeping with
the Lumber For Less lady.

Oh, man, that...
That makes sense.

So, did you ever visit
him here on the job site?

You bet. This is where we
discussed our impending merger.

Aha! He admits he was here.

Why wouldn't I admit
it? I didn't do anything.

Renee said that Lucky sent her
away the night that he was murdered.

- Probably so me and him
could talk.
- Aha!

He admits he was the
last to see Lucky alive.

Very well might be the case.

Except for the murderer.

Exactly. Except
for the murderer.

- Which is you.
- Bones.

If I understand the law,
someone pointing their finger...

and hollering "guilty, guilty"
doesn't mean anything.

The D.A. likes evidence.

There's no evidence here.

Whoever cleaned this
place up is an expert...

at getting rid of all traces.

Son of a bitch. I'll be damned.

You know what? You were right.

As you A.L.S. everything, I want you
to take out the walls and the flooring.

She's gonna find
something. She always does.

♪ Yo, I'm-a burn till the
industry is scorched up ♪

♪ Down to ashes Still
get them torches up ♪

♪ If you wanna attack
me Go, let loose ♪

♪ I done went
through hell and back ♪

♪ Got the aim on my eye so
when I move toward the focus ♪

♪ I get closer to the
beam in the sky ♪

♪ Dreaming so fly Can't
stop me Don't even try ♪

♪ I'm so high I think
I'm gonna burn till I die ♪

♪ Whoa, yeah, call me a beast
You don't want me to explode ♪

♪ 'Cause this soul will
unleash Gold is in reach ♪

♪ Feel it, John Feel it
in this beat Push deep ♪

♪ She can't speak I
done put her to sleep ♪

♪ I had to see if my flow works
so I put work in the streets ♪

♪ Since birth I brought heat
Now I'm staying for keeps ♪

♪ Make fire underwater
too hot for the sea ♪

♪ You can see that I became
what you was meaning to be ♪

♪ Number one, let's get
it, hey Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ Let's get it, hey Let's
get it, hey Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ Let's get it, hey Let's
get it, hey Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ Let's get it, hey Let's
get it, hey Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ Let's get it, hey Let's
get it, hey Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ Let's get it, hey
Let's get it, hey ♪

♪ My heights, my things ♪

♪ My life, my dreams ♪♪

Hate to say I told you so.

- We're not done.
- Looks to me you are.

Look, you heard there
was money hidden here.

That's why you wanted
to work with Lucky.

Interesting theory.
You two are good.

Just not good enough, I guess.

Hope you don't mind if I go.

I have another
murder to clean up.

- Who's there? I have a gun.
- Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean
to wake you up.

- What are you doing?
- Bringing in
Christine's baby monitor.

- Wh-Why?
- In case she wakes up
while we're gone.

- Gone where?
- Brennan had an idea. Just go back to sleep.

- Idea for what?
- Something about the
crime scene and a shaman.

A shaman? Like a witch
doctor? Just go back to sleep.

Who dreams about murder
at 3:00 in the morning?


Come on, Bones. You've
been at this for an hour.

You're not gonna solve
the case with a hair dryer.

When I was in El Salvador,
there was a medicine man...

who would charge women to
participate in his purification ritual.

Is this gonna be a dirty story?

They would gather
in the village square,

he'd build a fire and they would
dance until the ground began to bleed.

Wait a second. You're saying that
blood would come out of the ground?

The villagers
believed it was magic.

They didn't know that several
days earlier the medicine man...

had poured cow's
blood on the concrete.

The heat from the fire caused
the blood in the substrate...

to liquefy and ooze
up through the cement.

Ha! Look at that.

D.N.A. will prove it, but I believe
this is Lucky Milner's blood.

Melvin Carville thought he cleaned
the evidence out of existence.

- Not on my watch.
- Not on your watch is right. He's going down.

It was the coolest trick ever.

It was no trick. It's a simple
matter of chemistry and physics.

Dr. Brennan was right...
It's Charles Milner's blood.

Well, is this enough to arrest
Melvin Carville for murdering Milner?

It lets us know that
Milner was killed there,

but it doesn't give us any
indication of who might have done it.

There are some anomalies
within this pool of blood.

kind of anomalies?

Well, there are a few areas
that are more dense than others,

but if I pull out the areas
that are less dense, I get this.

Some kind of pattern.

Why would those areas be
denser than the rest of the blood?

My guess is some
kind of compression.

Let's get Dr. Brennan.

- Knees.
- Knees like on your legs?

I believe this is where the killer
kneeled down to clean up the blood.

There's one patella,
and these are his toes.

What's this
perfectly round thing?

- Artificial knee.
- Oh, wow.

See if you can
measure the tibia.

Forty-five centimeters.

Assuming an average-sized foot and
a tibia of approximately 45 centimeters,

Melvin Carville fits those
dimensions perfectly.

Sweetie, if he has
an artificial knee,

then you have pretty
much sealed the deal.

These are blobs.

- Those are your knees, Melvin.
- If those are my knees,

then what are these knuckly
things in the middle of my legs?

Little known fact, you see,

knee prints are just as
unique as fingerprints.

- The hell they are.
- Especially in your case, since
you had a knee replacement.

Which one was
it? Your right knee?

Those are blobs. You can't
even prove they're from knees.

You're trying to con
me into confessing.

Really, you feel the need
to confess, Melvin? Huh?

'Cause you don't strike
me as that kind of guy.

- What's that?
- A brick of cash.

Never saw it before in my life.

Hmm, we found it hidden beneath
your floorboards. It traced back...

to the money that was
stolen from the old lady.

You and Lucky found what
the home invaders couldn't.

And you wanted
all that to yourself.

So you murdered Charles
Milner with your claw hammer.

But you made one big mistake.

- Yeah? What was that?
- You pissed off
my partner here.

What's even more damning is the
evidence that you hid the evidence.

Sorry. I'm in this business,
too, and I know how it works.

You bring in the suspect,
get him to confess.

- We didn't bring you in
to confess.
- Then why am I here?

Because I wanted to say
something to your horrible face.

- What?
- Now?



- You're under arrest.
- Gotcha.

He got it, Bones.



♪ I'm not always right ♪

♪ But I'm sure of this ♪

♪ I just wish tonight ♪

♪ You'd see it my way ♪♪

Okay, okay. Do another
one. Do another one.


"Bacon is silent. Listen
to all that we scrub."


I mean, what if it's
not a bad translation?

What if Arastoo is
just really, really bad?

Nah, I don't speak Farsi, but...

whatever he said to Cam,

it was beautiful.

Lost in translation, I guess.

I become dollops in the sky.

I revolve like fish,

a testicle in the firmament.

- Was that him?
- That was all me.


I came up with
it just like that.

You know, honey,
that gets me very hot.

You know, if we translate
it into Farsi, it's awesome.

I knew it was him.

Well, you were right.

Problem is, I didn't know
why I knew it was him.

Well, the important things,
we don't really know why.

I do not agree with that.

How about love?

I know exactly why I love you.

Really? Okay. Why don't you
give me your top three reasons?

Uh, first, you love me.

Second, you love Christine.

- Uh-huh.
- Third, you...

- Gets mysterious, right?
- No, let me gather my thoughts.

That's exactly why we have
music and poetry, Bones.

Third, your physicality
is remarkable.

Now you give me three of
your top reasons for loving me.

I don't have reasons.


I think what you just
said is very romantic.

What can I say? I'm
a romantic, Bones.

Shall we? Huh? We shall.

Wine and dine, candle time?

What does that
mean? I have no idea.

Do you think Hodgins
will keep our secret?

Yes. From Angela?

No. I'd be surprised if
she didn't know right now.

And do you think Angela
can keep from telling Brennan?

No. Not for long.

Oh, man. You need
to learn how to lie.

I'll tell you what though.
It stops with Brennan.

You don't think she'll tell
Booth? No, only if he asks.

Oh, God.

And what are the chances
he asks that question?

I'm sorry.

I know you want to
keep this a secret.

Oh, Arastoo, I don't want
to keep this a secret at all.

Except from all
the other interns.


And everyone who works at
the Jeffersonian. Damn straight.

You want me to quit?

And live with that
guilt? Oh, no, thanks.

So to sum it up,

you want to tell everyone, but
you don't want anyone to know.

Crazy, right?

No, it's poetic.

What's that mean?