Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 7, Episode 15 - Blue Bloods - full transcript

Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a man who killed a mother and son years ago while driving drunk; Anthony is torn when Erin asks him to wear a wire to incriminate a friend.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

That's no gunshot wound.

Looks like he was stabbed.

You get an I.D.?

No, no wallet.


It's a good bet.

His watch is missing.

This isn't exactly
a high traffic area.

Don't think we're gonna
get many eyewitnesses

coming out of the woodwork.

No, and anything that was
left behind's washed away...

Fibers, hairs, footprints.

If a tree falls in the forest
and no one's around to hear it,

does it make a sound?

It doesn't matter if there's
a camera in the forest.

I gave you ten dollars!

You give me five,
I give you two.

Hot dog is three.

I gave you ten!

You gave me five, now get lost

before I call the police!

That's enough. Calm down.

That's enough. That's enough.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, hey.
- That's enough. Calm down.

O-Okay. Okay, okay!

Look, look, look,
I got, I got...

I got something in my pocket
that will get me out of this.

Yeah? Like what?

Just check my wallet.

As usual, you missed the point.

You asked my opinion, I gave it.

And it was wrong.
It's my opinion.

It can be neither
right nor wrong.

It can be wrong and it was.

And you were right, right?

Right. Where's Baker?

In labor.

Careful, Sid, he hasn't
had his coffee yet.

What is it?

An individual was
arrested this morning

after he assaulted a hot
dog vendor on the street.


In the 12th, Officer
Reagan's precinct.

This going somewhere?

Officer Reagan asked me to
bring it to your attention

that the perp had on him
an NYPD courtesy card.

An old one of mine.

No, an old one
of your son's, Joe.


Hey! Jimmy boy!

How the hell are you, pal?

How you doing?

Can't complain.

What's new? What's new?

Yeah. I'm still fat.

That's the only news I got to report.

Nah, you look good, man.
You look good.

What about you?
Staying out of trouble?

Yeah, nah, you know,
yeah, yeah, yeah.

You still chasing the action.

Yeah, ooh, well,
you know, big shock?

You up or down?

I'm down and out, Ant.

How deep are you in the hole?

Jimmy, to who?

To this group out
in, Bay Ridge. Russians.

We're not bumping into
each other on accident

out here, are we?

You know, I, heard
you worked around here.

I thought I could
hit you up for a favor.

You want me to sit down
with these guys?

Just flash the badge around,
let 'em know I'm a good guy,

and I'm good for it.

How you gonna be
good for it, Jimmy?

I got it all worked out,
it's all good.

I just... I need more time,
you know?

Let me think about it, okay?

No promises.

Yeah, do what you
got to do, I mean...

It's good to see you.

You, too, buddy.


Hey, I got something.

What do you got?

Miracle of all miracles,
the surveillance camera

at the crime scene was
actually in working condition.

Well, let's take a look.

This poor guy has
no idea what's coming.

Here we go.

Your money or your life.

Now, what the hell was that?

It's not a straight-out
robbery, that's for sure.

No, it looks more like a hit
made to look like a robbery.

This is as close as I can get it

without distorting the image.

Can you move in on his wrist?

Maybe he's got on a watch
that can tell us something,

or a tattoo?


What about his shoes?
Anything specific about them?

Plain black boot.

There's not a single thing you
can tell me about this person

that's unique?

I got something I could
tell you about him.

Whoever he is, he knew
what he was doing.

We got nothing. Seems so.

What is this?

Who is this? It's our Vic.

His prints popped in the system?

Yeah, he got collared

for a DWI three years ago.

Lee Bukowski.

Let's go see what we
can learn about him.

Name's Jesse Collins.

Used to be a cop out in Suffolk.

He shot and killed
a man when he came up

on a robbery in progress.

It was ruled
a good shooting, but...

he never quite
recovered from it.

He briefly worked on the
same task force with Joe.

They exchanged cards,
cop to cop.

And the outcome of the arrest?

It was his first
collar anywhere,

so we gave him a desk
appearance ticket.

Sounds about right.


Actually, I was hoping there was
something we could do for him.

He got off on a DAT.

Yeah, but...

I sat down with him.

He's a... he's a good guy.

He could use a hand.

Well, it sounds like
you already gave him one.

I was hoping maybe you could
call the archbishop,

connect him with
Catholic Charities.

Maybe get him some counseling...

A request like that usually
goes through channels,

from the precinct delegate,
to the union president

and then to this office. Right.

I just thought, since he knew
Joe and he used to be a cop...

Your brother knew a lot
of people, and he gave out

a lot of these, as most cops do.

And you know they're
only good for a year anyway.

Yeah, but a courtesy card
given out by any cop

killed in the line of duty
usually jumps

to the top of the pile. Come on.

I have always tried not
to give special treatment

to my sons,
that would include Joe.

Yeah, I know that, Dad,

but, after I talked
to his C.O. out in Suffolk,

that's when I found out that
he'd been having trouble

since leaving the job. Great.

And you brought that forward,
now you can get back to work.


Excuse me.

Ms. Bukowski?

Detective Reagan. This is
my partner Detective Baez.


Like to ask you a few
questions about your husband.


And you don't have to bother,
I already heard.

May he rest in peace.

So, not a fan?

If I was, he wouldn't
be my ex, now would he?

Not an amicable split?

I'll put it to you this way,

I still celebrate
our anniversary...

of our divorce.

Can you tell us where you
were Monday, Ms. Bukowski?

That's a good one.

You think I killed him?

Did you? I wish.

If I had the balls to do that,
I would've done it

the first time he smacked me
around 20 years ago.


We both are, but
could you tell us...

I work nights.

I was at Downtown Hospital
working a double.

Have at it.

Yeah, my mother told me.

Really? You as
broken up about it

as she is?

Hey, cut her some slack,
all right?

He was a real prick to everyone,

but he really perfected
his game when it came to her.

What about you?


I was his son, so he had
a special warm spot

in his heart for me.

I'll never forget the time

he gave me my first beer.

I was nine.


Yeah. That was his
parting gift to me.

Never laid eyes on him again.


Where were you on Monday night?

I was working here.

You can ask my manager.

We will.

How do you work
for 20 years in a place

and not make a single friend?

Anyone have an Axe to
grind with the guy?

About what?

Taking someone's lunch
out of the break room fridge?

Look, he kept to himself.

Nobody here would bother
to waste a word on the guy,

let alone a bullet.

It was a knife.


You asked to see me,
Your Majesty?

I most certainly did.

Please take a seat,

“Detective Abetemarco”?

Wow, I must've really screwed
the pooch this time.


What'd I do?

Do you know this guy?

Yeah, that's Jimmy.

Jimmy Pearson
from the old neighborhood.

You two friends?


Where'd you get these pictures?

Are you friends, Anthony?


Sure, I guess.

I mean, I know
him my whole life.

It's not like we
pal around together.

You look pretty chummy to me.

Like I said, he's from
the old neighborhood.

Well, he's also the subject

of an NYPD investigation.

For what?

Do you know where your he works?

Yeah, the phone company.

He's a lifer, his
old man worked there.

Do you know what he does
for the phone company?

Answers the phone?

This isn't funny, Anthony.

He works in compliance,

which means he has access
to all the customers

personal information...

Their addresses, phone numbers,

people they call, people who've
called them, et cetera.


What the hell did Jimmy do?

He's been feeding information

to a group of Russian bookies
for months now.

'Cause he's in the hole to them.

they're blackmailing him now.

Okay, look, here's the deal.

He sought me out to try
to get me to help him

with the Russians.

But he didn't say nothing
to me about...

what he's been doing
with the phone company.

Well, I'm happy to hear that.

A-And from now on,

I'll have nothing
to do with him.

Well, I was thinking
the opposite, actually.

What are you talking about?

He trusts you.

Looks like he'd tell you
just about anything.

You want me to wear a wire?

I want you
to bring a bad guy to justice.

He's a friend, Erin.

And I ain't no rat.

You know, between the two of us,

we're holding about a dozen
open cases on top of this one.

We're behind about
a dozen cases.

What's your point?

This dog has fleas.

No leads, no eyewitnesses,

no usable surveillance.

And frankly, a guy so miserable,

I wouldn't be surprised if his
own mother wanted him dead.

I hear you.


I don't know, I mean,
this could be something,

it could be nothing.

What do you got?
What are you watching?

Well, we have nothing,

but I did a little
digging around

and I might have found

Take a look.

What we witnessed today
in that courtroom was a victory,

not just for my client,
but for justice.

Seems there's a little bit more

to our Vic's DWI than we knew.

He killed a mother and her son?

Head-on collision.

And he got off.

Yeah, well,
it was a first offense

and he lawyered up
with Glen Knapp,

who kicked ass on the case

so the DA couldn't make a case,

and Bukowski walked.

Okay, I'll ask you again,

what are you looking at?

I think I might be looking at

a man who is out for revenge.

I didn't just lose my wife
and my son on that day.

I lost my life.

What happened today

should never happen.

Nothing can bring my family back

and now, there's no justice.

That man should die.

That man should die!

There's no justice
until Lee Bukowski...

is dead and buried.

Does that sound like a threat
to you?


Mr. Holt?
Yeah, Detective Reagan,

this is my partner,
Detective Baez.

Pleased to meet you.


Is this gonna take a long time?

I have a long list
of patients today.

You're a doctor?

Yeah, a physician's assistant.

Is this about one
of my patients?

Afraid not.

Do you know this man?

Seems like you do.

Why are you here?

Lee Bukowski was found dead
a few nights ago.

Well, maybe there
is a God, after all.

He was murdered.

Who works in mysterious ways.

Let me save you a lot
of time and trouble.

Lee Bukowski


less than human.

He was a savage

who took the lives
of the most important people

in my life,
with reckless abandon

and never showed an
ounce of remorse.

I'm not sorry he's dead.

But I'm not happy, either.

More importantly,

I didn't kill him.

Not sure anyone would
blame you if you did.

I didn't.

Mr. Holt, we have to ask:

Where were you
Monday night at 9:00?

In my bed, sleeping.


My wife was the
center of my life.

My son was the reason
for my being.

Without them...

I'm always alone.

I really do have to
get back to work.


Thanks for your time.

Knock, knock.

Nobody's home.

I got these for you.

Beware of Reagans bearing gifts.

We need to talk.

Nothing to talk about.

I ain't doing it.

I understand how you feel
and I respect that.

If you did, you
wouldn't be here.

I can make you do it, you know.

Not that I would,
I'm just making a point.

I need you to look at this.

Who are they?

People who have been hurt

as a result of the information
your friend gave

to the Russians.

This guy had his knees smashed

with a sledgehammer
over a $10,000 debt.

Now, I know your friend
isn't the one swinging it,

but he sure as hell is the one

putting it in their hands.

Is it him?

It's impossible to tell.

Well, what do you feel?

I feel like
if it was my wife and kid

who was killed by Bukowski,

it would definitely be me
under that umbrella.

So you think it's Holt?

Well, I think everyone is
innocent until proven guilty.

What do you think?

I think I wish
I hadn't dug deeper

into Mr. Holt's background.

What'd you find?

Before he worked
as a physician's assistant,

he worked in the
medical examiner's office.

And who better to know
how to kill somebody

and then clean up
the crime scene,

not leaving evidence,

than somebody who works
in the M.E.'s office?

Yeah, I don't think
the rain was an accident.

But Holt said he
was home sleeping

at the time of the
murder, right?

Which you and I both
know is highly unlikely.

So we're gonna have to get
a subpoena to find out

which cell tower his phone was
pinging off of at the time.

Do you really want
the answer to that?

Do I want to know?

I'm not sure, but
it's our job to know.

Who you calling?

My sister.

Do you want to start?


Do you want to give me
a little heads-up?


Here I am.

Good. Please.

Okay, I want complete honesty,

full disclosure,
no holds barred.


First, about?

My son.


Detective Reagan's
a piece of work...

Officer Reagan. Jamie.

Jamie. That's right.

How you think
he is perceived out there,

what the other cops and bosses
think of him?

You actually want us
to talk about one of your kids?

He's hardly a kid.

Son, then.

That's kind of the third rail
around here.

Well, now it's not.

So, please?

Talk to me.

Jamie's an excellent cop.

Other cops like him 'cause
he's reliable and loyal.

Bosses like him because he
excels at everything he does.

If anything, he is
an underused asset.

So you're the good cop?


Makes you the bad cop.

I second everything
Sid just said.


No buts.

But? However?

Okay, there's a question
that floats around here.

Why is Jamie Reagan
still a beat cop?

And the answer to the question
that floats around here?

The stock answer would be:

He's biding his time.



I think it's something else.

I think you're holding him back.


Could be.

People know you go overboard

making sure that there's no
special treatment for your kids.

Jamie's successes and failures
should be purely his own,

like every other cop.

But he's not like
every other cop.

And pretending he is
doesn't make it so.

So I should just move him
up the ranks as I please?

No, but however
well-intentioned you are,

in not artificially
helping him along,

it actually does the opposite.

It artificially holds him back.


There are bosses on this job

who are very interested
in Jamie.

And who wouldn't be?

They want to tap him
for special assignments,

even promotions,

but they're afraid in doing so,
it will ruffle your feathers.

You second this?

Yes, boss.

Should I have a lawyer here?

Only if you think you need one.

I... What do you want?

Well, we checked
your phone records, Mr. Holt.

Your cell phone pinged
off of the tower

closest to the murder scene.

Actually, to clarify,

it didn't ping
the night of the murder,

but as you can see
from these records,

your cell phone was in that area

many times over
the past few weeks.

Which tells us

that you were casing the scene,

tracking Mr. Bukowski,

getting to know his routine.


No? Okay, then why else

would you be in the same place

where the man you hate
most in life was killed?

Here, here,

here, here, here,
here, and here.

There's a restaurant in that
neighborhood that I like.

How convenient.

Well, you can check

my credit card bill
if you'd like to.

Why don't you do that?


You want to tell me
what's going on?


Interfering with the witness

while I'm interrogating him.

I didn't interfere.

You realize there's a
reason I left out the fact

that we didn't have his
cell phone in the area

at the time of the
murder, right?

Yeah, I know, you were
trying to trip him up.

Yeah, trip him up,
which I couldn't do

because you gave it up.

He's a smart guy, Danny.

The reason he left
his cell phone at home

is so his movements
couldn't be tracked.

That's not the point.

He was confused, he was rattled.

Well, I was trying
to build some trust.

That is a rationalization,
and you know it.

Look, if you're asking me
if I want

to nail this guy to the wall,

the answer is a big fat no.

Well, neither do I, okay?

But that doesn't mean
we don't do our jobs.

I know, but there's
doing our job,

and there's doing our job.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

It means...

do we have to
do our job so well?

Go on.

This monster killed this man's

wife and only child.

I know what you would do.

I know what I would do.

So how do we judge him?

Well, that's just the thing.

We're not the judge,
we're only the cops.

Okay, and for better or worse,

we do what we gotta do.

Now, let's find those
credit card receipts,

and find out about
this restaurant.

Thanks for seeing me again, man.

You're a good friend.

I haven't agreed
to anything yet.

I know, but just that
you considered it at all

means a lot to me.

You know, if we're
gonna do this,

I got to know
the lay of the land.


You got it. Anything you need.

You can't hold back on me.

You gotta tell me everything.

'Cause if I go in there and
I haven't got the real score,

we could both get hurt.

I understand. You got it, man.

I'll tell you everything.

Anything you need.

Please say you'll
do this for me, 'cause

I don't know what's gonna
happen to me... if you don't.

What's going on?
I can't hear 'em.

He unplugged. He... he what?

Anthony, you plug in right now.

He can't hear you. He ca...

Are you kidding me?

I'm gonna kill him.

I'm gonna kill him.


You are in big trouble.

- Hang on a second.
- No, you hang on.

You cannot do that. You cannot

unilaterally abort an operation

in the middle of a meet.

I didn't. You did!

You unplugged just as the target

was about to give up everything.

Yeah, but... No buts!

You put your relationship
with this guy

ahead of your responsibility

as a representative
of this office.

No, I didn't. You did!

Can I say something now? What?

Yes, I should have
discussed it with you first.

Should have! It's your job.

Can I finish?

I didn't abort.
I just called an audible.

- What?
- In football, the quarterback...

I know what it means, Anthony.

He was about to
tell me everything,

and then something you said
gave me a better idea.

Why are we going after
Jimmy the small fish

when we can use him as bait
to harpoon the Russians?

Because that wasn't
the objective, Anthony.

I know, but why not?

Because it... it just wasn't.

Jimmy's back is
up against the wall.

He spills everything
on the Russians,

and we make a much bigger case.

Besides, I know how
to talk to him.

It's not a completely
terrible idea.

Your flattery humbles
me, Your Grace.

The guy doesn't have
any family, never married.

His parents have passed.

So I took him down
to the facility,

checked him in...
All off-duty, of course.

Good for you.

To me, part of my job.

So thanks for coming out.

Been on my mind...

Do you ever think of us
as a family business?

Sure, as does half New York.

Okay, let's switch
the particulars

for sake of discussion.

Say our family business
was barstools.

Barstools? Or whatever.

No barstools is good. Okay.

So Pop founded it,
I took over for him.

Erin keeps the books
and handles distribution,

and Danny goes all over
the five boroughs

looking for business.

Sounds about right.

Where are you?

On the shop floor.

Is that where you want to be?

Not sure I follow.

Well, you've got the education,

you certainly have the talent.

You've got the drive to go
above and beyond, and...

I'm still on the shop floor
making barstools.

Yeah. You see
what I'm getting at?

I do.

Let me ask you something?

You're in a family business,

Whether it's making barstools

or keeping these streets safe.

Shouldn't somebody in the family

be on the shop floor

with their hands
on the product every day?

Your metaphor.

I'm thinking.

I'm late.
Thanks for breakfast, Dad.

And I don't know who else
is a part of this discussion,

but you can tell them for me...

real happy where I'm at.

Boom, boom, boom, and boom.

And these booms are...

He was at the restaurant,
just like he said he was.

Wow, good work. I, found her.

He was telling the truth.

Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks.

What, you still
don't believe him?

No, I believe
he was in the restaurant

every single time
he said he was.

You think it's a cover. No.

I think he's a smart guy,
like you said he was.

Which means he wanted us to
check his credit card receipts,

'cause that was him
building his alibi.

Wow, you really want
to get this guy.

No, I just... I'm doing my job.

You know, we can stick
this case in a drawer

right now, and no one
would ever be the wiser.

No, we couldn't.

What is that?

This is the exterior
of Lee Bukowski's apartment.

This is Lee Bukowski
leaving his apartment.

And that is William Holt

following Lee Bukowski
leaving his apartment.

Could be a coincidence.

Not nine times it couldn't.

What do you mean you're
not gonna sit down with them?

I thought that's
what we worked out.

It's not gonna happen.

Why not?

'Cause you're jammed up
pretty good, Jimmy.

And not just with
the Russians, either.

Jammed up how?

NYPD knows you've been
feeding sensitive

proprietary information

to the bookmakers
that you're into.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

He's talking about this.

Who are you? Who's this?

I'm Erin Reagan,
Assistant District Attorney.

You set me up. Take it easy.

Nobody set up anybody.

This is an ambush.
You walked me into

a friggin' ambush!

That is not what this is.

My ass it isn't.
Am I getting collared here?

Is that what this is?
How could you?

You want to be upset
at him, be my guest.

But you should know
he's the only reason why

you're not already behind bars.

NYPD had been
watching you for weeks.

We had you on a wire, ready
to put you away for years,

but your friend here
saw a better way.

What way?

You need to give up
the Russians, Jimmy.

Get the hell out of here.

If you don't, you're gonna
end up in this folder.

If I do, I'm gonna end up
at the bottom of the Gowanus.

Not if your testimony puts every
last one of them behind bars.

Listen to her, Jimmy.

She knows what
she's talking about.

I'm sorry. I can't do that.

Jimmy, wait. Forget me.

Forget my face. Forget my name.

No! I'm getting the money!

I'm getting it! No!

Drop it now! Did I stutter?

You okay, pal?

Come on. It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Okay, that's our Vic.

This guy coming
around the corner,

with the newspaper,
he's appeared like that

nine times in the
last month. Nine.

Yeah, it's good.
I think you're probably right.

He's your guy. Yup.

You don't have enough.



Yeah, what?

You're not gonna fight with me?

You always fight with me. I do?

You huff and puff
all over the place,

and I wave my finger around,

and preach about
the proper procedure

in a criminal justice system.

That's what we do.
That's... that's our thing.

Well, I'm maturing.

Yeah, right.

What's going on?

Okay, I'm kind of hoping
that I...

don't make the case.

I'm trying hard
and doing my job,

but... I'm kind of hoping
this one craps out.

Well, let me be the one
to let you off the hook a bit.

You can't place him at the
scene, you don't have enough.


I guess I don't have enough.

You check his car?

See if he got
a summons that day?

I mean, stranger things
have happened.

Remember Son of Sam?

Actually, he doesn't drive.

Then you're off the hook.

Yes, I am.


He doesn't drive.

Yeah, you said that.

But he does take the subway.

Have you pulled the surveillance
from the nearby subway station?

No, I did not... but I will.

So, we got a deal? Jimmy's
gonna wear a wire for us?

I don't think so.

Are you kidding me?
You saved his life.

I was surprised myself.

Surprised? How about pissed?

Okay, that, too.
Look, he's an annoying guy.

He's been like that
since we were kids.

Well, he's not gonna
get away with this.

I still have enough on him
to make his life miserable.

I don't think you're
gonna want to do that.

Why not?

'Cause it might undermine
the credibility

of your star witness.

What are you talking about?

He's not gonna wear a wire

because there's no need to.

He's already got them
all on tape.

The worm that he is,
he recorded every phone call

where he exchanged information

with the Russians.

There's hundreds on there,

and each one of them match up

with one of these.

I love you, Anthony.

See, now I can die a happy man.

I'm gonna kill you,

but I love you.

Hey, Mr. Holt.

You wanted to see me? Yeah.

Right this way.

Come on in.

Hi, William.

What is he doing here?

You remember me. Glen Knapp.

What is he doing here?

Well, he's your
attorney, Mr. Holt.

Like hell he is.
This is the guy who got

that monster off.

Yes, because I'm good
at what I do.

Listen, I don't know what's

going on in here,
but I'm leaving.

You're not going anywhere.
Get over there.

I'm here as a courtesy.
I'm not under arrest.

Actually, you are. What?

Please, don't say any more,
Mr. Holt.

Why don't you take a
look at this, Mr. Holt?

This is you, Mr. Holt.

That's not me.

It is, and...

so is this.

That's not me.

Would you take out your
MetroCard please, Mr. Holt?

Do not do that.

Doesn't actually matter
anyway because we traced

the MetroCard you used
at the turnstile

back to your personal
credit card.

Which is more than enough
to impanel a grand jury.

And to get an indictment.

But not a conviction.

Not so long as
I'm representing you.

Wait a minute.

The two of you... have already
convinced him to take my case?

You're under arrest, Mr. Holt.

Don't worry.

You'll be out on bail
in less than 24 hours.

I don't know what to say.


don't say anything.

I'd listen to him.
He's pretty smart.

Thank you.

Thank you both.

Come on in.

Sorry to call last minute.

Not a problem.

You okay with it?

You should be the one
to have it.

Thanks for this.

Coffee or something?

The other day,
I didn't mean to suggest

that you weren't living up
to your potential.

Didn't take it that way.

It was the impression I got.

To each his own.
Let's leave it at that?

My point was
you're a hell of a good cop,

and there's lots of places
you can benefit this department.

I don't think I got another cop
with a Harvard law degree.

And I know
I've always been a hard-ass

about keeping my distance
from you and your brothers

where the job's concerned.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

I'd hate to think
I was holding you back.

You haven't... ever.

Thing is, Dad, I'm...
damn proud of my bar stools.

Any given day, I can stop
a robbery, prevent a murder...

take a gun off the
street, save a life...

steer a kid straight,

and, you know, help out
a neighbor I don't know.

Hell, I even get to...
deliver a baby once and a while.

It's funny how all cops
love that one.

I'm excited every single shift.

How many people can say that?

A lucky few.

Can you?

Well... I remember the feeling.

Why'd you give it up?

In my day, you moved up
through the ranks.

That's just what you did.

I never thought to question it.

And if you had it
to do all over again?

I'd be right where you are.

Okay, look, I don't know about

the rest of you,
but I'm starving.

- No, no.
- Yes, yes.

No, no, no.

The rule is we don't start
till everybody's here.

- Has anybody checked their phones?
- We've been waiting forever.

- Sorry.
- Finally.

We got caught up.

Doing what, pray tell?

Making bar stools.

Long story.

Can we just sit down and eat?

The food's getting cold.

Okay, okay.

Whose turn is it?

Danny's. Mom's.

- Nicky's.
- Sean.

Jack or Sean,
say grace now, okay?

Sean, just say it. Just, yeah.

Why do I have to do everything
no one else wants to do?

Because you're low man
on the totem pole, that's why.

Now let's go, come on.

I cannot wait
until you get married

- and have a kid.
- Whoa!

Do you know something
I don't know?

That you're insane?
Please, somebody just do it.

Seriously, why is it
that no one at this table

ever wants to say grace?
Linda's turn.

- Linda's turn.
- Happily.

Just say it, Mom.
In the name of the Father...

Actually, if you don't mind,
I'd like to say something.

My God, you
got to be kidding me.

Used to be another
chair at this table.

Right down there next to Pop.

I met a friend
of Joe's this week.

Truth is they didn't know
each other that well.

And even though Joe's
been gone for years...

it didn't stop him from helping
his friend out of a jam.

So, it got me to thinking,

that's who Joe
was in our family,

the shop steward...

the guy who looked out
for all the other guys.

Anyway, instead of grace,
how about a toast?

To our shop steward.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==