Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 9, Episode 17 - Two-Faced - full transcript

Frank's longtime friend Lenny reveals than an upcoming exposé will air some of the NYPD's dirty laundry; Erin must decide how to charge a doctor whose experimental treatments led to the death of his terminally ill daughter.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- You got the money?
- No.

Then there's your answer.
But, Maya, come on.

You thought you could skip
school to come ask me this?

I got first period study hall.
I'm not missing anything.

My partner's real by-the-book.

You better get your ass to class
before she give you a summons.

Well, whatever.

Who's that?
Will, my little brother.

Wouldn't buy him tickets
to some concert.

The basketball player?

Smelled like sweaty
gym bags, didn't he?

A little. Looks like - (chuckles)
a good kid, though.

He is.
I mean, they all are.

What is it, three
younger siblings?

And my mom, who's
more work than all of 'em.

That sounds
like a handful.

It's worth it
for the most part.

Do you feel any remorse
for your actions, Dr. Peterson?


None? Your daughter's dead.

And I was trying to save her.

The drugs you gave her caused
her to go into cardiac arrest.

She had an idiopathic
autoimmune disorder.

She was degenerating
and in pain.

Risk was necessary.

And did her actual doctors agree
with your assessment?

Her doctors had been
trying and failing

to diagnose her for years.

They didn't know what
they were doing.

My client doesn't mean to say
her doctors were incapable.

Yes, I do.

Just that with
his extensive

credentials and experience...

What I mean to say is,

if anyone had a shot at saving
Sarah, it was me.

What was I supposed to do?
Sit by and watch?

Your attempt to cure her
led directly to her death.

I feel... no remorse

because I know that I did
everything I could,

down to Sarah's
last minute on this earth.

Looks like Ty's back
on his corner.

MAYA: Man, this dude
has got to be

the world's worst drug dealer.

(siren chirping)

Hands where I can see 'em.

Didn't we just arrest
you a month ago?

And between you and me,

you're my favorite
arresting officers ever.

JANKO: All right, you know the drill.
Do you got any needles

or anything sharp
that's gonna hurt me?

No. I wouldn't hurt a fly.

Ooh... looks like
we're taking a ride.

Okay, okay, wait! Wait!

I got information for you.
Oh, really?

You got a dirty cop
in your precinct.

Dirty how?

Five-O has been arresting
a lot of people

in Elmore's Complex, right?

- Uh-huh.
- Word is,

some cop's been taking
more money

than you've been bragging about.

You're saying a cop is taking
money from crime scenes?

- Exactly.
- Get the hell in the car.


What we got?

Danielle Zora, 22.

Neighbor found
her like this.

She had a baggie on her.

Looks like cocaine.

Was she with anyone last night?

Not that we've learned, but
we got her roommate downstairs.

Gavin Schlenger.

That him?



Detective Reagan.

My partner Detective Baez.

We understand you live here.

Any idea what Danielle
or who she was with?

No, I-I don't have any idea.

Was Danielle a
partier at all?

I mean, she like
to do drugs?

I mean, not more
than the next person,

but it wasn't
uncommon in our crowd.

What do you mean, your crowd?

We're both artists. Um,
or she was an artist, anyways.

she's, like, the last one
I expected to,

to take it to that level.

Two more, Jimmy?

You know how I know
I'm still an optimist?

No, how?

When I get a message
that you're back in town,

I don't go,
"This can't be good."


I go, "Oh, good.
Lenny's back."


Well, thanks
for coming out, Frankie.

- Sure.
- How's the family?

All good. Jamie's
getting married.

To a cop.

Sweet. Congratulations.

Okay. What?


The Lenny I know, that's
an opening to bust balls.

No, no, I mean it.
I'm-I'm happy for him.

- Really.
- Thank you.

Thanks, Jimmy.

To family.

To family. Okay.

I was contacted
by a journalist who's, uh,

doing a profile of
Joey "The Elephant" Nocerino

for The New Yorker.

Boy... there's a name I
haven't heard for a while.

Well, that's because
the old dirtbag's

been locked up
for 20 years.

Forgotten but not gone.

What's the story?

Oh, it's another
Goodfellas knockoff

starring Nocerino as Henry Hill.

Says he remembers everything.

"An Elephant Never Forgets,"
that's the title of the piece.

Where's this going?

He says I looked the other way
on some drug shipments

when I was working narcotics
back in the '80s.

Says I let some
of his rats run.

The writer's got to get your
side of the story, right?

What the hell?

I gave my side
of the story.

Well, then,
what's the problem?

Problem is that what
Nocerino told him is true.

Listen, I never
crossed the line

when we were
partners, Frankie.

I swear to God,
I never did that.

But I just wanted to...

give you a heads-up,
let you get ahead of it.

Protect your house.

And... say goodbye.

I'm really sorry,
Frankie, I'm...

I'm gonna
miss... this.

♪ Blue Bloods 9x17 ♪
Original Air Date on March 15, 2019

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Well, how about this?

Nocerino is just
a washed-up old gangster

who's taking his last shot
at NYPD from behind bars?

Also true, still not helpful.

The statute of limitations
has expired.

Lenny can't be charged.

That's got to be
a good thing, right?

He can be charged in the court
of public opinion, and so...

And so will I.

You want to start working
on your response?

Yes, as soon
as that last little spark

of optimism in me goes out.

So, what's next?

We find out
who's writing the story.

Jeremy Breen.


He's always been fair.

Invite him up.

No. It'll look like you're
trying to strong-arm him,

and that'll become
part of the story.

Hey, I just want to talk to him.

Invite him up.

You know...

I always kind of knew something
might catch up with Lenny--

an old collar where
he tuned somebody up,

an angry husband
who had photographs...

but... I never saw this coming.

"Sometimes we're blindest
to those who are closest to us."


I want you to go over every file

and report from
Lenny's narcotics teams.

- Turn over every stone.
- Yes, boss.

What if you don't like
what he finds?


We'll put the stones back.

We know this is a difficult
time, but we do need you

to answer some questions.

Anything to help you figure out
what happened to Danielle.

Did Danielle have
a history of drug use?

- Not to my knowledge.
- Do you know what she was doing

last night, or who she was with?

She said she was
going out celebrating

with a friend of hers
from the gallery.

Um, Caroline.

And what was she

She told me to
keep it a secret.

With all due respect,
I think the time for secrets

has probably passed.


Uh, she'd always been broke.

She probably got
that gene from me.

But she said she'd just
hit her big break,

and that all of that
was about to change.

Big break, like,
she sold some of her work?


Why would that be a secret?

Because the buyer was someone
very high profile.

But you don't know who?


Excuse me a second.

Hey. Thanks for
coming down.

You do realize I have other
cases besides yours, right?

I do, and this will be the
last time I ask, I promise.

No, it won't be.

Probably not,
but what you got?

There was cocaine in her system,
but there was also fentanyl.

- Speedball?
- We've been seeing a lot of cocaine

laced with this stuff,
but this was different.

Different how?

This wasn't
a normal speedball.

There was enough fentanyl
in her to kill an entire block.

That batch was meant to kill
whoever took it.

I have Elaine Peterson.


Elaine, thank you
for coming in.

As long as I don't
have to see him.

- Good to see you.
- We're just gathering information

so you won't
have to.

Uh, you and Dr. Peterson
have been split

for a while, is that right?

You ever married someone only to
find out they were someone else?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Well, I found out my husband
was a narcissist.

Who only cared about how
brilliant people thought he was.

He was never there
for his family.

He was there for Sarah
after she got sick.

Yes, after she became
another project.

Another emergency where he
could step in and save the day.

Instead of accepting
what fate had given us,

Dr. DiUbaldo didn't think
David's treatments

were experiments.

Dr. DiUbaldo didn't know
a damn thing

about what David was doing.

Are you saying

that your husband didn't
disclose all of his treatments?

Not by half.

And I refused to stay
around and watch

because I knew
how it was all gonna end.

What wasn't he sharing?

God only knows.
God and David.

But what I know

is that that disease

didn't kill my little girl.

David did.

And I want you to prosecute him

to the fullest extent
of the law.

Hey, Sarge,
you got a minute?

Officer Janko, yes.

I was just wondering if you'd
given any more thought

to that information that
my collar gave us yesterday.

Twitter Ty. Yeah, I almost
recommended him for detective.

Well, when I got him
talking in the car,

he seemed to know a lot
about our operations

in those projects.

You don't believe him, do you?

I think it's worth
following up.

So you think
there could be

a dirty cop in our precinct
and you and I haven't noticed?

he's onto something?

I think we should at least stop
by some of those apartments.

We should?

What if it gets back
to the squad

that I'm personally
investigating them?

Well, it's not great, but...

It would violate
the trust that we have.

A trust I've worked hard
to gain.

You want them to trust

that you'll always
look the other way?

Is that the message
that you want to send?

No, of course not.

I made the notification to IAB.

And they're gonna look into it?

I don't know.

Eddie, Ty's not really
a reliable source.

So we're just gonna let it go?

No, we're gonna leave this with
IAB, like we're supposed to.



Can I help you
find anything?

No, we're not in the market,

but are you
Caroline Mason?


We're told that you
were with Danielle Zora

the night she died.

So awful. Do you know
what happened?

People are saying she overdosed.

Sounds like you
don't believe the rumors.

It wasn't that kind of night.
We went to a dive

for a couple drinks
and then she went home to paint.

Did her painting sessions
typically involve cocaine use?

Sometimes she'd work all night
and into the next day.

I guess I wouldn't be surprised.

Any idea who she buys
her drugs from?

With all her friends,
it could've been anyone,

but it wasn't me.

Her mother said the two
of you were celebrating

some kind of
big art deal.


What can you
tell us about it?

Nothing, legally.

Must be some pretty powerful
people involved.

Yeah, and here I thought
we were powerful people, too.

I could lose my job, Detectives.

You could lose a hell of a lot
more than that,

you don't help us.

The buyer was Milton Vance.

He's the most influential
collector in the city.

After he buys your work,
everybody buys your work.

What kind of money
are we talking here?

Potentially hundreds
of thousands.

And potentially even more than
that now that Danielle's dead.

(scoffs) Now that she's dead,
it'll be a literal fortune.

I have Jeremy Breen.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Oh, stop it.

Good to see you, J.B.

- Hey, Garrett.
- This is Commissioner Reagan.

- Ah, Commissioner.
- Mr. Breen.

Have a seat.

Thanks for coming in.

Happy to. So long as this
meeting is in good faith,

- like you promised.
- It is.

Hopefully, good faith
on both sides.

We just want

to know how Lenny Ross
is framed in your piece.

Well... he's in it.

How about specifics?

You can get those in the piece
when it comes out next week.

Jeremy, help us out.

We just want information,
we don't want to undermine you.

I get that, but I reserve
the right to spring my own leaks

if I choose to.

The New Yorker takes
great pride in their

and rightly so.

He said, baiting the trap.

Look, all I want to know is,
you didn't just take the word

of a convicted criminal

about ancient
and hard-to-check history.

I have it cold.


Lenny Ross himself
confirmed all of it.

And Lenny Ross
gave me most of it.

What do you mean he gave you?

Information he exchanged
with Nocerino.

Tipping off raids,

protecting transports.

Things only the cop on that
narcotics squad could know.

- He gave you all of that?
- Yes.

Nocerino might be called
"The Elephant,"

but his memory isn't as sharp
as it used to be.

He seemed confused

a number of times,
a number of instances

who his cop on the inside was.

I reached out to Lenny, and...

Lenny opened up, he started
telling stories all on his own.

He voluntarily confessed?

He said he was amazed it took
so long for somebody to ask.

(indistinct chatter)

Doesn't hurt to come
down for a visit.

Get some fresh air.

I just wish she would
return my calls.

I wish she would
return mine, too.


A.D.A. Reagan, I was just
about to return your call.

- I'm sure.
- Detective ABETEMARCO,

nice to see you again.

I'm great, thanks.

We're waiting for that
report on Sarah Peterson.

Sorry, I'm a little behind.

Your brother has me
running around the city.

Make him come down here,

like you make
the rest of us.

Easier said than done.

That's not the only reason why
it's taken me longer than usual.

- I wanted to double-check my results.
- Which were?

The original cause of death was
complication between medications

resulting in a heart attack,

but the more
in-depth screening

you asked for found
traces of aconite.

That a type of rock?

Flower, actually, whose extract

can cause respiratory failure
or cardiac arrest.

Are you saying
someone poisoned her?

Someone who knew
how to avoid any red flags

- in a toxicology screening.
- Why didn't you call me sooner?

Like I said,
I was double-checking.

Let's go, Anthony.


I don't get it.

It's art, Reagan.
You're not supposed to get it.

Well, I get,
like, that.

- Do you?
- It's a doughnut.

Yeah, but it's a doughnut
with sprinkles.

Makes it better.

(clears throat)

- He's ready for you.
- Mm.

Sorry to keep you waiting,

it's been a busy day.

No worries. We've just been
admiring the wallpaper.

Yes, well, if we could
get on with it.

You recently purchased work from
a young artist, Danielle Zora.

She passed away a few days ago.

It's absolutely tragic.
She was a singular talent.

Now that she's dead, her work
will be in higher demand.


And your holdings will
significantly increase in value.

If I understand
what you're implying...

that's absolutely absurd.

- Is it?
- You think I'd kill an artist

to increase the value
of their work?

Uh, who else do you know that
purchased Danielle's work?

Only those involved
in the transaction.

Any of those people purchase
her art since then?

Until the deal is made public,

that would be a form
of insider trading.

Well, somebody put you on
to her work in the first place.

I mean, there's no way
you'd be slumming around

a gallery like that.

My friend's son
is an aspiring artist.

I agreed to look
at his collection

as a favor, but it
was a poor imitation

of the real thing,
but he had some other works.



As soon as I saw them, I knew.

This friend of yours,
was their last name Schlenger?

How did you know?

Well, that's a whole
different art form.

Let's go.

I wish I could, but I can't,
okay? I'm sorry.

Everything okay?


Maya, you know you can
talk to me, right?

It's Will, he wants to join
this basketball team.

They travel
across the country.

I mean, a lot of kids
get recruited from it.

Problem is it costs
$4,000 to sign up,

and it's $4,000
I don't have.

Mm. Maybe we can organize
a racket at the precinct.

I'm sure people
will want to help.

But I don't want charity.

Janko, just forget
I said anything, okay?

Two-Nine Charlie.

You have a 10-21
at the Elmore Complex.

Be advised, neighbor states

possible past burglary
at the location.

Please check and advise.

Two-Nine Charlie. On it.

(engine starts, siren wails)

(tires screech)

(indistinct arguing in distance)

Police coming in.

Doesn't look like the perp
took much, did they?

Looks like a drug spot to me.

I'm gonna check the back.

You got something?

You were right to follow
up with us, Sergeant.

What is it?


Marked bills.

Right pocket.

We can't move on her

until she spends the money,
deposits at the bank,

or takes it home, and we have to
show that she has no intentions

of vouchering it
as evidence.

What if she does turn it in?

Then no harm, no foul.

Mm-hmm. I can notify
her partner,

tell her to keep eyes out.

Absolutely not. Look, as I've
stated in the beginning,

no one can know
about this, okay?

We cannot risk having
someone tip her off.

Her partner wouldn't.

You know that for sure?

Sergeant, the only reason
I'm looping you in on this

is because of your
dogged persistence

in getting us to
follow up on that tip.

Now, your instincts were right,

but don't make me regret this.

Everything okay?


Who was that?

Just a friend
from, from the neighborhood.

A friend? Well, you look
like you've seen a ghost.

Yeah, it's just been
a stressful day, I guess.

Thought you were
working on the desk.

Yeah, it's been
endless paperwork.

I better get back to it.

Your daughter was poisoned
with a substance called aconite

that resulted
in cardiac arrest.

Well, my client doesn't know
anything about that.

Yes, I do.

Because I administered it.

And the manslaughter charge
just got bumped up to murder.

I told you, I did everything
I could for Sarah,

down to her last minute
on this earth.

I stand by that.

So you euthanized her?


You realize
euthanasia is illegal

in the state of New York?

I did what was right,
not what was legal.

Try to imagine how bad it was

that I was driven
to that choice.

I can't imagine giving up
on my daughter,

no matter how hard it got.

You think I gave up on her?

I fought
with everything I could.

I fought every single
day for Sarah.

But it only got worse.

It didn't give you
the right to kill her.

It wasn't my right,

it was hers.

She begged me to end it.

I've been in medicine
for many years.

And through it all...

I've never seen anyone

suffer... like she did.

And you can't know
what that's like.

No, I can't.

But maybe your wife can.

Elaine is the one who
gave up, who ran away.

She's still her mother.

And she wants you prosecuted.

For murder.



I'm done fighting,
A.D.A. Reagan.

I'll plead to whatever
you think is right.

I already have to live with
the weight of my actions.

Whatever sentence you give me

will be nothing by comparison.

Two things.

Fire away.

What are you doing in New York?

That's a thing? I'm from here.

Well, you hardly ever come north
from Florida anymore,

especially in the winter.

I got a cheap airfare,
what can I say?

Or are you making
your last rounds

before that story comes out?

Saying your goodbyes to the
old friends and the joints

so that when that
story comes out

and you're gone, everybody
says, "How about that Lenny?

"He managed to squeeze
in one last party,

"one last poker game,
one last roll in the hay

before we found out
he was a..." what?


You give me
too much credit, Frankie.

No, I think
it's just the opposite.

(chuckles): I... I'm not sure
I give you enough credit.

Uh, now I'm confused.

You timed this so that everybody

who means anything to you,
including me,

would have to conclude
that everything in that story

is all true,

which would be why Lenny
wouldn't show his face anymore.

I talked to Jeremy
Breen, and he said...

Lenny, he said you
confessed voluntarily.

Maybe I realized that my
conscience was bothering me

more than I thought it was.

That ain't it.

Yeah, it is,
so let it go, Frank.

What's this?

The news, May 3, 1988.

You made page four.

You pulled a woman from a
burning building in Queens

at the same time and
in a different borough

from where you said you
were meeting with Nocerino.

So I screwed up a date?
Big deal.

We also found
about a half a dozen

other similar discrepancies.

Are you telling me you remember
the exact time and place,

every move you made
30 years ago? Give me a break.

If I was gonna go on the record
with it, I'd sure want to...

Well, you're not, so let it be.

Cut the crap.

What the hell's going on here?

(laughs): You know,
only you could make a nice table

in a nice restaurant

feel like the hot seat
in a precinct house.

Lenny, talk to me.

I am talking to you, Frank.

Let it be.

Let it go.


Is it normal to be in here?

Sorry, our luxury suite
was unavailable.

Can we get you
a cup of coffee or something?

Coffee would be great, thanks.

Actually-- sorry,
do you have, um,

do you have almond milk?

I'll see what I can find.

So why am I here, Detective?

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine. Look,
I appreciate you volunteering

to come down.

You seem like a nice guy, so I'm
gonna be very honest with you.

We think that the drugs
Danielle had were poisoned.

like somebody murdered her?

Yeah. Now, we also know that
you were involved in the sale

of Danielle's artwork
to, uh, Milton Vance.

I've known him
since I was a kid.

He and my dad are on the board
of the Met together.

So you should also know, then,
that whoever owns that artwork

stands to make a,
a lot of money,

especially now that she's dead.

Well, I mean,
I-I hate to play this card,

but, like, money's the one thing
I don't need.

Oh, I... trust me, I know that.

I was wondering

if you could help us figure out
who might need the money.

And who might have a motive.

I mean, well,
come to think of it, actually,

we have this friend Caroline.

- Mm-hmm.
- She works at the gallery,

she's an aspiring artist.

She's really been struggling
to get by.

We met Caroline. She, uh...

ironically was partying
with Danielle

the night she was poisoned.

That's interesting. Okay, so
Caroline works at the gallery,

watching all these
artists come and go,

selling their works,
striking it rich.

That's probably
very frustrating.

Mm-hmm. It must be.

Seeing all these other
struggling artists

striking it rich
right in front of her face.

Yeah, becoming celebrities

'cause of someone like Vance.

Vance, I mean, what the hell
does that guy know?

Well, not as much
as people think.


Especially if he thinks

that Danielle's art
is actually any good.

Because between you
and me, I thought

it was...
(blows raspberry)

Well, I mean, you know,

she stole half of her ideas
from me, anyways.

So you're saying she's not
only a second-rate artist,

she was a fraud?

Yeah, and Vance
couldn't even see that.

So, Caroline,

she was jealous,
she was passed up by Vance,

she desperately needed
the money,

so she goes out to
"party" with Danielle,

and instead of
partying with her,

she actually poisons her
drugs with, what was it?

- Fentanyl.
- Fentanyl, right.

Got to say, I think
it makes sense...

Thank you so much.

...that you are the one
who killed Danielle.

Because I never
told you

that it was fentanyl
that she was poisoned with.

Well, fentanyl was a guess.

Mm. That's interesting,
'cause I have a guess, too.

That you are gonna be spending
the rest of your life in prison.

Uh, I think I want
to have my lawyer here

for the rest of this.

Oh, I think
you're gonna need one.

Maya Thomas.


Step forward, please.

Present your firearm
for inspection.

Officer Thomas, I'm Lieutenant
McDonnell of IAB.

You're under arrest
for grand larceny,

criminal possession

of stolen property
for stealing cash.

IAB executed a search warrant

at Officer Thomas's apartment
this morning.

There they found marked bills
from a recent crime scene

along with a bank
deposit slip,

indicating her intent
to keep it for personal use.

(officers murmuring)


Officer Thomas's actions
are a stain

on the reputation of every
officer in this department.

And like her, anyone
in this precinct

caught violating the law will be
held to its highest standard.

Without fail

and without exception.

Officer Tedesco, patrol
post six, 1400 meal.

You were investigating
this whole time?

IAB was.

I followed up with them
after we had our conversation,

got 'em to take a closer look.

Then why didn't you tell me?

'Cause I couldn't
tell anyone, Eddie.

She was my partner.

I couldn't risk
you tipping her off,

even unintentionally.
You don't trust me?

- Of course I trust you.
- Well, then I don't understand

why you didn't
just say something.

I have a responsibility
to the job, Eddie.

We have talked about this.

It's separation
of church and state.

I just didn't think
that that meant lying to me.

I'm sorry, Eddie.

I wish there'd been another way.

She was having money problems.

If I had offered
to help her sooner...

That's on her, Eddie, not you.

If I hadn't pushed you
to follow up on that tip...

There'd still be a dirty cop
in our precinct.

You did the right thing.

Has A.D.A. Reagan decided
what she's charging?

I never know what goes on in
that pretty head of hers,

and I prefer
to keep it that way.

What's she doing here?



I thought it would be
beneficial to everyone

if we discuss
the next step together.

You mean
if we discussed

locking me up for murder.

It's what you deserve.

I know you're both
in a lot of pain.

But maybe

you're a little
more angry

at the world
than you are at each other.

He killed our daughter.

Yes... I did.

I tried everything
I could think of, Elaine.

Things were only getting worse.

They were getting worse
because of you!

That god
you started praying to?

He believes in mercy,
doesn't he?

Murder isn't mercy.

She... begged me, Elaine.

It doesn't matter.

I can't forgive you for this.

I'd never ask you to.

It was the most horrible moment
of my life.

I'm glad you didn't
have to share it.

ERIN: I think it might
be important

to ask:
what would your daughter want?

Would she want

her father to be locked up
for the rest of his life?


No, she wouldn't.

She was too kind a soul.

I can't forgive you.

But God does believe in mercy.

I will be charging you
with manslaughter

and recommending probation
to the judge.

With no jail time.

(bell jingles)

The hell is this?


No, I don't want coffee.

And, yeah, I know what block
we're on, and, yeah, I knew him.

I know you did.
He was on your narcotics squad.

He also did a little business
on the side for Nocerino.

Well, you know so damn much,
what do you need me here for?

To tell me why.

No. It's better
you're in the dark.

Doesn't work that way.

Not your call.

Who was he to you, Lenny?

Don't do this.
I have to.

Frank, look at me.

There is nothing,
nothing you can do about this.

For once in your life, please
just take some of my advice.

Nah. You know me.
I suck at that.


And I know you.

You were a lot of things to
cover the kids' ears about,

but you were not a dirty cop.

You know what your problem is?


You want to believe
in the good in your people.

That's your blind spot, Frank.

Well, I wasn't blind
about this, was I?

We were friends.

And I was close
to the family as well.

It was tough when he died,
especially for Susan, his widow.

She was left with two boys
to raise.

So I tried to be around,
help out with them,

comfort her.

One thing led to another,

and she and I started
to have, you know.

I know it was wrong--
I knew it back then.

That's, that's why I ended it.

And that's when
you moved to Florida.


And then, when this...

reporter came
to me, I,

I just couldn't bring myself
to rat out Mike.

Not to protect his memory,
but, but to protect Susan.

You cannot take the fall
for this, Lenny.

Frank, there's nothing
you can do about this.

I mean, okay,

you could hold
a second ceremony,

take down that sign up there.

Tell Susan and the boys
that their fallen hero

was just another dirty cop.
You could do that.

It would be the truth.

Yeah, but you still won't do it.

Frank, there's nothing
you can do.

And I'm sorry,
I know you suck at that, too.

Press is gonna hound you,
you know that.

And you will probably
lose your pension.

I know.

And you can't
come around anymore.

I know how it'll be, Frank.

I'll see you, Frankie.

Aw, come on.

Not if I see you first.

(bell jingles)

I know we just said grace,

but I just want to say
how blessed I feel

to be part of this family.

You feeling okay?

Yeah, will you check
her forehead?

Do it and I fork you.

Let's keep it civil.

Hey, I own that.

Well, we own it.

And you're all warm
and fuzzy, why?

I can't say I'm grateful
just because?


Apparently not.


I had a case this week where
the two parents were torn apart

because of their
daughter's illness.

And it just
made me realize

how strong
this family stayed

in spite of all the loss
we endured.

Maybe she does have a heart.

That'd be a stretch.

Will you whack them
for me, please?


Well, thanks for that, Mom.

I feel the same way.

Yeah, and I think
it's a good idea

to say it out loud
once in a while,

kind of like a version of
"stop and smell the roses."

Except our version would be

"stop and count
the survivors."

(soft laughter)

You take what you can get.

Well, we had
our own loss this week.

Uh, turns out that my partner
was pocketing money

from crime scenes.


IAB arrested her on Friday.

At roll call, from what I heard.

In front of all
of her fellow officers?

- Mm-hmm.
- DANNY: Wow.


That's pretty harsh.

I call it necessary roughness.

Sends a message:
one strike, you're out.

Your uncle did

exactly the right thing.

You have any idea

what she was up to?

You mean, was I protecting her?

No, that's not what I meant.

I think I know you
a little bit better than that.

I had no idea.

A-And, I-I mean, I wasn't
looking for it either,

so I probably missed
some of the red flags.

And maybe I could have done
something to...

All right,
Maya's not on you, Eddie.

It's not like you
ratted her out.

Well, when you know
a cop's dirty,

it's technically not called
ratting them out

if you speak up.

It's called protecting
the other 35,000 cops.

Just don't rat

on another Reagan.

That's the only rule.

Even to another Reagan?

Well, that's not ratting, that's
just collective bargaining.

No, that's payback.



Tough love.


== sync, corrected by elderman ==