Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Small Beginnings - full transcript

Rin Okumura, who was exposed as the son of Satan by Amaimon's attack, has been placed by the Order of the True Cross under the supervision of Shura Kirigakure. While he practices ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
True Cross District 5

-He went that way!
-There he is! Corner him!

Exorcists? Did something happen?

It's not safe for civilians,
so please get indoors.

O-Of course. Let's go, Satoru.


I wanna see the exorcists fight!

-It's not safe! Stay back!

You're in danger, come back!


Damn! He's taken a hostage!

S-Stop there!

Let the boy go! This is a dead end.
Hurting him won't do you any good.

D-Don't do it!

Episode 1: Small Beginnings

They're such a pretty blue.

This is hopeless.
I can't get the hang of it.


You haven't improved at all.


Morning, Rin.

Damn, you found me?
I've been training in secret.

I knew you've been training
up here every morning.

What? Seriously?

Well, duh. My job is to monitor you
as a potential threat.

Didn't I say not to burn them all?

You're supposed to light
the two on the sides simultaneously

while avoiding the middle one.

I know that!

If your flames go out of control again,
you'll be executed as an exorcism target.

Start by getting control of your flames.
Don't draw your Koma Sword until you do.


Let's get moving, Rin.

The area beyond this line
is extremely dangerous!

Everyone, stand back!
Please stand back!

Good work.

Okumura? Thanks for coming.

I'm sorry to take so long.

I'm Yukio Okumura,
Intermediate Exorcist First Class.

I'm Kirigakure,
Senior Exorcist First Class.

And who's that boy?

Who, me?

Rin? What are you doing here?

I'm Rin Okumura, Exorcist ExWire!

I'm here to save the day!

Isn't he the… you know?
Is that a good idea?

Law Enforcement Division's orders.
I can't let him out of my sight.

I'll keep a tight rein on him,
so rest assured.

Could someone tell us what happened?

P-Please, allow me--

Please, you need to rest!

Let me explain what happened.

I'm Saburota Todo, Senior Exorcist
Second Class and warden of the Deep Keep.

This all began when the Left Eye
of the Impure King was stolen

from where it had been sealed
in the deepest regions of the academy.

-The Impure King's…
-…Left Eye? What the heck's that?

Stolen? How?

The Deep Keep should be the most
densely warded area in the entire school.

It's unclear how the culprit broke in
and stole it.

The Deep Keep's elite, myself included,

pursued a man in a gas mask,
believed to be the thief, into this alley.

Don't do it!

The man used a boy
as a human shield, and then…


He took the boy

and fled into that building,
where he's still holed up.

To make matters worse, a large quantity
of miasma has been released into the area,

and 31 people, including civilians,
have been contaminated.

There aren't enough Doctors to help them.

The boy took the full brunt of the miasma
when it came out of the flask.

There's a strong possibility
his life is in danger.

And if we can't retrieve the Left Eye,
this will be the biggest fiasco

in the history of
the Knights of the True Cross!

Look, Yukio, what's the deal
with this Left Eye thing? I don't--

Please calm down.
We'll do everything we can.

Is this gas mask guy tough?

Well, that's unclear as well.

He only ran and never fought back.
It's unknown if he's a demon or a human.

In any case, we must hurry.
First, Ms. Kirigakure and I will--

Excuse me.

Is there any news about my son?

You're the abducted kid's mom?
We're on the case, so rest easy!

We'll get him back safe and sound!
You have my--

We can't guarantee the safety of your son.

You should prepare yourself for the worst.

Oh, no!

Hey, Yukio!

Shura, keep an eye on my brother.

Will do. Actually, I just remembered
something I need to do. Let's go, Rin.

Screw that, I'm coming with you!

Exorcists aren't perfect!

We can't always save everyone!

Don't make promises you can't keep!

Don't jump to any conclusions
before we even try! You chicken!

-Okay, that's enough of that.
-Hey! Leggo, Boobzilla!

Damn it all…


Mr. Todo?

Please let me go with you.

Will you be okay?

I've been inoculated, so I'm fine.

As the man in charge,
I'd like to take part.

I understand. Let's go.

Okumura, you might come from
a complicated background,

but I hear you're quite accomplished
for someone your age.

Not at all. You're from a distinguished
line of Exorcists, aren't you, Mr. Todo?

They say the Todo family

has had close ties
to the Deep Keep for generations.


So, what's with this "Left Eye" thing?


What are you doing here? Where's Shura?

I managed to give her the slip.

I gave my word to the kid's mom
that we'd save him.

I can't stand by and do nothing!

Want me to carry that bird for you?

Fine, carry it.
Just don't do anything else.

What the heck is this bird for?

It's a pseudo-canary.

It will stop chirping when
it senses any miasma.

It stopped right when you started talking.

There he is!

The kid's still alive!

He's in critical condition, though.
We have to hurry.

Don't move!

Another step and I'll shoot!

He disappeared?

Hey, are you okay?

It's a fake!


Mr. Todo?

Oh well, I guess my cover's blown.
I'll buy as much time as I can.

A demon? He's gone over!

Rin, that boy's life
is hanging by a thread.

Hurry and get him out of here!

Got it!

Now, now.
I can't have you running off just yet.

Back off!

-You should be… focusing on me.

When I look at you,
it's like I'm looking at my past self.

As far back as I can remember,

I'd been on a track fate
had laid out for me,

unable to even vent
the doubts I had for years,

and I worked my whole life like a good dog
for the good of the Order, of my family.

I wanted to be like my father.
Like my big brother.

But what do I have to show for it
after a life of that?


So, I decided to admit to myself
that my feelings were true.

I hated my father, my brothers,
the Order… And everything in this world.

And you know what?

Once I admitted that to myself,
it felt so wonderful.

Like a piece of me that was always missing
finally fit into place.

It just means you're weak
and gave in to a demon's temptation!

There is weakness lurking
in the hearts of all men.

Are you afraid to acknowledge yours?

Well, it's about time I go.

I enjoyed this unexpected chat
I got to have with you and your brother.

Even if you don't understand them now,

my words will wend
their way through your body.

When the day comes, I will welcome you
with open arms, Yukio Okumura.



Y-Yukio, he's… What should we do?

The sporangia must've been
burned by your flames

and then rapidly multiplied
to try to repair themselves.

We'll never get him to help in time.
I'll treat him here!

Damn it!


Hey, is that safe?

-I can do--
-Don't do anything!

I have to inject the vaccine

directly into the cell walls
without bursting the sporangia!

Stay focused.

My hands!

Why are they trembling? This is…

…just like when I was a kid!

I was so scared of demons,
I could only stand there shaking and cry!

This is just like then!

I wanted to be like my father.
Like my big brother.

But what do I have to show for it
after a lifetime of that?


There is weakness lurking
in the hearts of all men.

Are you afraid to acknowledge yours?


Like hell I am!

I'm not like you!



Thank you so much!

It was nothing.

That's our Mr. Okumura!
First-class work all around.


Goodness, what a mess.

This little incident seems to
have been a diversion.

The real Left Eye was stolen.

I have my familiar tracking it right now.

When did you--

That Todo geezer seemed fishy,

so I did some digging
and my hunch was right.

And one other thing.
We don't have any details just yet,

but it seems there was also a ruckus over
the Right Eye at our Kyoto field office.

This is a dire situation indeed.

Look, would someone please explain
what this "Right Eye" and "Left Eye"--

In any event,

to retrieve the Left Eye, we must assemble
a crack team to pursue it at once.

Mr. Okumura, I'm putting you on the team.

Me, sir?

Yes, of course.

We still don't know our enemy's goal,

so since you had direct contact with him,
I want you on this mission.


Very well, meet me in one hour
in the center of the base.

Shura, keep an eye on my brother.

You got it.

Sheesh, that 15-year-old is such
a grumpy old man on the inside.

He's so gonna go bald young.

Hey, Yukio!

I'm gonna make you eat my dust, you hear?

Just watch me!

You, make me?

Your joke's as weak as your brain.


As you can see, I'm busy.

I can't babysit you 24/7.

That's right.

I'm me.

That stupid jerk!

I'm gonna surprise you so bad
your jaw's gonna hit the floor!

I didn't go on my junior high field trip,
so this'll be my first time in Kyoto!

A banana can count as a dessert, right?

You're so excited,
it's almost entertaining.

This ain't a pleasure trip. Go on, get in.

So, where should I sit?

Read the room, kid. Take a seat up front.

I'm gonna go up to Car 3 to see
how the inoculations are coming along.

So keep your butt in that seat
and don't cause any trouble.

Got it.

Right, then.

No way! Kyoto Tower?

Kyoto Tourist Spots

They've got a tower in Kyoto, too?

Man, I gotta check it out!



What's wrong with me?
I can't talk! Why?


Suguro! Miwa! Shima! Good morning!

Good morning.

Good morning, Moriyama!

Morning! Ms. Kirigakure said to go
to Car 3 to get inoculated!

Oh. Right.

Hey, guys! I'm glad to see you're okay!

Hey, did you know about this
"Kyoto Tower" place?

Of course you do. You guys are from Kyoto!

You gotta tell me what other places
I should check out!

Bon, let it go.

I know!


Koneko! Be less subtle, why don'tcha?

Wh-Why is he here like nothing happened?

What're they gonna do
if he goes on another rampage?

It's what the bigwigs decided.

Just let sleeping dogs lie.

How can you be
so laid-back about this, Shima?

They're looking at me
like I'm some kind of mad dog.

Can't say I blame 'em, though.

This is how anybody would react, isn't it?

Izumo! Why don't you sit over here?

What is it?


Okay, your attention, please!

I'm Shura Kirigakure,
unwilling backup team leader.

Let's start off with a rundown
of the situation.

Early this morning
at the Order's Deep Keep installation,

parties unknown stole
the Left Eye of the Impure King,

sealed there as a designated
Special Hazard Demon Part.

We know that the thief
was working under the orders

of former Deep Keep warden Senior
Second Class Exorcist Saburota Todo,

but his objectives and accomplices remain

and our investigations are ongoing.

Furthermore, the Kyoto field office's
Deep Keep off to the west

was also attacked by someone
at the same time.

That attempt was foiled,

but their target
was the Impure King's Right Eye.

Excuse me, what are
the Impure King's Left and Right Eyes?

We haven't studied him.

Not surprising,
as he isn't considered one of the biggies.

The Impure King is an upper-level demon

said to have spread plagues
in the Late Edo Period.

At the time,
it claimed more than 40,000 lives.

His Right Eye and Left Eye

are said to have been plucked out
by a priest named Fukaku

as proof that he defeated him.

Even the eyes by themselves
emit powerful miasma,

and are extremely dangerous items.

What the heck was
that Fukaku guy thinking?

Was he that eager to show off?

The Impure King…

In any case, although the enemy's
objectives remain a mystery,

it's clear he intends to use the Right
and Left Eyes for nefarious purposes.

The Kyoto field office
is guarding the Right Eye,

so it's possible it'll be attacked again.

In short, our mission is
to tend to the Exorcists

who were injured at the Kyoto field office

and to beef up their weakened security.

You ExWires will be helping with that.

So, let's all work together
and do our best.

And don't make extra work for me.

Aren't you afraid of me?

Me? Afraid of you?
Why in the world would I be afraid of you?

You apparently don't know this,

but lots of people in this world
have mixed human-demon heritage.

In fact, there are a ton
of Exorcists who do.

Wh-What, really?

So, everybody's problem with you
is just that you're Satan's son.

The Order hasn't figured out
if it's a pro or a con

to have a son of Satan among their ranks,

so that's why they haven't killed you.

So stop making a big fuss like an idiot
over such a little thing all the time!



Eyebrows, are you trying to cheer me up?

I knew it, you're a nice person
after all, aren't you?

Why would you say that? I am not!

And my name is Izumo Kamiki,
thank you very much!

Don't give people weird nicknames!

Thanks for that, Izumo.

We… We're not on a first-name basis!

Put a sock in it, you two! I can't sleep!

I hate cowards who spout nonsense like
"To defeat Satan!" or "For my friends!"

and then get cold feet
when things get tough, that's all!

I decide to stay out of it,
and you start mouthing off!

Who are you calling a coward?

What are you, then?

Cut it out!
We're supposed to be teammates!


Suguro! Believe in me!

Believe in you?

How can I do that?


Stop it!

Guys! Are you okay?


What's the spawn of Satan doing here?

Don't be such a drama queen, Suguro!

Don't let my looks fool you, I'm not
that different from a regular human!

I-I'm not very convincing, huh?

Wh-Why… a-are you laughing?

There's nothing funny about this!


My brother…

Fifteen years ago, he was born the child
of Satan and a human mother.

And he has inherited the power
of Satan's blue flames.

Um… If I remember correctly,
you're Okumura's twin brother, aren't you?

But I didn't inherit the blue flames.

Every day, I undergo an examination…

But strangely enough,
I'm just a normal human being.

Rin Okumura's powers were sealed away

inside the Koma Sword
by our adopted father,

and as a result, he lived a
relatively normal life for 15 years.

Eventually, the Koma Sword
could no longer contain his sealed power,

and it was about three months ago
that he awoke to it.

Three months ago…

Until then, Rin himself had grown up
without knowing who he was.

What for? What was he hoping
to get out of raising him?

As to that… I don't know, either.

On the Blue Night 16 years ago,

the followers at my temple
died in those blue flames.

Blue flames can kill people!

My grandpa!

And Shima's grandpa and oldest brother!
And Konekomaru's dad!


The followers at my temple
are like family to me!

How do you expect me to trust you
after what happened to my family?

I'm sorry you went through that.

But so what?
That's got nothing to do with me!


Oh, right. You said you were
gonna defeat Satan, right?

Damn right!
So don't lump me in with him!

Are you two gonna go at each other's
throats when you're under fire?

You'll die.

Exorcists can't fight alone.

Maybe you should learn
how to work together.

Keep going straight down this road.

why don't you join me in the battle?

Wouldn't you rather become strong
and protect Rin and other people,

than sit trembling
in the darkness forever?

Me? Protect Rin?

I can do that?

If you forgive, you can move on

But bitterness will make you stop

Go ahead and blame me for this and that

Forgive everything that stops you

And everyone but me
and keep moving forward

Even if you name it "a flower
that will never wither forever"

That doesn’t mean it will become a flower
that will never wither

"If you keep living honestly,
you'll be rewarded someday"

But you know that’s not true

A certain percentage of what
would happen to you may be your fault

But the rest could
be unfairly no one’s fault

The worst thing you could do
is think you're useless

Go ahead and blame me for this and that

Forgive everyone but me and keep moving on

And please forgive yourself as well

Next Time

Episode 2: Strange Bedfellows

Somebody out there is targeting us!

This is no time to
be at each other's throats!

I wish you'd say that to
the face of the Head Priest, your father.

Mamushi! Give it a rest!

What's your name?

Rin Okumura.

Oh… So, you're him.