Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 5 - Dead Man Walking - full transcript

Karen Archer is the identical twin of a beautiful corpse, Jessica, whose mysterious death keeps Ethan and Curtis guessing. As Ethan's personal interest in this case deepens, Curtis begins questioning Ethan's motives. Meanwhile, Megan faces old demons when she visits her former boss at the hospital where she used to practice. A patient has died after recent surgery. Was it murder or malpractice? Megan begins to suspect the victim's doctor, but as soon as she starts ruffling feathers, the hospital stonewalls.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
( dramatic theme playing)

Help me.

Liberty Mall.

You know what they have there?


A shark.

Why in the world
would you know that?

Northeast General is a
couple blocks from here.

Whenever I used to operate,
I'd come visit the shark.

Oh, communing with
one of your own, huh?

I'm kinder and gentler now.

PETER: Oh, yeah,
right. MEGAN: I am.

Good morning, detective.

Good morning, Dr. Hunt.


MEGAN: What do we got, Sam?

Well, a couple of shoppers
found the body, called it in.

There's no ID on him.

I'm thinking it's a
mugging gone wrong.

A man was seen hurrying
away from the scene

carrying a duffel bag.

African-American, 30s,
low-riding jeans, tats.

Security cameras?

Ha, ha. That would be too easy.

So the guy gets hit on the
head, and he comes over the rail.

I see multiple
cuts and scratches

from the bushes, but...

I don't see anything
bad enough to kill him.

What are you
looking for? A pulse.

I think it's safe
to say, by the time

you get the call,
he's already dead.

You don't wanna know some
of the mistakes I've seen.

Detective, found it on
the street two blocks away.

No cash or credit cards.
He left the driver's license.

BAKER: Ted Harbison.
Callowhill Street.

Age 35. MEGAN: Let me see that.

Is there a cheese steak
place around here?

Yeah, probably. Why?

That's cheese steak cheese.

BAKER: God, how
many cheese steak places

can there be in
one neighborhood?

MAN: Your order.

Thank you.

What can I get you, officers?

Detective. Sorry.

You seen an African-American
guy round here,

30s, baggy jeans,
tattoos on his arms?

Carl, get out here.


( dramatic theme playing)

What's her name?

Jessica Archer.

Age 33, died in her
sleep in her hotel room.

What a waste.

Cause of death?

This. Saddle embolism blocking

the left and right main
pulmonary arteries.

It's as thick as your finger.

She's young,

her valves are normal
and she looks healthy.

So how did she get a blood
clot the size of a hot dog?

Carl Anders, member of
the Bronson Street gang.


Current or ex,

causing a death in the
commission of a robbery

is criminally
negligent homicide.

Look, I didn't rob
nobody, all right?

I went on my break. That's it.

Mm. Ha, ha.

And you expect me to believe
a poor ex-gangbanger like you,

right? It's true.

Ted Harbison's credit
cards. Explain that.

I saw a bag on
the ground, I took it.

And you didn't see the
guy you took it from?

I saw a guy.

He was up ahead of
me, kind of weaving.


You know what I'm saying?
Like he was drunk or something.

He ducked down some stairs.

By the time I got
there, he was gone.

The bag was on the
ground, so I took it.

But I didn't see no
body in the bushes.


I do not see any evidence
of physical trauma.

What else did they
find in that bag of his?


"two issues of Certified
Accountant Magazine,

private pilot logbooks
and flight maps."

"Prescriptions for Vicodin

and promethazine."
What's promethazine?

It's prescribed post-op
for nausea and vomiting.

Is there a doctor listed?

Dr. Mark Chandler.
Northeast General Hospital.

Those are porthole incisions.
This guy just had surgery.

Let's get his clothes off.

Move that light, will you? Sure.

So tell me something.

They let you just
walk out of the hospital

right after surgery?
Not right after.

He probably went in
first thing this morning.

The whole idea is to
shorten recovery time.

Four little holes.

That one's for the scope,
these two are for the instruments,

and that one's for whatever
they took out of him.

By the location, I would say...


But that's just routine, right?

Hey, you okay? Your
paresthesia acting up?

I am fine.

Let's see what's
going on in him.

( tense theme playing)

Why is his abdomen
full of blood?

You can tell Sam that a
mugger did not kill Ted Harbison.

His surgeon did.

( upbeat theme playing)

MINDY: Ted passed
a gallstone last year.

Anyone who's ever done it
will tell you one is enough.

When his symptoms
started up again,

we found a surgeon right away.

It wasn't the surgery, was it?

We're looking into
every possibility.

Can you tell me
why he was alone?

Hospitals don't normally
release post-op patients

without an escort.

After surgery, Ted said
he'd be fine in recovery.

And I should just
come back after work.

I had no idea he was
gonna sneak out by himself.

If only I'd stayed.


Your husband was an accountant?


Because we found pilot logbooks

and flight maps in his duffle.

I don't know too
many accountant pilots.

He wasn't a pilot, really.

He had not flown since
the day he got his license.

Then why did he get his license?

To overcome his fear of flying.

That's Ted, you
see. Mr. Sensible.

If he got caught in the
rain in a nice pair of shoes,

he'd take his shoes off.

Easier to clean feet than shoes.

Mrs. Harbison, I promise you

we're gonna find out what
happened to your husband.

ETHAN: Well, according
to Jessica's labs,

she didn't have cancer,

she wasn't a smoker, or
pregnant, or dehydrated.

And she definitely wasn't obese.

Which reminds me, you had
your heart checked lately?

You had your face
checked lately?

ETHAN: Wait. Look at this.

Jessica had elevated
levels of progesterone.

She was on the pill.

Okay, she has one marginal
risk factor for hypercoagulation.

But there are millions
of women on the pill

and they don't all
die in their hotel beds.

Wait, that's it.

What's it?

She died in her
hotel room, right?

You thinking she
just got off an airplane.

PETER: How long
since you been here?

Not since Gwen took over.

Gwen? Gwen Baldwin.

Nurse turned equipment rep
turned hospital administrator.

A real healthcare success story.

I'm getting the warm fuzzies.

We were friends once.

You'd be amazed how many
Christmas cards stop coming

after you've killed a patient
on the operating table.

GWEN: Just a second, Megan.

I've never been accused
of having a green thumb,

but these have
become my obsession.

We're here about Ted Harbison.

Mark Chandler operated
on him this morning.

A cholecystectomy, to be exact.
He exsanguinated internally.

Might be an issue with his care.

Well, then there are procedures
that have to be followed.

Can you give us a second?


I know all about
your procedures.

I just wanna talk to
him, surgeon to surgeon.

I used to be one,
if you remember.

Of course, I'm sorry.

That must have
been horrible for you.

The car accident and
then losing a patient.

If I didn't reach out to you,

it was because I was
dealing with a loss of my own.

My son, Nick.

He OD'd his freshman
year at a frat party.

The bonsai was his.

For four years, I
have kept it alive

through plant lice and root rot.

Oh, God, I... Gwen, I'm...

No, that is awful. Oh, God.

( melancholy theme playing)

Let's go find Dr. Chandler.

I'm late for rounds.
What's this all about?

Dr. Hunt is with the
Medical Examiner's Office.

You might wanna pay attention.

Ted Harbison, you
operated on him this morning,

a cholecystectomy.

Eight o'clock. Discharged
at noon, I believe.

And dead an hour later.

He was my last
surgery of the morning.

Then I went to my
country club after.

Is he really dead?

Exsanguinated internally.

Well, that's not possible.

possible, it happened.

Ted had two cystic
ducts, not one.

You should've checked
for anomalous vasculature,

but you didn't.

You clipped one
artery, missed the other.

Hey, hold on a second here.

And how a man with
crashing blood pressure

managed to sneak out
of your recovery room,

that's another question I have.

He was a dead man walking. Wait.

You're wrong, Dr. Hunt.

Of course I checked for
anomalous vasculature.

And of course I
clipped both arteries.

The procedure went perfectly.

You don't believe
me, check the video.

Like I said, I'm
late for rounds.

I'm gonna need that video.

From now on, you can
talk to our general counsel.

Kate is not gonna
be happy with you

walking around
making accusations

without all your ducks in a row.

Kate is not a surgeon.

You do not close a patient
without checking your work.

Somehow I don't
think your friend Gwen

is gonna hand over
that video anytime soon.

And how are you gonna prove
Chandler wrong without it, huh?

Excuse me.

I'm Nancy Follett.
I'm a surgical nurse.

I couldn't help
overhearing. Yes?

Chandler is a disaster
waiting to happen.

The hospital loves him

because he whips
through surgeries

faster than a pit crew,

but he's reckless.

He's left sponges
in the patients

and then blamed the nurses
for getting the count wrong.

Has he ever lost
a patient before?

Not that I know of.

But it's just a matter of time.

Somebody wanted to see me?

Dr. Gross, this is Karen Archer.

( mellow theme playing)

Oh, my God. You're...

Jessica's twin sister.

So if this guy is leaving
sponges in patients,

how is he still practicing?

Happens all the
time, unfortunately.

The nurses keep the count,
but if the surgeons disagree

and the nurses
dare correct them,

they get their heads
handed to them.

Well, remind me to
never need an operation.

Looks like an
unclipped artery to me.

MEGAN: Look again.

PETER: What are they?

Traumatic impressions
on the adventitia,

the outer lining of the artery.

Chandler did clip both arteries.

Okay, so, what
happened to the clips?

There's only one
place they could be.

Well, I'll be damned.

( mysterious theme playing)

We removed Ted
Harbison's blood at autopsy

and this is what we found
when we put it through a sieve.

It turns out that Dr. Chandler
did clip the other artery,

but look at the clips.

I can understand one
not being properly closed,

maybe, but three?

Either Chandler
was in such a hurry

to get to his golf game,

he didn't notice,
making this malpractice.

Or that's how he
wanted it to look.

Murder made to
look like malpractice?

Never seen such a bad clip job.

Yeah, but what's the motive?

Well, Ted was an
accountant, right?

So maybe there's
a hidden connection

between him and Chandler.

Well, guess I know
what I'm gonna be doing

the rest of my afternoon.

Murder by malpractice.

That's bold, even for you.

Thank you.

So bold that I'm wondering

if it has anything to do
with the patient you lost.

Expiation for past sins maybe?

What I did was
an accident and...

Yeah, I'm haunted by it.

That guy isn't
haunted by anything.

I'm gonna put him
out of business.

No, what you're gonna
do is give Chandler

every benefit of the doubt.

Then you nail him after
you are absolutely sure.

We have a couple of
problems before we get to that.

The video?

Right, the hospital has
a video of Ted's surgery.

I need you to lean on
the COO to give us a copy.

Her name is Gwen
Baldwin. Is that all?

No. We also need the staple gun

that the doctor used
during the procedure.

Usually they're destroyed
within 24 hours of use.

Without it, he will
claim equipment failure,

and we will not have any
evidence to prove otherwise.

Unless it was equipment failure.

Are you gonna help me or not?

She died from a clot

that stopped blood
flowing to her heart.

We checked her for risk factors

and found that
she was on the pill.

That, in combination
with her recent travels,

leads us to think it was
deep vein thrombosis.

KAREN: Our parents are dead.

We're all each other had.

We were inseparable once.

But life happened.

Different careers
in different cities.

But I always missed
the way we used to be.

( tender theme playing)

Thank you.

Would you like to go
somewhere else to talk?

You mentioned something
about my sister's travels.

What did you mean?

Long flights, sitting
for long periods of time

can cause blood clots.

That, in combination
with other risk factors.

Do you know where your
sister was flying from?

She didn't fly from anywhere.
But she was staying in a hotel.

No, Jess lives in Philly.

She was staying at that hotel

because her
apartment's being painted.


I have to go to her
apartment tomorrow.

Any idea where
45th and Locust is?

I've never been
to Philly before.

Yeah, it's, um...

It's near Penn campus.

Where is that? Ha, ha.

It's, uh... It's in West Philly.

Would you come with me?
We grew up in Minneapolis.

That's where my
parents are buried.

That's where I'm
taking Jess and her stuff.

I could use some help
finding my way around.

And you're the only
person I know here.


Well, I, um...

I'm your sister's doctor.

And you're in an
emotional state and, um...

It would be inappropriate,
you know, right?

Don't you think?
What do you think?

I don't think it'd be
inappropriate at all.

( soft theme playing)

See you tomorrow?

Dr. Chandler was a
referral from my ob-gyn.

We'd never heard
of him before that.

Well, maybe in a
different context.

Did Ted ever do any
accounting for him?

Um, no. No, most of his
clients were nonprofits.

You recycle?

Uh, end of the counter.

Nonprofits need accountants?

I know, right?

We used to joke about it.

Who had less money,
us or his clients?

For a money guy, Ted was
not very good at making it.

Ted have any life insurance?

Unfortunately, there is
no video. We checked.

The recording
equipment was turned off.

Okay, I didn't come
here to be stonewalled.

Mr. Hollis, you sure you
wanna tangle with me?

We can't give you a
video that doesn't exist.

Hmm. Correct me if I'm wrong,

but your bottom line
depends on tax breaks

that are up for renewal
by the city council.

MAGGIE: Mayor's office.

Hi, Maggie. It's...

Dr. Murphey, how are you?

I'm fine, Maggie,
thanks. Is he in?

MAGGIE: Hold on, I'll
put you right through.

There really is no
videotape. I swear.

You can bring your IT
people in and check yourself.

But in the spirit
of cooperation...

These are the employee files

for everyone on
Dr. Chandler's surgical team

with access to that equipment.

Well, that's a start.

I also want access to
your biohazard waste.

( upbeat rock music playing)

How did I ever let
you talk me into this?

What I wanna know is,
where the hell is Megan?

This is her case.

Well, Megan offered to
help us solve our case

if we helped her solve hers.

What do you mean solve our case?

Jessica Archer died
from a blood clot.

Well, technically, yes,

but I would like to be
able to tell her sister

more than just what killed her.


Because I'm seeing her tomorrow

and I don't know
what to talk about.

You using a dead
girl to hit on her sister?

No, no way.

I told her it was inappropriate,

but she kind of insisted.

Mm-hm. So you telling me
I'm up to my knees in bio-waste

just so you have
something to talk about?


Oh, no, I'm so out of here.

( tense theme playing)

Are you afraid of flying?


That was a hell of
thing that Ted did.

Getting into that pilot's seat
just to overcome his fear.

I get the feeling that this case

has brought up a
fear of your own.

One that I will never
have to face again.

But you're worried
that Chandler will.

You know what happens to a
surgeon when he screws up?

deaths get reported

to an independent commission,

and that commission can
take as long as they want to act.

Meanwhile, the doctor
is still performing surgery.

You know why? Lawyers?

Malpractice lawyers.

I could have hidden behind
them if I wanted to, but I didn't.

I mean, how could
I live with myself?

So I settled out of court.

And when I found out
that my paresthesias

were not going away,

I just closed my practice
and that was that.

Well, if it matters, it was a...

It was a hell of a thing
that you did, Megan.

I don't see Dr. Chandler doing
that anytime soon, do you?

Who's the man? Who's the man?

Uh, you forgetting somebody?

Who are the men?
Who are the men?

All right, bring them
over. Let's have a look.

Uh-uh. First, Jessica Archer.

All right. You're on.

Did she have fatigue,
shortness of breath,

palpitations before she died?

How would we know?

Fair point. Blood in the urine?

No. All right, that eliminates

paroxysmal nocturnal

What about kidney damage?

Uh-uh. No nephrotic syndrome.

Did you check for
lupus anticoagulant,

acquired conditions?

Of course. MEGAN:
Hereditary conditions?

Protein C, protein S?

Factor V Leiden?
All very common.


Hand it over. Thank
you. You're good.



( mysterious theme playing)

So it was equipment failure.

MEGAN: The seal is broken.

Someone has
tampered with this gun.

( ominous theme playing)

You got the wrong
guy. I didn't do anything.

Let me tell you something,
petty theft is one thing,

but conspiracy to
commit murder is another.

Now did Mindy Harbison
hire you to jump her husband

after his surgery? No.

Look familiar? I've never
even seen her before.

Why don't I believe you?
Because you prejudiced.

MAN: Hey, detective.

Can I see that?

Oh, yeah, I saw her
here a couple of days ago.

She got three cheese steaks.
Two for here and one to go.

Who was the other "for
here" cheese steak for?

MAN: A nurse. Yeah.

She was wearing the
blue hospital scrubs.

The hospital's right
down the street.

What did this nurse look like?

You were looking for me? Yeah.

Swimming in a bunch of
bio-waste yesterday got me thinking.

That stuff is kept
sterile for a reason.

If somebody tampered
with our staple gun,

maybe they contaminated it too.

So I swabbed the chamber

and found a bunch
of resting spores.

What kind of spores?
Don't know yet.

I ordered a PCR.

Should have the
results in a few hours.

Good work, doctor.

Damn straight.

ETHAN: I think
this is the last box.

Still worried about
taking advantage of me?

I'm getting over
it. I'll get that.

Hey, thanks. No problem.

Are you cold? Yeah.

I made this for Jess.

She said she couldn't get
any good knits out here.


(sobbing): And it
still smells like her.

( tender theme playing)


It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

I'm in an emotional state.


When are you...?
When are you leaving?


Not soon enough
for you, I'm sure.

No, no, no. I...

Are you kidding me?
You know, I love moving.

Pianos are my specialty.

Thanks. I needed that.

I'm not kidding.


There is no video
of Ted's surgery.

The equipment was turned off.

It would have to be
one of the nurses.

BAKER: I can help you there.

Ted's wife Mindy had
lunch near the hospital

the day before his surgery.

She was with a nurse in
Northeast General scrubs.

Uh, she was thin, about
5'6", African-American,

wearing black-rimmed eyeglasses.

Nancy Follett. We talked to
her at the hospital yesterday.

And she called Chandler a
disaster waiting to happen.

KATE: Wait a
minute. Nancy Follett?

That was one of the files
they showed me at the hospital.

Chandler wrote her
up multiple times.

So Nancy makes a disaster
happen to get back at Chandler.

But why talk to Mindy?

Money. I checked them out.

Ted had none and they were
mortgaged up to their eyeballs.

And Ted's life insurance
policy was terminated

when he got his pilot's license.

So a malpractice lawsuit
solves both their problems.

It was genius, actually.

So Nancy tampers with the gun,

turns off the camera.

And Ted leaves the
hospital unaware that his clips

are popping off with every step.

Then he lost consciousness
and fell into the bushes.

Well, I guess it's time I
spoke with Nancy Follett.

And I think you should
take another stab at Mindy.

Hey. What's up?

Where the hell have you been?

I was out.

Mm-hm. Well, while you
were out, I got your answer.

Jessica was positive

for the factor V
Leiden gene mutation.

Thank you.

Hey, refresh my memory.

It's like a coagulation
cutoff switch

that doesn't cut
off when it should.

And you better run
a DNA for zygosity.

There's a difference
in morbidity.

How big? Big.

You get the mild version,

you have five to
seven times greater risk

of developing a
clot like Jessica's.

You get the severe version,
up to an 80 times greater risk.

Wait, so if Jessica
had the severe version

and Karen's her
identical twin, then she...

Then she's got it too.

No, look, look.
You've got it all wrong.

Nancy was just trying to
warn us about Dr. Chandler.

Why you, huh?

We have the same ob-gyn.

She heard him referring
us to Dr. Chandler.

She said she felt obligated
to try to dissuade us,

so we went to the
cheese steak place to talk.

And you kept this to
yourself the whole time?

She said she'd be fired
if Chandler found out.

If she was trying to warn you,
why did Ted go through with it?

His pain had become acute.

He wasn't even scheduled
to be operated on yesterday.

Dr. Chandler squeezed
him in at the last minute.

How did you overlook turning
on the video equipment?

Video equipment gets
overlooked all the time.

But you're the one who
hands the staple gun

over to the doctor, aren't you?

Sorry to interrupt. Sam, we
just talked to Mindy Harbison.

Did Dr. Chandler
have any surgeries

scheduled yesterday
after rounds?

Only one at 10 p.m.,
another cholecystectomy.

And did he use the same
surgical setup as he did on Ted,

a new pack of staple guns?

Yes and no, we didn't use a
new pack for Ted's operation.

What? What do you
mean? The circulating nurse

brought two guns from
a previous operation.

We only used one
from the new pack.

What's going on, Megan?

Ted was a
last-minute reschedule.

He wasn't the
intended target. What?

MEGAN: Guns come
in packs of three.

This whole time we were
talking about one gun

being tampered with.

There are now two guns
that are unaccounted for.

We have to get to the hospital
before somebody else dies.

( dramatic theme playing)

My name is Dr. Kate Murphey.

I'm with the Medical
Examiner's Office.

I want you all to stop
what you're doing.

I'm shutting you down.

( suspenseful theme playing)

You can't do this.

You don't have
the authority. I do.

Imminent circumstances,
Ms. Baldwin.

You have a life-threatening
situation on your hands.

What are you talking about?
CHANDLER: What's going on?

Hey, I got an appendix in
there prepped and ready to go.

MEGAN: You used three
staple guns on Harbison.

Two were from a
previous pack. So?

So the tampered
gun you used on him

was the first of a
new pack of three.

If the pack was tampered with,

there are two guns unaccounted
for used on someone else.

Who did you
operate on last night?

Male, 20s, suffering from
idiopathic cholelithiasis.

Does he have a name? Oh.

Why am I not surprised?

You stand in my
shoes, then judge me.

I've already done both.
PETER: Megan, I got it.

George White, cholecystectomy

last night at 10 p.m.
We have an address.

Go. I'll have the
ambulance meet you there.

( dramatic theme playing)

Yes, this is Dr. Brumfield.

I sent you a PCR request
that came back positive

for a fungus called
Apiosporina collinsii.

Are you sure that's right?

Hi, Karen. It's Ethan again.

Um, if you could call me back
at the office, I'd appreciate it.

It's important, okay? So call
me back when you get this.

Okay, bye-bye.
Okay, call me back.



Leave the girl any
more messages,

she'll think you're
stalking her.

Well, what would you do?

I wouldn't be sitting
here talking to me.

Hey. Thank you.

The boy is crazy.

Where's the damn ambulance?

( suspenseful theme playing)

PETER: Stand back.

( dramatic theme playing)

He's alive, but barely.

PETER: What are you doing?
MEGAN: There's no time.

I open him up now...

Or he dies.

What's wrong?

Last time I did this,
I killed somebody.

Megan, it's okay.
You can do this.

I hope you're right.

Grab those towels.

Keep as much blood
inside him as possible.

I thought too much
was the problem.

At this point, it's
restricting the blood flow.

It's probably the only thing
that's keeping him alive.

You okay? Yeah, why?

My first time in
the OR, I fainted.

I'll faint later, okay?

MEGAN: Towels.
PETER: Find the leak?

No way to know for
sure what's leaking.

The thing that I'm
looking for is the...

Ah. There it is.

Descending aorta.

Now the trick is
to squeeze it shut,

but not completely shut.

Why is that the trick?

He's young, he's healthy.

Right now, I am depriving blood
not only to his leaking vessels

but his entire lower
half of his body.

If I squeeze too tight,

or if the ambulance
doesn't get here

he'll never walk again.

( dramatic theme playing)

This is Dr. Megan Hunt and
her colleague, Peter Dunlop.

They're the ones
who saved your life.

Actually, it was, uh, all her.

I don't know how to thank you.

How are you feeling? Confused.

One minute I was
headed for the fridge.

Next, I woke up
here. (phone ringing)

Hello. Hey, Curtis,
how you doing?

Well, you had a close call.

And I'm very sorry
about the scar.

Your kitchen knives
are not too sharp. Ha, ha.

You kidding?

I'm already the envy
of all my frat buddies.

They won't leave me alone.

When did you graduate?

Four years ago.

Have you ever heard of a
boy named Nick Baldwin?


A colleague of mine

just told me something
that I never knew before.

There is no such thing
as a bonsai tree seed.

Instead, you take the
seed of a healthy tree

and infect it with a fungus

that genetically
alters its root system.

It's called
Apiosporina collinsii.

We found it on the
staple gun, Gwen.

You gave us all
the files of everyone

who had access
to the supply room.

You failed to include yours.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about
the death of your son.

George White. The social
chair of the Dexter fraternity.

The fraternity where
Nick OD'd four years ago.

George just told
me all about it.

The rush party, the
peer pressure, cocaine.

Nick tried it. He collapsed.

And nobody realized
that he'd suffered

cardiac arrhythmia

until the next morning.

Please stop, Megan.

When you found
out that George White

was scheduled for surgery
in your own hospital...

You saw the chance to get
back at him for killing your son.

You knew
Dr. Chandler's reputation.

You knew the ins and
outs of surgical staple guns.

You were an equipment
rep when I was a surgeon.

You knew exactly what to do.

But in doing it, you
contaminated the guns

with the fungus
from the bonsai tree.

Then you switched out the
tampered gun with the guns

that were to be used
in George's operation.

The one thing you didn't count
on was the schedule change.

Putting Ted Harbison
in George White's place.

Do you know what George White

and his fraternity brothers
got for killing my son?


No criminal charges.

The university put them
on administrative probation.


What would you have done,
Megan, if it was your daughter

and the son of a
bitch who killed her

was under your scalpel?

I wouldn't kill him.

Then you're not the
Megan Hunt I remember.

We were friends once, Gwen.

It's the only reason I'm
not gonna turn you in.

(sobbing): Thank you.

Oh, God.

Thank you, Megan.

I'm gonna let
you do it yourself.

( dramatic theme playing)

(car horn honking)

Ethan? I've been
calling you all day.

I left my cell phone
here this morning.

I'm just going to the airport.

No, no, you're
not. No, you're not.

Your sister was positive for
the factor V Leiden mutation.

I... Depending on
your DNA results,

you getting on a plane is like,
uh, playing Russian roulette.

What are you talking about?
I've been flying my whole life.

Are you really gonna
argue with me about this?

Well, this is a long way
to go to keep me around.

I'll settle for
keeping you alive.

What did I do now?

Not that you care, but
George White is fine.

Your 10:00 from last night.

Let me guess. You
wanna split the fee.


Yeah, I used to
be as smug as you.

Technically, Ted Harbison's
death is not your fault.

Gwen relied upon your
reputation for recklessness.

You didn't check
your work, doctor.

One day you will kill a patient.

You don't want that
on your conscience.

Like it is on yours?

Yeah, I looked you up.

I know your story, doctor. Ahem.

I admire your
decision to retire.


But don't presume to lecture me.

I'm not the one
who killed a patient.

And I'm not the
monster you think I am.

I'm devastated by what happened.

Really? You mourn
on the golf course?

I guess I'm just not
the saint you are.


I am no saint, believe me.

But if your name ever
comes up in connection

with one of my patients again,

your work better be flawless.

Or you're gonna be selling this
baby to cover your legal fees.



You and your sister
are homozygote carriers

of the factor V Leiden mutation.

What does that mean?

It means we're gonna send you

to the best
hematologist in the city.

But from now on, you're
gonna be monitored by a doctor.

From now on?

Look, this is serious, Karen.

I mean, with medication and
minor lifestyle adjustments,

probably nothing
will ever happen.

But you have to be vigilant.

And you are not
getting on another plane

without being checked
out by an expert first.

Why are you smiling?

I like it when you're
bossy. It's cute.

It is?

It is?

Well, doctors, it seems
my fate is in your hands,

so where do you wanna send me?


I don't know what's
appropriate or inappropriate.

So when you find
out, give me a call.

( upbeat theme playing)

How long, ethically speaking,

would you wait
before you called?

Two months. Months?

Months. Mr. Cute-And-Bossy.

( tender folk music playing)

You doing all right?

There was a moment today,

when I found out that
George would be okay,

that the weight of
losing a patient just...

It lifted.

And then I found out that
George was responsible

for the death of Gwen's son.

And Mindy Harbison will
spend years suing a hospital

that will claim that it
has no responsibility

for Gwen's criminal acts.

Well, I don't know if this case

is quite as messy
as you think it is.

You solved a crime
and you saved a life.

Not just George White's.

"Max Larrabee"?

George White's procedure
only used one staple gun.

The second was recovered

on Max Larrabee's
instrument tray.

Thanks for telling me.

(phone ringing)

The mayor.

I hung up on him yesterday.
He hates when I do that.

Hello, Mr. Mayor.

( mellow theme playing)