Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Friendly Fire - full transcript

Jamie has his first confidence crisis when he fails, to mentor Renzulli's dismay, to draw his gun on a suspect who might have been armed and dangerous. Bored investigating a minor domestic row, Danny makes a split second decision to shoot an armed man, who turns out to be undercover colleague Lou Tedesco, hospitalized in critical condition, actually with a recent previous, mentally and physically crippling wound. Lou's apparent target, junkie Tyler Lee, and his friends and family prove key to the case. Danny is suspended pending an official IA investigation, but still acts as if on duty.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
DANNY: Jack!
JACK: Yeah?

DANNY: Sean!
SEAN: Coming.

- Time to go. Come on.
JACK: Coming, Dad.

SEAN: Coming.
- All right. Where's my left attack?

- Right here.
- All right.

- And my right attack?
- Here.

That's what I'm talking about.
You guys get your helmets.

- Mom will take you to practice.
JACK: Got it.

Maid's off today, Danny.

- Huh?
- Dishwasher.

And your fork?

- Something wrong?
- Something's gotta be wrong

because I don't wanna be
your servant?

You've been giving me the stink-eye
since I rolled out of bed.

Yeah, at noon.

Is that what this is about?
Hello? I worked the midnight tour.

That's why I asked you
to mow the lawn

and take care
of the leaves yesterday.

I didn't mow the lawn.

No, I'll get it. Get out of here.
I'll get it.

Been a real pleasure.

There's a suggestion box
around the corner, detective.

I don't know
how you can stand it around here.

Well, it's the little things, you know?

The deluxe accommodations,
first-class travel.

- Right.
- What's going on?

Well, one of your lackeys
tossed my case.

That was my call.

- Your call?
- Yeah.

You have one witness who's got
a rap sheet longer than the perp's.

Oh, I'm sorry His Eminence,
the archbishop,

didn't just happen
to be standing in an alley

on 125th Street
the night my victim was mugged.

Danny, we cannot spend money on
cases we know we're not gonna win.

You think you can't win.

- You don't know you can't win.
- No, I do.

Which is why they went
to the trouble

of painting my name on the door.

If you guys aren't gonna prosecute
these people,

we might as well just shoot them
in the street.

- What's this?
DANNY: Oh, you don't want this stuff?

I thought it had
some sentimental value to you,

and that's why you left it
in the car that I'm driving today.

- I thought Rabino grabbed them.
- Oh, did you think Rabino

- filled the gas tank too?
- Aw...

What happens if my partner and l
are chasing down some mutt,

and he squirts
because the tank is empty?

- I'll fill it up now.
- No.

You'll fill it up at the end of your tour,
the way you're supposed to,

the same way every other detective
around here does. You got it?

- Everything okay, Reagan?
- Everything's fine, sarge.

Just peachy keen.

Kelsey and l
are just going over ways

to make things more efficient
around here, right?

- Right.
JACKlE: Come on, Reagan.

We just got our first tour.

At least we'll have a clean car.

- Enjoy your tour.
- Yeah, it's gonna be a good one.

DANNY: What happened?
Tell us what happened.

WOMAN: He tried to kill me.
MAN: A cantaloupe.

- She threw it first.
- Arrest him.

Hold on. Hold on.
The weapon was a cantaloupe?

Yeah, down from that window,
nearly hit me in the head.

- Could've given me a concussion.
JACKlE: You decided to throw it back?

Yeah, he smashed the window.
Glass was flying everywhere.

- Look!
- Here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna find someone
who's an actual criminal.

Maybe someone with a honeydew.
Okay? Good night.

Hey. This was attempted murder.

And that is assault
on a police officer.

- How would you like it if I arrest you?
- Hey, why don't you do your job, huh?

- What are we paying you for?
- To deal with fruitcakes like you.

- Really? You hear him?
- Fruitcakes with fruit!

- Gonna let him talk to me this way?
- Enough. Shut up! Hey.

Be a man.

- I'm gonna arrest you, okay?
- Reagan, let's go.

She wants me to earn my pay,
I'm gonna earn it.

JACKlE: I'm getting in the car.
DANNY: Spend the night in jail.

WOMAN: Come on now.
- Police! Help me.

I'm gonna arrest--

Step aside. Step aside.

- Where are you going?
- A guy chasing me. He's got a gun.

- Move away. Get back.
- Hey.

Drop the weapon!

Police! I said drop your weapon!

JACKlE: Police! Drop your weapon.
- Drop it!

Yeah, Central. Shots fired.
We have one perp down.

We have a 10-85.

He's still breathing. Get a bus.

JACKlE: We need an ambulance
on the corner of 18th and McDonald.


He's a cop.

We have a 10-13.
We have an officer down.




I'm on my way.


How bad?


Hey! You hang on!

You hear me?
I am not gonna lose you! Jackie!

- I'm going as fast as I can.
- Go faster!

Hey, hey, hey.
You keep your eyes open.

Do not close your eyes on me,
damn it! Listen to me.


Let's go.

WOMAN: Come on.
- He's a cop. He's a cop.

His name is Lou Tedesco.
Who's a doctor here?

DANNY: Two rounds to the chest.

about 12 minutes ago. You hear me?

- Come on. Hurry up.
- We got him. Let go. Let go.

No, wait.

- We got him. We got him.
- Help him. Help him.

Come on. Come on.


Here you go.

Any news?

Nurse came by.

He's still in surgery.

They had to remove
part of his lung, Jack.

He's got internal bleeding
and a concussion

from falling down the steps.

It's Tedesco's wife.

Heard her talking to the doctor.


Look at me.


It was a good shoot.

There's nothing good about this,

He did not identify himself
as a police officer.

You did
what you were supposed to do.

We did what we were trained to do.

- You didn't fire.
- Because the cantaloupe people

were in my way.
But you know what?

If they weren't,
I'd be in the exact same boat as you.

Don't do this to yourself.

Detectives Reagan, Curatola?

Captain Derrick Elwood.

I'll be the shooting team leader
on this.

You two holding up?

- Fine, sir.
- Yeah.

As you know, Detective Reagan,

I'm gonna need to ask you
some questions, but before I do,

I need to advise you
that you're entitled to have

your union representative
and counsel present.

- Do you wish to do so?
- No.

- Danny.
- It's all right.

I got nothing to hide.

Right this way.

We identified ourselves,

and we yelled out for him to stop
three or four times.

He just kept coming.

Was it, uh-- ?
Was it three or four times?

That you told him to stop?

I don't know.

And you're certain that he,
uh, never identified himself

- as a police officer.
- Yeah.

- And how sure?
- He never said he was a cop.

Did he say anything?

- I don't think so.
- You don't think so?


It was loud.

There was a train coming in overhead.
It was noisy. I don't think so.


Let's go back to your squad,

fill out your firearms discharge report,
and we'll be in touch.

Officer Tedesco's still in surgery.
I'm afraid he's critical, Frank.

His wife and son are here,
we're making them comfortable.

I'd like a moment with her

- when she's up to it.
- Of course.

I read Tedesco's file.
He's a good cop.

Danny's okay.

As you were.


Do we know why Officer Tedesco
was in pursuit?

No, he was off-duty.

We're checking, but it doesn't appear
that he made any 911 calls.

We do know
that he lives in the vicinity.

Possibly he came
upon a crime in progress.

Let's know, not guess.

What about the male white
he was chasing?

- Nothing yet, sir.
- We need to find him, Ed.

Commissioner, commissioner.

Is it true
this was a friendly-fire incident?

We're still in the information-gathering
phase of this investigation,

so we won't be discussing details
till we have facts.

A blogger is reporting
your son was the detective

who fired the shots, commissioner.

- Can you confirm that?
- Okay, people.

- How many times do we-- ?
- We have an officer down.

As much as we'd appreciate
your understanding and compassion

in this delicate circumstance,
I realize that is an unrealistic hope.

Okay, Jane, Matt, you know what?
Why don't you come this way?

Let me share what details
I can offer.



- What are you doing here?
- Of course I'm here.

- Who is with the kids?
- Erin and Nicky. They're fine.

They're sound asleep.

- How are you?
- I'm all right.

- I'm all right.
- I'm not so sure about that.

I'm fine. It's fine, and everything
is gonna be fine, okay?

- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, me too.


- How many times do you have--
- We have an officer down.

As much as we'd appreciate
your understanding and compassion

in this delicate circumstance,
I realize that is an unrealistic hope.

And while the commissioner
will not give details on the shooting,

there is one eyewitness,
Miss Angela Jackson.

And she describes Detective Reagan
as being angry and agitated

immediately before the incident.

Angela, can you please tell us
what happened?

Yeah, he was out of control.

He was screaming at me
for no reason.

And he was even screaming
at his partner.

And then the next thing I know,

he turns around
and he shoots the guy.

I'm telling you,
he was out of control.

ELWOOD: It appears this witness,
Angela Jackson,

has an ax to grind
with Detective Reagan.

Be nice if one of the 100 reporters

she gave her exclusive to did some
actual reporting and dug that up.

Other witnesses on the street
also described Detective Reagan

as being agitated.

People that don't have an ax
to grind with Detective Reagan?

Yes. But this investigation
is far from complete.

I mean, there's precedence
for waiting to hear--

We're not going to look for reasons
not to go by the book here.

Is that clear?

- Yes, sir.
- You will conduct a complete,

thorough and impartial investigation.

Thank you.

Yes, sir.

- You're the worst client I've ever had.
- Thank you.

You pop off at the hospital.
The press is salivating, Frank.

When do they not?

I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt
if you told the media

- what you told Captain Elwood.
- It wouldn't hurt you, might kill me.

- Here we go.
- Here we go, what, Garrett?

Here you go making our jobs
ten times more difficult

than they have to be.
You're making the right call.

The press would lap it up.
Just let them.

- No, I will not just let them.
- Why the hell not?

Because I don't like pandering
on my best day.

He's my son, Garrett.

They don't teach this stuff
at the academy.

You could recuse yourself.

You're gonna have
to do something, Frank.

I have a credible report
that a member of my department was,

quote, "out of control,"
just before he shot a fellow officer.

I know damn well what I have to do.

- Jack, hey.
JACKlE: Yeah?

Take a look at the surveillance video
from the subway platform.

- Anything?
- Oh, yeah. Come on.

Take a look.

Whoa, what do you know?

- That's our guy.
DANNY: Oh, yeah.

Distributing a screen grab
of this kid's mug citywide.

We find him,
we find out what Tedesco was doing.

JACKlE: No train in the station.
- They probably came up

from the street, ran up one staircase
and down the other one.

Yeah. There's Tedesco.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

- Look. You see that?
- Yeah.


- Gun. Was he strapped?
- Not when we saw him.

Watch. Look.

ESU's looking for it as we speak.

- Let's go help them.
- Let's do it.


Come on, sarge.
We just got our first break.

- Can it wait?
- No, it can't wait.


What is it?

You're being put
on modified assignment.

- What?
- Word just came down

from the commissioner's office.

So I'm a house mouse.

You can't leave that desk.


And you know what else.

I'll keep them warm for you,



You did what you had to do.

- You got nothing to feel guilty about.
- What makes you think I feel guilty?

Because you got a hero in that bag
from Ziggy's with my name on it.

No shield,
and still one of my best detectives.

How's Tedesco?

He's still unconscious.

How are you?

We can't really talk about it,
can we?

No, we can't.

Ever wonder why I never ask you
to go fishing?

You got the attention span of a gnat.

You remember that summer
Uncle Jim offered me a job

as a telemarketer in Jersey?

I am still amazed you were able
to resist the allure

- of hustling aluminum siding.
- Yeah.

- That took guts.
- Heh.

That was the same summer
you told me

you were gonna take the cop test.

Remember what I said?

Never buy aluminum siding
from a company with no fixed address.

The other thing I said.

New York's finest
just got a little better.

That's as true today as it was then.

I don't know, Dad.

I do.

So would you say Detective Reagan
was feeling angry?

No, I would not say that.

I have no earthly idea
how he was feeling.

Erin, we're not arguing
in front of a jury.

There's no need for you
to view me as the enemy.

Really, Derrick?

It's nice to know
that this is the beginning

of a beautiful friendship.

Don't forget that I am usually
the one asking the questions.

Okay. Let's go to it, then.

Did Detective Reagan say anything
to make you question his performance

- as a New York City police detective?
- Absolutely not.

Are you sure he never said, uh:

"lf you guys won't prosecute them,

maybe we should just shoot them
in the street"?

Come on. He was frustrated.
We had just tossed his case.

He was just blowing off steam.

Oh, so you could tell
he was feeling angry.

Just leave it right there, okay?

You're doing more on modified
than most of my guys do full duty.

Come on, sarge, Tedesco
wasn't chasing that guy for nothing.

Fishing through these sprint reports
looking for any activity

- within a half mile of the incident.
- And?

So far
I got an anonymous 911 caller

reported a woman
screaming ten blocks from the L

where Tedesco ran into us
18 minutes earlier.

The responding officer reported
nobody was there, closed it out.

- 1090-X.
- Okay, why was nobody there, sarge?

Somebody was screaming, right?
What, did she disappear?

Don't you remember patrol, Reagan?
We used to get ten of these a tour.

It's probably some lady screaming
because she saw a spider in the sink.

Lab came back
on the gun your guy tossed.

No prints of value.

- Great.
- But there was blood on it.

They're running it now
along with ballistics.

That's beautiful.

You hear that, Jack? You got--

Look, this woman was giving us
a hard time.

Danny gave her a hard time
right back.

That's how it goes on the job.
You know that.

But what doesn't happen every day,

two partners getting into it
in the middle of the street.

Danny and I have a, uh--
A unique dynamic.

If what you're telling me
is you and your partner

routinely scream at each other,

maybe it's time
one of you get reassigned.

- That's not what I'm saying.
- Then say what you're saying.

I think the issue here

is whether or not Officer Tedesco
identified himself as a police officer.

And I am telling you, he did not.

- How can you be sure?
- Because I was there.

Yeah, you were there.

You were screaming
at Detective Reagan,

and he was screaming
at you and Mrs. Jackson.

And all this is going on while a man
is running down the stairs yelling

that another man with a gun
is trying to kill him?

I don't think it's a stretch
that we consider the possibility

that maybe
while all this was going on,

maybe Officer Tedesco
did identify himself.

And maybe, just maybe,

Detective Reagan
was not in the mood to listen.

- Captain, don't do this.
- We're not through yet, detective.

- Don't do this.
- I'm doing my job.

Did Detective Reagan do his?

We were at the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Danny did the right thing.

Hey, you're still here, good.

- Danny, this guy from l.A., l--
- Don't worry about him, okay?

I'm not worried about him.

You wanna worry about someone?

Let's worry about Officer Tedesco,

Worry about finding the guy
he was chasing.

Now, a 911 caller said a woman
was screaming at this address.

Can you go find out why?

I don't know anything about that.
I didn't hear anything.

Well, the 911 caller said

there were screams
coming from your house.

Maybe it was the TV.

Are you sure, Mrs. Lee?

This is really very important.

Somebody made a mistake.

Okay. Okay.

Oh, you know what?
My phone went dead.

Yeah, I really need to call in
to close this out.

- Do you mind if I use your phone?
- I don't--

Please, it'll just take a second.

My boss is gonna kill me
if I don't finish this.

- Thank you. Yeah.
- It's around...

Please hurry.
I'm late for an appointment.

Yeah, it'll just take one second.


- Hey.
JACKlE: Yeah, it's me.

Yeah, I'm in Miss Lee's living room.
Yeah, my cell died.

- You running a game?
- Okay, I'll hold.

So, what were you watching
last night?

A movie, or one of those talk guys?

I don't remember.

If it was one of those talk guys,

then there wouldn't be
any screaming going on,

unless there's some--

Oh, wow.

That's a great photo.

Huh. Who's in the photo with you?

That's my son.

Is that also your son?

Danny, we're coming in.

Yeah, get her in. Get her in.

He used to be a good boy,
and he was gonna go to college.

He was gonna study
hotel administration.

Your son's not reading too good
from where we're sitting, Mrs. Lee.

He did something
that got a police officer shot,

and that police officer's
in critical condition now.

It's the drugs.

He's not my Tyler anymore.

I don't know who he is.

So he was at your house last night?
So you were the one screaming?

When he runs out of money
for drugs for him and his girlfriend,

he comes to see me.

He takes money,
whatever I have that he can sell.

It used to happen every now and then.
Now it-- Now it's all the time.

So your son came
to rob you yesterday?

I told him I wasn't gonna give him
another red cent.

And then he pulled out a gun...

On me.

His own mother.

- And that's why you screamed?
LEE: I ran out of the house.

I told him to shoot me.

I begged him
to put me out of my misery.

Then I looked in his eyes.

And there was nothing there.

I think he was gonna do it.

And when that man came over...

You mean this man?

Go ahead, look at him.

I didn't know he was a police officer.

He must've seen us fighting

and came over and told Tyler
to get his hands off me.

And Tyler ran.

And that man ran after him?

Why didn't you call the police?


He's my son.

So how was he
when he left here yesterday?


- He was normal.
- Normal?

We're hearing
that he was unusually tense yesterday,

and we're just wondering
when that started?


Ah-- Danny is an intense guy.

- Mm-hm.
- And he loves the job.

And that's where he puts his energy,
plus me and the boys.


So yesterday,
there was nothing unusual.

Well, he left his dish on the counter,
but that's plenty usual.

- And then what happened?
- Then he went to work.

Okay. I see. Well, thank you
very much for your hospitality.

It's much appreciated.

I'm just curious.

How did that vase get broken?

When he saw that vase,

I told him it was an accident,
but I don't know.

- He got the wrong idea.
- You did the right thing, Linda.

- Don't worry about it.
- The right thing.

I don't even know
what that is anymore.

You know?

I'm sorry, but the years
that you've given this department,

the sacrifices that you've made?

The toll that it's taken
on us, on the kids,

and this is the thanks we get,
being railroaded by some guy.

Baby, he's l.A., okay?
That's what they do.

It's not right.

Someone could damn well
tell him so.


Would it be the end of the world
if he stepped in?

It may not make a lot of sense,

and it may hurt like hell to hear it,

but, yes.

It would be the end of the world.

I know.

I know.

It's gonna be all right.



- Hey.
- You're up?

Well, I was going
to leave a message, but--

What do you got?

Well, the blood came back
on Tyler Lee's gun.

It was Officer Tedesco's.

Tedesco? How could that be?

But wait, it gets better.

Ballistics matches the gun
to a liquor store hold-up last week.

Robber shot and killed the owner.

Looks like our Tyler Lee
is a murderer.

- Where are you?
- Home.

- Danny?
- Look, don't freak out. All right?

I'm sitting on Mrs. Lee's house.

- Are you out of your mind?
- I said, don't freak out.

Well, it's too late, Danny.
Seriously? You're on modified.

If they catch you out there,
you're gonna be suspended or worse.

I know. I know. But I was thinking,
Tyler didn't get the money last time,

which means
he's probably gonna come back.

And when he does, he's gonna find
an old friend waiting for him.

No, he's not.
You need to get out of there now.

- Come on, Jack. Five more minutes.
- Danny.

Okay, fine. Listen.

I'm starting my car.
You hear that? Okay.

And now I'm driving away.

All right, I'll call you tomorrow.



OFFlCER: Put your hands
where we can see them.

Sir, step out of the car.

Look, it's okay, guys.
I'm on the job.

Yeah, we got a call about
a suspicious car in the neighborhood.

Can we see your shield?

I don't have it.

Tom Julian from the 2-9 called.

Two of his people picked up Danny
out on the street,

and he was working the case.

- What did you tell Tom to do?
- His job.

Can you pass the corn, please?

- Do I have to eat this?
- Yes.

- Grandpa, are you gonna fire my dad?
- Sean.

I'm sorry, Frank.

No, I'm not.

I think it's wrong to punish Danny
for doing his job.

I get it. Uncle Danny
shouldn't have been out on the street,

but his intentions were good.

Cop to cop, Dad, I think Danny
deserves a little leeway here.

Francis, in my day,

we probably turned
the other way too often

when it came to one of our own.

But sometimes
it was the right thing to do.

Being held to the same standard
as everyone else is one thing,

but it does feel like Danny
is being held to a higher one.

You're damn straight he is.

When I coached you in softball,
or you boys in hoops,

I always held you to a higher standard
because you're capable of meeting it.

And because you are, I expect it.

Danny, I don't think
there's a cop at this table,

not your grandpa,
not me, not Jamie,

who wouldn't have made
the same decision you did

in that split second.

But he worked the street
without a shield,

and it can't matter why.

And it shouldn't matter
that he's my son.

He's right.

Dad's right.

Orders are orders,
and every cop ought to know it.

I was out of line.

I raised your father
the way he raised all of you,

to know the difference
between right and wrong.

Never thought
I'd be almost sorry I did.

What's bothering you?


Hey, don't think
I still can't sweat a guy.

I made this robbery collar.

Took this guy out on my ass
but never saw it coming.

What's going on?

Renzulli wasn't too happy about it
because I didn't draw my weapon.

This perp was armed?


But, well, we thought
he might've been.

It turns out it was just his hand
in his pocket.

Well, you're lucky you were riding
with Renzulli and not me.

I would've knocked your teeth in.

The guy wasn't armed.

Why did you hesitate?

Come on, Jamie.

What if I hesitated to draw
for the wrong reason?

Two cops, two Reagan cops involved
in a shooting in the same week?

You're thinking like a lawyer.

Look, you're coming into your own
as a cop.

You're improvising. That's good.

But when you're out on the job,

you can't be thinking
about what your brother did.

Or who your father is.
You do your job.

- Understand?
- Yes, Grandpa.

Like they used to tell us
at the academy,

better you should have to explain
to the DA why you shot a guy

than have someone have to explain
to your family why you didn't.

Grandpa's right, son.

Better to be judged by 12
than carried by six.

I'm most proud of you
when you come home safe.

Hey, what's going on?

I picked up your stakeout
where you left off.

It seems like Tyler did go back
to Mommy again.

- You got him?
- No.

He sent a messenger,
his better half.

Meet Lydia Pepper,
Tyler's girlfriend.

How many times you need
to hear it?

I don't know where Tyler is.

You do know where he is
because he sent you to his house

- to go pick up clothes.
- No, no.

This boyfriend of yours,
he must be some charmer, huh?

He pulls a gun on his own mother,

then he sends his little girlfriend in
to fight his own battles?

And you're still sitting here
protecting him?

I told you, he keeps moving around.
When he wants me, he finds me.

Come on, Lydia. We can tell
you've been getting high so long

that you're numb
to the outside world.

But I also think that deep down,

there's still someone who knows
what it means to do the right thing.

There is a police officer
on life support right now

because of what Tyler did.

His name is Lou Tedesco.

He's got a wife and a little boy
and a baby on the way.

Hey, look at his picture.

Look at the picture.

Look at the picture!

No running away from this one.
You understand me?

You could smoke every rock
in this city,

but you will not get this one off
of your conscience.

- It's all her fault.
- What?

If she had just did what Tyler said,
none of this would have happened.

Wait a minute.
Who are we talking about here, Lydia?

Tyler's mother, Mrs. Lee.

Why didn't she
just give us the money?

- So you were there.
- Across the street.

What happened?

She and Tyler were out on the stoop,
yelling at each other.

She wouldn't give him anything.
Tyler was losing it.

He starts grabbing her.

And suddenly this guy steps in
and tries to break it up.

This guy, Officer Tedesco.

He grabs Tyler and tries
to put him up against the wall.

That's when Mrs. Lee
grabbed Tyler's gun

and whacked him over the head.

- Tyler and the guy took off running.
JACKlE: Wait a minute.

Mrs. Lee grabbed a gun

and whacked Officer Tedesco
in the head?



When he ran off,
he was stumbling like he was drunk.

I'm gonna go make a call.

Detective Reagan's mental state

at the time of the shooting appears

to have been a negative factor
in his decision making.

But I have received
some new information this morning

that will shed light
on the circumstances of the shooting.

Please enlighten us.

ELWOOD: Officer Tedesco
was struck in the head

with the suspect's gun
at the start of the incident.

Now, that would account
for the head trauma

that had been attributed to his fall
down the stairs after he was shot.

He received that blow
before the foot chase.

Well, his doctors
are surprised he was able to walk,

Iet alone identify himself
as a police officer,

which supports
Detective Reagan's testimony.

And does any of that

excuse Detective Reagan's violation
of his modified status?

All due respect, sir,
that's not my call.

No, captain.

It's mine.

We got a team
on Tyler Lee's girlfriend all night.

He never showed.
Now Curatola's tailing her,

thinking she may be headed
for a meet.

She could use some backup.

Why are you telling me, sarge?

Can't you see I'm busy
sharpening pencils?

Oh, did I forget to mention?

You've been restored to full duty.




Heard you needed a little backup.

Oh, look who got out
of the penalty box again.

Yep, except now it's official.

I kind of liked you in the office,
you know?

- Oh, you liked my coffee, huh?
- Yes, exactly.

It's always nice and hot.

- Do you think she made us?
- No.

No sense taking any chances, though.
Gonna give her a little space.

What, is she texting again?

You think she's trying
to contact Tyler?

Yeah, the first ten times
I thought so.

But now I just think
she's got more friends than me.

- There he is.

- Grab her. I'm on him.
- Yeah.

- Hey!
- Go, go, go.

Get out of the way! Hold on!



- Hey! Watch it!
- Come here.

Watch it!

Come here.

You still looking for the police,
dirtbag, huh?

Guess what? I'm right here.

FRANK: So the doctors said
they'd never seen a patient

fight their way back the way you did.

And I said, "What do you expect?
He comes out of the 6-5."

Your old house.

I see they taught you the job
the same way they taught me.

No retreat. No surrender.

Get well.

Get back on the street. Do us proud.

Yes, sir.


I see you have another visitor.

Good thing I'm not a great shot.