Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 8, Episode 14 - School of Hard Knocks - full transcript

A student is shot buy a rival gang member in his high school courtyard; Danny and Baez try to prevent further violence, the principal recklessly takes matters into his own hands.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Weren't we just out
at this school

a few months back?

Kid got shot in the cafeteria.

Yeah, that'll make you lose
your appetite quick.

Look at this mess.

What do we got?

Argument broke out
just after first bell.

Someone pulls out a gun
and starts shooting.

Anyone see the shooter?
No one came forward.

Come on, this yard had to be
full of kids

at the time of shooting.

Nobody saw anything?

I said no one came forward,

and I wouldn't hold your breath.
Copy that.

Hey, kid.

What's your name?

You got shot in the leg,
not in your ears.

What's your name?

- Hector.
- Hector.

You have any idea
who did this to you?

I ain't got nothing to say.

Hector here runs
with the Warrior Kings.

Well, he's not gonna be running

with anyone anytime soon.

Come on. Tell me
who shot you, kid.

This is Warrior King business.

I don't need no cops.

Suit yourself, tough guy.

Get him the hell out of here.

Getting the feeling nobody
around here trusts cops.

They don't.

You the man in charge?
On paper, anyway.

Principal Darryl Ward.

Detective Reagan,
Detective Baez.

Looks like you got a gang
problem right here.

What was your first clue?

About a year ago, the Ace Double
Treys and the Warrior Kings

started recruiting here.

You reach out to the gang unit?

Apparently, they're more
interested in gangbangers

a bit higher up the food chain.

We only have a handful of
students with gang affiliation,

all in our special ed program.

Okay, so what could we do, then?

I requested metal detectors
and updated security cameras

14 months ago.

It would be nice to get them
before someone gets killed.

Called you as soon as I found
out it was Cochran, Morrow.

You said there was a fatality?

One of the lawyers.

They cut him up pretty good.

A.D.A. Reagan. Have you
identified the victim yet?

Yeah. He was one
of the partners.

Mickey Rodansky?

Rodansky's the one
who found him.

Over there.

Scared the hell out of me.

Trust me,
I'm pretty damn scared myself.

What the hell happened?

I mean, II came in early
to finish some work,

and the place was trashed.

Andand James...


You called Janice?


You know what she said?


That's what you get
for leaving the D.A.'s office.

Detective said

she's got what
she needs for now.

Okay. We'll give you
a ride home, Mickey.

I don't know why.

Don't know why or
don't know why yet?

Okay, yet.

The governor called me
twice this morning.

What kind of threat level
that say to you?

Threat level?

He didn't call me
just to say hi.

I would like a little Intel
before I call him back.

The problem is,
the calls didn't come through

the governor's staff
and go through me.

He placed the calls himself.

I know.

Is there a threat level
I don't know about?

I don't know. Yet.

I got an update
on that shooting in the Village.

Two unis responded

to a fight between a hipster
and a couple of guidos

from one of them gastropubs.

Gastropub? Which one?

$20 for a cheeseburger...

Who cares which one?

And? One of the guidos

pulled a gun,

threw a shot at our people,
who returned fire,

striking the perp
and a bystander at the bar.

I heard all about that
at 2:00 a.m.

Well, what you haven't heard
is the bystander was ID'd

as Lawrence Cobb.

And I care why?

Cobb is a top legislative aide
to Governor Mendez.

That thing where I didn't know
why the governor was calling?

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

You know why you're here,
don't you, JoJo?

Nah, I don't.

- You know Hector Alou?
- Yeah.


So, sit down.

Somebody shot Hector
at your school today.

What's that got to do with me?

We've got you on video
running from the scene.

Yeah, bodega on the corner
got a real nice shot

of you sprinting away.

Ain't against the law to run.

You were heading
away from school.

I forgot my homework.

You know, something tells me
you're not much of a scholar.

Let's see if you
can do this math.

You got a Ace Double Treys
tattoo on your neck,

the victim was a member
of the Warrior Kings.

Sound like a coincidence to you?

You tell me.

You're the cop.
What are you, 17?

Let's see if you can do
this math problem.

You're 17 when we find the gun
that you used

and tie it to you... that's gonna
get you four to seven.

Which means your ass
won't get out till you're 24.

And by that time,

your 16yearold girlfriend's
probably gonna have three kids

from your 20yearold best friend.

All right, all right, Professor.

Why don't y'all just arrest me?

This is your one chance
to come clean and help yourself.

So y'all ain't got nothing.

We've got a playground
full of witnesses.

And it's only a matter of time

before somebody rats
out your punk ass.

If this is gang business,

ain't nobody getting
in the middle of it.

So charge me...

or let me the hell up
out of here.

You think I sold out?


Well, James wanted to expand
into white collar crime

and then he brought me in
to head the department.

I still can't believe he's dead.

Did he have any enemies
that may have done this?


I mean, what kind of person
would do that

to another human being?

Why did he keep
so much cash on hand?

He had it for cash bonds.

For loans to clients
who were in trouble.

So any number of criminal
defendants could have known

that safe was stuffed with cash.

I keep seeing his face, Erin.

You're gonna be okay.


We're gonna have to do
a driveby with the press

down the hall.

Okay, but keep it moving.

Like I said, a driveby.

There he is.

Governor. The
press has a few questions.

They know my man was wounded
by a cop's bullet?

That has not been released
as of yet.

Then they will hear it from me.

Governor. Please, a second?

What would be the point?

The facts would be the point.

The facts are it was
a fluid and chaotic situation,

and the actions of my people
prevented even more harm.

And shot my guy.

Which was tragic.

But not, under the
circumstances, avoidable.

I know you guys like
to whitewash

officerinvolved shootings.

I do not.

That's not gonna happen here.

I want the cop that shot my aide
fired and charged.

If the grand jury indicts,

my officer could be terminated.

We all want to protect
our people, Frank.

But in the natural order
of things, mine come first.

Don't forget that.

My name is Detective Reagan.

This is my partner,
Detective Baez.

We want to thank all of you

for allowing us
into your classroom today,

and especially
your teacher Ms. Chavez

for allowing us to speak
to all of you today.

If you're recruiting
for the NYPD, you definitely

on the wrong place, yo.

All right, quiet down, come on.

Quiet down,
ladies and gentlemen.

Go on, Detective.

Now, as all of you know,
one of your classmates was shot

in the playground the other day.

So far, nobody's come forward
with any information.

Duh. You got that right.

Look, we can understand why
some of you might be hesitant

to come forward with any
information that you might have.

There are some knuckleheads
in this school.

In fact, I see some of them
here today.

Those guys like to act tough,
but they're not.

They hang out in gangs
and hide out in gangs

'cause they don't have the
guts to stand up on their own.

You guys want to make this
school a better and safer place,

you're gonna have to have the
guts to stand up on your own.

My partner's gonna hand out
our business card.

It has our number on it.

If you saw anything that can
help us identify the person

who shot your classmate
and friend,

we'd appreciate you
giving us a call.

We know what's at stake
when you make a call like this.

So it'll be
completely confidential.

I got to say, I don't envy you.

Dealing with that crew
every day.

They grow on you.

Like a tumor.

You think anyone
will come forward?


I'd be very surprised.

They don't trust cops.

Yeah, we got that part.

Let's face it.

The only time you guys
ever show up

is when someone
gets stabbed or shot.

Not for nothing, but
that's the job description.

You prefer we don't
show up at all?

It's not an accusation,

It's reality.

I grew up in a neighborhood
like this. I made it out.


Those kids in there...
I can't save all of them

or even most of them.

But every year I spot one or two
like you, Detective.

Kids I can help.

Kids who want a shot
at a decent life.

Well, we can't change
this neighborhood.

And we're here
to arrest JoJo Reese

and to show these other students

that gang violence won't be
tolerated in this school.

But we need
your help to do that.

I'll see what I can do.


I came as soon as
I got your message.

Is everything okay?

We just got a call from
our Rackets Bureau, Mickey.

And what does that
have to do with me?

Ever hear of a highend gambling
outfit called MaxMoneyDown?

Well, it seems that you have.

They take major sports
bets and use mob muscle

on their clients who get
in over their heads.

Why didn't you tell me
that you represent

a known gambling syndicate?

II didn't want to drag James's
reputation through the mud.

MaxMoneyDown was his client?

I begged him to drop them.

I mean, they're really bad guys.

But he couldn't.

So, he repped these guys
to cover his gambling debt.


Were any of the other attorneys
in the firm

involved with MaxMoneyDown?

YYeah. II think so.

This is serious, Mickey.

You need to tell me the truth.

Were you making bets, too?

Absolutely not.

So, what happens now?

I'm gonna take down
the gambling syndicate,

even if I have to take a chain
saw to your firm to do it.

And what am I supposed to do?

Tell the truth. You'll be fine.

Police. Come on,
get out of the way.

Step aside.

What's going on?

This one lay in wait.

Gave the victim
a hell of a beating.

Where's the other student?

Over there,
but it's not a student.

Ms. Chavez?

You beat the hell
out of your teacher?

Why am I not surprised?

Keep her right here.

Hang in there, Anna.

You're gonna be okay.

- Stay with her.
- Yeah.

How the hell does
this happen to her?

She was getting
back to her office

when she was jumped from behind.

At least we got the kid
who did it.

It's my fault.

This is not your fault.

I'm responsible
for the safety of my staff.

And there's nothing
you could have done about this.

Then why am I here?

How you doing, Ms. Chavez?

Like the Yankees used my head
for batting practice.

- Do you remember what happened?
- Yeah.

I listened to you guys
and wound up in the hospital.

How's that?

After you left, I decided
to talk to my class

about cooperating
with your investigation.

Which took a lot of guts
on your part.

As it turns out,
not a lot of brains.

Did any of the students come
forward with any information?

Two kids signed up
to see me after school.

And you think they were gonna
come clean about the shooting?

I was heading to my office
when I got attacked from behind.

We have Teresa Jones in custody.

All we need from you
is to identify her

as your assailant and we can
take the rest from there.

I can't do that.

Are you saying you don't
remember or you didn't see her?

I'm saying I know
what will happen

if Teresa goes into the system.

But you didn't have
any problem helping us

put JoJo Reese into the system.

Prison may be the only thing
that can save JoJo.

But Teresa's different.
She's a good kid.

She's a good kid
who could've killed you.

You don't think she should
pay the price for that?

I'm a teacher, Detective.

Retribution is your department.

What's up?

I've been going over the
books, for Cochran, Morrow

with Forensic Accounting.

Anything unusual?

We verified every
account except one

in the client portfolio
of the victim.


Rapid cash flow.

Big money, wire transfers
from all over the world.

Who's the client?

See, that's the thing.

It's listed as a personal
account for James Morrow.

Well, he doesn't have
that kind of money.


So I had the FBI run
the wire transfers

against their database.

Several matched transfers linked
to a certain gambling syndicate.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

It's like a gambling thing.

How much money is going
through that account?

Close to 30 million bucks
last year alone.

So, we're not talking
about a few lawyers

betting on football games.

Cochran, Morrow is laundering
money for MaxMoneyDown.

I'd say that's
a pretty good bet.

I want Mickey Rodansky
in this office now.

You got it.

You got visitors.

Get on your feet.

Come on.

Let's go. Over here.

What's the problem,
Teresa? You look unhappy.

You don't like
your accommodations?

That woman... sheshe
just went to the bathroom

right on the floor.

Yeah, she's a regular here.

It's like her second home.

That's right. Just wait till
you get to Rikers Island.

Got a whole prison high school

full of honor students
just like you.

I know I messed up.

You think?

What was your beef
with Ms. Chavez?

I love Ms. Chavez.

She's the only teacher
that ever tried to help me.

You love Ms. Chavez? Yes.

You got a real funny way
of showing it.

I didn't want to hurt her, okay?

I had no choice.

What are you talking about,
you had no choice?

It was part of initiation.

A gang initiation?

What the hell are you doing
getting mixed up with gangs?

Look, when they recruit you,
it's either you join

or they come after you.

But after seeing.

Ms. Chavez on the floor,

I wished I had taken
the beating myself.

What the hell is going on, Erin?

Sit down.

You have the right
to an attorney.

Why would I need an attorney?

Because you're looking at
multiple felonies here, Mickey.

Could we just,
slow down a second?

I mean, III don't know
what you're talking about.

Your firm was laundering cash
for MaxMoneyDown.

Which constitutes as
enterprise corruption.

Now, I asked you if you were
involved in illegal gambling

and you lied to my face, Mickey.

No, thatthat's not true.

You asked me if I
was placing bets.

I've never placed a bet
on a game in my life.

No, you just launder money

for mobbedup gambling rings.

HHHere's the thing.

II didn't, um, I didn't know

that they were laundering money

when I took the job.

Morrow didn't just
represent MaxMoneyDown.

He was part of their operation.

He didn't want to be. I mean,
he was in over his head.

And he needed just someone

who knew how to move
the money around.

I swear I didn't know anything
about MaxMoneyDown

when I took the job.

But when you found out,
you still played ball.

You could've walked away.

Well, James' life was in danger.

Come on, you're saying that this
was all about loyalty, Mickey?

Money was part of it.

Okay, I mean, I...

Erin, I was never...
I was never a star here,

not like you.

This was a junior partnership.

Twice what I was making.

And, I mean, I got,
I got three kids

to put through school.

Janice wants to move
to Westchester.

And all of that could go away.

The only way out

is to testify
against MaxMoneyDown.

I mean, no way.

There's always
Witness Protection.

Janice would leave me.

I... she would
take the kids and...

I'm begging you, please.

Help me.

Why? What's wrong with a roast?

We never have a roast anymore.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but I've got the governor.

Put him on.

On his way up.

I'll call you back, Pop.

And he's here.

We got a problem.

You need something?

Thank you, Baker.

A serious problem.

Why? The grand jury declined
to indict my officer.

- It's a joke.
- Anything but.

They concluded that the shooting
was a justified use of force.

Your cop fired
into a crowded bar.

She returned fire,
took out the shooter,

and likely saved lives.

And almost took a life,
one of mine.

Governor, could we turn down
the rhetoric?

It's just us here.

Okay. What are you gonna do?

Well, our internal investigation

the grand jury's decision.

The case is closed.

The hell it is.

I want her gone.



She is a good officer
who did her job well.

She is not going to lose
her shield on my watch.

Since when does nearly
blowing away a civilian

qualify as good?

Governor, police work is messy.

It is dangerous and sometimes
innocent people get shot.

You're lecturing me now?

I shouldn't have to.

I'm sorry your man got shot,

but I will not punish
a good officer

to satisfy your beef
on how this went down.

I bet you were a Boy Scout.

Till I got kicked out.

What for?

I had a problem with authority.

That supposed to be funny?

No. Just true.

Either you fire this cop,

or I will order
the attorney general

to drill down on every
questionable police shooting

in the past ten years.

Which would be your right.

Then hold public hearings,
out loud and lights up.

Everybody loves the circus.

Except the guy that's got
to shovel up afterwards.

I can't thank you
enough for this.

How'd you make it happen?

Just got to know
which cage to rattle.

This won't solve

all of our problems, but it is
a step in the right direction.

Yeah, and hopefully
it'll keep the gang violence

off the school property,
not on it.

Knowing these measures
are in place,

it's gonna make it
easier for me to go.

Go where? Where you going?

I've decided to step
down as principal.

Wait a minute.

After all this?

What are you talking about?

I've done my best
to make this school better,

but clearly I've failed.

No, you and I both know

the problems
with this school come

from outside those doors,
not inside.

That's not on you.
This is supposed to be a place

where kids can feel safe.

But you're doing
everything you can

to make 'em feel safe now.

Besides, you said there's
only a few knuckleheads

in the school... you gonna
let them run you off?

I have done everything
I know how to do

to connect with 'em.

Try harder.

- Somebody else's turn.
- Yeah?

Well, not for nothing,
but it sounds to me

like you're just feeling
sorry for yourself.

Maybe, but I've earned it.

I am doing
what I think is right.

You've done
excellent work here, Erin.

We should have more than enough

to take down
the gambling syndicate.

That's a serious scalp.

So what's your game plan?

I'd like to cut a deal
with Mickey Rodansky.

He can give us
a detailed blueprint

of the entire
moneylaundering operation.

Great, he'll make an excellent
star witness for us.

Right. So, about that.

There are a number of attorneys
privy to this scheme.

- So?
- So, I don't think

we need to put Mickey
on the stand.

You're kidding, right?

He is giving us
everything we need...

Details of placement, layering,
integration of the dirty cash.

There are a number of lawyers

who can take the stand
and testify.

But none of them created

or managed
the phony accounts, right?

Not directly, no.

I know Mickey Rodansky's
a friend of yours...

Who served this office
faithfully for years.

All the more reason
he needs to testify.

We can't appear to be
protecting one of our own,

especially someone
who has betrayed

everything we stand for.

He made a mistake.
A damn big one.

So, if he wants to
stay out of prison,

he's gonna take the stand
and sing for his supper.

The pay sucks,

the facilities
are falling apart,

and the students...
The reason most people claim

to become teachers
in the first place...

Half of them are
wannabe gangsters,

the other half are
walking around terrified.

Teachers aren't in it
for the pay or the perks.

I get that. I don't get
what the draw is,

that's all I'm saying.

Well, students like me.

You mean hopeless causes? Hey.

That's your brother,
not a hopeless cause.

More like an exciting challenge.
No, more like Steve Jobs.

You know, where the teachers
don't realize how great I was

until years later.

I don't think your teachers
are gonna wait that long

to do your report card.

But I'll give you an
"A" for creativity.


I thought about being
a teacher for a while.


No, really.


Well, when I was figuring out
what to do with my life.

So, like, this morning?

Exactly. What kind of teacher?

I never got that far,
but it was more the idea

of skipping the part of life
where you accumulate things.

You know, just
fastforwarding ahead

to giving back,
sharing what you know.

But how do you give back

if you haven't accumulated
anything in life?

You got an instinct
for service, you know,

you find a way to serve.
You did.

You became a cop.

Pretty big difference between
those two kinds of service.

And what was the pull
of being a teacher?

I think... and don't laugh...


I'm kidding. Go ahead, come on.

I think I wasn't sure
how much I had to offer,

but if I could inspire
two or three kids a year

to go on and do something good,

that would be more
of a contribution

than I could make on my own.

You should come speak
at the school I'm working on.

All right, give me a break.
No, I'm serious.

I think those teachers
could use a reminder.

Especially hearing it
like that from you.

And how'd you put it...
What they deal with?

The pay's crap.

Half the population is
wannabe gangsters,

the other half's
walking around terrified.

What's that sound like?

A given day on the beat.

I'm just sayin'.

Well, stay on it, Garrett.

I'm here.
I ain't going anywhere.

Want two aspirin with that?

The governor's scheduled
a carnival sideshow

masquerading as
a press conference.

To announce what?

An investigation
by the attorney general

into NYPD shootings.

Based on?

Based on nothing.
It's a scavenger hunt.

Because a grand jury
declined to indict

in his aide's shooting.

He's not one to let facts
get in the way.

So what are you gonna do?

Nothing I can do.

That's the plan? Do nothing?

I didn't say that.
I said there's nothing I can do.

It's the same lame thing, Dad.

No, it's not.

There's a solution.

You just haven't worked
hard enough to find it.

I hate it when you
quote me to me.

But it's really good advice.

That's what happens
at schools like.

Carnegie Hill, Danny,
teachers burn out.

I know, but what
about the good kids

who get left behind?

They figure out a way to get by.

In that neighborhood, with
schools going down the tubes?

Come on, it ain't right.

Right's the last thing it is.

Reagan. Yeah?

You got to be kidding me.

We just... we're on our way.

We got to go.

- Where?
- Back to Carnegie Hill.

There's an armed hostage
situation at the high school.

Go, go, go!

Go, go, go!

Hang on, Chief.
Hey, what do we got?

Suspect entered a special ed
class with a handgun.

- Anyone shot?
- Not yet.

- He's got 25 students in there.
- Yeah, we know the class.

There's a banger in there,
JoJo Reese,

we like for a previous
shooting on campus.

Could be our perp.
It's not Reese.

HNT has already established
a dialogue with the suspect.

- Who is it?
- The name's Darryl Ward.

The principal Darryl Ward?

HNT tried to talk him out,
but he won't budge.

He released a teacher,
but now he's hunkered down.

Let me talk to him.

What are you gonna say
that a negotiator didn't?

Look, I know the man,
I can get through to him

if you just give me
a chance to speak with him.



I told you I have
nothing else to say.

Darryl, it's Detective Reagan.

What the hell are you
doing in there?

I'm doing what you said,

I never said to do this.

You told me it was my job
to find a way

to get through to these kids.

But not by holding them
hostage at gunpoint.

No, by speaking in the language
that they understand best...


Hello? He hung up.

ESU has a sniper team
in position with a clean shot.

You're just gonna take him out?

I'm sure as hell
not going to wait for him

to start killing
those kids in there.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Just give me a chance

to go in and talk to him.
No, no, no, no. No way.

Come on, I know this man.
He's a good man.

He's just turned around

I'm telling you I can
get him to stand down

if you just give me
a second with him, please.

You've got five minutes.

Ward makes a move
while you're inside,

- I give the order.
- Fine.

Give me a vest.

I did everything
I could, Mickey.

I know you did, Erin.

Monica feels our strongest case
against MaxMoneyDown

features you
as the lead witness.

She never was a very big fan.

Well, it's not personal, Mickey.

When your life's on the line,

it's very personal.

Well, you put your own life
on the line.

You're right.

I mean, this is, this is on me.

So what happens now?

We take you into custody,
keep you safe.

After you testify,

Witness Protection.

I need to tell
Janice and the kids.

I'll drive you over there.

You know, if you don't mind,

I mean, I...
I would rather go myself.

I mean, I... I'd rather
them not see me in custody.

At least not yet.

I got to be nuts.

Darryl Ward,

it's Detective Reagan.

Go away, Detective.

Hey, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm the only friend
you got right now.

We need to talk, okay?
I'm just gonna step in...



Everyone okay in there?

Man, hell no.
This dude is crazy.

Shut up, JoJo.

How'd you get that gun

past the metal
detectors, Mr. Ward?

I brought it the day before
theythey were activated.

You know there's still a
way out of this, right?

Nobody's hurt.

Put that gun down, we all
get to go home in one piece.

But nothing changes.

Is this the kind of change
you really want?

Look at me.

There is an ESU sniper
outside that window.

Roger, Captain.

And he has orders
to take you out if he has to,

and you better believe me,
he will.

Come on.

I'm not afraid to die.

What about you, Mr. Reese?

Step up here. Now.

Come on, don't do
nothing stupid.

It's a little different on the
other side of the gun?

You just gonna let him kill me?

Darryl, you raise that gun,

you're as good as dead,
you know that.

I am willing to die
to save this school.

Are you willing to die
to destroy it?

Darryl, you die here today,
what does it prove?

It'll certainly call attention

to what we have to go
through on a daily basis.

This ain't the kind
of attention you want.

Remember who you are, Mr. Ward.

You raise that gun,

you only bring more violence
down on this school.

All I wanted to do...

was make a difference.

You just did.

Where's Mickey Rodansky?

He was supposed to be here
two hours ago.

Keep me updated, Anthony.
I spoke to his wife.

She said he was coming
straight back here.

Well, unless he was
riding a tricycle,

I would say now he's
officially in the wind.

Mickey would not flee.

Why not?
The guy was about to testify

against a violent
gambling syndicate.

Sounds like a pretty good
reason to me.


You allowed a key witness

to leave this office

What the hell were you thinking?

I know Mickey.

I felt that I could trust him.

In other words,

you allowed your personal
relationship with the witness

to cloud your
professional judgment.

I should have sent Anthony
with him. I'm sorry.

I'd accept an apology

if I was sure
it was an accident.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

It means I'm not sure you didn't
intentionally provide Rodansky

with the opportunity to flee.

I didn't and I wouldn't.

Then do your job.

Secure a Material Witness Order

and get Rodansky's ass
into protective custody.

You think Principal Ward
will do time?

unlawful imprisonment,

gun possession.

Even with a clean
record like him,

he's looking at state time.

You took a hell of a risk
going in there.

Hey, Mr. Ward took
a hell of a risk

going there every single day.

Ms. Chavez, you doing okay?

I'm walking and breathing.

It's a start.

What can we help you with?

You already did.

Thank you for putting in
a good word for Teresa.

She does her community service,
keeps her nose clean,

the assault won't go
on her record.

She owes her future to you guys.

She owes her future to you.

You're the one
that believed in her.

What will you do now?

Finish my lesson plans
and get back to work on Monday.

You're going back
to Carnegie Hill?

What can I say? I'm a masochist.

And I've decided to take
the principal's exam.

Someone's got to finish
what Principal Ward started.

Well, our money's on you.

Smart bet.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

Could the governor and I
have a moment?


Much appreciated.

You want to order something?

I'm good.

The appetizers here
are topnotch.

Not hungry. Thanks, though.

Are you one of these guys

that like to deliver
bad news in person?

I don't have bad news.

You dump the cop
that shot my guy?


Bad news.

Depends on what
you compare it to.

What's that mean?

Means everything's relative.

See, it turns out
that Lawrence Cobb

wasn't drinking alone
the night he was shot.

So? He's a single guy.
God bless.

He was with a married woman.

That's on her, not on him.

Except she is married
to his boss,

your chief of staff.


Turns out it's been going on
for over a year.

Too bad the shot
missed Cobb's nuts.

Now that would've been justice.

So what are we doing?

This gets out,
the circus comes to Albany.

Don't you think?

Who else knows?

Right now, it is safe in the
notebook of my lead detective.

Whether or not it finds
its way into a DD5,

subject to a Freedom
of Information request,

that's a judgment call.

Your judgment?


And if my investigation
goes away?

Neither of us is shoveling up
after the circus.

I have your word on that?


We're done here?


You have a good evening,

You, too, Governor.

I got your text.

- You find Mickey?
- Yeah.

Where the hell is he?

Patrol found him 20 minutes ago.

Maybe you shouldn't
go over there.

What the hell happened?

Can't be sure,

but I'm guessing MaxMoneyDown
decided to take him out

before he could testify.

This is my fault.

He made his bed.
Even he knew that.

Sorry about your friend.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==