Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 3, Episode 8 - Doubting Tommy - full transcript

Megan and Tommy are having a drink. She then leaves, and a woman approaches Tommy. Later the woman is found dead and Tommy is with her. All evidence points to Tommy killing her. But Tommy doesn't remember anything after Megan left. It seems like the woman was stalking Tommy because she wants him to help prove a friend he arrested for murder is innocent and she developed an attraction for him. Eventually it's appears to everyone that Megan is not being objective so they have removed from the case and Kate warns her if she continues to work the case she'll be fired. But Megan continues to work the case and bails Tommy out so that they can figure out what's going on.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
MAN: Please, man, don't do this.
(PANTING) Somebody help me!



Don't do this, dude.



Whose DNA did you find

on the piece of the murder weapon
in Jason's skull?

Steve Owen's.

Steve Owen, the victim's
business partner.

- DAN: And the accused.
- MEGAN: Yes.

DAN: Dr. Hunt, what is the chance
this DNA profile is mistaken?

That Steve Owen did not hold this bat?

Given the number of matching
repeated base pairs, I would say,

one in one billion.

Thank you, Doctor. That's all.

Detective Sullivan,
who made the 911 call

reporting that Jason Banning
had been murdered?

Steve Owen.

And when you arrived on scene,

how would you describe
Mr. Owen's demeanor?

He was crouched in front of the victim.
He was sobbing.

He seemed devastated.

At that moment, what was your
gut feeling as to whether Steve Owen

was guilty of this murder?

Objection. Pure speculation.

Overruled. The witness will answer.

Your gut feeling, Detective? Did you
think my client murdered the victim?


No, I didn't. But that was
before all the forensics came in and...

And now? With the evidence in,
do you still have doubts

about my client's guilt?

Yes. I still have my doubts.

You look vexed.

"Vexed"? Did you just say "vexed"?

Okay, admit it, you're just angry
because I'm not as sure as you are

that Steve Owen is guilty.

He buried a baseball bat
in a man's skull,

his DNA was inside the victim's brain.
What do you think I'm missing here?

Let's talk about it over drinks.

Yeah, I know what a few drinks
with Tommy Sullivan leads to.

- Me, too.
- And I have Lacey.

Have your mom take her.

This is not about discussing the case,
this is about trying to get me into bed.

That is a big assumption.

Oh, really? You're telling me
that if I said yes right now,

"Okay, let's go to a hotel,"
you would say no?

That's not a fair question
because I'm a guy.


You're just scared of talking about it
because you might be wrong.

Come on, admit it.
Admit Steve Owen is guilty.

The forensics are black and white.

You hide behind forensics.

I don't even know what that means.

It means it's easier for you to
deal with cold, hard evidence

than human beings.

People are complicated,
they got all these messy emotions.

Yeah, you're doing such a good job
of arguing my point,

I'm not going to say anything.

Character cannot be determined
by DNA.

- You've gotta go with your instincts.

I still think that
Steve Owen is not a murderer.

- You know what my instincts tell me?
- What?

This was all a ploy to get me out
drinking with you.

If you think that, why are you here?


Remember when we were in New York?

We were in Hell's Kitchen,
we got locked out on that roof,

we were just dancing
until the sun came up?


- You know what I remember?
- What?

Us fighting like crazy.

Oh, come on, I remember us
making up like crazy.

Mind-blowing sex.

Until you slept with what's-her-name.

So you're not gonna let me
live that down, are you?

Oh, now that's a trick question.
I'm a woman.

In case you forgot. (LAUGHS)

Okay, fine,
let's just check into that hotel,

maybe we'll regret it in the morning,

maybe we won't. Let's try it.


Yeah, um, I'm gonna go home.


Good night.





- I'm coming, I'm coming.

(SIGHS) Hold your horses.

All right.


My God, what took you so long?

Hi, Mom. I forgot something for school.

Hey, sweetie.


JOAN: Late to the door.

Clothes on
the living room floor. (SCOFFS)

My God, you must have had a date.

It wasn't a date. It was work.

(LAUGHS) Who was he?

None of your business.
Will you zip me up?



I don't feel good about us fighting.
This whole thing with your father

was my fault.

If I'd been more open with you
about the suicide note,

you wouldn't be questioning it now.

All I want to know is the truth.



Megan Hunt.


MEGAN: What do you got?

We got a female victim, mid-20s.
Cleaning lady found her an hour ago.

It's a mess inside, clear struggle.
The attack was brutal.

You haven't heard from Tommy,
have you?

No. Why?

I've been trying to contact him
all morning. Can't get through.

Something tells me he had a late night.

That right?

Where's the victim?

- Her name's Skylar Green.

Still canvassing the neighbors,

so far no one saw or heard anything.


Megan, you okay?

Patterned abrasions,
she was strangled.

Slight rigor,
she died sometime last night.

I need to speak to you outside. Now.

Megan? Megan, what's going on?

You have no idea where Tommy is?

No, I told you,
I've been trying to call him.

We need to find him. Now.

Megan, what's going on?

Tommy and I had drinks last night.

When I left the bar, he was with her.
The victim. Skylar Green.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

- That's not good.
- No.

Try him again.

- Okay.





- Tommy, Tommy.

What happened?


I don't remember.

So, Skylar Green is dead?

You don't remember how you got here?


What do you remember?



I remember being in a bar with you.

You left and I was...


... with Skylar.

And it's all just a blur.
How can this be possible?

Was I drugged or something or what?

I'll take some blood, we'll find out.

So, the victim.
Did you just meet her last night?

Who, Skylar? Well, I interviewed her
for the Steve Owen case.

She was a hostess in one of his clubs.
And she thought he was innocent.

Wanted to help prove it.

How many times did you interview her?

Just that once.

She kept calling me,
saying it was related to the case,

but I think she was just interested.


I didn't take any of her calls,
I haven't spoken to her in two months.

Didn't look that way last night.

You saw me with Skylar.
You came back to the bar?


You don't know
how you got those scratches?

What scratches?

TOMMY: What's that?

It looks like fingernail polish. (SIGHS)

I'll know for sure
when the lab confirms it.

Look, I didn't have anything to do
with what happened to Skylar.

ADAM: No one said you did.

But Chief Martin wants you
back at the precinct.

She just wants to get you on record
as soon as possible.

What the hell happened there?

I don't know.

Him being here, not remembering,
the scratches. It doesn't look good.

Skylar Green's connection to
Steve Owen is not a coincidence.

Her murder has something to do
with this case.

But what does that have to do
with Tommy?

The sooner we find out, the better.
For all of us.

Everybody loved her.


I can't imagine who would've done this.

Just to be clear, my client has been
under house arrest since January.

He's not a suspect in her murder.

But there may be
a connection to this case.

Now, we know that Skylar was looking
for proof that you were innocent.

Is it possible that she found something?

I don't know,
I hadn't seen her in a while.

You think that's why she was killed?

It's possible.

You think she might have talked
to anybody else about this?

Not that I can think of.


Except for Detective Sullivan, of course.

What do you mean, "of course"?

He was your partner, wasn't he?
Didn't he tell you about Skylar?

Please just answer the question.

Go ahead.


Skylar was, uh, infatuated with him.
She texted him all the time.

She even showed up at his place once.

Was this interest mutual?

I don't think so.
That's why Sullivan was a challenge.

Skylar wasn't used to hearing no.

MEGAN: What do you have?

Tommy Sullivan
can use some good news.


Well, I found
a strand of hair in Skylar's bed.

The DNA profile is a match for Tommy.

- In her bed?
- Yeah.

What else?

I still need to double-check the findings.


(SIGHS) The foreign matter you found
in Tommy's scratches,

it's fingernail polish, like you thought.

And it's an exact match
to Skylar Green's.

Doesn't mean he killed her.

Yeah, but it means
they got in a pretty nasty fight.

Or she scratched him in the course
of another activity.

- Like?
- Oh, boy.

Oh, right.

Let me see the marks on her neck.

Okay, um, you see
these patterned abrasions?

Four centimeters apart.
Think she was strangled by a belt.

Probably a man's belt.

Megan. Neither one of us
wants to ask this,

but was Tommy missing his belt
when you found him?

Detective Sullivan was missing
half his wardrobe when I found him.

Keep looking.
Let me know when you find something

that actually helps Tommy.

You were found
outside the scene of the crime,

seen carousing with the victim
the night before.

And you're saying to me that you,
a professional trained in observation,

have no recollection of any of this.

Chief, I know it sounds unlikely.

You were at a bar.
Was this a blackout due to alcohol?

No, I didn't drink that much. I'm under
the assumption that I was drugged.

I certainly hope
the blood work shows that,

because if it doesn't,

your lack of recall
could prove extremely damning.

Am I understood?

Yes, ma'am.

God's honest,
I'm telling you everything I know.

I did not kill Skylar Green.

As far as you can remember.

Do not leave the precinct until
I tell you otherwise. That's an order.

Yes, ma'am.

Chief, I'm Adam Lucas.
I'm Tommy's partner.

I know who you are.
Here's what you need to know.

You need to get this resolved
as soon as possible.

For your partner, for you,
and for the department.


What the hell was that about?

(SIGHS) She wants to move this along,
meaning she wants me to confess.

Oh. Great, it's good to know
she's got your back.

With a bayonet.

This looks kind of bad, doesn't it?

Yeah. Well, it won't once we find out
what really happened.

Now, do you remember anything about
last night? Even something little?


Well, I've been racking my brain.

I can't think of anything
that happened to Skylar.

But most bars have
a surveillance camera.

Right. We checked. O'Connor's,
they do. Tapes are on their way.

So, this is you and Tommy
before Skylar got there.

"I remember us making up like crazy.
Mind-blowing sex."

"We were a lot younger then."

- Okay, fast-forward, please.


"Let's check into that hotel.
Maybe we'll regret it in the morning..."

- Further. Further.


"You haven't returned any of my calls."

"You have to stop this, okay?
You can't do this anymore."

I can't read the whispering.
"Just stop it, all right?"

"I had to see you.
I had to see you tonight."

"Do not... It has to end now.

"You have to..."
He slurred the last words.

"Just hear me out. Please."

"You're going to regret this. Come on."

Are you sure that's what he said?
"You're going to regret this"?

I'm very confident. I've been doing
this professionally for 20 years.

Thank you, Meryl. Thank you.

Thank you.

So, Steve Owen said that Skylar
wasn't just interested in Tommy,

she was practically stalking him.

Right, so he was trying to get her
to back off.

She won't. He has too much to drink,
he threatens her. He gets violent?

Believe me, Tommy knows lots
of ways to break up with women,

violence is not one of them.



CSU techs found it hidden
in the brush about 20 yards

from where you discovered Tommy.

It was covered in Skylar Green's blood.
Would you hold that for me? Thank you.



As you can see,
the ligature marks match up perfectly.

Let me see that.

The belt had trace leather on it
that came from something else.

We're working on it.

What are you not telling us?

Yeah. Well, we found epithelials
on the belt.

And we have a DNA match.


Tommy. (SIGHS)




ADAM: Skylar's friends say that
she was infatuated with you.

Records show that she sent you

over 100 texts
since you first interviewed her.

Tommy, we found your hair in her bed.

Okay, there was no relationship.
I wasn't sleeping with her.

Then how did it get there?

I don't know.

We found Skylar's fingernail polish
in your scratches.

There is video of you
apparently threatening her.

And your belt is the murder weapon.

Somebody's doing this, framing me.

That's why they drugged me.


You blood work came back normal.

No drugs found.


I did not kill Skylar Green!


I didn't kill Skylar Green.

Tommy, we believe you,
we're your friends.

We think that you might have been
framed, but we just can't prove it.


So we need another way of tackling it.

Have you got another lead or anything?

Hello, Chief Martin.
What are you doing here?

As blunt as always, Dr. Hunt.

Chief Martin has come to us
as a courtesy,

with developments
in the Detective Sullivan case.

Have a seat, please.

ANGELA: You two work closely
with Detective Sullivan.

You have an understandable
loyalty to him.

But I'm here to tell you
that Detective Sullivan

may not be the man
that you think he is.

Meaning what?

We've determined
that after they left the bar,

Detective Sullivan and the victim
wound up at a nightclub.

The Red Light.

That's one of Steve Owen's clubs.

We think that Skylar's murder may
have something to do with his case.

We know this because
Detective Sullivan got into a fight

with the bouncer at the club.

The club has filed a complaint.

The bouncer stated that
the attack was completely unprovoked.

That Sullivan was just belligerent.
Looking for violence.

It's his side of the story,
of course he's gonna blame Tommy.

Yes, well, there's more.
Because of the circumstances,

the NYPD has agreed
to unseal confidential facts

about Detective Sullivan's file.

His last year there,

Sullivan chased down
and beat a suspect, badly.

That's why he left New York.

KATE: According to the hospital records,

the man was in intensive care
for over two months.

This has no details
about the circumstances.

It could be totally out of context.

We'll get the details,
but the most overriding context

is that Detective Sullivan
has a pathological problem with control.

From the beginning, neither of you
should have been on this case.

- You are not any longer.

I don't work for you.

KATE: I'm pulling you,
at the Chief's request.

She's absolutely right.
The police department and this office

have got to maintain objectivity.

Objectivity, or appearances?

ANGELA: At this point,

you will distance yourself
from Detective Sullivan.

You will not do or say anything

that could further jeopardize
the case against him.

Curtis is waiting to brief us
on Skylar's autopsy. We'll be back.

That report doesn't leave this office.
This is your chance to read it.



I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to think.

Tommy never told me about
what happened in New York.

It's like you said,
we don't know the circumstances.

I know.
I just wish I was more convinced.

Megan, I've seen it happen to cops.
20-30 years of constant pressure.

One day, they just crack.


And we also matched
his belt to the murder.

Well, based on the evidence,
if this case were in my court,

we'd already be in sentencing.

I know.


But I keep telling myself it's not Tommy.
He's not capable of this.

Well, you're not gonna like
what I have to say.

But I never trusted him.

You really do have a knack
for saying the exact opposite

of what I want you to say.

I'm just being honest with you.
Look at his background.


He's a cop
from a broken family in Queens.

I know we can't control
where we come from...

Oh, my God, do you realize
what a snob you sound like?

I just want you to be honest about
what's really going on here.

You were in love with him, years ago.

No, I was not in love with him.

And then he hurt you,
and you're carrying around

all these unresolved feelings.

No. That was a long time ago.
I'm over that.

No, you're not. Your emotions are
getting in the way of your judgment.

Let go of this.
Let justice take its course.

Tommy doesn't need you.
He needs a plea bargain.

And you look like you need some rest.

Thank you.

I'm gonna let you get some. I love you.

She's wrong, you know.
Tommy wouldn't do that.

He wouldn't hurt someone.
You can't give up on him.


Honestly, Lace,
I don't know what else I can do.

The facts are not on Tommy's side.

The fact is he saved both our lives.
You have to help him.

I know I owe it to him.

You owe it to yourself.

What does that mean?

Take a guess.


Adam. The fight
with the bouncer in the nightclub?

I need you to meet me there, now.

ADAM: Why?

I think I can prove Tommy's innocence.





So, anytime you wanna tell me
what's going on, please, feel free.

Never mind we're not supposed
to be anywhere near this case.

There he is.

- Hey.
- Back room is closed.

Good for you.

Recognize this guy?

He was out of control,
like he was on something.

Refused to leave. He gave me this.

- I gave him that.
- Excellent.

And where exactly in the club
did this fight take place?

When you split his lip,
did he go down hard?

(CHUCKLES) Oh, yeah.

Where was that?

Right about here.

Then this would be Tommy's blood.

- Adam.
- ADAM: Yeah?

- Got a knife?
- Yeah, I do.



You know, I really don't get it.

We already tested Tommy's blood.

You said there was definitely
no sign of any drugs.

That blood was drawn
the morning after the murder.

It would have already metabolized
any drugs.

This blood was spilled 10 hours earlier
without any chance to metabolize.


- (SIGHS) Yes!
- What?

What have you found?

Tommy was drugged.

Thanks for seeing us.

Hello, Kate.

The Chief understood
you had medical evidence to present,

so she asked me to be here as well.

I also understood
that you two were off the case.

But let's hear what you got.

Detective Sullivan's blood work.

The spike that you will see is called
Zolpidem, it acts just like a roofie.

It also explains all of his symptoms,
compliance, aggression,

loss of memory.

It also proves that he was drugged
the night that Skylar Green was killed.

Which implies that he was framed.

Meaning that you have the wrong man.

You got this blood
off the nightclub carpet?

That's right.

How do you know the carpet
wasn't contaminated?

There are probably traces
of drugs everywhere in that place.

The point is the context.

Tommy said he was drugged,
that is supporting evidence.

Yes, but the problem is the rest of the
evidence is extremely overwhelming.

But you can't just ignore this.
This is reasonable doubt.


MEGAN: All right, how about this?

You call the DA, you ask him
to release Detective Sullivan

on his own recognizance
for just 24 hours.

- Why?
- Sensorial reenactment.

Maybe he can retrace his steps
last night,

remember some details,
so that we can find the real killer.

Megan's right. There are
legitimate studies to support that.

Regardless, I can't condone his release.

Now, if Detective Sullivan
wants to make bail,

of course he can do this on his own.

He can't make bail.
Bail is set at &2 million.

Could you ask the DA to reduce it?

Why would I do that?

As a gesture of support
to one of your own.

I can't take the risk,
precisely because he is one of my own.

So you're going to let an innocent man
lose his career, and his freedom...


Because you need to cover your own
ass and get a really good headline?

For all appearances,
Detective Sullivan dug his own grave.

And for whatever reason,
you seem very anxious to join him.

Could you give us a minute, please?

What the hell are you doing?

That woman has an agenda.

Yeah, a legitimate one.

She's got to stand up against corruption
in her own ranks.

That was really good.
Where are the teleprompters?

Why are you going this far
out on a limb for Tommy Sullivan?

Is there something going on
between you two?


But? What are you not telling me?

I knew him when I was in New York.

We used to date.

- And you never told me this?
- It's old news.

Megan, the MEO has to be impartial,

you can't advocate
for a murder suspect.

Listen, you've already been ordered
off of this case,

you have got to stay away from him.

Or what?

Don't make me go there, Megan.


It's your lucky day. You made bail.

What? I don't know anybody
with that kind of money.

So, you never told me how
you could afford my bail.

I couldn't.

I put my condo up for collateral.


Everything else.

- I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

You did see that was your boss, right?

My former boss.
She was calling to fire me.

Because you're helping me.

Megan, I don't want you to put
everything on the line like this.

Why? You did the same for me.

Yeah, but there doesn't have to be
a quid pro quo.

The quid pro quo is

you tell me what really happened
in New York.


My sister.

She died in a hit-and-run accident
about a year ago.

Laura? Oh, God, Tommy.

Yeah. (SIGHS)

Somebody ran a red.
It was some Wall Street type.

And he's paid his way out of two DUls.

His lawyer convinced the judge
that there was reasonable doubt

he was behind the wheel.

And I lost control.

Broke some rules
and broke some bones.

The guy didn't press charges
'cause he didn't want to be in the news.

But NYPD tossed me,
and came here for a fresh start.

You could have told me.

I thought it would scare you.

Oh. (LAUGHS) It scared me.

But the part of you that went outside
the law for your sister,

it's the same part that
helped me and Lacey, so...

I don't know how I feel about it.

Certainly not going to decide right now.


You sure I was here?
'Cause I got nothing.

Could you turn up the lights
and the music,

like it would have been
a couple of nights ago?





I was here.

With Skylar.

She was trying to show me something.

It's like a picture or... It's a photograph.

MEGAN: Keep trying.

I can't.

Do you think that she actually did
find something

in the Steve Owen case?

Adam, it's me.
Meet us at the crime scene.

If Skylar owned a computer,
we couldn't find it.

If she printed something out,
isn't there a...

Picture still in the cache? Right.

- Okay, here we go.


Oh, oh, oh.

- That's Steve Owen's club.
- Look in the background.

Steve Owen.

ADAM: And the time stamp,
November 17th, 11:30 p.m.

That's when he was
supposedly killing his partner.

Skylar finally found someone
who could prove his alibi.

That's why she was killed.

Time stamps can be incorrect or faked.

No. This is definitely real, otherwise
she wouldn't have been killed.

Besides, it'd be easy
to ID these people in the photo,

and have them confirm the time frame.

Then that means her killer knew
that she was bringing it to you.


I chased him outside.

I was weak, my head was spinning.

And I fell, he ran.

I couldn't keep up with him, but he...


TOMMY: He hopped the fence.

This is where he went over. Right here.

MEGAN: You're right.

This looks like the sample of fabric
that we found on your belt.

It's got some kind of dust on it.

Maybe there's something
in the trial evidence

that will help us ID the real killer.

Let's check it out. I'll go see his lawyer.

LAWSON: Remarkable. I tried so hard
to prove Steve Owen's alibi,

and you turn up solid evidence
in two days.

Well, it took Skylar months.

We have to assume that whoever
framed Steve Owen for murder

killed her, too.

And framed you in the process.

My understanding is
you were arrested for her murder.

Yeah, look,
I proved your client is innocent.

I was just hoping you might be able
to do the same for me.

I'd like to look at all the evidence
you collected. Admissible or not.

I'll pull the files. See what we can find.

Oh, uh...

Steve should be here any minute.

If Kate finds out we helped you,
we are all going down, big time.

If it makes you feel any better,
I'll probably get fired, too.

It doesn't.

The fibers from the belt that was
used to strangle Skylar Green

match the fibers from the fence.
You were right.

But the piece you recovered
tells us something else.

Hmm. Machine stitching.
Looks like the seam of a glove.


So our killer wore gloves.

That narrows it down to, like, anyone.

CURTIS: Not quite.

Look at that.

The dust we found
on the glove fragment?

It's gypsum and recycled paper.

Comes from new drywall.

So it's not just any glove.
It's a work glove.

Used in construction.

Megan, we got a problem.






Tommy, Tommy?

TOMMY: Yeah.

- Tommy, stay down.
- No, I'm fine.

- Stop. Stop.
- I'm fine.

- Tommy.

Where does it hurt?

I don't know.

Big dummy.

I just need... I need CPR.


You need a pop in the mouth.

So we found this in your house.

It's Steve Owen's accounting book,
with all the cooking.

You've been skimming off of every deal
you were an attorney on.

When his partner, Jason,
found out, you killed him.

Tried to frame Owen for the murder,

and you suppressed any evidence
that would've strengthened his case.

This is all circumstantial.

That's true. Except for,

we found these gloves
in your car under the driver's seat.

We found fragments

of leather gloves on a fence
near the crime scene.

And identical leather
on the murder weapon.

Skylar Green called you at your office
the day she was murdered.

She wanted to tell you something
that she found out.

You knew you had to silence her.

You killed an innocent girl,

a sweet girl in cold blood.

All Skylar wanted to do was to prove
that her friend was innocent,

and you killed her for it.

Just like you did Jason Banning.

I want you to know that I'm going
to do everything in my power

to make sure that
you never see the light of day again.

Is there anything else
you want to say, Mr. Lawson?

I want a lawyer.

And with my profound apologies
to the defendant and his family,

I motion for dismissal of all charges
against Steve Owen.

The motion is granted.

BAILIFF: All rise.

- You ready?
- All right.

No need to apologize.


On second thought, go ahead.

I hope you can understand
the position I was in.

You mean being wrong?

Oh, you are not going to accept
an apology gracefully, are you?


Well, I'm just glad you're back.

Thomas Sullivan is lucky to have you
in his corner.

I'm just glad
you weren't wrong about him.

That remains to be seen.

What do you mean?

I'll see you at work.

How's the arm?

Thanks to the wonders
of modern medication, it's fine.

Listen, I don't know
how to thank the both of you.

Yeah, that's not really true.
He tried to hug me.

- It didn't go down well.
- Yeah.

He's uncomfortable
with displays of affection.

It's nice to know the two of you
are so evolved.

So, I'll see you back there.

I gotta go.

You do realize this is where it all started
with an innocent invitation for drinks.

There was nothing innocent
about that invitation.

Well, yeah,
I used the case as an excuse.

But I'm not going to do it again.
So let's go have a drink.

Oh, are you sure?
The last time you asked me out,

you got arrested for murder.

You did come back to the bar that night
to take me up on my offer.

I never should've admitted that.

No, you shouldn't have.

It was a momentary lapse
brought on by three tequilas.

Which I hope to replicate
with three more.

You are the eternal optimist.

- You know, you haven't said no yet.

MEGAN: All right, but I'm
going home tonight. Alone.

- TOMMY: Sure you are.
- Just stop talking.

TOMMY: Not my strong suit.

MEGAN: Well, what is, really?

TOMMY: Have three tequilas,
I'll show you.