Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 7, Episode 12 - Blue Bloods - full transcript

When Danny accepts a side job as a bodyguard for a recently released ex-con who took the fall for someone else, he uses the opportunity to go after the real criminal. Also, Gormley's wife, Sheila (Cady Huffman), asks Frank to give Gormley a bigger command position, and Jamie and Eddie witness a lovers' quarrel between two cops that leads them to reflect on their own complicated relationship.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
CompStat's scheduled
to end at 1300 hours,

and your subsequent meeting with
the mayor has been postponed.

TV interview is scheduled
for noon, Sunday,

which is also your birthday.

And what does that have
to do with the schedule?

Well, they're gonna want to do
a cake here at One PP.

How's, um, late Friday,
say 5:00?

Who wants cake at 5:00?

Let's not do this again.

I know you don't like
to talk about your birthday.

And yet every time I have one,

you keep wanting
to talk about it.

A lot of people want
to get you presents.

What do I tell them?

I don't know.

Well, how about an œin lieu of
flowers, favorite charities?

Isn't that for funerals?

Right, okay, um,

let's put this another way.

If people want
to show affection for you,

how do you want
to avoid dealing with it?

That's not what I'm doing.

Who doesn't enjoy
their birthday?

Or at least allow the people
close to them to celebrate it?

Everyone can do
whatever they want.

Just not with you?

Excuse me.

Mrs. Gormley?


Come in.

Sit down.

No, thanks.

What brings you to One PP?

Sid forgot his heart pills,

which he needs a lot more
these days because...


you're breaking his heart.


He'd never say it to you
in a million years,

but he feels undervalued.

- Nah.
- Yeah.

It's like he's hit...

what do you call
a glass ceiling for a man?

I'm not sure.

You don't think he has

the smarts or the polish

to be a face of this department.

Well, that's just not true.

Well, it's how he feels.

And it's not like

he doesn't turn down offers.

He does?

Philadelphia could use
a man like Sid,

and a lot of other cities, too.

I'm sure.

He's too modest a man
to ask for it,

but he deserves this respect.

So, thanks for your time,

and do the right thing.

We shouldn't have
ever even gotten a dog.

You got the dog. Wow.

Way to backtrack.

Hey, guys. Hey.

How's it going?

Who got a dog? She did.

What kind of dog?

A beagle.

I love beagles.

Me, too.

Yeah, they're
a whole lot of work.

They got this new thing called
Puppy Playtime or something.

They bring a dozen puppies
to your home or your work,

and you can play
with them for an hour.

That'd be perfect for him.

One hour commitment.



Sorry I'm late.


Just spent two hours filling out

college loan applications
for my kid.

You know
for the price of college,

I could set the kid
up with his own

small, little business instead?


I'm serious. Like a diner,

a dry cleaners, a body shop,
you name it.

Danny, there's someone here
to see you.


He's in the box.

Why is he in the box?

Said he wanted to talk
to you alone,

said he had a deal
for you or something.

Is it a CI?

I don't know, ask him yourself.

It's “Goodnight” Mason.

Son of a gun.

Good morning, Goodnight.

It's just Ernie now, Reagan.

Well, it's always gonna be
Goodnight to me.

When'd you get out?

Yesterday. 12 years in the can

and the first person
you come see is me?

I'm... I'm honored.

Suspicious, but honored.

You always said
if there was ever anything

you could do for me
when I get out...

That's... something I say a lot.

It's not actually something
I mean when I say it.

Yeah, I know.

Okay, so?

I got a proposition for you.

You mean you got
a hustle for me.


I want to make amends
for my mistakes...


But I'm in danger walking
around in this city.

Yeah, which probably makes it
a good idea

for you to cancel
your homecoming tour,

don't you think?

Well, that's where you come in.

I will pay you $10,000

to watch my back while
I do my business.

Two days, five grand now,

five when we're done.

I can't take dirty money.
You should know that.

Still got some
of my boxing money,

put some in something
called munis.

It's clean; I can prove it.

I don't doubt it, but why
don't you just offer this

to one of your buddies?

I'm sure they could use
that kind of scratch.

No, they all got records.

Terms of my parole...

No consorting with known felons.

The only nonfelon I know
who has the chops is you...

and you're still a cop,
so I know you need the money.

I'm flattered...

You're just looking
for a wing man, is that it?

That's all.

No illegal activity whatsoever.

How long do, I have
to make a decision here?

What? Where are you going?

Going to that little diner
across the street,

get me some eggs and sausage.

Well, you got to give
me a minute here.


If I see you there,
I know I got a partner,

and if I don't, I know I won't.

What's the deal?

Guess I'm doing
private security.

He needs private security,
from you?


So, what's he paying? A lot,

but it's not about the money.
Since when?

Since he did 12 years
for prison,

but never gave up the guy
who actually ordered the hit.

Duwan Brown.

Uptown Brown? That's right.

So, I'm thinking
maybe I work for him

and two birds with one stone.

And why are we going
into the cave?

Because I don't want him
to walk in on us.

It's really not a problem
to just kick it down the road.

I don't want to kick
it down the road.

I want Sid to appear
in my stead.

Sid on Perspectives?

It's the kind of show

where the mayor
sends his deputy,

the governor sends
the lieutenant governor...

I know, but...
So, I am sending Sid.

But Sid...

He is as informed as anybody

about current and future issues
for this department.

True. But?

But he's not you.

Well, that's why I think
it's such a good idea.

He's a cop's cop.

And I really have a problem
with the “cop's-cop” thing.

Boil it down. Cop's cop is like

writer's writer
or coach's coach.

It basically means you have
to be in the business

to understand what's really
special about the guy.

It's elitist.

So, Sid's elitist?

Never mind.

And you can prep him.

Thank you.

Have you told him yet?

I think it's much better
coming from you.

It's your bailiwick.

But it's you who's giving him
the vote of confidence.

Well, you can tell him
it's my idea,

but we don't want to make
a whole bar mitzvah out of this.

Yes, boss.

You got your Dad a wallet
last year for his birthday.

I did?

Yes. Shoot.

Come on, you can
think of something.

He's hard.

He doesn't have any real
hobbies, just work and family.

Does he like to read?


All right, then buy him a book.

Yeah, but then
he'd have to read it,

and what if he wasn't
interested in it?

Then it wouldn't be a gift,
it'd just be an obligation.

Hey, Reagan, think
you're overthinking

this one a little bit?

That ain't right.

They break down or something?

Something broke down.

Just admit it, you lied.

You're really gonna
do this here, now?

When would be a good time?!

Because it seems like never!

Here we go,

the bitch is back.

Whoa, all right, okay.

All right, everybody,
move on, show's over.

Why would you do that?

Hey, hey, come on.
Hey, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Put your phone down, please.

What's going on?

She's mad at me.

Law's changed. Buckle up.

What, you gonna
violate my parole?

It might be. Buckle up.

Anyway, my older boy's 17,
younger boy's 14.

How about you?


19? When's the last time
you saw him?

First year upstate.
He was all of seven.

Donna brought him up up there
for his birthday.

It upset him so much,
so that was that.

So, is reuniting with him
part of the tour?

Well, he is my son.

Ain't nothing changing that.

I ask you a question?
And you don't have to answer.

It's a free country, allegedly.

You pull the trigger?

What you should've said was,

“Can I ask you something
I already know the answer to?”

I always wondered.

No, you didn't. You knew.

Your whole body language in
the witness box during my trial

was like a kid in church
about to pee his pants.

Hey. The gun was yours.
You knew.

I copped to that.

And witnesses placed
you at the scene.

Witnesses placed
a six foot black male

on a block full
of six foot black males.

Look, my job is
to enlighten the jury

as to the facts of the case.

And I never held
that against you...

but maybe you held it
against yourself a little,

which is why we are riding
together right now.

You gonna answer
the question or not?

Did you pull the trigger?

Get in the left lane,

about to take this turn
on 161st.

We've been partners
for almost two years.

That slap didn't look
like a beef between cops.

It was and it wasn't.

It wasn't, period.

How long have you guys
been sleeping together?

Six months.

Seventh anniversary Saturday.

This is no time
for flowers here, Paul.

People caught your fight
on their cell phones.

Look, there is nothing in the
Patrol Guide about this.

There is in the
common sense guide.

Why haven't one of you
put in for a transfer?

We got a great deal on a place

just a block outside
the precinct.

Look, you guys
have our backs, right?

It's my fault.

I promise it'll
never happen again.

Hey, don't put this on us, man.

Hey, boss.

Got a report
of two cops fighting.

Which two of you?

That'd be Officer Bryson
and myself, boss.

What about? Policy, sir.


"He wants to practice
“stop and frisk”"

I think it's a civil
rights violation.

Stop and frisk?
It got pretty heated,

but we're...
we're good to go now.

Put your caps back on
and get back to work.

All of you.

Thanks, guys. We owe you.

I really don't want
anything else to do with this.

Yeah, I'm with you on that.



Mister, you might not know it,

but you're definitely
in the wrong place.

I'm in the right place
if you're Donna.

And you're a cop.

Yeah, that's right.

You hear that, everyone?
I'm a cop.

It's okay, relax. I'm off duty.

Look, I'm just here doing a
favor for an old friend of ours.

You and me don't got
an old friend.

Actually, we do.


Hey, Donna.

You out?

Good eye.

But you had another six months.

Good behavior.

You shouldn't be here.

That's all you got for me?

You look good.

For a long time
I missed you, but...

after 12 years, baby, yeah,

that's all I got.

If you can just tell me
where our son is,

I'll be on my way.

He don't want to see you.

He's 19. He can tell me that

Hey! Hey!

Yo, keep your hands
where I can see 'em.


Get your hands where
I can see 'em, all of you!

- Hey!
- Easy, man.

Ronnie, you got no right.

Goodnight's got a right
to see his boy.

I hear fighting,
and it's not even noon?


It's just Ernie now, Duwan.

And I ain't here for her,
so you can relax.

I know what you come for.

Gonna take about a day
to get it together.

Shut up, Duwan.

That's a cop.

Hey, that's “Detective” to you.

And nice to meet you,
too, by the way, Duwan.

I just came here
to see my son, that's all.


I think we might have found him.

Seems the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.

You promised.

It was boxing or the gang life.

Tell me what choice
you would have made.

I asked you one thing.
One thing!

Ernie, I did the right thing.
No, no, you didn't!

- Yes, I did.
- Easy.

You swore to me!
Hey, put it away.

Danny, get off me!
Time to go, come on.

The type of mother
you turned out to be.

What kind of a father are you?

Where you been
the last 12 years?

Some kind of mother
you turned out to be!

Time to go. Time to go.

All right, show me
something now, Shawn.

Come on, take it to him.

Keep it coming, baby.

Two more days.

Two more days and
this show is real.

Come on, come on!

He's setting him up like
his old man... look at that.

But he's dropping the left.

Looks like Goodnight Jr.
Inherited the Goodnight punch.

Blessing and a curse.

Anybody in there
I should be worried about?

His trainer, Khalid...

thinks he did three years
because of me.

Did he?

Just have my back.

“Street Fight” Mason.

More like “Playground” Mason.

What you doing here, old man?

I came here to see you.

You see me?


Now get out of here.

We don't need no
distractions, Mason.

He got a fight coming up fast.

He's not a distraction,
he's the kid's father, okay?

- Show some respect.
- I got this.

Who the hell are you?

And you got nothing for me.

Just want to take you
out for dinner, son.

You gonna leave,

or do I got to
bounce your ass out?

Don't you ever talk
to me like that.

I talk to you anyways I want.

This guy's not my father.

He's just a ghost.

Please, Shawn, one meal.

One hour out of your life.

You just had all the time
I got for you.

Listen, I'm still your father.

I'm not your son!

Hey! Hey!

Hey... Hey,

back up!

He's on parole. So?

So if he hits you,
he's going back to prison.

One sucker punch is enough!

You okay? You all right?

Forget what I said
about “Playground.”

Boy, that is a hell of a right.

I'm sorry I hit you.

Maybe I deserved it.

Look, I gotta get back to work.

Yeah, this ain't going
the way I planned it.


The whole time
I'm thinking of him,

what kept me going was knowing

that he was thinking
about me, too.

Try not to take it personal.

That's how kids are.

Whether you're coming home
from prison or work,

that's just how they are.

I ain't buying that.

But nice try.

He say why?

Not really.

Am I being punished
for something?

I don't think so.

Would you tell me if I was?

Then do, because
making me get on TV

has got to be punishment
for something.

Not at all.

He said you're a cop's cop,

and up to speed
on all the issues,

so he's sending you.

Take it as a compliment.

To you it's a compliment, maybe.

To me it's a curse.
You'll do fine.

I'll short out the microphone
sweating through my suit.

It's his birthday Sunday.
Did you get him something?

No, not yet.

You know, the whole family

goes over to his house
every Sunday.

Maybe you, me,
and Baker could go in

on a gift certificate
to Peter Lugar's.

But don't you get the feeling
they do it at the house

'cause that's how he wants it?

Yeah, there's that.

Well, he can take
whoever whenever.

You tell him?

Just broke the news.

The good news.

What do you think?

I'm so honored, boss.

I'll make you proud, I swear.

I know you will, Sid.

I'm just sorry I didn't
think of it sooner.

Well, there's no time
like the present, as they say.

Can't wait to see it.

That we didn't report it
doesn't get you off the hook.

We're not on a hook,
and it's none of your business.

Janko and I came across
you guys having a fight,

and any fool could see
it was a lover's thing.

Like you and Janko never have.

What? No, we haven't.

We've never gotten together.

Ask anyone
in this house, Reagan.

We all know
that you're banging her.

Hey, look, I just told you...

Hey, get your hands off!

What do you mean you don't
know what I'm talking about?

You two are together,
and everybody knows it.

I just said we're not.

Wow, Janko, did I
read you wrong.

Well, you know, whatever
you think you know...

I thought I knew
you were a stand-up cop,

but I guess 'cause
he's a Reagan,

you can count on the bosses
looking the other way.

Well, there's nothing for
them to look away from.

Copy that, Blondie-blonde.

Get your house in order, man.

Or what, you gonna go to the CO?

With what?

Must have been a dozen people

that saw that slap
on their cell phones.

The clock's ticking till
one of the bosses sees it.

Get out ahead of it.

Or you're gonna tell on us?

I'm not in sixth grade,
and neither are you.

But you're putting your life
and your partner's in danger

taking your eye off the ball
like that today.

You know what?
Screw you, Kelsey.

I'm just trying
to help you out here.

No, you're afraid that
if they turn on that light,

it's gonna land on you two.

So you're not gonna say a thing.
Am I right?

Guess what, I'm not
afraid of your light,

because we're not together.

You try to jam me up,
I'll jam you right back.

Reagan hook or not.

You know, back at Jerk Street,

Duwan, he said he owed you.


Is that some kind
of detective thing?

You sit on the question
until your sixth sense

tells you the time is right?

Screw you. What'd he mean?

He owes me a hundred grand.

He promised it to me
if I kept my mouth shut

and did my time.

Kept your mouth shut about what?

Who pulled the trigger.

So it wasn't you?

I answered your question,
all right?

Don't push it.

We're up here on the right.

- You check in already?
- Yesterday.

You use your name?

Yeah. Why?

What's the room number?

315. What's this all about?

Just doing my job. Sit tight.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

My associates and I

are supposed to meet Mr. Mason
in room 315.

Has anyone showed up yet?

315's not back yet.

Your associates.

Well, one's over there

in that chair by that lamp.

Right by the door there?


I don't see the other one.


Stay there.

Stay in the car.

Hey. Hey!


I'm talking to you.


Goodnight, get down!

Goodnight, you okay?

How many times I got to tell
you? It's Ernie now!

Right. Well, it was almost
good night for good.

You just keep earning
your keep, Reagan.

This is Detective Reagan
at 356 West 31st.

We got shots fired
at this location.

Anything you need before I go?

No, look, I'm-I'm sorry,
I lost track of time.

Um, I didn't mean
to keep you so late.

It's not a problem.

Good night, sir.


When's it due again?

He, sir.

The “it” is a boy.

Right, I knew that.

He due?

Around the end of next month.

Yeah, of course.

See you tomorrow.


I know I don't always
think to say it,

what with the speed of things
around here,

but I really do appreciate
the hard work

and dedication you put
into the your job.

I just wanted to say that.

Thank you.

Appreciate that.

Good night.


is there something I should
know about your birthday?

You already know
about my birthday.

I know.

It's just unusual to avoid them

with as much vigor
and purpose as you do.

Something in the past?


Look, I-I just have
always felt very lucky

to have grown up
in such a good family.

Seemed like overkill,
a special day for myself.

Good night, sir.

Good night, Baker.

All right, Baez. Yeah.

Yeah, copy that.

How the hell do you
call this a safe house?

The roaches are big enough
to mug somebody.

Look, the plates
on the shooter car

came back to a Segundo Perrera.

He's got a history of doing
business with Duwan Brown.

Might've figured that.

What is it? He doesn't want
to pay you what he owes you?

Maybe, or maybe he don't want
me around Donna and my son.

Why would you say that?

You saw the way
he moved in on Donna.

And Brown and Khalid been
running together

since they was pups.

And now he's coincidentally
my son's trainer?

You figure it out.

I'd say follow the money.

However you cut it, I'm cut out.

Man's got my money
and my family,

and all I got is a night
in a roach motel.

Well, look, you may not actually
have that anymore either.


The second those guys
fired the shots

and I called it in,
this became an NYPD case.

Which means if
you don't cooperate,

then you're on your own,
you're on the streets.

Cooperate how?

Help me catch Brown.

What's so funny?
The way you said,

“Help me catch Brown.”


Should have some
inspirational music playing

or something.

What is that?

It's that second cashier's check
for five grand.

You saved my life,
I guess you earned it.

This is an NYPD case now.

I can't take that.

Well, I guess we're done.

What are you talking about?

That man ain't gonna give me
the money that he promised me,

and I'm not gonna get killed
trying to find it.

Shawn's lost to me, so is Donna.

I got to find a life somewhere,

but it damn sure ain't here.

Look, Ernie, wait...

It's Ernie now?

Look, you do got a life here.

But Brown, he's just putting up
a roadblock.

It's up to you to help me
nail the son of a bitch

and get your life
back for yourself.

I'm a free man, Danny.

After 12 long years
I can walk where, when,

and as far as I want to.

So please, don't try to stop me.

According to him,
everyone in the house

thinks we're doing it, too.

Doing what?

You know, doing it.

The hubba-hubba?

The horizontal tango?

Shut up.

Reagan, I bet you got every
merit badge the Scouts give out.

Seriously, what do you
want to do about this?

All units 10-13,

confines of the 12th precinct
at 31 West 39 Street.

Violent EDP, units responding.

12-David, show us responding.

Calm down, all right?
All right? Hold on.

50 cents a slice! 50 cents!

Step aside! Hey, make a hole.

Step aside! Make a hole.

Step aside.

50 cents!

No, you're not.
Hey, what happened?

You tell me I'm crazy.
You're crazy.

Book says isolate and contain,
but she-she just went right in there.

Let me guess, 'cause she doesn't
take orders from you?

- Close enough.
- Go ahead!

What are you gonna do?

Eddie, come around the back.
You're the one with the gun.

I bet no one tells you
you're crazy.

Hey, hey,
somebody try to rip you off?

Pizza is 50 cents a slice!

Damn right it is.
Two slices for a dollar.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Officer Reagan.

They're telling me
it's two dollars a slice!

Well, it's against the law,
which is exactly why I'm here.

Says so right there on the wall.

Look it! See?

Am I right? 50 cents a slice.

Two slices for a buck, buck
and a quarter gets you a soda.


You're all right, you're all right.

You're okay, you're okay.
It's not fair.

Lieutenant Gormley
would like a word, sir.

Send him in.

And Mrs. Gormley.

Send them in.

Sid, Sheila.

Boss, we have
a confession to make.

She does. I do.

After the taping,

which went okay by the way.

I know that, congratulations.

Sheila slipped that
she paid you a visit.

When I pressed,
she told me what she said.


I might've given you
the impression

that Sid felt
he was undervalued here.


Fine, I said so much.

That wasn't from Sid,
just from me.

I just want him to be
all he can be.

I just wanted you to hear it
from the source.

Good policy. And, boss,

I just want you to know,
I'm very happy

and proud to be working here.

And have never considered
a job in Philadelphia

or anywhere else, nor would I.

Glad to hear it.
The last thing I would want

is a job anything like yours.

The weight on you,
the isolation it brings,

what must be the
sleepless nights

and unrelenting pressure

and the no pleasing
nobody nohow. Honest.

And... happy birthday.

From me, Garrett and Abigail.

Arrive hungry and enjoy.

Spoil the surprise.

Thank you.

Here's to many more to come.

Pop, anything bad happen on
my birthday when I was a kid?

What do you mean?

I don't know, plane crash,
ship sunk, something like that.

No, nothing like that.

Just that Ranger game
when you turned nine.

I remember.

What do you remember?

You just moved to a new school,

so I got tickets to the game

for all the boys
in your new class.


And I'd gotten the date
I gave their parents mixed up.

So you and I arrived and...

None of the boys showed up.

Well, there were no cell phones,

there was no way
to contact them.

But maybe you felt like
all the guys just...

bailed on your birthday.

I probably did.


water under the bridge.

Got it. They found the car
an hour ago off the Deegan.

They're tossing it
and dusting for fingerprints.

They're bound to find something.

Yeah. The fingerprints of two
guys who are now in the wind.

Detective Reagan? Yeah.

Got a visitor.

Thank you.

I sat in Penn Station all night
looking at that Amtrak board.

But everybody I know

is still here.


I reached out to Duwan.

Set up a meeting.

Trying to make peace.

And to get the money?

No. It's blood money.

I don't want anything
to do with any of that.

But it occurred to me

that the meeting could be
a rope-a-dope in its own way.

How's that?

Ali thought of a rope-a-dope

as a way to lull his opponents

into thinking he was against
the ropes and all out of gas.

Making them careless.

Duwan gets a little loose
with the mouth,

I'm not wearing a wire.

So you have to think
of something.

And where is this get-together?

Jerk Street.

They serve food there.

What are the tables like?

What're you thinking about?

You know,
salt and pepper shakers,

ketchup bottle,

mustard bottle, hot sauce.

Napkins dispensers.

Things that could be wired.

And when's this sit-down?

Tomorrow night,

after I watch my son's fight.

Hey. Hey.

Kelsey just put in
for a transfer.

Yeah, I heard.
Paul actually apologized to me.

Do you feel like
eating or drinking or both?


Does it bother you

at all, that everyone
in the house

assumes that we're doing it?

Doing what?

Shut up.

I'm just gonna ignore it.

Nothing we can do
about it anyway.

It'd be like trying to put
toothpaste back in the tube.

I guess you're right.

Of course I'm right. And
also, it occurs to me,

since everyone's
already thinking it...

Even though we haven't
done anything.

We're paying the price
for something

we didn't get the benefits of.

Benefits. I like
how you're thinking.

I'm glad to hear you say that.

But, um, no can do.


See, once you've tapped this,

there's no going back.

I'd be spoiled for life.

Yes. Now you're getting it.

Sure you don't want to
go try and find him?

No. I'm gonna give him room.


That stuff works.
You see his knees buckle?

You see this? Hey, what's up?

Congratulations, kid.

You got something.

Yo... No, no, I got this.

The Irishman didn't have much.

No need to talk down
your opponent.

Plenty of people
will do it for you.

Thanks for coming.

Wouldn't have missed it
for anything in the world.


I'm meeting some people, so...

I wouldn't want to hold you.

One meal.

My treat.

If you're free tomorrow night,

maybe we could eat.

I'd like that.

I'll see you at around 7:00?

Yes, you will.

Stand up, Goodnight.


Here we are.

I appreciate you taking
this sit-down with me.

It's what's right.



Cognac and milk, right?


He won.

I heard.

You still can't watch?

Same as ever.

Get this crap out off the table.

We're not eating nothing.


Got something in my eye.

Let me take a look.

Go on, leave us be.

You really don't want the money?

I want it.

As payment to you.

For leaving me be.

A hundred grand to leave me be.

I'll leave you be for free.

Got some trouble
the other night.

Somebody took a shot at me.

Sorry to hear that.

Leave me be.

And that's it?

Why did you have Charlie
use my gun to kill Stennis?

Who said I...
Duwan, I did 12 years.

You owe me the truth.

Now, you told me
to draw Charlie outside,

and give him a beatdown

but you never said nothing
about shooting him.

No, I didn't.

I had Charlie shoot him.

But I needed you
to draw him out.

He trusted you.

And we used your gun
so you couldn't turn on us.

We got it.

Well, we agreed to wait until
he walks out the front door.

Well, that's that.

I'm not gonna see you again?

You have my word.

Go out the back.


I got guys out front.

If this didn't go how I wanted,

they're waiting out front.

You understand?

Go! Go! Go!

Drop it! Police! Drop it!

Turn around. Get over there.

I got it.

Call a bus. Call a bus!

Central, Central,
we need a bus, forthwith, at location.

Go on! Make a wish.

Yeah! Yay!

What'd you wish for?

Didn't come true.

How do you know?
She's still here.

Never gets old.

Are we doing presents?

Mine first. No. Mine.

No time.

What do you mean, no time?

The van is already out front.

You still got the box
the cake came in?

In the kitchen. Why?

Okay. We'll take
the cake with us

and we'll do the presents later.

The van to where?

The Garden.

Rangers versus Chicago.

I want to get there
for the warmups.

Wait. All of us?

Yes. All of us in a row,
two rows,

behind the Rangers bench.

It's a surprise,
for my birthday.

Boys, grab the box
and some paper plates.

On it.

And grab some plastic
forks from the drawer.

Who's ever heard
of someone throwing

their own surprise
birthday party?

I invented it.

Get going here.
Come on, chop-chop.

Get your coats.

Come on, people!

Let's go, Rangers.

Let's go, Rangers.

- Let's go.
- Let's go, Rangers.

Let's go, Rangers.

Let's go, Rangers.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==