Blue Gender (1999–2000): Season 1, Episode 16 - A Sign - full transcript

A large attack force is sent to Earth, the first wave in a new campaign to reclaim the planet from the Blue. Yuji is awed when a fellow Sleeper, Tony, wipes out an entire Blue nest on his own.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
hito-suji no hikari wo motome
Seeking out a single ray of light,

hitasura doko made mo tada samayou All
I can do is wander on, no matter how far.

akirame ni nita tameiki wo tsuki-nagara
As I breathe a sigh not unlike surrender,

kizutsuku koto wo osoretaku nai yo itsu mo I don't
want to fear how I've been hurt, all the time.

Set me free now!

saa tokihanate subete toki no kanata ni Come
on, let it all go, to the far reaches of time,

tamashii wo shibaru mono wo
From that which binds the soul!

For my heartbeat!

jiyuu wo buki ni Make
freedom your weapon,

kitto te ni ireru no yo And
you are sure to attain it!

shinjiru chikara wo yume wo The
power to believe and dream is there

ikite yuku tame ni
for you to go on living.

The purpose of this
first drop operation

is the eradication of the large
Blue Nest centered in Tanzania,

on the African continent.

Naturally, it is predicted
that the Blue counterattack

will be larger than ever before.

However, we must battle on!

You must not forget the humiliation of
the days as we were driven into dark space!

That we are a chosen people,
deserving of that blue world!

Rise, chosen warriors!
This is a holy war!

Zaire, Tanzania,
Zambia, Namibia...

Descent on each point has begun.
All units expanding landing operations.


They appear to be struggling

against a greater Blue
counteroffensive than anticipated.

Calling 2nd Central Headquarters!
The Blue's number is increasing!

Son of a bitch! Request
permission to fall back!

Negative! Hold
your current position!

1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions
are retreating from the front.

What are you doing!? Do not fall
back! 1st Division, what is the matter!?

Maintain the front line!

But the Blue have greater
battle reserves than anticipated.

On top of that, with this data
being as incomplete as it is...

There's no way to
fight any of the battles...

Can't we send out the
new style Armor Shrikes?

If only we had that new force...

The hatch opening system on the 2nd
hanger was damaged in earlier fighting.

If it isn't repaired from the outside, it
could be impossible for them to attack.

How can this be!?

To think that the Doubleboards
had this much power...

What the hell is this!?

Where is the core!?

This goes completely
against our data, doesn't it!?

Stay back! Stay back!!

closing in! Range 50!

That's the new model...?

This feels great!
With this, I can...!

It's no good! Where's the data?
The precise data on the cores...!

He did that on just intuition?

All right, Yuji,

Tony, keep intercepting
the enemy like that!

Depending on how
forceful they are,

we'll expand our D information
and wait for reinforcements.


What's wrong, Tony?


Tony! What are you trying
to pull!? Get back here!

Yuji, go after Tony!
Don't let him go alone!


Marlene and Alicia, extend
both wings and give support.

Rick and Su, you guard the landing
craft and scout for enemies in the area.

Got that!?

- Roger.
- Right.

He did all of this by himself!?

So will I!

Alicia, you're falling behind.

I know!

Why is it so hard
to move around?

This is completely different
from our drills, you know!

What are you doing!?
Do you want to die!?

Of course I don't
want to die, dummy.


Aah, help me!

Yuck! What is this!? Aaah!

Now! Pull it off, Alicia!



Dammit! What did I tell you!?

For real?

All by himself...?

All right, all units, pull back.

Start mopping up
the remaining enemy.

This time, our
division's duty will be...

The eradication of the group of Blue
Nests that make up the center of G Nest,

the largest on the
African continent.

Since it has withstood
direct missile attack,

there can be only one
way to destroy G Nest...

Sneak our way inside
and destroy it from there.

We, as the 7th Special Division,
will use this old underground road...

Move from E point to an area underneath
G Nest and make our way inside.

The explosion point is here,
in the central area of the nest.

The operation commences
in thirty minutes!


You're making adjustments again. These
Double Edges sure are a lot of trouble.

Care for a sip?

No, there isn't time.


The Double Edge still
has more power than this.

I should be able to fight better
in this machine. Like Tony does.

Tony? But he's weird!

He really is incredible. To think that
he could take out a Nest all by himself!

What do I have to do to
be able to move like that?

Yuji, don't worry about that...

But I can't stand
falling behind...

I've undergone the same
drills in those machines...

Hold on! Yuji, I say!

It's time.

Well, you're no fun.

3... 2... 1... Ignition!

Entry point secured.
Insertion commencing.

How come we have to go the
roundabout way of sneaking in like this?

Don't you understand
the mission?

How many Blue do you think
they've got lurking around in here?

I understand that! But still...

Sure, if there were three
thousand Double Edges

with superior Sleeper soldiers
in them, things would be different.

What are you trying to say?

Nothing much.

What!? If you've got some
complaint about me, say it clearly...

That's enough!

We're in the
middle of a mission!

I know! Hmph!

I've discovered a hidden block of
Blue life signs 90 meters ahead of us.

Altering our progression
route to NW-24.

It's a bit of a long way
around, but it's under-protected.


As dark as this is, we won't be able to
tell where the enemy is attacking from.

If you're too afraid,
go on back by yourself.

I am not afraid!

I am not...

I'm not reading one of the rigs.

Seriously? Who?

It's Tony.

I'm sure he was
bringing up the rear.

You don't suppose he's been
snatched up by the Blue or something?

Don't be ridiculous.

Tony's present location...

600 meters behind us...

However, if we were to change
our route now and join up with him,

it will mean the loss
of a great deal of time.

- Never mind that guy.
- We can't very well do that.

- So what should we do?
- Let's split up.

Marlene and I will
set the explosives.

Rick, Su and Alicia
meet up with Tony.

Seriously? Are you
seriously saying that?

Let's go, Marlene.


Hold on! How can you just
decide things to suit yourselves?

Let's go, Alicia.

You're kidding, right?

Target acquired. It is stopped
40 meters in front of us.

Altering path to point EN-005.


This is the target
explosion point...

There're more
Blue than I thought.

Yuji, let's wait for Tony
and the others to join up.

No, let's go.


With the battle power
of the Double Edge,

we can handle this
number of them.

What are you talking about!?
That's impossible! Absolutely!

That's right. It's
too dangerous.

Cover me.

What's this?


Blue eggs. This must
be the spawning ground.

Where's Tony?

What is he doing!?

Please join up quickly!

Didn't we tell
you not to do it!?

We're driving the
same machines...

The same Armor Shrikes...

We're both the same, Sleepers...

I- I'm out of bullets! No way!

Go! Alicia and Marlene!
I'll stop these guys!

Impossible! It's too dangerous!

That's right! Stop it, already!

- Leave this to me!
- Yuji!

I can as well...
I can as well...

I should be the same as Tony!

I can do it as well!

I can do it as well!

I can do it just as well!

Numerous counts of disobeying orders,
and meaningless independent actions...

and yet there was utterly
tremendous success.

Don't missions and following
orders matter to the Sleepers

our superiors expect so much of?

Would you rather just fight
this war yourself? Hmm?


What is so funny!?

Wasn't that the whole
reason you woke me up?

Why, you...!

If you don't like
it, do as you like.

If you guys can win
on your own, that is...

You amateur!


Are you bothered
about this afternoon?

I didn't want to fall behind.

Tony? I understand how you feel,
but there's no point in rushing yourself.

But we're alike, Sleepers...

We use the same machines. And
yet, he's completely different from me.

That's not so.

You've gotten strong, Yuji.


But I've got to become stronger!

Stronger, and take back the
Earth from the clutches of the Blue!


hohoemi kasaneta hibi ga Although
the days when we smiled again and again

maboroshi ni natte mo Have
passed away into dreams,

watashi wa kitto mayowanai
I will surely not lose my way.

mirai ni yuku tame ni
To go on to the future,

otona ni naru tame
ni To become an adult,

mogaite kita omoide wo kokoro
de I again recall now the memories

ima wa kurikaesu
twisting in my heart.

hitotsu no toki wo iki
I'm living in one time,

futatsu no yume erabi
While choosing two dreams,

soshite ai ga oshiete kureta yo ne
And love taught me what it means...

hito wo omou imi
to cherish someone.

Impossible! How can there
be children in a place like this!?

Yuji, they're more important
than the Blue now...

Shut up! Marlene, we're on
a mission right now! Move!

Stop! Stop, Yuji!

Don't get in my way!
