Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 3, Episode 1 - Abducted: Part I - full transcript

Megan's been on leave after the incident (Peter's death). She now goes back to work and refuses to go to therapy. She's given an insignificant case and meets a detective whom she knows. While at the scene, she discovers 5 bodies that have been there for some time. She and the detective work together. She learns that all 5 men were vets who served in Afganistan. And they were killed as a result of an operation. So she tries to find who could have operated on them.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

(WHISPERS) Oh, my God.



Hey, Lace.


Who is this?

You've stuck your nose
where it doesn't belong.

Now I have your daughter, and
you're gonna do exactly what I say.

Or else she dies.

Did you sign the permission slip
for the field trip this week?

'Cause I can't find it.

- It's right here, in front of you.
- Oh, thanks.

- Mom?
- Uh-huh?

You look great.


LACEY: (SCOFFS) Not nervous at all.

I'm not nervous.

Are you sure you're ready to go back?

Oh, I'm ready. It's the three months'
leave that's been torture.

(SCOFFS) For you and me both.

I heard that.

CURTIS: So what kind of experience
do you have?

I worked at a funeral home
in Bucks County,

and then as an autopsy assistant
at a coroner's office.

So I've seen just about everything.

That may be so,
but Dr. Hunt is an acquired taste.

That's right. She's like grappa.

At first, she'll tear your throat out,
but eventually you're gonna like it.

- Grappa?
- I spent a summer in Florence.


CURTIS: Stick to the facts.

Take lots of pictures.
And don't get discouraged.

It'll take her some time
to warm up to you.

What happened to the last MI?


Three months ago?
You don't read the paper?


It's Dr. Hunt.

ETHAN: Dr. Hunt!


You look great.

I mean, not that you
didn't always look good.

You look more great.

CURTIS: It's the haircut.

I swear, they took
some of his brain along with it.

- I missed you guys.
- Really?

No. Who's that?

Charlotte Tilney. She's starting today.

- As what?
- Uh...

Medicolegal Investigator.

I'm so excited to work with you.
I've read some of your cases.

Like the one where you
found the guy inside the wall.

I thought that was really interesting.



- MEGAN: Peter.

(ECHOING) Peter.
Come on. It's gonna be okay.


Welcome back.

What's with the shrine in the lobby?

Hello to you, too.

Love the new pillows.

- Coffee table, mmm, not so much.
- (SIGHS) Yeah.

I wanted to switch you
to a different office,

but Richard advised against it.


Yeah, that would be the grief counselor

I've been asking you to see
for the last three months.

Megan, you've been through
a trauma, okay?

And believe me, I know what that's like.

You can't just brush this off
like you do everything else.

Bud went to the grief counselor,
retired to take care of his baby.

Sam went to the grief counselor
and moved to Virginia to join the FBI.

I do not want to brush it off.
I want to get back to work.

And after sitting on my ass
for three months,

I'd like to get started, okay?



Transient male found face down,
coffee ground emesis,

blood and smell of alcohol.

You want me to start on
a dead alcoholic?

I want you to start off slowly
and ease your way back in.

Oh, and you will be working
with a new homicide team.

Please, try to start off
on the right foot this time.


CHARLOTTE: After the coroner's office,
I worked as a lab tech

in the pathology department
of a teaching hospital

and then as
a forensic autopsy technician.

MEGAN: What did Curtis and Ethan
tell you about me?

That you're a wonderful boss
totally committed to your job.

Please stop sucking up.

They told me the last MI you worked
with was killed trying to save your life

and you were forced to take
a leave of absence

and that it was your first day back

and it's a good bet you might have
some transitioning issues.


Dr. Hunt?

Have you had breakfast yet?

- What?
- Me neither.

I would like a Gruy?re omelet,
a turkey bake and coffee black.

- But I...
- Oh, and take your time.

I've got this covered.

Wait. Dr. Hunt?

So I'll meet you back at the scene?


ADAM: Yo, what is she doing?
You let her in? Hey!

Excuse me?
Are you the Medical Investigator?

It's called Medicolegal Investigator.
And no, I'm not.

Well, I'm Detective Lucas.
You can't be here.

See that? Spider angioma.

Lady, get away from the body. Now!

When blood and stomach acid mix,
they oxidize.

We call it coffee ground emesis.

He's got a hole in his stomach
or a tear in his esophagus.

Either way, you've wasted your time.
It's not a homicide.

This guy drank himself to death.

TOMMY: That's what we figured.
But thought we'd wait for the ME.

Adam, say hello to Dr. Megan Hunt.




You two know each other?

(WHISPERS) You have five seconds

to tell me what you're doing here.

Well, I did my 20 years in New York.

I needed a change of scenery.

You always told me
how great it was here.

It's just a coincidence you're here?
You just happened to get this detail?

No. There was an opening. I took it.

It's never gonna work.

Why? We're both adults.

(LAUGHS) No, that's the problem,
Tommy. You were never an adult.

You actually thought
this was a good idea?

I didn't say it was a good idea.
But I did it anyway.

Whatever you thought was gonna
happen between us,

(WHISPERS) it's not.

I didn't think anything was
going to happen between us today.

Except both of us acting professional
and getting the job done.

I'm not going anywhere, Megan,
not talking to me is not an option.

Watch me.


Okay, look. I know it's gotta be a shock,
me showing up out of nowhere...

Shut up, you ass.


What's behind this building?

No idea.

Where are you going?

So, what exactly is it we're looking for?

That drunk hasn't been dead long
enough to have a maggot near him.


There's something else in here.



MEGAN: We need to see
what's behind that door.

I'll call in a warrant.

TOMMY: No door, no warrant!

- Whoa.


God Almighty.

So this Dr. Megan Hunt,

you gonna tell me
what's going on between you two?


(CHUCKLES) Then why
are you primping?

- "Primping"?
- That's right, primping.

So what is she? Ex-girlfriend? Ex-wife?
Don't tell me you don't have a history.

Okay, listen. (SIGHS) You're my partner.

You walk into a room, I got your back.

Somebody pulls a gun on you,
I shoot him dead.

You say "primping" to me again,

- I'll kill you.

How about fussing? Posing? Preening?
I can keep going.

MEGAN: I've done you guys the favor of
keeping the rest of them in their bags.

All five have multiple deep lacerations
from a large knife.

All five have sharp
force trauma to the neck.

So much for easing your way back in.

KATE: Do we have IDs?

MEGAN: Got hits from IAFIS.
They're veterans.

Sergeant Vilmar Brazas,

Specialist Douglas Kessler,

Staff Sergeant Vincent Morgado,

Corporals Joel Moskowitz
and Caleb Witsman.

So we got a serial killer
targeting veterans.

The press will be all over this.

Not just veterans.

You see this, fragments?
That's shrapnel.

He's got half his shoulder blown off.
They're combat veterans.

And according to their files at the VA,
they're all being treated for PTSD.

All right, I want Curtis in charge of bugs
for time of death,

I want Ethan in charge of trace
and fluids through the lab.

They're already on it.

Do you have any leads?

Well, the building's been abandoned
for over a year.

We're tracking down the owner.

Any interest in knowing
who the next victim is gonna be?

Why? You got a name for us?

All five men are roughly
the same height, age, and weight,

and according to
the different stages of decomposition,

they were killed sequentially.
If I were you,

I would head to the VA
and find a matching description.

Whoever did this seems to lose interest
in one and move on to the next.

You know what I was thinking?

Maybe we should call the VA?

See if they got anybody
that matches that description.

You know, just in case.

Just in case.

We would have done it anyway.



They've all had their spleens removed.

You mean like organ harvesting?

We can live just fine
without our spleens.

Nobody transplants spleens.

Not to mention
they wouldn't remove them

with the kind of knife that did all this.


They just picked up the building owner.

You'll let us know
if anything else comes up?

KATE: Of course.

Keep me updated on everything
to do with this case. Got it?

Don't I always?



Singing again?

Sometimes I think you like bugs
more than you like me.

Because they actually do their job
and help me estimate

- time of death. Oh!

- Don't move! Don't move!
- I'm working here, man!

Excuse me, guys.

Oh, hey...

- Charlotte.
- Charlotte.

Where's Dr. Hunt?

Dr. Hunt? I've got your breakfast.


No food in the autopsy.
You, get it out of here.

(SIGHS) Okay, it's my bad.

I'm just not used to
fetching my ME breakfast.

I'm not a gofer, I'm a trained...

What does this look like to you?


Tissue paper?

Taken from the wall of
the retroperitoneum? I don't think so.

Want to try again?

A suture.

And from the color and the texture,
we can tell what?

(SIGHS) Um...

It's a drug-eluting suture.
And what does that tell us?

- Um...
- Look at the body.

I don't know. What does that tell you?

It tells me that
you worked in a teaching hospital

- and didn't learn a damn thing.

Somewhere behind all this violence
is a surgeon.

Start taking pictures
and send them

to my office immediately.

And then ask yourself how much more
of this you really want to take.

Five people, Mr. Foster.
All dead, in your building.

The place has been vacant
for over a year.

- I don't know anything, I swear.

When's the last time you were there?

A month. No, uh, two months.

The economy's in the crapper,
I can't get anyone to buy it.

- You got a record.
- Who? Me?

Assault with a deadly weapon.

What? No, that was...

It was a beer bottle, okay?

And I was just fighting back.

Those cops were disrupting
a peaceful rally.

An anti-war rally.

What's that got to do with anything?



Flattered, but I'm in the middle
of an interrogation.

You would think this is about you.

Are you just in the habit of interrupting?
I don't work for you, Megan.

This is my investigation,
it's my interrogation,

you don't pull me out of there
for any reason.

Hey, you're the new guy here.
I come and go as I please.

- How'd you like to get arrested?
- How'd you like to solve the case?

Gee, guys, people will start to talk.

She was just leaving.

- Is that the guy who owns the building?
- TOMMY: Yeah. Why?

- He's not the killer.
- TOMMY: How do you know?

Because all five men had
their spleens removed surgically.

- I thought your colleague said...
- I know what she said.

But the knife wounds were made
to disguise the surgical incisions.

The cavities were pretty hacked up, too,

but I managed to find a couple of things
that the killer left behind.

That is a drug-eluting suture.

It releases a combination of antibiotics
at the point of incision

to prevent infection.

So he's removing an organ
you say nobody needs,

and keeping them alive
just to kill them later.

Exactly. And that particular
suture technique

is most commonly found
in plastic surgery.

So you're saying our killer
is a plastic surgeon?

I'm saying that

unless this guy's had
10 years of medical training,

he's not the killer.





Dr. Hunt, preliminary times of death
are consistent with

a 48-hour interval
between each murder.

Working back from the most recent one,
he's killed them all at lunchtime.

Any word on the foreign matter
I took off the retroperitoneum?

Not yet. But we caught a break
on the drug-eluting suture.

It's proprietary
and currently in use in a medical study.

There's only one medical center
in the city approved to use it.

- And guess what?
- Plastic surgery practice.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you.

- Hey, Ethan.
- Hmm?

Oh, poor Cheryl.

- Charlotte.
- Charlotte.

- CURTIS: Damn, that was fast.

What did I tell you?
Dr. Hunt's like grappa.

She'll tear your throat out.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah. How's it going with Charlotte?

- Great.
- Really?

That's strange. Because she quit.

And don't think I'm gonna let you
browbeat the next one.

I don't need an MI.

Damn it, Megan.

You and I both know
what this is about, all right?

You don't wanna let go of Peter,
you're taking it out on his replacement.

She was a moron.

It was her second day,

and you were
supposed to be her mentor.

Do you remember
when Peter first started?

Yeah, I wanted to fire him, too.
And you know what?

I wish to God I had!

His splenic artery was transected.

You called 911. You attempted CPR.

There is not a surgeon in the world
who could have saved his life.

I have a lead on our killer
so if you don't mind...

So, how do you plan
on identifying this guy?

By examining his handiwork.

The suturing was left-handed,
the knot was distinctive.

It's a kind of signature.

We can't just walk around asking
women to lift up their shirts. Can we?

You can't.

Hello, I'm Dr. Hunt.
I'm with the Medical Examiner's Office.

Would you mind
if I take a look at your incisions?

Thank you.


Hello. Dr. Hunt.


Who's your surgeon?

Can I help you?

- Yeah, do you...
- Do you...

Do you work for Dr. Wallace?

I'm his chief nurse.

- You keep his schedule?
- Yes, of course.

Okay. I'm gonna need to see that.

Yvonne, what's going on?

Dr. Wallace, we're gonna need to
speak with you.

You, too, Yvonne.

TOMMY: What do you got
against veterans, Doctor?

(STUTTERS) I have nothing
against veterans.

What are you talking about?

You got divorced about a year ago.

Your daughter's living
with your ex-wife now.

Yeah. That's right.

I'm sorry to hear that.
That's gotta be tough.

To deal with it, you took a little trip.
But not just any trip.

You went to the Middle Eastern
paradise called Afghanistan.

That was a humanitarian mission.

It's good of you to give back.

But while there, you're repairing
the faces of these Afghan kids

who were disfigured in
the US drone strikes.


It'd be enough to turn anybody
against our troops, wouldn't it?

ADAM: You met Dr. Wallace
through this humanitarian mission?

YVONNE: That's right.

And he relies on you,
he trusts you, right?

Yes, of course.

Then forgive me, Yvonne,
but the problem I'm having is

how come you can't
account for his whereabouts

every time one of these men
is being killed?

If it wasn't you, then explain
your fancy stitch work

on all of our victims.

Or the eluting suture
coated in rifampin and minocycline

that your medical practice is
the only one in the city approved to use.

No, there's a secondary market
for medical supplies.

Any surgeon could get his hands
on this suture if he wanted to.

And most surgeons

mimic the closing technique of
the surgeons they trained under.

Since I went to medical school here,

I'm sure that there are
plenty of others in the area.

As a former surgeon,
I'm frankly surprised

you need to be told any of this.

Now, am I under arrest,
or am I free to go?

Come on, Yvonne.
Are you telling me you haven't noticed

anything strange about his behavior?
His attitude?

I don't know anything.

You're trembling, Yvonne.

(WHISPERS) Why don't I believe you?

My husband died in Afghanistan!

That's why I volunteered
for Dr. Wallace's mission.

I cannot believe that he would
ever, ever do something like this.


Thank you, Yvonne.

So, Yvonne's on our side.

She said she'll call
if she finds anything.

MEGAN: Finds anything?
What more do you need?

I just handed you a guy with means,
motive and opportunity

and you're letting him go.

You didn't give us anything.
He explained away all the evidence.

Did you see the way
he was acting in there?

That may be enough for
the court of Megan Hunt

but not enough for us.

Put a tail on him.


Right after we play our hand
he's gonna lead us to his next victim.

That guy's a butcher, Tommy.
You're just gonna let this guy go?

KATE: They're all combat veterans.

We're not sure why they were targeted

but we believe
the killer may be a surgeon.

I understand Dr. Hunt is on the case.

Didn't she just come back from
a forced leave of absence?

Are you questioning
my judgment, Dan?

No, I'm just telling you
the stakes are higher now.

It's been quite a year for you, Kate.

The Marburg outbreak.
Putting your life on the line.

It's been noticed in certain circles.

Circles that would be helpful if
you were interested in elected office.

And why would you think that?

Because you've been talking to the
same consultants I've been talking to.

We both know the
2nd Congressional District

is up for grabs next year.

Let's not be coy with each other.

Well, then,
let's not be disingenuous either.

You're the District Attorney.

You've publicly expressed your interest
in that seat.

Publicly, yes. Privately, not anymore.

If I'm to play a role in the election,

I'd like it to be backing someone
I believe in.

So why should I back you, Kate?

Because I'm the best person for the job.

I'm smart, telegenic, and I care about
this city and its suburbs.

And if this year has taught me anything,

it's to take advantage of
your moment before it's gone.

Then here's what you need to do.

Spend the next six months
building yourself up,

taking the lead on high profile cases,
honing your image as a public servant.

I think I can do that.

That you will shine on camera
I have no doubt.

But there will be times
when your future interests

will conflict with
your current responsibilities.

How you handle that
will tell me all I need to know.

Sorry I have to run.

Stay on top of this serial killer case.

Someone hacking up veterans
is bad press for all concerned.


Hey, you miss me already?

Wallace said that
everyone he trained with

would use the same
suturing technique, right?

Well, I'm looking at the
Penn Hill Medical School website

and none of his fellow residents
are currently working within the area.

It's still not enough to arrest him.

No, but it's enough to get you
off your ass and watch him.

It just so happens that Dr. Wallace
went straight back to his office

and he hasn't been out since.

I thought you weren't
putting a tail on him?

Of course I put a tail on him.
He's the only lead we have.

Then why'd you give me
such a hard time?

I don't know.

Why can't the Eagles
win a Super Bowl?

You really are an ass, you know that?

You got a mouth on you.

As soon as he leaves,
I wanna know where he goes.

Why don't you go to the Academy,
earn your badge, make Captain,

then you can tell me what to do.

How about this?

Wallace has violated everything there is
to being a doctor.

All right, I promise you,
if Wallace leads us to another victim,

I'll be way too busy to call you,
but you'll be in my thoughts.

- CURTIS: Megan.
- (SIGHS) What?

I got a bug.

It's one of hundreds pulled off
the victims to establish time of death.

At first, I thought it was
one of my regular dermestids,

but its life cycle is anomalous.

- So what is it?
- That's the thing. I don't know.

I've never seen the damn thing before.

Then go find out.
What are you waiting for?

What did you... (SCOFFS) Ooh.


Megan really pushes your buttons,
doesn't she?

We push each other's buttons.

Still waiting for the reason why.

Oh, are you?


Yeah, Lucas.


You sure about that? Oh.

Okay, thank you.

So, remember that list
we requested from the VA?

Veterans with the same height,
same age?

Well, two weeks ago,
someone requested the exact same list.

How many on the list?





Hi, Mom.

Hey. What are you doing here?

I had to give you this permission slip
for the field trip tomorrow.

Didn't I already sign this?

This one lets me go straight home
from the museum

instead of having to schlep
all the way back to school.

How are you doing, Mom?

I'm fine.

Are you sure you're ready to be back?

- Let me see your pump.
- What?

Your pump.
Your cartridge looked low yesterday.

You're changing the subject.

Let me see it.


Okay, I'll make you a deal.

I promise to stop asking,

if you promise to sound super-duper
happy the next time I talk to you. Okay?



Mr. Simmons, your name was on a list
used to target veterans.

Target them for what?

Well, so far, of the 10 names on the list,
five are confirmed dead, one's missing.

Look, we don't know
who's doing the killing or why,

we're just here to
tell you you may be in danger,

offer you police protection.

I'll be fine.

I got my own protection.

Whoa! Put the gun down!

Put it down, Mr. Simmons.


You've got a license for that gun,
I assume?

SIMMONS: Oh, yeah.

It's funny, though,
you checking on my paperwork.

'Cause the whole reason
I joined the Army was

to protect my country from people
nobody bothered checking on.

Look, we appreciate your service,
Mr. Simmons.

We're just asking you to be careful,
and let us handle the bad guys.

let you handle the bad guys?

What? You mean like
read them their rights?

Or give them civilian trials?

Or apologize every time
somebody sneezes on the Koran?


Every week I see guys like me
at the VA, PTSD, verge of suicide,

just wishing our government cared
as much about their rights

as they do about the bad guys' rights.

If this guy comes anywhere near me,
I'll do the handling.

- That would be a very bad idea.
- Maybe not.

We know this guy is targeting veterans,
your name is on the list.

You gonna use me as bait?

Officially we can't ask you to do that.

Who's asking? I'm there.

Just put me in front of the son of a bitch,
I'll show you what a vet can do.

Got a cheese steak, extra cheesy-steak,
pizza steak.

You guys hungry?
I'll spring for both of you.

(OVER RADIO) Gotta spend my
discharge money somehow.

No, thanks, Karl. We're good.
Let's keep an eye out, okay?

Gotta love this guy, huh?

You're awful quiet.

We're using a paranoid vet
with PTSD as bait for a serial killer.

There's not much else to say, is there?

- I improvised.
- Oh, right.

Oh, I forgot.
Dr. Hunt called for you earlier.

Yeah? What did she say?

She said you wanted to get married,
have kids.

But it was too soon.

She was so young. You were so poor.
It was so sad.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You know I'm not going to stop
until you tell me, right?

Twenty years ago I was working vice,
undercover, I ended up getting shot.

Megan was a resident,
she stitched me up.


We had a thing.

ADAM: Just a thing?
Or a crazy, mind-blowing,

once in a lifetime thing?

What happened?

I screwed it up. She packed her bags
and just went back to Philly.

- Now you want her back.
- I didn't say that.

Oh, I would have to be one
lame detective if you had to.



you got to taste this thing, it's awesome.

- SIMMONS: You know, I got to get...

Karl, you all right?

TOMMY: Karl?
ADAM: Karl!

TOMMY: Karl?

Wallace went to a movie,
slipped out the back.

Our guys didn't get a hold of it
until after midnight. (SIGHS)

You check with Nurse Yvonne?

Yeah. She hasn't heard
from him all night.

CSU's got zilch off the tire marks.

No traffic camera in either direction,

I served up Karl to this guy
on a silver platter.

Where the hell are you at?

What's your name, you little suckers?

The khapra beetle.
About time I found your ass.

"Eats dried plant and animal matter,
including dried blood.

"Native to India.

"On the Department of Agriculture's
100 Most Invasive Species List.

"Shipments from infested countries
are subject to

"Customs search and quarantine."
Hot damn.


- Have you been here all night?
- I know where your killer is.



Curtis said a shipment came in
from India two weeks ago.

The quarantined container's
in berth 23.

- Where are you going?
- Berth twenty... Oh, whoa.

No, no. You stay here.

Don't you even try to tell me what to do.

Megan, you're not armed,
you're not a cop.

You take one more step,
I'm gonna handcuff you to that pole.

- And you know I'll do it.
- Is that what you're into these days?

Sit tight, Megan. I'll call you when
I need you. And that's an order.

- What did I tell you?
- Stuff it, Tommy.



- He's dead.

MEGAN: This one's alive.

It's Karl.

This guy's gonna bleed out
if I don't close him up.

I'm gonna need some help here.

You're a surgeon, aren't you?

I'm not an anesthesiologist.

Tommy. Tommy, let's go!

- Do your best.
- Tommy! (SIGHS)

Stop! LAPD.





(GRUNTS) BP's crashing.
Don't you dare die on me.


ADAM: Stay calm.
WALLACE: I'll stay calm!

You don't move.

- Hey!
- Drop it! Drop the weapon!

It's over, Doc. There's nowhere to go.

You don't understand!
They made me do it!

I didn't want to help them! I had to!

Now drop your gun
or I'm gonna kill him!

All right.


- You okay?
- Huh?

I told you, somebody pulls a gun at you,
I'm gonna shoot him dead.


Well, you could have missed!

I never miss.

Early this morning, Philadelphia police
launched a daring raid

to apprehend Dr. Harvey Wallace,

a man suspected of at least
six serial murders.

Wallace was killed in the operation,

but police managed to save
the life of his next victim,

Army Staff Sergeant Karl Simmons,
a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.


Congratulations, I'm impressed.
You saved Karl's life.


I'm giving you a compliment here.
And not even in an obnoxious way.

Did Wallace say anything?

Before you shot him?

The usual.
"It wasn't me, they made me do it."

- "They"? Who's they?
- I don't know.

Little green men, voices in his head.
Who knows?

There's no way one person could
run those machines

and perform surgery at the same time.

Then there's this.

Surgical mesh.

It's used for organ repair,
not organ removal.

I don't follow.

Why hack up the bodies
to hide the incisions?

What didn't he want us to know?

That he's a lunatic.

Come on, Megan. For once in your life,
don't over think this.




No! Stop it!

Don't worry.

You won't feel a thing.

Hey, Dr. Hunt.

I finally identified that foreign matter

you removed from the wall of
the retroperitoneum.

- It's...
- Polytetrafluoroethylene.

Why do you always do that?
Can't you let me give you the answer...

Okay, I get it.

But why use surgical mesh
to remove organs?

And why were they
saturated with potassium?

It doesn't make any sense.


What is it? This? You want...

Thank you for the congratulations, Dan,
but it was my team, not me.

A statement? Yeah, I think

I'm way ahead of you
on that one. (CHUCKLES)

Let's just say if you
tune in in about 15 minutes,

you'll see what
shining on camera looks like.

All right. Bye.

I strongly advise you
not to talk to the press

until we find out
what's happening with those bodies.

Okay. The police got their man.

You performed life-saving
emergency surgery on his next victim.

The press is beating down my door.
What else could be happening?

Surgical mesh.

Their spleens were removed

so something else
could be put in their place.

Something requiring surgical mesh
to attach it to the abdominal wall.

Something that leaked potassium
in high enough levels to kill them.

I checked. They all had high levels.

Okay, you know that potassium levels
spike after death.

That's why it's so hard to tell
if somebody dies from it.


Dr. Murphy,
they're ready whenever you are.

Thank you.

Kate, come on!

Are you that eager to
get in front of the cameras?

You're a doctor, you're not a politician.

It's not that black and white.

Yes, it is.

Peter's death affected
all of us in different ways, okay?

I love my job. I'm proud of what I do.
But is there more for me out there?

Could I contribute in a bigger way?
I think so.

You're running for office.

Do you have any solid proof

that this guy was sewing something
into the bodies?

- You're holding it.
- Okay.

Then I think I'm on pretty solid ground.

They died when a madman
slit their throats.

Case closed.

(WHISPERS) The other body.

Thank you.
I've prepared a brief statement,

and afterward,
I will open it up for your questions.


Recent media reports have focused on

the discovery of multiple bodies
of combat veterans

who apparently fell victim to
a serial killer.

Needless to say, this has been
my office's highest priority

since the discovery was made.

And I am proud to announce

that with the cooperation of the
Philadelphia Police Department,

the killer has been identified as
a Dr. Harvey Wallace,

who perished in a shoot-out with police

before he was able to
kill his next victim.

That victim, by the way, is alive
and recovering from his wounds

thanks to the efforts of
members of this office.

We mourn the deaths of
Dr. Wallace's victims,

but mourning them isn't enough.

I personally call on
our Veterans Administration

and our local members of Congress
to do more

to safeguard our brave soldiers

lucky enough to return alive
from the field of battle.

Thank you very much.


You missed another
rousing press conference.

Who is that?

Dr. Wallace's last victim. (SIGHS)

You need help?

I got it.



(WHISPERS) Oh, my God.


A bomb?



Hey, Lace.


Who is this?

You've stuck your nose
where it doesn't belong.

Now I've got your daughter,
and you're gonna do exactly what I say.

Or else she dies.