Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 2, Episode 13 - Sympathy for the Devil - full transcript

When a woman, recently found innocent of her child's murder by Judge Joan Hunt, is killed, Megan and her staff must find who did it. A sensationalistic reporter impedes their progress. Meanwhile, because of the controversy surrounding the case, Judge Hunt is voted out of office.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm Sheila Temple,

and welcome to the
Temple of Justice.

Hillary Stone was
released from prison today,

after she was acquitted
by Judge Joan Hunt

of the brutal and
senseless murder

of her own
5-year-old son, Simon.

And today, she's a free woman.

Free to kill again. Stay tuned.

Are you trying to create
a circus atmosphere?

Rain is still in the forecast,

and it will preserve the
scene if the skies open up.

Where's your better half?

Sam's in Harrisburg
at a wedding.

It's really too bad. You know
how much she loves the big top.

Rain stopped at 2 a.m.

Jogger cutting through the
site found the body at, uh...


And how did you know that?

Sun has been up long
enough to cake the dirt,

but the work shift
hadn't started yet.

That puts discovery at
about an hour after sunrise.

Got blood on the backhoe.

So the victim probably
hit their head on it

and then fell in the hole
it dug the day before.

All right, let's dig him up.

We don't dig, detective.

We excavate.

Oh, God.

That's Hillary Stone.

I don't think anybody's
gonna wanna solve this.

May I remind you,
she was acquitted.

That doesn't make her innocent.

People saw her on that bridge.

They saw her drop
the sack into the river.

Come on, you know she did it.

All I know is someone did
this. That's my only concern.

I'm Sheila Temple

from Temple of Justice.

In a shocking
turn, Hillary Stone,

who yesterday was a free woman,

is now a dead woman.

We are here at
the construction site

where the body is
now being uncovered,

and our chief medical examiner
has just arrived on the scene.

Dr. Murphy. Dr. Murphy.

Care to comment? No.

Not even about your
choice of medical examiner?

Dr. Hunt is the best.
Isn't that the same thing

that the mayor said about
her mother, Judge Joan Hunt?

This is gonna be gold.
This is gonna be gold.

And here come the news choppers.

Choppers and an accused
murderer under the big top.

You still think
this isn't a circus?

I've got lesions at the
frontotemporal region.

So COD could be
subdural hematoma.

There's also patterned
bruising around the neck,

which raises the
possibility of strangulation.

One-point-five million. What?

That's the population
of our fair city.

That's how many
suspects we've got.

We are now standing
outside the offices

of the Philadelphia
medical examiner.

And guess who's been
tasked to examine the body?

Why, none other than
Judge Joan Hunt's daughter,

Megan Hunt.

Conflict of interest?

Maybe a little bit
of both. Stay tuned.

Ugh. Are you crazy? You
could've broken my nose.

If I was carrying evidence
or pushing a body,

you could've just broken a case.

Actually, I just did.

That old woman that
you posted, Doris Roth?

She died from
complications of Crohn's.

Great. Let me see it.

Ethan, this ain't my report.

This is the Temple
of Justice website.

I like to stay informed.

If following Sheila Temple
means you're informed,

I don't wanna know
nothing about nothing.

You should bone up on this case,

because it's about to
become our nightmare.

See? I got this.

Hey, boys, Dr. Ethan
Gross. How you doing?

Hell, no. You can back your
ass right back in that elevator.

Oh, come on, guys. Just
a couple of questions.

I got a couple of
answers. I'd love to.

- Say it walking. Move!
- Fine, fine.

I'm sorry. CURTIS: Move.

You're a real people
person. It's your gift.

You might wanna hold onto this.
This case is gonna suck you in.


Hillary Stone.

Chalk this up to a
problem that solved itself?

What does that sign say?

"This is where I get a
lecture from Dr. Megan Hunt."

Oh, I'm sorry. It's...

"This is where death
rejoices to teach the living."

It is never a place where
the living disparage the dead.

Keep your opinions to
yourself and focus on the facts.

Both translations seem to
work. Don't encourage him.

Now, Dr. Gross. Yeah. Mm-hm.

Okay, light-patterned abrasions

on the right side of her
face, cheek and orbit.

The killer might have
worn gloves when he hit her.

A theory supported by indistinct
hand impressions on her neck.

Hmm. Contusions on the
posterior lower back, bilaterally.

And she has a 6-inch
laceration on her left calf.

Looks like there's trace.

Get a sample and
take it to the lab.

And get them to process
a sexual-assault kit.

We have a tear.

Beaten down and possibly raped.

Somebody really
had their way with her.

You don't know the half of it.

She had dirt underneath
her eyelids. So?

So that means she was blinking.

Hillary Stone was buried alive.

The world's waiting
on your determination.

Oh, great. You know
how much I love publicity.

You want me to take it?

Additional findings
support the theory

that Hillary was beaten
and then buried alive.

The only thing she doesn't
have are defensive wounds.

Freaks me out that this
hand ended a 5-year-old's life.

Dr. Gross, since you are
so fascinated by this case,

I would like you to
section all of the organs

and then write up
the autopsy report.

Get to know Hillary
better. Trust me, I know her.

No, you do not. You only
know what's been said about her.

This is Hillary. Can we
release cause of death?

My preliminary
determination is asphyxiation

contributed by agonal aspiration
of gastric contents and dirt.

Isn't Bud supposed
to be present for this?

Yeah, he's heading downstairs.
Hillary's mother is here.

Ruth Stone has just arrived

to identify the body
of her dead daughter.

Philly P.D.

- Get out!
- Make a path!

I'm not gonna say it twice!

You all right?

They slashed my tires,
cracked my windshield,

egged my house.

Lord knows what
they're gonna do to me.

They'll have to go
through me. Come on.

Mrs. Stone, are you finally
ready to break your silence?

Kill her! Please, don't.

Well, what are you feeling
right now, Mrs. Stone?

Grief or relief?

We are so sorry for
your loss, Mrs. Stone.

May I see her?

No, I'm afraid
that's not possible

while the case is
ongoing, but soon.

Do you have any idea

where your daughter
may have gone

after her release
yesterday morning?

We were supposed
to get together,

uh, on the weekend.

We hoped that the hubbub
would have died down.

Hill had a hard life.

She was always
a little bit wild,

but sweet and joyous.

Then she entered high
school, and she met Craig.

He got her pregnant and
led her down the wrong path.

I'm sure that you did
the very best you could.

Sometimes holding them
close creates more of a distance.

I thought when my beautiful
grandson, Simon, was born,

maybe that would've
grounded her.

Now they're both gone.

What's she doing here?

Uh, that is my mother.

Your mother must be very proud

to have such an
accomplished daughter.

Please know that I care
about justice for Hillary,

just as much as she did.

If you'll excuse me?

Have you read the paper today?

I've had enough of
the media, thank you.

Well, they wrote
an op-ed about me,

and it is not flattering.

Everybody knows you
handled that case impeccably.

As usual, you missed the point.

I came here to forbid
you to talk to the press,

either on your behalf
or to defend me.

My election is tomorrow,
and this case is poison.

Oh, my God. Just write
a rebuttal. Get ahead of it.

That's exactly why I'm here,

because you think
that's a good idea.

No talking, no press, okay?

Got it.

Always a pleasure, Joan.

Judge Joan's
bungling of the case

left Hillary a free woman.

Well, citizens of Philadelphia,

let's give her a little
brotherly payback.

Your mom's taking a bath.

I'm sure her
opponent's thrilled.

She doesn't have one.


It is a yea or nay vote

whether to reconfirm
her for another ten years.

So she could lose to nobody?

Is there something
you should be doing?

Uh, I'm finished sectioning.

Uh, the organs are bagged
and back in the body.

I'm just waiting for the lab

to e-mail me the
sexual-assault results.

In the break room?
Welcome to Generation I.

I mean, here I am, out of
the office, still connected.

Why does everybody
keep doing that?

Oh, look, you got
them five minutes ago.

And they are positive.
What the hell, Ethan?

I'm sorry.

No, you're not. Okay,
well, maybe I'm not.

Excuse me?

Hillary Stone
killed her little boy.

She then put him in a sack
and dumped him in the river.

I know I'm not supposed to
let my personal feelings seep in,

but it took a year for them
to try to get justice for Simon,

and then it didn't happen.

So, what's another five minutes?

You may feel that way,

but get over it. Why?

Because we don't pay
you to waste my time.

So I'll call Bud. No,
you will not. I'll do it.

I got Hillary's tox results.

I dug around into
her personal history.

Do you know, when she
was 7, the police found her

next to her mother's
unconscious body?

Her father's fists
were so swollen,

he couldn't turn the
knob to let the cops in.

Abuse does terrible
things to people.

Yeah, and 99 percent channel
their damage in other ways.

But they're still damaged, Kate.

Which is probably
why we found booze

and diazepam in her system.

That explains why
she didn't fight back.

This whole case
just breaks my heart.

Listen, Kojak, I
done it to that wraith.

First of all, my name
is Detective Morris,

and second of
all, no, you didn't.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

I took that bitch down.

I don't know why you
ain't listening to me.

Maybe because most killers
don't voluntarily confess.

It's my conscience.
It's killing me.

Detective Morris... Oh,
no. You got this one.

Every nut job in the city

wants credit for offing Hillary.

Except for the actual killer.
- Yeah.

Sexual-assault results came
back positive on Craig Bana.

Ooh, the ex. Uh, I'll
rustle up an address.

Sadly, I saw a minute of
Temple of Justice last night.

He's on her show today.

Please, help me find the killer.

They're my family,

and they've been
taken away from me.

And the killer
is still out there.

What if the same
person got both of them?

- What if I'm next?
- Thank you.

- Someone has to do something.
- You know what...?

So please...

Please, if you know anything...

Uh, Craig, here you go.

You accused the
media of vilifying you,

yet here you are on my show,

begging for sympathy
over Hillary's death.

You invited me. Oh,
apples and oranges, Craig.

Who accepted the offer, huh?

Well, let's ask the pros.
Randy, can I have the mic?

Thank you. Here is a man
some of you may remember

as gallantly protecting
Hillary's mother this morning.

One of Philadelphia's finest.

And then we have Dr. Megan Hunt,

daughter of the judge

who helped create this
mess in the first place.

What have you
to say for yourself?

You missed a spot.

Every bit as charming
as her mother.

We'll be right back.

- Ronnie, thank you.
- And we're clear.

So are you here
to finally give me

the interview your
mother wouldn't?


Well, whenever you're ready,
you know where to find me.

Under a rock.

And until then, I think I'll
just get back to my guest.

Actually, uh, this
interview is over.

What? Why?

Because it's our turn
to talk to the killer.

I am impressed.

Take to the airwaves,
profess your innocence,

throw the guilt out
there somewhere.

Except everybody
knows that you know

that Hillary killed your son.

That is not true.

Hillary's mom
certainly thinks so.

Says you're the reason she
went down the wrong path.

Yeah, she always
had it out for me.

Hated that I actually
made her daughter happy.

Do you think that, uh, Ms.
Stone knows about yesterday?

Because we certainly know
you had sex with Hillary.

Care to tell us how that
came to pass, Craig?

Day she got released,
she showed up at my place.

Had a few drinks, and
then we made love.


Well, this doesn't
look like love to me.

Those marks look like
your hands around her neck.

Hill liked it a little rough.
Buried-alive kind of rough?

I didn't kill her.

Afterwards, we both fell asleep.
When I woke up, she was gone.

You want me to believe
that she just showed up,

had her way with you,
and then just disappeared?

Yes. That was life with Hill.

I know it sounds crazy.

It does.

What little I've gleaned
from your teaching methods,

I know that only
oxygen deprivation

can cause darkened
cells like that.

Did I teach you that?

Hm. Hm.

And, yes, the
anoxic brain damage

certainly supports asphyxiation.

But you're looking for
bigger answers, aren't you?

Not the cause of death,
but the cause of life.

Well, everyone says
Hillary was such a monster,

that she did all
these horrible things

without any bit of remorse.

If that is true, maybe
there's something

identifiable in the brain.

Sometimes crazy is just crazy.

It's just in the genes.
I cannot accept that.

I have the result from
the trace on Hillary's leg.

It's a polyepoxide copolymer
with a hint of, wait for it,


That's a resin that's
used as a sealant

around the windows on boats.

Did I teach you that
too? No. My dad did.

Well, get yourself to
the marina, skipper,

because there's one about
a mile from the crime scene.


Go to work. Yes.

And why exactly
have I met you here?

The cut on Hillary's leg

is probably from her being
put through a boat window.

So if we find a broken one,

we could possibly
find the killer.

Are you the cop from
TV? Oh, yes, ladies.

This is him, in the flesh.
I told you it was him.

You totally protected
that old lady in her car.

Even though she
raised that psycho.

Are you looking for the killer?

You girls best just let
us do our jobs, okay?


Tweet you later.

Bud Morris, you're a superhero.

Notoriety's a double-edged
sword, my friend.

Take that old lady

who raised her psycho
daughter and grandson

and had both of them taken away.

What's she left with?

Slashed tires, egg on her house.

A mother's love turns
into a public's hate.


You think I killed Hillary?

You're a prison guard.

I'd like to give you
the benefit of the doubt.

But from where I sit, it looks
pretty bad, Miss Raymond.

Look, we bonded
during her trial.

That girl, she was innocent.

So I told her if she
needed a safe haven,

she could find it on my boat.

It worked like gangbusters.
And then what happened?

Two days ago, Hillary shows up.

I'm headed off to work.

She's messed up.
Definitely drunk.

So I gave her a
couple of sedatives,

and I locked her in.

I love your concept
of safe haven.

It sounds exactly like jail.

It was for her own good.

I didn't want her wandering off,

finding herself in harm's way.

She must have woke
up and freaked out.

You drugged her,
and you locked her in.

What'd you think
was gonna happen?

Come on.

Me and you, we're
on the same team.

Can't we just see eye-to-eye?

Are you kidding?

We're processing
your boat as we speak.

I'm still trying to figure
out Hillary's actions

on the day of her release.

She gets out, goes to
see her ex-boyfriend,

has sex with him, and
then comes here. Why?

Combo lock. It means
that Hillary couldn't get out,

but anyone who had
the number could enter.

Well, I bet somebody did.

Otherwise, why would
you kick out a window

with your bare feet?

Okay, I've got what
looks like epithelials.

Collect, label, and let's
get out of this dump.

You know what? My dad would've
loved to own a boat like this.

Really? PETER: Yeah.

He really couldn't afford
to have another kid.

I was adopted because
he really wanted a boy.

Some people are
meant to be parents.

This case is really
bothering you, huh?

The one that bothers me

is the one we didn't
get to investigate.

So the info about
the boat is out there.

On Twitter, as a matter of fact,

with a hunky picture
of Bud attached.

And the media is trying to
align you with your mother,

which is doing
this office no favors.

Sheila Temple's right
outside waiting for us to trip up.

I may have something.

The flakes on the pillowcase
contain sebaceous secretions,

malassezia furfur
and tragacanth.

Dandruff. Something
Hillary did not have.

Maybe Tanya does.
No, she doesn't.

I just came from holding. I
personally checked myself.

We may have her on
unlawfully restraining Hillary,

but we don't have
her on flaky scalp.

So who else was on that boat?

I'll be right back.

Bless you, Amanda. And
thank you for watching.

Thank you. SHEILA:
All right, good luck.

Thank you for coming
by. We'll be here all day.

Miss Temple.

Well, are you finally
ready for your interview?

I would just like a
moment in private, please.

Whatever you say to me,

you can say to my
public. Are you rolling?

Ladies and gentleman,

the interview that
only I could score,

Dr. Megan Hunt.

A name which may ring a bell

because she shares
it with the woman

who let Hillary go free.

Heh. My mother adjudicated
without bias or error.

Oh, come on.

Including suppressing the bag

that was found near
poor little Simon's body?

Which had Hillary's DNA on it.

You mean the bag the
prosecution failed to disclose,

then lost, then found again?

Judge Hunt did her job.
Just as I am doing mine.

I'm sure that brings us all
a great degree of comfort.

There has been a
major break in the case.

Evidence has been
found linking someone

to the disappearance
of Hillary Stone

and possibly her murder.

You heard it here first.

Who is it? You.


What is this? Some
kind of publicity stunt?

We don't need
theatrics, Miss Temple,

because we actually have
evidence to back up our claims.

Like what? You have eczema.

Which your makeup
guy tried to cover,

but really didn't
do a very good job.

And because of that, you
have to use natural hairspray

like Naturecoat, which
contains tragacanth,

flakes of which we found
on Tanya Raymond's boat.

A lot of people use
natural hairspray, Sherlock.

I would be very happy to
scrape your scalp to confirm.

You see, Miss Temple,

we don't take callers
or commercial breaks,

just confessions.

I had seen the shaky
evidence against Hillary.

I knew the case
would never make.

But I also knew

Hillary would never grant me
an interview when she got out.

So you paid her prison
guard to get close to her.

Gain her trust.
That's really classy.

I offered incentives

in exchange for
drawing Hillary in.

Imagine my delight
when Tanya called me

on the very day
of Hillary's release.

We showed up at the boat
with the cameras rolling.

Burst in.

Al Capone's vault.

I'm gonna need to see
that footage, Miss Temple.

It is your alibi.


Oh, my goodness.
The polls are open.

My condolences to
your mother's career.

Wow, big turnout.

I see you didn't take my advice.

You appeared on
that show yesterday

and again this morning,
stumping for me.

Both times, case-related.

That's always your
excuse, isn't it?

Well, you just
added fuel to the fire.

Mother, you of all people

should understand that
I want justice for Hillary.

Well, welcome to
my world, darling.

The court of public opinion
convenes and convicts

before charges are brought.

You gotta be kidding me.

You really working
that woe-is-me angle?

Do I know you?
No. But I know you.

You put killers
back on the street.

I got kids. I'd like them
to be able to walk around

without fearing for their lives.

Okay, come on,
Mom... No. No, Megan.

No hooligan is
gonna scare me off.

You're going down, just
like that bitch you set free.

Behind this door lies an
unsuspecting Hillary Stone.

Well, Hillary, get
ready for last call.

It is time to face the...

Oh, for the love of Pete.

She must have
gone out the window.

Well, cut. Cut. Cut.
I'm so tired of this sugar.

You happy? No.

I'd like to see everything.

My First Amendment right...

Okay, you say "First Amendment,"

I say "obstruction of justice,"

the judge will say
"contempt of court."

How long are you
gonna spend in jail?

Well, you heard
him, Mr. Man. Scoot.

Yes, ma'am.

I used to watch you, you know,

back when you
were a real journalist.

Oh, past tense. Ouch.

What happened?


Bigger cases. You
see it too, detective.

What we do isn't
all that different.

You're really gonna
try that line on me?

You hate me, don't you?

No comment.

Well, off the record,

I don't totally love who
I've become, either.

Go back to journalism.

We could use you.

What's stopping you?

All cued up to the crime scene.
And here are your glasses.

Thank you, Ronnie.
Uh, actually, it's Stan.

But you're welcome, Miss Temple.

Darren, what are you doing? I
swear. The body's over there.

If you do not get me
a shot of that body,

you're gonna be back
shooting bar mitzvahs.

Could you stop it
right there, please?

I'll be damned.

He was there before
the story broke.

I told you. I did her.
I want credit for it.

Walk me through what happened.

It's, like, dusk.

I'm cutting through this
site on my way over to...

Don't matter where.

I see this chick.
She's kind of hot,

looks lost.

Holy crap, it's that
baby-killing skank.

So I took her down.

How? You hit her?
Kick her? What?

Kicked her first.


The left. On her left side.

And she bounced
off that backhoe.

And then? And then what?

She lay in the hole

and dies like the
dog that she was.

That's all I'm saying.

Let's go.

Gotta say, his story holds up.

His story is just what the
media's been reporting.

That's why I asked
about the kick.

Your preliminary
autopsy report said

that there was a kidney
puncture and bruising on the left.

The media doesn't
have that detail.

Since when do you
read the prelims?

It may surprise you
to know, but always.

Are you sure it
was the left side?

I know your reports
better than you do?

I didn't write it.

That doesn't sound like you.

You're right, it doesn't.

"Contusions and
lacerations on the left kidney."

Just like Victor said.
Something's not right.

What, like you being
wrong for once?

I am never wrong.

The body is always right.

And I just don't know
Hillary as well as I should.

Left kidney. Right kidney.

Left's got the puncture.

Yes, but the rib is
fractured on the right.

Call Ethan. Why?

Because I'm gonna kill him.

What's up, guys?

I'm missing the last
frame of league night.

Tell me, Dr. Gross,

is it possible for a rib
to jump across the body

and lacerate the
opposite kidney?

What? No.

Then explain your findings
in the autopsy report.

Mislabeled organs,
misattributed injuries,

and possibly the entire
case compromised.



Left side, triangles.
Right side, squares.

You cut them into
different shapes

so you do not make rookie
mistakes, which you did!

I'm really sorry.
I'm gonna fix this.

You will not touch a thing!

I'm sick of your damn attitude,
your disrespect towards me,

and especially your
disrespect towards Hillary.

Dr. Gross. Come with me.

Please find a tech

and pull Hillary's
body out of the drawer.

Thanks. I thought I was
about to end up on a table.

Still with the jokes? Really?

You know, Megan had
every right to rip your head off.

What you did is either
sabotage, incompetence,

or, at the very
least, negligence.

It was one mistake.

On a case where you have made
your opinion abundantly known.

Dr. Murphy, I'm so...
You know what, Ethan?

This is a big city. We're
gonna catch big cases.

If you can't handle
this kind of thing,

I can recommend programs
in Allegheny County.

No, no, no. I love it here.

Look, I don't know what it
was, the media, the pressure.

I just... I took my
eye off the ball.

Lame excuses
aren't really helping.

Okay, you're right. I...

I hate this woman.

I hate that we have to put
somebody in jail for this.

So you think sometimes
it's okay to kill?

Well, no, but she...

No, I don't. I don't.

I'm gonna go
apologize to Dr. Hunt.

No, Ethan, you're
gonna take the night,

clear your head,

and we will see
you in the morning.

What about you?

You think Hillary
Stone killed her son?

Yeah, I do.

And it doesn't matter.

We'll see you in the morning.

Oh, damn it.

So you've heard.

I am so sorry.

I came to tell you myself,

but I guess I'm
going to have to learn

that the media
beats you every time.

You okay?

How's the Internet
say I'm dealing with it?

Mother, come on.

I never imagined that an
entire career could be undone

by two days of bad press.

Frankly, I'm...

I'm shell-shocked.

Uh, Hillary's ready for you.

You said it
yourself. I did my job.

Now you go do yours.

I'm really sorry about your mom.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

My mother's tough, so I'm tough.

It's all in the genes, remember?

There's one.


Left kidney, no
presenting damage.

Consistent with
my original findings.


lacerated and contused.

So Victor didn't do it. He
was just looking for fame.

And you were right as usual.

No, I wasn't.

There is a perinephric hematoma

around the vasculature
that I missed before.

But a rib can't do that, can it?

No, it can't.

This is usually caused by a
dramatic change in momentum.

Like her fall out
the boat window.

No, it would take
more force than that.

Probably all of the
injuries on her left side

are from that fall.

And on the right,
the broken jaw,

the rib, the lacerated kidney,

that comes from some
kind of rapid deceleration.

Okay, so?

So this is the missing
piece of the puzzle.

Hillary didn't walk to
the construction site.

She caught a
ride with her killer.

We finally know the time
line of Hillary's last day.

After she was released,
she went to see Craig.

Who she slept with.

And then, for reasons
unknown, left to go to Tanya's,

where she was taken
prisoner, drugged, escaped,

and then someone,
a stranger... Or Craig.

Or Craig, drove her
to the construction site,

stopping suddenly enough
to send her into the dash.

Which is, most likely,
the patterned impression

we found on her jaw.

She was then dragged
into a pre-dug hole,

which became her grave.

Then we need
to find that driver.


Dr. Gross, back in the house.

Dr. Hunt, I...

I apologize for my
earlier transgressions.

Let's find this tool.

Knowing we're
looking for a vehicle,

I focused on the tread marks

from Peter's photos
of the crime scene.

Now, after, uh, examining
Hillary's momentum injuries,

I discovered that she
had been traveling

at about 35 miles per hour.

So you're looking
for a short skid.

I found one.

Two sets of tires, short
skid. Could be the killer's car.

Clean, unbroken.

The car didn't have
anti-lock brakes.

One problem, skid
marks don't give tire tread.

You have a shot
just past the marks?

Right there, that's
the car driving away,

and those are the treads.

Hey, Ethan, zoom in.

Enhance. PETER:
No, something's wrong.

One is very different
from the other three.

Now, why would that be?

I might know.

This model doesn't
have anti-lock brakes.

This tire's different.

After it got slashed,

she probably got the
cheapest replacement.

Detective Morris? Dr. Hunt?

I wasn't expecting you, was I?

I think maybe you
were, Mrs. Stone.

You drove Hillary to
the construction site.

Your tire treads
will place you there.

You didn't come by the morgue
to ID your daughter, did you?

You came to see her
body after what you'd done.

May I see her now?


Sorry, not under
these circumstances.

I'm gonna need to place
you under arrest, Mrs. Stone.

Please let me see her.

If you do, I'll tell
you everything.

The day she was released,
she called me in a panic.

I picked her up at the marina,
and when I was driving her home

she told me about her day.

I couldn't understand

why she didn't stay
with Craig. Why?

She said

she didn't wanna be with Craig.

She just wanted
to sleep with him

to have another baby.

That's what you
said, isn't it, honey?

That you wanted to
get it right next time?

And at that moment, I knew.

She killed Simon.

I must have slammed
on the brakes.

Hillary flew into the dashboard,

and when I reached out
to see if she was okay,

she looked at me.

She jumped out of the car,

and she was running away.

I tried to stop her, but...

she tripped, and...

she hit her head.

And when I got to her,
she was lying in that hole.

You weren't moving, honey.

And so I covered you.

I wanted peace for you.

I'm so sorry, baby
girl. I'm so sorry.

It's over now.

It's over.

Oh, my baby.

Yet another shocking turn
in the Stone family murders.

As grandmother, and mother,
to the victims is arrested

in connection with the deaths

of acquitted killer,
Hillary Stone.

The very woman who sat
behind her every day in court

Poor woman. SHEILA:
now sits behind bars.

We'll have to put her through
the system like her daughter.

I've been doing this job
for many years, people,

but today is different.

I've had a real wake-up call.

I may have made missteps,


and personally.

I think I got through
to her at least.

So I've taken a
moment to reflect.

You may be right.

And I've realized
that I am disgusted

with the likes of Trent Wilcoe,

who set his wife on fire

just because she
burnt his roast.

Reality check, people.
I'm not the bad guy. He is.

Join us next week for
the trial of the century.

I fell for it just like
everybody else.

Good night, and be good.

I called your office.

They said you were
taking a personal day?

I recused myself from the
bench effective immediately.

Nobody wants a lame-duck judge.

Mother, I am...

I'm really sorry if anything I
said or did caused you to...

No apology necessary.

I'm making jam.

You're making jam.

Yeah, well, no
time like the present.

After all, I need a new career.

Mom, remember that
accident that we had?

When I was about Lacey's age,

you were driving
me to swim practice,

and you skidded on
that patch of wet leaves.

Yeah, I hurt my knee

because I rear-ended
that pickup truck.

Yeah, but I was okay,

because you did that thing
that you do with your arm.

Reach out and protect me.

Do you know you
did that yesterday?

When you stood up to that idiot.

I did? Yeah.

You mean I still have
some maternal instincts?

Nothing stronger.

Well, now, there may be.

What, jam? It's mostly bourbon.

Oh, my...


It's good.

I know. I've had it all day.