Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 9, Episode 14 - Blue Bloods - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


You didn't come down here
at the crack of dawn

because you missed me.

Well, now that
you mention it...


Mom, this is Billy Coyle.

Billy is in my
microeconomics seminar.

Here, Billy.

Morning, Ms. Reagan.


Billy has a problem.

I was hoping you could
give him some advice.

Does this problem involve
a case being prosecuted

at the Manhattan
District Attorney's Office?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Then I'm afraid

I can't discuss it without
your attorney being present.

My public defender said
it was okay

if I feel like I can trust you.

From everything
that he's told me, I can.

Okay. What happened?

I was at a bar near campus
with some friends.

We heard an argument and
the sound of a bottle breaking,

and then this guy
just hit the floor.

Sounds scary.

The police showed up.
They started asking questions,

and next thing I know,
I'm under arrest.

Billy was arraigned
for felony assault.

My lawyer said the cops
have an eyewitness

who said that she saw me
hit this guy.

The A.D.A. offered Billy a plea
deal for misdemeanor assault.

For something I didn't do.

What did your lawyer say?

Well, he told me
to take the deal.

He said that a felony trial
was too risky.

But if I plead guilty,
I'll lose my scholarship.

I'll have to drop out
of school.

(indistinct chatter)


Got a gun!


Get down!

(indistinct shouting)

Get down! Get down!

Get on the ground now!
All the way down!


¡Policía, ayuda!

¡Ayuda, por favor!

(man speaking Spanish)

I'm at the Bedford Complex.

We need a bus to the location
forthwith! Forthwith!

(out of breath):
Okay. It's okay. Okay.

All right.
(man sobbing)

Boss, I got bad news.

Bring it.

A shoot-out between
two of our officers

and a couple
of drug dealers.

Our cops are both fine.

Who's not fine?

One of the dealers
and an 11-year-old girl.

Collateral damage?

A bullet from one
of our officers' guns hit her

through her first floor
apartment window.

How is she?

Doesn't look good.

Her family?

Our best people
are with them.

And my officer?

Like I said,
neither was injured.

Well, one sure was.

A bullet from his weapon
hit an 11-year-old girl.

That's a grave wound
a cop takes.

(siren wails)

(indistinct chatter)

(siren wails)

Any bosses on the scene?

Yes, sir, right there.

Who's in charge?

- Nobody gets in or out.
- Who's in charge here?

You lost?

No, I was working a case

a couple blocks away.

Job came over the air.
What do we got?

Smash and grab
in the jewelry store.

Guard stepped up, took
a bullet for his trouble.

The call said hostages.

Yeah, three. Perp says
he'll shoot 'em one by one

if we don't back off.

Well, how's the guard doing?

I don't know, but hostage
negotiators are on their way.

Got to give 'em a chance
to talk him out.

We wait for them,
the guard bleeds out,

there's a good chance this guy's
gonna take out another hostage.

Right now we contain the perp
and wait for HNT.

Okay? I got a team
situated around the back,

ready to go in on my order.

Back them up.

No, this guy bleeds out,
it's on us.

Back them up. Wait for my order.


Anybody else comes in,

I want 'em right here, okay?

See if we can get
anybody up here.

- Hey, Sarge.
- Hey, Lieutenant.

What do we know about
the hostage taker?

He's early to mid-20s,

behavior's really erratic.
Could be drugs on board.

Got all the exits covered?

Yeah, front and back.

Shots fired, shots fired!

What's going on in there?

Coming out!

Coming out! Hold your fire!

It's all clear.
Perp's down.

OFFICER (over radio):
Perp's down. Moving in.


- That's your brother, right?
- Yeah.

The stones on
him, huh?

♪ Blue Bloods 9x14 ♪
My Brothers Keeper
Original Air Date on February 8, 2019

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ ♪

Hang in there,
okay, bud?

Whew, that was
a close call.

- Well done.
- Nice job, Reagan.

I just grabbed the guy.

can I have a word?

Yeah. I'll
see you guys.

- Hey. He's gonna make it, the guard.
- Yeah.

Lucky he's the only one
that came out on a stretcher.

Meaning what?

You were supposed to wait
for my order before going in.

Well, I know, but, uh,
yahoo turned his back,

I had a clear path. What
do you want me to do?

That wasn't
the game plan, Danny.

I know it wasn't the
game plan, but it worked.

The shot that perp threw
when you went in

could've hit one
of the hostages.

No, it couldn't have hit anyone.

Look, I had him
completely under control.

- Everything was fine.
- That's easy to say now.

What do you want me to do?

Look, I had a chance
to end this thing.

For all of us.
So I ended it.

You could've checked with me
before you went in.

There wasn't time.

That's protocol.

Protocol, fine.
But I saved lives.

We saved lives.

You could've cost someone
their life.

Yeah, and you, while waiting to

play Dog Day Afternoon
with that clown,

could've let the
guard bleed out

and cost him his life!
Coulda, shoulda,

I was the incident commander.

It was my call, not yours.

You're welcome.
(siren wailing)

I talked to the A.D.A. handling
Nicky's friend's case.

- And?
- The cops on the scene say, uh,

a witness saw Billy Coyle
clock the Vic upside the head

with a bottle.
- How's the victim?

Uh, concussion, caught
some glass in one eye.

Vision could be impaired.

Billy doesn't seem
like a violent type.

Well, he's got
a clean record.

Which is why Stevens offered
him misdemeanor assault.

Which could cost him
his scholarship.

Well, it beats the hell
out of jail.



I wouldn't even know
about this case

if he wasn't Nicky's friend.


So, using the authority
of this office

to aid friends
and family is wrong.

I fixed plenty of tickets
before the bosses

got their panties
in a twist about it.

Well, that's wrong, too.

Yeah, but it happens
all the time.

People in your life need help.
You're gonna turn your back?

(sighs) Help is one thing.
A favor is another.

Forget that you know this kid.

Case falls out
of the clear blue sky

onto your desk.

Bar fights are messy.

Witnesses are usually drunk.

The kid could be
telling the truth.

He's still Nicky's friend.

But if he's innocent,
he deserves justice

no matter who he knows.


As you were.

Have a seat, Officer Green.

Yes, sir.

I assume you know
about ballistics?

Uh, bullet that killed the girl
came from my gun.

Afraid so.

But they opened up
on us, Commissioner.

We had to return fire.

I read the report. I see no
reason to question your actions.

'Cause on the news,
they're making it sound like

I meant to kill the girl.
Or could care less.

Best tune out that noise
for now.

You here to take my shield?

(sighs) No.

I make it my business
to check on all my cops

when they've been hurt
in the line of duty.

But it's not like
I was injured.

But how are you feeling?

Oh, um... yeah.


You know, this can be
its own kind of injury.


Sometimes, tragedies happen
on this job.

But that's not on you.
You did your duty.

I got to believe that.

You know, my old man
was career Army.

He said,

"Doing your duty isn't part
of the job. It is the job."

That's exactly right.

But if you feel the need,
the department has resources.

Just saying.

Thank you, sir.
I'll keep that in mind.

Thank you, Officer Green.

(indistinct chatter)

Wow. Bring back memories?

I went to college to study,
not to hang out in bars.

I never went to college.

Pretty much everything I know,
I learned in joints like this.

That explains
a lot, actually.

I'm sure it does.


Oh, good. More cops.

Actually, we're with the
district attorney's office.


What's your name?


You here the night
the kid was assaulted, J.J.?

I was.

- You see anything?
- Negative.

Bar was packed.

I was up to my elbows
in drunk collegians.

You guys got security cameras?

We don't support
the surveillance state.

Thanks for your help.

I'm surprised no one's
taken a bottle to his head.


Did you review
the evidence?

Everything NYPD
sent over.

What does that mean?

Well, detective that
caught the case

did a follow-up interview
with the girl who I.D.'d Billy.

His DD5 is still
in their system.

Well, those notes
are critical

in assessing the
reliability of the I.D.

When are we
gonna get those?

As soon as the detective
gets back from Barbados.

End of next week.

End of next week?

If Billy rejects
the plea offer,

his case will go to
the grand jury in three days.

Well, the C.O. won't grant us
access to the report

without a sign-off from One PP.


What the hell is this?

Notification of
Command Discipline.

Yeah, I know what
the hell it is.

You actually wrote me up?

- I had no choice.
- The hell you didn't!

You disobeyed
a direct order, Danny.

Come on, a perp puts a bullet in one hostage,
it's only a matter of time

before he puts a bullet
in another hostage.

- Statistics don't support that.
- Statis...

You're gonna throw statistics
in my face?!

- You went rogue!
- I didn't go rogue! I saved lives!

What the hell
is wrong with that?

I run my crime scenes
by the book.

Oh, your crime scenes?
How many crime scenes

have you run there, boss?

Enough to know that
the rules are the rules.

Well, maybe one day you will have run
enough to know that results are results.

You think I'm gonna take a hit
for doing my job, you better think again.

Hey, I'm not done. As the
ranking officer on the scene,

I did what I had to do.

And I'm gonna do
what I have to do

as a first grade detective.

Put yourself

in my shoes, okay?

You're working a case
outside the precinct.

A call comes in, 10-30, robbery
in progress, shots fired.

So what do you do?

I hightail it to the scene.

That's right,
you roll up

and there's a hostage inside
with a bullet in him.

- Danny, I...
- So, an opportunity

suddenly presents itself
to take out the perp. Okay?

You know if you hesitate
for one second,

that opportunity is lost.

So what do you do?

- I go in.
- That's right.

You put your ass on the
line, you save the day,

and what do you
get in return?

A black mark
on your record?

- Look, all I'm saying...
- Oh, and then...

you go to the boss in charge,
who in this case, yeah,

happens to be my kid brother,
who's a pain in the ass.

You plead your case,

but he won't budge.

So what do you do then?

Come on, what
do you do then?

I call the chief of D's.

You call the chief of D's.

No. Why me?

Because when two cops disagree
on a disciplinary matter,

that's your portfolio.

Not when they're both
named Reagan, it's not.

- How do you figure?
- 'Cause this thing

blowing up in the papers is
our biggest concern,

and that's your portfolio.


- Get in here.
- Close the door.

What's going on?

Has the boss seen the memo

from the chief
of detectives yet?,

About Jamie and Danny? Not yet.

- Then we still got time.
-For what?

To talk some sense into the Reagan boys
and leave Frank out of it.

And who's gonna do that?

- You.
- You.

Forget it.
It's way above my pay grade.

Plus, I barely know them.
It's got to be one of you guys.

And you boil it down,

it's a police personnel issue,
not a PR one.


You know what?
I'll tell you what--

let's draw straws.

Ms. Peterson,
thank you for seeing me.

Uh, Kelly. Please.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

I reviewed the case file
you sent over.

(sighs) Mr. Coyle is accused
of a pretty serious crime.

Well, he claims he's innocent,
but I have not received

all the paperwork
from the NYPD.

Which I understand is
an ongoing issue.

We have asked for a searchable
database for NYPD investigations

more times than I can count.

And gotten a no from One PP.

Exactly the same
number of times.

In Billy's case, we do need
the PC to authorize access

to the case file to retrieve
a key set of notes.

And you're afraid if you
approach Frank directly,

it will look like you're trying
to undermine his position

on the databases?
- Exactly.


Are you?

This is one kid in trouble.

Who would then set a precedent.

I do think a shared
database is a good idea.

Transparency would
weed out weak cases

and wrongful prosecutions.

- So do judges and juries.
- Right.

But by that time,
many defendants

have already suffered harm:
incarceration, lost wages,

attorney's fees.
If Billy is indicted,

his future is already over

before he even sets foot
in that courtroom.


As a rule,
I only engage the commissioner

on professional matters
as a last resort.

We have butted heads
several times recently.

Because he treats you more like
a daughter than a colleague?

No, that's not it.

We check the family crest
at the office doors.

Then what's keeping you
from his office door?

It's easier said
than done sometimes.

So I came to you, because he
likes and respects you.

Well, the feeling is mutual,
but he's a bear

when he thinks
he's right about something.

Which is pretty much...

- Always.


Doesn't your family have
an attorney on retainer?


Well, don't you think
that's kind of unusual,

for a family with the depth and
breadth of influence like yours

not to have a-a fixer?

Well, I have my colleagues,

and my father has
his legal department;

my brothers have their unions.

I guess you're right.

But you really think what?

Maybe your family,
collectively and deep down,

knows that any attorney
you would want to hire

wouldn't touch that position
with a ten-foot pole.


(clears throat softly)
I'd like to help you,

but the NYPD has a right
to protect its databases.

And the defendants have a right

to weigh the evidence
against them.

I'm the corporation counsel.

I'm not a mediator.

I'm afraid you're on your own.


(laughter nearby)

- Mom.
- Hi.

Why didn't you use
the intercom?

The door was open.
Did I wake you?

Uh, no, not exactly.

Okay, well, I'm sorry I
didn't call before I came over.

I just wanted to give you
an update on Billy's case.

Great. Is it okay if
we do that tomorrow?

Sure, I just thought you...

Hey, let me pay
for the pizza.


Hey, Ms. Reagan.

Uh, Mom, I-I can explain...

No, no, I, uh...

I think I get it.

Enjoy that pizza.


(indistinct chatter)

What's up?

I don't know.
You tell me what's up.

Got a message from my C.O.
that said you wanted to talk.

That's funny, 'cause
I got the same message.

Well, I really got
nothing to say.

Then what the hell
are we doing here?

'Cause I got nothing
to say to you, either.

All right.

(sighs heavily)

That's why we're here.

What's the deal, boss?

Damn good question. Sit.

That's not a friendly request.

To the boys in blue.

Down the hatch.


Well... I feel better.

Look, boss...

No, you've done enough talking,
both of you. Time to listen up.

I expect this
crap from guys

who don't know what's what,
all right?

Not from a couple of Reagans.

All due respect, boss...

No, zip it.

Today I got a call
from the chief of patrol,

who's currently
duking it out

with the chief of D's

over a certain
hostage operation.

Certain successful
hostage operation.


This thing's got
to be settled right now.

The Command Discipline
was legit.

The Command Discipline was crap.

- So then take it to the trial room.
- I'll see you there.

(slams table)
All right, listen!

You take this

to the trial room,

it's gonna land
on the PC's desk,

then in the papers, okay?

Reagan versus Reagan.

You really want to embarrass
your old man like that?

Thank you.


Let's drink to the fallen,

shake hands and move
the hell on, shall we?

I don't want
to embarrass my father,

but the chain of command
is sacred.

He taught me that.

Well, my old man taught me...

that saving lives is
what the job's all about.

That's all that I did.

And you can be damn sure...

(slams glass down)
that I will never apologize for that.

♪ ♪

What's your stake
in the assault case you sent over?


You're well outside
your lane here.

I was asked to step in.

Why not just take it
to my DC legal?

I did, but he won't blow
his nose without your okay,

so here I am.

Look, I've read the case file

and some notes I had pulled up
from my detective's computer.

It seems the eyewitness
changed her story,

most likely due to six vodkas
on her bar bill.

Ah. That'll do it.

I am asking
the arresting detective

to forward those notes
to the A.D.A.

And I am confident
the case will be dropped.

Thank you.

You know, I was a little...


that my daughter
put you up to this.

And also surprised
that you ran with it.

I'm taking the Fifth.


Like I say, it
was a just cause.

What about the first part?

I really should
stay out of this.

It's too late for that.


I'm sure you and Erin have a
deep reservoir of trust built up

over a lifetime.

I thought so, too.

Am I wrong?

Why doesn't your family
retain a counsel?

We keep our own counsel.


a lawyer who represents
himself has a fool

for a client.
- No, not the same thing.

I get the sense...

that you and your
family think

you can go to war
at the office

without bringing
those battles home.

We manage.

Besides, what's the alternative?

Robert Duvall in The Godfather?

I know that the turf war

between you and the D.A.

has gotten nasty.

I also know that

your daughter--
and she is no shrinking violet--

has lost her appetite for
duking it out with her father.

With the PC.

That is a distinction
without a difference.

And in this case,

it was a fight she had
every right and duty to bring.

Can I come in?

Of course.

Thing is,
I don't have an appointment.

I wouldn't want to take
advantage of our relationship.

I guess I deserved that.

Billy said
the charges were dropped.

Thank you.

They were dropped
because he's innocent,

not because
I put a finger on the scale.

I know you'd never do that.

Not even for you.

And I hope that you know

that I would never
ask for your help

just because I like some guy.

Well, I'm happy
to hear that.

I introduced you to Billy
because he wanted help.

Among other things.

I'm sorry.

Okay. I shouldn't have
gotten involved with Billy

while you were going out
of your way to help him,

but the real issue here is
you not being comfortable

with me having a sex life.

You're right, and I'm guessing

you don't really want to
hear about my sex life.

Ugh. No.

I shouldn't have
showed up unannounced.

It's okay. I really don't
want this part of my life

to be some deep dark secret.

Well, some secrets
are good to keep.

Yeah, but I need to be able
to talk to you about this stuff.

So maybe we can operate

on a need-to-know,
less-is-more basis?




Ten-minute warning on dinner.


Danny's gonna be here soon.


Maybe you guys should talk
before we sit down to dinner.

She said, hopefully.

Jamie, you guys love
and respect each other.

Don't you think
it's time you make up?

It's not like he stole
my baseball glove, Eddie.

He screwed up at a crime scene,
my crime scene.

Yeah, he followed his gut.

That's what makes
him a great cop.

You're taking his side?

Of course not.

He's your brother.

I let him disobey a direct order

because we got
the same last name?

What kind of credibility
will I have with the next guy?

Running late?

Had a few things
to take care of.

Wouldn't be that you're trying
to avoid Jamie, would it?

So I guess you heard.

Bad news travels fast
around here.

Well, it is what it is.

What are you gonna
do about it?

I mean, got a hearing set in
the trial room for tomorrow.

You're really gonna
let it go that far?

I'm really gonna let it
go that far?

I didn't do anything, okay?

I'm the victim here.
I did my job,

and he came after
me for nothing.

If this is gonna get settled,

someone has
to make the first move.

So why do I have to be the one
to make the first move?

Because you're older.

I'm older, and he outranks me.

Okay, look, I get
what you're trying to do,

and I appreciate it,
but don't do it.

Will you pass the meat?


Here you go.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Maybe you could teach
your fiancé some manners.

Word "manners" is kind of
like "rules."

It's not exactly
your strong suit.

How is Officer Green holding up?

Media's doing a real job on him.

Why is it always
the cop's fault?

Certain papers
playing to their base.

Although sometimes,
a cop goes too far,

and needs to be held

Not in his case.

The findings were quick
and conclusive.

And when a guy

does nothing wrong and takes
a bad guy off the street,

that should be reported, too.

Two sides to every story.
HENRY: I was glad

to hear that the grand jury
didn't indict Officer Green.

DANNY: That's 'cause they get

that he was doing
his job, though.

Some people don't get that.

You going somewhere with this?
ERIN: All right, guys,

this is not the time
or the place.

Jamie, cool it.

Thank you.

You, too.

If Officer Green did
the right thing...

No "if." will come out.

It's the time spent waiting
that's the killer.

Guy does his job,

he shouldn't pay
a price for it.

Why don't you cut the crap,

You know, I wasn't even
talking to you. You must have

a guilty conscience.

This argument doesn't belong

at this table.

Maybe it does. Why don't

you settle this, Grandpa?
- I can't.

Can't or won't?

My sons are having
a disagreement,

so they need to figure
it out like grown men.

I tried.

This one doesn't want
to listen to reason.

I'll start listening to reason
when I start hearing some.

We don't turn on each other in this
family. How's that for reason?

That rule doesn't apply to you
out on the street?

ERIN: Guys, that's enough.

You better stop hiding behind
those stripes you're wearing.

- I'm not wearing 'em right now, Danny.
- Great!

Let's go outside and settle this
like we used to.

Step outside.
(overlapping arguing)

That's it!
SEAN: Dad.

You can't abide by the rules
of this table, get out.

Got a heads-up
from the shield desk.

Officer Green
showed up unannounced.

And did he turn it in?

they stepped away for a moment

just as he got there.

They made him wait.

Bring him up
in my private elevator.

I figured you would say that.
He's waiting outside.

Thanks, Sid.


(taps desk)


Please have a seat.

Thanks for coming up.

Honored, sir.

Look, I understand
why you want to quit,

what you're going through.

A lot of guys would be looking
for the exit.

This seems like the right time.

But... maybe

you ought to wait
for the dust to settle

before you make
this big a decision?

I've already thought it through.
I loved being a cop,

but that time is over now.

We can pull you
off the street for a while,

put you in
an administrative post.

Thank you, sir.
I appreciate that.

But in my mind,
I'm already gone.

Well, what are you gonna do?

Haven't really thought
about that.

I mean, you can't collect
your pension and benefits yet.

I'm aware.

(taps fingers on desk)

And how about...
your wife and kids?

I can tell you, it...

It's kind of a big deal

when their cop
is no longer their cop.

Oh, we live separately, so,

it's not really a part
of their day-to-day anymore.


And how about you?

Turning in the shield

under these circumstances...

things can kind of snowball.


Your sense of control,
your sense of purpose.

For some guys,

it's kind of like
they lost all their keys.

I'm pretty sure
there's a life for me

after the NYPD,
all due respect.

Oh, I'm certain there is.

I just meant that, uh,
if you need to talk to someone,

we have great resources.


You offered that already, sir.

Yes. That's right, I did.

I just want out.

That's all.

And I appreciate everything
that you've done for me,

including whoever called down
to the fifth floor

to keep me from turning this in.

Thank you.

Okay. All right,
I'll just stick with that.

(elevator bell dings)

Can you guys give me a second?

What are you doing here, Pop?

Could ask you two
the same thing.

Come on, Gramps. You know
this is between the two of us.

The hell it is.

You represent our family,

on the job and off.

And until today, you've never
done anything to disgrace it.

JAMIE: Can't undo
what happened.

Someone's got to solve it.

Fine. You made

the right call.
- Yeah.

But you crossed the line
doing it.

You toed the line, but you made
the wrong call writing it up.

So where does that leave us?

You're brothers.

Act like it.

Haven't seen him
that pissed off

since I used his dress blues
to make a tent in the backyard.

Think he's right?

He usually is.

Look, I called an audible,

but I didn't mean
any disrespect.

Sure felt like disrespect.

Well, that's my
charming personality.


Any event, I apologize,
for what it's worth.

Well, I told myself

that writing you up
was strictly professional,

but I'm not sure if that's true.

How's that?

When we were young,

you used to always ride me
about being the Boy Scout,

following all
the rules.

It was pretty annoying.

Yeah, well...

it's... who I am.

What can I say?


On the job, too.

I know you always
look down on that.

No. You got that
backwards, kid.

I don't look down
on it, at all.

I mean, I wish I could...

play it straight and be
as good a cop as you are.

Come on.
It's true.

I'm just not made that way.

Frankly, that's why I'm not gonna go
as far on the job as you.

It is what it is.

First grade detective?
Not too shabby.


Look, I probably
don't say it enough,

but I'm... very proud of you.


I'm gonna withdraw
my appeal.

I'll rescind
the complaint.


Honestly. Don't do that.
I deserved it.


The moment you
took out that perp,

the HNT leader leaned
into me and said,

"How about the stones on him?"

Well, the moment
a rookie sergeant

hangs a complaint
on a veteran detective,

I say, "Hey, look
at the stones on him."


Officer Green is holed up

in his apartment in the Bronx
and threatening to kill himself.

(throws pen down)

And no talking him out?

Negotiators are trying.

- McKenzie on the scene?
- That's who's with him.

But all he's getting back is
that Green wants to talk to you.

And of course, we said no way.

Of course you did.

He was an Army brat
who became a cop,

so his trust goes to his C.O.

or the guys
in his particular foxhole.

I am one of both.

Get my detail.

I know that you're trying
to help, but... you can't.

No one can.
So please, just please...

leave me the hell alone.


I told you to
leave me alone!

It's Frank Reagan,

I am coming in.


May I?

(sniffles softly)


Beautiful family.


We were.

Stop that.

You're living under
different roofs right now,

but you're still a family.

How long you been apart?

Two months.

My wife said that
I was married to the job.

Best cops usually are.

- Officer Green...
- I'm not an officer

- You handed in

your shield, but your paperwork
hasn't been processed yet,

so you still answer to me.



Yes, sir.

If they hadn't opened up
on you and your partner,

she would be alive today.

Her death...

is on them, not you.


We could've backed off.

That's not what we do.

Is it?

No, sir.

My partner and I were returning
fire during a bank robbery

in East Harlem.

One of the bullets
from my service revolver

hit a young woman
in the beauty shop next door.

I watched her die on the scene.

I tried to shake it.

I mean, I didn't know her
from Adam.

And then...

it occurred to me:

she was someone's daughter.

Turns out
she was someone's sister...

wife, mother.

I tried real hard
to block that out.



it occurred to me

she was someone's coworker,
someone's loyal customer,

someone's fellow churchgoer,
and on and on.

Every little last role
she could've had in life.

Then I got some help.

You think you
could use some help?

Trade you.

♪ ♪


I'm proud of you.

You know, we're only supposed
to feed them once a week.

Yeah, they're like a bunch
of stray cats-- one square meal,

you can't get
rid of them.

Well, the last one
didn't go so well, so...

So certain parties
asked for a do-over.

Release the Beast!

- What?
- The Beast.

- Wow!
- Oh, my goodness!

The Roast Beast
from Anthony

and Sons.

Well, Jamie and I wanted to, uh,

offer this gesture,
because, well...

- Mmm, french fries.
- we know we screwed up.

That's an understatement.

We definitely

let things get out of hand.
You think?

Well, we didn't mean
any disrespect to you

or to anyone at this table,
and, uh, we're sorry.

So just tell us
how to make it right.


the Roast Beast
is a pretty good start.

(others chuckling)

You know, one thing is
kind of too bad, though.

- What's that?
- You know,

it would have been
quite a fight.


it would have been.

All 30 seconds of it.

I would've carried you for at least a minute
so you didn't feel bad.

Nah, my money
was on Uncle Danny.

He fights dirty.

Really? He's a little
past his prime.

Wow, you're one
to talk, Counselor.

Oh, I think I could take
the both of you on.

Probably could, and
at the same time, too.

- There you go.
- That I'd like to see.

Now, this is more like it.

Hear, hear.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.


ALL: Bless us, O Lord,
and these, Thy gifts,

which we are about to receive
from Thy bounty,

through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

All right, which one
has the most fries?

This one?

(indistinct chatter)

== sync, corrected by elderman ==