Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 6, Episode 13 - Stomping Grounds - full transcript

When a well-regarded, newly retired NYPD lieutenant is accused of shooting a group of potential muggers on the subway and then disappears, Frank must deal with the fallout. Also, when a drug dealer returns to Baez's old neighborhood, she and Danny must figure out how to arrest him for a murder that Baez witnessed as a child.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
On the ground!
Get on the ground!

Now! Get on the ground!

Open the register.

Give me the cash.
Okay, okay, okay.

Give me it!

Get down!

Open it!

Open the register.
I'm going as fast as I can.

Well, go a little faster!

I have a family...

Yeah, well, I have a family,
too, okay? And I'm gonna

count to three, and if that
cash register isn't open,

I'm gonna put a bullet
in your head.


I'm trying, I'm trying.

Don't shoot!


Jamie, look out!


Holster your weapons.

Let's reset.



what went wrong
with this exercise?

All due respect for the
new training guidelines,

Sergeant Langley,
this was a must-shoot situation.

But Janko didn't shoot,
did she?

I had a better angle
to see everything.

It was a no-win scenario.

It happens.

Sometimes we can't control
all the factors,

but we can control ourselves.

Janko, nice restraint.


...we got some work
ahead of us.

♪ And not the words ♪

♪ Of one who kneels ♪

♪ The record shows ♪

♪ I took the blows ♪

♪ And did it ♪

♪ My... way. ♪

Thank you!

It's been a privilege
and an honor.

If there's a doctor
in the house,

I think I just had a hernia.

That sound you heard...

Sinatra spinning in his grave.

I think it's brave

getting up there.
I could never.

I'm with you.

Not me, I got a whole set
of tunes I'm gonna sing

for my retirement.

Is that a promise
or a threat?

There they are,
the first family...

plus one.

Aw, thank you
for coming tonight, Henry.

You're the best.

Nah, that would be you, Tim.


Congratulations, Tim.
You made it.


Ms. Reagan,
good of you to attend.

Wouldn't have missed it.
One of the longest

serving cops
in this department.

I would have stayed
a little bit longer

if you let me...

Mandatory retirement applies
to everyone, Tim.

Except the commissioner.

I hear you're going to Florida?

Sunshine and golf courses,
that's all they got

where I'm headed, Henry.

You're welcome anytime.

I never figured you
for a snowbird.

Yeah, me neither.
I thought I'd stay in New York

until they planted me
beneath it,

but times have changed.

And the winters aren't
getting any warmer.

No, it's not the cold.

I'm taking Amy away
from all of this.

City's going to hell
in a hand basket.

Well, we'll miss your head
and shoulders in the cause, Tim.

It's a lost cause now.

The good guys are the ones
getting chased out.

I'm sure you're
in the minority thinking that.

Ooh, I am in the minority,
you are right there.

When I first came on the job,
and you were

the boss of bosses?

That was a totally
different time.

We got a damn good commissioner
running the show now.

But... he's a little too caught
up in politics and appeasement

to take off the gloves
and do what needs doing,

you ask me.

Sounds like you needed
the change.


Thanks for your service,

And don't let the door
hit you in the ass

on the way out.

I think I need a drink
with my old pal, Tim.

Come on, buddy,
let's go. Come on.

And a good night to all.


Let's do it.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Ooh, whoa, this has
got to be my last one.

We both have day
tours tomorrow.


You did good today.

Thank you.

It's the truth.

Your scores in every category
are off the charts.

How long you been
on patrol with Reagan?

About two years.

So, you ready
for a move up?

I like where I am for now.

Look, the NYPD needs
people like you

in higher profile positions.

There's a push to improve
community relations.

I feel like I do that
every day.

It's a drop in the bucket
compared to what

you could be accomplishing

with a little more

I can tell you have
the right touch.

I'm not sure what kind
of touch that is.

Let's get real.

You have the potential
to do big things

in this department,

but being partnered
with a Reagan

is holding you back.
Why is that?

The PC can't afford
to be seen as favoring

his son's partner.

You need another hook.


There's nothing wrong
with having ambition.

I know.


Take the hand
that's offered to you.


That was, um...


Oh, no, I like you!

I like you, I do.
Oh, come on.

I jus... I jus...

you're my training
sergeant at my precinct.

We can't do this.

Who's gonna know?

I'm gonna know.

I'm sorry.

I hope that's okay.

Why wouldn't it be?

I don't want it to be weird
when we work together.

I'm still good.

Aren't you?

Yeah, sure.

No harm, no foul, right?

I'm just saying,
you can't tell me anything

about these streets
I don't already know.

Yeah, except where to get
a decent cup of coffee

without spending
half your paycheck.


Excuse me, sir,
you seen him?

Uh... nope.

Why don't you take
a closer look?

Maybe he's been in here,
a customer, you seen him

in the neighborhood.

Uh... yeah, no, no.

No, coming up blank.

You seen him in the
neighborhood, somewhere around?

Yeah, doesn't
ring any bells.

Okay, uh,
I'll tell you what.

Uh, post that
in the window, okay?


Help us out.
All right.

Hey, where you going?

What's the matter?

What's wrong?

That guy behind me...

It's not our guy.

Doesn't look anything
like the sketch.

I know.

When I was ten, I saw that guy
stomp a boy to death

in front of my building.

♪♪ Blue Bloods 6x13 ♪
Stomping Grounds
Original Air Date on January 22, 2016

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Did the sitter
work out?

Oh, she's great.
Thank you so much.

Oh, happy to help.

Forgotten, but not gone.

How was Harrison's racket?

Lively, but not
a moment too soon.

What do you mean?

His sell-by date

as a reliably good cop
had long passed.

Yet, you let him stay
on till the end.

I kept a close eye on.

He stayed out of trouble.

Since when is that your criteria
for keeping a man on the job?

Since the man was one
of my father's favorites.

And a very good man...
with a blind spot.

So, what do we got?

We're starting to get calls
on the two males shot

on the D train last night.

How do you want
this to go out?

Ah... Sid said
he's on his way up about that.

He couldn't put it
in an e-mail?

He said an e-mail wouldn't do.


Those two shot on
the subway last night

are still in
intensive care.

But you didn't come up here
for that.

Well, we're still piecing
some of this together,

but apparently the first victim
was a lush worker with a record,

robbing a passed
out drunk.

He sliced open his
pocket with a razor,

took his wallet.

Witnesses say the drunk
woke up and shot him.

There was another kid

close by-- he got shot as
well, but we don't know

what his role was.

But the first victim

still had the
wallet on him.

It was Tim Harrison's wallet.


We call that burying the lead.

And I call it...
I still can't believe it.

Were both shooting
victims black?


And the shooter
was white, and a cop.

Did the witnesses identify Tim
as the shooter?

They all picked his photo
from the array.

And they said he fired again
when the perps scattered.

Any idea where he is now?

In the wind,
with a gun and no wallet.

Friends, family?

Canvassing everybody.
No hits yet.

How do you want this to go?

Tim was a decorated
and respected member

of this department.

He's entitled to the presumption
of innocence

until proven otherwise.

Witnesses saw him shooting up
a subway car.

And we have a man
who has Tim's wallet.

I don't think
Tim gave it to him.

I'm just saying...

Put out a picture
and a description.

We're not trying him
right now,

we're just trying
to find him.

You want to tell me
what's really going on?

I said I didn't want
to talk about it.

Come on, you casually
say you saw a murder

when you were ten-years-old,
and now you want to

just drop it, just like that?


What, you gonna smack
me upside the head

until I tell you?

What happened?

It was, like, 25 years ago.

My mother sent me out to get
some milk from the bodega

across the street and...

I saw something
I wasn't supposed to see.

You do realize that I'm
your partner, right, Baez?

Come on.

That guy we saw,
Octavio Nunez...

...I saw him curb-stomping

someone to death right
in the middle of the street.

Someone you knew?

A friend?

A boy I liked.

Everyone called him Gabo.

He was the first person I knew

who thought I could make it
out of the hood.

And you saw him get killed.

Any idea why?

You can't be the only witness.

Other people were
looking out their windows,

they're just too scared.

Octavio was young,

but he already had a rep

as an enforcer
with the local crew.

I was scared, too.

I locked eyes with him,
and I never said anything.

So, he was never charged.

He disappeared
about a month later,

and no one ever
talked about it.

Gabo's mother
put flowers

on the spot where it happened

every year until she died.


Well, you know, this Octavio guy
is back in the neighborhood.

I mean, he must be up
to something.

We can pinch him now.

No, just-just let it go,
Danny, okay?

I still have family
on that block.

Come on, there's no statute

of limitations on murder.

I'm asking you
to let it go, okay?

It's not your family
that still lives there.

Okay, each team take one,

pass them along.

Lieutenant Harrison was a member
of this department,

but right now we have to treat
him like any other armed perp.

If you see him,
approach with caution,

and request an 85 forthwith.

Moving on, we're continuing
our training assignments.

As most of you know, this
precinct is a testing ground

for the new community
policing model.

You'll each be getting turns
to ride with me.

That's all for today.

Roll call dismissed.


You ready?

Oh, I meant to tell
you before roll call

I won't be
on patrol today.

Everything all right?

Yeah, I have a court
appearance tomorrow.

I thought I mentioned it.

ADA wants me in
for trial prep.

All right, Reagan,

looks like it's just
me and you.

Janko, I'll catch you
next time.

Talk to you later, okay?


Reagan, you are looking
at my personnel file.

I was not.

I mean, I am,
but I'm just

looking at places you used
to live, that's all.

So you can get more information
on the murder I saw.

I thought we agreed
to leave it alone.

No, I didn't agree
to anything, okay?

Murder's murder,

and this Octavio guy's

skated on half
a dozen as it is.

Yeah, in Mexico.

And now he's back
in town

and he's trying
to go legit.

Oh, so you've been
tracking him, too.

Of course, I have.

You think I haven't
been over this

a million times
in my head?

The only thing I know
is nobody becomes a cop

to forget about witnessing
a homicide, okay?

This thing is gonna haunt you

until you put it down, Baez.

Or until you put it down
and stop torturing me with it.

You're torturing yourself.

You know you're
down for this.

Come on, let's nail
this son of a bitch.

All right, I'm in.


You gonna let up on me now?

Not a chance.

Hey, uh,
w-what happened today?

Why'd you duck your turn
with Langley?

I told you I had
to get ready for court.

Yeah, you guys went out
after training the other night.

Did, uh, something happen?

It doesn't matter.

Eddie, Eddie.

He try to put a move
on you or something?

It's all good.

I-I handled it.

What'd he do?

It was nothing.

Uh, he kissed me.

We both had had a lot to drink

and I was not...

completely blameless.

What are you telling me?

Look, Jamie, I really
don't want this to get around,

and I'd really like it
if you didn't say anything.


He's your superior officer.

You telling me you wanted this?

Jamie, I can handle
my business.

You need to stay
out of this, okay?


I'm sorry I said
anything to you.


Witnesses confirm
the second kid who got shot

was just trying
to break up the robbery.


Still no sign of Tim.

We're pinging his cell phone.

We put an alert over NLETS

to law enforcement nationwide.

The guy's got no wallet.

He must be reaching out
to friends, family.

Turns out he's been separated
from his wife for over a year.

Amy has not heard
a word from him.

So, all that stuff
about heading south together

was just wishful thinking.

Boss, the Tim Harrison I knew,
apparently he's--

I don't know--

he just hasn't been himself
for awhile.

Or maybe the self he really is,

he kept a lid on
till last night.

Point taken, sir.

You've got a call
coming through.

It's Lieutenant Harrison.

I've got TARU
tracing it.

Thank you, Baker.

Sit down.


Don't bother tracing this call,

I'll be gone
before you get here.

You know you need
to turn yourself in.

They were both good shootings,

The one black kid had a blade,

the other was backing him up.

I shot in self-defense.

That's for a grand jury
to decide.

You would have done the same
thing-- any cop would have.

You will have your day in court,
you have my word.

Your word?

I served your father
with distinction for 20 years.

You shipped me out
to Staten Island

the day he left the building.

This has got nothing to do
with that.

Of course it does.
The city is going

back to the wolves
'cause you tied the hands

of the people that saved it.


I am about an inch away
from having to attach

"armed and dangerous"
to the bulletin

with your name
and picture on it.

Don't make me do that.

Come in.

Come home.

I'll tell you what, Frank.

You do what you have to do,

'cause I'm gonna do
what I have to.

We didn't get it.

Hey, Maria. ¿Qué pasa?

Hola, Maria. ¿Qué tal?

It's the street
I grew up on.

Mm, also the street where
Gabo was murdered.

Yeah, that was then,
this is now.

You Detective Foster?

You the guys called
about Octavio Nunez?

Yeah, what's
the story here?

It looks like an arson
and explosives job.

Yeah, Octavio is moving his
drug profits into real estate.

The building he
was trying to buy

just happened to have
a gas explosion last night.

Let me guess,
negotiations had stalled.

Yeah, fire marshals said
it looks like the gas line

was deliberately cut.

The property will
sell for a song now.

That's how Octavio rolls.

Word is he stomped a boy
named Gabriel Montoya

to death on this street.

A couple dozen people
looking out their windows,

no one said anything.

Think anybody on the block

will talk about what's
going on with him nowadays?

Would you,
if you just saw

one of your neighbor's
buildings blow up?

Hey, you can't blame them.

People got to live.

The point of this training
is not to escalate

little problems
into big problems

for the sake
of running up numbers.

No one needs
to get shot to death

over driving
with a broken taillight.

Isn't that just
common sense?

If it was that common,
everyone would have it.

What's up with you,

You've had an attitude
all morning.

Nothing, I'm just
focusing on the training.

This to do with Janko?

She say something to you?

Why would she?

I've seen how you are
with her at the precinct.

You two just partners?

Why do you want to know,
are you interested in her?

You have first dibs?

Hey, you know what,
we're partners.


So, I heard you two had a
couple drinks the other night.

She say anything
to you about that?

Nah, I just heard

it wasn't strictly about
the new training guidelines.

She didn't seem to mind
too much.

You don't see how that
could be a problem?


if you got in there first,
I'll back off.

Otherwise, you snooze,
you lose.

Can't be jealous
of what you never had.

You're not worried about getting
jammed up for harassment?

Why am I feeling like
this is turning into

an unfriendly

Just looking out
for my partner.

Trust me,
she's a big girl.

Yup, yeah, thanks for
the update, Sergeant.

Yeah, yeah, you, too.
Bye now.

That about Tim Harrison?


A few scattered sightings,
nothing confirmed.

Why didn't you just ask me?

What do you mean?

Why are you using sources

when the most informed source
there is

lives in the same house
as you?

Maybe I didn't want
to bother you.

Oh, since when has that
ever stopped you?

Look, I know you don't
like the man

or care about
what happens to him.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

I liked him fine....


I just didn't like
what he became.

Which was?

Oh, come on, Pop.

We had this discussion years ago

when I first transferred him
out to Staten Island,

expressly because the population

of Staten Island is 75% white.

Well, you never put
it quite that way.

Oh, sure I did,
you just didn't want to hear it.

You saying I'm covering
for a bigot?

No, I-I-I've always said Tim

did a good job for you.

I knew a Vice Squad detective
who walked home one night

and found himself thinking
every woman he saw was a hooker.

So, he put in for a transfer
the next day.

Remember him?

It didn't happen overnight.

I thought about it for weeks.

You caught yourself,
corrected yourself.

Tim didn't,
so I did it for him.

You think I looked
the other way?

No, Pop,
I-I wouldn't think that.

I think it was...
kind of... cumulative,

and it came to a head
after you were gone.

But I got to tell you,
when I had him...

he was a hammer
and every black guy was a nail.

There were complaints, sure,

but Tim was a good cop,

So, the bosses always found
a way to see it his way.

He's innocent

until proven
otherwise, Francis.

I know that.

Then say it like you mean it.

She wants to see me--
just tell her I'm here.

Tell Erin Reagan

She's aware.
Tim Harrison is down here.

Everything metal has to go
through the machine.

Hey, Tim.
What's going on?

Oh, I told these idiots
that I want to see you,

and they want to search me
like I'm some kind of criminal.

Okay, well, it's standard
operating procedure

in the courthouse--
you know that, right?

Come on.
Drop it!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Relax! Relax!

Don't move!

Everyone, just take it easy!

Shut up!

Okay, take it easy.

I want Henry down here
right now.

Make it happen.

Or what?

I got no beef with you,
Ms. Reagan.

Okay, but if you're down here,

then you mean
to turn yourself in, right?

Yeah, on my terms!

Not on anybody else's!

I didn't come down here
to beg for mercy!

Tim, I promise
you will get due process.

I am not gonna just take a plea

and dummy up.

My side of the story
needs to be told.

Okay, okay.

But if you force these
officers to shoot you

you won't have the opportunity
to tell it, right?

How did I get to be
the bad guy here?

That's what I don't understand.

I was one of the best
of the best.

I know that.
We all know that.

But you need
to put the gun down.

Right now,
just put the gun down.

I can't be locked up
with those animals!

I was a New York City

police officer!

I deserve some respect!

Now, you can
give me your word

as Henry Reagan's

you're gonna do the right thing.

I give you my word.

How you holding up?

They're keeping out
of central booking for now,

But I-I'm headed
for the belly of the beast.

What are you hearing
from your granddaughter?

You're in deep.

You might have justification

for the guy who robbed you,
but we have witnesses

that say the other guy
was trying

to intervene on your behalf.

They were both in on it.

Did you get a look at them?

Tim, the other boy
doesn't have a record.

Just means he never got caught.

Come on, Henry.

We both know
what these people are up to.

This was a public service
shooting, end of story.

You're not doing yourself
any favors talking that way.

These could be
attempted murder charges.

Not if there's still
justice left in the system.

If you want my support,

you're gonna have
to tell me the truth

about what happened
that night.

I feared for my life.


You'd had a lot to drink!

That's got nothing
to do with anything.

Can you look me
in the eye and say

you didn't just see black

and start shooting?

I got to explain
this to you, Henry?

Yeah, you do.

I gave my life

to this city
and the department!

I sacrificed
both of my marriages

and my relationship
with my kids to serve you!

And your son!

I left it all out
on the battlefield.

Now I--

I just want to go home.

Did you panic because
you saw young black males?

They don't make me panic.

I can show you the medals.

Did you shoot them
because you were certain

that they'd kill you
if they didn't?

I made a stand on that train.

'Cause someone
had to say enough.

I got nothing to apologize for!

To you or to anyone.

Every week I'm calling you.

Come have dinner

with your mother
and your sister.

And now you show up

What are you talking about?

I call you all the time.

And I'm here every other Friday.

Today's not Friday.

I was working around
the neighborhood.

I thought I'd just drop by.

But you never
"just drop by."

No, no, Ma.

She's always been squirrely.

She's up to something.

We're looking
into an old case,

which might be connected
to a new one.

Why don't I like
how that sounds?

Do you remember
what happened with Gabo, mami?

I thought we were never
gonna talk about that.

Octavio Nunez is back in town.

You know that, don't you?

Of course I know that!

Him and his brothers

just bought two buildings
on the street.

And probably half the people
that are living there

are the same people who saw
what he did to Gabo that night.

Yeah, and they kept
their mouths shut.

Which is why
they're still alive.

You know that other building
just happened to explode

when the owner wouldn't
sell low to Octavio?

Why you got to be
such a drama queen?

Mami, I need you
to talk to those neighbors

and get them
to open up about

what they saw that night.

If we pull together,
we can put him away.

Maria, that was a long time ago.

And your sister and I,
we still live here.

I can help you find a new place.

I don't want to move!

This is where my life is.

Overlooking a spot
where a boy was killed?

How long are we gonna pretend
that it never happened?

Then you're selfish.


You heard me.

You want to go
after this Octavio,

because your conscience
is bothering you?

No, Ana, I'm a cop.

Yeah, and you being a cop
got our brother killed.

Her only son.

That is not what happened.

Haven't we lost enough already?



Heard you had some static

with Langley in the RMP.

A lot of what he says
is right, you know?

Yeah, well, I'm not
joining the fan club.

And I think you should
resign your membership.

You didn't get into it with him
because of me, did you?

He asked me if I had
first dibs on you.


This isn't just about
what he did with you, Eddie.

It's about the job.

It doesn't sound that way.

He abused his position with you.

I keep telling you--
this wasn't some sex assault.

It was just a mistake.

Why can't you
just leave it alone?

How far did it go?

Do you want a play-by-play?

Did you tell him to stop?

I did.


not immediately.

I'm not very proud of this,

but it's not always clear
whose fault it is.

Okay, well, you could be
lying back on his bed naked.

If you tell him to stop,
he needs to stop.

Well, it didn't go that far.

Just only in your imagination.

Well, you can stonewall this
all you want, Eddie,

but you know what he did
is wrong, and you know

that's it's probably happened
to other people.

All right, I need to get going.

My turn with Ray's coming up.

So, what's the deal
with these bunny ears?



Okay, what's this?

when we were setting the table,
I overheard Pops and Grandpa

talking about how
it's not like the old days,

when you could just
use the bunny ears.

You care to explain?

It's a myth.
Never really happened.

What was it?

Well, the story goes
that back

in the good old days,
if a perp

wouldn't confess,
a detective would leave the room

and then he'd come back
wearing a pair of bunny ears.

And then he would beat

the hell out of the perp
until he confessed.


So, in theory,

when the perp was on the stand
and said, "A detective put on

rabbit ears and beat me up,"
no one would believe him.

That's awesome.
Yeah, well,

we don't do it
that way anymore.

Well, but maybe we should.

Once in a while, you know,

it might do some good.

Unless you care
about the Bill of Rights.

Look, the point is

the police saved this city

because they had
a freer hand.

We had more than 2,200
murders in a year.

Everyone forgets that.

No one's forgotten that.

But times change.


Meaning we do not have

2,200 murders a year anymore.

More like 300.

And you don't need to
rule with an iron fist

to issue a parking ticket.

Yeah, but we weren't hired
to be social workers either.

Some of this new training
is good, and some of it

doesn't work out on the street.

Well, some of it won't work.

But the city
isn't a war zone anymore.

No, but any car stop

could have a gun
under the front seat.

And you got to think that way
if you want to get home safe

to your family.
Danny, can we not...

Good luck getting the public
on your side with that attitude.

It's easy for you to say,
up in your cushy office.

Every day is a balancing act.

But that's
what we signed up for.

Here's what I know.

You don't make cases with bunny
ears or blackjacks anymore.

You make 'em by convincing
people to talk.

Fair enough.

That's true.
Well, I'd like

to talk about somebody
passing those carrots down here.

So now it's okay
to be a snitch?

No. No. To report
a crime, yes.

That's different.

In fact,

it's your duty as a citizen.

Well, Sean took my earbuds last
week and never gave 'em back.


Sean, as your lawyer,
I advise you to take the fifth

and pass the potatoes, please.

My partner witnessed a
murder out on the street

when she was ten.

We just spotted the
guy the other day.

He got away with it?

That's a hard case to make

after all these years.
Any other witnesses?

No. None were willing to
come forward, and she's afraid

because her family still
lives in the neighborhood.

Can you get him
on anything else?

Well, he's trying
to take his business legit,

but I'm sure
if I put my bunny ears on,

I could come up with something.

I'm sure you can find another
angle to use to hang him.

Like when the Feds
got Al Capone...

It was on tax evasion.

Right, so look for the little
crimes that hide the big crimes.

People don't change that much.

♪ When I pull out, duck ♪

♪ Recognize who the best out ♪

♪ Mess around, lay around,
bodies get stretched out ♪

♪ Now you in the danger zone,
watch your step ♪

♪ Shooting on site,
that's a promise, not a threat ♪

♪ Counting my bread,
with my hand on the toast ♪

♪ You gonna get spread
if you come to close ♪

♪ Step to me wrong ♪

♪ Homeboy get stepped on ♪

♪ Warning shots, to the chest ♪

♪ Hope you got a vest on... ♪

Octavio Nunez.

Octavio Nunez.

You're under arrest.

What's the charge?

Unlawful eviction.

Can't throw your tenants out
without proper notice.

Hey, Marco,

what is this, a joke?

No, I'm not joking.
I'm dead serious.

Now get your ass up.

Not you, jackass.
Sit down.

No, you hold it right there.

Hell to the no.

It's not going
down like that.

No way, no how.

Oh, hell to the yeah,
it is, cowboy.

Unless of course you want
to do this the hard way.


What, are you gonna take out
your gun and shoot me?

Like the cop on a train,

If I shoot you, you'd better
believe it'll be justified.

Damas y caballeros!


Shut up!

Este hombre es un...

How do you say
"pedophile" in Spanish?



Cuff him.

Now, I know the rest of you
are all law-abiding citizens

who don't violate children,
Let's go, move.

so we'd appreciate it
if you'd step aside

so we can escort
Mr. Nunez out of here.

This is crazy,
and it'll never stand up.

Of course it will.
Get him out of here.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the New York Police Department

would like to thank you
for your cooperation,

and Buenas noches.


Sergeant, thank you
for taking the time.

I know you got
a lot on your plate.

This better
be serious, Reagan.

I was supposed to be home
a half hour ago.

I got us a table inside.

What's this
about, anyway?

You said you wanted
to talk privately.

Hey, Sergeant.


Officer Cropper.

Long time no see.

Right this way, Sergeant.

Hi, Ray.

What's up, Ray?


Sergeant Langley.

What's the deal here, Reagan?

Why don't I give you
the seat with the view?

All right, what are you
trying to pull?

I'm not trying to pull anything.

You pulled in all these women
I've worked with.

Oh, you mean the "Ray-lettes"?

The wha...? Who calls 'em that?

That's what
they call themselves.

See, because once
they all got to talking,

they realized the one thing
that they had in common

was that they all felt
they'd been pressured

to let Ray have his way.

You've been hitting on women

in every precinct
where you've done training.

I never forced myself on anyone.

They all got
in the saddle willingly

and enjoyed the ride
while it lasted.

You were their training officer.

You were out of line.

I may not be
the perfect messenger,

but I'm good at my job.

Ask yourself.

Are you trying to take me
down because I'm out of line

or because you got
a thing for Janko?

Officer Eddie Janko
is my partner,

and that's all there is to it.

Yeah, keep telling
yourself that.

So what do you want from me?

I'm thinking you should
put in for a transfer.

I hear there's an opening...
on Staten Island.

Come on.

Stop staring. It's rude.

Damn, son.

You bring me in like this.

An unlawful eviction.

It's not even worth
my money to hire a lawyer.

Couldn't agree with you more.

Though we have other things
to talk about.

You remember him?

Nah, I don't know who that is.


How about this?

Maybe this will jog your memory.

Is it supposed to?


It's Gabriel Montoya.

You stomped him to death
in the middle of the street.

Not me.

Yeah, you.
Got a couple of dozen witnesses

who watched you do it
from inside their apartments.


So how come I never
got locked up for it?

Doesn't that seem
strange to you?

Yeah, did seem strange to me.

But then you made
the mistake of coming back.

I'm a property owner doing
business in my old neighborhood.

Ain't no law against that.

You do realize people aren't
afraid of you anymore,

and they will come forward now.

And where are they?

You talking about ancient
garbage nobody even cares about.

Sit down.

I'm calling your bluff.

Sit down!

Yeah, this is bullcrap.

Unlawful eviction
is a misdemeanor.

So give me your worthless
little summons and let me go.

Can't do that.

We're not finished yet.

Look out now.

Here comes
the heavy artillery.

How you doing, shady lady?

I didn't catch your name before.

What about her?

I never seen her before either.

You're trying that
pedofilo business again, huh?

It won't work.

She's not a victim, Octavio.

Oh, yeah?

Then who is she supposed to be?

She's a witness who saw
what you did that night.

She looked you right in the eye.

I know you remember her.

Take another look.

Take another look!

Look at the photo!

Look at it!

That girl grew up
to become a cop.

Girl in the photo is me.

I asked building security
to bring him up.

They're on the way.

Did he make a scene?

No, sir, but I told him
to take your private elevator,

just to be safe.

Thank you, Baker.

He's here.

Let's have him.



I understand you were in the
building without an appointment.

Oh, I've got some fliers
here to distribute

for my, uh,
legal defense fundraiser.

I have asked Detective Baker

to put together an appropriate
e-mail list for you.

I think I'm more effective

This is police headquarters.

We have a strict policy
about solicitations.

I got a lot of friends here...
Who I'm sure

would love to hear
about your cause.

By e-mail.

After 40 years
in the department,

I think I have a right...

You do not have the right

to hand out fliers

like it's Times Square.


You're even gonna try

and derail me
getting a fair trial.


Then what else is this?

The way we do things here.

Your way.

As long
as I'm in this office, yeah.

Now, you are entitled
to a fair trial

and I will do everything
in my power

to make sure you have one.
Oh, you will, huh?


But I would hope you would
listen to a piece of advice.

You can knock on every door
in this building

and catch my people
at their most generous,

but you will still only have
enough to pay a lawyer.

Not the best lawyer,
just a lawyer.

I got a damn good defense.

Says you.

Says a prosecutor--

who will be the best
prosecutor the DA has--

in this climate?

Not so much.

I'll take my chances.

You shot a kid who was trying
to intervene on your behalf.

A kid who's biggest jam
up to now

was trying to decide between

a full ride
to Iona or Fordham.

And you shot him in a subway car

full of witnesses.

A full half of them black.

Like him.

You're not the judge
or the jury.

The district attorney

is going to make you
a generous offer.

Take the plea.

And you're not
my boss anymore, either.

Well, it's just
a piece of advice.

Not an order.


the police officer outside

will escort you downstairs

and out of this building.

For the last time.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==