Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 13 - Blue Bloods - full transcript

Danny and Maria must track down an Army veteran who Danny thinks is suffering from PTSD. Meanwhile, Frank is caught off-guard during a press conference by a woman who is seeking justice for her murdered daughter.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You're gonna be

so excited when you see this!

Look at that!
What's that?

What do you mean, "What is
that?" It's a smiley face.

It looks like a grumpy face.
It's a smiley face!

Just turn it upside
down. Go on and eat.

Maybe you should stick
to making collars.

That's very funny.
Thank you.

You know, it's supposed
to rain for this camping trip.

You know, it's Jack's first one.

Maybe you guys should postpone.
No, no, no.

Rain or shine,
we go camping.

I still don't get
why I can't come.

Because you're not 13.
Now eat your food!

Jack, is this your notebook, and why
is it not in your backpack?

I have a project for
school in family history.

I have to ask Dad some questions.

Family history
questions for me?

No, no, no, no.
That's Gramps specialty.

I can't even remember your
birthday half the time.

I have some questions about you.

Okay, well, ask away.

what did you do
right after high school?

Right after high school,
I got a job, a lot of jobs.

I did construction, bartending,

whatever I could
do to make money.

You didn't want to become a cop?

Well, I always wanted
to become a cop.

I just delayed the inevitable,
I guess.

Hold on.

Yeah, Sarge.

All right, I'm on my way.

I got to go. Want
to do this later?

All right.

Let's go.

Yeah. See you later.

Yeah. Okay.

The unnamed undercover detective
purchased the weapons

from two illegal
weapons runners,

who were arrested
along with ten co-defendants...

Why unnamed,

I would think
that would be pretty clear, Bob.

The term "undercover"
seems to suggests that.

The weapons originated
in Virginia

with an estimated street value
of $150,000.

Commissioner, why
weren't these guys

stopped before they got
to New York?

Because they're not breaking
the law until they arrive here

and try to sell them
on the street.

I want to know why I can't
get justice for my daughter.

Excuse me?

I-I think
you have to be more specific.

My daughter
was murdered.

Oh, I'm sorry.

And her killer is still
out there, and you don't care!

And your name?

Betty Lowe... Commissioner.

I wrote letters to you.
You ignored me.

I want to know why I can't
get justice for my daughter!

- Commissioner?
- Commissioner?

Is this an open case?

Commissioner, how long
has it been going on?


Lived here my whole life.

I never knew
there was a military base

in the middle
of New York City.

Ah, you learn
something new every day.

Hey, where's the victim?

EMTs are attending
to her inside the house.

When we got here,

Military Police had already
secured the scene.

What's the story?

MaryAnn Russell, 27,
made the 911 call.

She had been
beaten up pretty bad.

We're trying to find out
the occupants of the house,

see if anyone else
is involved.

There's a lot of blood.

BP 70 over palp.

What's going on?
What happened?

Found the victim lying on
the bedroom floor, prone.

Multiple contusions and
lacerations about the head.

Ma'am, I'm Detective Reagan.
I'm here to help.

Can you tell me
who did this?


Tommy did this to you?
Who's Tommy?

No. My son Tommy.

Okay. Where is he?
Where is your son?

He's at school.

Please, you need to get
to him before John does.

Who's John?

My husband is John Russell.

Your husband--
he did this to you?

Yes, he

- just went crazy.
- Let us get in here, please.

Please, I don't care
about me. Please...

Please don't let him get to my son.
We'll find

your son, ma'am. Can you tell me
the last time you saw him?

I made him breakfast, and
then, he took the school bus.

Okay, what school?

P.S. 623.

I don't know if he got there.
P.S. 623.

I'll check it out.

Do you have any
idea where your

husband would take your son,
ma'am? Go ahead.

- I don't know.
- You can take her.

He just snapped.

Here we go.

Detective Reagan?


Major Harrison.

You ordered uniformed officers
to search this post?

Yes, I did.

Let me clarify
something for you.

This is a military post.

That means you go through me.

Roger that, sir.

Do you mind telling me
who we're looking for?

Corporal John Russell,

stationed here with his family
between tours in Afghanistan.

Now CID's looking for him.

That's our, uh, our Criminal
Investigation Command.

I'm familiar with them.

I served in the Marines.

Well, then, you should understand protocol.
I understand protocol.

I just don't like following it.

Did Russell go AWOL?

Look, we'll take it from here.

I don't think so.

My job's not done here until
that little boy is found.

And Corporal Russell, too.

You're making
a huge mistake, Detective.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Who was that?

Army hard ass.

Guy reminds me
of my drill sergeant.

What did you get?

Tommy made it to school.

But I just got off
the phone with them.

His father picked him up
about a half hour ago.

All right, let's go
find this guy.

♪ Blue Bloods 4x13 ♪
Unfinished Business
Original Air Date on January 17, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

And what letter

was she talking about, Garrett?
Come on, Frank.

You know how many letters you
get requesting help with cases?

Last count, about 950.

And why didn't I see
that letter?

She wrote five letters.
She's crazy.

Is that why you had her escorted
from the room, Garrett?

I was trying to protect you.

You didn't seem eager to
protect me from that reporter.

Sometimes I think it's the
reporters who need protecting.

And how did she get in
without press credentials?

She has 'em. She used to write
for an alternative weekly.

Now mostly
posts online.

She's written

a dozen articles about the PD
and the criminal justice system

as it pertains to victims'
survivors... eloquently.


Her daughter, Michelle,
was killed ten years ago.


if we looked at every case...

I want to see the letters!


Because next time
I'm standing up there

and this comes up,
and you know it will,

I damn sure want
to know the particulars.

There you go, Frank. All yours.

On the Fort
Totten front,

Detective Reagan
is butting heads with the CO.

And you're telling me this

Because he's overstepping,
having NYPD search the base,

and interviewing personnel
without notifying CID.

What are you gonna do about it?


Yeah, Dad.

Don't forget

to pick up the kerosene
for the camping trip.

I'm fine.


Then just remember what Sister
Margaret Mary always said.

You're really going to tell me
to play well with others?

Yes, I am.

You know that technically
this is their case.

Yeah, and you and I both know
they don't have the resources.

Which is why it's going
to be a joint investigation.

You got it, Commissioner.

And why

you should remember some
of her other words of advice.

Never give up
without a good fight.

That's not the one
I was thinking of.


Yeah, I'm dumping
Russell's cell phone.

Looks like
he hasn't used it for hours.

According to the school,

John Russell picked up his son
at 9:45.

Said he had
a doctor's appointment.

That didn't raise
any red flags with them?

Well, they said

the parents were not divorced,

and they never
had any indication

that he could be a danger

to his child, although his
teacher said he made this

in art yesterday.

Well, that certainly raises
a red flag with me.


when my father first got here
in 1910,

the Irish weren't well liked,

and it was hard to get work
because a lot of businesses

put out signs, "No
Irish Need Apply""


Uh, because we talked funny,
we dressed funny,

we were poor.

And back then, no one
else wanted to do jobs

in the police or
fire department

because they were too
dangerous and menial.

And my father
had been a soldier,

so he knew how to use a gun,
how to fight.

He was a soldier, too?

Mm. Get you that tea, honey.

First World War.

Joined the Royal Air Force.

Is that why you joined
the Marines, Pop?

Yeah, that might have had
something to do with it.

Although, my father
never talked too much

about his time in the war.

Neither do you.

Neither does Dad.

Well, I guess that runs
in the family, too.


Here you go.
Thank you.

So, what exactly
did you do in Korea?

I did what I was told.

Well, did you kill anyone?


Maybe when
you're a little older,

we'll have that conversation.

I'm proud of my service.

Let's leave it at that.


Please come in.

This was ten years ago.

Michelle was 22,
right out of college.

Just moved into her
first apartment.

I was nervous

about her living on
her own, like any mom.

In fact, the last time
I saw her, we argued.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Lowe.

I wanted her to stay here.

I didn't want her
to go home so late.

But she left, and...

well, that's the last time
I saw her alive.

I read your letters.

And your columns.

So you...

you know.

I know...

that her killer is
behind bars, Mrs. Lowe.

Samuel Mundy is behind bars
for her murder.

He's a serial killer.

He may have killed
the other girls,

but he did not kill Michelle.

How could you know?

Because I made her
promise to call me

when she got home that night,
and she did.

She called me to say
she was safe at home.

That means she had to
have let her killer in.

It had to have been someone
she knew, someone she trusted.

He could have pushed his way in.

The police told me that there
was no sign of forced entry.

That's hardly proof positive,
Mrs. Lowe.

I know she would never
have opened the door

to a complete stranger!

You're asking me to reopen
a murder investigation

based on a mother's intuition.

Yes, I am.

I know it's hard for you
to understand, Commissioner,

but you don't know
what it's like.

No matter how old
your child gets,

you just can't stop being a mom.

And even when your child dies,

you can't stop being
a mom then, either.

I have a right...

to know who killed my daughter.

Look, I just need you
to answer a few questions for me

about Corporal Russell.
All right, what are your questions?

Does he have a
weapon on him?

Corporal Russell signed out his weapon
from the armory yesterday

and never returned it.
Was he suffering from PTSD?

He signed this form
at the end of his last tour

attesting to the fact that he is sound,
both physically and mentally.

Don't you mean you talked him into
signing this at the cover-your-ass

meeting where you sit him
and 50 other soldiers down

and you say, "Hey, you can
go home, as long as you

sign this piece of paper
"saying that the nightmare

you lived through didn't
have any effect on you

and it won't bother you
when you get back home"?

He knew what he
was signing up for.

Oh, give me a break.

Did you kill anyone
on your tour? Check.

Did you see dead
bodies? Check.

Did you watch your buddies
bleed out and die right

in front of you? Check.

Did the Army help you
cope with any of this?

No can do.

Look, in case you haven't
noticed, this country is at war.

They knew that going in;
that's what this job is.

I know what the job is, okay?
And I went to those briefings,

and I signed this piece
of crap myself,

so I could get home to my family
just like Corporal Russell did.

What do you
want me to do,

stop everything to cater to a
soldier who's gone off the deep end?

I'm not asking you to
change the protocol here.

We already failed this guy.
I'm just asking you

to help me get him
and his boy back safe.

CID investigates
allegations of wrongdoing.

When that investigation
is complete,

we share our findings

with the appropriate
military command.

Military command?
The last I heard,

this was a joint investigation.
Nah, a joint investigation

involves more than one person,
not one person

with a grudge
against the military

demanding information that
we are not required to share.

I don't have a grudge;
I just don't like you.

Well, then we have found
something we have in common.


So, it looks like Russell
is paying out of pocket

to see a Dr. Alex Dawson.

I know that guy.

That's the guy they send me to
for anger management.

Guess he's not too good
at his job.

That's funny. Anything
on the license plate readers?

No, nothing.


Yeah. Okay.

The kid called 911.

- 911. What's your emergency?
- I'm scared.

What's your name?

What are you scared of?
My dad. I'm scared of my dad.

He's been acting weird,
and I just want to go home.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- Who's with you, Tommy?
- Oh, no!

Can you tell me your location?

You're not doing nothing!
You're talking

to somebody.
Give me that phone!

No! No!

All right, keep me posted.

So, the original prosecutor
in the Lowe case

was Oliver Sheridan--
he's since passed away.

But I examined all the material,
and I haven't found a red flag.

I asked
the medical examiner

to take a look
at it, too.

The jury came back
with a guilty verdict

for Sam Mundy within two hours,
based on the evidence.

He was convicted
of all three murders,

including Michelle Lowe.
But he never

confessed to the murder
of Michelle Lowe.

And I don't need to tell you
that it's not unusual

for a serial killer to confess
to one murder and not another.

I need more than
prevailing wisdom.

There was also an eyewitness

who said he saw Sam Mundy
put her body into the trunk.

Now, he is currently
serving time.

I can reinterview him
if you want me to.

Yes, I would. Thank you.

I need to remind you

that if I reinterview this guy

and he says anything other
than his original testimony,

it could throw the entire case
into question.

That's three murder convictions
we're talking about.

It's a huge risk.

You still want me to pursue it?

I do.

To what end?

To prove to me that she's wrong.

Did you know Pops's dad
fought in World War I?

And Pops fought

in Korea, and Grandpa
fought in Vietnam,

and you fought in Iraq.

- Yep.
- That's four generations

of Reagans,
all soldiers.

Yeah. Don't you
think that's cool?

No, I don't
think it's cool.


What? I'm saying
what I think, Linda.

He's just saying that

that's something
that you all have in common.

Yeah. It's, like,
a family legacy.

The family legacy is not combat,
it's service.

Can you recount for me
what happened

on November 21, 2004?

You ever been to Gray's Papaya
on 72nd Street?

Yes, I have.

I used to go
in there, like,

every Friday night...
get myself one of those, uh,

hot dogs with cheese...

and a... coconut champagne.

And I used to sit by
the window and eat it

and watch everybody just...
walking by.

Well, you could
still be doing that

if you hadn't robbed
a liquor store at gunpoint.

Yeah, it's... it's a bummer.

How about I answer
all your questions

and you get me one of those hot dogs?
How about

you cooperate
and we see how it goes?

Can you tell me

what happened on November 21,
please, Lamar?

Well, I was, um, you know, sitting
in the window of my apartment,

and I looked out and I saw this dude
stuffing a body into his trunk.

And you saw the body?

Well, he was trying to hold her
up, and she was stooping over.

I knew she was dead.

And you saw the man's
face clearly?

Uh, pretty much.

"Pretty much"?

I, um... you know, I answered
all these questions before,

you know, when I...
when I testified, so...

I know.

I'm just asking them again.

You picked Sam Mundy
out of a photo array

as the person you saw
with the body of Michelle Lowe.

Yes. Yeah.

So, you saw him clearly?

You're sure it was Sam Mundy?


I-I can't get into
any more trouble, can I?

Not if you
are honest with me.

Well, I didn't really
see his face clearly.

Why did you pick
him out, then?

Because Detective Douglas
told me who to pick.

The detective
told you who to pick?

Well, it was more
like a suggestion.

And... you followed
that suggestion?

Well, I figured the police know
what they're talking about.


You want to tell me that
you getting mad at Jack

had nothing to do with the
memories this case is bringing up?

Yeah, that is
what I'm saying, Linda.

I got a soldier who beat up his
wife and kidnapped his own son.

And I want to get them home safe
before someone else gets hurt, okay?

That has nothing to do
with memories, Linda.

It has to do with present-day
facts, which I'm dealing with.

Okay. That's fine.

You want to pretend
this doesn't have

to do with the case,
okay, fine.

You know, you've
been on a slow boil

since you got home,
and I see you...

I see you, Danny, I see
what's going on with you.

Okay? Just don't take
it out on our son.

Detective Reagan.

Got a message you
wanted to talk to me.

Yeah. Uh, phone call
would've worked.

Oh, I had a meeting nearby;
thought I'd drop by in person.

Right. Uh... appreciate it.

Can we go over here?

How you doing?

Yeah, same old same old.

Is that good or bad?

Uh, little bit of both.

I didn't call you about me.

I'm calling
for a patient of yours,

uh, Corporal John Russell.

I know. And you know
I can't discuss patients.

Not unless he's a threat
to himself or to others.

He kidnapped his kid,
he beat up his wife--

I'd say that qualifies as
the latter, wouldn't you?

Doc, come on, I mean, the army's
giving me the runaround,

I'm running into a brick
wall here--

can't you give me something?

Um... I mean, I've
only seen him twice.

You only saw me twice,
so I know you're

a quick study.

Doc, I promise you, we're
on the same side here.

He's still operating as if
he's in the middle of a war,

instead of back home
where it's safe.

The extreme vigilance,
the paranoia,

all ways post-traumatic
stress disorder can manifest.

You know I
hate that word, right?


I feel like
we're talking

about a damn vending machine
instead of a soldier.

Russell's done
three tours,

the first one right out of high
school; it's taken its toll.

I mean, is he capable
of murder, suicide, both?

Well, like I said,

you know,
I've only met him twice,

so I really haven't had time
to break it down,

but would I have
predicted this?


Well, what kind of predictions
would you make?

He shared
some symptoms--

night terrors...

survivor's guilt--

that suggested
a certain kind of breakdown.

Instinct might
lead him to...

retreat to a place he felt safe.

Trying to recreate a time...
he felt secure.

And yes, if he had described
such a place to me,

I would tell you--
but he didn't.

Can I ask again...

how you're holding up?


I just did.


throwing yourself into work
at the expense of everything else?

You know me, Doc.


I got to get back to work.

For what it's worth,

you don't
need to wait

till you're drowning
to reach out for help.

Copy that.

I went to see the witness

in the Michelle Lowe murder

And he confirmed his testimony?

He confirmed that the detective
on the case,

Detective Lee Douglas,
coerced his testimony.


He said the detective told him
who to pick

out of the photo array.

You believe him?

He's served two years
on a five-year sentence.

He's not a fan of cops.
He could be angling

for a deal.

You know
how these guys are in jail.

They'll say anything.

Yeah. So?
So if we

reopen this based on him

and Sam Mundy's lawyers
get wind of it,

they will file an appeal faster
than you can say "mistrial."

You think
we should leave it alone.

After I spoke

to the witness, yes.

But then I went
to see Betty Lowe.

She's quite compelling.

This last tour,
I kissed my husband good-bye

and a stranger came back.

How so?

He's been obsessed
with our safety

like he's living
in a war zone here.

In Afghanistan, he
was part of a unit

that was scouting for IEDs.

He's been home four months now

and, still,
when we're out in the car,

I see him checking,

like he doesn't realize
he's home.

What set him off?

I asked for a divorce.

I just can't

take it anymore.

Do you have any idea
where he would've taken Tommy?

Maybe his parents' house.
No, we checked.

What about friends, relatives?
Anybody you can think of?

His friend Lyle.

He lives in Douglaston,
on the water.

He was in John's unit
on his first tour.

They've stayed close.

Okay. We're gonna need
his name and address.



He's the love of my life.

But lately,

what I've kept wanting to say
and I didn't

was, "Who are you and what have
you done with my husband?"

Because my husband,
he could talk to me.

So you're saying
you haven't seen

from him or heard from him?

Not even a phone call?


When was the last time
you spoke to him?

I don't recall.
Why do I

get the feeling
you're not cooperating?

Why do I feel like I'm being
treated like a criminal?

Mr. Trevino,

we're trying to find John

before he hurts himself
or his son.

Do you have any idea who
we're talking about here?

You know he got
the Silver Star?

Our unit got ambushed,
and John Russell crawled

through an open courtyard
through machine gun fire

so he can drag two
injured soldiers

to safety. Does that sound like
a guy who would hurt his son?

No, it doesn't.

It's our job to find him
and get him what he needs.

Oh, yeah? What does he need?

He needs help.

If I hear from him,
I'll let you know.

If you think
of anything...

here's my card.

What makes you so sure
he's gonna lead us to Russell?

They served
in the same unit together,

which makes them
like brothers.

I guarantee as soon
as we walked away,

he either called Russell
or he's gonna go see him.

Do you still keep in touch
with the guys from your unit?


Why not? I thought
you'd be like brothers.

Because I don't.

Well, why not?

Because I'm the only one
who made it home.

I'm sorry.

He's moving.

Taking a trip in your RV?

I-I just...

I just was checking.
Checking what?

Why don't
you just be straight

with us before you get
charged with obstruction

of justice?

I was going to convince John
to turn himself in.

John's in there? With Tommy?


Step aside. Move.

Keep an eye
on him.


"Dear MaryAnn,
I'm so sorry.

"I know you want to help me,
but you can't.

"I love you more than anything.

But I am done.
Please forgive me."

Detective Lee
Douglas, Commissioner.

Thank you,

Just some stuff
on the Michelle Lowe case.

Ah, that chick
that was found

in the, uh, shallow
grave in Rockaway.

What made you...

certain that Samuel Mundy was the doer?
Same M.O.

as the other victims--
both tied up with duct tape,

multiple stab wounds,

similar type
wounds and location.

If I may, sir, why-why are we
looking into this case again?

Oh, just some noise.
Nothing official.

The mother is requesting
we reexamine the evidence.

Oh, I'm sorry. Please, sit down.

She, uh...

she contacted me, too,
over the years.

What are you gonna do?

She's a grieving mother.

They see things differently.

The case is solid, Commissioner.

Except the sole eyewitness
is now saying he was coerced.

He's-he's lying.

Could be.

We got

a confessed killer behind bars.

End of story.

But you know
what's funny?

All of Mundy's other victims

had their hands and feet

and only Michelle's wrists
were duct-taped.

And the wounds,

on careful examination,
are more compressed,

suggesting the killer
used more force.

Mmm. You don't think he did it?

Doesn't matter

what I think, does it?

What really
matters is

what happened to her
and by whose hand.

Sam Mundy killed Michelle Lowe

as the day is long.

Thanks for your cooperation.

And good luck

with your I.A. investigation.


They'll be contacting you


That... It was just
an expression. I didn't...

You're dismissed.

I told you.
He wouldn't hurt Tommy.

Bet you thought he wouldn't hurt
his wife either.

He's a good guy.

he was a good guy.

Now he's a broken guy
who's screwed up in the head,

and every second

you waste playing games with me,

his life and Tommy's life
are in danger.

So why don't you start talking
and save me the BS war stories.

It wasn't BS!

You lied to me.

He saved me!

I was one of the soldiers
he saved, okay?


Afghanistan is a world away now,

He's violent, he's
suicidal, he's got a gun

and his eight-year-old
is with him.

You want to pay your brother
back for saving your life?

Help me save his.

I gave him a prepaid cell phone
to use.

Give me the number.

I found out
that my great-great-grandfather

fought in World War I,

my great-grandfather in Korea,

my grandfather in Vietnam

and my dad in Iraq.

I guess you might say I come
from a long line of warriors.

Most of them
even got medals,

which for some reason

no one in my family talks about.

And at first I thought that was
really weird, but now I think

I know why.

I think that when someone sees
a lot of really bad things,

they just want
to keep it inside.

They don't want to talk about it

because they don't want
to worry the people they love.

I see my dad go
to work every day,

and I know he makes a difference
in someone's life

every single day.

I want to be just like him.

That was a great job

you did, Jack.

I'm just glad
everyone could be there,

especially you.

Danny's been working
round the clock.

You still looking
for that army vet?

Yeah, Gramps.
It's tough

going after a decorated vet
like he was a criminal.

Well, technically, he
is a criminal, Gramps.

But by all accounts, he was a
great father and a great husband

before he went
back to the war.

Problem is the war
followed him home.

Trying to find

an excuse for him?
No, I'm not.

I'm just saying I don't think
he got the attention and care

that he deserved
when he got back home.

It's not gonna make me

lose a step in going after him,
if that's what you're thinking.

Tough case.

Yeah, it is.

You're the only
one who didn't

become a soldier.
How come?

Just wasn't for me, bud.

Why not?

It's a different time, Sean.
I was convinced

that going to law school
was the right thing for me.

So you became a cop instead?

Not instead.
I wanted to be a cop because,

just like you, I grew up...

watching my dad go out
and make a difference every day.

And he still gets
some of the benefits,

like getting shot at
by total strangers.


Have you ever

been shot at, Grandpa?

Oh, not everybody who serves in
the military gets shot at, Jack.

But have you?


Hmm. What about you, Pop?

Well, if you're, uh, in
the 1st Marine Division,

it's impossible to
avoid getting shot at.

What about you, Dad?



You know what
was really fun

about Jack's project
was finding out

that Pops's dad
was awarded

two medals
in World War I.

Can you believe that?

You mean you never knew?

He never said a word.

Wonder why he
kept it a secret.

Because the men
in this family like to brag

about everyone's
accomplishments but their own.

Uncle Danny,

didn't you get a medal
for your time in Fallujah?

Really, Dad?

He did.

Sorry for interrupting
your dinner, Reagan.

We got a hit

on John Russell's
cell phone.

It's pinging off a cell
tower a couple blocks away.

Make a right up there.

The signal strength is
indicating that we're close.

Hello, Mrs. Russell?

It's Detective Reagan.

Listen, we might have tracked
John down into Long Island City.

Can you tell us if there's
any place of importance

to him there, or anything
of significance?

Your first apartment's there?

Okay, can you
give me an address?

That's his car.

Signal strength is a one,
he's got to be here.

Maybe he's inside?

I know where they are.

Come on.

Corporal Russell...

It's okay.

It's okay. Hey.

Slow down, all right?

Detective Reagan.
This is Detective Baez.

Here to help you,
John, okay?

I don't need help.

Maybe you don't,
but Tommy...

Tommy does, okay?
He looks a little scared.

Tell you what: why don't you let
my partner bring him downstairs,

he'll be nice
and safe there.

Me and you could talk
a little bit, all right?

Come over here, Tommy.

Come on.

I know what's going on.


You have no idea.

I did two tours
myself in Iraq.

I know about the RPGs
and the IEDs.

I also know about
the nightmares,

the fear and the anger.

And you're functioning?

So are you.

Do you know
how well-trained I am?

Everywhere I go I'm
doing threat assessments.

Soon as you walked
up onto this roof,

I was already figuring
out how to take you out.

I do it all
the time,

with everyone I meet,
with every place.

I understand where
you're coming from, John.

I do. I've been
right where you are.

Let's get you some help, okay?

Don't move any closer.
All right,

I stopped. John, I stopped.


I'm stopped, all right?

Things'll be
much better for me,

for my son and for
my wife if I jump.

No, they won't. Hey...

Tommy needs you,
for years to come.

Not when his father has
something wrong inside of him.

Look, John,

if you made it through
that hellhole over there,

you can make it through this.

Okay? That stuff
that's going on in you,

it's-it's just a result
of the combat.

It's like the worst,
most disgusting

hangover in the world,
but you can get through it.

You can.

It's too late.

It's not too late.

You got people who love you
and care about you.

My wife...
she wants a divorce.

My kid...

doesn't even know me.

You'll get help. John, I'll
help you. I give you my word,

I'll help you myself.

This... this medal?

I got it when I lost
my five best friends

in a firefight.

AK-47 rounds.

I don't know why I survived.

Maybe you survived

'cause you were meant
to get back to your family.


No, it's 'cause I was quick.

You know that drill?


What are the two types of
people in this world, soldier?

John, you've got to
leave that behind, man.

The quick and the dead, sir.

What are you?

The quick.

What're they?

The dead.

John, look at me.


It's time to come home, man.

I don't want to
be quick anymore.

Don't do this.


Damn it!

I know what I'm asking you to do
is pretty much impossible.

But I'm asking anyway

because I think it's the
only way through this.

So ask.

Put your grief aside
for a moment.

And let you off the hook.

Mrs. Lowe, I'm
not on the hook.

I'm here on my own time
and under my own speed.

The, uh...

The sole witness...

may have given false or
coerced testimony, but

at this point, uh, we
can't substantiate that.

But it's enough
to raise a question?

Yes, and the
investigating detective

may have closed the
case prematurely.

May this, may that.


That I think there's
a shadow of a doubt

where Michelle's
case is concerned.

But, Mrs. Lowe...

if I officially
reopen it,

it means that Sam Mundy could
walk on the three murders

that we are certain
he did commit.

I understand that...

And I can't justify
telling those families

that the man who
killed their daughter

is gonna walk on a

Don't ask me if I could.

Never crossed my mind.

I'm having the
case reexamined.

But in-house.

And if and when there
is any new information,

you will hear it first,

and you will hear it
directly from me.

Thank you.

We're here.

You're late.

Sorry. I had to pick up
some kerosene, Gramps.

You're such a girl.
I don't like being cold.

It's 6:10, Francis.
Okay, Pop.

You ready for your first
Reagan manly men camp trip?

Glad to hear it.

So what do we eat
when we're up there?

Well, we usually kill a bear
and then roast it

over an open fire.

Don't worry,
he's kidding.

Yeah, I know.

But what do we actually eat?

Steak. First time I went
camping, your dad told me

that the campsite was
filled with deadly snakes.

Come on,

let's pack up.

Come on, you
can help me

- load this stuff.
- Sorry.



I read your, uh, DD5
on Corporal Russell.

You're saying he decided
to come off the ledge,

and then he
slipped and fell?



I just figured, one day,
if his kid grows up

and wants to know
the cause of death, he'll...

he'll know it was an accident.

That his old man didn't
want to kill himself,

it was just part
of a big mistake.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I will be.

- Yeah.
- Hey,

don't stand there

and look pretty,
let's go.

Thanks, Dad.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==