Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 2, Episode 6 - Second Chances - full transcript

A champion equestrian is killed and potential drug use is suspected, but when Megan's daughter, who also rides, overhears details of the case, she leads the team to a clue and possibly the murderer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Help me.

Semper fortis.

You said if I came over
we could watch a movie.

No. I said if you
finished your homework.

Latin's too hard.
I know, I know,

but I swear you will
use it for everything.

Really. Especially if you
want to be a doctor or a lawyer.

I don't want to be either.

Okay. What do you want to be?

Fashion designer.

Semper fortis.

Always something...

Must be your father. Already?

Hey. Hello, Todd.

Thanks for watching
her. Anytime.

Come on, kiddo, let's go.

See you later.

Thanks, Mom. I'm
sorry about the movie.

Maybe we can do it
this weekend. I can't.

I'm going to Boston
with Dad and Kate.


Well, then, um...

Next weekend.


Let me get this straight.

This tall. You're sure?

Man, she took a real beating.

And then some soulless
bastard dumps her out here.

That's if she was dumped.

A guy walking his dog
came across the body

and Mr. Meth-Head over
there going through her pockets.

- What do you want?
- Settle down.

Liver temp and rigor puts TOD
between 5 and 7 p.m. yesterday.

No obvious fatal trauma,

no strangulation,
no stab wounds.


Nice compound fracture
to the tibia, though.

How hard would you
have to hit to do that?

Never underestimate
the power of meth.

Detective Morris,
good to see you.

Doctor Hunt, nice tennis shoes.

Very CSA.

Crime scene appropriate.

You get an ID on this girl yet?

No. My newfound
friend Dookie over here

isn't gonna tell us anything
till he lands back on Earth.

Well, this looks like it
could be a handprint.

I'm thinking she and Dookie
came out here to get high.

He tries to take
advantage, she fights back.


I don't think this girl
presents as a drug user.

Well, it's what's on the
inside that counts, right?

I'll let you know what I
get out of Rocket Man.

Bud was almost in a good mood.

His wife let him
back in the house.

Ah. What is with
those shoes anyway?

I'm not wearing heels.
So? Well, that's a first.

Maybe my mind
was on other things.

Lacey is going to Boston this
weekend with Todd and Kate.


He didn't even consult me.

A whole weekend
with his new girlfriend.

Who, by the way, just
also happens to be my...

Your boss.

Good morning, Dr. Murphy.

I understand we
got a dumped body?

We're not sure if it
was dumped or not.

This area is supposed
to be family-friendly.

I already have the
tourist board calling me.

And I was concerned about a
woman beaten to death. Hmm.

You know that
for a fact? Not yet.

Until you do, I'm consulting.

Send me the x-rays as
soon as you have them.

Go team.

I have a brief statement.

The body of a woman was
found this morning, no ID yet.

Who was she, Dookie?

Heh, I don't know who she is.

I already told you.

Who was she?

I don't know.

I don't know, I don't know.

Knock it off, knock
it off, knock it off!

You wanna know what I think?

I think you two
were getting high,

things got out of hand,

you dragged her off the
path into those woods,

took her money and
beat her to death.

No. I told you,

when I tripped is when
I first saw her body,

but she was dead already.

Was that before or
after you shot up?

Jane Doe, approximately
30 years old.

No obvious cause of death.

Severe abrasions
on the right side,

compound fracture
of the left tibia.

How big was the
guy who did this?

If it's the guy from the scene,

about Ethan's size with
the added bonus of meth.

Meth gives you
superhuman strength.

It does not make you stronger,
just makes you feel you are.

It blocks the brain's
pain receptors,

so the muscles
operate beyond fatigue.

And she has a tattoo on
her left wrist of four horses.

Of the apocalypse?

Four little horses, and
you go apocalypse?

Well, horses are scary,
and there's four of them.

Those don't look like
badass scary horses to me.

Those are nice horses.

Horses are never
nice. If you don't mind,

there is something
written beneath the horses.

"PA 1302."

Thank you. And she has
glitter on her lips. Hmm.

Presumably from her lipstick.

Are we sure she wasn't a user?

There is no evidence
of xerostomia. Why?

There's white powder
under her nails.

Is that cocaine?

Huh. Maybe Bud was right,
our victim and her attacker

were doing drugs
together. Or not.

Forensics found a DNA match
in CODIS to the bloody handprint.

We have a new suspect. Sort of.

Sort of? Zoe Brant.

She's doing four to
seven years in County.

How do you kill someone if
you're already behind bars?

Zoe Brant. Serving four to seven

for nearly beating your
drug dealer to death.

But good behavior
got you horse therapy

at Grass Hill Stables
two days a week.

Yeah, so?

Oh, my God, that's Bryn.

Does Bryn have a last name?

Yeah. Bryn Walker.

She started the program.

What happened to her?

You tell us. That's
your blood on her shirt.

Wait, you think I did
this? I got cut yesterday.

A horse kicked me to the
ground. Bryn helped me up.

That part of therapy, getting
knocked to the ground?

Bryn used horses to help us
learn to control our emotions.

How to be more sensitive.

What emotions made that
horse wanna kick you in the head?

Uh, pain. I was
bandaging the horse's leg.

Bryn was teaching me to
be a veterinary assistant.

Wow, that's a long road.
I'm out in three months.

I've got a little girl and
wanna take care of her.

What's your little girl's
name? None of your business.

Ah, that horse therapy is
really working for you, Zoe.

We'll be in touch.

Let's go.

So much for good behavior.

Five will get you ten
that Zoe tried to escape,

Bryn got in the way.
Why would she escape?

She's out in three months.

Because she's a
felon and a user.

You saw those track marks.

Yeah, I saw them. They were old.

It may be hard for you
to comprehend, detective,

but users do get clean.

People can change.
Bryn Walker believed that.

Maybe. But she wouldn't be
the first person who got killed

by giving a felon
a second chance.

Anything on those x-rays
to give us cause of death?

Not found yet.

These injuries are remote,
maybe a couple of years old.

Shatter to right
ankle, broken clavicle,

broke her arm a couple times.

These are riding injuries.
She must have competed.

That would be an understatement.

Bryn was a champion equestrian.

She won a competition
just a few days ago.

I think I've solved the
mystery about her tattoo.

The only family she has
was her brother, Andrew.

He died in prison. PA 1302
was his prison ID number.

If you can't save the ones
you love, save everyone else.

What about the four horses?
The apocalypse, right?

What is it with you guys?

It's the four horsemen of the
apocalypse, not the horses.

I also got the blood tox back.

Uh, Bryn wasn't a recent
user, and she didn't OD.

We still don't have an ID of
that powder from her nails.

No way this woman met up
with a meth head to get high.

Is there anything besides
the blood to implicate Zoe?

Not unless she picked Bryn
up and swung her around.

Tib-fib spiral fractures.

Usually you see this
around machinery accidents.

Like if a limb gets stuck
in something and twisted.

No machinery around
the crime scene.

You know what? Spiral
fractures, contusions on one side.

I think that Bryn got her
foot caught in her stirrup.

She was dragged by a horse.

A riding accident? I
find that hard to believe.

And why is that, Mr. Brooks?

Miss Walker was a pro.

Did she often ride
without a helmet?

No. But I only
manage this place.

But I can tell you she only
rode one horse, and there he is.

No worse for wear. A
first-class champion.

Shh. It's okay. It's all right.

Well, I don't see any
saddle marks or sweat stains.

This horse hasn't
been ridden in a while.

You know horses. I used to ride.

My daughter has
the bug now. Really?

Because I buy
and sell on the side,

if you're ever in the market.

Bryn had a tattoo
with four horses.

Sure she doesn't
ride any other horse?

Not that I know of.

Thank you very
much for your time.

No problem.

You know, "If you're
ever in the market."

Did you see the way this horse
flinched when he touched him?

So? So Zoe's right.

Horses are very
sensitive to people.

One false move...

So we're still looking for
the horse Bryn fell off of?

I'll make some calls,
see if anybody in Philly

has a missing horse
in their backyard.


Hello? Lace, hi. It's me.

What are you doing later?

The lower half of both
Bryn's lungs collapsed.

Megan hasn't sectioned them yet?

She set aside the
lungs for Ethan.

Well, Ethan's not here

and Megan's still at
the stables, so I'll do it.

We still don't have COD.
Hand me the scissors.



First you're consulting,
and now you're dissecting.

Mm-mm. You're
never this helpful.

Todd and I are taking Lacey
to Boston for the weekend.


Well, being helpful
isn't gonna help.


What is that?


What is that? Mm.

Looks like some kind
of undigested food.

How did that get in her lungs?

Why are we doing this?

Megan thinks Bryn
falling off a horse

had something to
do with her death.

It would help to find some
evidence she was riding one.

This is definitely not
in my job description.

You and me both, Sundance.


I got hoof prints here.


I've got crap.

Well, keep looking.

No, seriously, I've got crap.


Is that...? Yup. Manure.

Horse was definitely here.

We're done.

Horses give me the creeps.

It all goes back
to my childhood.

When I was younger, my gramps
wouldn't let us watch cartoons.

We would have to
watch reruns of Mister Ed.

With his lips and
his teeth moving.

It was like a nightmare.

Hey, Ethan. Huh?

I think we found our horse.

Wow, this riding vest
inflates when you fall.

Look, it's got a drawstring.
You attach it to the saddle,

when you fall off a horse...

I thought we were
shopping for my trip.

Why would we need
to shop for your trip?

What kind of trip
is this? A lame one.

Don't wanna go?

Emily's birthday is on Saturday,
and she's having a huge party.

Instead I get to be third
wheel with Dad and Kate.

Does your father
know about this?

He doesn't care.

Maybe you could talk to him?

Maybe you could wear this vest?

Mom, I know what
I'm doing on a horse.

Lacey, a woman fell off a
horse yesterday and died.

She was a very good rider,

but her foot still got
caught in the stirrup.

You're getting this vest.

I don't see how her foot
could have gotten caught.


Because most riders I know
use saddles with safety stirrups.

See, when you fall,

the side bar detaches,
and your foot comes out.

Hey, Ethan and I found this
horse out by the crime scene.

Bryn's name is on the saddle.

Where's Ethan? Uh, therapy.

What's going on, Dr. Hunt?

Detective Morris. This
is my daughter, Lacey.

Is this Bring Your
Daughter to Work Day?

Watch your language.
She's only 12.

I'm almost 12 and a half.

Mr. Brooks.

It appears that Bryn
rode more than one horse.

Uh, must be one of the misfits
she used with her prisoners.

Mm. Lacey, you're up.


Up. It's okay.


These kind of saddles are
made with safety stirrups.

See, if you fall and
your foot gets caught,

you don't get dragged
because it releases.

But this one is broken.

See, it's supposed
to release like this.

Uh, maybe it got
stuck in the accident.

Oh, right. Horse
did it all by himself.

This isn't broken.

These scratches
look like tool marks.

Someone's tampered
with this stirrup.

Bryn's saddle was sabotaged.

This is, uh, Bryn's
storage shed.

Well, open it.

Excuse me.

Will, what are you doing?

This is police business, sir.

Private property. You don't
go in without Bryn's permission.

Bryn's dead.


James Savage.

He's Bryn's boyfriend.

Keep him busy for a while, I
wanna see what's in that shed.


Mr. Savage.

I'm very sorry that you
had to find out this way.

How long were you
and Bryn together?

About a year.

We, uh, met at a competition.

We just moved in together.

Why didn't you call the police
when Bryn didn't come home?

She was here at the
stable. Overnight?

Yeah. There's a
couch in the office.

Sometimes she would stay
there if she had to work late.

The prisoner program
required a ton of paperwork.

Did Bryn mention having
a fight with other prisoners?

No. Why?

Seems somebody
sabotaged her saddle.

Anyone else at the stable
have a problem with Bryn?

Yeah. It's that creep
who works here.

Will Brooks? Yeah.

He made some passes at
her. He wouldn't let her alone.

Where's my mom?


Don't sneak up on
people with guns, kid.

Didn't your mom tell
you to wait in the car?

Didn't she tell you to
watch your language?

Go do what she said.
You do what she said.

You do what she said.
You do what she said.

You have no idea
what that stuff is.

I'll figure it out.

It's a hoof pick.
Cleans their feet.

Wow, look at these ribbons.

Do you know what it takes to
be this kind of a champion rider?

A horse, for starters?

It's all about discipline
and awareness.

Of yourself and your horse.
It's a lot about communication.

When to take control and
when to ease up on the reins.

Well, listen to
you, a mini-Megan.

You don't like my
mom much, do you?

Oh, I like her fine.

She's like liver.

Six days a week
is a little much.

I wouldn't know.

These look all right to you?


Your mom's looking
for you back at the car.

Hey, you find anything
out from our friend?

Well, it seems that Will Brooks
may have wanted a little more

than just the keys
to Bryn's shed.

I don't get it.

Ask your mom.

Yeah. I don't mean sex.

I mean, how does an
expert rider fall off her horse?

I understand you
have Bryn's file.

Yeah. I might have
a lead on her COD.

I found a piece of
broccoli in her lung

that was macerated
with stomach juices.

You did? Yes, I know, sorry.

It's your body, but you
were at the stable. Ethan is...

Why are you taking
Lacey to Boston?

I am not taking her
anywhere. Todd is.

With you. I'm not
trying to replace you.

Can I have the file?

I just won't go
then. Yes, you will.

Megan... Heart is normal,

blood work too.

So how did the contents of
her stomach end up in her lungs?

A blow to the abdomen.
The fall off the horse?

Yes, but what made
her fall off the horse?

And cause food
to get in her lungs

and both lower
lobes to collapse?

It has to be a drug.

You said her blood
work was normal.

Tox screens don't
catch everything.

If there is an injection site,

it would have to be
in the abraded area,

otherwise we would
have found it earlier.

Maybe someplace
where she didn't feel it.

The soft tissue. Her hip.

There is a bump here.

There has to be an entry point.



You took Lacey to a crime scene?

I think he's here to see me.

I'm sorry. I'm... Just
give me one minute.

Yeah. I'll take the
sample to the lab.

Okay. I'll...

Lacey calls me talking
about sabotaged saddles

and dead horse riders?

Where is she, by the way?

In my office, doing homework.

Any killers in there?

At least I'm not taking her away

for the weekend
with my new girlfriend.

Why are you doing that?

She has her heart set
on going to that party.

Yeah, that party is being
chaperoned by Emily's brother.

He's 17. Which I
would have known

if I had any say in
my daughter's life.

You gave that up five years ago.

I didn't give up
being her mother.

Just let her stay
with me. No. No way.

I'm taking her home, Megs.

Uh, results on the powder
under Bryn's fingernails.

Traces of oat bran and
sugar and phenylbutazone,

also known as... Bute.

It's a horse pain
reliever. It's...

It, um, sounds like she put it
in some mash to feed the horse.

That's not all. You know that
jumping competition she won?

A horse was disqualified
for having too much bute.

Whose horse?

The boyfriend, James Savage.

You think she buted his
horse to get him disqualified?

Well, maybe Bryn is not as
squeaky clean as we thought.

You and Bryn were
rivals. See, I didn't know

that horseback riding was
the only Olympic competition

where men and women
competed equally.

And she has been
kicking your ass.

You've come in second ten
times in the last two years to her.

Privy Invitational, Grosspoint
Grand, East Coast Summit.

She drugs your horse, you get
disqualified, she ends up dead.

I didn't kill Bryn.
That is absurd.

Detective, do you know why
you're only allowed to give

a small amount of bute
before a competition?

No, doctor. Why?

Because if it needs bute,
that means it's injured.

And making a horse compete
like that would be inhumane.

We both know Bryn
was not the kind of person

to bute a horse
before a competition.

Bute is administered orally.

If it gets on your hands,
it can cause skin irritation.

You buted your own
horse, didn't you?

The only thing I ever put
on my horse was coat shine.

I make it myself,
and it's legal.

Let's see.

Show me your hands. For what?

I'm gonna test you for bute.

Don't you need a warrant?
- Sure.

And when we get one,
we'll have one for your trailer,

and your car, your
house, your computer.

Anything on there you
don't want us to find?

Okay. I buted my own horse.

We're all looking for an
edge. But I didn't kill Bryn.

What I don't get is, if
Pagliacci buted his own horse,

then why is it on Bryn's hand?

Find any in the shed?

No. Then again, why don't
you ask your daughter?

She's like you,
a know-it-all too.

She should have
stayed in the car.

She just misses you.


What? Did she say something?

Look, I... Look, I
don't know kids. I just...

She seems like she wants
to spend more time with you.

I told her she was nuts.

- What is it?
- Preliminary lab report.

Bryn was injected with
succinylcholine bromide.

A little slower, please.

It's a paralytic vets
use to put horses down.

Ah. Now we're back to Zoe.

She was training to be
a veterinary assistant.

To provide for her daughter.

I'll send some guys
out to the stables

and see if there's a
veterinary kit with missing...

Succinylcholine bromide.

Why would she kill Bryn?
She was trying to help Zoe.

Why? Look at your own evidence.

The drug, the blood on Bryn's
shirt, access to the saddle.

All roads lead to Zoe.

You're the one always
talking about the body as proof.

What is it telling you?

Asphyxiation by succinylcholine.

That's what killed Bryn.

There's a vial missing,

and your fingerprints
are all over that box.

Outgoing phone records
from the stable office.

Somebody was
calling your family.

Bryn caught you using
the phone, didn't she?

Threatened to take away
your privileges, bounce you out.

That's not what happened.

A guard saw you
arguing with Bryn

outside the office an
hour before she was killed.

Because I wanted her
to stop calling my mother.

Bryn was making
those calls? Yeah.

Trying to convince my
mom to let my kid see me.

Why would that make you angry?

My mom gave up on
me a long time ago.

I appreciate what
Bryn was trying to do,

but you can't convince
someone you've changed

if they don't wanna believe it.

Why are your
fingerprints on the box?

Bryn asked me to put
that box in the cabinet.

She'd stopped someone
from trying to put a horse down.


Some guy who
doesn't like horses.

She, uh, wouldn't say any more.

And this horse,
what did it look like?

I don't know. It
was a white one.

It, uh, was new to the stable.
Had an injured front leg.

You're sure the horse was white?


Excuse me, detective?
Uh, I'm Zoe Brant's mother.

You wanted to speak to me?

Oh, yes. Thanks
for coming in, uh...

Who is this?

This is Zoe's daughter, Laila.

Hi. Hi.

That's pretty.

Sweetie, um... Laila,
come by Grandma.

Thank you, um...

Mrs. Brant, have you ever talked
to a woman named Bryn Walker?

Ah. What were you eating?

Man, this is weird.

Looks like the horse digested
some kind of metallic substance.

What is that smell?

Well, I just spent an
hour with the white horse,

trying to figure out why
someone would want to kill him.

And, uh, I'm now
knee-deep in horse poop.

Maybe it's the horse poop.

Did you find anything
apart from metal...?

Yeah. He was sick. With colic.

And I found bute in his
whiskers mixed in with oat bran...

Oat bran and sugar. Yes.

So Bryn was taking
care of a sick horse.

But that doesn't explain

why she was riding a
horse she didn't own.

Those are the
horse's veterinary files.

I found a brand on the horse
and then tracked down the owner.

Any connection to Bryn?
Mm-hm. Will Brooks.

The guy bought the horse
from him and then returned it,

because it didn't perform well.

This horse was
supposed to compete?


You were a little, um...

hard on Megan
yesterday, don't you think?

Yeah. Sorry to get
you involved in all that.

You crossed that line

when you invited Lacey to
spend the weekend with us.

See, you didn't know
the old Megan, okay?

She wasn't always
this attentive.

So she's changed. Yeah.

Maybe she deserves a break.

Whose side are you on? Ours.

Listen, we are great together.

True. But this isn't about us.

I think maybe you invited
Lacey for the weekend

because you're
afraid of letting go.

Oh, no, no. Oh, you
don't understand.

My parents were divorced.

I know what it's like to
be stuck in the middle.

I... Sorry.


Just make sure
this is about Lacey

and not about your
own stuff, okay?

I gotta go.

Thanks. Yeah.

Bryn told Zoe that she stopped
somebody putting down a horse.

So maybe that led
to putting down Bryn?

We figure out what's
wrong with that horse,

we can isolate Bryn's killer.

I'm no veterinarian, but
just looking at these x-rays,

I can tell you he's
got arthritis, splints,

deterioration of the skeleton.
I mean, this is an old horse.

Will Brooks sold
it as a show horse.

I mean, why would he
think it could compete?

Sell ice to Eskimos.

Check out the teeth.

Somebody filed them down
and filled them with something.

So that's why
the horse flinched.

Will must have had
silver nitrate on his hands.

Come again?

It's called bishoping.

It's this horrible process

where they use silver nitrate
to alter the shape of the teeth

to make a horse look younger.

And then sell it
at a higher price.

So maybe Bryn discovered
Brooks was bishoping horses.

And then he killed
Bryn to shut her up.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

What are you searching
through my stuff for?

I thought a
prisoner killed Bryn.

Well, she wasn't
bishoping horses.

Keep an eye on him. ETHAN:
God, horses freak me out,

but I feel for them
knowing guys like that exist.

Hey, I got something. Huh?

Succinylcholine. Empty.

Wilbur, we just need
to find the syringe.

You feel better now?

Oh, yeah.

Much better.

Bryn was planning on
going to the authorities.

That's why you
sabotaged her saddle

and shot her full of that drug.

I didn't kill Bryn,
okay. We had a deal.

What deal? She caught me, okay.

I promised to stop bishoping
horses if she kept quiet.

In return, I would give

all the old horses to
her therapy program.

You would just give
her all the horses?

That or I could sell
them for dog food.

Wow, you really are a
poster child for animal rights.

I kept my end.

I stayed out all night helping
her with the damn horse.

Helping her how? It had colic.

So you have to keep it moving,
you have to keep walking it.

And the last time I saw
this, it was in Bryn's hand.

Come on, I swear to you.
Somebody's setting me up.

I'll hold him on animal cruelty,

but for the murder, I need
confirmation on the drug.

We'll get it to
the lab right now.

Any chance that Zoe set Will up?

I don't think so. I
talked to Zoe's mother.

It was Bryn calling her from
the stable office, not Zoe.


Bryn wanted Zoe
to see her daughter,

so they could connect
before she got out.

And the mother was against that?

You can't convince
somebody you've changed

if they don't want
to believe you.

Zoe said that. And
her mother didn't buy it.

She's on the fence.

What do you think, detective?

Four horses, 8.9
million results?

My God. I gotta go. Yep.


Oh, who are you
here to see? Uh, you.

Mm. Can you hang on?

This will just take
a second. What?

I thought about it,

and I think Lacey should
stay with you this weekend.

Okay. Great.

I've been doing
some thinking too,

and I want to be more
involved in her life.

From now on, I want
her every other weekend.

Heh, I extend an olive
branch, you want the whole tree.

I think Lacey would
want me to... No, Megan.

Hold that thought.
Sure, I'll do that.

Hello? Uh-huh.

Yeah, I'll tell him.

Oh, no, no, no. Do
not look at me like that.

Same old Megan. No, I'm not.

What I am is done trying
to prove myself to you.

And that was Lacey.
You're late to pick her up.

What? I...

I gotta go. I... I will talk
to you later. I gotta... Wow.

Todd was just here.

He had to leave
to pick up Lacey.

Otherwise I'm sure he would
have come by to say hello.

It's fine, Megan.

He doesn't have to see me
every time he comes to see you.

Heh. That's very adult of you.

Well, I don't imagine I'm
gonna lose him to you, am I?

No, he's all yours.

Heh, I don't know
if I'd go that far.

Well, at least for the weekend.

Lacey's staying with me.

Oh, I'm glad to hear it.

Listen, I know Todd.

I know this kind of decision...

He didn't get there without
someone kicking him in the...

So you're actually
here to thank me?

What I'm trying to say is...

That you're sorry?

There may have been times

when I took my anger
at Todd out on you and...

I'm really bad at this.

Oh, for God's sake, just say it.

Okay, I'm sorry and thank you.

Now, see? Was it that hard?

Yes, Curtis.

We've got a problem.

I checked the amount
of succinylcholine

left in the syringe Ethan found.

Is this right?

She didn't get
enough to kill her.

There was enough
succinylcholine in Bryn's system

to paralyze her, but
not enough to kill her.

She was still alive
lying in that ravine?

That's cold. What
stopped her breathing?

I assumed the manure
at the crime scene

came from the white horse.

So I ran his DNA
against it to double-check.

It wasn't a match.

Ethan, we're trying
to solve a murder.

Go take your 4-H
project somewhere else.

Don't you get it?

The manure wasn't from the
horse Bryn was riding, Sherlock.

So someone else rode a different
horse out to the crime scene.

Yes. And he ate something shiny.

Glitter. Somehow he ingested it.

Why would a horse eat glitter?

He wouldn't.

We found glitter
on Bryn at autopsy.

Traces of it on her lips.

So she ate it too?

No. She didn't eat anything.

She inhaled it.

The glitter was on
the killer's hands.

That's what made
her stop breathing.

He suffocated her.

Why would a horseback
rider have glitter on his hands?

To win.

Hey there. Hi.

Could you get off the
horse please, Mr. Savage?

Off the horse, please.


You give your horse
every advantage, don't you?

Numb its pain with drugs,

coat shine on his nose
to make it all shiny.

We found it in
Bryn's eyes and nose.

Your own special
brand, remember?

You forgot it was on your
glove when you suffocated her.

That's crazy. Why
would I do that?


I saw the phone records
from the stable office

the night before Bryn died.

You called there repeatedly.

You thought she was with Will.

You were right.

Making all those times
she beat you in competition

feel that much worse.

Some men just can't handle that.

But her betrayal gave you

the perfect way
to get rid of her.

Pin it on Will.

You sabotaged her saddle,

sent her off on
her afternoon ride

paralyzed with succinylcholine.

And then let her
horse do the rest.

Put the evidence in Will's
shed, Will takes the fall,

and then you start winning
blue ribbons instead of red.

What happened, James?

Horse reared? You didn't
get the needle in far enough?

You screwed up. That's
why you went out there.

You knew there was a
chance she would survive.

You had to go out there
to finish her off yourself.

Her punishment for being
better than you will ever be.


So she cheats on me
with some trailer park loser,

you think she's better than me?

Oh, you showed her, didn't you?

The thing is, James,

she didn't cheat on you.

Yeah, she was with Will.

Saving a horse's life.

You're under arrest for
the murder of Bryn Walker.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used in a court of law.

You have the
right to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

an attorney will
be provided for you.

Do you understand these rights?

Some former prisoners
took up a collection.

They're planning a
memorial for Bryn.

So she does have
a family after all.

Any word from Todd?


He's agreed to let me have
Lacey every other weekend.

We're telling her tonight.

Be careful what
you wish for, huh?

I, uh, found the four
horses by the way.

It's a discourse by the Buddha.

The Buddha? Uh-huh.

Um, the excellent horse

moves before the
whip touches its back,

the good horse runs
at the lightest touch,

the poor horse doesn't
move until he feels pain.

And then there's
the very bad horse.

He doesn't move until the
whip penetrates his marrow.

My car accident was my whip.

It broke me.

And it brought me back to Lacey.

What if I screw up again?

You won't.

You won't.

We caught Bryn Walker's killer.

And her program's
gonna continue,

so you'll have a job
when you get out.

I appreciate that.

There's one other thing.

Oh, my God.

Hi, baby.


You're so beautiful.

So, uh, your mother and I were
talking, and we were wondering

if you wanted to stay
with her more often.

But it's no pressure. If you
don't want to, that's okay.

Yeah. No, no. I would like to.

Okay. TODD: Okay, good.

We'll come up with a schedule.
Something you can count on.

Maybe every other
weekend to start, okay?

Does that mean I can stay
with Mom this weekend?


Yeah. Ye... Sure.

And can I go to the party?

How about you and I
go see a movie together?

A pretty good compromise.

Yeah. Yeah, I'll check online.
I'll see what the showtimes are.

Nice save. I'm learning.