Body of Proof (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 2 - Letting Go - full transcript

Megan goes to a scene wherein a couple were killed. She meets Detectives Morris and Baker who believe it's a murder suicide because the man has the gun in his hand. But Megan proves them wrong when she reveals that the man is left handed but the gun is in the right hand. Megan learns the girl comes from a wealthy family. She assures them she'll find out what happened to their daughter. She learns that they dated years ago but her parents didn't approve of her dating someone who is white. She learns she was involved with another guy who is controlling and domineering. She discovers that the guy went to see the boyfriend at his place of business to let her go. The boyfriend denies killing them and his alibi is his latest girl who is afraid of him. Megan tries to find out if he's making her lie. Baker and Morris learn that they crossed paths with a racist who didn't approve of him dating a black girl. Ethan discovers something about the guy which could led to another suspect. Megan tries to reconnect with her daughter but is so pushy that her daughter tells her so.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You were fast. Where were you?

At the office. Closing
up the Silverman case.

At this hour? You
need to get a life.

Detectives Morris and Baker?

How did we pull them
two cases in a row?

Yeah. Just lucky I guess.

What do we got
here? Uh, two dead.

Dave Piaseki, 23, and
Linda Chapman, 22.

Both shot in the head.

Liver temp and lividity

puts it around
11 p.m. last night.

No witnesses.

Just a hiker found
them and called it in.

So young.

Dr. Hunt, how nice
to see you again.

Detective Morris.

You almost sound sincere.

I hate to spoil
this little reunion,

but you two wasted a trip.

There's no medical mystery here.

It's a straight-up

She took the first bullet,

then he turned
the gun on himself.

There's powder burns
on the right temple

and the gun's cradled
in his right hand.

Uh, he has bruising
on his left knuckles.

And a callous pattern that
indicates he's left-handed.

If you're left-handed,

would you shoot yourself in
the head with your right hand?


Okay, bruises and calluses
don't make him left-handed.

True, but...

carrying your wallet in
your left back pocket does.

So much for robbery.

Here we go again.

Autopsies in two hours.

Damn it.

You okay?

Yeah, my hands
are acting up again.

Mom? MEGAN: Lacey? Hi.

I was hoping to get
you before school.

Uh, Dad's waiting outside.

Oh. I gotta go. Um, I'm late.

I just wanted to
know if you wanted

to get together
after school today.

Uh, I have riding after school.

Uh, tomorrow? We could...
We could have lunch.

Twist is right by
your school. Uh...


Uh... Okay, but I
gotta go. Bye, Mom.



Remember you told me to give
Lacey something from my heart...

- -for her birthday?


Well, I gave her a
key to my apartment.

And when I came home later,

she'd left me a piece
of her birthday cake.

A key? Mm-hm.

The point is, she's
giving me another chance.

Well, I'm glad to hear it,
but just take it slow, okay?

Didn't you just tell
me to get a life?

I'm trying.

There you are.
Piaseki/Chapman murder-suicide.

Alleged murder-suicide, yes?

Get Ethan and
Curtis to help you.

I want this handled
quickly and efficiently.

When do I ever do otherwise?

Well, then I have nothing
to worry about, do I?

Just out of curiosity,
it's not a coincidence

that we pulled Morris
and Baker, is it?

I spoke to their lieutenant.

We agree that you four
seem to work well together.

Unless you think otherwise?

If you're trying to break
Megan it won't work.

I'm not trying to break
her, I'm trying to contain her.

It's better to knock
heads with two detectives

than the entire Philadelphia
Police Department.

You know, we have low-fat.

I like it sweet.

I've got two bodies
coming in. Suit up.

I am your superior, you know.

Who keeps saying he
wants to be called a doctor.

So come on, show
me what you got.

Oh, yeah. Show
her what you've got.

Oh, shut up.

So her bullet went
in and his split in two.


Well, pull them
out, have a look.

All in good time, detective.

Dave Piaseki lived in Manayunk.

Now, first generation Polish.

Parents dead, no siblings.

His landlord confirms
that he was left-handed.

Um, Linda Chapman's
father is Al Chapman.

A real estate developer.

Uh, evidently, they were
an item back in the day.

She went to Springside
and he went to Roxborough.

That's the opposite
sides of the track.

How did they meet?

According to the Chapmans,
they met right where they died.

Valley Green was a
teen hangout for years.

The press is already
short-stroking it

as a murder-suicide.

Oh, I wonder how
they got that idea.

She dumped him, that's how.

She's rich, he's poor,

she goes to college
and he joins the Navy,

and has held nothing
but grunt construction jobs

since he got out.

He kept the candle burning,
she rejected him a second time,

and then he takes them both out.

What's the mystery?

There's a dry patch
on the left forearm,

possibly eczema
or contact dermatitis.

Navy tattoo on the right.

Ethan, you got anything?

She has a scar on her
spine from an old operation.

Her makeup's a mess.

And until recently, she
wore hair extensions.

She's got traction alopecia.

She was a beautiful girl.

Got the bullet. Bullet.

Look, this is all very touching,

but Piaseki's prints
are on the gun.

I haven't heard anything
that disproves murder-suicide.

You may be right, detective.

But then again,

maybe not.

That bullet didn't split in two.
Those are two separate rounds.

So unless he shot
himself in the head twice,

it wasn't a murder-suicide.

This is straight-up murder.

So, what do we have? Peter?

The scar down Linda's spine
was from a childhood accident.

She was hit by a car. Broke
her neck in three places.

That would explain the rods.

She had healed
Mallory-Weiss tears.

Uh, it's bleeding in the mucosa

at the junction of the
esophagus and the stomach.

Caused by vomiting,

typically from bulimia,
alcoholism or pregnancy.

Yes, but she wasn't pregnant,

and bulimia and alcoholism
would have shown signs

of damage in the organs.

What about Dave?

Uh, some recent respiratory
complaints in his file.

That's about it. He
wasn't a smoker.

No. ETHAN: But
he was in the Navy.

They're exposed
to everything, right?

Yeah, but I didn't
find any plaques

on the pleural surfaces.

Now, what do we think of these?

Their last meal, burgers
and green French fries.

Anybody know
where that particular

Happy Meal was served?

I'll get Bud and Sam on it.

You two get busy
on Dave's lungs.

Oh, no. I am not approving
any unnecessary tests.


Haven't you ever
wanted a second chance

with your first love?

Those two people will
never have that chance again.

And I wanna know who
took it away from them.

You're just trying to suck me
into your crime-solving cult.

No, I'm trying to get you to act
like a doctor who gives a damn.


Green French fries, huh? Mm.

Irish pub, maybe?

Either that or Dr. Seuss
just opened up a restaurant.

Either way, it's food dye, huh?

Think so?

He's from Manayunk, huh? Yeah.

You ever been to Manayunk
Avenue on a weekend night?


It's all burgers and
fries and water ice.

Mr. and Mrs. Chapman,

I know this is
difficult for you.

Excuse me.

I'm Dr. Hunt.

I'll be handling your
daughter's case.

I'm very sorry about your loss.

I, uh...

I practically taught her how to
walk again after her operation.

She was my baby.

I was her protector.

I just couldn't protect
her from that boy.

We thought Dave got the message

after Linda broke up
with him in high school.

But we were wrong.

If he couldn't have
Linda, no one would.

Oh, when can we have her?

We... We just wanna
put our baby to rest.

I'm afraid that's
not going to happen

until the investigation is over.

What investigation?
He killed our daughter.

The story that the news
is reporting is wrong.

This was a double homicide.

Now, I know you already
spoke to the police,

but is there anything
else you can tell me

that would help us
in our investigation?

Like what?

Dave was Linda's past.

Who was her present?
Was she seeing anybody?

Brian Hall.

He owns a restaurant downtown.

Linda worked as a
hostess there last year

while she was
applying to law school.

But she ended it
with him months ago.

Is there...? It's all right.

We can do this another
time. And I promise you

we will get your daughter
to you as soon as we can.

Thank you.

So where are the police on this?

Running down Dave
and Linda's last meal.

I saw healed Mallory-Weiss
tears on the prelim.

You and Peter should
go find this Brian Hall,

see what Linda was
really doing to herself.

Hmm. Exactly
what I was thinking.

Yeah, poor Linda. I
heard about it on the news.

I haven't seen her
since we broke up.

When was that? Mm,
three months ago.

When you were dating,

did you notice anything
wrong with her?

Like drinking too
much or not eating?

Yeah, not eating wasn't
exactly Linda's problem, so...


You wanna watch out,
that'll stain your clothes.

We clean the bar top with
lemon and baking soda.

Hmm. Must take all day.

It takes two days,
actually. Off-hours.

It's my annual nightmare,
so if you don't mind?

Excuse me.

You have beautiful hair.

Oh, thank you.

And that is some dress.

It's, uh... It's the uniform.

Some uniform. Ha.

Well, Brian, he... He insists.

So, what was Linda's problem?

What are you asking me
all these questions for?

I thought a medical
examiner cut up bodies.

I'm not an ME, I'm a
medicolegal investigator.

I investigate anything to
do with a suspicious death.

Or in this case, two.

Suspicious? It was
a murder-suicide.

No, it wasn't.

Is being so thin
part of the uniform?

Excuse me.

What happens when you
don't do what Brian wants?

Nina, don't say a damn word.

Look, I told you, I
never met Dave Piaseki.

And I haven't seen
Linda in months.

Now get the hell
out of my restaurant.

Eric Singleton?
Who wants to know?

Were you at, uh, Tom's Burgers
on Manayunk Avenue last night?

I can't remember.

Try remembering these two.

We have witnesses that say
you had words with Dave Piaseki.

So what? So, what happened?

He should have known
better bringing his black bitch

into our neighborhood.

Agh, gah! Ow, what
are you do...? Aah!

I think you had more than words.

Oh, Dave got the
better of you, didn't he?

Then you went
after him with a gun.

The only thing I don't know is

how you two geniuses
actually found him.


There we go.

I don't think this
is a good idea.

What's the big deal?
It was on the way.

It's like dating. You don't
turn up on a girl's doorstep

right after she gave
you her number.

I'm not dating my daughter. Ugh.

I just wanna say hi.

Megan, correct me if I'm wrong,

but she lives with her dad,
she blames you for the divorce,

and after five years,
she's finally opening up.

I don't think this is the
time to push your luck.

You know, I was meeting
some of my friends later and...

Hi, Lace.


Mom, what are you doing here?

You said you had
your lesson today.

Yeah, but I'm not supposed
to meet you until tomorrow.

Who's that? Mom.

I'm sorry, I just thought I...

No, you didn't think,
Mom. You didn't think at all.

I may never have been
a neurosurgeon like you,

but I am a doctor,
and I do care.

Check Linda's teeth.

If she was throwing
up to lose weight,

the stomach acid would
have eroded the enamel.


What are you looking for?


You were right.

There are signs of erosion

of the enamel on
her lower molars.

And what does
that tell you, doctor?

It confirms bulimia,
but not long-term.

More like she just
started. About a year, I bet.

Right after she started
working for Brian Hall.


What's that?

A residue of potassium
bitartrate, sodium bicarbonate

and lemon.

The stuff Hall uses
to clean his bar.

Which means...

Dave was in that restaurant
the day he was murdered.

One thing you need to
know about me, detectives,

is when I promise
something, I deliver.

I promised the Chapmans

they'll have their daughter
back soon. So where are we?

Their last meal was in Manayunk.

Those weren't green
fries, by the way.

They'd had lime water ice.

Dave got into a fight with a
skinhead named Eric Singleton.

He's got a sheet.

But he also has
two skinhead friends

who swear they never
left Manayunk that night.

We assume they're lying,

but he has no
connection to the gun.

And we have nothing
solid to hold him on.

And you? Linda was bulimic.

All signs are it started

when she hooked up with a
restaurateur named Brian Hall.

You didn't say
anything about that.

We didn't confirm
bulimia until last night,

because her body
has had three months

to recover from starving itself.

The same three months
since she broke up with Hall.

He's a control
freak with a temper.

But most importantly,

Dave Piaseki was
in his restaurant

the night of the murder.

- How do you know that?
- The stainless steel bar.

They've been cleaning
it for the past two days

with lemon, cream of
tartar and baking soda.

It left a residue on Dave's arm.

Well, I guess we're gonna
go check out Brian Hall.

Hey, Curtis, check this out.

I found the cause of
Dave's respiratory problems.

Amphiboles in the
alveoli. Asbestos?

Yeah, and not from
his Navy days, either.

These are fresh,
just a few weeks old.


He worked construction.

What do you want
me to do about it?

Come with me.

Where? Out there?

What am I, Nancy
Drew all of a sudden?

I don't even know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about
you threatening Linda

so much she
disconnected her phone.

I'm talking about
you threatening her

in front of her neighbors
two months ago.

Old news. Then why lie about it?

You don't exactly advertise
when your ex turns up dead.

What did Dave come
here to talk to you about?

Blow a lot of hot air.

He threatened you if you
didn't leave Linda alone.

Nobody threatens me.

Oh, and lives to tell about it?


You know what I think?

I think that Dave kept a
candle burning for Linda.

Three months ago
he tracks her down

only to find out she's
involved with a guy

who inflates his own ego

by making women feel
bad about themselves.

What pissed you off more, Brian?

Linda leaving, or
Dave opening her eyes?

You think you got it
all figured out, huh?

Except for the part
that I didn't kill them.

Then you won't mind telling us
where you were two nights ago.

Nina, get your ass over here.

Tell them where I was
two nights ago, baby.

With me.

So now we have two
suspects with shaky alibis.

Oh, I found her very credible.

I'll have a talk with her.

Knock yourself out.
But Singleton's our guy.

How are you gonna
get her away from Brian?

I'm not.

You are.

Come on, admit it.

She got to you, didn't she?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

No, you said, "Who am I,
Nancy Drew all of a sudden?"

I would have gone Hardy Boys,
by the way, but that's just me.

You know what I meant.

That's who we seem to be
working for these days, Nancy Drew.

Which is an
interesting thing to say

considering you
are the deputy chief.

You know, your
mouth won't be flapping

so much with my foot in it.

It's like she has some
strange power over us.


Give me that hard hat.

This one? That one.

This one? That one.

You sure it's gonna fit?

Give me the hat. Well,
you've got a big head.

Let's see if this is where Dave

got his asbestos poisoning.

Who's that? Hey.

What are you
doing? Curtis. Curtis.

What are you doing?

This is private
property. Keep going.

Come back here. Don't
close the gate on me.

Curtis, Curtis. MAN:
What are you doing?

Sorry about yesterday.

What's his name? Who?

The boy I saw you talking to.

I don't know.

You don't know or
don't wanna tell me?

Can we just eat lunch, please?

Heh. I'm sorry, I just...

There's so much I
wanna know. Why?

You never cared
before. That's not true.

You're too busy with work.
That's what the judge said.

I missed that court date,
because I was a surgeon.

I was saving someone's life.
You missed more than one.

I don't care. You don't
get to tell me how to feel.

God, I knew this would happen.

How do you feel?

Like I can't breathe.

So just back off, okay?

Look, I'm not ready for this.

So I'm just gonna go.

Thanks for lunch.

Gunshot residue?

The killer closed her eyes.

It's too bad you can't
get a print off the eyelid.

Well, I did swab for DNA.

Hey, he must have been sweating

to take off that
much eye shadow.

So if we're lucky,

we'll get a stray
epithelial or two.

You still think it's Brian Hall?

It's a theory, assuming his
new girlfriend is lying for him.

But in order to prove that,

I'm gonna need your help.

Seen your friend Eric lately?

We've been checking
up on you, Lonny.

Turns out your dad is still,

uh, declaring you
as a dependent.

Which, seeing as you're not,

makes him heading
upstate if you don't talk to us.

Look, I never wanted to go
after that guy in the first place.

Spell it out, Lonny.

Eric had it in for the guy

as soon as he showed
up with that black chick.

Isn't this sweet?

Couple of lovebirds
headed over...

He and Eric had words,

but the girl pulled him
into the water ice shop.

Let's go get some
water ice. Come on.

We were just hassling them.

But then Eric says we're gonna
jump them when they come out,

so we did.

Or we tried to.

Eric made his move and
the guy just nailed him, pow.

It was fast.

Eric dropped to his knees.

That's it? Come on, Lonny.

Your dad's still heading upstate

unless you give us
something we can use.

Yesterday, Eric showed
up with blood on his jacket.

He ditched it just before
you guys got there.

Make sure you get to the
bottom of that one over there.

Nothing. Yeah, recycling.


Here you go.

Now, that's what I
call probable cause.

Ironworks Restaurant.
This is Nina. Can I help you?

Nina? My name's Eddie Davis.

I, uh, live on North Newkirk,
just down the street from Brian.

Yeah, I'm calling because
his house is on fire.

Oh, my God. Brian.


I have nothing to say to you.

Are you willing to listen?

What am I doing here?

I wanted you to meet someone.

This is Linda Chapman.

You know who she is?

bulimia, the uniform.

That's all Brian, isn't it?

She's a beautiful girl.

So are you.

I can't stand the thought
of him doing to you

what he did to Linda.

Do you have somebody
to help you, Nina?

Has Brian threatened you

if you try to leave
him like Linda did?

I don't know how to
get away from him.

We do.

And we'll help you.

With counseling, with resources,
with whatever you need.

Listen, we've all done
stupid things for men.

But don't let this jerk tell
you how to feel about yourself.

Oh, God.

You're safe now, okay?

And you can tell us the truth.

Was Brian with you
the night of the murders?

Yeah, he was.

He really was. I'm sorry.

He won't let me
out of his sight.

Okay. I'm gonna send
you to the Women's Shelter.

There's a woman
there named Ann White,

and she'll take care of you.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Well, looks like you
need a new theory.


Now, these are the amphiboles
I found in Dave's lungs.

You can also see some
grains of sand and pollen too.


Uh, it's a kind of asbestos
used in building construction.

And here's the same
sand-pollen-amphibole mix

we found at the site.

It's an exact match.


So somebody was cutting
corners and exposing workers?

Maybe Dave threatened
to blow the whistle on them.

So you're saying
Dave was the target,

Linda was the collateral damage?

It's a theory.

Peter, go with
Ethan to the job site

and see what you can find. Sure.

And, Curtis, check on
my DNA results, will you?

What DNA results?

The ones I ordered in your
name. I didn't think you'd mind.

Told you.

She has a strange power.

You must know something by now.

Well, we do know a few
things about your daughter...

that might be difficult to hear.

Like what?

She was bulimic.

And she had hair extensions

that did permanent
damage to her scalp.

And both of these
things seem to coincide

with her relationship
with Brian Hall.

Did you know
anything about that?

We kept pretty close
track of her through college.

But when she got out, she
wanted to be independent.

That's code for never
telling us anything.

I don't wanna sully your
memory of your daughter,

but I would like to correct
your memory of Dave Piaseki.

I think that he got
her away from Brian.

And I think he
genuinely loved her.

I know he did.

He came to our house the
night they were murdered.

He told us what Brian
had done to Linda.

Why didn't you
mention this before?

Because we didn't believe him.

Who the hell are you?

Peter Dunlop, Medical
Examiner's Office.

You? Gary Miller, foreman.

Did you know that
Dave Piaseki was dead?

Yeah, I heard. And had
asbestos in his lungs?

You can take your mask off.

We had an exposure
about a month ago,

but we cleaned it up.

Yeah, okay. I'm gonna
keep mine on, thanks.

We did everything we
were supposed to do.

Oh, except report it.

Did Dave threaten
to tell the authorities?

Look, pal, right now you're
facing an EPA violation.

You wanna bump
that up to murder?

Dave came by a few days ago.

He wanted an advance.

A big one.

But not to keep his mouth shut.

So, what did he
need the money for?

An engagement ring.

Thanks. Whoa,
what about the EPA?

They're on their way. Sorry.

We took a soil sample.
Remember me?

You're still contaminated.

You gotta be kidding me.
Does it look like I'm kidding?

Come on.

What are you doing?

Looking for evidence
of an engagement ring.

How did you know?

Linda's mother.

Dave asked her parents'
permission to marry her.

Oh, they didn't
think to mention that?

They felt guilty.

They thought Dave killed
Linda, because they said no.

What's that? The ring.

We canvassed the area and
found a pawnshop near Dave's work.

He hit up his foreman

for the money to buy it. Ah.

Everything I learn about this
guy makes me like him more.

What happened to the ring?

I mean, it's not worth
enough money to kill for.

The last time that your
hands bothered you,

you were calling
Lacey about lunch.

Paresthesia is
not psychosomatic.

Stress is. I'm not stressed.

Then how was lunch? It was fine.

Sound stressed. Why
do you want to know?

You wanna give me more advice?

I'm stressed because
you stuck your nose

into my business
in the first place.

Well, I'm starting
to regret that myself.

You know, you've got great
instincts about the dead, Megan,

but about the living, you suck.

I care about the dead because
they can't speak for themselves.

The living are on their own.


Then explain
rescuing Nina Wheeler

from her creep of a boyfriend.

Somewhere under all the
crap that you're dealing with

is a decent person
and a good mother.

And the only reason that
I put up with it is because

I'm fairly sure that you
won't find her without me.

Ha! That is an incredibly
arrogant thing to say.

Doesn't make it not true.

I blew it with Lacey. Okay?

She says I smother her.

Lacey wants me to back off.

So back off.

She'll come around
when she's ready.

Who's gonna tell her what
she needs to know, huh?

About life, about
boys, about everything?

When did I give up that right?

Your DNA results
from Linda's eyelid.

One set. Male.

Now all you need is
someone to match them to.

Eric Singleton, this is
the police. Open the door.

We have a warrant
to search the premises.

- Go, go, go.
- Go, go, go.


Please, give me a reason
not to shoot your ass.

This is what we
call probable cause.

Linda Chapman's
blood on your jacket.

And this is what
we call the Fat Lady.

Do you know what that refers to?

Your wife?

Brunnhilde, whose ten-minute
aria in Gotterdammerung

ends Wagner's Ring Cycle.

Which is particularly apt...

It's the ring we found
in your apartment.

It's the ring Dave
Piaseki bought

to propose to Linda
Chapman with.

It's the ring you
took from the scene

after you shot them.

I didn't shoot anybody.
Sure you didn't.

This ring just magically
appeared in your apartment.

No, I took the ring,

but I didn't shoot anybody.

They were already dead.

How did you know
where to find them?

That's what we were
hassling them about.

They were talking
about Valley Green.

The old days.

Blah, blah, blah.

It made me sick.

So you popped them
and closed her eyes.

What happened?

You got a pang of remorse?

Couldn't take a
black chick eyeing you

from beyond the grave?


We match your
DNA, you're cooked.

Since I didn't do it,
you won't find anything.

But you believe
me, if I did do it,

she'd have been lying
there with her eyes open,

watching me laugh.

Not crying tears of remorse.

Tears. Of course.


You can tell the Chapmans
they can come get their daughter.

Please come in.

You've met Dr. Hunt already.

This is our investigator,
Peter Dunlop.

And these are Detectives
Morris and Baker.

Is there a breakthrough
in the case?

I know what happened
to your daughter.

Mrs. Chapman, I think
you might wanna sit down.

You gonna tell me
something worse

than my daughter was murdered?

I'm afraid so.

Linda was wearing eye shadow
on the night she was killed.

That eye shadow became smudged

because the killer's final
gesture was to close her eyes.

Would Brian Hall
do that? Doubtful.

Would Eric Singleton? Never.

The killer loved Linda,

because Linda was his daughter.

But that's impossible.

The human body
sheds cells all the time.

Hair, skin, even
tears have cells

that we can retrieve
and analyze for DNA.

Do you wanna tell us what
happened, Mr. Chapman?

Okay, I'll help you.

It was a big day for Dave.

He stood up to Brian Hall.

He had borrowed
money to buy a ring.

He'd done the honorable thing

and asked you both
for Linda's hand.

Will you marry me?

I doubt that he
thought you'd say yes.

And I doubt that you thought
saying no would stop him.

Yes. Yes, yes.

That's why you
brought a gun along.

Because you knew Dave
wasn't the kind of guy

to back off from a fight.

This is despicable.

How can you even
think my husband

could do such a thing?

We're leaving right now.

Are you, Mr. Chapman?

Mrs. Chapman,

did Dave mention Valley Green
when he came to your house?

Oh, God.

Al, it's not true, is it?

That's where your
husband found them.

I don't think you
meant to do any harm.

I think you just wanted to
scare Dave off once and for all.

But it all went terribly
wrong, didn't it?

What happened?
Did he startle you?

Did he grab for the gun?

It was Linda.

Uh, she, um...

She started blaming
me for interfering again.

Just like high school.

Don't do this, Linda.
Dad? What the hell?

And when Dave opened the door...

the gun just went off.


And when you realized

that you'd just shot
your own daughter

you ran around to
her side of the car.

It must have devastated
you to see her like that.

It filled you with rage

knowing that it
was all Dave's fault.

So you shot him. No, no. Please.

Panic impairs judgment.

You thought you'd make it
look like a murder-suicide.

So you wiped your
prints off the gun,

then you put the gun
in Dave's right hand,

and used his finger
to pull the trigger.

But you put the gun
in the wrong hand.

You were crying.

You wiped your tears.

But before you could
leave your daughter,

you reached out
and closed her eyes,

leaving your DNA.

You've been crying
a lot, Mr. Chapman.

You were crying two days ago

when you held Linda's
identification form.

The cells that I
retrieved from that form

match the cells
on Linda's eyelids.

She was my baby girl.

I taught her how to walk again.

I would never hurt
her, you know that.

Please help me.

God, please help me.

He loved his daughter
so much he killed her.

Good work, doctor.

Hi. You've reached the Flemings.

We can't get to the phone right
now, so please leave a message.

Hi. Lacey, it's me. Um...

I just want you to know

that I heard you yesterday,

and I'll try.

I may not be very good at this,

but I wanna be.

I so wanna be. Heh.

So I'm gonna
back off for a while

until I hear from you.

